package org.familysearch.api.client; import org.familysearch.api.client.ft.ChildAndParentsRelationshipState; import org.familysearch.api.client.ft.FamilySearchFamilyTree; import org.familysearch.api.client.ft.FamilyTreePersonState; import org.familysearch.api.client.util.ChangeEntry; import org.familysearch.platform.ct.DiscussionReference; import org.familysearch.platform.discussions.Discussion; import org.gedcomx.atom.Entry; import org.gedcomx.common.EvidenceReference; import org.gedcomx.common.Note; import org.gedcomx.conclusion.*; import*; import; import org.gedcomx.source.SourceDescription; import org.gedcomx.source.SourceReference; import org.gedcomx.types.FactType; import org.gedcomx.types.GenderType; import org.gedcomx.types.NamePartType; import org.gedcomx.types.NameType; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.activation.FileDataSource; import java.util.List; import static org.familysearch.api.client.util.FamilySearchOptions.reason; import static; /** * @author Ryan Heaton */ public class Examples { public void readFamilySearchFamilyTree() { boolean useSandbox = true; //whether to use the sandbox reference. String username = "..."; String password = "..."; String developerKey = "..."; //read the Family Tree FamilySearchFamilyTree ft = new FamilySearchFamilyTree(useSandbox) //and authenticate. .authenticateViaOAuth2Password(username, password, developerKey); } public void searchForPersonsOrPersonMatchesInFamilyTree() { FamilySearchFamilyTree ft = null; //put together a search query PersonSearchQueryBuilder query = new PersonSearchQueryBuilder() //for a John Smith .name("John Smith") //born 1/1/1900 .birthDate("1 January 1900") //son of Peter. .fatherName("Peter Smith"); //search the collection PersonSearchResultsState results = ft.searchForPersons(query); //iterate through the results... List<Entry> entries = results.getResults().getEntries(); //read the person that was hit PersonState person = results.readPerson(entries.get(0)); //search the collection for matches PersonMatchResultsState matches = ft.searchForPersonMatches(query); //iterate through the results... entries = results.getResults().getEntries(); //read the person that was matched person = results.readPerson(entries.get(0)); } public void createAPersonInFamilyTree() { FamilySearchFamilyTree ft = null; //add a person PersonState person = ft.addPerson(new Person() //named John Smith .name(new Name("John Smith", new NamePart(NamePartType.Given, "John"), new NamePart(NamePartType.Surname, "Smith"))) //male .gender(GenderType.Male) //born in chicago in 1920 .fact(new Fact(FactType.Birth, "1 January 1920", "Chicago, Illinois")) //died in new york 1980 .fact(new Fact(FactType.Death, "1 January 1980", "New York, New York")), //with a change message. reason("Because I said so.") ); } public void createCoupleRelationshipInFamilyTree() { FamilySearchFamilyTree ft = null; PersonState husband = null; PersonState wife = null; RelationshipState coupleRelationship = ft.addSpouseRelationship(husband, wife, reason("Because I said so.")); } public void createChildAndParentsRelationshipInFamilyTree() { FamilySearchFamilyTree ft = null; PersonState father = null; PersonState mother = null; PersonState child = null; ChildAndParentsRelationshipState chap = ft.addChildAndParentsRelationship(child, father, mother, reason("Because I said so.")); } public void createASource() { FamilySearchFamilyTree ft = null; //add a source description SourceDescriptionState source = ft.addSourceDescription(new SourceDescription() //about some resource. .about(org.gedcomx.common.URI.create("")) //with a title. .title("Birth Certificate for John Smith") //and a citation .citation("Citation for the birth certificate") //and a note .note(new Note().text("Some note for the source.")), //with a change message. reason("Because I said so.") ); } public void createASourceReference() { //the person that will be citing the record, source, or artifact. PersonState person = null; SourceDescriptionState source = null; person.addSourceReference(source, reason("Because I said so.")); //cite the source. } public void readEverythingAttachedToASource() { //the source. SourceDescriptionState source = null; SourceDescriptionState attachedReferences = ((FamilySearchSourceDescriptionState) source).queryAttachedReferences(); //iterate through the persons attached to the source List<Person> persons = attachedReferences.getEntity().getPersons(); } public void readPersonForCurrentUser() { FamilySearchFamilyTree ft = null; PersonState person = ft.readPersonForCurrentUser(); } public void readSourceReferences() { //the person on which to read the source references. PersonState person = null; //load the source references for the person. person.loadSourceReferences(); //read the source references. List<SourceReference> sourceRefs = person.getPerson().getSources(); } public void readEvidenceReferences() { //the person on which to read the persona references. PersonState person = null; //load the persona references for the person. person.loadPersonaReferences(); //read the persona references. List<EvidenceReference> personaRefs = person.getPerson().getEvidence(); } public void readDiscussionReferences() { //the person on which to read the discussion references. PersonState person = null; //load the discussion references for the person. ((FamilyTreePersonState) person).loadDiscussionReferences(); //read the discussion references. List<DiscussionReference> discussionRefs = person.getPerson().findExtensionsOfType(DiscussionReference.class); } public void readNotes() { //the person on which to read the notes. PersonState person = null; //load the notes for the person. person.loadNotes(); //read the discussion references. List<Note> notes = person.getPerson().getNotes(); } public void readParentsOrChildrenOrSpouses() { //the person for which to read the parents, spouses, children PersonState person = null; PersonChildrenState children = person.readChildren(); //read the children PersonParentsState parents = person.readParents(); //read the parents PersonSpousesState spouses = person.readSpouses(); //read the spouses } public void readAncestryOrDescendancy() { //the person for which to read the ancestry or descendancy PersonState person = null; person.readAncestry(); //read the ancestry person.readAncestry(generations(8)); //read 8 generations of the ancestry person.readDescendancy(); //read the descendancy person.readDescendancy(generations(3)); //read 3 generations of the descendancy } public void readPersonMatches() { //the person for which to read the matches PersonState person = null; PersonMatchResultsState matches = ((FamilyTreePersonState) person).readMatches(); //iterate through the matches. List<Entry> entries = matches.getResults().getEntries(); } public void setNotAMatch() { //the match results PersonMatchResultsState matches = null; //iterate through the matches. List<Entry> entries = matches.getResults().getEntries(); matches.addNonMatch(entries.get(2), reason("Because I said so.")); } public void addNameOrFact() { //the person to which to add the name, gender, or fact. PersonState person = null; Name name = null; person.addName(name.type(NameType.AlsoKnownAs), reason("Because I said so.")); //add name person.addFact(new Fact(FactType.Death, "date", "place"), reason("Because I said so.")); //add death fact } public void updateNameOrGenderOrFact() { //the person to which to update the name, gender, or fact. PersonState person = null; Name name = person.getName(); name.getNameForm().setFullText("Joanna Smith"); person.updateName(name, reason("Because I said so.")); //update name Gender gender = person.getGender(); gender.setKnownType(GenderType.Female); person.updateGender(gender, reason("Because I said so.")); //update gender Fact death = person.getPerson().getFirstFactOfType(FactType.Death); death.setDate(new Date().original("new date")); person.updateFact(death, reason("Because I said so.")); } public void readChangeHistoryAndRestoreAChange() { //the person to which to read the change history. PersonState person = null; ChangeHistoryState changeHistory = ((FamilyTreePersonState) person).readChangeHistory(); //iterate through each entry. List<ChangeEntry> entries = changeHistory.getPage().getEntries(); //restore a change changeHistory.restoreChange(entries.get(0), reason("Because I said so.")); } public void createADiscussion() { FamilySearchFamilyTree ft = null; //add a discussion description DiscussionState discussion = ft.addDiscussion(new Discussion() //with a title. .title("What about this"), //with a change message. reason("Because I said so.") ); } public void createADiscussionReference() { //the person that will be referencing the discussion. PersonState person = null; DiscussionState discussion = null; ((FamilyTreePersonState) person).addDiscussionReference(discussion, reason("Because I said so.")); //reference the discussion. } public void attachAPhotoToAPerson() { //the person to which the photo will be attached. PersonState person = null; DataSource digitalImage = new FileDataSource("/path/to/img.jpg"); //add an artifact SourceDescriptionState artifact = person.addArtifact(new SourceDescription() //with a title .title("Portrait of John Smith"), digitalImage ); } public void readFamilySearchMemories() { boolean useSandbox = true; //whether to use the sandbox reference. String username = "..."; String password = "..."; String developerKey = "..."; //read the Family Tree FamilySearchMemories fsMemories = new FamilySearchMemories(useSandbox) //and authenticate. .authenticateViaOAuth2Password(username, password, developerKey); } public void addAnArtifact() { FamilySearchMemories fsMemories = null; DataSource digitalImage = new FileDataSource("/path/to/img.jpg"); //add an artifact SourceDescriptionState artifact = fsMemories.addArtifact(new SourceDescription() //with a title .title("Death Certificate for John Smith") //and a citation .citation("Citation for the death certificate"), digitalImage ); } public void extractAPersonaFromAnArtifact() { //the artifact from which a persona will be extracted. SourceDescriptionState artifact = null; //add the persona PersonState persona = artifact.addPersona(new Person() //named John Smith .name("John Smith")); } public void addAPersonaReferenceToAPerson() { //the person that will be citing the record, source, or artifact. PersonState person = null; //the persona that was extracted from a record or artifact. PersonState persona = null; //add the persona reference. person.addPersonaReference(persona); } public void attachAPhotoToMultiplePersons() { //the collection to which the artifact is to be added CollectionState fsMemories = null; //the persons to which the photo will be attached. PersonState person1 = null; PersonState person2 = null; PersonState person3 = null; DataSource digitalImage = new FileDataSource("/path/to/img.jpg"); //add an artifact SourceDescriptionState artifact = fsMemories.addArtifact(new SourceDescription() //with a title .title("Family of John Smith"), digitalImage ); person1.addMediaReference(artifact); //attach to person1 person2.addMediaReference(artifact); //attach to person2 person3.addMediaReference(artifact); //attach to person3 } public void readFamilySearchPlaces() { boolean useSandbox = true; //whether to use the sandbox reference. String username = "..."; String password = "..."; String developerKey = "..."; //read the Family Tree FamilySearchPlaces fsPlaces = new FamilySearchPlaces(useSandbox) //and authenticate. .authenticateViaOAuth2Password(username, password, developerKey); } }