package org.gedcomx.util; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.gedcomx.Gedcomx; import org.gedcomx.conclusion.Name; import org.gedcomx.conclusion.NameForm; import org.gedcomx.conclusion.NamePart; import org.gedcomx.conclusion.Person; import org.gedcomx.types.NamePartType; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import; import; /** * Class for testing the CleanXmlStreamWriter. * User: Randy Wilson * Date: 17 September 2015 */ public class TestCleanXmlStreamWriter extends TestCase { public void testEscape() { String orig = "\uD850\uDDAC成功"; String escaped = CleanXMLStreamWriter.escapeCharacters(orig); assertEquals(orig, escaped); orig = "\uDBC0\uDCDF am 25 April 1868"; escaped = CleanXMLStreamWriter.escapeCharacters(orig); assertEquals(orig, escaped); orig = "蘇\uD849\uDF67"; escaped = CleanXMLStreamWriter.escapeCharacters(orig); assertEquals(orig, escaped); } public void testVerticalTab() { String orig = "Vertical\u000BTab"; String escaped = CleanXMLStreamWriter.escapeCharacters(orig); // Make sure the vertical tab got replaced with a Unicode "Replacement Character" (0xFFFD) assertEquals("Vertical\uFFFDTab", escaped); } public void testSurrogatePairs() throws JAXBException, IOException { testName("\uD850\uDDAC成功"); testName("岩\uD842\uDFB7"); } private void testName(String orig) throws JAXBException, IOException { Gedcomx doc = new Gedcomx(); Person person = new Person(); doc.addPerson(person); Name name = new Name(orig); person.addName(name); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); RecordSetWriter cleanWriter = new RecordSetWriter(bos, false); cleanWriter.writeRecord(doc); cleanWriter.close(); RecordSetIterator recordSetIterator = new XmlRecordSetIterator(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()), false); Gedcomx doc1 =; assertEquals(orig, doc1.getPerson().getName().getNameForm().getFullText()); bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); RecordSetWriter cleanWriter2 = new RecordSetWriter(bos, true); cleanWriter2.writeRecord(doc); cleanWriter2.close(); recordSetIterator = new XmlRecordSetIterator(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()), false); Gedcomx doc2 =; String actual = doc2.getPerson().getName().getNameForm().getFullText(); assertEquals(orig, actual); } /** * XMLStreamWriter in the standard Java package has a bug in which Unicode surrogate pairs that appear in * attributes remain in a StringBuffer that gets re-used on every subsequent surrogate pair that appears in * any other attribute, causing those to get longer and longer (!). * To solve the problem, we switched to using Woodstox's XMLStreamWriter instead. * This test validated the problem before the switch, and made sure it worked afterwards. */ public void testSurrogateAttributes() throws Exception { String surname = "\uD850\uDDAC"; String given = "\uD842\uDFB7"; String full = surname + given; Gedcomx doc = new Gedcomx(); Name name = new Name(full, new NamePart(NamePartType.Surname, surname), new NamePart(NamePartType.Given, given)); doc.addPerson(new Person().id("p." + full).name(name)); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); RecordSetWriter cleanWriter = new RecordSetWriter(bos, false); cleanWriter.writeRecord(doc); cleanWriter.close(); RecordSetIterator recordSetIterator = new XmlRecordSetIterator(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()), false); Gedcomx doc1 =; //System.out.println("Orig: =====\n" + MarshalUtil.toXml(doc)); //System.out.println("Then: =====\n" + MarshalUtil.toXml(doc1)); NameForm nameForm = doc1.getPerson().getName().getNameForm(); assertEquals(full, nameForm.getFullText()); assertEquals(surname, nameForm.getParts().get(0).getValue()); // This is where the standard XMLStreamReader causes the value to be surname + given instead of just given... assertEquals(given, nameForm.getParts().get(1).getValue()); } }