/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.image.io.mosaic; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collection; import org.junit.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Tests {@link TileManager}. * * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux */ public class TileManagerTest extends TestBase { /** * The region of interest to be queried. */ private Rectangle regionOfInterest; /** * The subsampling to be queried. */ private Dimension subsampling; /** * The tiles under examination. */ private Collection<Tile> tiles; /** * If {@code true}, print the next files found. */ private boolean print; /** * Initializes the fields to be used for tile searchs. */ @Before public void initRegion() { regionOfInterest = new Rectangle(SOURCE_SIZE*4, SOURCE_SIZE*2); subsampling = new Dimension(90,90); } /** * Queries the tiles and performs some sanity check on them. * * @param expected Expected subsampling, or {@code null} if no subsampling change is allowed. */ private void searchTiles(Dimension expected) throws IOException { tiles = manager.getTiles(regionOfInterest, subsampling, expected != null); final Tile[] array = tiles.toArray(new Tile[tiles.size()]); for (int i=0; i<array.length; i++) { final Tile tile = array[i]; if (print) { System.out.println(tile); } final Rectangle bounds = tile.getAbsoluteRegion(); assertFalse("Tiles should not be empty.", bounds.isEmpty()); assertTrue("Must intersects the ROI.", regionOfInterest.intersects(bounds)); for (int j=i+1; j<array.length; j++) { assertFalse("Expected no overlaps.", bounds.intersects(array[j].getAbsoluteRegion())); } } if (expected == null) { expected = subsampling; } for (int i=0; i<array.length; i++) { assertEquals("Expected uniform subsampling.", expected, array[i].getSubsampling()); } print = false; } /** * Searchs the tiles again with a different subsampling requested, and ensures that we get the * same collection than previous invocation of {@link #searchTiles}. The purpose of this method * is to ensure that the automatic adjustment of subsampling works. * * @param xRequested Subsampling to request along the x axis. * @param yRequested Subsampling to request along the y axis. * @param expected The uniform subsampling expected in the selected tiles along both axis. * @param xExpected The expected tile manager suggestion for subsampling along x axis. * @param yExpected The expected tile manager suggestion for subsampling along y axis. */ private void searchSameTiles(final int xRequested, final int yRequested, final int expected, final int xExpected, final int yExpected) throws IOException { final Collection<Tile> selected = tiles; subsampling.setSize(xRequested, yRequested); searchTiles(new Dimension(expected, expected)); assertNotSame(selected, tiles); assertEquals (selected, tiles); assertEquals (new Dimension(xExpected, yExpected), subsampling); } /** * Tests the search of tiles on a tile layout using constant tile size. * * @throws IOException If an I/O operation was required and failed. */ @Test public void testConstantSizeLayout() throws IOException { int total = 0; subsampling.setSize(90, 90); searchTiles(null); assertEquals(1, tiles.size()); total += tiles.size(); searchSameTiles(100,120, 90, 90, 90); searchSameTiles( 90,100, 90, 90, 90); searchSameTiles(400,400, 90, 360,360); subsampling.setSize(45, 45); searchTiles(null); assertEquals(2, tiles.size()); total += tiles.size(); searchSameTiles(50,60, 45, 45,45); searchSameTiles(45,70, 45, 45,45); searchSameTiles(45,90, 45, 45,90); subsampling.setSize(15, 15); searchTiles(null); assertEquals(18, tiles.size()); total += tiles.size(); searchSameTiles(15,20, 15, 15,15); searchSameTiles(30,70, 15, 30,60); searchSameTiles(18,27, 15, 15,15); subsampling.setSize(9, 9); searchTiles(null); assertEquals(50, tiles.size()); total += tiles.size(); searchSameTiles(10,20, 9, 9,18); searchSameTiles(31,11, 9, 27, 9); searchSameTiles(97,13, 9, 90, 9); subsampling.setSize(5,5); searchTiles(null); assertEquals(162, tiles.size()); total += tiles.size(); searchSameTiles(7,12, 5, 5,10); subsampling.setSize(3,3); searchTiles(null); assertEquals(450, tiles.size()); total += tiles.size(); searchSameTiles(4,3, 3, 3,3); subsampling.setSize(1,1); searchTiles(null); assertEquals(4050, tiles.size()); total += tiles.size(); searchSameTiles(2,1, 1, 2,1); assertEquals(4733, total); } /** * Tests a few specific regions. They are region that were known to be have issues at * some point in the development process of the mosaic package. They should now be fixed. * * @throws IOException If an I/O operation was required and failed. */ @Test public void testSpecific() throws IOException { regionOfInterest.x = 31375; regionOfInterest.y = 8488; regionOfInterest.width = 16708; regionOfInterest.height = 3812; subsampling.width = 23; subsampling.height = 23; searchTiles(new Dimension(15,15)); assertEquals(2, tiles.size()); regionOfInterest.x = 80898; regionOfInterest.y = 21411; regionOfInterest.width = 4792; regionOfInterest.height = 3190; subsampling.width = 6; subsampling.height = 6; searchTiles(new Dimension(5,5)); assertEquals(4, tiles.size()); } }