/* * eXist Open Source Native XML Database * Copyright (C) 2009 The eXist Project * http://exist-db.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * $Id$ */ package org.exist.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy; import org.exist.numbering.NodeId; /** This class implements Floyd's version of the heapsort algorithm. http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~chvatal/notes/hsort.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heapsort#Variations @author José María Fernández (jmfg@users.sourceforge.net) */ public final class HSort { public static <C extends Comparable<? super C>> void sort(C[] a, int lo, int hi) { if (lo >= hi) {return;} // Next lines are a generalization from makeheap int drop=1; // originally, first was n/2-1 int first=(hi+lo-1)/2; for(int k=first; k>=lo; k--) { if(k==(first-1)/2) { drop++; first=k; } siftdown(a, hi+1, k, a[k], drop); } // Next two lines does the same as floor_of_lg // And they have been inferred from Java manual int last=Integer.highestOneBit(hi-lo); drop=31-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(last); // Scaling last int lastlo=last+lo; for(int k=hi; k>lo; k--) { final C temp=a[k]; a[k]=a[lo]; siftdown(a, k, lo, temp, drop); if (k==lastlo) { drop--; last/=2; lastlo=last+lo; } } } public static <C extends Comparable<? super C>> void sort(C[] a, int lo, int hi, int[] b) { if (lo >= hi) {return;} // Next lines are a generalization from makeheap int drop=1; // originally, first was n/2-1 int first=(hi+lo-1)/2; for(int k=first; k>=lo; k--) { if(k==(first-1)/2) { drop++; first=k; } siftdown(a, b, hi+1, k, a[k],(b!=null)?b[k]:0, drop); } // Next two lines does the same as floor_of_lg // And they have been inferred from Java manual int last=Integer.highestOneBit(hi-lo); drop=31-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(last); // Scaling last int lastlo=last+lo; for(int k=hi; k>lo; k--) { final C temp=a[k]; a[k]=a[lo]; int tempB; if(b!=null) { tempB=b[k]; b[k]=b[lo]; } else { tempB=0; } siftdown(a, b, k, lo, temp, tempB, drop); if (k==lastlo) { drop--; last/=2; lastlo=last+lo; } } } public static <C> void sort(C[] a, Comparator<C> c, int lo, int hi) { if (lo >= hi) {return;} // Next lines are a generalization from makeheap int drop=1; // originally, first was n/2-1 int first=(hi+lo-1)/2; for(int k=first; k>=lo; k--) { if(k==(first-1)/2) { drop++; first=k; } siftdown(a, c, hi+1, k, a[k], drop); } // Next two lines does the same as floor_of_lg // And they have been inferred from Java manual int last=Integer.highestOneBit(hi-lo); drop=31-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(last); // Scaling last int lastlo=last+lo; for(int k=hi; k>lo; k--) { final C temp=a[k]; a[k]=a[lo]; siftdown(a, c, k, lo, temp, drop); if (k==lastlo) { drop--; last/=2; lastlo=last+lo; } } } public static <C extends Comparable<? super C>> void sort(List<C> a, int lo, int hi) { if (lo >= hi) {return;} // Next lines are a generalization from makeheap int drop=1; // originally, first was n/2-1 int first=(hi+lo-1)/2; for(int k=first; k>=lo; k--) { if(k==(first-1)/2) { drop++; first=k; } siftdown(a, hi+1, k, a.get(k), drop); } // Next two lines does the same as floor_of_lg // And they have been inferred from Java manual int last=Integer.highestOneBit(hi-lo); drop=31-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(last); // Scaling last int lastlo=last+lo; for(int k=hi; k>lo; k--) { final C temp=a.get(k); a.set(k,a.get(lo)); siftdown(a, k, lo, temp, drop); if (k==lastlo) { drop--; last/=2; lastlo=last+lo; } } } public static void sort(long[] a, int lo, int hi, Object[] b) { if (lo >= hi) {return;} // Next lines are a generalization from makeheap int drop=1; // originally, first was n/2-1 int first=(hi+lo-1)/2; for(int k=first; k>=lo; k--) { if(k==(first-1)/2) { drop++; first=k; } siftdown(a, b, hi+1, k, a[k],(b!=null)?b[k]:null, drop); } // Next two lines does the same as floor_of_lg // And they have been inferred from Java manual int last=Integer.highestOneBit(hi-lo); drop=31-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(last); // Scaling last int lastlo=last+lo; for(int k=hi; k>lo; k--) { final long temp=a[k]; a[k]=a[lo]; Object tempB; if(b!=null) { tempB=b[k]; b[k]=b[lo]; } else { tempB=null; } siftdown(a, b, k, lo, temp, tempB, drop); if (k==lastlo) { drop--; last/=2; lastlo=last+lo; } } } public static void sortByNodeId(NodeProxy[] a, int lo, int hi) { if (lo >= hi) {return;} // Next lines are a generalization from makeheap int drop=1; // originally, first was n/2-1 int first=(hi+lo-1)/2; for(int k=first; k>=lo; k--) { if(k==(first-1)/2) { drop++; first=k; } siftdownByNodeId(a, hi+1, k, a[k], drop); } // Next two lines does the same as floor_of_lg // And they have been inferred from Java manual int last=Integer.highestOneBit(hi-lo); drop=31-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(last); // Scaling last int lastlo=last+lo; for(int k=hi; k>lo; k--) { final NodeProxy temp=a[k]; a[k]=a[lo]; siftdownByNodeId(a, k, lo, temp, drop); if (k==lastlo) { drop--; last/=2; lastlo=last+lo; } } } private static <C extends Comparable<? super C>> void siftdown(C[] a, int n, int vacant, C missing, int drop) { final int memo=vacant; int child, parent; int count, next_peek; count=0; next_peek=(drop+1)/2; child=2*(vacant+1); while(child<n) { if(a[child].compareTo(a[child-1])<0) {child--;} a[vacant]=a[child]; vacant=child; child=2*(vacant+1); count++; if (count==next_peek) { if(a[(vacant-1)/2].compareTo(missing)<=0) {break;} else {next_peek=(count+drop+1)/2;} } } if(child==n) { a[vacant]=a[n-1]; vacant=n-1; } parent=(vacant-1)/2; while(vacant>memo) { if(a[parent].compareTo(missing)<0) { a[vacant]=a[parent]; vacant=parent; parent=(vacant-1)/2; } else {break;} } a[vacant]=missing; } private static <C extends Comparable<? super C>> void siftdown(C[] a, int[] b, int n, int vacant, C missing, int missingB, int drop) { final int memo=vacant; int child, parent; int count, next_peek; count=0; next_peek=(drop+1)/2; child=2*(vacant+1); while(child<n) { if(a[child].compareTo(a[child-1])<0) {child--;} a[vacant]=a[child]; if(b!=null) {b[vacant]=b[child];} vacant=child; child=2*(vacant+1); count++; if (count==next_peek) { if(a[(vacant-1)/2].compareTo(missing)<=0) {break;} else {next_peek=(count+drop+1)/2;} } } if(child==n) { a[vacant]=a[n-1]; if(b!=null) {b[vacant]=b[n-1];} vacant=n-1; } parent=(vacant-1)/2; while(vacant>memo) { if(a[parent].compareTo(missing)<0) { a[vacant]=a[parent]; if(b!=null) {b[vacant]=b[parent];} vacant=parent; parent=(vacant-1)/2; } else {break;} } a[vacant]=missing; if(b!=null) {b[vacant]=missingB;} } private static <C> void siftdown(C[] a, Comparator<C> c, int n, int vacant, C missing, int drop) { final int memo=vacant; int child, parent; int count, next_peek; count=0; next_peek=(drop+1)/2; child=2*(vacant+1); while(child<n) { if(c.compare(a[child],a[child-1])<0) {child--;} a[vacant]=a[child]; vacant=child; child=2*(vacant+1); count++; if (count==next_peek) { if(c.compare(a[(vacant-1)/2],missing)<=0) {break;} else {next_peek=(count+drop+1)/2;} } } if(child==n) { a[vacant]=a[n-1]; vacant=n-1; } parent=(vacant-1)/2; while(vacant>memo) { if(c.compare(a[parent],missing)<0) { a[vacant]=a[parent]; vacant=parent; parent=(vacant-1)/2; } else {break;} } a[vacant]=missing; } private static <C extends Comparable<? super C>> void siftdown(List<C> a, int n, int vacant, C missing, int drop) { final int memo=vacant; int child, parent; int count, next_peek; count=0; next_peek=(drop+1)/2; child=2*(vacant+1); while(child<n) { if(a.get(child).compareTo(a.get(child-1))<0) {child--;} a.set(vacant, a.get(child)); vacant=child; child=2*(vacant+1); count++; if (count==next_peek) { if(a.get((vacant-1)/2).compareTo(missing)<=0) {break;} else {next_peek=(count+drop+1)/2;} } } if(child==n) { a.set(vacant,a.get(n-1)); vacant=n-1; } parent=(vacant-1)/2; while(vacant>memo) { if(a.get(parent).compareTo(missing)<0) { a.set(vacant,a.get(parent)); vacant=parent; parent=(vacant-1)/2; } else {break;} } a.set(vacant,missing); } private static void siftdown(long[] a, Object[] b, int n, int vacant, long missing, Object missingB, int drop) { final int memo=vacant; int child, parent; int count, next_peek; count=0; next_peek=(drop+1)/2; child=2*(vacant+1); while(child<n) { if(a[child]<a[child-1]) {child--;} a[vacant]=a[child]; if(b!=null) {b[vacant]=b[child];} vacant=child; child=2*(vacant+1); count++; if (count==next_peek) { if(a[(vacant-1)/2]<=missing) {break;} else {next_peek=(count+drop+1)/2;} } } if(child==n) { a[vacant]=a[n-1]; if(b!=null) {b[vacant]=b[n-1];} vacant=n-1; } parent=(vacant-1)/2; while(vacant>memo) { if(a[parent]<missing) { a[vacant]=a[parent]; if(b!=null) {b[vacant]=b[parent];} vacant=parent; parent=(vacant-1)/2; } else {break;} } a[vacant]=missing; if(b!=null) {b[vacant]=missingB;} } private static void siftdownByNodeId(NodeProxy[] a, int n, int vacant, NodeProxy missing, int drop) { final int memo=vacant; int count=0; int next_peek=(drop+1)/2; int child=2*(vacant+1); final NodeId missingNodeId=missing.getNodeId(); while(child<n) { if(a[child].getNodeId().compareTo(a[child-1].getNodeId())<0) {child--;} a[vacant]=a[child]; vacant=child; child=2*(vacant+1); count++; if (count==next_peek) { if(a[(vacant-1)/2].getNodeId().compareTo(missingNodeId)<=0) {break;} else {next_peek=(count+drop+1)/2;} } } if(child==n) { a[vacant]=a[n-1]; vacant=n-1; } int parent=(vacant-1)/2; while(vacant>memo) { if(a[parent].getNodeId().compareTo(missingNodeId)<0) { a[vacant]=a[parent]; vacant=parent; parent=(vacant-1)/2; } else {break;} } a[vacant]=missing; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final List<String> l = new ArrayList<>(); if(args.length==0) { final String[] a=new String[] { "Rudi", "Herbert", "Anton", "Berta", "Olga", "Willi", "Heinz" }; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) l.add(a[i]); } else { System.err.println("Ordering file "+args[0]+"\n"); try(final java.io.BufferedReader is=new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.FileReader(args[0]))) { String rr; while((rr=is.readLine())!=null) { l.add(rr); } } } long a; long b; a=System.currentTimeMillis(); sort(l, 0, l.size() - 1); b=System.currentTimeMillis(); System.err.println("Ellapsed time: "+(b-a)+" size: "+l.size()); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) System.out.println(l.get(i)); } }