/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2016 Flamingo Kirill Grouchnikov. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of Flamingo Kirill Grouchnikov nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.ui.ribbon; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.LayoutManager; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.awt.event.ComponentListener; import java.awt.event.ContainerAdapter; import java.awt.event.ContainerEvent; import java.awt.event.ContainerListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.awt.geom.Arc2D; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.Popup; import javax.swing.PopupFactory; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource; import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI; import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.CommandButtonDisplayState; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.CommandToggleButtonGroup; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.JCommandButton; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.JCommandButton.CommandButtonKind; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.JScrollablePanel; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.RichTooltip; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.popup.JPopupPanel; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.popup.PopupPanelManager; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.popup.PopupPanelManager.PopupEvent; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.ribbon.AbstractRibbonBand; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.ribbon.JRibbon; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.ribbon.JRibbonFrame; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.ribbon.RibbonContextualTaskGroup; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.ribbon.RibbonTask; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.ribbon.resize.RibbonBandResizePolicy; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.ribbon.resize.RibbonBandResizeSequencingPolicy; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.ui.common.BasicCommandButtonUI; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.ui.ribbon.appmenu.JRibbonApplicationMenuButton; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.utils.FlamingoUtilities; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.utils.KeyTipManager; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.utils.RenderingUtils; /** * Basic UI for ribbon {@link JRibbon}. * * @author Kirill Grouchnikov */ public class BasicRibbonUI extends RibbonUI { /** * Client property marking the ribbon component to indicate whether the task * bar and contextual task group headers should be shown on the title pane * of the window. This is only relevant for the {@link JRibbonFrame}. */ public static final String IS_USING_TITLE_PANE = "ribbon.internal.isUsingTitlePane"; private static final String JUST_MINIMIZED = "ribbon.internal.justMinimized"; /** * The associated ribbon. */ protected JRibbon ribbon; /** * Mouse wheel listener to switch between ribbon tasks. */ // protected MouseWheelListener mouseWheelListener; /** * Taskbar panel. */ protected JPanel taskBarPanel; protected JScrollablePanel<BandHostPanel> bandScrollablePanel; protected JScrollablePanel<TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel> taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel; protected JRibbonApplicationMenuButton applicationMenuButton; protected JCommandButton helpButton; /** * Map of toggle buttons of all tasks. */ protected Map<RibbonTask, JRibbonTaskToggleButton> taskToggleButtons; /** * Button group for task toggle buttons. */ protected CommandToggleButtonGroup taskToggleButtonGroup; /** * Change listener. */ protected ChangeListener ribbonChangeListener; /** * Property change listener. */ protected PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener; protected ContainerListener ribbonContainerListener; protected ComponentListener ribbonComponentListener; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#createUI(javax.swing.JComponent) */ public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) { return new BasicRibbonUI(); } /** * Creates a new basic ribbon UI delegate. */ public BasicRibbonUI() { this.taskToggleButtons = new HashMap<RibbonTask, JRibbonTaskToggleButton>(); this.taskToggleButtonGroup = new CommandToggleButtonGroup(); this.taskToggleButtonGroup.setAllowsClearingSelection(false); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#installUI(javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public void installUI(JComponent c) { this.ribbon = (JRibbon) c; installDefaults(); installComponents(); installListeners(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) { uninstallListeners(); uninstallComponents(); uninstallDefaults(); this.ribbon = null; } /** * Installs listeners on the associated ribbon. */ protected void installListeners() { // this.mouseWheelListener = new MouseWheelListener() { // public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { // handleMouseWheelEvent(e); // } // }; // this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.getView().addMouseWheelListener( // this.mouseWheelListener); // this.ribbonChangeListener = new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { syncRibbonState(); } }; this.ribbon.addChangeListener(this.ribbonChangeListener); this.propertyChangeListener = (PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { if ("selectedTask".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { RibbonTask old = (RibbonTask) evt.getOldValue(); final RibbonTask curr = (RibbonTask) evt.getNewValue(); if ((old != null) && (taskToggleButtons.get(old) != null)) { taskToggleButtons.get(old).getActionModel().setSelected(false); } if ((curr != null) && (taskToggleButtons.get(curr) != null)) { taskToggleButtons.get(curr).getActionModel().setSelected(true); } if (isShowingScrollsForTaskToggleButtons() && (curr != null)) { // scroll selected task as necessary so that it's // visible JRibbonTaskToggleButton toggleButton = taskToggleButtons.get(curr); if (toggleButton != null) { scrollAndRevealTaskToggleButton(toggleButton); } } // Special case for showing key tips of ribbon tasks. // When a ribbon task is selected with a key tip, its // showing and layout is deferred as a separate Runnable // on EDT. When the key chain for that task is created, // the command buttons are not at their final size yet // and no key tips are shown. // Here we schedule yet another Runnable // to recompute all keytips if the // originator is a task toggle button. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { KeyTipManager ktm = KeyTipManager.defaultManager(); if (ktm.isShowingKeyTips()) { KeyTipManager.KeyTipChain chain = ktm.getCurrentlyShownKeyTipChain(); if (chain.chainParentComponent == taskToggleButtons.get(curr)) { ktm.refreshCurrentChain(); } } }); } if ("applicationMenuRichTooltip".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { syncApplicationMenuTips(); } if ("applicationMenuKeyTip".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { syncApplicationMenuTips(); } if ("applicationMenu".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { ribbon.revalidate(); ribbon.doLayout(); ribbon.repaint(); Window windowAncestor = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(ribbon); if (windowAncestor instanceof JRibbonFrame) { FlamingoUtilities.updateRibbonFrameIconImages((JRibbonFrame) windowAncestor); } } if ("minimized".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().hidePopups(null); ribbon.revalidate(); ribbon.doLayout(); ribbon.repaint(); } }; this.ribbon.addPropertyChangeListener(this.propertyChangeListener); this.ribbonContainerListener = new ContainerAdapter() { @Override public void componentAdded(ContainerEvent e) { if (isUsingTitlePane()) return; Component added = e.getComponent(); if (added != applicationMenuButton) { ribbon.setComponentZOrder(applicationMenuButton, ribbon.getComponentCount() - 1); } } }; this.ribbon.addContainerListener(this.ribbonContainerListener); this.ribbonComponentListener = new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { KeyTipManager.defaultManager().hideAllKeyTips(); } }; this.ribbon.addComponentListener(this.ribbonComponentListener); } /** * Uninstalls listeners from the associated ribbon. */ protected void uninstallListeners() { // this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.getView() // .removeMouseWheelListener(this.mouseWheelListener); // this.mouseWheelListener = null; // this.ribbon.removeChangeListener(this.ribbonChangeListener); this.ribbonChangeListener = null; this.ribbon.removePropertyChangeListener(this.propertyChangeListener); this.propertyChangeListener = null; this.ribbon.removeContainerListener(this.ribbonContainerListener); this.ribbonContainerListener = null; this.ribbon.removeComponentListener(this.ribbonComponentListener); this.ribbonComponentListener = null; } /** * Installs defaults on the associated ribbon. */ protected void installDefaults() { Border b = this.ribbon.getBorder(); if (b == null || b instanceof UIResource) { Border toSet = UIManager.getBorder("Ribbon.border"); if (toSet == null) toSet = new BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource(1, 2, 1, 2); this.ribbon.setBorder(toSet); } } /** * Uninstalls defaults from the associated ribbon. */ protected void uninstallDefaults() { } /** * Installs subcomponents on the associated ribbon. */ protected void installComponents() { // taskbar panel this.taskBarPanel = new TaskbarPanel(); this.taskBarPanel.setName("JRibbon Task Bar"); this.taskBarPanel.setLayout(createTaskbarLayoutManager()); this.ribbon.add(this.taskBarPanel); // band scrollable panel BandHostPanel bandHostPanel = createBandHostPanel(); bandHostPanel.setLayout(createBandHostPanelLayoutManager()); this.bandScrollablePanel = new JScrollablePanel<BandHostPanel>(bandHostPanel, JScrollablePanel.ScrollType.HORIZONTALLY); this.bandScrollablePanel.setScrollOnRollover(false); this.ribbon.add(this.bandScrollablePanel); // task toggle buttons scrollable panel TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel taskToggleButtonsHostPanel = createTaskToggleButtonsHostPanel(); taskToggleButtonsHostPanel.setLayout(createTaskToggleButtonsHostPanelLayoutManager()); this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel = new JScrollablePanel<TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel>( taskToggleButtonsHostPanel, JScrollablePanel.ScrollType.HORIZONTALLY); this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.setScrollOnRollover(false); this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { // need to repaint the entire ribbon since scrolling // the task toggle buttons affects the contour outline // of the ribbon ribbon.repaint(); } }); this.ribbon.add(this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel); this.ribbon.setLayout(createLayoutManager()); this.syncRibbonState(); this.applicationMenuButton = new JRibbonApplicationMenuButton(this.ribbon); this.syncApplicationMenuTips(); this.ribbon.add(applicationMenuButton); Window windowAncestor = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this.ribbon); if (windowAncestor instanceof JRibbonFrame) { FlamingoUtilities.updateRibbonFrameIconImages((JRibbonFrame) windowAncestor); } } protected LayoutManager createTaskToggleButtonsHostPanelLayoutManager() { return new TaskToggleButtonsHostPanelLayout(); } protected TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel createTaskToggleButtonsHostPanel() { return new TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel(); } protected BandHostPanel createBandHostPanel() { return new BandHostPanel(); } protected LayoutManager createBandHostPanelLayoutManager() { return new BandHostPanelLayout(); } /** * Uninstalls subcomponents from the associated ribbon. */ protected void uninstallComponents() { this.taskBarPanel.removeAll(); this.taskBarPanel.setLayout(null); this.ribbon.remove(this.taskBarPanel); BandHostPanel bandHostPanel = this.bandScrollablePanel.getView(); bandHostPanel.removeAll(); bandHostPanel.setLayout(null); this.ribbon.remove(this.bandScrollablePanel); TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel taskToggleButtonsHostPanel = this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel .getView(); taskToggleButtonsHostPanel.removeAll(); taskToggleButtonsHostPanel.setLayout(null); this.ribbon.remove(this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel); this.ribbon.remove(this.applicationMenuButton); if (this.helpButton != null) this.ribbon.remove(this.helpButton); this.ribbon.setLayout(null); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#update(java.awt.Graphics, * javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public void update(Graphics g, JComponent c) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); RenderingUtils.installDesktopHints(g2d); super.update(g2d, c); g2d.dispose(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#paint(java.awt.Graphics, * javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) { this.paintBackground(g); if (!ribbon.isMinimized()) { Insets ins = c.getInsets(); int extraHeight = getTaskToggleButtonHeight(); if (!this.isUsingTitlePane()) extraHeight += getTaskbarHeight(); this.paintTaskArea(g, 0, ins.top + extraHeight, c.getWidth(), c.getHeight() - extraHeight - ins.top - ins.bottom); } else { this.paintMinimizedRibbonSeparator(g); } } protected void paintMinimizedRibbonSeparator(Graphics g) { Color borderColor = FlamingoUtilities.getBorderColor(); g.setColor(borderColor); Insets ins = ribbon.getInsets(); g.drawLine(0, ribbon.getHeight() - ins.bottom, ribbon.getWidth(), ribbon.getHeight() - ins.bottom); } /** * Paints the ribbon background. * * @param g * Graphics context. */ protected void paintBackground(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); g2d.setColor(FlamingoUtilities.getColor(Color.lightGray, "Panel.background")); g2d.fillRect(0, 0, this.ribbon.getWidth(), this.ribbon.getHeight()); g2d.dispose(); } /** * Paints the task border. * * @param g * Graphics context. * @param x * Left X of the tasks band bounds. * @param y * Top Y of the tasks band bounds. * @param width * Width of the tasks band bounds. * @param height * Height of the tasks band bounds. */ protected void paintTaskArea(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (ribbon.getTaskCount() == 0) return; JRibbonTaskToggleButton selectedTaskButton = this.taskToggleButtons .get(this.ribbon.getSelectedTask()); Rectangle selectedTaskButtonBounds = selectedTaskButton.getBounds(); Point converted = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(selectedTaskButton.getParent(), selectedTaskButtonBounds.getLocation(), this.ribbon); // System.out.println("Painted " + selectedTaskButtonBounds.x + "->" + // converted.x); Rectangle taskToggleButtonsViewportBounds = taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.getView() .getParent().getBounds(); taskToggleButtonsViewportBounds .setLocation(SwingUtilities.convertPoint(taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel, taskToggleButtonsViewportBounds.getLocation(), this.ribbon)); int startSelectedX = Math.max(converted.x + 1, (int) taskToggleButtonsViewportBounds.getMinX()); startSelectedX = Math.min(startSelectedX, (int) taskToggleButtonsViewportBounds.getMaxX()); int endSelectedX = Math.min(converted.x + selectedTaskButtonBounds.width - 1, (int) taskToggleButtonsViewportBounds.getMaxX()); endSelectedX = Math.max(endSelectedX, (int) taskToggleButtonsViewportBounds.getMinX()); Shape outerContour = FlamingoUtilities.getRibbonBorderOutline(x + 1, x + width - 3, startSelectedX, endSelectedX, converted.y, y, y + height, 2); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); g2d.setColor(FlamingoUtilities.getBorderColor()); g2d.draw(outerContour); // check whether the currently selected task is a contextual task RibbonTask selected = this.ribbon.getSelectedTask(); RibbonContextualTaskGroup contextualGroup = selected.getContextualGroup(); if (contextualGroup != null) { // paint a small gradient directly below the task area Insets ins = this.ribbon.getInsets(); int topY = ins.top + getTaskbarHeight(); int bottomY = topY + 5; Color hueColor = contextualGroup.getHueColor(); Paint paint = new GradientPaint(0, topY, FlamingoUtilities.getAlphaColor(hueColor, (int) (255 * RibbonContextualTaskGroup.HUE_ALPHA)), 0, bottomY, FlamingoUtilities.getAlphaColor(hueColor, 0)); g2d.setPaint(paint); g2d.clip(outerContour); g2d.fillRect(0, topY, width, bottomY - topY + 1); } g2d.dispose(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.jvnet.flamingo.ribbon.ui.RibbonUI#getContextualGroupTabBounds(org * .jvnet.flamingo.ribbon.RibbonContextualTaskGroup) */ @Override public Rectangle getContextualTaskGroupBounds(RibbonContextualTaskGroup group) { Rectangle rect = null; for (int j = 0; j < group.getTaskCount(); j++) { JRibbonTaskToggleButton button = taskToggleButtons.get(group.getTask(j)); if (rect == null) rect = button.getBounds(); else rect = rect.union(button.getBounds()); } int buttonGap = getTabButtonGap(); Point location = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.getView(), rect.getLocation(), ribbon); return new Rectangle(location.x - buttonGap / 3, location.y - 1, rect.width + buttonGap * 2 / 3 - 1, rect.height + 1); } /** * Returns the layout gap for the bands in the associated ribbon. * * @return The layout gap for the bands in the associated ribbon. */ protected int getBandGap() { return FlamingoUtilities.getScaledSize(2, this.ribbon.getFont().getSize(), 0.2, 1); } /** * Returns the layout gap for the tab buttons in the associated ribbon. * * @return The layout gap for the tab buttons in the associated ribbon. */ protected int getTabButtonGap() { return FlamingoUtilities.getScaledSize(6, this.ribbon.getFont().getSize(), 0.25, 1); } /** * Invoked by <code>installUI</code> to create a layout manager object to * manage the {@link JRibbon}. * * @return a layout manager object */ protected LayoutManager createLayoutManager() { return new RibbonLayout(); } /** * Invoked by <code>installUI</code> to create a layout manager object to * manage the {@link JRibbon} taskbar. * * @return a layout manager object */ protected LayoutManager createTaskbarLayoutManager() { return new TaskbarLayout(); } /** * Returns the height of the taskbar area. * * @return The height of the taskbar area. */ public int getTaskbarHeight() { return FlamingoUtilities.getScaledSize(24, this.ribbon.getFont().getSize(), 1.5f, 1); } /** * Returns the height of the task toggle button area. * * @return The height of the task toggle button area. */ public int getTaskToggleButtonHeight() { return 22; } /** * Layout for the ribbon. * * @author Kirill Grouchnikov */ private class RibbonLayout implements LayoutManager { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#addLayoutComponent(java.lang.String, * java.awt.Component) */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#removeLayoutComponent(java.awt.Component) */ public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#preferredLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container c) { Insets ins = c.getInsets(); int maxPrefBandHeight = 0; boolean isRibbonMinimized = ribbon.isMinimized(); if (!isRibbonMinimized) { if (ribbon.getTaskCount() > 0) { RibbonTask selectedTask = ribbon.getSelectedTask(); for (AbstractRibbonBand<?> ribbonBand : selectedTask.getBands()) { int bandPrefHeight = ribbonBand.getPreferredSize().height; Insets bandInsets = ribbonBand.getInsets(); maxPrefBandHeight = Math.max(maxPrefBandHeight, bandPrefHeight + bandInsets.top + bandInsets.bottom); } } } int extraHeight = getTaskToggleButtonHeight(); if (!isUsingTitlePane()) extraHeight += getTaskbarHeight(); int prefHeight = maxPrefBandHeight + extraHeight + ins.top + ins.bottom; // System.out.println("Ribbon pref = " + prefHeight); return new Dimension(c.getWidth(), prefHeight); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#minimumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container c) { // go over all ribbon bands and sum the width // of ribbon buttons (of collapsed state) Insets ins = c.getInsets(); int width = 0; int maxMinBandHeight = 0; int gap = getBandGap(); int extraHeight = getTaskToggleButtonHeight(); if (!isUsingTitlePane()) extraHeight += getTaskbarHeight(); if (ribbon.getTaskCount() > 0) { boolean isRibbonMinimized = ribbon.isMinimized(); // minimum is when all the tasks are collapsed RibbonTask selectedTask = ribbon.getSelectedTask(); for (AbstractRibbonBand ribbonBand : selectedTask.getBands()) { int bandPrefHeight = ribbonBand.getMinimumSize().height; Insets bandInsets = ribbonBand.getInsets(); RibbonBandUI bandUI = ribbonBand.getUI(); width += bandUI.getPreferredCollapsedWidth(); if (!isRibbonMinimized) { maxMinBandHeight = Math.max(maxMinBandHeight, bandPrefHeight + bandInsets.top + bandInsets.bottom); } } // add inter-band gaps width += gap * (selectedTask.getBandCount() - 1); } else { // fix for issue 44 (empty ribbon) width = 50; } return new Dimension(width, maxMinBandHeight + extraHeight + ins.top + ins.bottom); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#layoutContainer(java.awt.Container) */ public void layoutContainer(Container c) { // System.out.println("Ribbon real = " + c.getHeight()); Insets ins = c.getInsets(); int tabButtonGap = getTabButtonGap(); boolean ltr = ribbon.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); // the top row - task bar components int width = c.getWidth(); int taskbarHeight = getTaskbarHeight(); int y = ins.top; boolean isUsingTitlePane = isUsingTitlePane(); // handle taskbar only if it is not marked if (!isUsingTitlePane) { taskBarPanel.removeAll(); for (Component regComp : ribbon.getTaskbarComponents()) { taskBarPanel.add(regComp); } // taskbar takes all available width taskBarPanel.setBounds(ins.left, ins.top, width - ins.left - ins.right, taskbarHeight); y += taskbarHeight; } else { taskBarPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); } int taskToggleButtonHeight = getTaskToggleButtonHeight(); int x = ltr ? ins.left : width - ins.right; // the application menu button int appMenuButtonSize = taskbarHeight + taskToggleButtonHeight; if (!isUsingTitlePane) { applicationMenuButton.setVisible(ribbon.getApplicationMenu() != null); if (ribbon.getApplicationMenu() != null) { if (ltr) { applicationMenuButton.setBounds(x, ins.top, appMenuButtonSize, appMenuButtonSize); } else { applicationMenuButton.setBounds(x - appMenuButtonSize, ins.top, appMenuButtonSize, appMenuButtonSize); } } } else { applicationMenuButton.setVisible(false); } x = ltr ? x + 2 : x - 2; if (FlamingoUtilities .getApplicationMenuButton(SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(ribbon)) != null) { x = ltr ? x + appMenuButtonSize : x - appMenuButtonSize; } // the help button if (helpButton != null) { Dimension preferred = helpButton.getPreferredSize(); // Note that here we're using the height of task toggle buttons so that all the // content in that row has consistent vertical size. if (ltr) { helpButton.setBounds(width - ins.right - preferred.width, y, preferred.width, taskToggleButtonHeight); } else { helpButton.setBounds(ins.left, y, preferred.width, taskToggleButtonHeight); } } // task buttons if (ltr) { int taskButtonsWidth = (helpButton != null) ? (helpButton.getX() - tabButtonGap - x) : (c.getWidth() - ins.right - x); taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.setBounds(x, y, taskButtonsWidth, taskToggleButtonHeight); } else { int taskButtonsWidth = (helpButton != null) ? (x - tabButtonGap - helpButton.getX() - helpButton.getWidth()) : (x - ins.left); taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.setBounds(x - taskButtonsWidth, y, taskButtonsWidth, taskToggleButtonHeight); } TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel taskToggleButtonsHostPanel = taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel .getView(); int taskToggleButtonsHostPanelMinWidth = taskToggleButtonsHostPanel .getMinimumSize().width; taskToggleButtonsHostPanel .setPreferredSize(new Dimension(taskToggleButtonsHostPanelMinWidth, taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.getBounds().height)); taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.doLayout(); y += taskToggleButtonHeight; int extraHeight = taskToggleButtonHeight; if (!isUsingTitlePane) extraHeight += taskbarHeight; if (bandScrollablePanel.getParent() == ribbon) { if (!ribbon.isMinimized() && (ribbon.getTaskCount() > 0)) { // y += ins.top; Insets bandInsets = (ribbon.getSelectedTask().getBandCount() == 0) ? new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0) : ribbon.getSelectedTask().getBand(0).getInsets(); bandScrollablePanel.setBounds(1 + ins.left, y + bandInsets.top, c.getWidth() - 2 * ins.left - 2 * ins.right - 1, c.getHeight() - extraHeight - ins.top - ins.bottom - bandInsets.top - bandInsets.bottom); // System.out.println("Scrollable : " // + bandScrollablePanel.getBounds()); BandHostPanel bandHostPanel = bandScrollablePanel.getView(); int bandHostPanelMinWidth = bandHostPanel.getMinimumSize().width; bandHostPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(bandHostPanelMinWidth, bandScrollablePanel.getBounds().height)); bandScrollablePanel.doLayout(); bandHostPanel.doLayout(); } else { bandScrollablePanel.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); } } } } /** * Layout for the task bar. * * @author Kirill Grouchnikov */ private class TaskbarLayout implements LayoutManager { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#addLayoutComponent(java.lang.String, * java.awt.Component) */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#removeLayoutComponent(java.awt.Component) */ public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#preferredLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container c) { Insets ins = c.getInsets(); int pw = 0; int gap = getBandGap(); for (Component regComp : ribbon.getTaskbarComponents()) { pw += regComp.getPreferredSize().width; pw += gap; } return new Dimension(pw + ins.left + ins.right, getTaskbarHeight() + ins.top + ins.bottom); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#minimumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container c) { return this.preferredLayoutSize(c); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#layoutContainer(java.awt.Container) */ public void layoutContainer(Container c) { Insets ins = c.getInsets(); int gap = getBandGap(); boolean ltr = c.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); int childHeight = getTaskbarHeight() - ins.top - ins.bottom; if (ltr) { int x = ins.left + 1; if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { x += (applicationMenuButton.getX() + applicationMenuButton.getWidth()); } for (Component regComp : ribbon.getTaskbarComponents()) { int pw = regComp.getPreferredSize().width; regComp.setBounds(x, ins.top + 1, pw, childHeight); x += (pw + gap); } } else { int x = c.getWidth() - ins.right - 1; if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { x = applicationMenuButton.getX() - 1; } for (Component regComp : ribbon.getTaskbarComponents()) { int pw = regComp.getPreferredSize().width; regComp.setBounds(x - pw, ins.top + 1, pw, childHeight); x -= (pw + gap); } } } } /** * The taskbar panel that holds the {@link JRibbon#getTaskbarComponents()}. * * @author Kirill Grouchnikov */ private class TaskbarPanel extends JPanel { /** * Creates the new taskbar panel. */ public TaskbarPanel() { super(); this.setOpaque(false); this.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(1, 0, 1, 0)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.JComponent#paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics) */ @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Shape contour = getOutline(this); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); RenderingUtils.installDesktopHints(g2d); if (contour != null) { g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcOver.derive(0.6f)); g2d.setColor( FlamingoUtilities.getColor(Color.lightGray.brighter(), "Panel.background")); g2d.fill(contour); g2d.setColor(FlamingoUtilities.getBorderColor().darker()); g2d.draw(contour); } boolean ltr = getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); int maxX = 0; int minX = getWidth(); if (this.getComponentCount() == 0) { maxX = 1; minX = getWidth() - 1; if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { maxX += applicationMenuButton.getX() + applicationMenuButton.getWidth(); minX = applicationMenuButton.getX() - 1; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.getComponentCount(); i++) { Component taskBarComp = this.getComponent(i); maxX = Math.max(maxX, taskBarComp.getX() + taskBarComp.getWidth()); minX = Math.min(minX, taskBarComp.getX()); } } int height = getHeight(); if (ltr) { g2d.drawLine(maxX, height - 1, getWidth(), height - 1); } else { g2d.drawLine(0, height - 1, minX, height - 1); } int contourMinX = (contour != null) ? (int) contour.getBounds2D().getMinX() - 6 : 6; // contextual task group headers if (!isShowingScrollsForTaskToggleButtons()) { g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcOver); // the taskbar panel is not at the zero X coordinate of the // ribbon g2d.translate(-this.getBounds().x, 0); for (int i = 0; i < ribbon.getContextualTaskGroupCount(); i++) { RibbonContextualTaskGroup taskGroup = ribbon.getContextualTaskGroup(i); if (!ribbon.isVisible(taskGroup)) continue; Rectangle taskGroupBounds = getContextualTaskGroupBounds(taskGroup); Color hueColor = taskGroup.getHueColor(); Paint paint = new GradientPaint(0, 0, FlamingoUtilities.getAlphaColor(hueColor, 0), 0, height, FlamingoUtilities.getAlphaColor(hueColor, (int) (255 * RibbonContextualTaskGroup.HUE_ALPHA))); // translucent gradient paint g2d.setPaint(paint); int startX = ltr ? taskGroupBounds.x : Math.min(contourMinX, taskGroupBounds.x); int width = ltr ? taskGroupBounds.x + taskGroupBounds.width - startX : Math.min(taskGroupBounds.x + taskGroupBounds.width, contourMinX) - startX; if (width > 0) { g2d.fillRect(startX, 0, width, height); // and a solid line at the bottom g2d.setColor(hueColor); g2d.drawLine(startX + 1, height - 1, startX + width, height - 1); // task group title g2d.setColor(FlamingoUtilities.getColor(Color.black, "Button.foreground")); FontMetrics fm = this.getFontMetrics(ribbon.getFont()); int yOffset = (height + fm.getHeight()) / 2 - fm.getDescent(); int availableTextWidth = width - 10; String titleToShow = taskGroup.getTitle(); if (fm.stringWidth(titleToShow) > availableTextWidth) { while (true) { if (titleToShow.length() == 0) break; if (fm.stringWidth(titleToShow + "...") <= availableTextWidth) break; titleToShow = titleToShow.substring(0, titleToShow.length() - 1); } titleToShow += "..."; } if (ltr) { BasicGraphicsUtils.drawString(g2d, titleToShow, -1, startX + 5, yOffset); } else { BasicGraphicsUtils.drawString(g2d, titleToShow, -1, startX + width - 5 - fm.stringWidth(titleToShow), yOffset); } // separator lines Color color = FlamingoUtilities.getBorderColor(); g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, FlamingoUtilities.getAlphaColor(color, 0), 0, height, color)); // left line g2d.drawLine(startX, 0, startX, height); // right line g2d.drawLine(startX + width, 0, startX + width, height); } } } g2d.dispose(); } /** * Returns the outline of this taskbar panel. * * @param insets * Insets. * @return The outline of this taskbar panel. */ protected Shape getOutline(TaskbarPanel taskbarPanel) { double height = this.getHeight() - 1; boolean ltr = taskbarPanel.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); if (this.getComponentCount() == 0) { if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { // no taskbar components if (ltr) { int x = 1; if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { x += applicationMenuButton.getX() + applicationMenuButton.getWidth(); } return new Arc2D.Double(x - 1 - 2 * height, 0, 2 * height, 2 * height, 0, 90, Arc2D.OPEN); } else { int x = taskbarPanel.getWidth() - 1; if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { x = applicationMenuButton.getX() - 1; } return new Arc2D.Double(x + 1, 0, 2 * height, 2 * height, 90, 90, Arc2D.OPEN); } } else { return null; } } else { int minX = this.getWidth(); int maxX = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.getComponentCount(); i++) { Component taskBarComp = this.getComponent(i); minX = Math.min(minX, taskBarComp.getX()); maxX = Math.max(maxX, taskBarComp.getX() + taskBarComp.getWidth()); } float radius = (float) height / 2.0f; GeneralPath outline = new GeneralPath(); if (ltr) { // top left corner if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { outline.moveTo(minX + 5 - 2 * radius, 0); } else { outline.moveTo(minX - 1, 0); } // top right corner outline.lineTo(maxX, 0); // right arc outline.append(new Arc2D.Double(maxX - radius, 0, height, height, 90, -180, Arc2D.OPEN), true); // bottom left corner outline.lineTo(minX - 1, height); if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { // left arc outline.append(new Arc2D.Double(minX - 1 - 2 * height, 0, 2 * height, 2 * height, 0, 90, Arc2D.OPEN), true); } else { outline.lineTo(minX - 1, 0); } } else { // top right corner if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { outline.moveTo(maxX - 5 + 2 * radius, 0); } else { outline.moveTo(maxX - 1, 0); } // top left corner outline.lineTo(minX, 0); // left arc outline.append( new Arc2D.Double(minX - radius, 0, height, height, 90, 180, Arc2D.OPEN), true); // bottom right corner outline.lineTo(maxX - 1, height); if (applicationMenuButton.isVisible()) { outline.append(new Arc2D.Double(maxX - 1, 0, 2 * height, 2 * height, 180, -90, Arc2D.OPEN), true); } else { outline.lineTo(maxX + 1, 0); } } return outline; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getPreferredSize() */ @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension result = super.getPreferredSize(); return new Dimension(result.width + result.height / 2, result.height); } } protected static class BandHostPanel extends JPanel { } /** * Layout for the band host panel. * * @author Kirill Grouchnikov */ private class BandHostPanelLayout implements LayoutManager { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#addLayoutComponent(java.lang.String, * java.awt.Component) */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#removeLayoutComponent(java.awt.Component) */ public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#preferredLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container c) { // Insets ins = c.getInsets(); int maxPrefBandHeight = 0; if (ribbon.getTaskCount() > 0) { RibbonTask selectedTask = ribbon.getSelectedTask(); for (AbstractRibbonBand<?> ribbonBand : selectedTask.getBands()) { int bandPrefHeight = ribbonBand.getPreferredSize().height; Insets bandInsets = ribbonBand.getInsets(); maxPrefBandHeight = Math.max(maxPrefBandHeight, bandPrefHeight + bandInsets.top + bandInsets.bottom); } } return new Dimension(c.getWidth(), maxPrefBandHeight); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#minimumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container c) { // go over all ribbon bands and sum the width // of ribbon buttons (of collapsed state) // Insets ins = c.getInsets(); int width = 0; int maxMinBandHeight = 0; int gap = getBandGap(); // minimum is when all the tasks are collapsed RibbonTask selectedTask = ribbon.getSelectedTask(); // System.out.println(selectedTask.getTitle() + " min width"); for (AbstractRibbonBand ribbonBand : selectedTask.getBands()) { int bandPrefHeight = ribbonBand.getMinimumSize().height; Insets bandInsets = ribbonBand.getInsets(); RibbonBandUI bandUI = ribbonBand.getUI(); int preferredCollapsedWidth = bandUI.getPreferredCollapsedWidth() + bandInsets.left + bandInsets.right; width += preferredCollapsedWidth; // System.out.println("\t" + ribbonBand.getTitle() + ":" + // preferredCollapsedWidth); maxMinBandHeight = Math.max(maxMinBandHeight, bandPrefHeight // + bandInsets.top + bandInsets.bottom ); } // add inter-band gaps width += gap * (selectedTask.getBandCount() + 1); // System.out.println("\t" + gap + "*" + // (selectedTask.getBandCount() + 1)); // System.out.println(selectedTask.getTitle() + " min width:" + // width); // System.out.println("Returning min height of " + // maxMinBandHeight); return new Dimension(width, maxMinBandHeight); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#layoutContainer(java.awt.Container) */ public void layoutContainer(Container c) { // System.err.println("Layout of band host panel " + c.getWidth() + // ":" + c.getHeight()); int bandGap = getBandGap(); // the top row - task bar components int x = 0; int y = 0; RibbonTask selectedTask = ribbon.getSelectedTask(); if (selectedTask == null) return; // check that the resize policies are still consistent for (AbstractRibbonBand<?> band : selectedTask.getBands()) { FlamingoUtilities.checkResizePoliciesConsistency(band); } // start with the most "permissive" resize policy for each band for (AbstractRibbonBand<?> band : selectedTask.getBands()) { List<RibbonBandResizePolicy> policies = band.getResizePolicies(); RibbonBandResizePolicy last = policies.get(0); band.setCurrentResizePolicy(last); } int availableBandHeight = c.getHeight(); int availableWidth = c.getWidth(); if (selectedTask.getBandCount() > 0) { RibbonBandResizeSequencingPolicy resizeSequencingPolicy = selectedTask .getResizeSequencingPolicy(); resizeSequencingPolicy.reset(); AbstractRibbonBand<?> currToTakeFrom = resizeSequencingPolicy.next(); while (true) { // check whether all bands have the current resize // policy as their last (most restrictive) registered policy boolean noMore = true; for (AbstractRibbonBand<?> band : selectedTask.getBands()) { RibbonBandResizePolicy currentResizePolicy = band.getCurrentResizePolicy(); List<RibbonBandResizePolicy> resizePolicies = band.getResizePolicies(); if (currentResizePolicy != resizePolicies.get(resizePolicies.size() - 1)) { noMore = false; break; } } if (noMore) break; // get the current preferred width of the bands int totalWidth = 0; // System.out.println("Iteration"); for (AbstractRibbonBand<?> ribbonBand : selectedTask.getBands()) { RibbonBandResizePolicy currentResizePolicy = ribbonBand .getCurrentResizePolicy(); Insets ribbonBandInsets = ribbonBand.getInsets(); AbstractBandControlPanel controlPanel = ribbonBand.getControlPanel(); if (controlPanel == null) { controlPanel = ribbonBand.getPopupRibbonBand().getControlPanel(); } Insets controlPanelInsets = controlPanel.getInsets(); int controlPanelGap = controlPanel.getUI().getLayoutGap(); int ribbonBandHeight = availableBandHeight - ribbonBandInsets.top - ribbonBandInsets.bottom; int availableHeight = ribbonBandHeight - ribbonBand.getUI().getBandTitleHeight(); if (controlPanel != null) { availableHeight = availableHeight - controlPanelInsets.top - controlPanelInsets.bottom; } int preferredWidth = currentResizePolicy.getPreferredWidth(availableHeight, controlPanelGap) + ribbonBandInsets.left + ribbonBandInsets.right; totalWidth += preferredWidth + bandGap; // System.out.println("\t" // + ribbonBand.getTitle() // + ":" // + currentResizePolicy.getClass() // .getSimpleName() + ":" + preferredWidth // + " under " + availableHeight + " with " // + controlPanel.getComponentCount() // + " children"); } // System.out.println("\t:Total:" + totalWidth + "(" // + availableWidth + ")"); // System.out.println("\n"); if (totalWidth < availableWidth) break; // try to take from the currently rotating band List<RibbonBandResizePolicy> policies = currToTakeFrom.getResizePolicies(); int currPolicyIndex = policies.indexOf(currToTakeFrom.getCurrentResizePolicy()); if (currPolicyIndex == (policies.size() - 1)) { // nothing to take } else { currToTakeFrom.setCurrentResizePolicy(policies.get(currPolicyIndex + 1)); } currToTakeFrom = resizeSequencingPolicy.next(); } } boolean ltr = c.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); x = ltr ? 1 : c.getWidth() - 1; // System.out.println("Will get [" + availableWidth + "]:"); for (AbstractRibbonBand<?> ribbonBand : selectedTask.getBands()) { Insets ribbonBandInsets = ribbonBand.getInsets(); RibbonBandResizePolicy currentResizePolicy = ribbonBand.getCurrentResizePolicy(); AbstractBandControlPanel controlPanel = ribbonBand.getControlPanel(); if (controlPanel == null) { controlPanel = ribbonBand.getPopupRibbonBand().getControlPanel(); } Insets controlPanelInsets = controlPanel.getInsets(); int controlPanelGap = controlPanel.getUI().getLayoutGap(); int ribbonBandHeight = availableBandHeight; // - ribbonBandInsets.top - ribbonBandInsets.bottom; int availableHeight = ribbonBandHeight - ribbonBandInsets.top - ribbonBandInsets.bottom - ribbonBand.getUI().getBandTitleHeight(); if (controlPanelInsets != null) { availableHeight = availableHeight - controlPanelInsets.top - controlPanelInsets.bottom; } int requiredBandWidth = currentResizePolicy.getPreferredWidth(availableHeight, controlPanelGap) + ribbonBandInsets.left + ribbonBandInsets.right; if (ltr) { ribbonBand.setBounds(x, y, requiredBandWidth, ribbonBandHeight); } else { ribbonBand.setBounds(x - requiredBandWidth, y, requiredBandWidth, ribbonBandHeight); } // System.out.println("\t" + ribbonBand.getTitle() + ":" // + currentResizePolicy.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" // + requiredBandWidth + " under " + ribbonBandHeight); if (ribbonBand.getHeight() > 0) { ribbonBand.doLayout(); } if (ltr) { x += (requiredBandWidth + bandGap); } else { x -= (requiredBandWidth + bandGap); } } // System.out.println(); } } protected class TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel extends JPanel { public static final String IS_SQUISHED = "flamingo.internal.ribbon.taskToggleButtonsHostPanel.isSquished"; @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); this.paintContextualTaskGroupsOutlines(g); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.getClientProperty(IS_SQUISHED))) { this.paintTaskOutlines(g); } } protected void paintTaskOutlines(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); Color color = FlamingoUtilities.getBorderColor(); Paint paint = new GradientPaint(0, 0, FlamingoUtilities.getAlphaColor(color, 0), 0, getHeight(), color); g2d.setPaint(paint); Set<RibbonTask> tasksWithTrailingSeparators = new HashSet<RibbonTask>(); // add all regular tasks except the last for (int i = 0; i < ribbon.getTaskCount() - 1; i++) { RibbonTask task = ribbon.getTask(i); tasksWithTrailingSeparators.add(task); // System.out.println("Added " + task.getTitle()); } // add all tasks of visible contextual groups except last task in // each group for (int i = 0; i < ribbon.getContextualTaskGroupCount(); i++) { RibbonContextualTaskGroup group = ribbon.getContextualTaskGroup(i); if (ribbon.isVisible(group)) { for (int j = 0; j < group.getTaskCount() - 1; j++) { RibbonTask task = group.getTask(j); tasksWithTrailingSeparators.add(task); // System.out.println("Added " + task.getTitle()); } } } for (RibbonTask taskWithTrailingSeparator : tasksWithTrailingSeparators) { JRibbonTaskToggleButton taskToggleButton = taskToggleButtons .get(taskWithTrailingSeparator); Rectangle bounds = taskToggleButton.getBounds(); int x = bounds.x + bounds.width + getTabButtonGap() / 2 - 1; g2d.drawLine(x, 0, x, getHeight()); // System.out.println(taskWithTrailingSeparator.getTitle() + ":" // + x); } g2d.dispose(); } /** * Paints the outline of the contextual task groups. * * @param g * Graphics context. */ protected void paintContextualTaskGroupsOutlines(Graphics g) { for (int i = 0; i < ribbon.getContextualTaskGroupCount(); i++) { RibbonContextualTaskGroup group = ribbon.getContextualTaskGroup(i); if (!ribbon.isVisible(group)) continue; // go over all the tasks in this group and compute the union // of bounds of the matching tab buttons Rectangle rect = getContextualTaskGroupBounds(group); rect.setLocation(SwingUtilities.convertPoint(ribbon, rect.getLocation(), taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.getView())); this.paintContextualTaskGroupOutlines(g, group, rect); } } /** * Paints the outline of the specified contextual task group. * * @param g * Graphics context. * @param group * Contextual task group. * @param groupBounds * Contextual task group bounds. */ protected void paintContextualTaskGroupOutlines(Graphics g, RibbonContextualTaskGroup group, Rectangle groupBounds) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); Color color = FlamingoUtilities.getBorderColor(); Paint paint = new GradientPaint(0, groupBounds.y, color, 0, groupBounds.y + groupBounds.height, FlamingoUtilities.getAlphaColor(color, 0)); g2d.setPaint(paint); // left line int x = groupBounds.x; g2d.drawLine(x, groupBounds.y, x, groupBounds.y + groupBounds.height); // right line x = groupBounds.x + groupBounds.width; g2d.drawLine(x, groupBounds.y, x, groupBounds.y + groupBounds.height); g2d.dispose(); } // @Override // protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // //g.setColor(new Color(255, 200, 200)); // //g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); // // g.setColor(Color.blue.darker()); // // g.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth() - 1, getHeight() - 1); // //System.err.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": tt-repaint"); // } // // @Override // protected void paintBorder(Graphics g) { // } // // @Override // public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { // System.out.println("Host : " + x + ":" + y + ":" + width + ":" // + height); // super.setBounds(x, y, width, height); // } } /** * Layout for the band host panel. * * @author Kirill Grouchnikov */ private class TaskToggleButtonsHostPanelLayout implements LayoutManager { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#addLayoutComponent(java.lang.String, * java.awt.Component) */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#removeLayoutComponent(java.awt.Component) */ public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#preferredLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container c) { int tabButtonGap = getTabButtonGap(); int taskToggleButtonHeight = getTaskToggleButtonHeight(); int totalTaskButtonsWidth = 0; List<RibbonTask> visibleTasks = getCurrentlyShownRibbonTasks(); for (RibbonTask task : visibleTasks) { JRibbonTaskToggleButton tabButton = taskToggleButtons.get(task); int pw = tabButton.getPreferredSize().width; totalTaskButtonsWidth += (pw + tabButtonGap); } return new Dimension(totalTaskButtonsWidth, taskToggleButtonHeight); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#minimumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container c) { int tabButtonGap = getTabButtonGap(); int taskToggleButtonHeight = getTaskToggleButtonHeight(); int totalTaskButtonsWidth = 0; List<RibbonTask> visibleTasks = getCurrentlyShownRibbonTasks(); for (RibbonTask task : visibleTasks) { JRibbonTaskToggleButton tabButton = taskToggleButtons.get(task); int pw = tabButton.getMinimumSize().width; totalTaskButtonsWidth += (pw + tabButtonGap); } return new Dimension(totalTaskButtonsWidth, taskToggleButtonHeight); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#layoutContainer(java.awt.Container) */ public void layoutContainer(Container c) { int y = 0; int tabButtonGap = getTabButtonGap(); int taskToggleButtonHeight = getTaskToggleButtonHeight(); int totalPrefWidth = 0; int totalMinWidth = 0; List<RibbonTask> visibleTasks = getCurrentlyShownRibbonTasks(); Map<JRibbonTaskToggleButton, Integer> diffMap = new HashMap<JRibbonTaskToggleButton, Integer>(); int totalDiff = 0; for (RibbonTask task : visibleTasks) { JRibbonTaskToggleButton tabButton = taskToggleButtons.get(task); int pw = tabButton.getPreferredSize().width; int mw = tabButton.getMinimumSize().width; diffMap.put(tabButton, pw - mw); totalDiff += (pw - mw); totalPrefWidth += pw; totalMinWidth += mw; } totalPrefWidth += tabButtonGap * visibleTasks.size(); totalMinWidth += tabButtonGap * visibleTasks.size(); boolean ltr = c.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); // do we have enough width? if (totalPrefWidth <= c.getWidth()) { // compute bounds for the tab buttons int x = ltr ? 0 : c.getWidth(); for (RibbonTask task : visibleTasks) { JRibbonTaskToggleButton tabButton = taskToggleButtons.get(task); int pw = tabButton.getPreferredSize().width; if (ltr) { tabButton.setBounds(x, y + 1, pw, taskToggleButtonHeight - 1); x += (pw + tabButtonGap); } else { tabButton.setBounds(x - pw, y + 1, pw, taskToggleButtonHeight - 1); x -= (pw + tabButtonGap); } tabButton.setActionRichTooltip(null); } ((JComponent) c).putClientProperty(TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel.IS_SQUISHED, null); } else { if (totalMinWidth > c.getWidth()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Available width not enough to host minimized task tab buttons"); } int x = ltr ? 0 : c.getWidth(); // how much do we need to take from each toggle button? int toDistribute = totalPrefWidth - c.getWidth() + 2; for (RibbonTask task : visibleTasks) { JRibbonTaskToggleButton tabButton = taskToggleButtons.get(task); int pw = tabButton.getPreferredSize().width; int delta = (toDistribute * diffMap.get(tabButton) / totalDiff); int finalWidth = pw - delta; if (ltr) { tabButton.setBounds(x, y + 1, finalWidth, taskToggleButtonHeight - 1); x += (finalWidth + tabButtonGap); } else { tabButton.setBounds(x - finalWidth, y + 1, finalWidth, taskToggleButtonHeight - 1); x -= (finalWidth + tabButtonGap); } // show the tooltip with the full title RichTooltip tooltip = new RichTooltip(); tooltip.setTitle(task.getTitle()); tabButton.setActionRichTooltip(tooltip); } ((JComponent) c).putClientProperty(TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel.IS_SQUISHED, Boolean.TRUE); } } } protected void syncRibbonState() { // remove all existing ribbon bands BandHostPanel bandHostPanel = this.bandScrollablePanel.getView(); bandHostPanel.removeAll(); // remove all the existing task toggle buttons TaskToggleButtonsHostPanel taskToggleButtonsHostPanel = this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel .getView(); taskToggleButtonsHostPanel.removeAll(); // remove the help button if (this.helpButton != null) { this.ribbon.remove(this.helpButton); this.helpButton = null; } // go over all visible ribbon tasks and create a toggle button // for each one of them List<RibbonTask> visibleTasks = this.getCurrentlyShownRibbonTasks(); final RibbonTask selectedTask = this.ribbon.getSelectedTask(); for (final RibbonTask task : visibleTasks) { final JRibbonTaskToggleButton taskToggleButton = new JRibbonTaskToggleButton(task); taskToggleButton.setKeyTip(task.getKeyTip()); // wire listener to select the task when the button is // selected taskToggleButton.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { scrollAndRevealTaskToggleButton(taskToggleButton); ribbon.setSelectedTask(task); // System.out.println("Button click on " // + task.getTitle() + ", ribbon minimized? " // + ribbon.isMinimized()); if (ribbon.isMinimized()) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(ribbon.getClientProperty(JUST_MINIMIZED))) { ribbon.putClientProperty(JUST_MINIMIZED, null); return; } // special case - do we have this task currently // shown in a popup? List<PopupPanelManager.PopupInfo> popups = PopupPanelManager .defaultManager().getShownPath(); if (popups.size() > 0) { for (PopupPanelManager.PopupInfo popup : popups) { if (popup.getPopupOriginator() == taskToggleButton) { // hide all popups and return (hides // the task popup and does not // show any additional popup). PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().hidePopups(null); return; } } } PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().hidePopups(null); ribbon.remove(bandScrollablePanel); int prefHeight = bandScrollablePanel.getView().getPreferredSize().height; Insets ins = ribbon.getInsets(); prefHeight += ins.top + ins.bottom; AbstractRibbonBand band = (ribbon.getSelectedTask().getBandCount() > 0) ? ribbon.getSelectedTask().getBand(0) : null; if (band != null) { Insets bandIns = band.getInsets(); prefHeight += bandIns.top + bandIns.bottom; } // System.out.println(prefHeight // + ":" // + bandScrollablePanel.getView() // .getComponentCount()); JPopupPanel popupPanel = new BandHostPopupPanel(bandScrollablePanel, new Dimension(ribbon.getWidth(), prefHeight)); int x = ribbon.getLocationOnScreen().x; int y = ribbon.getLocationOnScreen().y + ribbon.getHeight(); // make sure that the popup stays in // bounds Rectangle scrBounds = ribbon.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds(); int pw = popupPanel.getPreferredSize().width; if ((x + pw) > (scrBounds.x + scrBounds.width)) { x = scrBounds.x + scrBounds.width - pw; } int ph = popupPanel.getPreferredSize().height; if ((y + ph) > (scrBounds.y + scrBounds.height)) { y = scrBounds.y + scrBounds.height - ph; } // get the popup and show it popupPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(ribbon.getWidth(), prefHeight)); Popup popup = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance().getPopup(taskToggleButton, popupPanel, x, y); PopupPanelManager.PopupListener tracker = new PopupPanelManager.PopupListener() { @Override public void popupShown(PopupEvent event) { JComponent originator = event.getPopupOriginator(); if (originator instanceof JRibbonTaskToggleButton) { bandScrollablePanel.doLayout(); bandScrollablePanel.repaint(); } } @Override public void popupHidden(PopupEvent event) { JComponent originator = event.getPopupOriginator(); if (originator instanceof JRibbonTaskToggleButton) { ribbon.add(bandScrollablePanel); PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().removePopupListener(this); ribbon.revalidate(); ribbon.doLayout(); ribbon.repaint(); } } }; PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().addPopupListener(tracker); PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().addPopup(taskToggleButton, popup, popupPanel); } }); }); // wire listener to toggle ribbon minimization on double // mouse click taskToggleButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if ((ribbon.getSelectedTask() == task) && (e.getClickCount() == 2)) { boolean wasMinimized = ribbon.isMinimized(); ribbon.setMinimized(!wasMinimized); if (!wasMinimized) { // fix for issue 69 - mark the ribbon as // "just minimized" to prevent the action handler // of the toggle button to show the ribbon in // popup mode ribbon.putClientProperty(JUST_MINIMIZED, Boolean.TRUE); } } } }); // set the background hue color on the tab buttons // of tasks in contextual groups if (task.getContextualGroup() != null) { taskToggleButton .setContextualGroupHueColor(task.getContextualGroup().getHueColor()); } taskToggleButton.putClientProperty(BasicCommandButtonUI.DONT_DISPOSE_POPUPS, Boolean.TRUE); this.taskToggleButtonGroup.add(taskToggleButton); taskToggleButtonsHostPanel.add(taskToggleButton); this.taskToggleButtons.put(task, taskToggleButton); } JRibbonTaskToggleButton toSelect = this.taskToggleButtons.get(selectedTask); if (toSelect != null) { toSelect.getActionModel().setSelected(true); } for (int i = 0; i < this.ribbon.getTaskCount(); i++) { RibbonTask task = this.ribbon.getTask(i); for (AbstractRibbonBand band : task.getBands()) { bandHostPanel.add(band); band.setVisible(selectedTask == task); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.ribbon.getContextualTaskGroupCount(); i++) { RibbonContextualTaskGroup taskGroup = this.ribbon.getContextualTaskGroup(i); for (int j = 0; j < taskGroup.getTaskCount(); j++) { RibbonTask task = taskGroup.getTask(j); for (AbstractRibbonBand band : task.getBands()) { bandHostPanel.add(band); band.setVisible(selectedTask == task); } } } ActionListener helpListener = this.ribbon.getHelpActionListener(); if (helpListener != null) { this.helpButton = new JCommandButton("", this.ribbon.getHelpIcon()); this.helpButton.setDisplayState(CommandButtonDisplayState.SMALL); this.helpButton.setCommandButtonKind(CommandButtonKind.ACTION_ONLY); this.helpButton.getActionModel().addActionListener(helpListener); this.ribbon.add(this.helpButton); } this.ribbon.revalidate(); this.ribbon.repaint(); } /** * Returns the list of currently shown ribbon tasks. This method is for * internal use only. * * @return The list of currently shown ribbon tasks. */ protected List<RibbonTask> getCurrentlyShownRibbonTasks() { List<RibbonTask> result = new ArrayList<RibbonTask>(); // add all regular tasks for (int i = 0; i < this.ribbon.getTaskCount(); i++) { RibbonTask task = this.ribbon.getTask(i); result.add(task); } // add all tasks of visible contextual groups for (int i = 0; i < this.ribbon.getContextualTaskGroupCount(); i++) { RibbonContextualTaskGroup group = this.ribbon.getContextualTaskGroup(i); if (this.ribbon.isVisible(group)) { for (int j = 0; j < group.getTaskCount(); j++) { RibbonTask task = group.getTask(j); result.add(task); } } } return result; } protected boolean isUsingTitlePane() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(ribbon.getClientProperty(IS_USING_TITLE_PANE)); } protected void syncApplicationMenuTips() { this.applicationMenuButton.setPopupRichTooltip(this.ribbon.getApplicationMenuRichTooltip()); this.applicationMenuButton.setPopupKeyTip(this.ribbon.getApplicationMenuKeyTip()); } @Override public boolean isShowingScrollsForTaskToggleButtons() { return this.taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.isShowingScrollButtons(); } @Override public boolean isShowingScrollsForBands() { return this.bandScrollablePanel.isShowingScrollButtons(); } public Map<RibbonTask, JRibbonTaskToggleButton> getTaskToggleButtons() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(taskToggleButtons); } protected static class BandHostPopupPanel extends JPopupPanel { /** * The main component of <code>this</code> popup panel. Can be * <code>null</code>. */ // protected Component component; public BandHostPopupPanel(Component component, Dimension originalSize) { // this.component = component; this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add(component, BorderLayout.CENTER); // System.out.println("Popup dim is " + originalSize); this.setPreferredSize(originalSize); this.setSize(originalSize); } } @Override public void handleMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent e) { // no mouse wheel scrolling when the ribbon is minimized if (ribbon.isMinimized()) return; // get the visible tasks final List<RibbonTask> visibleTasks = getCurrentlyShownRibbonTasks(); if (visibleTasks.size() == 0) return; int delta = e.getWheelRotation(); if (delta == 0) return; // find the index of the currently selected task int currSelectedTaskIndex = visibleTasks.indexOf(ribbon.getSelectedTask()); // compute the next task if (!ribbon.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight()) delta = -delta; int newSelectedTaskIndex = currSelectedTaskIndex + ((delta > 0) ? 1 : -1); if (newSelectedTaskIndex < 0) return; if (newSelectedTaskIndex >= visibleTasks.size()) return; final int indexToSet = newSelectedTaskIndex; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { ribbon.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); ribbon.setSelectedTask(visibleTasks.get(indexToSet)); ribbon.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); }); } protected void scrollAndRevealTaskToggleButton(final JRibbonTaskToggleButton taskToggleButton) { // scroll the viewport of the scrollable panel // so that the button is fully viewed. Point loc = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(taskToggleButton.getParent(), taskToggleButton.getLocation(), taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.getView()); taskToggleButtonsScrollablePanel.scrollToIfNecessary(loc.x, taskToggleButton.getWidth()); } }