package; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.exist.dom.persistent.DocumentImpl; import org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy; import org.exist.dom.persistent.IStoredNode; import org.exist.dom.persistent.StoredNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.exist.util.ByteConversion; import org.exist.util.FileUtils; import org.exist.util.LockException; import org.exist.util.sanity.SanityCheck; import; import org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeHandle; /** * Class NodeIterator is used to iterate over nodes in the DOM storage. * This implementation locks the DOM file to read the node and unlocks * it afterwards. It is thus safer than DOMFileIterator, since the node's * value will not change. * * @author wolf */ public final class NodeIterator implements INodeIterator { private final static Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(NodeIterator.class); private DOMFile db = null; private NodeHandle node; //= null; private DocumentImpl doc = null; private int offset; private short lastTupleID = ItemId.UNKNOWN_ID; private DOMFile.DOMPage page = null; private long pageNum; private long startAddress = StoredNode.UNKNOWN_NODE_IMPL_ADDRESS; private DBBroker broker; private boolean useNodePool = false; public NodeIterator(DBBroker broker, DOMFile db, NodeHandle node, boolean poolable) throws BTreeException, IOException { this.db = db; this.doc = node.getOwnerDocument(); this.useNodePool = poolable; this.node = node; = broker; } /** * Returns the internal virtual address of the node at the iterator's * current position. * *@return The currentAddress value */ public long currentAddress() { return StorageAddress.createPointer((int) pageNum, ItemId.getId(lastTupleID)); } /** * Are there more nodes to be read? * *@return <code>true</code> if there is at least one more node to read */ @Override public boolean hasNext() { final Lock lock = db.getLock(); try { try { lock.acquire(LockMode.READ_LOCK); } catch (final LockException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to acquire read lock on " + FileUtils.fileName(db.getFile())); //TODO : throw exception here ? -pb return false; } db.setOwnerObject(broker); if (gotoNextPosition()) { db.getPageBuffer().add(page); final DOMFile.DOMFilePageHeader pageHeader = page.getPageHeader(); if (offset < pageHeader.getDataLength()) {return true;} else if (pageHeader.getNextDataPage() == Page.NO_PAGE) {return false;} else //Mmmmh... strange -pb {return true;} } } catch (final BTreeException e) { LOG.warn(e); //TODO : throw exception here ? -pb } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.warn(e); //TODO : throw exception here ? -pb } finally { lock.release(LockMode.READ_LOCK); } return false; } /** * Returns the next node in document order. */ @Override public IStoredNode next() { final Lock lock = db.getLock(); try { try { lock.acquire(LockMode.READ_LOCK); } catch (final LockException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to acquire read lock on " + FileUtils.fileName(db.getFile())); //TODO : throw exception here ? -pb return null; } db.setOwnerObject(broker); IStoredNode nextNode = null; if (gotoNextPosition()) { long backLink = 0; do { final DOMFile.DOMFilePageHeader pageHeader = page.getPageHeader(); //Next value larger than length of the current page? if (offset >= pageHeader.getDataLength()) { //Load next page in chain long nextPageNum = pageHeader.getNextDataPage(); if (nextPageNum == Page.NO_PAGE) { SanityCheck.TRACE("bad link to next " + + "; previous: " + pageHeader.getPreviousDataPage() + "; offset = " + offset + "; lastTupleID = " + lastTupleID); System.out.println(db.debugPageContents(page)); //TODO : throw exception here ? -pb return null; } pageNum = nextPageNum; page = db.getDOMPage(nextPageNum); db.addToBuffer(page); offset = 0; } //Extract the tuple ID lastTupleID = ByteConversion.byteToShort(, offset); offset += DOMFile.LENGTH_TID; //Check if this is just a link to a relocated node if(ItemId.isLink(lastTupleID)) { //Skip this offset += DOMFile.LENGTH_FORWARD_LOCATION; //Continue the iteration continue; } //Read data length short vlen = ByteConversion.byteToShort(, offset); offset += DOMFile.LENGTH_DATA_LENGTH; if (vlen < 0) { LOG.error("Got negative length" + vlen + " at offset " + offset + "!!!"); LOG.debug(db.debugPageContents(page)); //TODO : throw an exception right now ? } if(ItemId.isRelocated(lastTupleID)) { //Found a relocated node. Read the original address backLink = ByteConversion.byteToLong(, offset); offset += DOMFile.LENGTH_ORIGINAL_LOCATION; } //Overflow page? Load the overflow value if (vlen == DOMFile.OVERFLOW) { vlen = DOMFile.LENGTH_OVERFLOW_LOCATION; final long overflow = ByteConversion.byteToLong(, offset); offset += DOMFile.LENGTH_OVERFLOW_LOCATION; try { final byte[] overflowValue = db.getOverflowValue(overflow); nextNode = StoredNode.deserialize(overflowValue, 0, overflowValue.length, doc, useNodePool); } catch(final Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception while loading overflow value: " + e.getMessage() + "; originating page: " +; //TODO : rethrow exception ? -pb } //Normal node } else { try { nextNode = StoredNode.deserialize(, offset, vlen, doc, useNodePool); offset += vlen; } catch(final Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while deserializing node: " + e.getMessage(), e); LOG.error("Reading from offset: " + offset + "; len = " + vlen); LOG.debug(db.debugPageContents(page)); System.out.println(db.debugPageContents(page)); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (nextNode == null) { LOG.error("illegal node on page " + page.getPageNum() + "; tid = " + ItemId.getId(lastTupleID) + "; next = " + page.getPageHeader().getNextDataPage() + "; prev = " + page.getPageHeader().getPreviousDataPage() + "; offset = " + (offset - vlen) + "; len = " + page.getPageHeader().getDataLength()); System.out.println(db.debugPageContents(page)); //TODO : throw an exception here ? -pb return null; } if (ItemId.isRelocated(lastTupleID)) { nextNode.setInternalAddress(backLink); } else { nextNode.setInternalAddress(StorageAddress.createPointer((int) pageNum, ItemId.getId(lastTupleID))); } nextNode.setOwnerDocument(doc); } while (nextNode == null); } return nextNode; } catch (final BTreeException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); //TODO : re-throw exception ? -pb } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); //TODO : re-throw exception ? -pb } finally { lock.release(LockMode.READ_LOCK); } return null; } private boolean gotoNextPosition() throws BTreeException, IOException { //Position the iterator at the start of the first value if (node != null) { RecordPos rec = null; if (StorageAddress.hasAddress(node.getInternalAddress())) {rec = db.findRecord(node.getInternalAddress());} if (rec == null) { final long addr = db.findValue(broker, new NodeProxy(node)); if (addr == BTree.KEY_NOT_FOUND) {return false;} rec = db.findRecord(addr); } pageNum = rec.getPage().getPageNum(); page = rec.getPage(); //Position the stream at the very beginning of the record offset = rec.offset - DOMFile.LENGTH_TID; node = null; return true; } else if (StorageAddress.hasAddress(startAddress)) { final RecordPos rec = db.findRecord(startAddress); if(rec == null) {throw new IOException("Node not found at specified address.");} pageNum = rec.getPage().getPageNum(); //Position the stream at the very beginning of the record offset = rec.offset - DOMFile.LENGTH_TID; page = rec.getPage(); startAddress = StoredNode.UNKNOWN_NODE_IMPL_ADDRESS; return true; } else if (pageNum != Page.NO_PAGE) { page = db.getDOMPage(pageNum); db.addToBuffer(page); return true; } return false; } /** * Remove the current node. This implementation just * decrements the node count. It does not actually remove * the node's value, but removes a page if * node count == 0. Use this method only if you want to * delete an entire document, not to remove a single node. */ @Override public void remove() { throw new RuntimeException("remove() method not implemented"); } /** * Reposition the iterate at a given address. * *@param address The new to value */ public void setTo(long address) { this.startAddress = address; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { //nothing needs to be done } }