package com.fourspaces.featherdb.views; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.FeatherDB; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.document.Document; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.document.JSONDocument; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.utils.Logger; /** * This view manager is very simple... it reruns each view upon request (basically adhoc style) * It also serializes each Java view object (named /basedir/_view_name/function_name/view.obj), * which is how it persists whether or not a view exists... * */ public class SimpleViewManager extends ViewManager { protected FeatherDB featherDB; protected Logger log = Logger.get(SimpleViewManager.class); protected File baseDir; protected Map<String,View> views = new HashMap<String,View>(); protected final static String VIEW_INSTANCE_NAME = "view.obj"; public SimpleViewManager(){ } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.fourspaces.featherdb.views.ViewManager#init() */ public void init(FeatherDB featherDB) throws ViewException { this.featherDB=featherDB; baseDir = new File(featherDB.getProperty("view.simple.path")); if (baseDir==null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not open SimpleViewManager path (view.simple.dir)"); } if (!baseDir.exists()) { baseDir.mkdirs(); } //Document d = featherDB.getBackend().getDocument("_views", "list"); for (String db : featherDB.getBackend().getDatabaseNames()) { log.debug("Loading views for: {}", db); loadViewsForDatabase(db); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.fourspaces.featherdb.views.ViewManager#shutdown() */ public void shutdown() { } protected File viewDbDir(String db) { return new File(baseDir,db); } protected File viewDir(String db, String viewName) { return new File(viewDbDir(db),viewName); } protected void loadViewsForDatabase(String db) throws ViewException { File viewDbDir = viewDbDir(db); if (!viewDbDir.exists()) { initDatabaseViews(db); } else { for(File instanceDir:viewDbDir.listFiles()) { if (instanceDir.isDirectory()) { for (File functionDir: instanceDir.listFiles()) { ObjectInputStream ois =null; try { ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(functionDir,VIEW_INSTANCE_NAME))); log.debug("Loading view {}/{}/{} ",db,instanceDir.getName(),functionDir.getName()); views.put(db+"/"+instanceDir.getName()+"/"+functionDir.getName(),(View) ois.readObject()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } finally { if (ois!=null) { try { ois.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } } } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.fourspaces.featherdb.views.ViewManager#addView(com.fourspaces.featherdb.document.Document) */ public void addView(JSONDocument jsondoc) throws ViewException { String viewType = (String) jsondoc.get("view_type"); if (viewType == null || viewType.equals("text/javascript")) { for (String key:jsondoc.keys()) { if (((String)jsondoc.get(key)).startsWith("function")) { log.debug("Adding javascript view: {}/{}/{} => {}",jsondoc.getDatabase(),jsondoc.getId(),key,jsondoc.get(key)); addView(jsondoc.getDatabase(),jsondoc.getId(),key,new JavaScriptView(jsondoc.getDatabase(),(String) jsondoc.get(key))); } } } else if (viewType.startsWith("java:")){ log.debug("Adding java view: {}/{} => {}", jsondoc.getDatabase(),jsondoc.getId(),viewType); try { Class clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(viewType.substring(5)); addView(jsondoc.getDatabase(),jsondoc.getId(),DEFAULT_FUNCTION_NAME,(View) clazz.newInstance()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } catch (ViewException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } } else { log.warn("Don't know how to handle view type: {}\n{}", viewType,jsondoc.toString()); } } protected View getView(String db, String view, String function) { return views.get(db+"/"+view+"/"+function); } public JSONObject getViewResults(String db, String viewName, String function) { return AdHocViewRunner.runView(featherDB,db,viewName,function,getView(db,viewName,function)); } public void recalculateDocument(Document doc) { // this manager recalculates all views on the fly... so this isn't needed. // but we still need to add new views! if (doc.getId().startsWith("_") && doc instanceof JSONDocument) { try { addView((JSONDocument) doc); } catch (ViewException e) { log.error("Error adding new view: {}",doc.getId(),e); } } } public void initDatabaseViews(String db) throws ViewException { File viewDir = viewDbDir(db); viewDir.mkdirs(); addView(db,"_all_docs",DEFAULT_FUNCTION_NAME,new AllDocuments(db)); } public void addView(String db, String view, String function,View instance) throws ViewException { File viewDir = new File(viewDir(db,view),function); if (!viewDir.exists()) { viewDir.mkdirs(); } ObjectOutputStream oos =null; try { oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(viewDir,VIEW_INSTANCE_NAME))); oos.writeObject(instance); oos.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ViewException(e); } finally { if (oos!=null) { try { oos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } views.put(db+"/"+view+"/"+function,instance); } public void removeDatabaseViews(String db) { recursivelyDeleteFiles(viewDbDir(db)); } private void recursivelyDeleteFiles(File file) { if (file.isDirectory()) { for (File f:file.listFiles()) { recursivelyDeleteFiles(f); } } file.delete(); } public boolean doesViewExist(String db, String view, String function) { return views.containsKey(db+"/"+view+"/"+function); } public static JSONObject adHocView(FeatherDB featherDB,String db,String viewName, String functionName, String src) throws ViewException { View view=new JavaScriptView(db,src); return adHocView(featherDB,db,viewName,functionName,view); } public static JSONObject adHocView(FeatherDB featherDB,String db,String viewName, String functionName,View view) { view.setBackend(featherDB.getBackend()); JSONObject results = new JSONObject(); int total = 0; for (Document doc: featherDB.getBackend().allDocuments(db)) { JSONObject result = view.filter(doc); if (result!=null) { results.put((String) result.get("key"),result.get("value")); total++; } } JSONObject out = new JSONObject(); out.put("view", viewName+"/"+functionName); out.put("total_rows", total); out.put("rows",results); return out; } }