package com.feedly.cassandra.dao; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.AbstractCollection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.AbstractComposite.ComponentEquality; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.DynamicComposite; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.HColumn; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Row; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Rows; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.MultigetSliceQuery; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.SliceQuery; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.feedly.cassandra.EConsistencyLevel; import com.feedly.cassandra.IKeyspaceFactory; import com.feedly.cassandra.entity.EntityMetadata; import com.feedly.cassandra.entity.IndexMetadata; import com.feedly.cassandra.entity.SimplePropertyMetadata; /* * used to fetch data using custom secondary indexes. Lazy loading is supported. */ class RangeIndexFindHelper<K, V> extends LoadHelper<K, V> { private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RangeIndexFindHelper.class.getName()); private final IndexedValueComparator<V> SORT_ASC = new IndexedValueComparator<V>(true); private final IndexedValueComparator<V> SORT_DESC = new IndexedValueComparator<V>(false); private final GetHelper<K, V> _getHelper; private final IStaleIndexValueStrategy _staleValueStrategy; RangeIndexFindHelper(EntityMetadata<V> meta, IKeyspaceFactory factory, IStaleIndexValueStrategy staleValueStrategy, int statsSize) { super(meta, factory, statsSize); _getHelper = new GetHelper<K, V>(meta, factory, statsSize); _staleValueStrategy = staleValueStrategy; } @Override public OperationStatistics stats() { return _getHelper.stats(); } public OperationStatistics indexStats() { return _stats; } private V uniqueValue(Collection<V> values) { if(values == null || values.isEmpty()) return null; if(values.size() > 1) throw new IllegalStateException("non-unique value"); return values.iterator().next(); } public V find(V template, FindOptions options, IndexMetadata index) { return uniqueValue(mfind(template, options, index)); } public Collection<V> mfind(V template, FindOptions options, IndexMetadata index) { RangeIndexQueryResult<K> result = findKeys(template, template, EFindOrder.NONE, options.getMaxRows(), index, options.getConsistencyLevel()); IValueFilter<V> filter = new EqualityValueFilter<V>(_entityMeta, template, index); _stats.incrNumOps(1); return new LazyLoadedCollection(result, filter, options, EFindOrder.NONE, index, options.getConsistencyLevel()); } public Collection<V> mfindBetween(V startTemplate, V endTemplate, FindBetweenOptions options, IndexMetadata index) { RangeIndexQueryResult<K> result = findKeys(startTemplate, endTemplate, options.getRowOrder(), options.getMaxRows(), index, options.getConsistencyLevel()); IValueFilter<V> f = new RangeValueFilter<V>(_entityMeta, startTemplate, endTemplate, index); _stats.incrNumOps(1); return new LazyLoadedCollection(result, f, options, options.getRowOrder(), index, options.getConsistencyLevel()); } private List<IndexedValue<V>> filterValues(RangeIndexQueryResult<K> queryResult, List<K> orderedKeys, List<V> values, IValueFilter<V> filter, IndexMetadata index, EConsistencyLevel level) { List<StaleIndexValue> filtered = null; List<IndexedValue<V>> rv = new ArrayList<IndexedValue<V>>(); int excludedCnt = 0; Map<K, List<StaleIndexValue>> staleValues = queryResult.getCurrentValues(); for(int i = values.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { K key = orderedKeys.get(i); V value = values.get(i); for(StaleIndexValue staleValue : staleValues.get(key)) { if(value == null) { if(filtered == null) filtered = new ArrayList<StaleIndexValue>(); _logger.trace("{} no value found", key); filtered.add(staleValue); } else { IndexedValue<V> idxValue = indexedValue(value, index); List<Object> idxPropVals = staleValue.getColumnName(); List<Object> rowPropVals = idxValue.getIndexValues(); EFilterResult result = null; if(rowPropVals.size() != idxPropVals.size() - 1) //last value of index column is row key { result = EFilterResult.FAIL_STALE; _logger.trace("{} index prop length mismatch {} != {} - 1", new Object[] {key, rowPropVals.size(), idxPropVals.size()}); } else { for(int j = rowPropVals.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { Object idxPropVal = idxPropVals.get(j); if(idxPropVal instanceof ByteBuffer) { idxPropVal = index.getIndexedProperties().get(j).getSerializer().fromByteBuffer((ByteBuffer) idxPropVal); } if(!idxPropVal.equals(rowPropVals.get(j))) { result = EFilterResult.FAIL_STALE; _logger.trace("{} index prop val mismatch {} != {}", new Object[] {key, idxPropVal, rowPropVals.get(j)}); break; } } } if(result == null) result = filter.isFiltered(idxValue); if(result == EFilterResult.FAIL_STALE) { if(filtered == null) filtered = new ArrayList<StaleIndexValue>(); filtered.add(staleValue); } else if(result == EFilterResult.PASS) rv.add(idxValue); else excludedCnt++; } } } if(filtered != null) { _getHelper.stats().incrNumRows(-excludedCnt); _staleValueStrategy.handle(_entityMeta, index, _keyspaceFactory.createKeyspace(level), filtered); _logger.debug("filtered {} stale values from index [{}]. {} excluded, retained {}", new Object[] { filtered.size(), index, excludedCnt, rv.size() }); } else _logger.debug("no stale rows filtered from index [{}]. {} excluded. retained {}", new Object[] {index, excludedCnt, rv.size()}); return rv; } private IndexedValue<V> indexedValue(V v, IndexMetadata index) { List<SimplePropertyMetadata> indexedProperties = index.getIndexedProperties(); List<Object> indexValues = new ArrayList<Object>(indexedProperties.size()); for(SimplePropertyMetadata pm : indexedProperties) { Object propVal = invokeGetter(pm, v); if(propVal == null) break; indexValues.add(propVal); } return new IndexedValue<V>(indexValues, v); } private List<Object> indexValues(V template, IndexMetadata index) { BitSet dirty = asEntity(template).getModifiedFields(); Set<SimplePropertyMetadata> modified = new HashSet<SimplePropertyMetadata>(); List<Object> propValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); for(int i = dirty.nextSetBit(0); i>= 0; i = dirty.nextSetBit(i+1)) modified.add((SimplePropertyMetadata) _entityMeta.getProperties().get(i)); for(SimplePropertyMetadata pm : index.getIndexedProperties()) { if(modified.contains(pm)) propValues.add(invokeGetter(pm, template)); else break; } return propValues; } /* * index column family structure * row key: idx_id:partition key * column: index value:rowkey * value: meaningless */ private RangeIndexQueryResult<K> findKeys(V startTemplate, V endTemplate, EFindOrder rowOrder, int maxKeys, IndexMetadata index, EConsistencyLevel level) { List<Object> startPropVals = indexValues(startTemplate, index); List<Object> endPropVals; List<List<Object>> indexPartitions; if(startTemplate == endTemplate) { endPropVals = startPropVals; indexPartitions = index.getIndexPartitioner().partitionValue(startPropVals); } else { endPropVals = indexValues(endTemplate, index); indexPartitions = index.getIndexPartitioner().partitionRange(startPropVals, endPropVals); } _logger.trace("reading from partitions {}", indexPartitions); List<DynamicComposite> rowKeys = new ArrayList<DynamicComposite>(); for(List<Object> partition : indexPartitions) { DynamicComposite rowKey = new DynamicComposite(); rowKey.add(; for(Object pval : partition) rowKey.add(pval); rowKeys.add(rowKey); } DynamicComposite startCol = new DynamicComposite(startPropVals); startCol.setEquality(ComponentEquality.EQUAL); DynamicComposite endCol = new DynamicComposite(endPropVals); endCol.setEquality(ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL); return fetchInitialBatch(rowKeys.toArray(new DynamicComposite[rowKeys.size()]), startCol, endCol, rowOrder, index, level); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private RangeIndexQueryResult<K> fetchInitialBatch(DynamicComposite[] partitionKeys, DynamicComposite startCol, DynamicComposite endCol, EFindOrder colOrder, IndexMetadata index, EConsistencyLevel level) { RangeIndexQueryResult<K> rv = new RangeIndexQueryResult<K>(); List<RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult> partitionResults = rv.getPartitionResults(); if(colOrder == EFindOrder.NONE && partitionKeys.length <= CassandraDaoBase.COL_RANGE_SIZE) //can attempt to find all rows at once { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); MultigetSliceQuery<DynamicComposite,DynamicComposite,byte[]> multiGetQuery = HFactory.createMultigetSliceQuery(_keyspaceFactory.createKeyspace(level), SER_DYNAMIC_COMPOSITE, SER_DYNAMIC_COMPOSITE, SER_BYTES); multiGetQuery.setKeys(partitionKeys); multiGetQuery.setColumnFamily(_entityMeta.getIndexFamilyName()); Rows<DynamicComposite,DynamicComposite,byte[]> indexRows; int colRangeSize = CassandraDaoBase.COL_RANGE_SIZE/partitionKeys.length; multiGetQuery.setRange(startCol, endCol, false, colRangeSize); //count here applies to the column slice of each row, not the overall count indexRows = multiGetQuery.execute().get(); boolean hasMore = false; rv.setPartitionPos(partitionKeys.length - 1); //init to no additional results int partitionIdx = 0; for(Row<DynamicComposite, DynamicComposite, byte[]> row : indexRows) { RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult partitionResult = new RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult(); partitionResult.setPartitionKey(row.getKey()); List<HColumn<DynamicComposite,byte[]>> columns = row.getColumnSlice().getColumns(); for(HColumn<DynamicComposite, byte[]> col : columns) { K k = (K) col.getName().get(col.getName().size()-1); StaleIndexValue v = new StaleIndexValue(row.getKey(), col.getName(), col.getClock()); rv.add(k, v); } if(columns.size() == colRangeSize) { partitionResult.setHasMore(true); if(!hasMore) { rv.setPartitionPos(partitionIdx); hasMore = true; } DynamicComposite start = columns.get(colRangeSize - 1).getName(); start.setEquality(ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL); partitionResult.setStartCol(start); partitionResult.setEndCol(endCol); } else { partitionResult.setStartCol(startCol); partitionResult.setEndCol(endCol); partitionResult.setHasMore(false); } partitionResults.add(partitionResult); partitionIdx++; if(!hasMore) rv.setPartitionPos(partitionIdx); } _stats.addRecentTiming(System.nanoTime() - startTime); _stats.incrNumCassandraOps(1); _stats.incrNumCols(rv.getCurrentValues().size()); _stats.incrNumRows(rv.getCurrentValues().size()); } else { /* * ordered results requested, need to proceed through the partitions in order, this means a multi get cannot be done... */ if(colOrder == EFindOrder.DESCENDING) { partitionKeys = partitionKeys.clone(); ArrayUtils.reverse(partitionKeys); } boolean foundResults = false; /* * find the first partition with some results and fetch them, set the remaining partitions up for a later fetch */ for(int i = 0; i < partitionKeys.length; i++) { if(!foundResults) { RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult pr = new RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult(); pr.setPartitionKey(partitionKeys[i]); pr.setHasMore(true); pr.setStartCol(startCol); pr.setEndCol(endCol); int fetchCnt = fetchFromPartition(rv, pr, colOrder, 0, level); foundResults = fetchCnt > 0; if(foundResults) partitionResults.add(pr); } else { RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult partitionResult = new RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult(); partitionResult.setPartitionKey(partitionKeys[i]); partitionResult.setHasMore(true); partitionResult.setStartCol(startCol); partitionResult.setEndCol(endCol); partitionResults.add(partitionResult); } } } _logger.debug("initial fetch: index [{}] {} - {}, found {} keys", new Object[]{ index, startCol, endCol, rv.getCurrentValues().size() }); return rv; } private void fetchBatch(RangeIndexQueryResult<K> result, int maxRows, EFindOrder order, IndexMetadata index, EConsistencyLevel level) { if(!result.hasMore()) return; result.clearCurrent(); int numPartitions = result.getPartitionResults().size(); List<RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult> partitionResults = result.getPartitionResults(); int fetchCnt = 0; for(int i = result.getPartitionPos(); i < numPartitions; i++) { RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult p = partitionResults.get(i); if(p.hasMore()) { fetchCnt = fetchFromPartition(result, p, order, i, level); if(fetchCnt > 0) break; } } if(fetchCnt == 0) { //no results result.setPartitionPos(numPartitions); result.setCurrentValues(Collections.<K, List<StaleIndexValue>>emptyMap()); } } private List<HColumn<DynamicComposite, byte[]>> executeSliceQuery(DynamicComposite partitionKey, DynamicComposite startCol, DynamicComposite endCol, EFindOrder colOrder, EConsistencyLevel level) { SliceQuery<DynamicComposite,DynamicComposite,byte[]> query = HFactory.createSliceQuery(_keyspaceFactory.createKeyspace(level), SER_DYNAMIC_COMPOSITE, SER_DYNAMIC_COMPOSITE, SER_BYTES); query.setKey(partitionKey); query.setColumnFamily(_entityMeta.getIndexFamilyName()); if(colOrder == EFindOrder.DESCENDING) query.setRange(endCol, startCol, true, CassandraDaoBase.COL_RANGE_SIZE); else query.setRange(startCol, endCol, false, CassandraDaoBase.COL_RANGE_SIZE); List<HColumn<DynamicComposite,byte[]>> columns = query.execute().get().getColumns(); return columns; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private int fetchFromPartition(RangeIndexQueryResult<K> result, RangeIndexQueryPartitionResult p, EFindOrder order, int pos, EConsistencyLevel level) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); List<HColumn<DynamicComposite,byte[]>> columns = executeSliceQuery(p.getPartitionKey(), p.getStartCol(), p.getEndCol(), order, level); int size = columns.size(); if(size > 0) { for(HColumn<DynamicComposite, byte[]> col : columns) { K k = (K) col.getName().get(col.getName().size()-1); StaleIndexValue v = new StaleIndexValue(p.getPartitionKey(), col.getName(), col.getClock()); result.add(k, v); } if(order == EFindOrder.DESCENDING) { DynamicComposite end = columns.get(columns.size() - 1).getName(); end.setEquality(ComponentEquality.LESS_THAN_EQUAL); p.setEndCol(end); } else { DynamicComposite start = columns.get(columns.size() - 1).getName(); start.setEquality(ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL); p.setStartCol(start); } boolean hasMore = size == CassandraDaoBase.COL_RANGE_SIZE; _logger.debug("fetched {} keys from partition[{}] ({}), has more == {}", new Object[] {size, pos, p.getPartitionKey(), hasMore}); p.setHasMore(hasMore); result.setPartitionPos(hasMore ? pos : pos+1); } _stats.addRecentTiming(System.nanoTime() - startTime); _stats.incrNumCassandraOps(1); _stats.incrNumCols(size); _stats.incrNumRows(size); return size; } private List<V> toRows(RangeIndexQueryResult<K> result, FindOptions options, EFindOrder order, IValueFilter<V> filter, IndexMetadata index, EConsistencyLevel level) { if(result.getCurrentKeys().isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if(options.getColumnFilterStrategy() == EColumnFilterStrategy.INCLUDES) { Set<Object> partialProperties = new HashSet<Object>(partialProperties(options.getIncludes(), options.getExcludes())); for(SimplePropertyMetadata pm : index.getIndexedProperties()) partialProperties.add(pm.getName()); try { options = (FindOptions) options.clone(); options.setIncludes(partialProperties); options.setExcludes(null); } catch(CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } List<K> currentKeys = new ArrayList<K>(result.getCurrentKeys()); List<V> rows = _getHelper.mget(currentKeys, null, options); List<IndexedValue<V>> values = filterValues(result, currentKeys, rows, filter, index, level); rows.clear(); if(!values.isEmpty()) { if(order == EFindOrder.ASCENDING) Collections.sort(values, SORT_ASC); else if(order == EFindOrder.DESCENDING) Collections.sort(values, SORT_DESC); for(IndexedValue<V> v : values) rows.add(v.getValue()); } return rows; } private class LazyLoadedIterator implements Iterator<V> { private int _remRows; //remaining rows left to fetch, based on max set by user and if the last batch fetched was maximal private List<V> _current; private Iterator<V> _currentIter; private V _next; private int _iteratedCnt = 0; private final FindOptions _options; private final RangeIndexQueryResult<K> _result; private final EFindOrder _order; private final IndexMetadata _index; private final IValueFilter<V> _filter; private final LazyLoadedCollection _parent; private final EConsistencyLevel _level; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public LazyLoadedIterator(LazyLoadedCollection parent, List<V> first, RangeIndexQueryResult<K> result, IValueFilter<V> filter, FindOptions options, EFindOrder order, IndexMetadata index, EConsistencyLevel level) { _parent = parent; _current = first; _currentIter = first.iterator(); _next =; _filter = filter; _options = options; _order = order; _index = index; _level = level; try { _result = (RangeIndexQueryResult<K>) result.clone(); } catch(CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex);//should never happen } if(_result.hasMore()) _remRows = options.getMaxRows() - first.size(); else _remRows = 0; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return _next != null; } @Override public V next() { if(_next == null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); V rv = _next; if(_currentIter.hasNext()) _next =; else if(_remRows == 0) { _next = null; } else //fetch next batch { List<V> rows = Collections.emptyList(); while(rows.isEmpty() && _result.hasMore()) { fetchBatch(_result, _options.getMaxRows(), _order, _index, _level); rows = toRows(_result, _options, _order, _filter, _index, _level); } if(rows.size() >= _remRows) { if(rows.size() > _remRows) //trim { rows = rows.subList(0, _remRows); rows = new ArrayList<V>(rows); //detach from original list } } _remRows = Math.max(0, _remRows - rows.size()); _current = rows; if(_current.isEmpty()) { _current = null; _currentIter = null; _next = null; } else { _currentIter = _current.iterator(); _next =; } } _iteratedCnt++; if(_next == null) _parent.setSize(_iteratedCnt); //we have a row count, notify parent so subsequent calls to size() don't have to fetch all rows return rv; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private class LazyLoadedCollection extends AbstractCollection<V> { private final RangeIndexQueryResult<K> _result; private final IValueFilter<V> _filter; private final FindOptions _options; private final EFindOrder _order; private final IndexMetadata _index; private List<V> _all = null; //if it is known all rows have been fetched, this field is set private List<V> _first; private int _size = -1; private final EConsistencyLevel _level; public LazyLoadedCollection(RangeIndexQueryResult<K> result, IValueFilter<V> filter, FindOptions options, EFindOrder order, IndexMetadata index, EConsistencyLevel level) { _result = result; _filter = filter; _options = options; _order = order; _index = index; _level = level; int maxRows = _options.getMaxRows(); List<V> rows = toRows(result, options, order, filter, index, level); while(rows.isEmpty() && result.hasMore()) { fetchBatch(result, options.getMaxRows(), order, index, _level); rows = toRows(result, options, order, filter, index, level); } if(!result.hasMore() || result.getCurrentValues().size() >= maxRows) { if(rows.size() >= maxRows) { if(rows.size() > maxRows) //trim { rows = rows.subList(0, maxRows); rows = new ArrayList<V>(rows); //detach from original list } } _all = rows; _first = rows; } else _first = rows; //will need to iterate... } //override, don't want to invoke size, just to check if empty @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return _first.isEmpty(); } //can aggressively fetch and retain all values, use with caution @Override public int size() { if(_size >= 0) return _size; if(_all == null) { Iterator<V> iter = iterator(); _all = new ArrayList<V>(); while(iter.hasNext()) _all.add(; } return _all.size(); } @Override public java.util.Iterator<V> iterator() { if(_all != null) return _all.iterator(); return new LazyLoadedIterator(this, _first, _result, _filter, _options, _order, _index, _level); } void setSize(int size) { _size = size; } } }