package; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.ResolveCache; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.IStubElementType; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubElement; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubIndex; import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException; import; import*; import; import; import*; import; import; import*; import; import; import org.fandev.utils.PsiUtil; import org.fandev.utils.FanUtil; import org.fandev.index.FanIndex; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.*; /** * Date: Jun 24, 2009 * Time: 11:48:37 PM * * @author Dror Bereznitsky */ public class FanReferenceExpressionImpl extends FanReferenceElementImpl implements FanReferenceExpression { private static final OurResolver RESOLVER = new OurResolver(); private static final Logger logger = Logger.getInstance(FanReferenceExpressionImpl.class.getName()); public FanReferenceExpressionImpl(final StubElement stubElement, @NotNull final IStubElementType iStubElementType) { super(stubElement, iStubElementType); } public FanReferenceExpressionImpl(final ASTNode astNode) { super(astNode); } public PsiElement getQualifier() { return this; } public boolean isReferenceTo(final PsiElement psiElement) { for (final Object obj : getVariants()) { if (psiElement.equals(obj)) { return true; } } return false; } public PsiElement setName(@NonNls final String s) throws IncorrectOperationException { //TODO [Dror] implement return null; } public Object[] getVariants() { final List<PsiElement> result = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(); final FanReferenceExpression qualifier = (FanReferenceExpression) getQualifier(); if (qualifier != null) { final ResolveResult[] results = qualifier.multiResolve(true); if (results.length > 0) { for (final ResolveResult tmp : results) { result.add(tmp.getElement()); } return result.toArray(new PsiElement[0]); } } return new Object[0]; } public boolean isSoft() { return false; } public String getCanonicalText() { return null; } @NotNull //incomplete means we do not take arguments into consideration public ResolveResult[] multiResolve(final boolean incompleteCode) { return getManager().getResolveCache().resolveWithCaching(this, RESOLVER, false, incompleteCode); } public PsiElement resolve() { final ResolveResult[] results = getManager().getResolveCache().resolveWithCaching(this, RESOLVER, false, false); return results.length == 1 ? results[0].getElement() : null; } public FanExpression getQualifierExpression() { return findChildByClass(FanExpression.class); } @NotNull public FanResolveResult[] getSameNameVariants() { return RESOLVER.resolve(this, true); } private static class OurResolver implements ResolveCache.PolyVariantResolver<FanReferenceExpressionImpl> { //TODO [Dror] refactor this complex, ugly, HUGE method !!! public FanResolveResult[] resolve(final FanReferenceExpressionImpl refExpr, final boolean incompleteCode) { final List<FanResolveResult> results = new ArrayList<FanResolveResult>(); final ResolveHint hint = new ResolveHint(refExpr); FanTypeDefinition typeDefinition = null; FanClassReferenceType referenceType = null; if (hint.isSuperRefrenceExpression() || hint.isThisRefrenceExpression()) { // "super" or "this" reference if (hint.gotoNonFieldOrMethodDecleration()) { return FanResolveResult.EMPTY_ARRAY; } typeDefinition = ((FanTypeReferenceExpression)hint.idElement).getReferencedType(); } else if (hint.someTypeFieldOrMethodRef()) { typeDefinition = resolveTypeDefinition(hint, typeDefinition); } else { // methods and fields if (hint.containingTypeFieldOrMethodRef()) { final PsiElement maybeClazz = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(refExpr, FanTypeDefinition.class, FanFile.class); if (FanUtil.isFanType(maybeClazz)) { resolveByType(results, hint, (FanTypeDefinition) maybeClazz); } } // Find other options in the containing block PsiElement containingBlock = refExpr.getParent(); while (!(FanUtil.isFanFile(containingBlock))) { if (FanUtil.isFanClosure(containingBlock)) { final FanFormals fanFormals = ((FanClosureExpression) containingBlock).getFunction().getFormals(); final String toMatch = stripRefElement(hint.idElement); for (final PsiParameter formal : fanFormals.getParameters()) { if (toMatch.equals(formal.getName())) { if (hint.gotoNonFieldOrMethodDecleration()) { // Goto formal decleration return new FanResolveResult[]{new FanResolveResultImpl(formal, true)}; } else { referenceType = (FanClassReferenceType) formal.getType(); break; } } else if (hint.completeIdentifier() && formal.getName().startsWith(toMatch)) { results.add(new FanResolveResultImpl(formal, true)); } } } else if (FanUtil.isFanMethod(containingBlock)) { final PsiParameterList params = ((FanMethod) containingBlock).getParameterList(); for (final PsiParameter param : params.getParameters()) { String elementText = hint.idElement.getText(); if (elementText.indexOf("(") != -1) { elementText = elementText.substring(0, elementText.indexOf("(")); } if (param.getName().equals(elementText)) { if (hint.gotoNonFieldOrMethodDecleration()) { // Goto parameter decleration return new FanResolveResult[]{new FanResolveResultImpl(param, true)}; } else { referenceType = (FanClassReferenceType) param.getType(); break; } } } } else if (FanUtil.isPsiCodeBlock(containingBlock)) { // Look for a local variable inside code block List<PsiVariable> variables; if (hint.gotoDecleration && !hint.fieldOrMethodeRef && !hint.isMethodRef) { variables = findVariablesByName(hint.idElement, containingBlock, true); // Goto variable decleration if (variables.size() > 0) { return new FanResolveResult[]{new FanResolveResultImpl(variables.get(0), true)}; } } else if(hint.gotoDecleration && !hint.fieldOrMethodeRef && hint.isMethodRef) { // Function call return type variables = findVariablesByName(hint.idElement, containingBlock, true); if (variables.size() > 0) { final PsiType type = variables.get(0).getType(); if (type instanceof FanFuncType) { final PsiType returnType = ((FanFuncType) type).getReturnType(); return new FanResolveResult[]{new FanResolveResultImpl(((FanClassReferenceType) returnType).resolveFanType(), true)}; } //break; } } else if (!hint.gotoDecleration && !hint.fieldOrMethodeRef) { variables = findVariablesByName(hint.idElement, containingBlock, false); if (variables.size() > 0) { results.addAll(Arrays.asList(createResults(refExpr, variables.toArray(new PsiVariable[0])))); //break; } } else { // Variable type variables = findVariablesByName(hint.idElement, containingBlock, true); if (variables.size() > 0) { final PsiType type = variables.get(0).getType(); if (type instanceof FanClassReferenceType) { referenceType = (FanClassReferenceType) type; } break; } } } else if (FanUtil.isFanType(containingBlock)) { // Look for a field inside the Fan type hierarchy FanTypeDefinition myClass = (FanTypeDefinition) containingBlock; while (myClass instanceof PsiClass) { if (hint.isMethodRef && !hint.fieldOrMethodeRef) { final FanMethod method = myClass.getMethodByName(hint.toMatch); if (method != null && hint.gotoDecleration) { return createResults(refExpr, method); } } else { final FanField field = myClass.getFieldByName(hint.idElement.getText()); if (field != null) { // If we need to goto the reference if (hint.gotoNonFieldOrMethodDecleration()) { return createResults(refExpr, field); } // Else we are looking for this field type referenceType = (FanClassReferenceType) field.getType(); break; } else { final FanMethod method = myClass.getMethodByName(hint.toMatch); if (method != null && hint.gotoDecleration) { return createResults(refExpr, method); } } } myClass = myClass.getSuperType(); // super class of Obj will is null } } containingBlock = containingBlock.getParent(); } if (referenceType != null) { typeDefinition = referenceType.resolveFanType(); } } if (typeDefinition != null) { resolveByType(results, hint, typeDefinition); } else if (referenceType != null) { logger.warn("Could not resolve type " + referenceType.getPresentableText()); } else if (results.size() == 0 && !hint.fieldOrMethodeRef) { resolveTypes(results, hint); } return results.toArray(new FanResolveResult[0]); } private FanTypeDefinition resolveTypeDefinition(final ResolveHint hint, FanTypeDefinition typeDefinition) { if (!(hint.idElement instanceof FanReferenceExpression)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("hint idElement must be instance of FanReferenceExpression"); final PsiElement typeProvider = ((FanReferenceExpression) hint.idElement).resolve(); PsiType type = null; if (FanUtil.isFanMethod(typeProvider)) { type = ((FanMethod) typeProvider).getReturnType(); } else if (FanUtil.isFanField(typeProvider)) { type = ((FanField) typeProvider).getType(); } else if (FanUtil.isFanVariable(typeProvider)) { type = ((FanVariable) typeProvider).getType(); } else if (FanUtil.isFanTypeDefinition(typeProvider)) { // If the provider is not the return value of a function call if (!hint.idElement.getText().contains("(")) { hint.isStatic = true; } typeDefinition = (FanTypeDefinition) typeProvider; } if (type instanceof FanClassReferenceType) { typeDefinition = ((FanClassReferenceType) type).resolveFanType(); } else if (type instanceof FanFuncType) { // if this is a function call than use the function return type if (hint.idElement.getText().contains("(")) { final PsiType returnType = ((FanFuncType) type).getReturnType(); typeDefinition = ((FanClassReferenceType) returnType).resolveFanType(); } else { // Treat is as a Fan Func type typeDefinition = ((FanFuncType) type).getFuncType(); } } else if (FanUtil.isFanMapType(type)) { typeDefinition = ((FanMapType) type).getMapType(); } else if (FanUtil.isFanListType(type)) { if (hint.isIndex) { typeDefinition = (FanTypeDefinition) ((FanListReferenceType) type).getTypeElement().getReferenceElement().resolve(); } else { typeDefinition = ((FanListReferenceType) type).getListType(); } } return typeDefinition; } private FanResolveResult[] createResults(final FanReferenceExpressionImpl refExpr, final PsiElement... element) { final List<FanResolveResult> results = new ArrayList<FanResolveResult>(); for (final PsiElement elem : element) { boolean isAccessible = true; if (PsiMember.class.isAssignableFrom(elem.getClass())) { isAccessible = PsiUtil.isAccessible(refExpr, (PsiMember) elem); } results.add(new FanResolveResultImpl(elem, isAccessible)); } return results.toArray(new FanResolveResult[0]); } /** * Resolve slots in type 'typeDefinition' which match 'toMatch' */ private void resolveByType(final List<FanResolveResult> results, final ResolveHint hint, FanTypeDefinition typeDefinition) { final FanReferenceExpressionImpl context = hint.refExpr; boolean isSuperType = false; while (typeDefinition != null) { final FanMethod[] methods = hint.isStatic ? typeDefinition.getFanMethods(PsiModifier.STATIC) : typeDefinition.getFanMethods(); for (final PsiMethod method : methods) { if ((!hint.gotoDecleration && method.getName().startsWith(hint.toMatch)) || (hint.gotoDecleration && method.getName().equals(hint.toMatch))) { if (isSuperType && method instanceof FanConstructor) { continue; } final boolean isAccessible = PsiUtil.isAccessible(context, method); results.add(new FanResolveResultImpl(method, isAccessible)); } } if (!hint.isMethodRef) { final FanField[] fields = hint.isStatic ? typeDefinition.getFanFields(PsiModifier.STATIC) : typeDefinition.getFanFields(); for (final PsiField psiField : fields) { if ((!hint.gotoDecleration && psiField.getName().startsWith(hint.toMatch)) || (hint.gotoDecleration && psiField.getName().equals(hint.toMatch))) { final boolean isAccessible = PsiUtil.isAccessible(context, psiField); results.add(new FanResolveResultImpl(psiField, isAccessible)); } } } if (hint.isStatic && FanUtil.isFanEnumDefinition(typeDefinition)) { final FanEnumValue[] enumValues = ((FanEnumDefinition) typeDefinition).getEnumValues(); for (final FanEnumValue enumValue : enumValues) { if ((!hint.gotoDecleration && enumValue.getName().startsWith(hint.toMatch)) || (hint.gotoDecleration && enumValue.getName().equals(hint.toMatch))) { final boolean isAccessible = PsiUtil.isAccessible(context, enumValue); results.add(new FanResolveResultImpl(enumValue, isAccessible)); } } } typeDefinition = (FanTypeDefinition) typeDefinition.getSuperClass(); isSuperType = true; } } private List<PsiVariable> findVariablesByName(final PsiElement idElement, final PsiElement containingBlock, final boolean exectMatch) { final List<PsiVariable> variables = new ArrayList<PsiVariable>(); final String toMatch = stripRefElement(idElement); for (final PsiElement psiElement : containingBlock.getChildren()) { if (psiElement instanceof PsiVariable) { final String name = ((PsiVariable) psiElement).getName(); if (name != null) { if (name.equals(toMatch)) { if (variables.size() > 0) { variables.set(0, (PsiVariable) psiElement); } else { variables.add((PsiVariable) psiElement); } } else if (name.startsWith(toMatch) && !exectMatch) { variables.add((PsiVariable) psiElement); } } } } return variables; } private String stripRefElement(final PsiElement idElement) { int idx = idElement.getText().indexOf("IntellijIdeaRulezzz"); int idx2 = idElement.getText().indexOf("("); if (idx2 >= 0 && idx2 > idx) { idx = idx2; } final String toMatch = idx >= 0 ? idElement.getText().substring(0, idx) : idElement.getText(); return toMatch; } private void resolvePodTypes(final FanReferenceExpressionImpl refExpr, final String podName, final String toMatch, boolean gotoDecleration, List<FanResolveResult> results) { final FanIndex index = refExpr.getProject().getComponent(FanIndex.class); final Set<FanTypeDefinition> typesStartingWith = index.getPodTypesStartingWith(podName, toMatch); for (final FanTypeDefinition def : typesStartingWith) { if (!gotoDecleration || (gotoDecleration && def.getName().equals(refExpr.getText()))) { final boolean isAccessible = PsiUtil.isAccessible(refExpr, def); results.add(new FanResolveResultImpl(def, isAccessible)); } } } private void resolveTypes(final List<FanResolveResult> results, final ResolveHint hint) { final FanIndex index = hint.refExpr.getProject().getComponent(FanIndex.class); // try to match pod names if (!hint.isFqn()) { final Set<FanTypeDefinition> podDefinitions = index.getPodStartingWith(hint.toMatch); for (final FanTypeDefinition def : podDefinitions) { if (!hint.gotoDecleration || (hint.gotoDecleration && def.getName().equals(hint.refExpr.getText()))) { results.add(new FanResolveResultImpl(def, true)); } } } // Try to match type names final Collection<FanTypeDefinition> typesStartingWith = StubIndex.getInstance().get(FanShortClassNameIndex.KEY, hint.toMatch, hint.refExpr.getProject(), null); if (hint.isFqn()) { final String podName = ((PodReferenceExpression) hint.idElement).getPodName(); typesStartingWith.addAll(index.getPodTypesStartingWith(podName, hint.toMatch)); } else { typesStartingWith.addAll(index.getAllTypesStartingWith(hint.toMatch)); } for (final FanTypeDefinition def : typesStartingWith) { if (!hint.gotoDecleration || (hint.gotoDecleration && def.getName().equals(hint.refExpr.getText()))) { final boolean isAccessible = PsiUtil.isAccessible(hint.refExpr, def); results.add(new FanResolveResultImpl(def, isAccessible)); } } } } private static class ResolveHint { final boolean gotoDecleration; final boolean isMethodRef; final boolean fieldOrMethodeRef; final boolean isIndex; boolean isStatic; final String toMatch; final PsiElement idElement; final FanReferenceExpressionImpl refExpr; ResolveHint(final FanReferenceExpressionImpl refExpr) { final int idx = refExpr.getText().indexOf("IntellijIdeaRulezzz"); // If we are not trying to complete but just return the PsiElement which is referenced (Go to declaration) gotoDecleration = idx == -1; String toMatch = idx >= 0 ? refExpr.getText().substring(0, idx) : refExpr.getText(); isMethodRef = toMatch.contains("("); if (isMethodRef) { toMatch = toMatch.substring(0, toMatch.indexOf("(")); } final PsiElement parent = refExpr.getParent(); PsiElement isTheIdElem = refExpr; int index = -1; int idxExpIndex = -1; for (final PsiElement child : parent.getChildren()) { index++; if (child == refExpr){ break; } if (FanUtil.isOfType(child, FanIndexExpression.class)) { idxExpIndex = index; continue; } isTheIdElem = child; } idElement = isTheIdElem instanceof FanReferenceExpression || isTheIdElem instanceof FanTypeReferenceExpression || isTheIdElem instanceof PodReferenceExpression ? isTheIdElem : refExpr; fieldOrMethodeRef = !refExpr.equals(idElement) && !FanUtil.isOfType(idElement, PodReferenceExpression.class); // obj.fieldOrMethodeRef isIndex = index == idxExpIndex + 1; this.toMatch = toMatch; this.refExpr = refExpr; this.isStatic = false; } boolean isThisRefrenceExpression() { return idElement instanceof FanThisReferenceExpression; } boolean isSuperRefrenceExpression() { return idElement instanceof FanSuperReferenceExpression; } boolean gotoNonFieldOrMethodDecleration() { return gotoDecleration && !fieldOrMethodeRef; } boolean completeIdentifier() { return !gotoDecleration && !fieldOrMethodeRef; } // variable.fieldOrMethod boolean someTypeFieldOrMethodRef() { return idElement instanceof FanReferenceExpression && fieldOrMethodeRef; } boolean containingTypeFieldOrMethodRef() { return idElement instanceof FanReferenceExpression && !fieldOrMethodeRef; } boolean isFqn() { return FanUtil.isOfType(idElement, PodReferenceExpression.class); } } }