package com.fourspaces.featherdb.httpd; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONWriter; import org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection; import org.mortbay.jetty.Request; import org.mortbay.jetty.handler.AbstractHandler; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.FeatherDB; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.auth.Credentials; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.auth.SACredentials; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.utils.Logger; /** * This is very <strike>messy</strike> <b>ugly</b> and should be refactored into multiple handlers... * * @author mbreese * */ public class FeatherDBHandler extends AbstractHandler { public static final String JSON_MIMETYPE = "application/javascript"; public static final String COOKIE_ID = "FEATHERDB_ID"; final protected FeatherDB featherDB; final protected boolean allowAnonymous; protected int timeout; protected List<BaseRequestHandler> baseRequestHandlers = new ArrayList<BaseRequestHandler>(); protected Logger log = Logger.get(getClass()); public FeatherDBHandler(FeatherDB featherDB) { this.featherDB = featherDB; baseRequestHandlers.add(new GetDocument()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new AdHocView()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new GetView()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new Auth()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new InvalidateAuth()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new GetDatabaseNames()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new GetDBStats()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new AddDB()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new UpdateDocument()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new Sessions()); baseRequestHandlers.add(new Shutdown()); for (BaseRequestHandler handler:baseRequestHandlers) { handler.setFeatherDB(featherDB); } this.allowAnonymous = featherDB.getProperty("auth.anonymous","false").toLowerCase().equals("true"); this.timeout=Integer.parseInt(featherDB.getProperty("auth.timeout.seconds","300")); } public void handle(String target, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int dispatch) throws IOException, ServletException { Request base_request = (request instanceof Request) ? (Request)request:HttpConnection.getCurrentConnection().getRequest(); log.debug("Requested URI: {}",request.getRequestURI()); String path = request.getRequestURI().substring(1); if (path.startsWith("_sys")) { return; } Credentials cred=getCredentials(request,response); if (response.isCommitted() || cred == null) { return; } if (path.endsWith("/")) { path=path.substring(0,path.length()-1); } String db = null; String id = null; String rev = null; int slashIndex = path.indexOf("/"); if (slashIndex>-1) { db = path.substring(0,slashIndex); if (slashIndex<path.length()) { id = path.substring(slashIndex+1); rev = request.getParameter("revision"); } } else { db=path; } // String[] fields = null; // String[] split = path.split("/"); // // if (split.length>1) { // db = split[0]; // id = split[1]; // } else if (split.length>2) { // db = split[0]; // id = split[1]; // revision = split[split.length-1]; // if (revision.equals("_current")) { // revision = null; // } // } else { // db = path; // } // // if (split.length>3) { // fields = new String[split.length-3]; // for (int i=3;i<split.length;i++) { // fields[i-3]=split[i]; // } // } boolean handled = false; for (BaseRequestHandler handler:baseRequestHandlers) { if (handler.match(cred, request, db, id)) { handler.handle(cred, request, response, db, id, rev); handled = true; base_request.setHandled(true); } } if (!handled) { sendError(response,"Could not process request"); } return; } protected void sendNoAuthError(HttpServletResponse response, String string) throws IOException { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); response.setContentType(JSON_MIMETYPE); try { new JSONWriter(response.getWriter()) .object() .key("error") .value(true) .key("message") .value(string) .endObject(); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } protected void sendError(HttpServletResponse response, String string) throws IOException { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); response.setContentType(JSON_MIMETYPE); try { new JSONWriter(response.getWriter()) .object() .key("error") .value(true) .key("message") .value(string) .endObject(); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } protected Credentials getCredentials(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { Credentials cred=null; if (allowAnonymous) { return new SACredentials("anonymous", "",timeout); } if (request.getRequestURI().equals("/_auth")) { String username = request.getParameter("username"); String password = request.getParameter("password"); if (username!=null) { if (password == null) { password = ""; } cred = featherDB.getAuthentication().authenticate(username, password); if (cred!=null) { if (request.getParameter("setcookie")!=null && request.getParameter("setcookie").equals("1")) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(COOKIE_ID, cred.getToken()); cookie.setMaxAge(timeout); response.addCookie(cookie); } return cred; } else { sendNoAuthError(response, "Bad username / password combination"); return null; } } } Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies !=null) { for (Cookie cookie: cookies) { if (cookie.getName().equals(COOKIE_ID)) { cred = featherDB.getAuthentication().getCredentialsFromToken(cookie.getValue()); if (cred!=null) { log.debug("Got credentials from cookie token: {}", cookie.getValue()); return cred; } } } } String param = request.getParameter("token"); if (param!=null && !param.equals("")) { cred = featherDB.getAuthentication().getCredentialsFromToken(param); if (cred!=null) { log.debug("Authenticated as {} => {} via Req param",cred.getUsername(), cred.getToken()); addCredentialedCookie(response,cred); return cred; } } String headerparam = request.getHeader("FeatherDB-Token"); if (headerparam!=null && !headerparam.equals("")) { cred = featherDB.getAuthentication().getCredentialsFromToken(headerparam); if (cred!=null) { log.debug("Authenticated as {} => {} via HTTP-Header",cred.getUsername(), cred.getToken()); addCredentialedCookie(response,cred); return cred; } } String authHeader = request.getHeader("Authorization"); if (authHeader!=null) { String[] authSplit = authHeader.split(" "); if (authSplit.length==2) { String userpass = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(authSplit[1].getBytes())); if (userpass!=null) { String[] ar = userpass.split(":"); String u = ar[0]; String p=""; if (ar.length>1) { p = ar[1]; } cred = featherDB.getAuthentication().authenticate(u,p); if (cred!=null) { log.debug("Authenticated as {} => {} via HTTP-AUTH",cred.getUsername(), cred.getToken()); addCredentialedCookie(response,cred); } return cred; } } } log.warn("Error authenticating"); response.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate"," Basic realm=\"FeatherDB\""); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED,"You need a username and password"); return null; } private void addCredentialedCookie(HttpServletResponse response, Credentials cred) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(COOKIE_ID, cred.getToken()); cookie.setMaxAge(24*60*60); // max time is one day... afterwhich, it needs to reauth. response.addCookie(cookie); } }