package com.feedly.cassandra.dao; import java.util.AbstractCollection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.Serializer; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.AbstractComposite.ComponentEquality; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.CounterRow; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.OrderedCounterRows; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.OrderedRows; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Row; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.Query; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.QueryResult; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.RangeSlicesCounterQuery; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.RangeSlicesQuery; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.SliceCounterQuery; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.SliceQuery; import com.feedly.cassandra.EConsistencyLevel; import com.feedly.cassandra.IKeyspaceFactory; import com.feedly.cassandra.entity.EntityMetadata; import com.feedly.cassandra.entity.SimplePropertyMetadata; /* * helper class to do gets (reads by row key). */ class GetHelper<K, V> extends LoadHelper<K, V> { GetHelper(EntityMetadata<V> meta, IKeyspaceFactory factory, int statsSize) { super(meta, factory, statsSize); } public V get(K key, V value, GetOptions options) { EConsistencyLevel c = options.getConsistencyLevel(); V row = value; long startTiming = System.nanoTime(); switch(options.getColumnFilterStrategy()) { case UNFILTERED: case RANGE: row = value; byte[] start = null; byte[] end = null; if(options.getColumnFilterStrategy() == EColumnFilterStrategy.RANGE) { start = propertyName(options.getStartColumn(), ComponentEquality.EQUAL); end = propertyName(options.getEndColumn(), ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL); } if(_entityMeta.hasNormalColumns()) row = loadFromGet(key, row, null, start, end, c); if(_entityMeta.hasCounterColumns()) row = loadFromCounterGet(key, row, null, start, end, c); break; case INCLUDES: row = get(key, value, options.getIncludes(), options.getExcludes(), c); } _stats.incrNumRows(1); _stats.incrNumOps(1); _stats.addRecentTiming(System.nanoTime() - startTiming); return row; } private V get(K key, V value, Set<? extends Object> includes, Set<String> excludes, EConsistencyLevel level) { _logger.debug("loading {}[{}]", _entityMeta.getFamilyName(), key); if(includes != null && excludes != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("either includes or excludes should be specified, not both"); List<byte[]> colNames = null, counterColNames = null; if(_entityMeta.hasCounterColumns()) counterColNames = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); if(_entityMeta.hasNormalColumns()) colNames = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); List<CollectionRange> ranges = derivePartialColumns(colNames, counterColNames, includes, excludes); if(colNames != null && !colNames.isEmpty()) value = loadFromGet(key, value, colNames, null, null, level); if(counterColNames != null && !counterColNames.isEmpty()) value = loadFromCounterGet(key, value, counterColNames, null, null, level); if(ranges != null) { for(CollectionRange r : ranges) { if(r.propertyMetadata().hasSimple()) value = loadFromGet(key, value, null, r.startBytes(), r.endBytes(), level); if(r.propertyMetadata().hasCounter()) value = loadFromCounterGet(key, value, null, r.startBytes(), r.endBytes(), level); } } return value; } public List<V> mget(Collection<K> allKeys) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); List<V> allValues = new ArrayList<V>(); List<K> keys = new ArrayList<K>(); int totalCnt = allKeys.size(); for(K key : allKeys) { keys.add(key); if(keys.size() == totalCnt || keys.size() == CassandraDaoBase.ROW_RANGE_SIZE) { List<V> values = null; if(_entityMeta.hasNormalColumns()) values = bulkLoadFromMultiGet(keys, null, null, null, null, _entityMeta.hasCounterColumns(), null); if(_entityMeta.hasCounterColumns()) values = bulkLoadFromMultiCounterGet(keys, values, null, null, null, _entityMeta.hasNormalColumns(), null); allValues.addAll(values); keys.clear(); } } _stats.incrNumRows(allKeys.size()); _stats.incrNumOps(1); _stats.addRecentTiming(System.nanoTime()-startTime); return allValues; } public List<V> mget(List<K> allKeys, List<V> allValues, GetOptions options) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); if(allKeys == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("keys parameter is null"); if(allValues != null && allKeys.size() != allValues.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("key and value list must be same size"); List<V> rv = allValues == null ? new ArrayList<V>() : null; for(int i = 0; i < allKeys.size(); i += CassandraDaoBase.ROW_RANGE_SIZE) { EConsistencyLevel c = options.getConsistencyLevel(); int endPos = Math.min(allKeys.size(), i + CassandraDaoBase.ROW_RANGE_SIZE); List<K> keys = allKeys.subList(i, endPos); List<V> values = allValues != null ? allValues.subList(i, endPos) : null; switch(options.getColumnFilterStrategy()) { case UNFILTERED: case RANGE: byte[] start = null; byte[] end = null; if(options.getColumnFilterStrategy() == EColumnFilterStrategy.RANGE) { start = propertyName(options.getStartColumn(), ComponentEquality.EQUAL); end = propertyName(options.getEndColumn(), ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL); } if(_entityMeta.hasNormalColumns()) values = bulkLoadFromMultiGet(keys, values, null, start, end, true, c); if(_entityMeta.hasCounterColumns()) values = bulkLoadFromMultiCounterGet(keys, values, null, start, end, true, c); break; case INCLUDES: values = mget(keys, values, options.getIncludes(), options.getExcludes(), c); } if(rv != null) rv.addAll(values); } if(rv == null) rv = allValues; _stats.incrNumRows(allKeys.size()); _stats.incrNumOps(1); _stats.addRecentTiming(System.nanoTime()-startTime); return rv; } public Collection<V> mgetAll(GetAllOptions options) { _stats.incrNumOps(1); return new LazyLoadedCollection(options); } private List<V> mget(List<K> keys, List<V> values, Set<? extends Object> includes, Set<String> excludes, EConsistencyLevel level) { if(includes != null && excludes != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("either includes or excludes should be specified, not both"); if(includes == null && excludes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("includes or excludes should be specified"); List<byte[]> colNames = null, counterColNames = null; if(_entityMeta.hasCounterColumns()) counterColNames = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); if(_entityMeta.hasNormalColumns()) colNames = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); List<CollectionRange> fullCollectionProperties = derivePartialColumns(colNames, counterColNames, includes, excludes); if(colNames != null && !colNames.isEmpty()) values = bulkLoadFromMultiGet(keys, values, colNames, null, null, true, level); if(counterColNames != null && !counterColNames.isEmpty()) values = bulkLoadFromMultiCounterGet(keys, values, counterColNames, null, null, true, level); return addCollectionRanges(keys, values, fullCollectionProperties, level); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private V loadFromGet(K key, V value, List<byte[]> cols, byte[] from, byte[] to, EConsistencyLevel level) { _logger.debug("loading {}[{}]", _entityMeta.getFamilyName(), key); SimplePropertyMetadata keyMeta = _entityMeta.getKeyMetadata(); byte[] keyBytes = ((Serializer) keyMeta.getSerializer()).toBytes(key); SliceQuery<byte[], byte[], byte[]> query = buildSliceQuery(keyBytes, level); if(cols != null) query.setColumnNames(cols.toArray(new byte[cols.size()][])); else query.setRange(from, to, false, CassandraDaoBase.COL_RANGE_SIZE); _stats.incrNumCassandraOps(1); return fromColumnSlice(key, value, keyMeta, keyBytes, query, query.execute().get(), to, level); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private V loadFromCounterGet(K key, V value, List<byte[]> cols, byte[] from, byte[] to, EConsistencyLevel level) { _logger.debug("loading {}[{}]", _entityMeta.getCounterFamilyName(), key); SimplePropertyMetadata keyMeta = _entityMeta.getKeyMetadata(); byte[] keyBytes = ((Serializer) keyMeta.getSerializer()).toBytes(key); SliceCounterQuery<byte[], byte[]> query = buildSliceCounterQuery(keyBytes, level); if(cols != null) query.setColumnNames(cols.toArray(new byte[cols.size()][])); else query.setRange(from, to, false, CassandraDaoBase.COL_RANGE_SIZE); _stats.incrNumCassandraOps(1); return fromCounterColumnSlice(key, value, keyMeta, keyBytes, query, query.execute().get(), to, level); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private byte[] fetch(Query<?> q, byte[] start, GetOptions options, List<V> values) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); List<K> keys = null; List<CollectionRange> ranges = null; values.clear(); byte[] endCol = null; RangeSlicesQuery<byte[], byte[], byte[]> query = q instanceof RangeSlicesQuery ? (RangeSlicesQuery) q : null; RangeSlicesCounterQuery<byte[], byte[]> cquery = query == null ? (RangeSlicesCounterQuery) q : null; List<byte[]> colNames = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); List<byte[]> counterColNames = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); switch(options.getColumnFilterStrategy()) { case INCLUDES: Set<? extends Object> includes = options.getIncludes(); Set<String> excludes = options.getExcludes(); if(includes != null && excludes != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("either includes or excludes should be specified, not both"); if(includes == null && excludes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("either includes or excludes should be specified"); ranges = derivePartialColumns(colNames, counterColNames, includes, excludes); if(ranges != null) keys = new ArrayList<K>(); if(query != null) { if(colNames.isEmpty()) query.setReturnKeysOnly(); else query.setColumnNames(colNames.toArray(new byte[colNames.size()][])); } else { if(counterColNames.isEmpty()) cquery.setReturnKeysOnly(); else cquery.setColumnNames(counterColNames.toArray(new byte[counterColNames.size()][])); } break; case RANGE: byte[] startCol = propertyName(options.getStartColumn(), ComponentEquality.EQUAL); endCol = propertyName(options.getEndColumn(), ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL); if(query != null) query.setRange(startCol, endCol, false, CassandraDaoBase.ROW_RANGE_SIZE); else cquery.setRange(startCol, endCol, false, CassandraDaoBase.ROW_RANGE_SIZE); break; case UNFILTERED: if(query != null) query.setRange(null, null, false, CassandraDaoBase.ROW_RANGE_SIZE); else cquery.setRange(null, null, false, CassandraDaoBase.ROW_RANGE_SIZE); break; } if(keys == null && _entityMeta.hasCounterColumns()) keys = new ArrayList<K>(); if(query != null) query.setKeys(start, null); else cquery.setKeys(start, null); QueryResult<OrderedRows<byte[], byte[], byte[]>> result = null; QueryResult<OrderedCounterRows<byte[], byte[]>> cresult = null; if(query != null) result = query.execute(); else cresult = cquery.execute(); _stats.incrNumCassandraOps(1); SimplePropertyMetadata keyMeta = _entityMeta.getKeyMetadata(); boolean checkStart = true; Iterable<?> rows = result != null ? result.get() : cresult.get(); byte[] keyBytes = null; for(Object rowObj : rows) { Row<byte[],byte[],byte[]> row = null; CounterRow<byte[],byte[]> crow = null; if(result != null) row = (Row) rowObj; else crow = (CounterRow) rowObj; keyBytes = row != null ? row.getKey() : crow.getKey(); if(checkStart) { checkStart = false; if(start != null && Arrays.equals(start, keyBytes)) continue; } K key = (K) ((Serializer) keyMeta.getSerializer()).fromBytes(keyBytes); V value; if(row != null) value = fromColumnSlice(key, null, keyMeta, keyBytes, null, row.getColumnSlice(), endCol, options.getConsistencyLevel()); else value = fromCounterColumnSlice(key, null, keyMeta, keyBytes, null, crow.getColumnSlice(), endCol, options.getConsistencyLevel()); if(value != null) { if(keys != null) keys.add(key); values.add(value); } } int cnt = result != null ? result.get().getCount() : cresult.get().getCount(); _stats.addRecentTiming(System.nanoTime() - startTime); if(cnt == 0 || (start != null && cnt == 1)) return null; _stats.incrNumRows(values.size()); if(ranges != null) { addCollectionRanges(keys, values, ranges, options.getConsistencyLevel()); } return cnt == 0 ? null : keyBytes; } private class LazyLoadedIterator implements Iterator<V> { private List<V> _current; private Iterator<V> _currentIter; private byte[] _lastKeyOfBatch; private byte[] _lastKeyOfCounterBatch; private V _next; private int _iteratedCnt = 0; private final GetAllOptions _options; RangeSlicesQuery<byte[], byte[], byte[]> _query; RangeSlicesCounterQuery<byte[], byte[]> _counterQuery; private final LazyLoadedCollection _parent; public LazyLoadedIterator(LazyLoadedCollection parent, List<V> first, byte[] lastKeyOfBatch, byte[] lastKeyOfCounterBatch, RangeSlicesQuery<byte[], byte[], byte[]> query, RangeSlicesCounterQuery<byte[], byte[]> counterQuery, GetAllOptions options) { _parent = parent; _current = new ArrayList<V>(first); _lastKeyOfBatch = lastKeyOfBatch; _lastKeyOfCounterBatch = lastKeyOfCounterBatch; _query = query; _counterQuery = counterQuery; _currentIter = _current.iterator(); _next =; _options = options; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return _next != null; } @Override public V next() { if(_next == null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); V rv = _next; _iteratedCnt++; if(_iteratedCnt == _options.getMaxRows()) { _current = null; _currentIter = null; _next = null; } else { if(_currentIter.hasNext()) _next =; else if(_current.size() == 0) //minus one for key boundary overlap { _current = null; _currentIter = null; _next = null; } else { if(_query != null) { do { _lastKeyOfBatch = fetch(_query, _lastKeyOfBatch, _options, _current); } while(_lastKeyOfBatch != null && _current.isEmpty()); } else { do { _lastKeyOfCounterBatch = fetch(_counterQuery, _lastKeyOfCounterBatch, _options, _current); } while(_lastKeyOfCounterBatch != null && _current.isEmpty()); } if(_current.isEmpty()) { _current = null; _currentIter = null; _next = null; } else { _currentIter = _current.iterator(); _next =; } } } if(_next == null) _parent.setSize(_iteratedCnt); //we have a row count, notify parent so subsequent calls to size() don't have to fetch all rows return rv; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private class LazyLoadedCollection extends AbstractCollection<V> { RangeSlicesQuery<byte[], byte[], byte[]> _query; RangeSlicesCounterQuery<byte[], byte[]> _counterQuery; private GetAllOptions _options; private List<V> _all = null; //if it is known all rows have been fetched, this field is set private List<V> _first = new ArrayList<V>(); private byte[] _lastKeyOfBatch; //last key of the _first rows private byte[] _lastKeyOfCounterBatch; //last key of the _first rows private int _size = -1; public LazyLoadedCollection(GetAllOptions options) { boolean gettingNormalColumns = options.gettingNormalColumns(); if(gettingNormalColumns && !_entityMeta.hasNormalColumns()) { _logger.warn("family {} has no normal columns, assuming caller meant to retrieve counters", _entityMeta.getCounterFamilyName()); gettingNormalColumns = false; } else if(!gettingNormalColumns && !_entityMeta.hasCounterColumns()) { _logger.warn("family {} has no counter columns, assuming caller meant to retrieve normal columns", _entityMeta.getCounterFamilyName()); gettingNormalColumns = true; } if(gettingNormalColumns) { _query = HFactory.createRangeSlicesQuery(_keyspaceFactory.createKeyspace(options.getConsistencyLevel()), SER_BYTES, SER_BYTES, SER_BYTES); _query.setColumnFamily(_entityMeta.getFamilyName()); do { _lastKeyOfBatch = fetch(_query, _lastKeyOfBatch, options, _first); } while(_lastKeyOfBatch != null && _first.isEmpty()); } else { _counterQuery = HFactory.createRangeSlicesCounterQuery(_keyspaceFactory.createKeyspace(options.getConsistencyLevel()), SER_BYTES, SER_BYTES); _counterQuery.setColumnFamily(_entityMeta.getCounterFamilyName()); do { _lastKeyOfCounterBatch = fetch(_counterQuery, null, options, _first); } while(_lastKeyOfCounterBatch != null && _first.isEmpty()); } if(_first.isEmpty()) _all = _first; //no data else if(_lastKeyOfBatch == null && _lastKeyOfCounterBatch == null) _all = _first; //all data has been read _options = options; } //override, don't want to invoke size, just to check if empty @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return _first.isEmpty(); } //can aggressively fetch and retain all values, use with caution @Override public int size() { if(_size >= 0) return _size; if(_all == null) { Iterator<V> iter = iterator(); _all = new ArrayList<V>(); while(iter.hasNext() && _all.size() < _options.getMaxRows()) _all.add(; } return _all.size(); } @Override public java.util.Iterator<V> iterator() { if(_all != null) return _all.iterator(); return new LazyLoadedIterator(this, _first, _lastKeyOfBatch, _lastKeyOfCounterBatch, _query, _counterQuery, _options); } void setSize(int size) { _size = size; } } }