package se.cambio.cds.util; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import se.cambio.cds.gdl.model.expression.*; import se.cambio.cds.util.export.DVDefSerializer; import; import se.cambio.openehr.util.OpenEHRConst; import se.cambio.openehr.util.OpenEHRDataValues; import se.cambio.openehr.util.OpenEHRDataValuesUI; import se.cambio.openehr.util.exceptions.InternalErrorException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * User: iago.corbal * Date: 2013-12-11 * Time: 17:23 */ public class ExpressionUtil { public static String CODE_FUNCTION_SEPARATOR = "#"; public static String getArithmeticExpressionStr( Map<String, ArchetypeElementVO> elementMap, ExpressionItem expressionItem, Map<RefStat, Set<String>> stats) throws InternalErrorException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (expressionItem instanceof BinaryExpression) { BinaryExpression binaryExpression = (BinaryExpression) expressionItem; if (OperatorKind.EXPONENT.equals(binaryExpression.getOperator())) { sb.append("Math.pow("); sb.append(getArithmeticExpressionStr(elementMap, binaryExpression.getLeft(), stats)); sb.append(","); sb.append(getArithmeticExpressionStr(elementMap, binaryExpression.getRight(), stats)); sb.append(")"); } else { sb.append("(" + getArithmeticExpressionStr(elementMap, binaryExpression.getLeft(), stats)); sb.append(binaryExpression.getOperator().getSymbol()); sb.append(getArithmeticExpressionStr(elementMap, binaryExpression.getRight(), stats) + ")"); } } else if (expressionItem instanceof Variable) { Variable var = (Variable) expressionItem; String rmName = null; if (OpenEHRConst.CURRENT_DATE_TIME_ID.equals(var.getCode())){ rmName = OpenEHRDataValues.DV_DATE_TIME; }else{ ArchetypeElementVO aeVO = elementMap.get(var.getCode()); if (aeVO==null){ throw new InternalErrorException(new Exception("Archetype element not found for gtcode '"+var.getCode()+"'")); } rmName = aeVO.getRMType(); } sb.append(getVariableWithAttributeStr(rmName, var)); if (stats!=null){ if (isFunction(var.getAttribute())){ stats.get(RefStat.ATT_FUNCTIONS).add(var.getCode()+CODE_FUNCTION_SEPARATOR+var.getAttribute()); stats.get(RefStat.ATT_FUNCTIONS_REF).add(var.getCode()); }else{ stats.get(RefStat.REFERENCE).add(var.getCode()); } } } else if (expressionItem instanceof StringConstant) { String stringValue = expressionItem.toString(); if (stringValue.startsWith("'") && stringValue.endsWith("'") && stringValue.length() > 1){ stringValue = "\"" + stringValue.substring(1, stringValue.length()-1) + "\""; } sb.append(stringValue); } else if (expressionItem instanceof ConstantExpression) { sb.append(formatConstantValue((ConstantExpression) expressionItem)); } else { throw new InternalErrorException(new Exception( "Unknown expression '" + expressionItem.getClass().getName() + "'")); } return sb.toString(); } /* * Parse for units of hr and convert value to milliseconds */ public static String formatConstantValue(ConstantExpression exp) throws InternalErrorException { String value = exp.getValue(); int i = value.indexOf(","); if(i > 0 ){ //Convert time units to milliseconds String units = value.substring(i+1).trim(); if (units.equals("a")) { double d = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, i)); value = "31556926000L*" + d; }else if (units.equals("mo")) { double d = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, i)); value = "2629743830L*" + d; }else if (units.equals("wk")) { double d = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, i)); value = "604800000L*" + d; }else if (units.equals("d")) { double d = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, i)); value = "86400000L*" + d; }else if (units.equals("h")) { double d = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, i)); value = "3600000L*" + d; }else if (units.equals("min")) { double d = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, i)); value = "60000L*" + d; }else if (units.equals("s")) { double d = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, i)); value = "1000L*" + d; } else if (units.equals("S")) { double d = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, i)); value = "" + d; }else{ throw new InternalErrorException(new Exception("Unknown time units '"+units+"'")); } } return value; } public static String getVariableWithAttributeStr(String rmName, Variable var) { Logger.getLogger(DVUtil.class).debug("Var.code: " + var.getCode() + ", attr: " + var.getAttribute()); String dvClassName = DVDefSerializer.getDVClassName(rmName); String ret = null; // TODO fix setting currentDateTime if(OpenEHRConst.CURRENT_DATE_TIME_ID.equals(var.getCode()) && (var.getAttribute()==null||var.getAttribute().equals("value"))) { ret = "$"+OpenEHRConst.CURRENT_DATE_TIME_ID+".getDateTime().getMillis()"; } else if("value".equals(var.getAttribute()) &&("DvDateTime".equals(dvClassName) || "DvDate".equals(dvClassName))) { ret = "((" + dvClassName + ")$" + var.getCode() + getDataValueMethod(var.getCode()) + ").getDateTime().getMillis()"; } else { if (isFunction(var.getAttribute())){ //Function (Only working for count yet) if (OpenEHRDataValues.FUNCTION_COUNT.equals(var.getAttribute())){ ret = "$"+var.getCode()+var.getAttribute(); } }else{ //Attribute ret = "((" + dvClassName + ")$" + var.getCode() + getDataValueMethod(var.getCode()) + ").get" + StringUtils.capitalize(var.getAttribute()) + "()"; } } return ret; } public static String getDataValueMethod(String gtCode) { if (!OpenEHRConst.CURRENT_DATE_TIME_ID.equals(gtCode)) { return ".getDataValue()"; } else { return ""; } } public static boolean isFunction(String attribute){ return OpenEHRDataValuesUI.getFunctionNames().contains(attribute); } }