/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 eXo Platform SAS. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.exoplatform.social.core.storage.query; import com.google.caja.parser.js.QuotedExpression; /** * @author <a href="mailto:alain.defrance@exoplatform.com">Alain Defrance</a> * @version $Revision$ */ public class WhereExpression { private static final String QUOTED = "'%s'"; private static final String DIRECT = "%s"; private final StringBuilder builder; private int openGroup = 0; public WhereExpression() { builder = new StringBuilder(); } public <T> WhereExpression equals(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { checkParam(property, value); builder.append(String.format("%s = %s ", property.getName(), espace(property, value))); return this; } public <T> WhereExpression lesser(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { checkParam(property, value); builder.append(String.format("%s < %s ", property.getName(), value)); return this; } public <T> WhereExpression lessEq(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { checkParam(property, value); builder.append(String.format("%s <= %s ", property.getName(), value)); return this; } public <T> WhereExpression greater(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { checkParam(property, value); builder.append(String.format("%s > %s ", property.getName(), espace(property, value))); return this; } public <T> WhereExpression greaterEq(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { checkParam(property, value); builder.append(String.format("%s >= '%s' ", property.getName(), value)); return this; } public <T> WhereExpression like(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { checkParam(property, value); builder.append(String.format("%s LIKE '%s' ", property.getName(), value)); return this; } public <T> WhereExpression like(CallExpression<T> call, T value) { checkParam(call.getProperty(), value); builder.append(String.format("%s(%s) LIKE '%s' ", call.getFunction(), call.getProperty().getName(), value)); return this; } public <T> WhereExpression contains(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { checkParam(property, value); builder.append(String.format("CONTAINS (%s, '%s') ", property.getName(), value)); return this; } public <T> WhereExpression orderBy(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, Order order) { builder.append(String.format("ORDER BY %s %s", property.getName(), order.toString())); return this; } public WhereExpression startGroup() { builder.append("("); ++openGroup; return this; } public WhereExpression endGroup() { builder.append(") "); --openGroup; return this; } public WhereExpression endAllGroup() { while (openGroup > 0) { endGroup(); } return this; } public WhereExpression not() { builder.append("NOT "); return this; } public WhereExpression or() { builder.append("OR "); return this; } public WhereExpression and() { builder.append("AND "); return this; } public String toString() { return builder.toString(); } public <T> CallExpression callFunction(QueryFunction function, PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property) { return new CallExpression(function, property); } private <T> String espace(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { String format = (property.getType().equals(Long.class) ? DIRECT : QUOTED); return String.format(format, value); } private <T> void checkParam(PropertyLiteralExpression<T> property, T value) { if (!property.getType().equals(value.getClass())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } }