/* GanttProject is an opensource project management tool. License: GPL3 Copyright (C) 2011 GanttProject Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.mouse; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import biz.ganttproject.core.chart.canvas.Canvas.Rectangle; import biz.ganttproject.core.time.TimeDuration; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.TaskChartModelFacade; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskActivity; /** * Helper class for converting screen pixels into task completion percentage * value when changing the latter with a mouse. It operates with pixel offsets * from the chart viewport origin. * * @author Dmitry Barashev */ class ChangeTaskProgressRuler { private final Task myTask; private final TaskChartModelFacade myTaskChartFacade; private final SortedMap<Integer, Integer> myPixel2progress = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(); private int myMinPx; /** * Creates and initializes the ruler */ ChangeTaskProgressRuler(Task task, TaskChartModelFacade taskChartFacade) { myTask = task; myTaskChartFacade = taskChartFacade; float totalDuration = task.getDuration().getValue(); int visiblePixels = -1; float accumulatedDuration = 0f; List<Rectangle> taskRectangles = myTaskChartFacade.getTaskRectangles(myTask); myMinPx = taskRectangles.get(0).getLeftX(); myPixel2progress.put(myMinPx, 0); for (Rectangle r : taskRectangles) { TaskActivity activity = (TaskActivity) r.getModelObject(); if (r.isVisible()) { visiblePixels = r.getRightX(); } if (activity.getIntensity() > 0f) { accumulatedDuration += activity.getDuration().getValue(); } myPixel2progress.put(visiblePixels, (int) (accumulatedDuration * 100 / totalDuration)); } } /** * @return progress value corresponding to the given {@code pixels} value. */ Progress getProgress(int pixels) { if (pixels < myMinPx) { return new Progress(0, myTask.getDuration()); } SortedMap<Integer, Integer> tailMap = myPixel2progress.tailMap(pixels); if (tailMap.isEmpty()) { return new Progress(100, myTask.getDuration()); } if (tailMap.firstKey().intValue() == pixels) { return new Progress(tailMap.get(pixels), myTask.getDuration()); } SortedMap<Integer, Integer> headMap = myPixel2progress.headMap(pixels); int lowerPx = headMap.isEmpty() ? 0 : headMap.lastKey(); int lowerProgress = headMap.isEmpty() ? 0 : headMap.get(lowerPx); int upperPx = tailMap.firstKey(); int upperProgress = tailMap.get(upperPx); float diffProgress = (upperProgress - lowerProgress) * ((float) (pixels - lowerPx) / (float) (upperPx - lowerPx)); int overallProgress = (int) (lowerProgress + diffProgress); return new Progress(overallProgress, myTask.getDuration()); } static class Progress { private final int myPercents; private final TimeDuration myTaskDuration; Progress(int percents, TimeDuration taskDuration) { myPercents = percents; myTaskDuration = taskDuration; } int toPercents() { return myPercents; } String toUnits() { float progressInUnits = myPercents * myTaskDuration.getLength() / 100f; String wholeUnits = Integer.toString((int) progressInUnits); String fractionIndicator = (myPercents * myTaskDuration.getLength()) % 100 == 0 ? "" : "+"; return wholeUnits + fractionIndicator; } } }