package com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.new_controls.complex; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.base.logger.LogSettings; import; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.interfaces.complex.ITextList; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.new_controls.base.BaseElement; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.PrintUtils; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.Timer; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import java.util.List; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.base.asserter.testNG.Assert.exception; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.base.logger.enums.LogInfoTypes.BUSINESS; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.base.logger.enums.LogLevels.DEBUG; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.EnumUtils.getEnumValue; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.LinqUtils.*; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.PrintUtils.print; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.Timer.waitCondition; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.WebDriverWrapper.TIMEOUT; /** * Created by Roman_Iovlev on 7/3/2015. */ public class TextList<TEnum extends Enum, P> extends BaseElement<P> implements ITextList<TEnum> { public TextList() { } public TextList(By byLocator) { super(byLocator); } public List<WebElement> getWebElements() { return getWebElements(TIMEOUT); } public List<WebElement> getWebElements(int timeouInSec) { setWaitTimeout(timeouInSec); List<WebElement> element = doJActionResult("Get web elements " + this.toString(), avatar::getElements, els -> format("Got %s element(s)", els.size()), new LogSettings(DEBUG, BUSINESS)); setWaitTimeout(TIMEOUT); return element; } public boolean isDisplayed() { return waitDisplayed(0); } public boolean waitDisplayed() { return waitDisplayed(TIMEOUT); } public boolean waitDisplayed(int seconds) { setWaitTimeout(seconds); boolean result = new Timer(seconds * 1000).wait(() -> where(getWebElements(), WebElement::isDisplayed).size() > 0); setWaitTimeout(TIMEOUT); return result; } public boolean waitVanished() { return waitDisplayed(TIMEOUT); } public boolean waitVanished(int seconds) { setWaitTimeout(100); boolean result = new Timer(seconds * 1000).wait(() -> where(getWebElements(), WebElement::isDisplayed).size() == 0); setWaitTimeout(TIMEOUT); return result; } public WebElement getElement(String name) { return first(getWebElements(), el -> el.getText().equals(name)); } public WebElement getElement(int index) { return getWebElements().get(index); } public WebElement getElement(TEnum enumName) { return getElement(getEnumValue(enumName)); } protected MapArray<String, WebElement> getElementsAction() { try { return new MapArray<>(getWebElements(), WebElement::getText, value -> value); } catch (Exception | AssertionError ex) { throw exception(ex.getMessage()); } } protected List<String> getLabelsAction() { return (List<String>) getElementsAction().keys(); } public final MapArray<String, WebElement> getElements() { return doJActionResult("Get elements", this::getElementsAction); } public final List<String> getLabels() { return doJActionResult("Get names", this::getLabelsAction); } protected String getTextAction(WebElement element) { return element.getText(); } public final String getText(String name) { return doJActionResult(format("Get text for element '%s' with name '%s'", this.toString(), name), () -> getTextAction(getElement(name))); } public final String getText(int index) { return doJActionResult(format("Get text for element '%s' with index '%s'", this.toString(), index), () -> getTextAction(getElement(index))); } public final String getText(TEnum enumName) { return getText(getEnumValue(enumName)); } public final int count() { return getElements().size(); } protected String getValueAction() { return print(select(getWebElements(), WebElement::getText)); } public final String getValue() { return doJActionResult("Get value", this::getValueAction); } public final List<String> waitText(String str) { if (waitCondition(() -> select(getWebElements(), WebElement::getText).contains(str))) return getLabels(); else { throw exception("Wait Text Failed"); } } public List<String> getTextList() { return doJActionResult("Get list of texts", () -> (List<String>) select(getWebElements(), WebElement::getText), PrintUtils::print); } public String getFirstText() { List<String> results = getTextList(); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? results.get(0) : null; } public String getLastText() { List<String> results = getTextList(); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? results.get(results.size() - 1) : null; } }