package se.cambio.cds.formgen.controller; import se.cambio.cds.controller.cds.CDSManager; import; import se.cambio.cds.formgen.view.panels.CDSFormPanel; import se.cambio.cds.gdl.model.Guide; import se.cambio.cds.gdl.model.Term; import se.cambio.cds.gdl.model.TermDefinition; import se.cambio.cds.gdl.model.readable.ReadableGuide; import se.cambio.cds.gdl.parser.GDLParser; import se.cambio.cds.model.facade.execution.vo.RuleExecutionResult; import se.cambio.cds.model.facade.execution.vo.RuleReference; import se.cambio.cds.model.instance.ArchetypeReference; import se.cambio.cds.model.instance.ElementInstance; import se.cambio.cds.util.GeneratedElementInstanceCollection; import se.cambio.cds.util.GuideImporter; import; import; import se.cambio.openehr.util.ExceptionHandler; import se.cambio.openehr.util.OpenEHRLanguageManager; import se.cambio.openehr.util.UserConfigurationManager; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class FormGeneratorController { private GuideDTO _guideDTO = null; private Guide _guide = null; private GuideManager _guideManager = null; private CDSFormPanel _cdsFormPanel = null; private FormGeneratorViewer _viewer = null; private Map<String, Map<String, ReadableGuide>> _readableGuideMap; private List<RuleReference> _lastFiredRulesReference = null; private Calendar _currentDate = null; private String _lang = null; public FormGeneratorController( GuideDTO guideDTO, String lang){ _guideDTO = guideDTO; _lang = lang; init(); } private void init(){ getCDSFormPanel().setInputElements(getInputArcehtypeReferences()); } public Collection<ElementInstance> getAllElementInstances(){ return getCDSFormPanel().getElementInstances(); } public GuideDTO getGuideDTO(){ return _guideDTO; } public String getName(){ Term ct = getConcepTerm(); if (ct!=null){ return ct.getText(); }else{ return OpenEHRLanguageManager.getMessage("Unknown"); } } public String getDescription(){ Term ct = getConcepTerm(); if (ct!=null){ return ct.getDescription(); }else{ return OpenEHRLanguageManager.getMessage("Unknown"); } } public Term getConcepTerm(){ String concept = getGuide().getConcept(); TermDefinition td = getTermDefinition(); if (td!=null){ return td.getTerms().get(concept); }else{ return null; } } public TermDefinition getTermDefinition(){ TermDefinition termDefinition = getGuide().getOntology().getTermDefinitions().get(getLanguage()); if (termDefinition==null){ termDefinition = getGuide().getOntology().getTermDefinitions().get(getGuide().getLanguage().getOriginalLanguage().getCodeString()); } return termDefinition; } public Guide getGuide(){ if(_guide==null){ try { _guide = getGuideManager().getGuide(getGuideDTO().getId()); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } } return _guide; } public CDSFormPanel getCDSFormPanel(){ if (_cdsFormPanel==null){ _cdsFormPanel = new CDSFormPanel(this); } return _cdsFormPanel; } public GuideManager getGuideManager(){ if (_guideManager==null){ _guideManager = new GuideManager(Collections.singletonList(getGuideDTO())); } return _guideManager; } public Calendar getCurrentDate(){ return _currentDate; } public void setCurrentDate(Calendar currentDate){ _currentDate= currentDate; } public Collection<ArchetypeReference> getInputArcehtypeReferences(){ GeneratedElementInstanceCollection eic = getGuideManager().getCompleteElementInstanceCollection(); return CDSManager.getEHRArchetypeReferences(eic); } public void updateResults(RuleExecutionResult result){ getCDSFormPanel().updateResults(result); if (result!=null){ _lastFiredRulesReference = result.getFiredRules(); } } public Collection<String> getSupportedLanguages(){ return getReadableGuideMap().get(_guideDTO.getId()).keySet(); } public List<RuleReference> getLastRulesFired(){ return _lastFiredRulesReference; } public Map<String, Map<String, ReadableGuide>> getReadableGuideMap(){ if (_readableGuideMap == null){ _readableGuideMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ReadableGuide>>(); try { GDLParser parser = new GDLParser(); for (GuideDTO guideDTO : getGuideManager().getAllGuidesDTO()) { Map<String, ReadableGuide> auxMap = new HashMap<String, ReadableGuide>(); _readableGuideMap.put(guideDTO.getId(), auxMap); Guide guide = parser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(guideDTO.getSource().getBytes())); Map<String, TermDefinition> termDefinitions = guide.getOntology().getTermDefinitions(); for (TermDefinition termDefinition : termDefinitions.values()) { String lang = termDefinition.getId(); auxMap.put(lang, GuideImporter.importGuide(guide, lang, ArchetypeManager.getInstance())); } } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } } return _readableGuideMap; } public String getLanguage(){ if (_lang==null){ _lang = UserConfigurationManager.getLanguage(); } return _lang; } public void setViewer(FormGeneratorViewer viewer){ _viewer = viewer; } public FormGeneratorViewer getViewer(){ return _viewer; } } /* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * * The Initial Developers of the Original Code are Iago Corbal and Rong Chen. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2012-2013 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */