/* * Geopaparazzi - Digital field mapping on Android based devices * Copyright (C) 2016 HydroloGIS (www.hydrologis.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package eu.geopaparazzi.core.database; /** * Enumerations containing the database fields. * * @author Andrea Antonello (www.hydrologis.com) */ public class TableDescriptions { /** * The metadata table name. */ public static final String TABLE_METADATA = "metadata"; /** * The notes table name. */ public static final String TABLE_NOTES = "notes"; /** * Image table name. */ public static final String TABLE_IMAGES = "images"; /** * Image data table name. */ public static final String TABLE_IMAGE_DATA = "imagedata"; /** * gpslog table name. */ public static final String TABLE_GPSLOGS = "gpslogs"; /** * gpslog data table name. */ public static final String TABLE_GPSLOG_DATA = "gpslogsdata"; /** * gpslog properties table name. */ public static final String TABLE_GPSLOG_PROPERTIES = "gpslogsproperties"; public enum MetadataTableFields { /** * The field name for the keys. */ COLUMN_KEY("key", String.class), /** * The field name for the labels. */ COLUMN_LABEL("label", String.class), /** * The field name for the values. */ COLUMN_VALUE("value", String.class); private String fieldName; private Class fieldClass; MetadataTableFields(String fieldName, Class fieldClass) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldClass = fieldClass; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Class getFieldClass() { return fieldClass; } } public enum MetadataTableDefaultValues { /** * Project name/title key to use. */ KEY_NAME("name", "Project name", String.class), /** * Description key to use. */ KEY_DESCRIPTION("description", "Project description", String.class), /** * Notes key to use. */ KEY_NOTES("notes", "Notes", String.class), /** * Creation timestamp key to use. */ KEY_CREATIONTS("creationts", "Creation timestamp", Long.class), /** * Last available timestamp key to use. */ KEY_LASTTS("lastts", "Last available timestamp", Long.class), /** * The user that created the project key to use. */ KEY_CREATIONUSER("creationuser", "Creation user", String.class), /** * The last user working on the project key to use. */ KEY_LASTUSER("lastuser", "Last working user", String.class); private String fieldLabel; private String fieldName; private Class fieldClass; MetadataTableDefaultValues(String fieldName, String fieldLabel, Class fieldClass) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldLabel = fieldLabel; this.fieldClass = fieldClass; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public String getFieldLabel() { return fieldLabel; } public Class getFieldClass() { return fieldClass; } } public static enum NotesTableFields { /** * id of the note, Generated by the db. */ COLUMN_ID("_id", Long.class), /** * Longitude of the note in WGS84. */ COLUMN_LON("lon", Double.class), /** * Latitude of the note in WGS84. */ COLUMN_LAT("lat", Double.class), /** * Elevation of the note. */ COLUMN_ALTIM("altim", Double.class), /** * Timestamp of the note. */ COLUMN_TS("ts", Long.class), /** * Description of the note. */ COLUMN_DESCRIPTION("description", String.class), /** * Simple text of the note. */ COLUMN_TEXT("text", String.class), /** * Form data of the note. */ COLUMN_FORM("form", String.class), /** * Is dirty field (0 = false, 1 = true) */ COLUMN_ISDIRTY("isdirty", Integer.class), /** * Style of the note. */ COLUMN_STYLE("style", String.class); private String fieldName; private Class fieldClass; NotesTableFields(String fieldName, Class fieldClass) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldClass = fieldClass; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Class getFieldClass() { return fieldClass; } } public static enum ImageTableFields { /** * id of the note, Generated by the db. */ COLUMN_ID("_id", Long.class), /** * Longitude of the note in WGS84. */ COLUMN_LON("lon", Double.class), /** * Latitude of the note in WGS84. */ COLUMN_LAT("lat", Double.class), /** * Elevation of the note. */ COLUMN_ALTIM("altim", Double.class), /** * Timestamp of the note. */ COLUMN_TS("ts", Long.class), /** * The azimuth of the picture. */ COLUMN_AZIM("azim", Double.class), /** * A name or text for the image. */ COLUMN_TEXT("text", String.class), /** * Is dirty field (0=false, 1=true) */ COLUMN_ISDIRTY("isdirty", Integer.class), /** * An optional note id, to which it is bound to. */ COLUMN_NOTE_ID("note_id", Long.class), /** * The id of the connected image data. */ COLUMN_IMAGEDATA_ID("imagedata_id", Long.class); private String fieldName; private Class fieldClass; ImageTableFields(String fieldName, Class fieldClass) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldClass = fieldClass; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Class getFieldClass() { return fieldClass; } } public static enum ImageDataTableFields { /** * id of the note, Generated by the db. */ COLUMN_ID("_id", Long.class), /** * The image data. */ COLUMN_IMAGE("data", byte[].class), /** * The image thumbnail data. */ COLUMN_THUMBNAIL("thumbnail", byte[].class); private String fieldName; private Class fieldClass; ImageDataTableFields(String fieldName, Class fieldClass) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldClass = fieldClass; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Class getFieldClass() { return fieldClass; } } public static enum GpsLogsTableFields { /** * id of the log, Generated by the db. */ COLUMN_ID("_id", Long.class), /** * the start UTC timestamp. */ COLUMN_LOG_STARTTS("startts", Long.class), /** * the end UTC timestamp. */ COLUMN_LOG_ENDTS("endts", Long.class), /** * The length of the track in meters, as last updated. */ COLUMN_LOG_LENGTHM("lengthm", Double.class), /** * Is dirty field (0=false, 1=true) */ COLUMN_LOG_ISDIRTY("isdirty", Integer.class), /** * the name of the log. */ COLUMN_LOG_TEXT("text", String.class); private String fieldName; private Class fieldClass; GpsLogsTableFields(String fieldName, Class fieldClass) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldClass = fieldClass; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Class getFieldClass() { return fieldClass; } } public static enum GpsLogsDataTableFields { /** * id of the log, Generated by the db. */ COLUMN_ID("_id", Long.class), /** * the longitude of the point. */ COLUMN_DATA_LON("lon", Double.class), /** * the latitude of the point. */ COLUMN_DATA_LAT("lat", Double.class), /** * the elevation of the point. */ COLUMN_DATA_ALTIM("altim", Double.class), /** * the UTC timestamp */ COLUMN_DATA_TS("ts", Long.class), /** * the id of the parent gps log. */ COLUMN_LOGID("logid", Long.class); private String fieldName; private Class fieldClass; GpsLogsDataTableFields(String fieldName, Class fieldClass) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldClass = fieldClass; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Class getFieldClass() { return fieldClass; } } public static enum GpsLogsPropertiesTableFields { /** * id of the log, Generated by the db. */ COLUMN_ID("_id", Long.class), /** * field for log visibility. */ COLUMN_PROPERTIES_VISIBLE("visible", Integer.class), /** * the lgo stroke width. */ COLUMN_PROPERTIES_WIDTH("width", Float.class), /** * the log stroke color. */ COLUMN_PROPERTIES_COLOR("color", String.class), /** * the id of the parent gps log. */ COLUMN_LOGID("logid", Long.class); private String fieldName; private Class fieldClass; GpsLogsPropertiesTableFields(String fieldName, Class fieldClass) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldClass = fieldClass; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Class getFieldClass() { return fieldClass; } } }