/** * Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ package net.floodlightcontroller.perfmon; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.annotate.JsonSerialize; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFMessageListener; @JsonSerialize(using=CumulativeTimeBucketJSONSerializer.class) public class CumulativeTimeBucket { private long startTime_ns; // First pkt time-stamp in this bucket private Map<Integer, OneComponentTime> compStats; private long totalPktCnt; private long totalProcTimeNs; // total processing time for one pkt in private long sumSquaredProcTimeNs2; private long maxTotalProcTimeNs; private long minTotalProcTimeNs; private long avgTotalProcTimeNs; private long sigmaTotalProcTimeNs; // std. deviation public long getStartTimeNs() { return startTime_ns; } public long getTotalPktCnt() { return totalPktCnt; } public long getAverageProcTimeNs() { return avgTotalProcTimeNs; } public long getMinTotalProcTimeNs() { return minTotalProcTimeNs; } public long getMaxTotalProcTimeNs() { return maxTotalProcTimeNs; } public long getTotalSigmaProcTimeNs() { return sigmaTotalProcTimeNs; } public int getNumComps() { return compStats.values().size(); } public Collection<OneComponentTime> getModules() { return compStats.values(); } public CumulativeTimeBucket(List<IOFMessageListener> listeners) { compStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, OneComponentTime>(listeners.size()); for (IOFMessageListener l : listeners) { OneComponentTime oct = new OneComponentTime(l); compStats.put(oct.hashCode(), oct); } startTime_ns = System.nanoTime(); } private void updateSquaredProcessingTime(long curTimeNs) { sumSquaredProcTimeNs2 += (Math.pow(curTimeNs, 2)); } /** * Resets all counters and counters for each component time */ public void reset() { startTime_ns = System.nanoTime(); totalPktCnt = 0; totalProcTimeNs = 0; avgTotalProcTimeNs = 0; sumSquaredProcTimeNs2 = 0; maxTotalProcTimeNs = Long.MIN_VALUE; minTotalProcTimeNs = Long.MAX_VALUE; sigmaTotalProcTimeNs = 0; for (OneComponentTime oct : compStats.values()) { oct.resetAllCounters(); } } private void computeSigma() { // Computes std. deviation from the sum of count numbers and from // the sum of the squares of count numbers double temp = totalProcTimeNs; temp = Math.pow(temp, 2) / totalPktCnt; temp = (sumSquaredProcTimeNs2 - temp) / totalPktCnt; sigmaTotalProcTimeNs = (long) Math.sqrt(temp); } public void computeAverages() { // Must be called last to, needs latest info computeSigma(); for (OneComponentTime oct : compStats.values()) { oct.computeSigma(); } } public void updatePerPacketCounters(long procTimeNs) { totalPktCnt++; totalProcTimeNs += procTimeNs; avgTotalProcTimeNs = totalProcTimeNs / totalPktCnt; updateSquaredProcessingTime(procTimeNs); if (procTimeNs > maxTotalProcTimeNs) { maxTotalProcTimeNs = procTimeNs; } if (procTimeNs < minTotalProcTimeNs) { minTotalProcTimeNs = procTimeNs; } } public void updateOneComponent(IOFMessageListener l, long procTimeNs) { compStats.get(l.hashCode()).updatePerPacketCounters(procTimeNs); } }