/** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, * copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary form for use * in connection with the web services and APIs provided by Facebook. * * As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use of * this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and Policies * [http://developers.facebook.com/policy/]. This copyright notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.facebook.places.model; /** * Describes the fields available when searching for a place, or when querying a * place's' information with {@link com.facebook.places.PlaceManager}. Refer to * the online Places Graph documentation to get the complete list of supported * place fields. */ public interface PlaceFields { /** * Information about the Place. */ String ABOUT = "about"; /** * AppLinks to the Place on various devices. */ String APP_LINKS = "app_links"; /** * The Place's categories. */ String CATEGORY_LIST = "category_list"; /** * The number of checkins at this Place. */ String CHECKINS = "checkins"; /** * To be used on the current_place request. Indicates the confidence level of the * current place result. */ String CONFIDENCE_LEVEL = "confidence_level"; /** * OpenGraphContext. The social context for this Place, including friends who were at * this place, or who liked to its page. This field requires authentication with a user * token. An error will be thrown if this field is requested using a client token. */ String CONTEXT = "context"; /** * CoverPhoto. Information about the cover image. */ String COVER = "cover"; /** * The description of the Place. */ String DESCRIPTION = "description"; /** * Engagement. The social sentence and like count information for this place. * This is the same information used for the Like button. */ String ENGAGEMENT = "engagement"; /** * Specifies a single range of open hours per day. * Each day can have two different hours ranges. * The keys in the map are in the form of {day}_{number}_{status}. * {day} should be the first 3 characters of the day of the week, * {number} should be either 1 or 2 to allow for the two different hours ranges per day. * {status} should be either open or close, to delineate the start or end of a time range. * An example would be mon_1_open with value 17:00 and mon_1_close with value 21:15 * which would represent a single opening range of 5 PM to 9:15 PM on Mondays. */ String HOURS = "hours"; /** * The unique node ID of the place on the graph api. */ String ID = "id"; /** * Indicates whether this place is always open. */ String IS_ALWAYS_OPEN = "is_always_open"; /** * Indicates whether this place is permanently closed. */ String IS_PERMANENTLY_CLOSED = "is_permanently_closed"; /** * Pages with a large number of followers can be manually verified by Facebook as having * an authentic identity. This field indicates whether the page is verified by this process. */ String IS_VERIFIED = "is_verified"; /** * The place's web URL. */ String LINK = "link"; /** * Location information about the Place. E.g., latitude and longitude, and street address. */ String LOCATION = "location"; /** * The categories that this place matched. * To be used on the search request if the categories parameter is specified. */ String MATCHED_CATEGORIES = "matched_categories"; /** * The name of the place. */ String NAME = "name"; /** * Overall page rating based on a rating survey from users, on a scale of 1-5. * This value is normalized, and is not guaranteed to be a strict average of user ratings. */ String OVERALL_STAR_RATING = "overall_star_rating"; /** * PageParking. Parking information about the Place. */ String PARKING = "parking"; /** * The available payment options. */ String PAYMENT_OPTIONS = "payment_options"; /** * The place's phone number. */ String PHONE = "phone"; /** * Profile photos posted by the place's Page. */ String PHOTOS_PROFILE = "photos"; /** * Photos on the place's Page tagged by other Pages. */ String PHOTOS_TAGGED = "photos.type(tagged)"; /** * Photos uploaded by the place's Page. */ String PHOTOS_UPLOADED = "photos.type(uploaded)"; /** * The current profile picture of the place's Page. */ String PICTURE = "picture"; /** * Price range of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife. * Can be one of $ (0-10), $$ (10-30), $$$ (30-50), $$$$ (50+), or Unspecified. */ String PRICE_RANGE = "price_range"; /** * Number of ratings for the place. */ String RATING_COUNT = "rating_count"; /** * Restaurant services. Example: delivery, takeout. */ String RESTAURANT_SERVICES = "restaurant_services"; /** * PageRestaurantSpecialties. The restaurant's specialties. Applicable to Restaurants. */ String RESTAURANT_SPECIALTIES = "restaurant_specialties"; /** * The address, in a single line of text. */ String SINGLE_LINE_ADDRESS = "single_line_address"; /** * The URL of the place's website. */ String WEBSITE = "website"; /** * Workflows. */ String WORKFLOWS = "workflows"; }