package; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; /** An unordered map. This implementation is a cuckoo hash map using 3 hashes, random walking, and a small stash for * problematic keys. Null keys are not allowed. Null values are allowed. No allocation is done except when growing the * table size. <br> * <br> * This map performs very fast get, containsKey, and remove (typically O(1), worst case O(log(n))). Put may be a bit * slower, depending on hash collisions. Load factors greater than 0.91 greatly increase the chances the map will have * to rehash to the next higher POT size. <br> * <br> * Semi-immutable. On contrary to Array, ObjectMap is better encapsulated and ImmutableObjectMap is an (almost) * immutable collection. The only way to modify the collection is getting the iterator manually and using its removing * methods - original iterators' implementations operate on private fields (rather than public getters/modifying * methods) and could not have been rewritten. Still, standard usage of for-each loops is safe. Deprecates and throws * UnsupportedOperationExceptions on all operations that mutate the map. * * @author Nathan Sweet * @author MJ */ public class ImmutableObjectMap<Key, Value> extends ObjectMap<Key, Value> { @SuppressWarnings("hiding") private final int size; /** Creates a new immutable map identical to the specified map. */ public ImmutableObjectMap(final ObjectMap<? extends Key, ? extends Value> map) { super(map); this.size = super.size; } /** @param keysAndValues pairs of keys and values. * @return a new ImmutableObjectMap created with the passed keys and values. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if keys and values total amount is not even. * @throws ClassCastException if received unexpected object type. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <Key, Value> ImmutableObjectMap<Key, Value> of(final Object... keysAndValues) { if (keysAndValues.length % 2 != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keys and values have to be passed in pairs."); } final ObjectMap<Key, Value> map = new ObjectMap<Key, Value>(); for (int index = 0; index < keysAndValues.length; index++) { map.put((Key) keysAndValues[index], (Value) keysAndValues[++index]); } return copyOf(map); } /** @return a new ImmutableObjectMap created with the keys and values stored in passed map. */ public static <Key, Value> ImmutableObjectMap<Key, Value> copyOf( final ObjectMap<? extends Key, ? extends Value> objectMap) { return new ImmutableObjectMap<Key, Value>(objectMap); } @Override @Deprecated public Value put(final Key key, final Value value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot modify ImmutableObjectMap."); } @Override @Deprecated public void putAll(final ObjectMap<Key, Value> map) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot modify ImmutableObjectMap."); } @Override @Deprecated public Value remove(final Key key) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot modify ImmutableObjectMap."); } @Override @Deprecated public void shrink(final int maximumCapacity) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot modify ImmutableObjectMap."); } @Override @Deprecated public void clear() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot modify ImmutableObjectMap."); } @Override @Deprecated public void clear(final int maximumCapacity) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot modify ImmutableObjectMap."); } @Override @Deprecated public void ensureCapacity(final int additionalCapacity) { super.ensureCapacity(additionalCapacity); } /** @return amount of elements in the map. */ public int size() { return size; } }