package org.flowerplatform.editor.remote; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.flowerplatform.communication.command.DisplaySimpleMessageClientCommand; import org.flowerplatform.communication.service.ServiceInvocationContext; import org.flowerplatform.communication.stateful_service.RemoteInvocation; import org.flowerplatform.editor.EditorPlugin; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class EditorOperationsService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EditorOperationsService.class); /** * An <em>external editableResourcePath</em> is either a <em>canonical editableResourcePath</em or a <em>friendly editableResourcePath</em>. * It's format is <b>editor_name :/ openable_resource # fragment </b> * <p> * A <b>friendly editableResourcePath</b> is human readable while a <b>canonical editableResourcePath</b> is the internal representation * of the Project Explorer Path Fragments. * * @see EditorStatefulService#getCanonicalEditableResourcePath() * @see EditorStatefulService#getFriendlierEditableResourcePath() * @see #navigateFriendlyEditableResourcePathList() * * @author Sorin * @author Cristi * @flowerModelElementId _TeUxAEhHEeKn-dlTSOkszw */ @RemoteInvocation public List<String> getFriendlyEditableResourcePathList(List<String> canonicalEditableResourcePathList) { List<String> friendlyEditableResourcePathList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String canonicalEditableResourcePath : canonicalEditableResourcePathList) { DecodedLink decodedLink = new DecodedLink(canonicalEditableResourcePath); EditorStatefulService editorStatefulService = null; if (decodedLink.editorName != null) { editorStatefulService = EditorPlugin.getInstance().getEditorStatefulServiceByEditorName(decodedLink.editorName); } if (editorStatefulService == null) { logger.error("Could not obtain EditorStatefulService with editorName = " + decodedLink.editorName); continue; } friendlyEditableResourcePathList.add(editorStatefulService.getFriendlyEditableResourcePath(canonicalEditableResourcePath)); } return friendlyEditableResourcePathList; } /** * Called from client side with openResources and selectResourceAtIndex parameters to open editors for the user. * If problems happen (like incorrect format of the paths) then a message is presented for each path with the source of error. * <p> * This tries to speak the language of EditorStatefulService by transforming from friendly to canonical editableResourcePath. * * @see EditorStatefulService#getCanonicalEditableResourcePath(String) * * @param openResources comma separated friendly editableResourcePaths * @param selectResourceAtIndex optional, which resource's editor to reveal at the end. * * @return <code>true</code> if the resource was opened successfully, <code>false</code> otherwise * * @author Sorin * @author Mariana * @author Cristi * * @flowerModelElementId _TeVYEkhHEeKn-dlTSOkszw */ @RemoteInvocation public boolean navigateFriendlyEditableResourcePathList(ServiceInvocationContext context, String openResources, int selectResourceAtIndex) { List<String> friendlyEditableResourcePathList = parseFriendlyEditableResourcePathList(openResources); // It keeps computed info about the "friendly editableResourcePath" to be selected (if found and if demanded by selectResourceAtIndex method parameter). boolean selectedResourceAtIndexIsValid = false; String selectedCanonicalOpenableResourcePath = null; EditorStatefulService selectedEditorStatefulService = null; StringBuffer validationProblems = new StringBuffer(); for (String friendlyEditableResourcePath : friendlyEditableResourcePathList) { try { // Run navigation logic independent one another path DecodedLink decodedLink = new DecodedLink(friendlyEditableResourcePath); // String editorName = URLGenerateNavigateUtilities.getEditorNameFromExternalEditableResourcePath(friendlyEditableResourcePath); if (decodedLink.editorName == null) { // the link doesn't contain the editor name; so we try to find the default // editor, based on its extension String contentType = EditorPlugin.getInstance().getContentTypeFromFileName(decodedLink.resourcePath); ContentTypeDescriptor descriptor = EditorPlugin.getInstance().getContentTypeDescriptorsMap().get(contentType); if (descriptor == null) { validationProblems.append("Could not determine content type for path '" + friendlyEditableResourcePath + "' .").append("\n"); continue; } else { if (!descriptor.getCompatibleEditors().isEmpty()) { decodedLink.editorName = descriptor.getCompatibleEditors().get(0); } } } EditorStatefulService editorStatefulService = EditorPlugin.getInstance().getEditorStatefulServiceByEditorName(decodedLink.editorName); if (editorStatefulService == null) { // Validation validationProblems.append("Could not find editor '" + decodedLink.editorName + "' for path '" + friendlyEditableResourcePath + "' .").append("\n"); continue; } // Determine the canonical editableResourcePath to speak the language of EditorStatefulService. String canonicalEditableResourcePath = editorStatefulService.getCanonicalEditableResourcePath(friendlyEditableResourcePath, context.getCommunicationChannel(), validationProblems); if (canonicalEditableResourcePath == null) { continue; } EditableResource editableResource = editorStatefulService.subscribeClientForcefully(context.getCommunicationChannel(), getResourcePath(decodedLink.resourcePath), true); if (editableResource == null) { // Validation validationProblems.append("Could not find '" + decodedLink.resourcePath + "' . Either it doesn't exist, or it failed during load.").append("\n"); continue; } if (friendlyEditableResourcePathList.indexOf(friendlyEditableResourcePath) == selectResourceAtIndex) { // Caches info about the friendly editableResourcePath that must be revealed in an editor. selectedResourceAtIndexIsValid = true; selectedCanonicalOpenableResourcePath = decodedLink.resourcePath; selectedEditorStatefulService = editorStatefulService; } if (decodedLink.fragment != null) // No need to navigate if there is no fragment. editorStatefulService.navigateToFragment(context.getCommunicationChannel(), decodedLink.resourcePath, decodedLink.fragment); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Error happened while performing logic to navigate path : " + friendlyEditableResourcePath, t); validationProblems.append("Internal error happened while trying to navigate to path '" + friendlyEditableResourcePath + "'.").append("\n"); } } if (selectedResourceAtIndexIsValid) // Makes sense to select tab only when multiple paths are opened and the selected path is valid. selectedEditorStatefulService.revealEditor(context.getCommunicationChannel(), selectedCanonicalOpenableResourcePath); if (logger.isTraceEnabled() && selectResourceAtIndex >= 0 && !selectedResourceAtIndexIsValid) logger.trace("Could not reveal the " + selectResourceAtIndex + "-th resource because it could not be opened from openResources = " + openResources); if (validationProblems.toString().length() != 0) { // Show to user the collected problems with a single popup message. context.getCommunicationChannel().appendOrSendCommand( new DisplaySimpleMessageClientCommand("Warning", "There were some problems while opening resources!", validationProblems.toString(), DisplaySimpleMessageClientCommand.ICON_WARNING)); return false; } return true; } /** * @flowerModelElementId _TeV_I0hHEeKn-dlTSOkszw */ protected List<String> parseFriendlyEditableResourcePathList(String openResources) { openResources = openResources.replace("\r\n", ",").replace("\n", ",").replace("\r", ",").trim(); // make it easier to process when it is multiline List<String> friendlyEditableResourcePathList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String openResourceItem : openResources.split(",")) { openResourceItem = openResourceItem.trim(); // make it easier to process if (openResourceItem.length() > 0) friendlyEditableResourcePathList.add(openResourceItem); } return friendlyEditableResourcePathList; } protected String getResourcePath(String path) { return EditorPlugin.getInstance().getFriendlyNameDecoded(path); } /** * @author Cristi */ private static class DecodedLink { public String editorName; public String resourcePath; public String fragment; public DecodedLink(String externalEditableResourcePath) { // e.g. editor:/path/to/url#fragment // editor and fragment are optional final String regex = "(?:(.*?):/)?([^#]*)(?:#(.+))?"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(externalEditableResourcePath); if (!matcher.find()) { // this shouldn't happen, as the expression matches any string } editorName = getNullIfStringEmpty(; resourcePath = getNullIfStringEmpty(; fragment = getNullIfStringEmpty(; } private String getNullIfStringEmpty(String s) { if (s != null && s.trim().length() == 0) { return null; } else { return s; } } } }