package org.fandev.module.ui.roots; import com.intellij.ide.util.BrowseFilesListener; import com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooser; import com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ui.configuration.ModuleConfigurationState; import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ui.configuration.ModuleElementsEditor; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.ui.FieldPanel; import org.fandev.icons.Icons; import; import org.fandev.module.FanModuleSettings; import org.fandev.module.pod.PodFileParser; import org.fandev.module.pod.PodModel; import org.fandev.module.wizard.ui.CheckBoxFieldPanel; import org.fandev.module.wizard.ui.FanFieldPanel; import org.fandev.utils.FanUtil; import org.fandev.utils.PodUtil; import org.fandev.utils.VirtualFileUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; /** * @author Dror Bereznitsky * @date Jan 31, 2009 11:34:31 PM */ public class PodEditor extends ModuleElementsEditor { private JPanel buildScriptPathPanel; private JTextField podName; private JTextField version; private JTextField podDescription; private JTextField srcDirs; private JTextField resDirs; private JTextField outDir; private JCheckBox docApi; private JCheckBox docSrc; private JTextField indexes; private JTextField metas; private JTextField dependencies; private boolean podModified = false; private PodModel pod; protected PodEditor(final ModuleConfigurationState state) { super(state); // This is sad, Why can't I find something with a reference to the podModel?!? pod = PodFileParser.parse(getModuleSettings().getBuildScript(), getModuleSettings().getModule()); // and later on, I have to rewrite the damned build file! } protected JComponent createComponentImpl() { buildScriptPathPanel = new JPanel(); buildScriptPathPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buildScriptPathPanel,BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); // podName podName = new JTextField(pod.getName()); version = new JTextField(pod.getVersion()); podDescription = new JTextField(pod.getDescription()); srcDirs = new JTextField(FanUtil.listPairToFirstString(pod.getSrcDirs())); resDirs = new JTextField(FanUtil.listPairToFirstString(pod.getResDirs())); dependencies = new JTextField(FanUtil.listToString(pod.getDependencies())); outDir = new JTextField(pod.getOutDir()); docApi = new JCheckBox("", pod.getDocApi()); docSrc = new JCheckBox("", pod.getDocSrc()); indexes = new JTextField(FanUtil.listPairToString(pod.getIndexes())); metas = new JTextField(FanUtil.listPairToString(pod.getMetas())); final VirtualFile moduleFile = getModel().getModule().getModuleFile().getParent(); // callbacks for srcDirs, resDirs. I expect that the user wants to select // multiple directories, but that's b0rked in BrowseFilesListener. Fixed in // the actionperformed listener final FileChooserDescriptor srcDirsChooser = new FileChooserDescriptor(false, true, false, false, false, true) { public boolean isFileSelectable(final VirtualFile file) { return file.isDirectory(); } }; if (moduleFile != null) { srcDirsChooser.setRoot(moduleFile); } final BrowseFilesListener srcDirsBrowseListener = new BrowseFilesListener(srcDirs, FanBundle.message("src.dirs.path"), FanBundle.message("src.dirs.path.description"), srcDirsChooser) { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final VirtualFile fileToSelect = getFileToSelect(); final VirtualFile[] files = (fileToSelect != null) ? FileChooser.chooseFiles(srcDirs, srcDirsChooser, fileToSelect) : FileChooser.chooseFiles(srcDirs, srcDirsChooser); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } final String file = files[i].getName(); sb.append(file); if (!file.endsWith("/")) { sb.append('/'); } } srcDirs.setText(sb.toString()); podModified = true; } }; final FileChooserDescriptor resDirsChooser = new FileChooserDescriptor(false, true, false, false, false, true) { public boolean isFileSelectable(final VirtualFile file) { return file.isDirectory(); } }; if (moduleFile != null) { resDirsChooser.setRoot(moduleFile); } final BrowseFilesListener resDirsBrowseListener = new BrowseFilesListener(resDirs, FanBundle.message("res.dirs.path"), FanBundle.message("res.dirs.path.description"), resDirsChooser) { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final VirtualFile fileToSelect = getFileToSelect(); final VirtualFile[] files = (fileToSelect != null) ? FileChooser.chooseFiles(resDirs, resDirsChooser, fileToSelect) : FileChooser.chooseFiles(resDirs, resDirsChooser); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } final String file = files[i].getName(); sb.append(file); if (!file.endsWith("/")) { sb.append('/'); } } resDirs.setText(sb.toString()); podModified = true; } }; // We did not need to have the same ornate callback, but: I wanted to make // sure that we placed the directory's relative name, and that it furthermore // has a trailing "/". final FileChooserDescriptor outDirChooser = new FileChooserDescriptor(false, true, false, false, false, false) { public boolean isFileSelectable(final VirtualFile file) { return file.isDirectory(); } }; if (moduleFile != null) { outDirChooser.setRoot(moduleFile); } final BrowseFilesListener outDirBrowseListener = new BrowseFilesListener(resDirs, FanBundle.message("pod.outDir"), FanBundle.message("pod.outDir"), resDirsChooser) { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final VirtualFile fileToSelect = getFileToSelect(); final VirtualFile[] files = (fileToSelect != null) ? FileChooser.chooseFiles(outDir, outDirChooser, fileToSelect) : FileChooser.chooseFiles(outDir, outDirChooser); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } final String file = files[i].getName(); sb.append(file); if (!file.endsWith("/")) { sb.append('/'); } } outDir.setText(sb.toString()); podModified = true; } }; // Dependencies callback is wild because we open up every pod file chosen, // pull out its version ID, and ensure that only the name of the file (without // extension) is posted to th textfield. final FileChooserDescriptor dependenciesChooser = new FileChooserDescriptor(true, false, false, false, false, true) { public boolean isFileSelectable(final VirtualFile file) { return file.getExtension().equals("pod"); } }; if (moduleFile != null) { // we want a list of pod files, both from our "outDir" and from the sdk's lib/fan // directory. Now, here we're stuck: since I allow a string to contain outDir(), // it COULD be a Fan expression. Why not; is source code, not metadata! // I'll just pretend it has a legit directory. If I am wrong, LOL, too bad! final VirtualFile v = moduleFile.findChild(pod.getOutDir()); dependenciesChooser.setRoot(VirtualFileUtil.refreshAndFindFileByLocalPath( VirtualFileUtil.buildUrl(getState().getRootModel().getSdk().getHomePath(), "lib/fan"))); dependenciesChooser.addRoot(v); } final BrowseFilesListener dependenciesBrowseListener = new BrowseFilesListener(dependencies, FanBundle.message("pod.dependencies"), FanBundle.message("pod.dependencies"), dependenciesChooser) { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final VirtualFile fileToSelect = getFileToSelect(); final VirtualFile[] files = (fileToSelect != null) ? FileChooser.chooseFiles(dependencies, dependenciesChooser, fileToSelect) : FileChooser.chooseFiles(dependencies, dependenciesChooser); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ) { final String file = files[i].getNameWithoutExtension(); final String version = PodUtil.getPodVersion(files[i]); if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(file); sb.append(' '); sb.append(version); } dependencies.setText(sb.toString()); } }; podName.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { podModified = true; } }); version.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { podModified = true; } }); podDescription.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { podModified = true; } }); docApi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { podModified = true; } }); docSrc.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { podModified = true; } }); final ActionListener indexesListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { podModified = true; } }; indexes.addActionListener(indexesListener); final ActionListener metasListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { podModified = true; } }; metas.addActionListener(metasListener); final FieldPanel podNamePanel = new FieldPanel(podName, FanBundle.message(""), null, null, null); final FieldPanel descriptionPanel = new FieldPanel(podDescription, FanBundle.message("pod.description"), null, null, null); final FieldPanel versionPanel = new FieldPanel(version, FanBundle.message("pod.version"), null, null, null); final FieldPanel srcDirsPanel = new FieldPanel(srcDirs, FanBundle.message("src.dirs.path"), null, srcDirsBrowseListener, null); final FieldPanel resDirsPanel = new FieldPanel(resDirs, FanBundle.message("res.dirs.path"), null, resDirsBrowseListener, null); final FieldPanel dependenciesPanel = new FieldPanel(dependencies, FanBundle.message("pod.dependencies"), null, dependenciesBrowseListener, null); final FieldPanel outDirPanel = new FieldPanel(outDir, FanBundle.message("pod.outDir"), null, outDirBrowseListener, null); final CheckBoxFieldPanel docApiPanel = new CheckBoxFieldPanel(docApi, FanBundle.message("pod.docApi")); final CheckBoxFieldPanel docSrcPanel = new CheckBoxFieldPanel(docSrc, FanBundle.message("pod.docSrc")); final FanFieldPanel indexesPanel = new FanFieldPanel(indexes, FanBundle.message("pod.indexes"), FanBundle.message("pod.indexes"), indexesListener, null); final FanFieldPanel metasPanel = new FanFieldPanel(metas, FanBundle.message("pod.metas"), FanBundle.message("pod.metas"), metasListener, null); buildScriptPathPanel.add(podNamePanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(descriptionPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(versionPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(srcDirsPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(resDirsPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(dependenciesPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(outDirPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(docApiPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(docSrcPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(indexesPanel); buildScriptPathPanel.add(metasPanel); return buildScriptPathPanel; } public void saveData() { pod.setName(podName.getText()); pod.setDescription(podDescription.getText()); pod.setVersion(version.getText()); pod.setDocApi(docApi.isSelected()); pod.setDocSrc(docSrc.isSelected()); pod.setSrcDirs(FanUtil.firstStringToListPair(srcDirs.getText())); pod.setResDirs(FanUtil.firstStringToListPair(resDirs.getText())); pod.setDependencies(FanUtil.stringToList(dependencies.getText())); pod.setOutDir(outDir.getText()); pod.setIndexes(FanUtil.stringToListPair(indexes.getText())); pod.setMetas(FanUtil.stringToListPair(metas.getText())); // Save out a new!? final Module m = getModel().getModule(); FanUtil.generateBuildScript(m.getModuleFile().getParent().getPath(), m.getProject(), pod); podModified = false; } @Override public boolean isModified() { return podModified; } @Nls public String getDisplayName() { return "Build Script Editor"; } public Icon getIcon() { return Icons.FAN_16; } public String getHelpTopic() { return null; } public static PodEditor createPodEditor(final ModuleConfigurationState state) { return new PodEditor(state); } private FanModuleSettings getModuleSettings() { return FanModuleSettings.getInstance(getModel().getModule()); } }