/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014 Intel Corporation, Ericsson * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Intel Corporation - Initial API and implementation * Ruslan A. Scherbakov, Intel - Initial API and implementation * Alvaro Sanchez-Leon - Updated for TMF * Patrick Tasse - Refactoring * Marc-Andre Laperle - Add time zone preference *****************************************************************************/ package fr.inria.linuxtools.tmf.ui.widgets.timegraph.widgets; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseListener; import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseMoveListener; import org.eclipse.swt.events.PaintEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import fr.inria.linuxtools.tmf.core.signal.TmfSignalHandler; import fr.inria.linuxtools.tmf.core.signal.TmfSignalManager; import fr.inria.linuxtools.tmf.core.signal.TmfTimestampFormatUpdateSignal; import fr.inria.linuxtools.tmf.core.timestamp.TmfTimePreferences; import fr.inria.linuxtools.tmf.ui.widgets.timegraph.widgets.Utils.Resolution; import fr.inria.linuxtools.tmf.ui.widgets.timegraph.widgets.Utils.TimeFormat; import fr.inria.soctrace.lib.model.utils.TimestampFormat; import fr.inria.soctrace.lib.model.utils.ModelConstants.TimeUnit; /** * Implementation of the scale for the time graph view. * * This goes above the "gantt chart" area. * * @version 1.0 * @author Alvaro Sanchez-Leon * @author Patrick Tasse */ public class TimeGraphScale extends TimeGraphBaseControl implements MouseListener, MouseMoveListener { private static final long MICROSEC_IN_NS = 1000; private static final long MILLISEC_IN_NS = 1000000; private static final long SEC_IN_NS = 1000000000; private static final long MIN_IN_NS = 60 * SEC_IN_NS; private static final long HOUR_IN_NS = 60 * MIN_IN_NS; private static final long DAY_IN_NS = 24 * HOUR_IN_NS; private static final long MONTH_IN_NS = 31 * DAY_IN_NS; // upper limit private static final long YEAR_IN_NS = 366 * DAY_IN_NS; // upper limit private static final double LOG10_1 = Math.log10(1); private static final double LOG10_2 = Math.log10(2); private static final double LOG10_3 = Math.log10(3); private static final double LOG10_5 = Math.log10(5); private static final Calendar GREGORIAN_CALENDAR = Calendar.getInstance(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_NANOSEC = new TimeDrawNanosec(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_MICROSEC = new TimeDrawMicrosec(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_MILLISEC = new TimeDrawMillisec(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_SEC = new TimeDrawSec(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_NANOSEC = new TimeDrawAbsNanoSec(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_MICROSEC = new TimeDrawAbsMicroSec(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_MILLISEC = new TimeDrawAbsMillisec(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_SEC = new TimeDrawAbsSec(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_MIN = new TimeDrawAbsMin(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_HRS = new TimeDrawAbsHrs(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_DAY = new TimeDrawAbsDay(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_MONTH = new TimeDrawAbsMonth(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_ABS_YEAR = new TimeDrawAbsYear(); private static final TimeDraw TIMEDRAW_NUMBER = new TimeDrawNumber(); private static final int DRAG_EXTERNAL = -1; private static final int NO_BUTTON = 0; private static final int LEFT_BUTTON = 1; private ITimeDataProvider fTimeProvider; private int fDragState = NO_BUTTON; private int fDragX0 = 0; private int fDragX = 0; private long fTime0bak; private long fTime1bak; private boolean fIsInUpdate; private int fHeight; // @Framesoc private TimeUnit fTimeUnit = TimeUnit.UNKNOWN; private TimestampFormat fFormatter = new TimestampFormat(); /** * Standard constructor * * @param parent * The parent composite object * @param colors * The color scheme to use */ public TimeGraphScale(Composite parent, TimeGraphColorScheme colors) { super(parent, colors, SWT.NO_BACKGROUND | SWT.NO_FOCUS | SWT.DOUBLE_BUFFERED); TmfSignalManager.register(this); addMouseListener(this); addMouseMoveListener(this); TimeDraw.updateTimeZone(); } @Override public void dispose() { TmfSignalManager.deregister(this); super.dispose(); } /** * @Framesoc * @return the time unit */ public TimeUnit getTimeUnit() { return fTimeUnit; } /** * @Framesoc * @param timeUnit * the time unit to set */ public void setTimeUnit(TimeUnit timeUnit) { this.fTimeUnit = timeUnit; this.fFormatter.setTimeUnit(timeUnit); } /** * @Framesoc * @param gc * GC * @param time * timestamp * @param rect * rectangle */ public void drawTimestamp(GC gc, long time, Rectangle rect) { fFormatter.setContext(fTimeProvider.getTime0(), fTimeProvider.getTime1()); String stime = fFormatter.format(time); Utils.drawText(gc, stime, rect, true); } /** * Assign the time provider for this scale * * @param timeProvider * The provider to use */ public void setTimeProvider(ITimeDataProvider timeProvider) { fTimeProvider = timeProvider; } @Override public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) { return super.computeSize(wHint, fHeight, changed); } /** * Set the height of the scale * * @param height * The height to use */ public void setHeight(int height) { this.fHeight = height; } /** * Set the drag range to paint decorators * * @param begin * The begin x-coordinate * @param end * The end x-coordinate * @since 2.1 */ public void setDragRange(int begin, int end) { if (NO_BUTTON == fDragState || DRAG_EXTERNAL == fDragState) { fDragX0 = begin - fTimeProvider.getNameSpace(); fDragX = end - fTimeProvider.getNameSpace(); if (begin >= 0 || end >= 0) { fDragState = DRAG_EXTERNAL; } else { fDragState = NO_BUTTON; } } redraw(); } private long calcTimeDelta(int width, double pixelsPerNanoSec) { long timeDelta; double minDelta = (pixelsPerNanoSec == 0) ? YEAR_IN_NS : width / pixelsPerNanoSec; long unit = 1; if (fTimeProvider != null && fTimeProvider.getTimeFormat().equals(TimeFormat.CALENDAR)) { if (minDelta > 6 * MONTH_IN_NS) { unit = YEAR_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta > 3 * MONTH_IN_NS) { unit = 6 * MONTH_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta > 10 * DAY_IN_NS) { unit = MONTH_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta > 12 * HOUR_IN_NS) { unit = DAY_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta > 3 * HOUR_IN_NS) { unit = 6 * HOUR_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta > 30 * MIN_IN_NS) { unit = HOUR_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta > 10 * MIN_IN_NS) { unit = 15 * MIN_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta > 30 * SEC_IN_NS) { unit = MIN_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta > 20 * SEC_IN_NS) { unit = 30 * SEC_IN_NS; } else if (minDelta <= 1) { timeDelta = 1; return timeDelta; } } double log = Math.log10(minDelta / unit); long pow10 = (long) log; double remainder = log - pow10; if (remainder < LOG10_1) { timeDelta = (long) Math.pow(10, pow10) * unit; } else if (remainder < LOG10_2) { timeDelta = 2 * (long) Math.pow(10, pow10) * unit; } else if (remainder < LOG10_3 && unit >= HOUR_IN_NS && unit < YEAR_IN_NS) { timeDelta = 3 * (long) Math.pow(10, pow10) * unit; } else if (remainder < LOG10_5) { timeDelta = 5 * (long) Math.pow(10, pow10) * unit; } else { timeDelta = 10 * (long) Math.pow(10, pow10) * unit; } if (timeDelta <= 0) { timeDelta = 1; } return timeDelta; } TimeDraw getTimeDraw(long timeDelta) { TimeDraw timeDraw; if (fTimeProvider != null) { if (fTimeProvider.getTimeFormat() == TimeFormat.CALENDAR) { if (timeDelta >= YEAR_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_YEAR; } else if (timeDelta >= MONTH_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_MONTH; } else if (timeDelta >= DAY_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_DAY; } else if (timeDelta >= HOUR_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_HRS; } else if (timeDelta >= MIN_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_MIN; } else if (timeDelta >= SEC_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_SEC; } else if (timeDelta >= MILLISEC_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_MILLISEC; } else if (timeDelta >= MICROSEC_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_MICROSEC; } else { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_ABS_NANOSEC; } return timeDraw; } else if (fTimeProvider.getTimeFormat() == TimeFormat.NUMBER) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_NUMBER; return timeDraw; } } if (timeDelta >= SEC_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_SEC; } else if (timeDelta >= MILLISEC_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_MILLISEC; } else if (timeDelta >= MICROSEC_IN_NS) { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_MICROSEC; } else { timeDraw = TIMEDRAW_NANOSEC; } return timeDraw; } @Override void paint(Rectangle rect, PaintEvent e) { if (fIsInUpdate || null == fTimeProvider) { return; } GC gc = e.gc; gc.fillRectangle(rect); long time0 = fTimeProvider.getTime0(); long time1 = fTimeProvider.getTime1(); int leftSpace = fTimeProvider.getNameSpace(); int timeSpace = fTimeProvider.getTimeSpace(); gc.setBackground(getColorScheme().getColor(TimeGraphColorScheme.TOOL_BACKGROUND)); gc.setForeground(getColorScheme().getColor(TimeGraphColorScheme.TOOL_FOREGROUND)); Rectangle rect0 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); Utils.init(rect0, rect); // draw top left area rect0.width = leftSpace; rect0.x += 4; rect0.width -= 4; Rectangle absHeaderRect = new Rectangle(rect0.x, rect0.y, rect0.width, rect0.height); rect0.x -= 4; rect0.width += 4; // prepare and draw right rect of the timescale rect0.x += leftSpace; rect0.width = rect.width - leftSpace; // draw bottom border and erase all other area gc.drawLine(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 1, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + rect.height - 1); rect0.height--; gc.fillRectangle(rect0); if (time1 <= time0 || timeSpace < 2) { return; } int numDigits = calculateDigits(time0, time1); int labelWidth = gc.getCharWidth('0') * numDigits; double pixelsPerNanoSec = (timeSpace <= RIGHT_MARGIN) ? 0 : (double) (timeSpace - RIGHT_MARGIN) / (time1 - time0); long timeDelta = calcTimeDelta(labelWidth, pixelsPerNanoSec); TimeDraw timeDraw = getTimeDraw(timeDelta); // draw range decorators if (DRAG_EXTERNAL == fDragState) { int x1 = leftSpace + Math.min(fDragX0, fDragX); int x2 = leftSpace + Math.max(fDragX0, fDragX); drawRangeDecorators(rect0, gc, x1, x2); } else { int x1; int x2; long selectionBegin = fTimeProvider.getSelectionBegin(); long selectionEnd = fTimeProvider.getSelectionEnd(); x1 = leftSpace + (int) ((selectionBegin - time0) * pixelsPerNanoSec); x2 = leftSpace + (int) ((selectionEnd - time0) * pixelsPerNanoSec); drawRangeDecorators(rect0, gc, x1, x2); } if (rect0.isEmpty()) { return; } // draw time scale ticks rect0.y = rect.y; rect0.height = rect.height - 4; rect0.width = labelWidth; long time; if (fTimeProvider != null && fTimeProvider.getTimeFormat().equals(TimeFormat.CALENDAR)) { time = floorToCalendar(time0, timeDelta); } else { time = (time0 / timeDelta) * timeDelta; if (time != time0) { time += timeDelta; } } int y = rect0.y + rect0.height; if (fTimeProvider != null && fTimeProvider.getTimeFormat().equals(TimeFormat.CALENDAR)) { timeDraw.drawAbsHeader(gc, time, absHeaderRect); } while (true) { int x = rect.x + leftSpace + (int) (Math.floor((time - time0) * pixelsPerNanoSec)); if (x >= rect.x + leftSpace + rect.width - rect0.width) { break; } if (x >= rect.x + leftSpace) { gc.drawLine(x, y, x, y + 4); rect0.x = x; if (x + rect0.width <= rect.x + rect.width) { // @Framesoc drawTimestamp(gc, time, rect0); } } if (pixelsPerNanoSec == 0 || time > Long.MAX_VALUE - timeDelta || timeDelta == 0) { break; } if (fTimeProvider != null && fTimeProvider.getTimeFormat().equals(TimeFormat.CALENDAR)) { if (timeDelta >= YEAR_IN_NS) { long millis = time / MILLISEC_IN_NS; GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.setTime(new Date(millis)); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.add(Calendar.YEAR, (int) (timeDelta / YEAR_IN_NS)); millis = GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.getTimeInMillis(); time = millis * MILLISEC_IN_NS; } else if (timeDelta >= MONTH_IN_NS) { long millis = time / MILLISEC_IN_NS; GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.setTime(new Date(millis)); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.add(Calendar.MONTH, (int) (timeDelta / MONTH_IN_NS)); millis = GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.getTimeInMillis(); time = millis * MILLISEC_IN_NS; } else if (timeDelta >= DAY_IN_NS) { long millis = time / MILLISEC_IN_NS; GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.setTime(new Date(millis)); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, (int) (timeDelta / DAY_IN_NS)); millis = GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.getTimeInMillis(); time = millis * MILLISEC_IN_NS; } else { time += timeDelta; } } else { time += timeDelta; } } } private static void drawRangeDecorators(Rectangle rect, GC gc, int x1, int x2) { int y1 = rect.y + rect.height - 9; int y2 = rect.y + rect.height - 5; int ym = (y1 + y2) / 2; if (x1 >= rect.x) { // T1 gc.drawLine(x1 - 3, y1, x1 - 3, y2); gc.drawLine(x1 - 4, y1, x1 - 2, y1); gc.drawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2); } if (x2 >= rect.x && x2 - x1 > 3) { // T2 gc.drawLine(x2 - 2, y1, x2 - 2, y2); gc.drawLine(x2 - 3, y1, x2 - 1, y1); } if (x2 >= rect.x && x2 - x1 > 0) { gc.drawLine(x2 + 1, y1, x2 + 3, y1); gc.drawLine(x2 + 3, y1, x2 + 3, ym); gc.drawLine(x2 + 1, ym, x2 + 3, ym); gc.drawLine(x2 + 1, ym, x2 + 1, y2); gc.drawLine(x2 + 1, y2, x2 + 3, y2); } } private static long floorToCalendar(long time, long timeDelta) { long ret = time; if (timeDelta >= YEAR_IN_NS) { GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.setTime(new Date(ret / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int year = GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.get(Calendar.YEAR); int yearDelta = (int) (timeDelta / YEAR_IN_NS); year = (year / yearDelta) * yearDelta; GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0); // January 1st of year GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ret = GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.getTimeInMillis() * MILLISEC_IN_NS; } else if (timeDelta >= MONTH_IN_NS) { GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.setTime(new Date(ret / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int month = GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.get(Calendar.MONTH); int monthDelta = (int) (timeDelta / MONTH_IN_NS); month = (month / monthDelta) * monthDelta; GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.MONTH, month); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); // 1st of month GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ret = GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.getTimeInMillis() * MILLISEC_IN_NS; } else { long offset = GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.getTimeZone().getOffset(ret / MILLISEC_IN_NS) * MILLISEC_IN_NS; ret += offset; ret = (ret / timeDelta) * timeDelta; ret -= offset; } return ret; } private int calculateDigits(long time0, long time1) { int numDigits = 5; long timeRange = time1 - time0; if (fTimeProvider.getTimeFormat().equals(TimeFormat.CALENDAR)) { // Calculate the number of digits to represent the minutes provided // 11:222 // HH:mm:ss numDigits += 8; if (timeRange < 10000) { // HH:11:222:333:444__ numDigits += 10; } else if (timeRange < 10000000) { // HH:11:222:333__ numDigits += 6; } } else { long sec = time1 / SEC_IN_NS; numDigits = Long.toString(sec).length(); int thousandGroups = (numDigits - 1) / 3; numDigits += thousandGroups; numDigits += 12; // .000 000 000 } return numDigits; } @Override public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) { getParent().setFocus(); if (fDragState == NO_BUTTON && null != fTimeProvider) { int x = e.x - fTimeProvider.getNameSpace(); if (LEFT_BUTTON == e.button && x > 0) { setCapture(true); fDragState = LEFT_BUTTON; } if (x < 0) { x = 0; } else if (x > getSize().x - fTimeProvider.getNameSpace()) { x = getSize().x - fTimeProvider.getNameSpace(); } fDragX = x; fDragX0 = x; fTime0bak = fTimeProvider.getTime0(); fTime1bak = fTimeProvider.getTime1(); } } @Override public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) { if (e.button == LEFT_BUTTON && fDragState == LEFT_BUTTON) { setCapture(false); fDragState = NO_BUTTON; // Notify time provider to check the need for listener notification if (fDragX != fDragX0 && fTimeProvider.getTime0() != fTimeProvider.getTime1()) { fTimeProvider.setStartFinishTimeNotify(fTimeProvider.getTime0(), fTimeProvider.getTime1()); } } } @Override public void mouseMove(MouseEvent e) { if (fDragX0 < 0 || fDragState == NO_BUTTON || fTimeProvider == null) { return; } Point size = getSize(); int leftSpace = fTimeProvider.getNameSpace(); int x = e.x - leftSpace; if (LEFT_BUTTON == fDragState) { if (x > 0 && size.x > leftSpace && fDragX != x) { fDragX = x; if (fTimeProvider.getTime0() == fTimeProvider.getTime1()) { return; } long interval = (long) ((fTime1bak - fTime0bak) * ((double) fDragX0 / fDragX)); if (interval == Long.MAX_VALUE) { fTimeProvider.setStartFinishTime(fTime0bak, Long.MAX_VALUE); } else { long time1 = fTime0bak + (long) ((fTime1bak - fTime0bak) * ((double) fDragX0 / fDragX)); fTimeProvider.setStartFinishTime(fTime0bak, time1); } } } } @Override public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) { if (e.button == 1 && null != fTimeProvider && fTimeProvider.getTime0() != fTimeProvider.getTime1() && (e.stateMask & SWT.BUTTON_MASK) == 0) { fTimeProvider.resetStartFinishTime(); fTimeProvider.notifyStartFinishTime(); fTime0bak = fTimeProvider.getTime0(); fTime1bak = fTimeProvider.getTime1(); } } /** * Update the display to use the updated timestamp format * * @param signal * the incoming signal * @since 2.1 */ @TmfSignalHandler public void timestampFormatUpdated(TmfTimestampFormatUpdateSignal signal) { TimeDraw.updateTimeZone(); Utils.updateTimeZone(); redraw(); } } abstract class TimeDraw { protected static final long MICROSEC_IN_NS = 1000; protected static final long MILLISEC_IN_NS = 1000000; protected static final long MILLISEC_IN_US = 1000; protected static final long SEC_IN_NS = 1000000000; protected static final long SEC_IN_MS = 1000; private static final String S = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String S0 = "0"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String S00 = "00"; //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final long PAD_1000 = 1000; protected static final SimpleDateFormat SEC_FORMAT_HEADER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MMM dd"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat SEC_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat MIN_FORMAT_HEADER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MMM dd"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat MIN_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat HOURS_FORMAT_HEADER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat HOURS_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd HH:mm"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat DAY_FORMAT_HEADER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat DAY_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat MONTH_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MMM"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat YEAR_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final SimpleDateFormat formatArray[] = { SEC_FORMAT, SEC_FORMAT_HEADER, MIN_FORMAT, MIN_FORMAT_HEADER, HOURS_FORMAT, HOURS_FORMAT_HEADER, DAY_FORMAT, DAY_FORMAT_HEADER, MONTH_FORMAT, YEAR_FORMAT }; /** * Updates the timezone using the preferences. */ public static void updateTimeZone() { final TimeZone timeZone = TmfTimePreferences.getInstance().getTimeZone(); for (SimpleDateFormat sdf : formatArray) { sdf.setTimeZone(timeZone); } } static String sep(long n) { StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder(); String s = Long.toString(n); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { int pos = s.length() - i - 1; retVal.append(s.charAt(i)); if (pos % 3 == 0 && pos != 0) { retVal.append(' '); } } return retVal.toString(); } static String pad(long n) { String s; if (n < 10) { s = S00; } else if (n < 100) { s = S0; } else { s = S; } return s + n; } public abstract void draw(GC gc, long time, Rectangle rect); /** * Override to draw absolute time header. This is for the time information * not shown in the draw of each tick * * @param gc * Graphics context * @param nanosec * time in nanosec * @param absHeaderRect * Header rectangle */ public void drawAbsHeader(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle absHeaderRect) { } } class TimeDrawSec extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { long sec = nanosec / SEC_IN_NS; Utils.drawText(gc, sep(sec), rect, true); } } class TimeDrawMillisec extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { long millisec = nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS; long ms = millisec % PAD_1000; long sec = millisec / SEC_IN_MS; Utils.drawText(gc, sep(sec) + "." + pad(ms), rect, true); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } class TimeDrawMicrosec extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { long microsec = nanosec / MICROSEC_IN_NS; long us = microsec % PAD_1000; long millisec = microsec / MILLISEC_IN_US; long ms = millisec % PAD_1000; long sec = millisec / SEC_IN_MS; Utils.drawText(gc, sep(sec) + "." + pad(ms) + " " + pad(us), rect, true); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } class TimeDrawNanosec extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { long ns = nanosec % PAD_1000; long microsec = nanosec / MICROSEC_IN_NS; long us = microsec % PAD_1000; long millisec = microsec / MILLISEC_IN_US; long ms = millisec % PAD_1000; long sec = millisec / SEC_IN_MS; Utils.drawText(gc, sep(sec) + "." + pad(ms) + " " + pad(us) + " " + pad(ns), rect, true); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } } class TimeDrawAbsYear extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = YEAR_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); Utils.drawText(gc, stime, rect, true); } } class TimeDrawAbsMonth extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = MONTH_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); Utils.drawText(gc, stime, rect, true); } } class TimeDrawAbsDay extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = DAY_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); Utils.drawText(gc, stime, rect, true); } @Override public void drawAbsHeader(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String header = DAY_FORMAT_HEADER.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int headerwidth = gc.stringExtent(header).x + 4; if (headerwidth <= rect.width) { rect.x += (rect.width - headerwidth); Utils.drawText(gc, header, rect, true); } } } class TimeDrawAbsHrs extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = HOURS_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); Utils.drawText(gc, stime, rect, true); } @Override public void drawAbsHeader(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String header = HOURS_FORMAT_HEADER.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int headerwidth = gc.stringExtent(header).x + 4; if (headerwidth <= rect.width) { rect.x += (rect.width - headerwidth); Utils.drawText(gc, header, rect, true); } } } class TimeDrawAbsMin extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = MIN_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); Utils.drawText(gc, stime, rect, true); } @Override public void drawAbsHeader(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String header = MIN_FORMAT_HEADER.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int headerwidth = gc.stringExtent(header).x + 4; if (headerwidth <= rect.width) { rect.x += (rect.width - headerwidth); Utils.drawText(gc, header, rect, true); } } } class TimeDrawAbsSec extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = SEC_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); Utils.drawText(gc, stime, rect, true); } @Override public void drawAbsHeader(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String header = SEC_FORMAT_HEADER.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int headerwidth = gc.stringExtent(header).x + 4; if (headerwidth <= rect.width) { rect.x += (rect.width - headerwidth); Utils.drawText(gc, header, rect, true); } } } class TimeDrawAbsMillisec extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = SEC_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); String ns = Utils.formatNs(nanosec, Resolution.MILLISEC); Utils.drawText(gc, stime + "." + ns, rect, true); //$NON-NLS-1$ } @Override public void drawAbsHeader(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String header = SEC_FORMAT_HEADER.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int headerwidth = gc.stringExtent(header).x + 4; if (headerwidth <= rect.width) { rect.x += (rect.width - headerwidth); Utils.drawText(gc, header, rect, true); } } } class TimeDrawAbsMicroSec extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = SEC_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); String micr = Utils.formatNs(nanosec, Resolution.MICROSEC); Utils.drawText(gc, stime + "." + micr, rect, true); //$NON-NLS-1$ } @Override public void drawAbsHeader(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String header = SEC_FORMAT_HEADER.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int headerwidth = gc.stringExtent(header).x + 4; if (headerwidth <= rect.width) { rect.x += (rect.width - headerwidth); Utils.drawText(gc, header, rect, true); } } } class TimeDrawAbsNanoSec extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String stime = SEC_FORMAT.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); String ns = Utils.formatNs(nanosec, Resolution.NANOSEC); Utils.drawText(gc, stime + "." + ns, rect, true); //$NON-NLS-1$ } @Override public void drawAbsHeader(GC gc, long nanosec, Rectangle rect) { String header = SEC_FORMAT_HEADER.format(new Date(nanosec / MILLISEC_IN_NS)); int headerwidth = gc.stringExtent(header).x + 4; if (headerwidth <= rect.width) { rect.x += (rect.width - headerwidth); Utils.drawText(gc, header, rect, true); } } } class TimeDrawNumber extends TimeDraw { @Override public void draw(GC gc, long time, Rectangle rect) { String stime = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(time); Utils.drawText(gc, stime, rect, true); } }