/** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, * copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary form for use * in connection with the web services and APIs provided by Facebook. * * As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use of * this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and Policies * [http://developers.facebook.com/policy/]. This copyright notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.example.scrumptious.picker; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ListView; import com.facebook.*; import com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger; import com.example.scrumptious.R; import com.facebook.internal.AnalyticsEvents; import com.facebook.internal.Logger; import com.facebook.internal.Utility; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.*; public class PlacePickerFragment extends PickerFragment { /** * The key for an int parameter in the fragment's Intent bundle to indicate the radius in meters around * the center point to search. The default is 1000 meters. */ public static final String RADIUS_IN_METERS_BUNDLE_KEY = "com.example.scrumptious.widget.PlacePickerFragment.RadiusInMeters"; /** * The key for an int parameter in the fragment's Intent bundle to indicate what how many results to * return at a time. The default is 100 results. */ public static final String RESULTS_LIMIT_BUNDLE_KEY = "com.example.scrumptious.widget.PlacePickerFragment.ResultsLimit"; /** * The key for a String parameter in the fragment's Intent bundle to indicate what search text should * be sent to the service. The default is to have no search text. */ public static final String SEARCH_TEXT_BUNDLE_KEY = "com.example.scrumptious.widget.PlacePickerFragment.SearchText"; /** * The key for a Location parameter in the fragment's Intent bundle to indicate what geographical * location should be the center of the search. */ public static final String LOCATION_BUNDLE_KEY = "com.example.scrumptious.widget.PlacePickerFragment.Location"; /** * The key for a boolean parameter in the fragment's Intent bundle to indicate that the fragment * should display a search box and automatically update the search text as it changes. */ public static final String SHOW_SEARCH_BOX_BUNDLE_KEY = "com.example.scrumptious.widget.PlacePickerFragment.ShowSearchBox"; /** * The default radius around the center point to search. */ public static final int DEFAULT_RADIUS_IN_METERS = 1000; /** * The default number of results to retrieve. */ public static final int DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT = 100; private static final int searchTextTimerDelayInMilliseconds = 2 * 1000; private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String LOCATION = "location"; private static final String CATEGORY = "category"; private static final String WERE_HERE_COUNT = "were_here_count"; private static final String TAG = "PlacePickerFragment"; private Location location; private int radiusInMeters = DEFAULT_RADIUS_IN_METERS; private int resultsLimit = DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT; private String searchText; private Timer searchTextTimer; private boolean hasSearchTextChangedSinceLastQuery; private boolean showSearchBox = true; private EditText searchBox; /** * Default constructor. Creates a Fragment with all default properties. */ public PlacePickerFragment() { super(R.layout.picker_placepickerfragment); } /** * Gets the location to search around. Either the location or the search text (or both) must be specified. * * @return the Location to search around */ public Location getLocation() { return location; } /** * Sets the location to search around. Either the location or the search text (or both) must be specified. * * @param location the Location to search around */ public void setLocation(Location location) { this.location = location; } /** * Gets the radius in meters around the location to search. * * @return the radius in meters */ public int getRadiusInMeters() { return radiusInMeters; } /** * Sets the radius in meters around the location to search. * * @param radiusInMeters the radius in meters */ public void setRadiusInMeters(int radiusInMeters) { this.radiusInMeters = radiusInMeters; } /** * Gets the number of results to retrieve. * * @return the number of results to retrieve */ public int getResultsLimit() { return resultsLimit; } /** * Sets the number of results to retrieve. * * @param resultsLimit the number of results to retrieve */ public void setResultsLimit(int resultsLimit) { this.resultsLimit = resultsLimit; } /** * Gets the search text (e.g., category, name) to search for. Either the location or the search * text (or both) must be specified. * * @return the search text */ public String getSearchText() { return searchText; } /** * Sets the search text (e.g., category, name) to search for. Either the location or the search * text (or both) must be specified. If a search box is displayed, this will update its contents * to the specified text. * * @param searchText the search text */ public void setSearchText(String searchText) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(searchText)) { searchText = null; } this.searchText = searchText; if (this.searchBox != null) { this.searchBox.setText(searchText); } } /** * Sets the search text and reloads the data in the control. This is used to provide search-box * functionality where the user may be typing or editing text rapidly. It uses a timer to avoid repeated * requerying, preferring to wait until the user pauses typing to refresh the data. Note that this * method will NOT update the text in the search box, if any, as it is intended to be called as a result * of changes to the search box (and is public to enable applications to provide their own search box * UI instead of the default one). * * @param searchText the search text * @param forceReloadEventIfSameText if true, will reload even if the search text has not changed; if false, * identical search text will not force a reload */ public void onSearchBoxTextChanged(String searchText, boolean forceReloadEventIfSameText) { if (!forceReloadEventIfSameText && Utility.stringsEqualOrEmpty(this.searchText, searchText)) { return; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(searchText)) { searchText = null; } this.searchText = searchText; // If search text is being set in response to user input, it is wasteful to send a new request // with every keystroke. Send a request the first time the search text is set, then set up a 2-second timer // and send whatever changes the user has made since then. (If nothing has changed // in 2 seconds, we reset so the next change will cause an immediate re-query.) hasSearchTextChangedSinceLastQuery = true; if (searchTextTimer == null) { searchTextTimer = createSearchTextTimer(); } } /** * Gets the currently-selected place. * * @return the currently-selected place, or null if there is none */ public JSONObject getSelection() { Collection<JSONObject> selection = getSelectedGraphObjects(); return (selection != null && !selection.isEmpty()) ? selection.iterator().next() : null; } @Override public void setSettingsFromBundle(Bundle inState) { super.setSettingsFromBundle(inState); if (inState != null) { setRadiusInMeters(inState.getInt(RADIUS_IN_METERS_BUNDLE_KEY, radiusInMeters)); setResultsLimit(inState.getInt(RESULTS_LIMIT_BUNDLE_KEY, resultsLimit)); if (inState.containsKey(SEARCH_TEXT_BUNDLE_KEY)) { setSearchText(inState.getString(SEARCH_TEXT_BUNDLE_KEY)); } if (inState.containsKey(LOCATION_BUNDLE_KEY)) { Location location = inState.getParcelable(LOCATION_BUNDLE_KEY); setLocation(location); } showSearchBox = inState.getBoolean(SHOW_SEARCH_BOX_BUNDLE_KEY, showSearchBox); } } @Override public void onInflate(Activity activity, AttributeSet attrs, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onInflate(activity, attrs, savedInstanceState); TypedArray a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.picker_place_picker_fragment); setRadiusInMeters(a.getInt(R.styleable.picker_place_picker_fragment_radius_in_meters, radiusInMeters)); setResultsLimit(a.getInt(R.styleable.picker_place_picker_fragment_results_limit, resultsLimit)); if (a.hasValue(R.styleable.picker_place_picker_fragment_results_limit)) { setSearchText(a.getString(R.styleable.picker_place_picker_fragment_search_text)); } showSearchBox = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.picker_place_picker_fragment_show_search_box, showSearchBox); a.recycle(); } @Override void setupViews(ViewGroup view) { if (showSearchBox) { ListView listView = (ListView) view.findViewById(R.id.com_facebook_picker_list_view); View searchHeaderView = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.picker_search_box, listView, false); listView.addHeaderView(searchHeaderView, null, false); searchBox = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.com_facebook_picker_search_text); searchBox.addTextChangedListener(new SearchTextWatcher()); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(searchText)) { searchBox.setText(searchText); } } } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); if (searchBox != null) { InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.showSoftInput(searchBox, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT); } } @Override public void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); if (searchBox != null) { InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(searchBox.getWindowToken(), 0); } } void saveSettingsToBundle(Bundle outState) { super.saveSettingsToBundle(outState); outState.putInt(RADIUS_IN_METERS_BUNDLE_KEY, radiusInMeters); outState.putInt(RESULTS_LIMIT_BUNDLE_KEY, resultsLimit); outState.putString(SEARCH_TEXT_BUNDLE_KEY, searchText); outState.putParcelable(LOCATION_BUNDLE_KEY, location); outState.putBoolean(SHOW_SEARCH_BOX_BUNDLE_KEY, showSearchBox); } @Override void onLoadingData() { hasSearchTextChangedSinceLastQuery = false; } @Override GraphRequest getRequestForLoadData() { return createRequest(location, radiusInMeters, resultsLimit, searchText, extraFields); } @Override String getDefaultTitleText() { return getResources().getString(R.string.nearby); } @Override void logAppEvents(boolean doneButtonClicked) { AppEventsLogger logger = AppEventsLogger.newLogger(this.getActivity(), AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken().getToken()); Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); // If Done was clicked, we know this completed successfully. If not, we don't know (caller might have // dismissed us in response to selection changing, or user might have hit back button). Either way // we'll log the number of selections. String outcome = doneButtonClicked ? AnalyticsEvents.PARAMETER_DIALOG_OUTCOME_VALUE_COMPLETED : AnalyticsEvents.PARAMETER_DIALOG_OUTCOME_VALUE_UNKNOWN; parameters.putString(AnalyticsEvents.PARAMETER_DIALOG_OUTCOME, outcome); parameters.putInt("num_places_picked", (getSelection() != null) ? 1 : 0); logger.logSdkEvent(AnalyticsEvents.EVENT_PLACE_PICKER_USAGE, null, parameters); } @Override PickerFragmentAdapter createAdapter() { PickerFragmentAdapter adapter = new PickerFragmentAdapter( this.getActivity()) { @Override protected CharSequence getSubTitleOfGraphObject(JSONObject graphObject) { String category = graphObject.optString(CATEGORY); int wereHereCount = graphObject.optInt(WERE_HERE_COUNT); String result = null; if (category != null && wereHereCount != 0) { result = getString(R.string.picker_placepicker_subtitle_format, category, wereHereCount); } else if (category == null && wereHereCount != 0) { result = getString(R.string.picker_placepicker_subtitle_were_here_only_format, wereHereCount); } else if (category != null && wereHereCount == 0) { result = getString(R.string.picker_placepicker_subtitle_catetory_only_format, category); } return result; } @Override protected int getGraphObjectRowLayoutId(JSONObject graphObject) { return R.layout.picker_placepickerfragment_list_row; } @Override protected int getDefaultPicture() { return R.drawable.picker_place_default_icon; } }; adapter.setShowCheckbox(false); adapter.setShowPicture(getShowPictures()); return adapter; } @Override LoadingStrategy createLoadingStrategy() { return new AsNeededLoadingStrategy(); } @Override SelectionStrategy createSelectionStrategy() { return new SingleSelectionStrategy(); } private GraphRequest createRequest(Location location, int radiusInMeters, int resultsLimit, String searchText, Set<String> extraFields) { AccessToken accessToken = AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(); GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newPlacesSearchRequest(accessToken, location, radiusInMeters, resultsLimit, searchText, null); Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>(extraFields); String[] requiredFields = new String[]{ ID, NAME, LOCATION, CATEGORY, WERE_HERE_COUNT }; fields.addAll(Arrays.asList(requiredFields)); String pictureField = adapter.getPictureFieldSpecifier(); if (pictureField != null) { fields.add(pictureField); } Bundle parameters = request.getParameters(); parameters.putString("fields", TextUtils.join(",", fields)); request.setParameters(parameters); return request; } private Timer createSearchTextTimer() { Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { onSearchTextTimerTriggered(); } }, 0, searchTextTimerDelayInMilliseconds); return timer; } private void onSearchTextTimerTriggered() { if (hasSearchTextChangedSinceLastQuery) { Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); handler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { FacebookException error = null; try { loadData(true); } catch (FacebookException fe) { error = fe; } catch (Exception e) { error = new FacebookException(e); } finally { if (error != null) { OnErrorListener onErrorListener = getOnErrorListener(); if (onErrorListener != null) { onErrorListener.onError(PlacePickerFragment.this, error); } else { Logger.log(LoggingBehavior.REQUESTS, TAG, "Error loading data : %s", error); } } } } }); } else { // Nothing has changed in 2 seconds. Invalidate and forget about this timer. // Next time the user types, we will fire a query immediately again. searchTextTimer.cancel(); searchTextTimer = null; } } private class AsNeededLoadingStrategy extends LoadingStrategy { @Override public void attach(GraphObjectAdapter adapter) { super.attach(adapter); this.adapter.setDataNeededListener(new GraphObjectAdapter.DataNeededListener() { @Override public void onDataNeeded() { // Do nothing if we are currently loading data . We will get notified again when that load finishes // if the adapter still needs more data. Otherwise, follow the next link. if (!loader.isLoading()) { loader.followNextLink(); } } }); } @Override protected void onLoadFinished(GraphObjectPagingLoader loader, GraphObjectCursor data) { super.onLoadFinished(loader, data); // We could be called in this state if we are clearing data or if we are being re-attached // in the middle of a query. if (data == null || loader.isLoading()) { return; } hideActivityCircle(); } } private class SearchTextWatcher implements TextWatcher { @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { onSearchBoxTextChanged(s.toString(), false); } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { } } }