/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2014 Ericsson * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which * accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Alexandre Montplaisir - Initial API ******************************************************************************/ package fr.inria.linuxtools.statesystem.core; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import fr.inria.linuxtools.statesystem.core.exceptions.AttributeNotFoundException; import fr.inria.linuxtools.statesystem.core.exceptions.StateSystemDisposedException; import fr.inria.linuxtools.statesystem.core.exceptions.StateValueTypeException; import fr.inria.linuxtools.statesystem.core.exceptions.TimeRangeException; import fr.inria.linuxtools.statesystem.core.interval.ITmfStateInterval; import fr.inria.linuxtools.statesystem.core.statevalue.ITmfStateValue; /** * This is the read-only interface to the generic state system. It contains all * the read-only quark-getting methods, as well as the history-querying ones. * * @author Alexandre Montplaisir * @since 3.0 */ public interface ITmfStateSystem { /** * Get the ID of this state system. * * @return The state system's ID */ String getSSID(); /** * Return the start time of this history. It usually matches the start time * of the original trace. * * @return The history's registered start time */ long getStartTime(); /** * Return the current end time of the history. * * @return The current end time of this state history */ long getCurrentEndTime(); /** * Check if the construction of this state system was cancelled or not. If * false is returned, it can mean that the building was finished * successfully, or that it is still ongoing. You can check independently * with {@link #waitUntilBuilt()} if it is finished or not. * * @return If the construction was cancelled or not. In true is returned, no * queries should be run afterwards. */ boolean isCancelled(); /** * While it's possible to query a state history that is being built, * sometimes we might want to wait until the construction is finished before * we start doing queries. * * This method blocks the calling thread until the history back-end is done * building. If it's already built (ie, opening a pre-existing file) this * should return immediately. * * You should always check with {@link #isCancelled()} if it is safe to * query this state system before doing queries. */ void waitUntilBuilt(); /** * Wait until the state system construction is finished. Similar to * {@link #waitUntilBuilt()}, but we also specify a timeout. If the timeout * elapses before the construction is finished, the method will return. * * The return value determines if the return was due to the construction * finishing (true), or the timeout elapsing (false). * * This can be useful, for example, for a component doing queries * periodically to the system while it is being built. * * @param timeout * Timeout value in milliseconds * @return True if the return was due to the construction finishing, false * if it was because the timeout elapsed. Same logic as * {@link java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch#await(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)} */ boolean waitUntilBuilt(long timeout); /** * Notify the state system that the trace is being closed, so it should * clean up, close its files, etc. */ void dispose(); /** * Return the current total amount of attributes in the system. This is also * equal to the quark that will be assigned to the next attribute that's * created. * * @return The current number of attributes in the system */ int getNbAttributes(); /** * @name Read-only quark-getting methods */ /** * Basic quark-retrieving method. Pass an attribute in parameter as an array * of strings, the matching quark will be returned. * * This version will NOT create any new attributes. If an invalid attribute * is requested, an exception will be thrown. * * @param attribute * Attribute given as its full path in the Attribute Tree * @return The quark of the requested attribute, if it existed. * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * This exception is thrown if the requested attribute simply * did not exist in the system. */ int getQuarkAbsolute(String... attribute) throws AttributeNotFoundException; /** * "Relative path" quark-getting method. Instead of specifying a full path, * if you know the path is relative to another attribute for which you * already have the quark, use this for better performance. * * This is useful for cases where a lot of modifications or queries will * originate from the same branch of the attribute tree : the common part of * the path won't have to be re-hashed for every access. * * This version will NOT create any new attributes. If an invalid attribute * is requested, an exception will be thrown. * * @param startingNodeQuark * The quark of the attribute from which 'subPath' originates. * @param subPath * "Rest" of the path to get to the final attribute * @return The matching quark, if it existed * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the quark is invalid */ int getQuarkRelative(int startingNodeQuark, String... subPath) throws AttributeNotFoundException; /** * Return the sub-attributes of the target attribute, as a List of quarks. * * @param quark * The attribute of which you want to sub-attributes. You can use * "-1" here to specify the root node. * @param recursive * True if you want all recursive sub-attributes, false if you * only want the first level. * @return A List of integers, matching the quarks of the sub-attributes. * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the quark was not existing or invalid. */ List<Integer> getSubAttributes(int quark, boolean recursive) throws AttributeNotFoundException; /** * Return the sub-attributes of the target attribute, as a List of quarks, * similarly to {@link #getSubAttributes(int, boolean)}, but with an added * regex pattern to filter on the return attributes. * * @param quark * The attribute of which you want to sub-attributes. You can use * "-1" here to specify the root node. * @param recursive * True if you want all recursive sub-attributes, false if you * only want the first level. Note that the returned value will * be flattened. * @param pattern * The regular expression to match the attribute base name. * @return A List of integers, matching the quarks of the sub-attributes * that match the regex. An empty list is returned if there is no * matching attribute. * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the 'quark' was not existing or invalid. */ List<Integer> getSubAttributes(int quark, boolean recursive, String pattern) throws AttributeNotFoundException; /** * Batch quark-retrieving method. This method allows you to specify a path * pattern which includes a wildcard "*" somewhere. It will check all the * existing attributes in the attribute tree and return those who match the * pattern. * * For example, passing ("Threads", "*", "Exec_mode") will return the list * of quarks for attributes "Threads/1000/Exec_mode", * "Threads/1500/Exec_mode", and so on, depending on what exists at this * time in the attribute tree. * * If no wildcard is specified, the behavior is the same as * getQuarkAbsolute() (except it will return a List with one entry). This * method will never create new attributes. * * Only one wildcard "*" is supported at this time. * * @param pattern * The array of strings representing the pattern to look for. It * should ideally contain one entry that is only a "*". * @return A List of attribute quarks, representing attributes that matched * the pattern. If no attribute matched, the list will be empty (but * not null). */ List<Integer> getQuarks(String... pattern); /** * Return the name assigned to this quark. This returns only the "basename", * not the complete path to this attribute. * * @param attributeQuark * The quark for which we want the name * @return The name of the quark */ String getAttributeName(int attributeQuark); /** * This returns the slash-separated path of an attribute by providing its * quark * * @param attributeQuark * The quark of the attribute we want * @return One single string separated with '/', like a filesystem path */ String getFullAttributePath(int attributeQuark); /** * Returns the parent quark of the attribute. * * @param attributeQuark * The quark of the attribute * @return Quark of the parent attribute or <code>-1</code> if root quark or * no parent. */ int getParentAttributeQuark(int attributeQuark); /** * @name Query methods */ /** * Returns the current state value we have (in the Transient State) for the * given attribute. * * This is useful even for a StateHistorySystem, as we are guaranteed it * will only do a memory access and not go look on disk (and we don't even * have to provide a timestamp!) * * @param attributeQuark * For which attribute we want the current state * @return The State value that's "current" for this attribute * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the requested attribute is invalid */ ITmfStateValue queryOngoingState(int attributeQuark) throws AttributeNotFoundException; /** * Get the start time of the current ongoing state, for the specified * attribute. * * @param attribute * Quark of the attribute * @return The current start time of the ongoing state * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the attribute is invalid */ long getOngoingStartTime(int attribute) throws AttributeNotFoundException; /** * Load the complete state information at time 't' into the returned List. * You can then get the intervals for single attributes by using * List.get(n), where 'n' is the quark of the attribute. * * On average if you need around 10 or more queries for the same timestamps, * use this method. If you need less than 10 (for example, running many * queries for the same attributes but at different timestamps), you might * be better using the querySingleState() methods instead. * * @param t * We will recreate the state information to what it was at time * t. * @return The List of intervals, where the offset = the quark * @throws TimeRangeException * If the 't' parameter is outside of the range of the state * history. * @throws StateSystemDisposedException * If the query is sent after the state system has been disposed */ List<ITmfStateInterval> queryFullState(long t) throws StateSystemDisposedException; /** * Singular query method. This one does not update the whole stateInfo * vector, like queryFullState() does. It only searches for one specific * entry in the state history. * * It should be used when you only want very few entries, instead of the * whole state (or many entries, but all at different timestamps). If you do * request many entries all at the same time, you should use the * conventional queryFullState() + List.get() method. * * @param t * The timestamp at which we want the state * @param attributeQuark * Which attribute we want to get the state of * @return The StateInterval representing the state * @throws TimeRangeException * If 't' is invalid * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the requested quark does not exist in the model * @throws StateSystemDisposedException * If the query is sent after the state system has been disposed */ ITmfStateInterval querySingleState(long t, int attributeQuark) throws AttributeNotFoundException, StateSystemDisposedException; /** * Convenience method to query attribute stacks (created with * pushAttribute()/popAttribute()). This will return the interval that is * currently at the top of the stack, or 'null' if that stack is currently * empty. It works similarly to querySingleState(). * * To retrieve the other values in a stack, you can query the sub-attributes * manually. * * @param t * The timestamp of the query * @param stackAttributeQuark * The top-level stack-attribute (that was the target of * pushAttribute() at creation time) * @return The interval that was at the top of the stack, or 'null' if the * stack was empty. * @throws StateValueTypeException * If the target attribute is not a valid stack attribute (if it * has a string value for example) * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the attribute was simply not found * @throws TimeRangeException * If the given timestamp is invalid * @throws StateSystemDisposedException * If the query is sent after the state system has been disposed */ ITmfStateInterval querySingleStackTop(long t, int stackAttributeQuark) throws AttributeNotFoundException, StateSystemDisposedException; /** * Return a list of state intervals, containing the "history" of a given * attribute between timestamps t1 and t2. The list will be ordered by * ascending time. * * Note that contrary to queryFullState(), the returned list here is in the * "direction" of time (and not in the direction of attributes, as is the * case with queryFullState()). * * @param attributeQuark * Which attribute this query is interested in * @param t1 * Start time of the range query * @param t2 * Target end time of the query. If t2 is greater than the end of * the trace, we will return what we have up to the end of the * history. * @return The List of state intervals that happened between t1 and t2 * @throws TimeRangeException * If t1 is invalid, or if t2 <= t1 * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the requested quark does not exist in the model. * @throws StateSystemDisposedException * If the query is sent after the state system has been disposed */ List<ITmfStateInterval> queryHistoryRange(int attributeQuark, long t1, long t2) throws AttributeNotFoundException, StateSystemDisposedException; /** * Return the state history of a given attribute, but with at most one * update per "resolution". This can be useful for populating views (where * it's useless to have more than one query per pixel, for example). A * progress monitor can be used to cancel the query before completion. * * @param attributeQuark * Which attribute this query is interested in * @param t1 * Start time of the range query * @param t2 * Target end time of the query. If t2 is greater than the end of * the trace, we will return what we have up to the end of the * history. * @param resolution * The "step" of this query * @param monitor * A progress monitor. If the monitor is canceled during a query, * we will return what has been found up to that point. You can * use "null" if you do not want to use one. * @return The List of states that happened between t1 and t2 * @throws TimeRangeException * If t1 is invalid, if t2 <= t1, or if the resolution isn't * greater than zero. * @throws AttributeNotFoundException * If the attribute doesn't exist * @throws StateSystemDisposedException * If the query is sent after the state system has been disposed */ List<ITmfStateInterval> queryHistoryRange(int attributeQuark, long t1, long t2, long resolution, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws AttributeNotFoundException, StateSystemDisposedException; }