/* * The JTS Topology Suite is a collection of Java classes that * implement the fundamental operations required to validate a given * geo-spatial data set to a known topological specification. * * Copyright (C) 2001 Vivid Solutions * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * For more information, contact: * * Vivid Solutions * Suite #1A * 2328 Government Street * Victoria BC V8T 5G5 * Canada * * (250)385-6040 * www.vividsolutions.com */ package com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.overlay; import java.util.*; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.*; import com.vividsolutions.jts.util.*; import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.*; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geomgraph.*; import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.GeometryGraphOperation; /** * Computes the overlay of two {@link Geometry}s. The overlay * can be used to determine any boolean combination of the geometries. * * @version 1.7 */ public class OverlayOp extends GeometryGraphOperation { /** * The spatial functions supported by this class. * These operations implement various boolean combinations of the resultants of the overlay. */ public static final int INTERSECTION = 1; public static final int UNION = 2; public static final int DIFFERENCE = 3; public static final int SYMDIFFERENCE = 4; public static Geometry overlayOp(Geometry geom0, Geometry geom1, int opCode) { OverlayOp gov = new OverlayOp(geom0, geom1); Geometry geomOv = gov.getResultGeometry(opCode); return geomOv; } public static boolean isResultOfOp(Label label, int opCode) { int loc0 = label.getLocation(0); int loc1 = label.getLocation(1); return isResultOfOp(loc0, loc1, opCode); } /** * This method will handle arguments of Location.NONE correctly * * @return true if the locations correspond to the opCode */ public static boolean isResultOfOp(int loc0, int loc1, int opCode) { if (loc0 == Location.BOUNDARY) loc0 = Location.INTERIOR; if (loc1 == Location.BOUNDARY) loc1 = Location.INTERIOR; switch (opCode) { case INTERSECTION: return loc0 == Location.INTERIOR && loc1 == Location.INTERIOR; case UNION: return loc0 == Location.INTERIOR || loc1 == Location.INTERIOR; case DIFFERENCE: return loc0 == Location.INTERIOR && loc1 != Location.INTERIOR; case SYMDIFFERENCE: return ( loc0 == Location.INTERIOR && loc1 != Location.INTERIOR) || ( loc0 != Location.INTERIOR && loc1 == Location.INTERIOR); } return false; } private final PointLocator ptLocator = new PointLocator(); private GeometryFactory geomFact; private Geometry resultGeom; private PlanarGraph graph; private EdgeList edgeList = new EdgeList(); private List resultPolyList = new ArrayList(); private List resultLineList = new ArrayList(); private List resultPointList = new ArrayList(); public OverlayOp(Geometry g0, Geometry g1) { super(g0, g1); graph = new PlanarGraph(new OverlayNodeFactory()); /** * Use factory of primary geometry. * Note that this does NOT handle mixed-precision arguments * where the second arg has greater precision than the first. */ geomFact = g0.getFactory(); } public Geometry getResultGeometry(int funcCode) { computeOverlay(funcCode); return resultGeom; } public PlanarGraph getGraph() { return graph; } private void computeOverlay(int opCode) { // copy points from input Geometries. // This ensures that any Point geometries // in the input are considered for inclusion in the result set copyPoints(0); copyPoints(1); // node the input Geometries arg[0].computeSelfNodes(li, false); arg[1].computeSelfNodes(li, false); // compute intersections between edges of the two input geometries arg[0].computeEdgeIntersections(arg[1], li, true); List baseSplitEdges = new ArrayList(); arg[0].computeSplitEdges(baseSplitEdges); arg[1].computeSplitEdges(baseSplitEdges); List splitEdges = baseSplitEdges; // add the noded edges to this result graph insertUniqueEdges(baseSplitEdges); computeLabelsFromDepths(); replaceCollapsedEdges(); //Debug.println(edgeList); /** * Check that the noding completed correctly. * * This test is slow, but necessary in order to catch robustness failure * situations. * If an exception is thrown because of a noding failure, * then snapping will be performed, which will hopefully avoid the problem. * In the future hopefully a faster check can be developed. * */ EdgeNodingValidator.checkValid(edgeList.getEdges()); graph.addEdges(edgeList.getEdges()); computeLabelling(); //Debug.printWatch(); labelIncompleteNodes(); //Debug.printWatch(); //nodeMap.print(System.out); /** * The ordering of building the result Geometries is important. * Areas must be built before lines, which must be built before points. * This is so that lines which are covered by areas are not included * explicitly, and similarly for points. */ findResultAreaEdges(opCode); cancelDuplicateResultEdges(); PolygonBuilder polyBuilder = new PolygonBuilder(geomFact); polyBuilder.add(graph); resultPolyList = polyBuilder.getPolygons(); LineBuilder lineBuilder = new LineBuilder(this, geomFact, ptLocator); resultLineList = lineBuilder.build(opCode); PointBuilder pointBuilder = new PointBuilder(this, geomFact, ptLocator); resultPointList = pointBuilder.build(opCode); // gather the results from all calculations into a single Geometry for the result set resultGeom = computeGeometry(resultPointList, resultLineList, resultPolyList, opCode); } private void insertUniqueEdges(List edges) { for (Iterator i = edges.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Edge e = (Edge) i.next(); insertUniqueEdge(e); } } /** * Insert an edge from one of the noded input graphs. * Checks edges that are inserted to see if an * identical edge already exists. * If so, the edge is not inserted, but its label is merged * with the existing edge. */ protected void insertUniqueEdge(Edge e) { //<FIX> MD 8 Oct 03 speed up identical edge lookup // fast lookup Edge existingEdge = edgeList.findEqualEdge(e); // If an identical edge already exists, simply update its label if (existingEdge != null) { Label existingLabel = existingEdge.getLabel(); Label labelToMerge = e.getLabel(); // check if new edge is in reverse direction to existing edge // if so, must flip the label before merging it if (! existingEdge.isPointwiseEqual(e)) { labelToMerge = new Label(e.getLabel()); labelToMerge.flip(); } Depth depth = existingEdge.getDepth(); // if this is the first duplicate found for this edge, initialize the depths ///* if (depth.isNull()) { depth.add(existingLabel); } //*/ depth.add(labelToMerge); existingLabel.merge(labelToMerge); //Debug.print("inserted edge: "); Debug.println(e); //Debug.print("existing edge: "); Debug.println(existingEdge); } else { // no matching existing edge was found // add this new edge to the list of edges in this graph //e.setName(name + edges.size()); //e.getDepth().add(e.getLabel()); edgeList.add(e); } } /** * If either of the GeometryLocations for the existing label is * exactly opposite to the one in the labelToMerge, * this indicates a dimensional collapse has happened. * In this case, convert the label for that Geometry to a Line label */ /* NOT NEEDED? private void checkDimensionalCollapse(Label labelToMerge, Label existingLabel) { if (existingLabel.isArea() && labelToMerge.isArea()) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (! labelToMerge.isNull(i) && labelToMerge.getLocation(i, Position.LEFT) == existingLabel.getLocation(i, Position.RIGHT) && labelToMerge.getLocation(i, Position.RIGHT) == existingLabel.getLocation(i, Position.LEFT) ) { existingLabel.toLine(i); } } } } */ /** * Update the labels for edges according to their depths. * For each edge, the depths are first normalized. * Then, if the depths for the edge are equal, * this edge must have collapsed into a line edge. * If the depths are not equal, update the label * with the locations corresponding to the depths * (i.e. a depth of 0 corresponds to a Location of EXTERIOR, * a depth of 1 corresponds to INTERIOR) */ private void computeLabelsFromDepths() { for (Iterator it = edgeList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Edge e = (Edge) it.next(); Label lbl = e.getLabel(); Depth depth = e.getDepth(); /** * Only check edges for which there were duplicates, * since these are the only ones which might * be the result of dimensional collapses. */ if (! depth.isNull()) { depth.normalize(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (! lbl.isNull(i) && lbl.isArea() && ! depth.isNull(i)) { /** * if the depths are equal, this edge is the result of * the dimensional collapse of two or more edges. * It has the same location on both sides of the edge, * so it has collapsed to a line. */ if (depth.getDelta(i) == 0) { lbl.toLine(i); } else { /** * This edge may be the result of a dimensional collapse, * but it still has different locations on both sides. The * label of the edge must be updated to reflect the resultant * side locations indicated by the depth values. */ Assert.isTrue(! depth.isNull(i, Position.LEFT), "depth of LEFT side has not been initialized"); lbl.setLocation(i, Position.LEFT, depth.getLocation(i, Position.LEFT)); Assert.isTrue(! depth.isNull(i, Position.RIGHT), "depth of RIGHT side has not been initialized"); lbl.setLocation(i, Position.RIGHT, depth.getLocation(i, Position.RIGHT)); } } } } } } /** * If edges which have undergone dimensional collapse are found, * replace them with a new edge which is a L edge */ private void replaceCollapsedEdges() { List newEdges = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = edgeList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Edge e = (Edge) it.next(); if (e.isCollapsed()) { //Debug.print(e); it.remove(); newEdges.add(e.getCollapsedEdge()); } } edgeList.addAll(newEdges); } /** * Copy all nodes from an arg geometry into this graph. * The node label in the arg geometry overrides any previously computed * label for that argIndex. * (E.g. a node may be an intersection node with * a previously computed label of BOUNDARY, * but in the original arg Geometry it is actually * in the interior due to the Boundary Determination Rule) */ private void copyPoints(int argIndex) { for (Iterator i = arg[argIndex].getNodeIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Node graphNode = (Node) i.next(); Node newNode = graph.addNode(graphNode.getCoordinate()); newNode.setLabel(argIndex, graphNode.getLabel().getLocation(argIndex)); } } /** * Compute initial labelling for all DirectedEdges at each node. * In this step, DirectedEdges will acquire a complete labelling * (i.e. one with labels for both Geometries) * only if they * are incident on a node which has edges for both Geometries */ private void computeLabelling() { for (Iterator nodeit = graph.getNodes().iterator(); nodeit.hasNext(); ) { Node node = (Node) nodeit.next(); //if (node.getCoordinate().equals(new Coordinate(222, 100)) ) Debug.addWatch(node.getEdges()); node.getEdges().computeLabelling(arg); } mergeSymLabels(); updateNodeLabelling(); } /** * For nodes which have edges from only one Geometry incident on them, * the previous step will have left their dirEdges with no labelling for the other * Geometry. However, the sym dirEdge may have a labelling for the other * Geometry, so merge the two labels. */ private void mergeSymLabels() { for (Iterator nodeit = graph.getNodes().iterator(); nodeit.hasNext(); ) { Node node = (Node) nodeit.next(); ((DirectedEdgeStar) node.getEdges()).mergeSymLabels(); //node.print(System.out); } } private void updateNodeLabelling() { // update the labels for nodes // The label for a node is updated from the edges incident on it // (Note that a node may have already been labelled // because it is a point in one of the input geometries) for (Iterator nodeit = graph.getNodes().iterator(); nodeit.hasNext(); ) { Node node = (Node) nodeit.next(); Label lbl = ((DirectedEdgeStar) node.getEdges()).getLabel(); node.getLabel().merge(lbl); } } /** * Incomplete nodes are nodes whose labels are incomplete. * (e.g. the location for one Geometry is null). * These are either isolated nodes, * or nodes which have edges from only a single Geometry incident on them. * * Isolated nodes are found because nodes in one graph which don't intersect * nodes in the other are not completely labelled by the initial process * of adding nodes to the nodeList. * To complete the labelling we need to check for nodes that lie in the * interior of edges, and in the interior of areas. * <p> * When each node labelling is completed, the labelling of the incident * edges is updated, to complete their labelling as well. */ private void labelIncompleteNodes() { int nodeCount = 0; for (Iterator ni = graph.getNodes().iterator(); ni.hasNext(); ) { Node n = (Node) ni.next(); Label label = n.getLabel(); if (n.isIsolated()) { nodeCount++; if (label.isNull(0)) labelIncompleteNode(n, 0); else labelIncompleteNode(n, 1); } // now update the labelling for the DirectedEdges incident on this node ((DirectedEdgeStar) n.getEdges()).updateLabelling(label); //n.print(System.out); } /* int nPoly0 = arg[0].getGeometry().getNumGeometries(); int nPoly1 = arg[1].getGeometry().getNumGeometries(); System.out.println("# isolated nodes= " + nodeCount + " # poly[0] = " + nPoly0 + " # poly[1] = " + nPoly1); */ } /** * Label an isolated node with its relationship to the target geometry. */ private void labelIncompleteNode(Node n, int targetIndex) { int loc = ptLocator.locate(n.getCoordinate(), arg[targetIndex].getGeometry()); // MD - 2008-10-24 - experimental for now // int loc = arg[targetIndex].locate(n.getCoordinate()); n.getLabel().setLocation(targetIndex, loc); } /** * Find all edges whose label indicates that they are in the result area(s), * according to the operation being performed. Since we want polygon shells to be * oriented CW, choose dirEdges with the interior of the result on the RHS. * Mark them as being in the result. * Interior Area edges are the result of dimensional collapses. * They do not form part of the result area boundary. */ private void findResultAreaEdges(int opCode) { for (Iterator it = graph.getEdgeEnds().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { DirectedEdge de = (DirectedEdge) it.next(); // mark all dirEdges with the appropriate label Label label = de.getLabel(); if (label.isArea() && ! de.isInteriorAreaEdge() && isResultOfOp( label.getLocation(0, Position.RIGHT), label.getLocation(1, Position.RIGHT), opCode)) { de.setInResult(true); //Debug.print("in result "); Debug.println(de); } } } /** * If both a dirEdge and its sym are marked as being in the result, cancel * them out. */ private void cancelDuplicateResultEdges() { // remove any dirEdges whose sym is also included // (they "cancel each other out") for (Iterator it = graph.getEdgeEnds().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { DirectedEdge de = (DirectedEdge) it.next(); DirectedEdge sym = de.getSym(); if (de.isInResult() && sym.isInResult()) { de.setInResult(false); sym.setInResult(false); //Debug.print("cancelled "); Debug.println(de); Debug.println(sym); } } } /** * This method is used to decide if a point node should be included in the result or not. * * @return true if the coord point is covered by a result Line or Area geometry */ public boolean isCoveredByLA(Coordinate coord) { if (isCovered(coord, resultLineList)) return true; if (isCovered(coord, resultPolyList)) return true; return false; } /** * This method is used to decide if an L edge should be included in the result or not. * * @return true if the coord point is covered by a result Area geometry */ public boolean isCoveredByA(Coordinate coord) { if (isCovered(coord, resultPolyList)) return true; return false; } /** * @return true if the coord is located in the interior or boundary of * a geometry in the list. */ private boolean isCovered(Coordinate coord, List geomList) { for (Iterator it = geomList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Geometry geom = (Geometry) it.next(); int loc = ptLocator.locate(coord, geom); if (loc != Location.EXTERIOR) return true; } return false; } private Geometry computeGeometry( List resultPointList, List resultLineList, List resultPolyList, int opcode) { List geomList = new ArrayList(); // element geometries of the result are always in the order P,L,A geomList.addAll(resultPointList); geomList.addAll(resultLineList); geomList.addAll(resultPolyList); //* if (geomList.isEmpty()) return createEmptyResult(opcode, arg[0].getGeometry(), arg[1].getGeometry(), geomFact); //*/ // build the most specific geometry possible return geomFact.buildGeometry(geomList); } /** * Creates an empty result geometry of the appropriate dimension, * based on the dimensions of the inputs. * The created geometry is always an atomic geometry, * not a collection. * <p> * Implements the following rules: * <ul> * <li><code>intersection</code> - result has the dimension of the lowest input dimension * <li><code>union</code> - result has the dimension of the highest input dimension * <li><code>difference</code> - result has the dimension of the left-hand input * <li><code>symDifference</code> - result has the dimension of the highest input dimension * (since symDifference is the union of the differences). * <li> * * @param opCode the overlay operation being performed * @param a an input geometry * @param b an input geometry * @param geomFact the geometry factory being used for the operation * @return an empty atomic geometry of the appropriate dimension */ public static Geometry createEmptyResult(int opCode, Geometry a, Geometry b, GeometryFactory geomFact) { Geometry result = null; switch (resultDimension(opCode, a, b)) { case -1: result = geomFact.createGeometryCollection(new Geometry[0]); break; case 0: result = geomFact.createPoint((Coordinate) null); break; case 1: result = geomFact.createLineString((Coordinate[]) null); break; case 2: result = geomFact.createPolygon(null, null); break; } return result; } private static int resultDimension(int opCode, Geometry g0, Geometry g1) { int dim0 = g0.getDimension(); int dim1 = g1.getDimension(); int resultDimension = -1; switch (opCode) { case INTERSECTION: resultDimension = Math.min(dim0, dim1); break; case UNION: resultDimension = Math.max(dim0, dim1); break; case DIFFERENCE: resultDimension = dim0; break; case SYMDIFFERENCE: /** * This result is chosen because * <pre> * SymDiff = Union(Diff(A, B), Diff(B, A) * </pre> * and Union has the dimension of the highest-dimension argument. */ resultDimension = Math.max(dim0, dim1); break; } return resultDimension; } }