/** * Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ package net.floodlightcontroller.util; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightContext; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.openflow.protocol.OFEchoRequest; import org.openflow.protocol.OFHello; import org.openflow.protocol.OFMessage; import org.openflow.protocol.OFType; import org.openflow.protocol.factory.BasicFactory; import org.openflow.protocol.factory.OFMessageFactory; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.EnumSet; public class OFMessageDamperTest { OFMessageFactory factory; OFMessageDamper damper; FloodlightContext cntx; OFMessageDamperMockSwitch sw1; OFMessageDamperMockSwitch sw2; OFEchoRequest echoRequst1; OFEchoRequest echoRequst1Clone; OFEchoRequest echoRequst2; OFHello hello1; OFHello hello2; @Before public void setUp() throws IOException { factory = new BasicFactory(); cntx = new FloodlightContext(); sw1 = new OFMessageDamperMockSwitch(); sw2 = new OFMessageDamperMockSwitch(); echoRequst1 = (OFEchoRequest)factory.getMessage(OFType.ECHO_REQUEST); echoRequst1.setPayload(new byte[] { 1 }); echoRequst1Clone = (OFEchoRequest) factory.getMessage(OFType.ECHO_REQUEST); echoRequst1Clone.setPayload(new byte[] { 1 }); echoRequst2 = (OFEchoRequest)factory.getMessage(OFType.ECHO_REQUEST); echoRequst2.setPayload(new byte[] { 2 }); hello1 = (OFHello)factory.getMessage(OFType.HELLO); hello1.setXid(1); hello2 = (OFHello)factory.getMessage(OFType.HELLO); hello2.setXid(2); } protected void doWrite(boolean expectWrite, OFMessageDamperMockSwitch sw, OFMessage msg, FloodlightContext cntx) throws IOException { boolean result; sw.reset(); result = damper.write(sw, msg, cntx); if (expectWrite) { assertEquals(true, result); sw.assertMessageWasWritten(msg, cntx); } else { assertEquals(false, result); sw.assertNoMessageWritten(); } } @Test public void testOneMessageType() throws IOException, InterruptedException { int timeout = 50; int sleepTime = 60; damper = new OFMessageDamper(100, EnumSet.of(OFType.ECHO_REQUEST), timeout); // echo requests should be dampened doWrite(true, sw1, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, echoRequst1Clone, cntx); doWrite(true, sw1, echoRequst2, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, echoRequst2, cntx); // we don't dampen hellos. All should succeed doWrite(true, sw1, hello1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw1, hello1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw1, hello1, cntx); // echo request should also be dampened on sw2 doWrite(true, sw2, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(false, sw2, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw2, echoRequst2, cntx); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); doWrite(true, sw1, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw2, echoRequst1, cntx); } @Test public void testTwoMessageTypes() throws IOException, InterruptedException { int timeout = 50; int sleepTime = 60; damper = new OFMessageDamper(100, EnumSet.of(OFType.ECHO_REQUEST, OFType.HELLO), timeout); // echo requests should be dampened doWrite(true, sw1, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, echoRequst1Clone, cntx); doWrite(true, sw1, echoRequst2, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, echoRequst2, cntx); // hello should be dampened as well doWrite(true, sw1, hello1, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, hello1, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, hello1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw1, hello2, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, hello2, cntx); doWrite(false, sw1, hello2, cntx); // echo request should also be dampened on sw2 doWrite(true, sw2, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(false, sw2, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw2, echoRequst2, cntx); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); doWrite(true, sw1, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw2, echoRequst1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw1, hello1, cntx); doWrite(true, sw1, hello2, cntx); } }