/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2001-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.resources; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.ErrorKeys; /** * A set of miscellaneous methods working on {@link Class} objects. * * @since 2.5 * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD) */ public final class Classes { /** * Constants to be used in {@code switch} statements. */ public static final byte DOUBLE=8, FLOAT=7, LONG=6, INTEGER=5, SHORT=4, BYTE=3, CHARACTER=2, BOOLEAN=1, OTHER=0; /** * Mapping between a primitive type and its wrapper, if any. */ private static final Map<Class<?>,Classes> MAPPING = new HashMap<Class<?>,Classes>(16); static { new Classes(Double .TYPE, Double .class, true, false, (byte) Double .SIZE, DOUBLE ); new Classes(Float .TYPE, Float .class, true, false, (byte) Float .SIZE, FLOAT ); new Classes(Long .TYPE, Long .class, false, true, (byte) Long .SIZE, LONG ); new Classes(Integer .TYPE, Integer .class, false, true, (byte) Integer .SIZE, INTEGER ); new Classes(Short .TYPE, Short .class, false, true, (byte) Short .SIZE, SHORT ); new Classes(Byte .TYPE, Byte .class, false, true, (byte) Byte .SIZE, BYTE ); new Classes(Character.TYPE, Character.class, false, false, (byte) Character.SIZE, CHARACTER); new Classes(Boolean .TYPE, Boolean .class, false, false, (byte) 1, BOOLEAN ); new Classes(Void .TYPE, Void .class, false, false, (byte) 0, OTHER ); } /** The primitive type. */ private final Class<?> primitive; /** The wrapper for the primitive type. */ private final Class<?> wrapper; /** {@code true} for floating point number. */ private final boolean isFloat; /** {@code true} for integer number. */ private final boolean isInteger; /** The size in bytes. */ private final byte size; /** Constant to be used in switch statement.*/ private final byte ordinal; /** * Creates a mapping between a primitive type and its wrapper. */ private Classes(final Class<?> primitive, final Class<?> wrapper, final boolean isFloat, final boolean isInteger, final byte size, final byte ordinal) { this.primitive = primitive; this.wrapper = wrapper; this.isFloat = isFloat; this.isInteger = isInteger; this.size = size; this.ordinal = ordinal; if (MAPPING.put(primitive, this) != null || MAPPING.put(wrapper, this) != null) { throw new AssertionError(); // Should never happen. } } /** * Returns the upper bounds of the parameterized type of the given attribute. * If the attribute does not have a parameterized type, returns {@code null}. * <p> * This method is typically used for fetching the type of elements in a collection. * We do not provide a method working from a {@link Class} instance because of the * way parameterized types are implemented in Java (by erasure). * <p> * <b>Examples:</b> When invoking this method for a field of the type below: * <ul> * <li>{@code Set<Number>} returns {@code Number.class}.</li> * * <li>{@code Set<? extends Number>} returns {@code Number.class} as well, since that * collection can not (in theory) contain instances of super-classes; {@code Number} * is the <cite>upper bound</cite>.</li> * * <li>{@code Set<? super Number>} returns {@code Object.class}, because that collection * is allowed to contain such elements.</li> * * <li>{@code Set} returns {@code null} because that collection is un-parameterized.</li> * </ul> * * @param field The field for which to obtain the parameterized type. * @return The upper bound of parameterized type, or {@code null} if the given field * is not of a parameterized type. */ public static Class<?> boundOfParameterizedAttribute(final Field field) { return getActualTypeArgument(field.getGenericType()); } /** * If the given method is a getter or a setter for a parameterized attribute, returns the * upper bounds of the parameterized type. Otherwise returns {@code null}. This method * provides the same semantic than {@link #boundOfParameterizedAttribute(Field)}, but * works on a getter or setter method rather then the field. See the javadoc of above * methods for more details. * <p> * This method is typically used for fetching the type of elements in a collection. * We do not provide a method working from a {@link Class} instance because of the * way parameterized types are implemented in Java (by erasure). * * @param method The getter or setter method for which to obtain the parameterized type. * @return The upper bound of parameterized type, or {@code null} if the given method * do not opperate on an object of a parameterized type. */ public static Class<?> boundOfParameterizedAttribute(final Method method) { Class<?> c = getActualTypeArgument(method.getGenericReturnType()); if (c == null) { final Type[] parameters = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); if (parameters != null && parameters.length == 1) { c = getActualTypeArgument(parameters[0]); } } return c; } /** * Delegates to {@link ParameterizedType#getActualTypeArguments} and returns the result as a * {@link Class}, provided that every objects are of the expected classes and the result was * an array of length 1 (so there is no ambiguity). Otherwise returns {@code null}. */ private static Class<?> getActualTypeArgument(Type type) { if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type[] p = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments(); while (p != null && p.length == 1) { type = p[0]; if (type instanceof Class) { return (Class) type; } else if (type instanceof WildcardType) { p = ((WildcardType) type).getUpperBounds(); } else { break; // Unknown type. } } } return null; } /** * Returns the class of the specified object, or {@code null} if {@code object} is null. * This method is also useful for fetching the class of an object known only by its bound * type. As of Java 6, the usual pattern: * * <blockquote><pre> * Number n = 0; * Class<? extends Number> c = n.getClass(); * </pre></blockquote> * * doesn't seem to work if {@link Number} is replaced by a parametirez type {@code T}. * * @param <T> The type of the given object. * @param object The object for which to get the class, or {@code null}. * @return The class of the given object, or {@code null} if the given object was null. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Class<? extends T> getClass(final T object) { return (object != null) ? (Class<? extends T>) object.getClass() : null; } /** * Returns all classes implemented by the given set of objects. */ private static Set<Class<?>> getClasses(final Collection<?> objects) { final Set<Class<?>> types = new LinkedHashSet<Class<?>>(); for (final Object object : objects) { if (object != null) { types.add(object.getClass()); } } return types; } /** * Returns the most specific class implemented by the objects in the given collection. * If no class are {@linkplain Class#isAssignableFrom assignable} to all others, then * this method returns the {@linkplain #commonClass most specific common super class}. * * @param objects A collection of objects. May contains duplicated values and null values. * @return The most specific class. */ public static Class<?> specializedClass(final Collection<?> objects) { final Set<Class<?>> types = getClasses(objects); final Class<?> type = removeAssignables(types); return (type != null) ? type : commonSuperClass(types); } /** * Returns the most specific class which is a common parent of all specified objects. * * @param objects A collection of objects. May contains duplicated values and null values. * @return The most specific class common to all supplied objects. */ public static Class<?> commonClass(final Collection<?> objects) { final Set<Class<?>> types = getClasses(objects); /* * First check if a type is assignable from all other types. At most one such * type can exists. We check for it first in order to avoid the creation of a * temporary HashSet if such type is found. */ search: for (final Class<?> candidate : types) { for (final Class<?> type : types) { if (!candidate.isAssignableFrom(type)) { continue search; } } return candidate; } return commonSuperClass(types); } /** * Returns the most specific class which is a common parent of all the specified classes. * This method should be invoked when no common parent has been found in the supplied list. */ private static Class<?> commonSuperClass(final Collection<Class<?>> types) { // Build a list of all super classes. final Set<Class<?>> superTypes = new LinkedHashSet<Class<?>>(); for (Class<?> type : types) { while ((type = type.getSuperclass()) != null) { if (!superTypes.add(type)) { // If the type was already in the set, then its super-types are in the set too. break; } } } // Removes every elements that are not assignable from every supplied types. for (final Iterator<Class<?>> it=superTypes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final Class<?> candidate = it.next(); for (final Class<?> type : types) { if (!candidate.isAssignableFrom(type)) { it.remove(); break; } } } // Now removes every classes that can be assigned from an other classes. // We should have only one left, the most specific one in the hierarchy. return removeAssignables(superTypes); } /** * Removes every classes in the specified collection which are assignable from an other * class from the same collection. As a result of this method call, the given collection * should contains only leaf classes. * * @param types The collection to trim. * @return If there is exactly one element left, that element. Otherwise {@code null}. */ private static Class<?> removeAssignables(final Collection<Class<?>> types) { for (final Iterator<Class<?>> it=types.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final Class<?> candidate = it.next(); for (final Class<?> type : types) { if (candidate != type && candidate.isAssignableFrom(type)) { it.remove(); break; } } } return (types.size() == 1) ? types.iterator().next() : null; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the two specified objects implements exactly the same set of * interfaces. Only interfaces assignable to {@code base} are compared. Declaration order * doesn't matter. For example in ISO 19111, different interfaces exist for different coordinate * system geometries ({@code CartesianCS}, {@code PolarCS}, etc.). We can check if two * CS implementations has the same geometry with the following code: * * <blockquote><code> * if (sameInterfaces(cs1, cs2, {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem}.class)) * </code></blockquote> * * @param <T> A common parent for both objects. * @param object1 The first object to check for interfaces. * @param object2 The second object to check for interfaces. * @param base The parent of all interfaces to check. * @return {@code true} if both objects implement the same set of interfaces, * considering only sub-interfaces of {@code base}. */ public static <T> boolean sameInterfaces(final Class<? extends T> object1, final Class<? extends T> object2, final Class<T> base) { if (object1 == object2) { return true; } if (object1==null || object2==null) { return false; } final Class<?>[] c1 = object1.getInterfaces(); final Class<?>[] c2 = object2.getInterfaces(); /* * Trim all interfaces that are not assignable to 'base' in the 'c2' array. * Doing this once will avoid to redo the same test many time in the inner * loops j=[0..n]. */ int n = 0; for (int i=0; i<c2.length; i++) { final Class<?> c = c2[i]; if (base.isAssignableFrom(c)) { c2[n++] = c; } } /* * For each interface assignable to 'base' in the 'c1' array, check if * this interface exists also in the 'c2' array. Order doesn't matter. */ compare:for (int i=0; i<c1.length; i++) { final Class<?> c = c1[i]; if (base.isAssignableFrom(c)) { for (int j=0; j<n; j++) { if (c.equals(c2[j])) { System.arraycopy(c2, j+1, c2, j, --n-j); continue compare; } } return false; // Interface not found in 'c2'. } } return n == 0; // If n>0, at least one interface was not found in 'c1'. } /** * Returns {@code true} if the given {@code type} is a floating point type. * * @param type The type to test (may be {@code null}). * @return {@code true} if {@code type} is the primitive or wrapper class of * {@link Float} or {@link Double}. */ public static boolean isFloat(final Class<?> type) { final Classes mapping = MAPPING.get(type); return (mapping != null) && mapping.isFloat; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the given {@code type} is an integer type. * * @param type The type to test (may be {@code null}). * @return {@code true} if {@code type} is the primitive of wrapper class of * {@link Long}, {@link Integer}, {@link Short} or {@link Byte}. */ public static boolean isInteger(final Class<?> type) { final Classes mapping = MAPPING.get(type); return (mapping != null) && mapping.isInteger; } /** * Returns the number of bits used by number of the specified type. * * @param type The type (may be {@code null}). * @return The number of bits, or 0 if unknow. */ public static int getBitCount(final Class<?> type) { final Classes mapping = MAPPING.get(type); return (mapping != null) ? mapping.size : 0; } /** * Changes a primitive class to its wrapper (e.g. {@code int} to {@link Integer}). * If the specified class is not a primitive type, then it is returned unchanged. * * @param type The primitive type (may be {@code null}). * @return The type as a wrapper. */ public static Class<?> primitiveToWrapper(final Class<?> type) { final Classes mapping = MAPPING.get(type); return (mapping != null) ? mapping.wrapper : type; } /** * Changes a wrapper class to its primitive (e.g. {@link Integer} to {@code int}). * If the specified class is not a wrapper type, then it is returned unchanged. * * @param type The wrapper type (may be {@code null}). * @return The type as a primitive. */ public static Class<?> wrapperToPrimitive(final Class<?> type) { final Classes mapping = MAPPING.get(type); return (mapping != null) ? mapping.primitive : type; } /** * Returns one of {@link #DOUBLE}, {@link #FLOAT}, {@link #LONG}, {@link #INTEGER}, * {@link #SHORT}, {@link #BYTE}, {@link #CHARACTER}, {@link #BOOLEAN} or {@link #OTHER} * constants for the given type. This is a commodity for usage in {@code switch} statememnts. * * @param type A type (usually either a primitive type or its wrapper). * @return The constant for the given type, or {@link #OTHER} if unknow. */ public static byte getEnumConstant(final Class<?> type) { final Classes mapping = MAPPING.get(type); return (mapping != null) ? mapping.ordinal : OTHER; } /** * Converts the specified string into a value object. The value object can be an instance of * {@link Double}, {@link Float}, {@link Long}, {@link Integer}, {@link Short}, {@link Byte}, * {@link Boolean}, {@link Character} or {@link String} according the specified type. This * method is intentionnaly restricted to primitive types, with the addition of {@code String} * which can be though as an identity operation. Other types like {@link java.io.File} are * not the purpose of this method. * * @param <T> The requested type. * @param type The requested type. * @param value the value to parse. * @return The value object, or {@code null} if {@code value} was null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code type} is not a recognized type. * @throws NumberFormatException if {@code type} is a subclass of {@link Number} and the * string value is not parseable as a number of the specified type. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T valueOf(final Class<T> type, final String value) throws IllegalArgumentException, NumberFormatException { if (value == null) { return null; } if (Double .class.equals(type)) return (T) Double .valueOf(value); if (Float .class.equals(type)) return (T) Float .valueOf(value); if (Long .class.equals(type)) return (T) Long .valueOf(value); if (Integer.class.equals(type)) return (T) Integer.valueOf(value); if (Short .class.equals(type)) return (T) Short .valueOf(value); if (Byte .class.equals(type)) return (T) Byte .valueOf(value); if (Boolean.class.equals(type)) return (T) Boolean.valueOf(value); if (Character.class.equals(type)) { /* * If the string is empty, returns 0 which means "end of string" in C/C++ * and NULL in Unicode standard. If non-empty, take only the first char. * This is somewhat consistent with Boolean.valueOf(...) which is quite * lenient about the parsing as well, and throwing a NumberFormatException * for those would not be appropriate. */ return (T) Character.valueOf(value.length() != 0 ? value.charAt(0) : 0); } if (String.class.equals(type)) { return (T) value; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.UNKNOW_TYPE_$1, type)); } /** * Returns a short class name for the specified class. This method will * omit the package name. For example, it will return "String" instead * of "java.lang.String" for a {@link String} object. It will also name * array according Java language usage, for example "double[]" instead * of "[D". * * @param classe The object class (may be {@code null}). * @return A short class name for the specified object. */ public static String getShortName(Class<?> classe) { if (classe == null) { return "<*>"; } String name = classe.getSimpleName(); Class<?> enclosing = classe.getEnclosingClass(); if (enclosing != null) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); do { buffer.insert(0, '.').insert(0, enclosing.getSimpleName()); } while ((enclosing = enclosing.getEnclosingClass()) != null); name = buffer.append(name).toString(); } return name; } /** * Returns a short class name for the specified object. This method will * omit the package name. For example, it will return "String" instead * of "java.lang.String" for a {@link String} object. * * @param object The object (may be {@code null}). * @return A short class name for the specified object. */ public static String getShortClassName(final Object object) { return getShortName(getClass(object)); } }