package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.pcollections.PVector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public final class QuickTour { public static void main(String[] args) { String apiKey = "<your_apiKey>"; ApiManager client = new ApiManager(apiKey); // we define what the Product will look like Product productToCreate = new Product(); productToCreate.setName("Ferrari F40"); productToCreate.setDescription("A mid-engine, rear-wheel drive, two-door coupé sports car built from 1987 to 1992."); productToCreate.addCustomFields("category", "sport"); productToCreate.addCustomFields("type", "coupé"); productToCreate.setTags(Arrays.asList("car", "sport", "ferrari", "coupé")); // here we actually create it using the EVRYTHNG API, after this line you can call product.getId() to retrieve the id assigned to it. Product f40 = client.productService().productCreator(productToCreate).execute(); System.out.println(f40.getId()); // our first Thng. Thng myRedF40 = new Thng(); myRedF40.setName("My red Ferrari F40"); // it's an F40! myRedF40.setProduct(f40.getId()); myRedF40.setDescription("It's red!"); myRedF40.addCustomFields("color", "red"); myRedF40.addCustomFields("license_plate", "NY - ABC 2345"); myRedF40.setTags(Arrays.asList("red", "US", "NY")); myRedF40 = client.thngService().thngCreator(myRedF40).execute(); // and another one. Thng myYellowF40 = new Thng(); myYellowF40.setName("My yellow Ferrari F40"); // it's an F40! myYellowF40.setProduct(f40.getId()); myYellowF40.setDescription("It's yellow! The original Ferrari color."); myYellowF40.addCustomFields("color", "yellow"); myYellowF40.addCustomFields("license_plate", "NY - ABC 1981"); myYellowF40.setTags(Arrays.asList("yellow", "NY", "US")); myYellowF40 = client.thngService().thngCreator(myYellowF40).execute(); // define current state. List<Property<?>> myRedF40State = new ArrayList<>(); myRedF40State.add(new NumberProperty("engine_temperature", 72.31)); myRedF40State.add(new BooleanProperty("started", true)); // perform the update. client.thngService().propertiesCreator(myRedF40.getId(), myRedF40State).execute(); // define current state. List<Property<?>> myYellowF40State = new ArrayList<>(); myYellowF40State.add(new NumberProperty("engine_temperature", 12.23)); myYellowF40State.add(new BooleanProperty("started", false)); // perform the update. client.thngService().propertiesCreator(myYellowF40.getId(), myYellowF40State).execute(); // iterating all Thngs. Iterator<PVector<Thng>> allMyThngs = client.thngService().iterator().perPage(10).execute(); while (allMyThngs.hasNext()) { PVector<Thng> page =; // do something with the page for (Thng thng : page) { System.out.println("Retrieved Thng with name: " + thng.getName()); } } // iterating only red Thngs. Iterator<PVector<Thng>> redThngsOnly = client.thngService().iterator().perPage(10).filter("tags=red").execute(); while (redThngsOnly.hasNext()) { PVector<Thng> page =; // do something with the page for (Thng thng : page) { System.out.println("Retrieved Thng with name: " + thng.getName()); } } } }