package com.googlecode.ant_deb_task; import*; import; import*; import; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import*; import; import; import; /** * Task that creates a Debian package. * * @antTaskName deb */ public class Deb extends Task { private static final Pattern PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+\\-.]+"); public static class Description extends ProjectComponent { private String _synopsis; private String _extended = ""; public String getSynopsis () { return _synopsis; } public void setSynopsis (String synopsis) { _synopsis = synopsis.trim (); } public void addText (String text) { _extended += getProject ().replaceProperties (text); } public String getExtended () { return _extended; } public String getExtendedFormatted () { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer (_extended.length ()); String lines[] = _extended.split ("\n"); int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i].trim (); if (line.length () > 0) break; start++; } int end = lines.length; for (int i = lines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String line = lines[i].trim (); if (line.length () > 0) break; end--; } for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { String line = lines[i].trim (); buffer.append (' '); buffer.append (line.length () == 0 ? "." : line); buffer.append ('\n'); } buffer.deleteCharAt (buffer.length () - 1); return buffer.toString (); } } public static class Version extends ProjectComponent { private static final Pattern UPSTREAM_VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[0-9][A-Za-z0-9.+\\-:~]*"); private static final Pattern DEBIAN_VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z0-9+.~]+"); private int _epoch = 0; private String _upstream; private String _debian = "1"; public void setEpoch(int epoch) { _epoch = epoch; } public void setUpstream(String upstream) { _upstream = upstream.trim (); if (!UPSTREAM_VERSION_PATTERN.matcher (_upstream).matches ()) throw new BuildException("Invalid upstream version number!"); } public void setDebian(String debian) { _debian = debian.trim (); if (_debian.length() > 0 && !DEBIAN_VERSION_PATTERN.matcher (_debian).matches ()) throw new BuildException("Invalid debian version number!"); } public String toString() { StringBuffer version = new StringBuffer(); if (_epoch > 0) { version.append(_epoch); version.append(':'); } else if (_upstream.indexOf(':') > -1) throw new BuildException("Upstream version can contain colons only if epoch is specified!"); version.append(_upstream); if (_debian.length() > 0) { version.append('-'); version.append(_debian); } else if (_upstream.indexOf('-') > -1) throw new BuildException("Upstream version can contain hyphens only if debian version is specified!"); return version.toString(); } } public static class Maintainer extends ProjectComponent { private String _name; private String _email; public void setName (String name) { _name = name.trim (); } public void setEmail (String email) { _email = email.trim (); } public String toString() { if (_name == null || _name.length () == 0) return _email; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer (_name); buffer.append (" <"); buffer.append (_email); buffer.append (">"); return buffer.toString (); } } public static class Changelog extends ProjectComponent { public static class Format extends EnumeratedAttribute { public String[] getValues () { // XML format will be added when supported return new String[] {"plain" /* , "xml" */}; } } private static final String STANDARD_FILENAME = "changelog.gz"; private static final String DEBIAN_FILENAME = "changelog.Debian.gz"; private String _file; private Changelog.Format _format; private boolean _debian; public Changelog() { _debian = false; _format = new Changelog.Format(); _format.setValue("plain"); } public void setFile (String file) { _file = file.trim (); } public String getFile() { return _file; } public void setFormat (Changelog.Format format) { _format = format; } public Changelog.Format getFormat() { return _format; } public void setDebian (boolean debian) { _debian = debian; } public boolean isDebian () { return _debian; } public String getTargetFilename () { return _debian ? DEBIAN_FILENAME : STANDARD_FILENAME; } } public static class Section extends EnumeratedAttribute { private static final String[] PREFIXES = new String[] {"", "contrib/", "non-free/"}; private static final String[] BASIC_SECTIONS = new String[] {"admin", "base", "comm", "devel", "doc", "editors", "electronics", "embedded", "games", "gnome", "graphics", "hamradio", "interpreters", "kde", "libs", "libdevel", "mail", "math", "misc", "net", "news", "oldlibs", "otherosfs", "perl", "python", "science", "shells", "sound", "tex", "text", "utils", "web", "x11"}; private List sections = new ArrayList (PREFIXES.length * BASIC_SECTIONS.length); public Section () { for (int i = 0; i < PREFIXES.length; i++) { String prefix = PREFIXES[i]; for (int j = 0; j < BASIC_SECTIONS.length; j++) { String basicSection = BASIC_SECTIONS[j]; sections.add (prefix + basicSection); } } } public String[] getValues () { return (String[]) sections.toArray (new String[sections.size()]); } } public static class Priority extends EnumeratedAttribute { public String[] getValues () { return new String[] {"required", "important", "standard", "optional", "extra"}; } } private File _toDir; private String _debFilenameProperty = ""; private String _package; private String _version; private Deb.Version _versionObj; private String _section; private String _priority = "extra"; private String _architecture = "all"; private String _depends; private String _preDepends; private String _recommends; private String _suggests; private String _enhances; private String _conflicts; private String _provides; private String _replaces; private String _maintainer; private URL _homepage; private Deb.Maintainer _maintainerObj; private Deb.Description _description; private Set _conffiles = new HashSet (); private Set _changelogs = new HashSet (); private List _data = new ArrayList(); private File _preinst; private File _postinst; private File _prerm; private File _postrm; private File _config; private File _templates; private File _triggers; private File _tempFolder; private long _installedSize = 0; private SortedSet _dataFolders; private static final Tar.TarCompressionMethod GZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD = new Tar.TarCompressionMethod (); private static final Tar.TarLongFileMode GNU_LONGFILE_MODE = new Tar.TarLongFileMode (); static { GZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD.setValue ("gzip"); GNU_LONGFILE_MODE.setValue(Tar.TarLongFileMode.GNU); } public void setToDir (File toDir) { _toDir = toDir; } public void setDebFilenameProperty(String debFilenameProperty) { _debFilenameProperty = debFilenameProperty.trim(); } public void setPackage (String packageName) { if (!PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(packageName).matches()) throw new BuildException("Invalid package name!"); _package = packageName; } public void setVersion (String version) { _version = version; } public void setSection (Section section) { _section = section.getValue(); } public void setPriority (Priority priority) { _priority = priority.getValue(); } public void setArchitecture (String architecture) { _architecture = sanitize(architecture, _architecture); } public void setDepends (String depends) { _depends = sanitize(depends); } public void setPreDepends (String preDepends) { _preDepends = sanitize(preDepends); } public void setRecommends (String recommends) { _recommends = sanitize(recommends); } public void setSuggests (String suggests) { _suggests = sanitize(suggests); } public void setEnhances (String enhances) { _enhances = sanitize(enhances); } public void setConflicts (String conflicts) { _conflicts = sanitize(conflicts); } public void setProvides (String provides) { _provides = sanitize(provides); } public void setReplaces(String replaces) { _replaces = sanitize(replaces); } public void setMaintainer (String maintainer) { _maintainer = sanitize(maintainer); } public void setHomepage (String homepage) { try { _homepage = new URL (homepage); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new BuildException ("Invalid homepage, must be a URL: " + homepage, e); } } public void setPreinst (File preinst) { _preinst = preinst; } public void setPostinst (File postinst) { _postinst = postinst; } public void setPrerm (File prerm) { _prerm = prerm; } public void setPostrm (File postrm) { _postrm = postrm; } public void setConfig (File config) { _config = config; } public void setTemplates (File templates) { _templates = templates; } public void setTriggers(File triggers) { _triggers = triggers; } public void addConfFiles (TarFileSet conffiles) { _conffiles.add (conffiles); _data.add (conffiles); } public void addChangelog(Deb.Changelog changelog) { _changelogs.add (changelog); } public void addDescription (Deb.Description description) { _description = description; } public void add (TarFileSet resourceCollection) { _data.add(resourceCollection); } public void addVersion(Deb.Version version) { _versionObj = version; } public void addMaintainer(Deb.Maintainer maintainer) { _maintainerObj = maintainer; } private void writeControlFile (File controlFile, long installedSize) throws FileNotFoundException { log ("Generating control file to: " + controlFile.getAbsolutePath (), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); PrintWriter control = new UnixPrintWriter (controlFile); control.print ("Package: "); control.println (_package); control.print ("Version: "); control.println (_version); if (_section != null) { control.print ("Section: "); control.println (_section); } if (_priority != null) { control.print ("Priority: "); control.println (_priority); } control.print ("Architecture: "); control.println (_architecture); if (_depends != null) { control.print ("Depends: "); control.println (_depends); } if (_preDepends != null) { control.print ("Pre-Depends: "); control.println (_preDepends); } if (_recommends != null) { control.print ("Recommends: "); control.println (_recommends); } if (_suggests != null) { control.print ("Suggests: "); control.println (_suggests); } if (_enhances != null) { control.print ("Enhances: "); control.println (_enhances); } if (_conflicts != null) { control.print ("Conflicts: "); control.println (_conflicts); } if (_provides != null) { control.print ("Provides: "); control.println (_provides); } if (_replaces != null) { control.print ("Replaces: "); control.println (_replaces); } if (installedSize > 0) { control.print ("Installed-Size: "); control.println (installedSize / 1024L); } control.print ("Maintainer: "); control.println (_maintainer); if (_homepage != null) { control.print ("Homepage: "); control.println(_homepage.toExternalForm()); } control.print ("Description: "); control.println (_description.getSynopsis ()); control.println (_description.getExtendedFormatted ()); control.close (); } private File createMasterControlFile () throws IOException { File controlFile = new File (_tempFolder, "control"); writeControlFile (controlFile, _installedSize); File md5sumsFile = new File (_tempFolder, "md5sums"); File conffilesFile = new File (_tempFolder, "conffiles"); File masterControlFile = new File (_tempFolder, "control.tar.gz"); Tar controlTar = new Tar (); controlTar.setProject (getProject ()); controlTar.setTaskName (getTaskName ()); controlTar.setDestFile (masterControlFile); controlTar.setCompression (GZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD); addFileToTar (controlTar, controlFile, "control", "644"); addFileToTar (controlTar, md5sumsFile, "md5sums", "644"); if (conffilesFile.length () > 0) addFileToTar (controlTar, conffilesFile, "conffiles", "644"); if (_preinst != null) addFileToTar (controlTar, _preinst, "preinst", "755"); if (_postinst != null) addFileToTar (controlTar, _postinst, "postinst", "755"); if (_prerm != null) addFileToTar (controlTar, _prerm, "prerm", "755"); if (_postrm != null) addFileToTar (controlTar, _postrm, "postrm", "755"); if (_config != null) addFileToTar (controlTar, _config, "config", "755"); if (_templates != null) addFileToTar (controlTar, _templates, "templates", "644"); if (_triggers != null) addFileToTar (controlTar, _triggers, "triggers", "644"); controlTar.perform (); deleteFileCheck(controlFile); return masterControlFile; } private void addFileToTar(Tar tar, File file, String fullpath, String fileMode) { TarFileSet controlFileSet = tar.createTarFileSet (); controlFileSet.setFile (file); controlFileSet.setFullpath ("./" + fullpath); controlFileSet.setFileMode (fileMode); controlFileSet.setUserName ("root"); controlFileSet.setGroup ("root"); } public void execute () throws BuildException { try { if (_versionObj != null) _version = _versionObj.toString (); if (_maintainerObj != null) _maintainer = _maintainerObj.toString (); _tempFolder = createTempFolder(); processChangelogs (); scanData (); File debFile = new File (_toDir, _package + "_" + _version + "_" + _architecture + ".deb"); File dataFile = createDataFile (); File masterControlFile = createMasterControlFile (); log ("Writing deb file to: " + debFile.getAbsolutePath()); BuildDeb.buildDeb (debFile, masterControlFile, dataFile); if (_debFilenameProperty.length() > 0) getProject().setProperty(_debFilenameProperty, debFile.getAbsolutePath()); deleteFileCheck(masterControlFile); deleteFileCheck(dataFile); deleteFolderCheck(_tempFolder); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException (e); } } private File createDataFile () throws IOException { File dataFile = new File (_tempFolder, "data.tar.gz"); Tar dataTar = new Tar (); dataTar.setProject (getProject ()); dataTar.setTaskName (getTaskName ()); dataTar.setDestFile (dataFile); dataTar.setCompression (GZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD); dataTar.setLongfile(GNU_LONGFILE_MODE); if ( _data.size () > 0 ) { // add folders for (Iterator dataFoldersIter = _dataFolders.iterator (); dataFoldersIter.hasNext ();) { String targetFolder = (String) (); TarFileSet targetFolderSet = dataTar.createTarFileSet (); targetFolderSet.setFile (_tempFolder); targetFolderSet.setFullpath (targetFolder); targetFolderSet.setUserName ("root"); targetFolderSet.setGroup ("root"); } // add actual data for (int i = 0; i < _data.size (); i++) { TarFileSet data = (TarFileSet) _data.get (i); if (data.getUserName() == null || data.getUserName().trim().length() == 0) data.setUserName ("root"); if (data.getGroup() == null || data.getGroup().trim().length() == 0) data.setGroup ("root"); dataTar.add (data); } dataTar.execute (); } else { // create an empty data.tar.gz file which is still a valid tar TarOutputStream tarStream = new TarOutputStream( new GZipOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dataFile)), Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION ) ); tarStream.close(); } return dataFile; } private File createTempFolder() throws IOException { File tempFile = File.createTempFile ("deb", ".dir"); String tempFolderName = tempFile.getAbsolutePath (); deleteFileCheck(tempFile); tempFile = new File (tempFolderName, "removeme"); if (!tempFile.mkdirs ()) throw new IOException("Cannot create folder(s): " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); deleteFileCheck(tempFile); log ("Temp folder: " + tempFolderName, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); return new File (tempFolderName); } private void scanData() { try { Set existingDirs = new HashSet (); _installedSize = 0; PrintWriter md5sums = new UnixPrintWriter (new File (_tempFolder, "md5sums")); PrintWriter conffiles = new UnixPrintWriter (new File (_tempFolder, "conffiles")); _dataFolders = new TreeSet (); Iterator filesets = _data.iterator(); while (filesets.hasNext()) { TarFileSet fileset = (TarFileSet); normalizeTargetFolder(fileset); String fullPath = fileset.getFullpath (getProject ()); String prefix = fileset.getPrefix (getProject ()); String [] fileNames = getFileNames(fileset); for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) { String targetName; String fileName = fileNames[i]; File file = new File (fileset.getDir (getProject ()), fileName); if (fullPath.length () > 0) targetName = fullPath; else targetName = prefix + fileName; if (file.isDirectory ()) { log ("existing dir: " + targetName, Project.MSG_DEBUG); existingDirs.add (targetName); } else { // calculate installed size in bytes _installedSize += file.length (); // calculate and collect md5 sums md5sums.print (getFileMd5 (file)); md5sums.print (' '); md5sums.println (targetName.substring(2)); // get target folder names, and collect them (to be added to _data) File targetFile = new File(targetName); File parentFolder = targetFile.getParentFile (); while (parentFolder != null) { String parentFolderPath = parentFolder.getPath (); if (".".equals(parentFolderPath)) parentFolderPath = "./"; parentFolderPath = parentFolderPath.replace('\\', '/'); if (!existingDirs.contains (parentFolderPath) && !_dataFolders.contains (parentFolderPath)) { log ("adding dir: " + parentFolderPath + " for " + targetName, Project.MSG_DEBUG); _dataFolders.add (parentFolderPath); } parentFolder = parentFolder.getParentFile (); } // write conffiles if (_conffiles.contains (fileset)) { // NOTE: targetName is "./path/file" so substring(1) removes the leading '.' conffiles.println (targetName.substring(1)); } } } } for (Iterator iterator = existingDirs.iterator (); iterator.hasNext ();) { String existingDir = (String) (); if (_dataFolders.contains (existingDir)) { log ("removing existing dir " + existingDir, Project.MSG_DEBUG); _dataFolders.remove (existingDir); } } md5sums.close (); conffiles.close (); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuildException (e); } } private void normalizeTargetFolder(TarFileSet fileset) { String fullPath = fileset.getFullpath (getProject ()); String prefix = fileset.getPrefix (getProject ()); if (fullPath.length() > 0) { if (fullPath.startsWith("/")) fullPath = "." + fullPath; else if (!fullPath.startsWith("./")) fullPath = "./" + fullPath; fileset.setFullpath(fullPath.replace('\\', '/')); } if (prefix.length() > 0) { if (!prefix.endsWith ("/")) prefix += '/'; if (prefix.startsWith("/")) prefix = "." + prefix; else if (!prefix.startsWith("./")) prefix = "./" + prefix; fileset.setPrefix(prefix.replace('\\', '/')); } } private String[] getFileNames(FileSet fs) { DirectoryScanner ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(fs.getProject()); String[] directories = ds.getIncludedDirectories(); String[] filesPerSe = ds.getIncludedFiles(); String[] files = new String [directories.length + filesPerSe.length]; System.arraycopy(directories, 0, files, 0, directories.length); System.arraycopy(filesPerSe, 0, files, directories.length, filesPerSe.length); return files; } private String getFileMd5(File file) { try { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance ("MD5"); FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream (file); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (true) { int read = (buffer); if (read == -1) break; md5.update (buffer, 0, read); } inputStream.close(); byte[] md5Bytes = md5.digest (); StringBuffer md5Buffer = new StringBuffer (md5Bytes.length * 2); for (int i = 0; i < md5Bytes.length; i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString (md5Bytes[i] & 0x00ff); if (hex.length () == 1) md5Buffer.append ('0'); md5Buffer.append (hex); } return md5Buffer.toString (); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuildException(e); } } private void processChangelogs() throws IOException { for (Iterator iter = _changelogs.iterator (); iter.hasNext (); ) { processChangelog ((Deb.Changelog) ()); } } private void processChangelog (Deb.Changelog changelog) throws IOException { // Compress file File file = new File(changelog.getFile ()); File temp = File.createTempFile ("changelog", ".gz"); gzip(file, temp, Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, GZipOutputStream.FS_UNIX); // Determine path StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer ("usr/share/doc/"); path.append (_package).append ('/'); path.append (changelog.getTargetFilename ()); // Add file to data TarFileSet fileSet = new TarFileSet (); fileSet.setProject (getProject ()); fileSet.setFullpath (path.toString ()); fileSet.setFile (temp); fileSet.setFileMode ("0644"); _data.add (fileSet); } private static void gzip (File input, File output, int level, byte fileSystem) throws IOException { GZipOutputStream out = null; InputStream in = null; try { out = new GZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (output), level); out.setFileSystem (fileSystem); in = new FileInputStream(input); byte[] buffer = new byte[8 * 1024]; int len; while ((len = (buffer, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, len); } out.finish (); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close (); } if (out != null) { out.close (); } } } private boolean deleteFolder(File folder) { if (folder.isDirectory()) { File[] children = folder.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (!deleteFolder(children[i])) return false; } } return folder.delete(); } private void deleteFolderCheck(File folder) throws IOException { if (!deleteFolder(folder)) throw new IOException("Cannot delete file: " + folder.getAbsolutePath()); } private void deleteFileCheck(File file) throws IOException { if (!file.delete ()) throw new IOException("Cannot delete file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } private String sanitize(String value) { return sanitize(value, null); } private String sanitize(String value, String defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } value = value.trim(); return value.length() == 0 ? defaultValue : value; } }