/* * (c) Copyright Reserved EVRYTHNG Limited 2016. All rights reserved. * Use of this material is subject to license. * Copying and unauthorised use of this material strictly prohibited. */ package com.evrythng.thng.resource.model.store; import java.util.Map; public class ShortIdGenerationTask extends TaskOnBatch { private InputParameters inputParameters; public static final String FIELD_INPUT_PARAMETERS = "inputParameters"; public ShortIdGenerationTask() { setType(Type.SHORT_ID_GENERATION); } public InputParameters getInputParameters() { return inputParameters; } public void setInputParameters(final InputParameters inputParameters) { this.inputParameters = inputParameters; } public static class InputParameters { private Long quantity; public static final String FIELD_QUANTITY = "quantity"; private ShortIdTemplate shortIdTemplate; public static final String FIELD_SHORT_ID_TEMPLATE = "shortIdTemplate"; public Long getQuantity() { return quantity; } public void setQuantity(final Long quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; } public ShortIdTemplate getShortIdTemplate() { return shortIdTemplate; } public void setShortIdTemplate(final ShortIdTemplate shortIdTemplate) { this.shortIdTemplate = shortIdTemplate; } } public static final class Result extends BaseTaskResult { private String location; private Map<String, String> headers; public Result() { setType(Type.SHORT_ID_GENERATION); } public String getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(final String location) { this.location = location; } public Map<String, String> getHeaders() { return headers; } public void setHeaders(final Map<String, String> headers) { this.headers = headers; } } }