package org.ethereum.core; import org.ethereum.config.CommonConfig; import org.ethereum.config.SystemProperties; import org.ethereum.config.blockchain.FrontierConfig; import org.ethereum.core.genesis.GenesisLoader; import org.ethereum.crypto.ECKey; import org.ethereum.crypto.HashUtil; import org.ethereum.datasource.inmem.HashMapDB; import org.ethereum.datasource.NoDeleteSource; import org.ethereum.db.ByteArrayWrapper; import org.ethereum.db.IndexedBlockStore; import org.ethereum.db.RepositoryRoot; import org.ethereum.listener.EthereumListenerAdapter; import org.ethereum.mine.Ethash; import org.ethereum.util.ByteUtil; import org.ethereum.util.blockchain.SolidityContract; import org.ethereum.util.blockchain.StandaloneBlockchain; import org.ethereum.validator.DependentBlockHeaderRuleAdapter; import org.ethereum.vm.LogInfo; import org.ethereum.vm.program.invoke.ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl; import org.junit.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; /** * Created by Anton Nashatyrev on 29.12.2015. */ public class ImportLightTest { @BeforeClass public static void setup() { SystemProperties.getDefault().setBlockchainConfig(StandaloneBlockchain.getEasyMiningConfig()); } @AfterClass public static void cleanup() { SystemProperties.resetToDefault(); } @Test public void simpleFork() { StandaloneBlockchain sb = new StandaloneBlockchain(); Block b1 = sb.createBlock(); Block b2_ = sb.createBlock(); Block b3_ = sb.createForkBlock(b2_); Block b2 = sb.createForkBlock(b1); Block b3 = sb.createForkBlock(b2); Block b4 = sb.createForkBlock(b3); Block b5 = sb.createForkBlock(b4); } @Test @Ignore public void importBlocks() throws Exception { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("VM");"#######################################"); BlockchainImpl blockchain = createBlockchain(GenesisLoader.loadGenesis( getClass().getResourceAsStream("/genesis/frontier.json"))); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("D:\\ws\\ethereumj\\work\\blocks-rec.dmp")); while (scanner.hasNext()) { String blockHex =; Block block = new Block(Hex.decode(blockHex)); ImportResult result = blockchain.tryToConnect(block); if (result != ImportResult.EXIST && result != ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST) { throw new RuntimeException(result + ": " + block + ""); } System.out.println("Imported " + block.getShortDescr()); } } @Ignore // periodically get different roots ? @Test public void putZeroValue() { StandaloneBlockchain sb = new StandaloneBlockchain(); SolidityContract a = sb.submitNewContract("contract A { uint public a; function set() { a = 0;}}"); a.callFunction("set"); Block block = sb.createBlock(); System.out.println(Hex.toHexString(block.getStateRoot())); Assert.assertEquals("cad42169cafc7855c25b8889df83faf38e493fb6e95b2c9c8e155dbc340160d6", Hex.toHexString(block.getStateRoot())); } @Test public void simpleRebranch() { StandaloneBlockchain sb = new StandaloneBlockchain(); Block b0 = sb.getBlockchain().getBestBlock(); ECKey addr1 = ECKey.fromPrivate(HashUtil.sha3("1".getBytes())); BigInteger bal2 = sb.getBlockchain().getRepository().getBalance(sb.getSender().getAddress()); sb.sendEther(addr1.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(100)); Block b1 = sb.createBlock(); sb.sendEther(addr1.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(100)); Block b2 = sb.createBlock(); sb.sendEther(addr1.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(100)); Block b3 = sb.createBlock(); BigInteger bal1 = sb.getBlockchain().getRepository().getBalance(addr1.getAddress()); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(300), bal1); sb.sendEther(addr1.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(200)); Block b1_ = sb.createForkBlock(b0); sb.sendEther(addr1.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(200)); Block b2_ = sb.createForkBlock(b1_); sb.sendEther(addr1.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(200)); Block b3_ = sb.createForkBlock(b2_); sb.sendEther(addr1.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(200)); Block b4_ = sb.createForkBlock(b3_); BigInteger bal1_ = sb.getBlockchain().getRepository().getBalance(addr1.getAddress()); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(800), bal1_); // BigInteger bal2_ = sb.getBlockchain().getRepository().getBalance(sb.getSender().getAddress()); // Assert.assertEquals(bal2, bal2_); } @Test public void createFork() throws Exception { // importing forked chain BlockchainImpl blockchain = createBlockchain(GenesisLoader.loadGenesis( getClass().getResourceAsStream("/genesis/genesis-light.json"))); blockchain.setMinerCoinbase(Hex.decode("ee0250c19ad59305b2bdb61f34b45b72fe37154f")); Block parent = blockchain.getBestBlock(); System.out.println("Mining #1 ..."); Block b1 = blockchain.createNewBlock(parent, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b1.getNumber()).mineLight(b1).get(); ImportResult importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b1); System.out.println("Best: " + blockchain.getBestBlock().getShortDescr()); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST); System.out.println("Mining #2 ..."); Block b2 = blockchain.createNewBlock(b1, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b2.getNumber()).mineLight(b2).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b2); System.out.println("Best: " + blockchain.getBestBlock().getShortDescr()); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST); System.out.println("Mining #3 ..."); Block b3 = blockchain.createNewBlock(b2, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b3.getNumber()).mineLight(b3).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b3); System.out.println("Best: " + blockchain.getBestBlock().getShortDescr()); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST); System.out.println("Mining #2' ..."); Block b2_ = blockchain.createNewBlock(b1, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); b2_.setExtraData(new byte[]{77, 77}); // setting extra data to differ from block #2 Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b2_.getNumber()).mineLight(b2_).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b2_); System.out.println("Best: " + blockchain.getBestBlock().getShortDescr()); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_NOT_BEST); System.out.println("Mining #3' ..."); Block b3_ = blockchain.createNewBlock(b2_, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.singletonList(b2.getHeader())); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b3_.getNumber()).mineLight(b3_).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b3_); System.out.println("Best: " + blockchain.getBestBlock().getShortDescr()); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_NOT_BEST); } @Test public void invalidBlockTest() throws Exception { // testing that bad block import effort doesn't affect the repository state BlockchainImpl blockchain = createBlockchain(GenesisLoader.loadGenesis( getClass().getResourceAsStream("/genesis/genesis-light.json"))); blockchain.setMinerCoinbase(Hex.decode("ee0250c19ad59305b2bdb61f34b45b72fe37154f")); Block parent = blockchain.getBestBlock(); ECKey senderKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode("3ec771c31cac8c0dba77a69e503765701d3c2bb62435888d4ffa38fed60c445c")); byte[] receiverAddr = Hex.decode("31e2e1ed11951c7091dfba62cd4b7145e947219c"); System.out.println("Mining #1 ..."); Transaction tx = new Transaction(ByteUtil.intToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(50_000_000_000L), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0xfffff), receiverAddr, new byte[]{77}, new byte[0]); tx.sign(senderKey.getPrivKeyBytes()); Block b1bad = blockchain.createNewBlock(parent, Collections.singletonList(tx), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); // making the block bad b1bad.getStateRoot()[0] = 0; b1bad.setStateRoot(b1bad.getStateRoot()); // invalidate block Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b1bad.getNumber()).mineLight(b1bad).get(); ImportResult importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b1bad); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.INVALID_BLOCK); Block b1 = blockchain.createNewBlock(parent, Collections.singletonList(tx), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b1.getNumber()).mineLight(b1).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b1); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST); } @Test public void doubleTransactionTest() throws Exception { // Testing that blocks containing tx with invalid nonce are rejected BlockchainImpl blockchain = createBlockchain(GenesisLoader.loadGenesis( getClass().getResourceAsStream("/genesis/genesis-light.json"))); blockchain.setMinerCoinbase(Hex.decode("ee0250c19ad59305b2bdb61f34b45b72fe37154f")); Block parent = blockchain.getBestBlock(); ECKey senderKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode("3ec771c31cac8c0dba77a69e503765701d3c2bb62435888d4ffa38fed60c445c")); byte[] receiverAddr = Hex.decode("31e2e1ed11951c7091dfba62cd4b7145e947219c"); System.out.println("Mining #1 ..."); Transaction tx = new Transaction(ByteUtil.intToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(50_000_000_000L), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0xfffff), receiverAddr, new byte[]{77}, new byte[0]); tx.sign(senderKey); Block b1 = blockchain.createNewBlock(parent, Collections.singletonList(tx), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b1.getNumber()).mineLight(b1).get(); ImportResult importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b1); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST); System.out.println("Mining #2 (bad) ..."); Block b2 = blockchain.createNewBlock(b1, Collections.singletonList(tx), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b2.getNumber()).mineLight(b2).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b2); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.INVALID_BLOCK); System.out.println("Mining #2 (bad) ..."); Transaction tx1 = new Transaction(ByteUtil.intToBytesNoLeadZeroes(1), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(50_000_000_000L), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0xfffff), receiverAddr, new byte[]{77}, new byte[0]); tx1.sign(senderKey); b2 = blockchain.createNewBlock(b1, Arrays.asList(tx1, tx1), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b2.getNumber()).mineLight(b2).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b2); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.INVALID_BLOCK); System.out.println("Mining #2 ..."); Transaction tx2 = new Transaction(ByteUtil.intToBytesNoLeadZeroes(2), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(50_000_000_000L), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0xfffff), receiverAddr, new byte[]{77}, new byte[0]); tx2.sign(senderKey); b2 = blockchain.createNewBlock(b1, Arrays.asList(tx1, tx2), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b2.getNumber()).mineLight(b2).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b2); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST); System.out.println("Mining #2 (fork) ..."); tx1 = new Transaction(ByteUtil.intToBytesNoLeadZeroes(1), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(50_000_000_000L), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0xfffff), receiverAddr, new byte[]{88}, new byte[0]); tx1.sign(senderKey); Block b2f = blockchain.createNewBlock(b1, Collections.singletonList(tx1), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b2f.getNumber()).mineLight(b2f).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b2f); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_NOT_BEST); System.out.println("Mining #3 ..."); tx1 = new Transaction(ByteUtil.intToBytesNoLeadZeroes(3), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(50_000_000_000L), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0xfffff), receiverAddr, new byte[]{88}, new byte[0]); tx1.sign(senderKey); tx2 = new Transaction(ByteUtil.intToBytesNoLeadZeroes(4), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(50_000_000_000L), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0xfffff), receiverAddr, new byte[]{88}, new byte[0]); tx2.sign(senderKey); Transaction tx3 = new Transaction(ByteUtil.intToBytesNoLeadZeroes(5), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(50_000_000_000L), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(0xfffff), receiverAddr, new byte[]{88}, new byte[0]); tx3.sign(senderKey); Block b3 = blockchain.createNewBlock(b2, Arrays.asList(tx1, tx2, tx3), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b3.getNumber()).mineLight(b3).get(); importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b3); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST); } @Test public void invalidBlockTotalDiff() throws Exception { // Check that importing invalid block doesn't affect totalDifficulty BlockchainImpl blockchain = createBlockchain(GenesisLoader.loadGenesis( getClass().getResourceAsStream("/genesis/genesis-light.json"))); blockchain.setMinerCoinbase(Hex.decode("ee0250c19ad59305b2bdb61f34b45b72fe37154f")); Block parent = blockchain.getBestBlock(); System.out.println("Mining #1 ..."); BigInteger totalDifficulty = blockchain.getTotalDifficulty(); Block b1 = blockchain.createNewBlock(parent, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); b1.setStateRoot(new byte[32]); Ethash.getForBlock(SystemProperties.getDefault(), b1.getNumber()).mineLight(b1).get(); ImportResult importResult = blockchain.tryToConnect(b1); Assert.assertTrue(importResult == ImportResult.INVALID_BLOCK); Assert.assertEquals(totalDifficulty, blockchain.getTotalDifficulty()); } @Test public void simpleDbTest() { StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); SolidityContract parent = bc.submitNewContract("contract A {" + " uint public a;" + " function set(uint a_) { a = a_;}" + "}"); bc.createBlock(); parent.callFunction("set", 123); bc.createBlock(); Object ret = parent.callConstFunction("a")[0]; System.out.println("Ret = " + ret); } @Test public void createContractFork() throws Exception { // #1 (Parent) --> #2 --> #3 (Child) ----------------------> #4 (call Child) // \-------------------------------> #2' (forked Child) // // Testing the situation when the Child contract is created by the Parent contract // first on the main chain with one parameter (#3) and then on the fork with another parameter (#2') // so their storages are different. Check that original Child storage is not broken // on the main chain (#4) String contractSrc = "contract Child {" + " int a;" + " int b;" + " int public c;" + " function Child(int i) {" + " a = 333 + i;" + " b = 444 + i;" + " }" + " function sum() {" + " c = a + b;" + " }" + "}" + "contract Parent {" + " address public child;" + " function createChild(int a) returns (address) {" + " child = new Child(a);" + " return child;" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); SolidityContract parent = bc.submitNewContract(contractSrc, "Parent"); Block b1 = bc.createBlock(); Block b2 = bc.createBlock(); parent.callFunction("createChild", 100); Block b3 = bc.createBlock(); byte[] childAddress = (byte[]) parent.callConstFunction("child")[0]; parent.callFunction("createChild", 200); Block b2_ = bc.createForkBlock(b1); SolidityContract child = bc.createExistingContractFromSrc(contractSrc, "Child", childAddress); child.callFunction("sum"); Block b4 = bc.createBlock(); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(100 + 333 + 100 + 444), child.callConstFunction("c")[0]); } @Test public void createContractFork1() throws Exception { // Test creation of the contract on forked branch with different storage String contractSrc = "contract A {" + " int public a;" + " function A() {" + " a = 333;" + " }" + "}" + "contract B {" + " int public a;" + " function B() {" + " a = 111;" + " }" + "}"; { StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); Block b1 = bc.createBlock(); Block b2 = bc.createBlock(); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractSrc, "A"); Block b3 = bc.createBlock(); SolidityContract b = bc.submitNewContract(contractSrc, "B"); Block b2_ = bc.createForkBlock(b1); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(333), a.callConstFunction("a")[0]); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(111), b.callConstFunction(b2_, "a")[0]); Block b3_ = bc.createForkBlock(b2_); Block b4_ = bc.createForkBlock(b3_); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(111), a.callConstFunction("a")[0]); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(333), a.callConstFunction(b3, "a")[0]); } } @Test public void createValueTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // checks that correct msg.value is passed when contract internally created with value String contract = "pragma solidity ^0.4.3;\n" + "contract B {\n" + " uint public valReceived;\n" + " \n" + " function B() payable {\n" + " valReceived = msg.value;\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "contract A {\n" + " function () payable { }\n" + " address public child;\n" + " function create() payable {\n" + " child = (new B).value(20)();\n" + " }\n" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain().withAutoblock(true); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contract, "A"); bc.sendEther(a.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(10_000)); a.callFunction(10, "create"); byte[] childAddress = (byte[]) a.callConstFunction("child")[0]; SolidityContract b = bc.createExistingContractFromSrc(contract, "B", childAddress); BigInteger val = (BigInteger) b.callConstFunction("valReceived")[0]; Assert.assertEquals(20, val.longValue()); } @Test public void contractCodeForkTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException { String contractA = "contract A {" + " function call() returns (uint) {" + " return 111;" + " }" + "}"; String contractB = "contract B {" + " function call() returns (uint) {" + " return 222222;" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); Block b1 = bc.createBlock(); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA); Block b2 = bc.createBlock(); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(111), a.callConstFunction("call")[0]); SolidityContract b = bc.submitNewContract(contractB); Block b2_ = bc.createForkBlock(b1); Block b3 = bc.createForkBlock(b2); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(111), a.callConstFunction("call")[0]); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(111), a.callConstFunction(b2, "call")[0]); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(222222), b.callConstFunction(b2_, "call")[0]); } @Test public void operateNotExistingContractTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // checking that addr.balance doesn't cause the account to be created // and the subsequent call to that non-existent address costs 25K gas byte[] addr = Hex.decode("0101010101010101010101010101010101010101"); String contractA = "pragma solidity ^0.4.3;" + "contract B { function dummy() {}}" + "contract A {" + " function callBalance() returns (uint) {" + " address addr = 0x" + Hex.toHexString(addr) + ";" + " uint bal = addr.balance;" + " }" + " function callMethod() returns (uint) {" + " address addr = 0x" + Hex.toHexString(addr) + ";" + " B b = B(addr);" + " b.dummy();" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain() .withGasPrice(1) .withGasLimit(5_000_000L); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA, "A"); bc.createBlock(); { BigInteger balance1 = getSenderBalance(bc); a.callFunction("callBalance"); bc.createBlock(); BigInteger balance2 = getSenderBalance(bc); long spent = balance1.subtract(balance2).longValue(); // checking balance of not existed address should take // less that gas limit Assert.assertEquals(21508, spent); } { BigInteger balance1 = getSenderBalance(bc); a.callFunction("callMethod"); bc.createBlock(); BigInteger balance2 = getSenderBalance(bc); long spent = balance1.subtract(balance2).longValue(); // invalid jump error occurred // all gas wasted // (for history: it is worked fine in ^0.3.1) Assert.assertEquals(5_000_000L, spent); } } private BigInteger getSenderBalance(StandaloneBlockchain bc) { return bc.getBlockchain().getRepository().getBalance(bc.getSender().getAddress()); } @Test public void spendGasSimpleTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // check the caller spend value for tx StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain().withGasPrice(1); BigInteger balance1 = bc.getBlockchain().getRepository().getBalance(bc.getSender().getAddress()); bc.sendEther(new byte[20], BigInteger.ZERO); bc.createBlock(); BigInteger balance2 = bc.getBlockchain().getRepository().getBalance(bc.getSender().getAddress()); long spent = balance1.subtract(balance2).longValue(); Assert.assertNotEquals(0, spent); } @Test public void deepRecursionTest() throws Exception { String contractA = "contract A {" + " function recursive(){" + " this.recursive();" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain().withGasLimit(5_000_000); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA, "A"); bc.createBlock(); a.callFunction("recursive"); bc.createBlock(); // no StackOverflowException } @Test public void prevBlockHashOnFork() throws Exception { String contractA = "contract A {" + " bytes32 public blockHash;" + " function a(){" + " blockHash = block.blockhash(block.number - 1);" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA); Block b1 = bc.createBlock(); Block b2 = bc.createBlock(); Block b3 = bc.createBlock(); Block b4 = bc.createBlock(); Block b5 = bc.createBlock(); Block b6 = bc.createBlock(); Block b2_ = bc.createForkBlock(b1); a.callFunction("a"); Block b3_ = bc.createForkBlock(b2_); Object hash = a.callConstFunction(b3_, "blockHash")[0]; Assert.assertArrayEquals((byte[]) hash, b2_.getHash()); // no StackOverflowException } @Test public void rollbackInternalTx() throws Exception { String contractA = "contract A {" + " uint public a;" + " uint public b;" + " function f() {" + " b = 1;" + "'exception()')));" + " a = 2;" + " }" + " function exception() {" + " b = 2;" + " throw;" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA); bc.createBlock(); a.callFunction("f"); bc.createBlock(); Object av = a.callConstFunction("a")[0]; Object bv = a.callConstFunction("b")[0]; assert BigInteger.valueOf(2).equals(av); assert BigInteger.valueOf(1).equals(bv); } @Test() public void selfdestructAttack() throws Exception { String contractSrc = "" + "pragma solidity ^0.4.3;" + "contract B {" + " function suicide(address benefic) {" + " selfdestruct(benefic);" + " }" + "}" + "contract A {" + " uint public a;" + " function f() {" + " B b = new B();" + " for (uint i = 0; i < 3500; i++) {" + " b.suicide(address(i));" + " }" + " a = 2;" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain() .withGasLimit(1_000_000_000L) .withDbDelay(0); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractSrc, "A"); bc.createBlock(); a.callFunction("f"); bc.createBlock(); String stateRoot = Hex.toHexString(bc.getBlockchain().getRepository().getRoot()); // Assert.assertEquals("82d5bdb6531e26011521da5601481c9dbef326aa18385f2945fd77bee288ca31", stateRoot); Object av = a.callConstFunction("a")[0]; assert BigInteger.valueOf(2).equals(av); assert bc.getTotalDbHits() < 8300; // reduce this assertion if you make further optimizations } @Test @Ignore public void threadRacePendingTest() throws Exception { String contractA = "contract A {" + " uint[32] public somedata1;" + " uint[32] public somedata2;" + " function set1(uint idx, uint val){" + " somedata1[idx] = val;" + " }" + " function set2(uint idx, uint val){" + " somedata2[idx] = val;" + " }" + "}"; final StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); final StandaloneBlockchain.SolidityContractImpl a = (StandaloneBlockchain.SolidityContractImpl) bc.submitNewContract(contractA); bc.createBlock(); Block b = null; int cnt = 1; final CallTransaction.Function function = a.contract.getByName("set"); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int cnt = 1; while (cnt++ > 0) { try { bc.generatePendingTransactions(); // byte[] encode = function.encode(cnt % 32, cnt); // Transaction callTx1 = bc.createTransaction(new ECKey(), 0, a.getAddress(), BigInteger.ZERO, encode); // bc.getPendingState().addPendingTransaction(callTx1); // Transaction callTx2 = bc.createTransaction(, 0, a.getAddress(), BigInteger.ZERO, encode); // bc.getPendingState().addPendingTransaction(callTx); Thread.sleep(10); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }).start(); Block b_1 = null; while(cnt++ > 0) { long s = System.nanoTime(); a.callFunction("set1", cnt % 32, cnt); a.callFunction("set2", cnt % 32, cnt); bc.sendEther(new byte[32], BigInteger.ONE); a.callFunction("set1", (cnt + 1) % 32, cnt + 1); a.callFunction("set2", (cnt + 1) % 32, cnt + 1); bc.sendEther(new byte[32], BigInteger.ONE); Block prev = b; if (cnt % 5 == 0) { b = bc.createForkBlock(b_1); } else { b = bc.createBlock(); } b_1 = prev; if (cnt % 3 == 0) { bc.getBlockchain().flush(); } long t = System.nanoTime() - s; System.out.println("" + String.format(Locale.US, "%1$.2f", t / 1_000_000d) + ", " + b.getDifficultyBI() + ", " + b.getShortDescr()); } // SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA); // Block b1 = bc.createBlock(); // Block b2 = bc.createBlock(); // Block b3 = bc.createBlock(); // Block b4 = bc.createBlock(); // Block b5 = bc.createBlock(); // Block b6 = bc.createBlock(); // Block b2_ = bc.createForkBlock(b1); // a.callFunction("a"); // Block b3_ = bc.createForkBlock(b2_); // Object hash = a.callConstFunction(b3_, "blockHash")[0]; // // System.out.println(Hex.toHexString((byte[]) hash)); // System.out.println(Hex.toHexString(b2_.getHash())); // no StackOverflowException } @Test public void suicideInFailedCall() throws Exception { // check that if a contract is suicide in call which is failed (thus suicide is reverted) // the refund for this suicide is not added String contractA = "contract B {" + " function f(){" + " suicide(msg.sender);" + " }" + "}" + "contract A {" + " function f(){" + "'bad()')));" + " }" + " function bad() {" + " B b = new B();" + "'f()')));" + " throw;" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain().withGasLimit(5_000_000); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA, "A"); bc.createBlock(); final BigInteger[] refund = new BigInteger[1]; bc.addEthereumListener(new EthereumListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onTransactionExecuted(TransactionExecutionSummary summary) { refund[0] = summary.getGasRefund(); } }); a.callFunction("f"); bc.createBlock(); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.ZERO, refund[0]); // no StackOverflowException } @Test public void logInFailedCall() throws Exception { // check that if a contract is suicide in call which is failed (thus suicide is reverted) // the refund for this suicide is not added String contractA = "contract A {" + " function f(){" + "'bad()')));" + " }" + " function bad() {" + " log0(1234);" + " throw;" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain().withGasLimit(5_000_000); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA, "A"); bc.createBlock(); final List<LogInfo> logs = new ArrayList<>(); bc.addEthereumListener(new EthereumListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onTransactionExecuted(TransactionExecutionSummary summary) { logs.addAll(summary.getLogs()); } }); a.callFunction("f"); bc.createBlock(); Assert.assertEquals(0, logs.size()); // no StackOverflowException } @Test public void ecRecoverTest() throws Exception { // checks that ecrecover precompile contract rejects v > 255 String contractA = "contract A {" + " function f (bytes32 hash, bytes32 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) returns (address) {" + " assembly {" + " mstore(0x100, hash)" + " mstore(0x120, v)" + " mstore(0x140, r)" + " mstore(0x160, s)" + " callcode(0x50000, 0x01, 0x0, 0x100, 0x80, 0x200, 0x220)" + // call ecrecover " return(0x200, 0x20)" + " }" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain().withGasLimit(5_000_000); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA, "A"); bc.createBlock(); ECKey key = ECKey.fromPrivate(BigInteger.ONE); byte[] hash = new byte[32]; ECKey.ECDSASignature signature = key.sign(hash); Object[] ret = a.callConstFunction("f", hash, ByteUtil.merge(new byte[31], new byte[]{signature.v}), ByteUtil.bigIntegerToBytes(signature.r, 32), ByteUtil.bigIntegerToBytes(signature.s, 32)); Assert.assertArrayEquals(key.getAddress(), (byte[]) ret[0]); ret = a.callConstFunction("f", hash, ByteUtil.merge(new byte[] {1}, new byte[30], new byte[]{signature.v}), ByteUtil.bigIntegerToBytes(signature.r, 32), ByteUtil.bigIntegerToBytes(signature.s, 32)); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new byte[20], (byte[]) ret[0]); } @Test public void functionTypeTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException { String contractA = "contract A {" + " int public res;" + " function calc(int b, function (int a) external returns (int) f) external returns (int) {" + " return f(b);" + " }" + " function fInc(int a) external returns (int) { return a + 1;}" + " function fDec(int a) external returns (int) { return a - 1;}" + " function test() {" + " res = this.calc(111, this.fInc);" + " }" + "}"; StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); SolidityContract a = bc.submitNewContract(contractA); bc.createBlock(); a.callFunction("test"); bc.createBlock(); Assert.assertEquals(a.callConstFunction("res")[0], BigInteger.valueOf(112)); BigInteger r1 = (BigInteger) a.callConstFunction("calc", 222, a.getFunction("fInc"))[0]; Assert.assertEquals(223, r1.intValue()); BigInteger r2 = (BigInteger) a.callConstFunction("calc", 222, a.getFunction("fDec"))[0]; Assert.assertEquals(221, r2.intValue()); } public static BlockchainImpl createBlockchain(Genesis genesis) { IndexedBlockStore blockStore = new IndexedBlockStore(); blockStore.init(new HashMapDB<byte[]>(), new HashMapDB<byte[]>()); RepositoryRoot repository = new RepositoryRoot(new NoDeleteSource<>(new HashMapDB<byte[]>())); ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl programInvokeFactory = new ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl(); EthereumListenerAdapter listener = new EthereumListenerAdapter(); BlockchainImpl blockchain = new BlockchainImpl(blockStore, repository) .withParentBlockHeaderValidator(new CommonConfig().parentHeaderValidator()); blockchain.setParentHeaderValidator(new DependentBlockHeaderRuleAdapter()); blockchain.setProgramInvokeFactory(programInvokeFactory); blockchain.byTest = true; PendingStateImpl pendingState = new PendingStateImpl(listener, blockchain); pendingState.setBlockchain(blockchain); blockchain.setPendingState(pendingState); Repository track = repository.startTracking(); Genesis.populateRepository(track, genesis); track.commit(); repository.commit(); blockStore.saveBlock(genesis, genesis.getCumulativeDifficulty(), true); blockchain.setBestBlock(genesis); blockchain.setTotalDifficulty(genesis.getCumulativeDifficulty()); return blockchain; } }