/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2016 Flamingo Kirill Grouchnikov. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of Flamingo Kirill Grouchnikov nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.ui.common; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.ButtonModel; import javax.swing.CellRendererPane; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JSeparator; import javax.swing.JToggleButton; import javax.swing.Popup; import javax.swing.PopupFactory; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource; import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI; import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.AbstractCommandButton; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.AsynchronousLoading; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.CommandButtonDisplayState; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.CommandButtonLayoutManager; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.CommandButtonLayoutManager.CommandButtonLayoutInfo; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.CommandButtonLayoutManager.CommandButtonSeparatorOrientation; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.JCommandButton; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.JCommandButtonStrip; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.JCommandButtonStrip.StripOrientation; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.PopupActionListener; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.icon.FilteredResizableIcon; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.icon.ResizableIcon; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.model.PopupButtonModel; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.popup.JCommandPopupMenu; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.popup.JPopupPanel; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.popup.PopupPanelCallback; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.api.common.popup.PopupPanelManager; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.utils.ButtonSizingUtils; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.utils.FlamingoUtilities; import org.pushingpixels.flamingo.internal.utils.RenderingUtils; /** * Basic UI for command button {@link JCommandButton}. * * @author Kirill Grouchnikov */ public class BasicCommandButtonUI extends CommandButtonUI { /** * The associated command button. */ protected AbstractCommandButton commandButton; /** * Indication whether the mouse pointer is over the associated command * button. */ protected boolean isUnderMouse; /** * Property change listener. */ protected PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener; /** * Tracks user interaction with the command button (including keyboard and * mouse). */ protected BasicCommandButtonListener basicPopupButtonListener; /** * Layout information. */ protected CommandButtonLayoutManager.CommandButtonLayoutInfo layoutInfo; /** * Client property to mark the command button to have square corners. This * client property is for internal use only. */ public static final String EMULATE_SQUARE_BUTTON = "flamingo.internal.commandButton.ui.emulateSquare"; /** * Client property to mark the command button to not dispose the popups on * activation. * * @see #disposePopupsActionListener */ public static final String DONT_DISPOSE_POPUPS = "flamingo.internal.commandButton.ui.dontDisposePopups"; /** * This listener disposes all popup panels when button's action is * activated. An example of scenario would be a command button in the popup * panel of an in-ribbon gallery. When this command button is activated, the * associated popup panel is dismissed. * * @see #DONT_DISPOSE_POPUPS */ protected ActionListener disposePopupsActionListener; /** * Action listener on the popup area. */ protected PopupActionListener popupActionListener; /** * The "expand" action icon. */ protected ResizableIcon popupActionIcon; protected CommandButtonLayoutManager layoutManager; /** * Used to provide a LAF-consistent appearance under core LAFs. */ protected CellRendererPane buttonRendererPane; /** * Used to provide a LAF-consistent appearance under core LAFs. */ protected AbstractButton rendererButton; /** * Used to paint the separator between the action and popup areas. */ protected JSeparator rendererSeparator; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#createUI(javax.swing.JComponent) */ public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) { return new BasicCommandButtonUI(); } /** * Creates a new UI delegate. */ public BasicCommandButtonUI() { // this.toTakeSavedDimension = false; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#installUI(javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public void installUI(JComponent c) { this.commandButton = (AbstractCommandButton) c; installDefaults(); installComponents(); installListeners(); installKeyboardActions(); this.layoutManager = this.commandButton.getDisplayState() .createLayoutManager(this.commandButton); this.updateCustomDimension(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) { c.setLayout(null); uninstallKeyboardActions(); uninstallListeners(); uninstallComponents(); uninstallDefaults(); this.commandButton = null; } /** * Installs defaults on the associated command button. */ protected void installDefaults() { configureRenderer(); this.updateBorder(); this.syncDisabledIcon(); } protected void configureRenderer() { this.buttonRendererPane = new CellRendererPane(); this.commandButton.add(buttonRendererPane); this.rendererButton = createRendererButton(); this.rendererButton.setOpaque(false); this.rendererSeparator = new JSeparator(); Font currFont = this.commandButton.getFont(); if ((currFont == null) || (currFont instanceof UIResource)) { this.commandButton.setFont(this.rendererButton.getFont()); } // special handling for Mac OS X native look-and-feel this.rendererButton.putClientProperty("JButton.buttonType", "square"); } protected void updateBorder() { Border currBorder = this.commandButton.getBorder(); if ((currBorder == null) || (currBorder instanceof UIResource)) { int tb = (int) (this.commandButton.getVGapScaleFactor() * 4); int lr = (int) (this.commandButton.getHGapScaleFactor() * 6); this.commandButton .setBorder(new BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource(tb, lr, tb, lr)); } } /** * Creates the renderer button. * * @return The renderer button. */ protected AbstractButton createRendererButton() { return new JButton(""); } /** * Installs subcomponents on the associated command button. */ protected void installComponents() { this.updatePopupActionIcon(); ResizableIcon buttonIcon = this.commandButton.getIcon(); if (buttonIcon instanceof AsynchronousLoading) { ((AsynchronousLoading) buttonIcon).addAsynchronousLoadListener((boolean success) -> { if (success && (commandButton != null)) commandButton.repaint(); }); } if (this.commandButton instanceof JCommandButton) { this.popupActionIcon = this.createPopupActionIcon(); } } /** * Installs listeners on the associated command button. */ protected void installListeners() { this.basicPopupButtonListener = createButtonListener(this.commandButton); if (this.basicPopupButtonListener != null) { this.commandButton.addMouseListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); this.commandButton.addMouseMotionListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); this.commandButton.addFocusListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); this.commandButton.addChangeListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); } this.propertyChangeListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (AbstractButton.ICON_CHANGED_PROPERTY.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { Icon newIcon = (Icon) evt.getNewValue(); if (newIcon instanceof AsynchronousLoading) { AsynchronousLoading async = (AsynchronousLoading) newIcon; async.addAsynchronousLoadListener((boolean success) -> { if (success) { if (commandButton != null) { syncIconDimension(); syncDisabledIcon(); commandButton.repaint(); } } }); if (!async.isLoading()) { syncIconDimension(); syncDisabledIcon(); commandButton.repaint(); } } else { syncIconDimension(); syncDisabledIcon(); commandButton.revalidate(); commandButton.repaint(); } } if ("commandButtonKind".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { updatePopupActionIcon(); } if ("popupOrientationKind".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { updatePopupActionIcon(); } if ("customDimension".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { updateCustomDimension(); } if ("hgapScaleFactor".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { updateBorder(); } if ("vgapScaleFactor".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { updateBorder(); } if ("popupModel".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { // rewire the popup action listener on the new popup model PopupButtonModel oldModel = (PopupButtonModel) evt.getOldValue(); PopupButtonModel newModel = (PopupButtonModel) evt.getNewValue(); if (oldModel != null) { oldModel.removePopupActionListener(popupActionListener); popupActionListener = null; } if (newModel != null) { popupActionListener = createPopupActionListener(); newModel.addPopupActionListener(popupActionListener); } } if ("displayState".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { syncIconDimension(); syncDisabledIcon(); commandButton.invalidate(); commandButton.revalidate(); commandButton.doLayout(); } // pass the event to the layout manager if (layoutManager != null) { layoutManager.propertyChange(evt); } if ("componentOrientation".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { updatePopupActionIcon(); commandButton.repaint(); } } }; this.commandButton.addPropertyChangeListener(this.propertyChangeListener); this.disposePopupsActionListener = (ActionEvent e) -> { boolean toDismiss = !Boolean.TRUE .equals(commandButton.getClientProperty(DONT_DISPOSE_POPUPS)); if (toDismiss) { JCommandPopupMenu menu = (JCommandPopupMenu) SwingUtilities .getAncestorOfClass(JCommandPopupMenu.class, commandButton); if (menu != null) { toDismiss = menu.isToDismissOnChildClick(); } } if (toDismiss) { if (SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JPopupPanel.class, commandButton) != null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { // command button may be cleared if the button click // resulted in LAF switch if (commandButton != null) { // clear the active states commandButton.getActionModel().setPressed(false); commandButton.getActionModel().setRollover(false); commandButton.getActionModel().setArmed(false); } }); } PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().hidePopups(null); } }; this.commandButton.addActionListener(this.disposePopupsActionListener); if (this.commandButton instanceof JCommandButton) { this.popupActionListener = this.createPopupActionListener(); ((JCommandButton) this.commandButton).getPopupModel() .addPopupActionListener(this.popupActionListener); } } /** * Creates the icon for the popup area. * * @return The icon for the popup area. */ protected ResizableIcon createPopupActionIcon() { return FlamingoUtilities .getCommandButtonPopupActionIcon((JCommandButton) this.commandButton); } /** * Creates the button listener for the specified command button. * * @param b * Command button. * @return The button listener for the specified command button. */ protected BasicCommandButtonListener createButtonListener(AbstractCommandButton b) { return new BasicCommandButtonListener(); } /** * Installs the keyboard actions on the associated command button. */ protected void installKeyboardActions() { if (this.basicPopupButtonListener != null) { basicPopupButtonListener.installKeyboardActions(this.commandButton); } } /** * Uninstalls defaults from the associated command button. */ protected void uninstallDefaults() { unconfigureRenderer(); } protected void unconfigureRenderer() { if (this.buttonRendererPane != null) { this.commandButton.remove(this.buttonRendererPane); } this.buttonRendererPane = null; } /** * Uninstalls subcomponents from the associated command button. */ protected void uninstallComponents() { } /** * Uninstalls listeners from the associated command button. */ protected void uninstallListeners() { if (this.basicPopupButtonListener != null) { this.commandButton.removeMouseListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); this.commandButton.removeMouseListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); this.commandButton.removeMouseMotionListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); this.commandButton.removeFocusListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); this.commandButton.removeChangeListener(this.basicPopupButtonListener); } this.commandButton.removePropertyChangeListener(this.propertyChangeListener); this.propertyChangeListener = null; this.commandButton.removeActionListener(this.disposePopupsActionListener); this.disposePopupsActionListener = null; if (this.commandButton instanceof JCommandButton) { ((JCommandButton) this.commandButton).getPopupModel() .removePopupActionListener(this.popupActionListener); this.popupActionListener = null; } } /** * Uninstalls the keyboard actions from the associated command button. */ protected void uninstallKeyboardActions() { if (this.basicPopupButtonListener != null) { this.basicPopupButtonListener.uninstallKeyboardActions(this.commandButton); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#update(java.awt.Graphics, * javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public void update(Graphics g, JComponent c) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); RenderingUtils.installDesktopHints(g2d); super.update(g2d, c); g2d.dispose(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#paint(java.awt.Graphics, * javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) { g.setFont(FlamingoUtilities.getFont(commandButton, "Ribbon.font", "Button.font", "Panel.font")); this.layoutInfo = this.layoutManager.getLayoutInfo(this.commandButton, g); commandButton.putClientProperty("icon.bounds", layoutInfo.iconRect); if (this.isPaintingBackground()) { this.paintButtonBackground(g, new Rectangle(0, 0, commandButton.getWidth(), commandButton.getHeight())); } // Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); // g2d.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, 64)); // if (getActionClickArea() != null) { // g2d.fill(getActionClickArea()); // } // g2d.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 255, 64)); // if (getPopupClickArea() != null) { // g2d.fill(getPopupClickArea()); // } // g2d.dispose(); if (layoutInfo.iconRect != null) { this.paintButtonIcon(g, layoutInfo.iconRect); } if (layoutInfo.popupActionRect.getWidth() > 0) { paintPopupActionIcon(g, layoutInfo.popupActionRect); } FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); boolean isTextPaintedEnabled = commandButton.isEnabled(); if (commandButton instanceof JCommandButton) { JCommandButton jCommandButton = (JCommandButton) commandButton; isTextPaintedEnabled = layoutInfo.isTextInActionArea ? jCommandButton.getActionModel().isEnabled() : jCommandButton.getPopupModel().isEnabled(); } g.setColor(getForegroundColor(isTextPaintedEnabled)); if (layoutInfo.textLayoutInfoList != null) { for (CommandButtonLayoutManager.TextLayoutInfo mainTextLayoutInfo : layoutInfo.textLayoutInfoList) { if (mainTextLayoutInfo.text != null) { BasicGraphicsUtils.drawString(g, mainTextLayoutInfo.text, -1, mainTextLayoutInfo.textRect.x, mainTextLayoutInfo.textRect.y + fm.getAscent()); } } } if (isTextPaintedEnabled) { g.setColor(FlamingoUtilities.getColor(Color.gray, "Label.disabledForeground")); } else { g.setColor( FlamingoUtilities.getColor(Color.gray, "Label.disabledForeground").brighter()); } if (layoutInfo.extraTextLayoutInfoList != null) { for (CommandButtonLayoutManager.TextLayoutInfo extraTextLayoutInfo : layoutInfo.extraTextLayoutInfoList) { if (extraTextLayoutInfo.text != null) { BasicGraphicsUtils.drawString(g, extraTextLayoutInfo.text, -1, extraTextLayoutInfo.textRect.x, extraTextLayoutInfo.textRect.y + fm.getAscent()); } } } if (this.isPaintingSeparators() && (layoutInfo.separatorArea != null)) { if (layoutInfo.separatorOrientation == CommandButtonSeparatorOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { this.paintButtonHorizontalSeparator(g, layoutInfo.separatorArea); } else { this.paintButtonVerticalSeparator(g, layoutInfo.separatorArea); } } // Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); // // g2d.setColor(Color.red); // g2d.draw(layoutInfo.iconRect); // g2d.setColor(Color.blue); // if (layoutInfo.textLayoutInfoList != null) { // for (CommandButtonLayoutManager.TextLayoutInfo mainTextLayoutInfo : // layoutInfo.textLayoutInfoList) { // if (mainTextLayoutInfo.text != null) { // g2d.draw(mainTextLayoutInfo.textRect); // } // } // } // g2d.setColor(Color.magenta); // if (layoutInfo.extraTextLayoutInfoList != null) { // for (CommandButtonLayoutManager.TextLayoutInfo extraTextLayoutInfo : // layoutInfo.extraTextLayoutInfoList) { // if (extraTextLayoutInfo.text != null) { // g2d.draw(extraTextLayoutInfo.textRect); // } // } // } // g2d.setColor(Color.green); // g2d.draw(layoutInfo.popupActionRect); // g2d.dispose(); } protected Color getForegroundColor(boolean isTextPaintedEnabled) { if (isTextPaintedEnabled) { return FlamingoUtilities.getColor(Color.black, "Button.foreground"); } else { return FlamingoUtilities.getColor(Color.gray, "Label.disabledForeground"); } } /** * Paints the icon of the popup area. * * @param g * Graphics context. * @param popupActionRect */ protected void paintPopupActionIcon(Graphics g, Rectangle popupActionRect) { int size = Math.max(popupActionRect.width - 2, 7); if (size % 2 == 0) size--; popupActionIcon.setDimension(new Dimension(size, size)); popupActionIcon.paintIcon(this.commandButton, g, popupActionRect.x + (popupActionRect.width - size) / 2, popupActionRect.y + (popupActionRect.height - size) / 2); } /** * Returns the current icon. * * @return Current icon. */ protected Icon getIconToPaint() { return (toUseDisabledIcon() && this.commandButton.getDisabledIcon() != null) ? this.commandButton.getDisabledIcon() : this.commandButton.getIcon(); } protected boolean toUseDisabledIcon() { // special case for command buttons with POPUP_ONLY kind - // check the popup model boolean toUseDisabledIcon; if (this.commandButton instanceof JCommandButton && ((JCommandButton) this.commandButton) .getCommandButtonKind() == JCommandButton.CommandButtonKind.POPUP_ONLY) { toUseDisabledIcon = !((JCommandButton) this.commandButton).getPopupModel().isEnabled(); } else { toUseDisabledIcon = !this.commandButton.getActionModel().isEnabled(); } return toUseDisabledIcon; } /** * Paints command button vertical separator. * * @param graphics * Graphics context. * @param separatorArea * Separator area. */ protected void paintButtonVerticalSeparator(Graphics graphics, Rectangle separatorArea) { this.buttonRendererPane.setBounds(0, 0, this.commandButton.getWidth(), this.commandButton.getHeight()); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics.create(); this.rendererSeparator.setOrientation(JSeparator.VERTICAL); this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererSeparator, this.commandButton, separatorArea.x, 2, 2, this.commandButton.getHeight() - 4, true); g2d.dispose(); } /** * Paints command button horizontal separator. * * @param graphics * Graphics context. * @param separatorArea * Separator area. */ protected void paintButtonHorizontalSeparator(Graphics graphics, Rectangle separatorArea) { this.buttonRendererPane.setBounds(0, 0, this.commandButton.getWidth(), this.commandButton.getHeight()); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics.create(); this.rendererSeparator.setOrientation(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL); this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererSeparator, this.commandButton, 2, separatorArea.y, this.commandButton.getWidth() - 4, 2, true); g2d.dispose(); } /** * Paints command button background. * * @param graphics * Graphics context. * @param toFill * Rectangle for the background. */ protected void paintButtonBackground(Graphics graphics, Rectangle toFill) { ButtonModel actionModel = this.commandButton.getActionModel(); PopupButtonModel popupModel = (this.commandButton instanceof JCommandButton) ? ((JCommandButton) this.commandButton).getPopupModel() : null; // first time - paint the full background passing both models this.paintButtonBackground(graphics, toFill, actionModel, popupModel); Rectangle actionArea = this.getLayoutInfo().actionClickArea; Rectangle popupArea = this.getLayoutInfo().popupClickArea; if ((actionArea != null) && !actionArea.isEmpty()) { // now overlay the action area with the background matching action // model Graphics2D graphicsAction = (Graphics2D) graphics.create(); // System.out.println(actionArea); graphicsAction.clip(actionArea); float actionAlpha = 0.4f; if ((popupModel != null) && !popupModel.isEnabled()) actionAlpha = 1.0f; graphicsAction.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcOver.derive(actionAlpha)); // System.out.println(graphicsAction.getClipBounds()); this.paintButtonBackground(graphicsAction, toFill, actionModel); graphicsAction.dispose(); } if ((popupArea != null) && !popupArea.isEmpty()) { // now overlay the popup area with the background matching popup // model Graphics2D graphicsPopup = (Graphics2D) graphics.create(); // System.out.println(popupArea); graphicsPopup.clip(popupArea); // System.out.println(graphicsPopup.getClipBounds()); float popupAlpha = 0.4f; if (!actionModel.isEnabled()) popupAlpha = 1.0f; graphicsPopup.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcOver.derive(popupAlpha)); this.paintButtonBackground(graphicsPopup, toFill, popupModel); graphicsPopup.dispose(); } } /** * Paints the background of the command button. * * @param graphics * Graphics context. * @param toFill * Rectangle to fill. * @param modelToUse * Button models to use for computing the background fill. */ @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") protected void paintButtonBackground(Graphics graphics, Rectangle toFill, ButtonModel... modelToUse) { if (modelToUse.length == 0) return; if ((modelToUse.length == 1) && (modelToUse[0] == null)) return; this.buttonRendererPane.setBounds(toFill.x, toFill.y, toFill.width, toFill.height); this.rendererButton.setRolloverEnabled(true); boolean isEnabled = true; boolean isRollover = false; boolean isPressed = true; boolean isArmed = true; boolean isSelected = true; for (ButtonModel model : modelToUse) { if (model == null) continue; isEnabled = isEnabled && model.isEnabled(); isRollover = isRollover || model.isRollover(); isPressed = isPressed && model.isPressed(); isArmed = isArmed && model.isArmed(); isSelected = isSelected && model.isSelected(); if (model instanceof PopupButtonModel) { isRollover = isRollover || ((PopupButtonModel) model).isPopupShowing(); } } this.rendererButton.getModel().setEnabled(isEnabled); this.rendererButton.getModel().setRollover(isRollover); this.rendererButton.getModel().setPressed(isPressed); this.rendererButton.getModel().setArmed(isArmed); this.rendererButton.getModel().setSelected(isSelected); // System.out.println(this.commandButton.getText() + " - e:" // + this.rendererButton.getModel().isEnabled() + ", s:" // + this.rendererButton.getModel().isSelected() + ", r:" // + this.rendererButton.getModel().isRollover() + ", p:" // + this.rendererButton.getModel().isPressed() + ", a:" // + this.rendererButton.getModel().isArmed()); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics.create(); Color borderColor = FlamingoUtilities.getBorderColor(); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.commandButton.getClientProperty(EMULATE_SQUARE_BUTTON))) { this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - toFill.width / 2, toFill.y - toFill.height / 2, 2 * toFill.width, 2 * toFill.height, true); g2d.setColor(borderColor); g2d.drawRect(toFill.x, toFill.y, toFill.width - 1, toFill.height - 1); } else { AbstractCommandButton.CommandButtonLocationOrderKind locationKind = this.commandButton .getLocationOrderKind(); Insets outsets = (this.rendererButton instanceof JToggleButton) ? ButtonSizingUtils.getInstance().getToggleOutsets() : ButtonSizingUtils.getInstance().getOutsets(); if (locationKind != null) { if (locationKind == AbstractCommandButton.CommandButtonLocationOrderKind.ONLY) { this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - outsets.left, toFill.y - outsets.top, toFill.width + outsets.left + outsets.right, toFill.height + outsets.top + outsets.bottom, true); } else { // special case for parent component which is a vertical // button strip Component parent = this.commandButton.getParent(); if ((parent instanceof JCommandButtonStrip) && (((JCommandButtonStrip) parent) .getOrientation() == StripOrientation.VERTICAL)) { switch (locationKind) { case FIRST: this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - outsets.left, toFill.y - outsets.top, toFill.width + outsets.left + outsets.right, 2 * toFill.height, true); g2d.setColor(borderColor); g2d.drawLine(toFill.x + 1, toFill.y + toFill.height - 1, toFill.x + toFill.width - 2, toFill.y + toFill.height - 1); break; case LAST: this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - outsets.left, toFill.y - toFill.height, toFill.width + outsets.left + outsets.right, 2 * toFill.height + outsets.bottom, true); break; case MIDDLE: this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - outsets.left, toFill.y - toFill.height, toFill.width + outsets.left + outsets.right, 3 * toFill.height, true); g2d.setColor(borderColor); g2d.drawLine(toFill.x + 1, toFill.y + toFill.height - 1, toFill.x + toFill.width - 2, toFill.y + toFill.height - 1); } } else { // horizontal boolean ltr = this.commandButton.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); if (locationKind == AbstractCommandButton.CommandButtonLocationOrderKind.MIDDLE) { this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - toFill.width, toFill.y - outsets.top, 3 * toFill.width, toFill.height + outsets.top + outsets.bottom, true); g2d.setColor(borderColor); g2d.drawLine(toFill.x + toFill.width - 1, toFill.y + 1, toFill.x + toFill.width - 1, toFill.y + toFill.height - 2); } else { boolean curveOnLeft = (ltr && (locationKind == AbstractCommandButton.CommandButtonLocationOrderKind.FIRST)) || (!ltr && (locationKind == AbstractCommandButton.CommandButtonLocationOrderKind.LAST)); if (curveOnLeft) { this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - outsets.left, toFill.y - outsets.top, 2 * toFill.width, toFill.height + outsets.top + outsets.bottom, true); g2d.setColor(borderColor); g2d.drawLine(toFill.x + toFill.width - 1, toFill.y + 1, toFill.x + toFill.width - 1, toFill.y + toFill.height - 2); } else { this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - toFill.width, toFill.y - outsets.top, 2 * toFill.width + outsets.right, toFill.height + outsets.top + outsets.bottom, true); } } } } } else { this.buttonRendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, this.rendererButton, this.commandButton, toFill.x - outsets.left, toFill.y - outsets.top, toFill.width + outsets.left + outsets.right, toFill.height + outsets.top + outsets.bottom, true); } } g2d.dispose(); } /** * Updates the custom dimension. */ protected void updateCustomDimension() { int dimension = this.commandButton.getCustomDimension(); if (dimension > 0) { this.commandButton.getIcon().setDimension(new Dimension(dimension, dimension)); this.commandButton.setDisplayState(CommandButtonDisplayState.FIT_TO_ICON); this.commandButton.invalidate(); this.commandButton.revalidate(); this.commandButton.doLayout(); this.commandButton.repaint(); } } /** * Updates the popup action icon. */ protected void updatePopupActionIcon() { JCommandButton button = (JCommandButton) this.commandButton; if (button.getCommandButtonKind().hasPopup()) { this.popupActionIcon = this.createPopupActionIcon(); } else { this.popupActionIcon = null; } } /** * Paints the button icon. * * @param g * Graphics context. * @param iconRect * Icon rectangle. */ protected void paintButtonIcon(Graphics g, Rectangle iconRect) { Icon iconToPaint = this.getIconToPaint(); if ((iconRect == null) || (iconToPaint == null) || (iconRect.width == 0) || (iconRect.height == 0)) { return; } iconToPaint.paintIcon(this.commandButton, g, iconRect.x, iconRect.y); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI#getPreferredSize(javax.swing.JComponent) */ @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) { AbstractCommandButton button = (AbstractCommandButton) c; return this.layoutManager.getPreferredSize(button); } @Override public CommandButtonLayoutInfo getLayoutInfo() { if (this.layoutInfo != null) { return this.layoutInfo; } this.layoutInfo = this.layoutManager.getLayoutInfo(commandButton, this.commandButton.getGraphics()); return this.layoutInfo; } /** * Returns the layout gap for the visuals of the associated command button. * * @return The layout gap for the visuals of the associated command button. */ protected int getLayoutGap() { Font font = this.commandButton.getFont(); if (font == null) font = UIManager.getFont("Button.font"); return (font.getSize() - 4) / 4; } /** * Returns indication whether the action-popup areas separator is painted. * * @return <code>true</code> if the action-popup areas separator is painted. */ protected boolean isPaintingSeparators() { PopupButtonModel popupModel = (this.commandButton instanceof JCommandButton) ? ((JCommandButton) this.commandButton).getPopupModel() : null; boolean isActionRollover = this.commandButton.getActionModel().isRollover(); boolean isPopupRollover = (popupModel != null) && popupModel.isRollover(); // Rectangle actionArea = this.getActionClickArea(); // Rectangle popupArea = this.getPopupClickArea(); // boolean hasNonEmptyAreas = (actionArea.width * actionArea.height // * popupArea.width * popupArea.height > 0); return // hasNonEmptyAreas && (isActionRollover || isPopupRollover); } /** * Returns indication whether the button background is painted. * * @return <code>true</code> if the button background is painted. */ protected boolean isPaintingBackground() { PopupButtonModel popupModel = (this.commandButton instanceof JCommandButton) ? ((JCommandButton) this.commandButton).getPopupModel() : null; boolean isActionSelected = this.commandButton.getActionModel().isSelected(); boolean isPopupSelected = (popupModel != null) && popupModel.isSelected(); boolean isActionRollover = this.commandButton.getActionModel().isRollover(); boolean isPopupRollover = (popupModel != null) && popupModel.isRollover(); boolean isPopupShowing = (popupModel != null) && (popupModel.isPopupShowing()); boolean isActionArmed = this.commandButton.getActionModel().isArmed(); boolean isPopupArmed = (popupModel != null) && (popupModel.isArmed()); return (isActionSelected || isPopupSelected || isActionRollover || isPopupRollover || isPopupShowing || isActionArmed || isPopupArmed || !this.commandButton.isFlat()); } /** * Creates the popup action listener for this command button. * * @return Popup action listener for this command button. */ protected PopupActionListener createPopupActionListener() { return (ActionEvent e) -> processPopupAction(); } protected void processPopupAction() { boolean wasPopupShowing = false; if (this.commandButton instanceof JCommandButton) { wasPopupShowing = ((JCommandButton) this.commandButton).getPopupModel() .isPopupShowing(); } // dismiss all the popups that are currently showing // up until <this> button. PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().hidePopups(commandButton); if (!(commandButton instanceof JCommandButton)) return; if (wasPopupShowing) return; JCommandButton jcb = (JCommandButton) this.commandButton; // check if the command button has an associated popup // panel PopupPanelCallback popupCallback = jcb.getPopupCallback(); final JPopupPanel popupPanel = (popupCallback != null) ? popupCallback.getPopupPanel(jcb) : null; if (popupPanel != null) { popupPanel.applyComponentOrientation(jcb.getComponentOrientation()); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { if ((commandButton == null) || (popupPanel == null)) return; if (!commandButton.isShowing()) return; popupPanel.doLayout(); int x = 0; int y = 0; JPopupPanel.PopupPanelCustomizer customizer = popupPanel.getCustomizer(); boolean ltr = commandButton.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); if (customizer == null) { switch (((JCommandButton) commandButton).getPopupOrientationKind()) { case DOWNWARD: if (ltr) { x = commandButton.getLocationOnScreen().x; } else { x = commandButton.getLocationOnScreen().x + commandButton.getWidth() - popupPanel.getPreferredSize().width; } y = commandButton.getLocationOnScreen().y + commandButton.getSize().height; break; case SIDEWARD: if (ltr) { x = commandButton.getLocationOnScreen().x + commandButton.getWidth(); } else { x = commandButton.getLocationOnScreen().x - popupPanel.getPreferredSize().width; } y = commandButton.getLocationOnScreen().y + getLayoutInfo().popupClickArea.y; break; } } else { Rectangle placementRect = customizer.getScreenBounds(); // System.out.println(placementRect); x = placementRect.x; y = placementRect.y; } // make sure that the popup stays in bounds Rectangle scrBounds = commandButton.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds(); int pw = popupPanel.getPreferredSize().width; if ((x + pw) > (scrBounds.x + scrBounds.width)) { x = scrBounds.x + scrBounds.width - pw; } int ph = popupPanel.getPreferredSize().height; if ((y + ph) > (scrBounds.y + scrBounds.height)) { y = scrBounds.y + scrBounds.height - ph; } // get the popup and show it if (customizer != null) { Rectangle placementRect = customizer.getScreenBounds(); popupPanel.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(placementRect.width, placementRect.height)); } Popup popup = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance().getPopup(commandButton, popupPanel, x, y); // System.out.println("Showing the popup panel"); PopupPanelManager.defaultManager().addPopup(commandButton, popup, popupPanel); }); return; } } protected void syncDisabledIcon() { ResizableIcon currDisabledIcon = this.commandButton.getDisabledIcon(); ResizableIcon icon = this.commandButton.getIcon(); if ((currDisabledIcon == null) || (currDisabledIcon instanceof UIResource)) { if (icon != null) { this.commandButton.setDisabledIcon(new ResizableIconUIResource( new FilteredResizableIcon(icon, new ColorConvertOp( ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), null)))); } else { this.commandButton.setDisabledIcon(null); } } else { // disabled icon coming from app code if (icon != null) { this.commandButton.getDisabledIcon() .setDimension(new Dimension(icon.getIconWidth(), icon.getIconHeight())); } } } protected void syncIconDimension() { ResizableIcon icon = this.commandButton.getIcon(); CommandButtonDisplayState commandButtonState = this.commandButton.getDisplayState(); this.layoutManager = commandButtonState.createLayoutManager(this.commandButton); if (icon == null) return; int maxHeight = layoutManager.getPreferredIconSize(this.commandButton); if (maxHeight < 0) { maxHeight = this.commandButton.getIcon().getIconHeight(); } if (commandButtonState != CommandButtonDisplayState.FIT_TO_ICON) { Dimension newDim = new Dimension(maxHeight, maxHeight); icon.setDimension(newDim); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.jvnet.flamingo.common.ui.CommandButtonUI#getKeyTipAnchorCenterPoint() */ @Override public Point getKeyTipAnchorCenterPoint() { return this.layoutManager.getKeyTipAnchorCenterPoint(this.commandButton); } }