package; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.DelayedRemovalArray; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntArray; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.SnapshotArray; import; import; import; import; /** Common {@link Array} utilities, somewhat inspired by Guava. * * @author MJ */ public class GdxArrays { private GdxArrays() { } /** @return a new, empty Array. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> newArray() { return new Array<Type>(); } /** @param initialCapacity initial capacity of the array. Will be resized if needed. * @return a new, empty Array. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> newArray(final int initialCapacity) { return new Array<Type>(initialCapacity); } /** @param forClass class of stored elements. * @return a new, empty typed Array. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> newArray(final Class<Type> forClass) { return new Array<Type>(forClass); } /** @return a new, empty SnapshotArray. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> SnapshotArray<Type> newSnapshotArray() { return new SnapshotArray<Type>(); } /** @param forClass class of stored elements. * @return a new, empty typed SnapshotArray. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> SnapshotArray<Type> newSnapshotArray(final Class<Type> forClass) { return new SnapshotArray<Type>(forClass); } /** @return a new, empty DelayedRemovalArray. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> DelayedRemovalArray<Type> newDelayedRemovalArray() { return new DelayedRemovalArray<Type>(); } /** @param forClass class of stored elements. * @return a new, empty typed DelayedRemovalArray. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> DelayedRemovalArray<Type> newDelayedRemovalArray(final Class<Type> forClass) { return new DelayedRemovalArray<Type>(forClass); } /** @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new Array with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> newArray(final Type... values) { return new Array<Type>(values); } /** @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new Array with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> newArray(final Iterable<? extends Type> values) { final Array<Type> array = new Array<Type>(); for (final Type value : values) { array.add(value); } return array; } /** @param forClass class of stored objects. * @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new typed Array with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> newArray(final Class<Type> forClass, final Iterable<? extends Type> values) { final Array<Type> array = new Array<Type>(forClass); for (final Type value : values) { array.add(value); } return array; } /** @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new SnapshotArray with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> SnapshotArray<Type> newSnapshotArray(final Type... values) { return new SnapshotArray<Type>(values); } /** @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new SnapshotArray with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> SnapshotArray<Type> newSnapshotArray(final Iterable<? extends Type> values) { final SnapshotArray<Type> array = new SnapshotArray<Type>(); for (final Type value : values) { array.add(value); } return array; } /** @param forClass class of stored elements. * @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new typed SnapshotArray with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> SnapshotArray<Type> newSnapshotArray(final Class<Type> forClass, final Iterable<? extends Type> values) { final SnapshotArray<Type> array = new SnapshotArray<Type>(forClass); for (final Type value : values) { array.add(value); } return array; } /** @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new DelayedRemovalArray with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> DelayedRemovalArray<Type> newDelayedRemovalArray(final Type... values) { return new DelayedRemovalArray<Type>(values); } /** @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new DelayedRemovalArray with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> DelayedRemovalArray<Type> newDelayedRemovalArray(final Iterable<? extends Type> values) { final DelayedRemovalArray<Type> array = new DelayedRemovalArray<Type>(); for (final Type value : values) { array.add(value); } return array; } /** @param forClass class of stored elements. * @param values will be appended to the array. * @return a new typed DelayedRemovalArray with the passed values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> DelayedRemovalArray<Type> newDelayedRemovalArray(final Class<Type> forClass, final Iterable<? extends Type> values) { final DelayedRemovalArray<Type> array = new DelayedRemovalArray<Type>(forClass); for (final Type value : values) { array.add(value); } return array; } /** @param array will be copied. * @return a new disposable array made using passed array values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type extends Disposable> DisposableArray<Type> toDisposable(final Array<? extends Type> array) { return new DisposableArray<Type>(array); } /** @param array will be copied. * @return a new semi-immutable array made using passed array values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> ImmutableArray<Type> toImmutable(final Array<? extends Type> array) { return new ImmutableArray<Type>(array); } /** @param array will be copied. * @return a new snapshot array created with the passed array values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> SnapshotArray<Type> toSnapshot(final Array<? extends Type> array) { return new SnapshotArray<Type>(array); } /** @param array will be copied. * @return a new delayed removal array created with the passed array values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> DelayedRemovalArray<Type> toDelayedRemoval(final Array<? extends Type> array) { return new DelayedRemovalArray<Type>(array); } /** @param array will be copied. * @param provider creates new object on get(index) calls if the value on the selected index is null. * @return a new lazy array created with the passed array values. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> LazyArray<Type> toLazy(final ObjectProvider<? extends Type> provider, final Array<? extends Type> array) { return new LazyArray<Type>(provider, array); } /** @param array can be null. * @return true if array is null or has no elements. */ public static boolean isEmpty(final Array<?> array) { return array == null || array.size == 0; } /** @param array can be null. * @return true if array is not null and has at least one element. */ public static boolean isNotEmpty(final Array<?> array) { return array != null && array.size > 0; } /** @param arrays will be checked. Can be null. * @return the biggest size among the passed arrays. 0 if all arrays are empty or null. */ public static int getBiggestSize(final Array<?>... arrays) { int maxSize = 0; for (final Array<?> array : arrays) { if (array != null) { maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, array.size); } } return maxSize; } /** @param arrays will be checked. Can be null. * @return the biggest size among the passed arrays. 0 if all arrays are empty or null. */ public static int getBiggestSize(final Iterable<Array<?>> arrays) { int maxSize = 0; for (final Array<?> array : arrays) { if (array != null) { maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, array.size); } } return maxSize; } /** @param array cannot be null. * @param index will be checked. * @return true if the given index is last in the passed array. */ public static boolean isIndexLast(final Array<?> array, final int index) { return array.size - 1 == index; } /** @param array cannot be null. * @param index will be checked. * @return true if the given index is valid for the passed array. */ public static boolean isIndexValid(final Array<?> array, final int index) { return index >= 0 && index < array.size; } /** @param array can be null. * @return null (if array is empty or last stored value was null) or last stored value. * @param <Type> type of stored values. */ public static <Type> Type removeLast(final Array<? extends Type> array) { if (isEmpty(array)) { return null; } return array.removeIndex(array.size - 1); } /** @param array can be null. * @return last stored value in the array if it is not empty or null. * @param <Type> type of stored values. */ public static <Type> Type getLast(final Array<? extends Type> array) { if (isEmpty(array)) { return null; } return array.get(array.size - 1); } /** @param intArray can be null. * @return last stored int in the array if it is not empty or 0. */ public static int getLast(final IntArray intArray) { if (isEmpty(intArray)) { return 0; } return intArray.get(intArray.size - 1); } /** @param intArray can be null.* * @return true if the passed array is empty. */ public static boolean isEmpty(final IntArray intArray) { return intArray == null || intArray.size == 0; } /** @param arrays will be joined. * @return a new array with values from all passed arrays. Duplicates are added multiple times. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> union(final Array<Type>... arrays) { return unionTo(new Array<Type>(), arrays); } /** @param ofClass class of stored elements. * @param arrays will be joined. * @return a new typed array with values from all passed arrays. Duplicates are added multiple times. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> union(final Class<Type> ofClass, final Array<Type>... arrays) { return unionTo(new Array<Type>(ofClass), arrays); } /** @param array will contain passed arrays. * @param arrays will be joined. * @return first argument array with values added from all passed arrays. Duplicates are added multiple times. * @param <Type> type of stored elements. */ public static <Type> Array<Type> unionTo(final Array<Type> array, final Array<Type>... arrays) { if (arrays == null || arrays.length == 0) { return array; } for (final Array<Type> unionedArray : arrays) { array.addAll(unionedArray); } return array; } /** @param arrays will all be cleared, with an additional null-check before the clearing. */ public static void clearAll(final Array<?>... arrays) { for (final Array<?> array : arrays) { if (array != null) { array.clear(); } } } /** @param arrays all contained arrays will all be cleared, with an additional null-check before the clearing. */ public static void clearAll(final Iterable<Array<?>> arrays) { for (final Array<?> array : arrays) { if (array != null) { array.clear(); } } } /** Static utility for accessing {@link Array#size} variable (which is kind of ugly, since it allows to easily * modify and damage internal collection data). Performs null check. * * @param array its size will be checked. Can be null. * @return current size of the passed array. 0 if array is empty or null. */ public static int sizeOf(final Array<?> array) { if (array == null) { return 0; } return array.size; } }