/* * Copyright (c) [2016] [ <ether.camp> ] * This file is part of the ethereumJ library. * * The ethereumJ library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The ethereumJ library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the ethereumJ library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.ethereum.config; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory; import com.typesafe.config.ConfigObject; import com.typesafe.config.ConfigRenderOptions; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.ethereum.config.blockchain.OlympicConfig; import org.ethereum.config.net.*; import org.ethereum.core.Genesis; import org.ethereum.core.genesis.GenesisConfig; import org.ethereum.core.genesis.GenesisJson; import org.ethereum.core.genesis.GenesisLoader; import org.ethereum.crypto.ECKey; import org.ethereum.net.p2p.P2pHandler; import org.ethereum.net.rlpx.MessageCodec; import org.ethereum.net.rlpx.Node; import org.ethereum.util.BuildInfo; import org.ethereum.util.ByteUtil; import org.ethereum.validator.BlockCustomHashRule; import org.ethereum.validator.BlockHeaderValidator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex; import java.io.*; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import static org.ethereum.crypto.HashUtil.sha3; /** * Utility class to retrieve property values from the ethereumj.conf files * * The properties are taken from different sources and merged in the following order * (the config option from the next source overrides option from previous): * - resource ethereumj.conf : normally used as a reference config with default values * and shouldn't be changed * - system property : each config entry might be altered via -D VM option * - [user dir]/config/ethereumj.conf * - config specified with the -Dethereumj.conf.file=[file.conf] VM option * - CLI options * * @author Roman Mandeleil * @since 22.05.2014 */ public class SystemProperties { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("general"); public final static String PROPERTY_DB_DIR = "database.dir"; public final static String PROPERTY_LISTEN_PORT = "peer.listen.port"; public final static String PROPERTY_PEER_ACTIVE = "peer.active"; public final static String PROPERTY_DB_RESET = "database.reset"; public final static String PROPERTY_PEER_DISCOVERY_ENABLED = "peer.discovery.enabled"; /* Testing */ private final static Boolean DEFAULT_VMTEST_LOAD_LOCAL = false; private final static String DEFAULT_BLOCKS_LOADER = ""; private static SystemProperties CONFIG; private static boolean useOnlySpringConfig = false; private String generatedNodePrivateKey; /** * Returns the static config instance. If the config is passed * as a Spring bean by the application this instance shouldn't * be used * This method is mainly used for testing purposes * (Autowired fields are initialized with this static instance * but when running within Spring context they replaced with the * bean config instance) */ public static SystemProperties getDefault() { return useOnlySpringConfig ? null : getSpringDefault(); } static SystemProperties getSpringDefault() { if (CONFIG == null) { CONFIG = new SystemProperties(); } return CONFIG; } public static void resetToDefault() { CONFIG = null; } /** * Used mostly for testing purposes to ensure the application * refers only to the config passed as a Spring bean. * If this property is set to true {@link #getDefault()} returns null */ public static void setUseOnlySpringConfig(boolean useOnlySpringConfig) { SystemProperties.useOnlySpringConfig = useOnlySpringConfig; } static boolean isUseOnlySpringConfig() { return useOnlySpringConfig; } /** * Marks config accessor methods which need to be called (for value validation) * upon config creation or modification */ @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) private @interface ValidateMe {}; private Config config; // mutable options for tests private String databaseDir = null; private Boolean databaseReset = null; private String projectVersion = null; private String projectVersionModifier = null; protected Integer databaseVersion = null; private String genesisInfo = null; private String bindIp = null; private String externalIp = null; private Boolean syncEnabled = null; private Boolean discoveryEnabled = null; private GenesisJson genesisJson; private BlockchainNetConfig blockchainConfig; private Genesis genesis; private Boolean vmTrace; private final ClassLoader classLoader; public SystemProperties() { this(ConfigFactory.empty()); } public SystemProperties(File configFile) { this(ConfigFactory.parseFile(configFile)); } public SystemProperties(String configResource) { this(ConfigFactory.parseResources(configResource)); } public SystemProperties(Config apiConfig) { this(apiConfig, SystemProperties.class.getClassLoader()); } public SystemProperties(Config apiConfig, ClassLoader classLoader) { try { this.classLoader = classLoader; Config javaSystemProperties = ConfigFactory.load("no-such-resource-only-system-props"); Config referenceConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources("ethereumj.conf"); logger.info("Config (" + (referenceConfig.entrySet().size() > 0 ? " yes " : " no ") + "): default properties from resource 'ethereumj.conf'"); String res = System.getProperty("ethereumj.conf.res"); Config cmdLineConfigRes = res != null ? ConfigFactory.parseResources(res) : ConfigFactory.empty(); logger.info("Config (" + (cmdLineConfigRes.entrySet().size() > 0 ? " yes " : " no ") + "): user properties from -Dethereumj.conf.res resource '" + res + "'"); Config userConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources("user.conf"); logger.info("Config (" + (userConfig.entrySet().size() > 0 ? " yes " : " no ") + "): user properties from resource 'user.conf'"); File userDirFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "/config/ethereumj.conf"); Config userDirConfig = ConfigFactory.parseFile(userDirFile); logger.info("Config (" + (userDirConfig.entrySet().size() > 0 ? " yes " : " no ") + "): user properties from file '" + userDirFile + "'"); Config testConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources("test-ethereumj.conf"); logger.info("Config (" + (testConfig.entrySet().size() > 0 ? " yes " : " no ") + "): test properties from resource 'test-ethereumj.conf'"); Config testUserConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources("test-user.conf"); logger.info("Config (" + (testUserConfig.entrySet().size() > 0 ? " yes " : " no ") + "): test properties from resource 'test-user.conf'"); String file = System.getProperty("ethereumj.conf.file"); Config cmdLineConfigFile = file != null ? ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(file)) : ConfigFactory.empty(); logger.info("Config (" + (cmdLineConfigFile.entrySet().size() > 0 ? " yes " : " no ") + "): user properties from -Dethereumj.conf.file file '" + file + "'"); logger.info("Config (" + (apiConfig.entrySet().size() > 0 ? " yes " : " no ") + "): config passed via constructor"); config = apiConfig .withFallback(cmdLineConfigFile) .withFallback(testUserConfig) .withFallback(testConfig) .withFallback(userDirConfig) .withFallback(userConfig) .withFallback(cmdLineConfigRes) .withFallback(referenceConfig); logger.debug("Config trace: " + config.root().render(ConfigRenderOptions.defaults(). setComments(false).setJson(false))); config = javaSystemProperties.withFallback(config) .resolve(); // substitute variables in config if any validateConfig(); Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/version.properties"); props.load(is); this.projectVersion = props.getProperty("versionNumber"); this.projectVersion = this.projectVersion.replaceAll("'", ""); if (this.projectVersion == null) this.projectVersion = "-.-.-"; this.projectVersionModifier = "master".equals(BuildInfo.buildBranch) ? "RELEASE" : "SNAPSHOT"; this.databaseVersion = Integer.valueOf(props.getProperty("databaseVersion")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Can't read config.", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public Config getConfig() { return config; } /** * Puts a new config atop of existing stack making the options * in the supplied config overriding existing options * Once put this config can't be removed * * @param overrideOptions - atop config */ public void overrideParams(Config overrideOptions) { config = overrideOptions.withFallback(config); validateConfig(); } /** * Puts a new config atop of existing stack making the options * in the supplied config overriding existing options * Once put this config can't be removed * * @param keyValuePairs [name] [value] [name] [value] ... */ public void overrideParams(String ... keyValuePairs) { if (keyValuePairs.length % 2 != 0) throw new RuntimeException("Odd argument number"); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < keyValuePairs.length; i += 2) { map.put(keyValuePairs[i], keyValuePairs[i + 1]); } overrideParams(map); } /** * Puts a new config atop of existing stack making the options * in the supplied config overriding existing options * Once put this config can't be removed * * @param cliOptions - command line options to take presidency */ public void overrideParams(Map<String, ? extends Object> cliOptions) { Config cliConf = ConfigFactory.parseMap(cliOptions); overrideParams(cliConf); } private void validateConfig() { for (Method method : getClass().getMethods()) { try { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(ValidateMe.class)) { method.invoke(this); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error validating config method: " + method, e); } } } public <T> T getProperty(String propName, T defaultValue) { if (!config.hasPath(propName)) return defaultValue; String string = config.getString(propName); if (string.trim().isEmpty()) return defaultValue; return (T) config.getAnyRef(propName); } public BlockchainNetConfig getBlockchainConfig() { if (blockchainConfig == null) { GenesisJson genesisJson = getGenesisJson(); if (genesisJson.getConfig() != null && genesisJson.getConfig().isCustomConfig()) { blockchainConfig = new JsonNetConfig(genesisJson.getConfig()); } else { if (config.hasPath("blockchain.config.name") && config.hasPath("blockchain.config.class")) { throw new RuntimeException("Only one of two options should be defined: 'blockchain.config.name' and 'blockchain.config.class'"); } if (config.hasPath("blockchain.config.name")) { switch (config.getString("blockchain.config.name")) { case "main": blockchainConfig = new MainNetConfig(); break; case "olympic": blockchainConfig = new OlympicConfig(); break; case "morden": blockchainConfig = new MordenNetConfig(); break; case "ropsten": blockchainConfig = new RopstenNetConfig(); break; case "testnet": blockchainConfig = new TestNetConfig(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown value for 'blockchain.config.name': '" + config.getString("blockchain.config.name") + "'"); } } else { String className = config.getString("blockchain.config.class"); try { Class<? extends BlockchainNetConfig> aClass = (Class<? extends BlockchainNetConfig>) classLoader.loadClass(className); blockchainConfig = aClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("The class specified via blockchain.config.class '" + className + "' not found", e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new RuntimeException("The class specified via blockchain.config.class '" + className + "' is not instance of org.ethereum.config.BlockchainForkConfig", e); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("The class specified via blockchain.config.class '" + className + "' couldn't be instantiated (check for default constructor and its accessibility)", e); } } } if (genesisJson.getConfig() != null && genesisJson.getConfig().headerValidators != null) { for (GenesisConfig.HashValidator validator : genesisJson.getConfig().headerValidators) { BlockHeaderValidator headerValidator = new BlockHeaderValidator(new BlockCustomHashRule(ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes(validator.hash))); blockchainConfig.getConfigForBlock(validator.number).headerValidators().add( Pair.of(validator.number, headerValidator)); } } } return blockchainConfig; } public void setBlockchainConfig(BlockchainNetConfig config) { blockchainConfig = config; } @ValidateMe public boolean peerDiscovery() { return discoveryEnabled == null ? config.getBoolean("peer.discovery.enabled") : discoveryEnabled; } public void setDiscoveryEnabled(Boolean discoveryEnabled) { this.discoveryEnabled = discoveryEnabled; } @ValidateMe public boolean peerDiscoveryPersist() { return config.getBoolean("peer.discovery.persist"); } @ValidateMe public int peerDiscoveryWorkers() { return config.getInt("peer.discovery.workers"); } @ValidateMe public int peerDiscoveryTouchPeriod() { return config.getInt("peer.discovery.touchPeriod"); } @ValidateMe public int peerDiscoveryTouchMaxNodes() { return config.getInt("peer.discovery.touchMaxNodes"); } @ValidateMe public int peerConnectionTimeout() { return config.getInt("peer.connection.timeout") * 1000; } @ValidateMe public int defaultP2PVersion() { return config.hasPath("peer.p2p.version") ? config.getInt("peer.p2p.version") : P2pHandler.VERSION; } @ValidateMe public int rlpxMaxFrameSize() { return config.hasPath("peer.p2p.framing.maxSize") ? config.getInt("peer.p2p.framing.maxSize") : MessageCodec.NO_FRAMING; } @ValidateMe public int transactionApproveTimeout() { return config.getInt("transaction.approve.timeout") * 1000; } @ValidateMe public List<String> peerDiscoveryIPList() { return config.getStringList("peer.discovery.ip.list"); } @ValidateMe public boolean databaseReset() { return databaseReset == null ? config.getBoolean("database.reset") : databaseReset; } public void setDatabaseReset(Boolean reset) { databaseReset = reset; } @ValidateMe public long databaseResetBlock() { return config.getLong("database.resetBlock"); } @ValidateMe public int databasePruneDepth() { return config.getBoolean("database.prune.enabled") ? config.getInt("database.prune.maxDepth") : -1; } @ValidateMe public List<Node> peerActive() { if (!config.hasPath("peer.active")) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } List<Node> ret = new ArrayList<>(); List<? extends ConfigObject> list = config.getObjectList("peer.active"); for (ConfigObject configObject : list) { Node n; if (configObject.get("url") != null) { String url = configObject.toConfig().getString("url"); n = new Node(url.startsWith("enode://") ? url : "enode://" + url); } else if (configObject.get("ip") != null) { String ip = configObject.toConfig().getString("ip"); int port = configObject.toConfig().getInt("port"); byte[] nodeId; if (configObject.toConfig().hasPath("nodeId")) { nodeId = Hex.decode(configObject.toConfig().getString("nodeId").trim()); if (nodeId.length != 64) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid config nodeId '" + nodeId + "' at " + configObject); } } else { if (configObject.toConfig().hasPath("nodeName")) { String nodeName = configObject.toConfig().getString("nodeName").trim(); // FIXME should be keccak-512 here ? nodeId = ECKey.fromPrivate(sha3(nodeName.getBytes())).getNodeId(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Either nodeId or nodeName should be specified: " + configObject); } } n = new Node(nodeId, ip, port); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected element within 'peer.active' config list: " + configObject); } ret.add(n); } return ret; } @ValidateMe public NodeFilter peerTrusted() { List<? extends ConfigObject> list = config.getObjectList("peer.trusted"); NodeFilter ret = new NodeFilter(); for (ConfigObject configObject : list) { byte[] nodeId = null; String ipMask = null; if (configObject.get("nodeId") != null) { nodeId = Hex.decode(configObject.toConfig().getString("nodeId").trim()); } if (configObject.get("ip") != null) { ipMask = configObject.toConfig().getString("ip").trim(); } ret.add(nodeId, ipMask); } return ret; } @ValidateMe public Integer blockQueueSize() { return config.getInt("cache.blockQueueSize") * 1024 * 1024; } @ValidateMe public Integer headerQueueSize() { return config.getInt("cache.headerQueueSize") * 1024 * 1024; } @ValidateMe public Integer peerChannelReadTimeout() { return config.getInt("peer.channel.read.timeout"); } @ValidateMe public Integer traceStartBlock() { return config.getInt("trace.startblock"); } @ValidateMe public boolean recordBlocks() { return config.getBoolean("record.blocks"); } @ValidateMe public boolean dumpFull() { return config.getBoolean("dump.full"); } @ValidateMe public String dumpDir() { return config.getString("dump.dir"); } @ValidateMe public String dumpStyle() { return config.getString("dump.style"); } @ValidateMe public int dumpBlock() { return config.getInt("dump.block"); } @ValidateMe public String databaseDir() { return databaseDir == null ? config.getString("database.dir") : databaseDir; } public String ethashDir() { return config.hasPath("ethash.dir") ? config.getString("ethash.dir") : databaseDir(); } public void setDataBaseDir(String dataBaseDir) { this.databaseDir = dataBaseDir; } @ValidateMe public boolean dumpCleanOnRestart() { return config.getBoolean("dump.clean.on.restart"); } @ValidateMe public boolean playVM() { return config.getBoolean("play.vm"); } @ValidateMe public boolean blockChainOnly() { return config.getBoolean("blockchain.only"); } @ValidateMe public int syncPeerCount() { return config.getInt("sync.peer.count"); } public Integer syncVersion() { if (!config.hasPath("sync.version")) { return null; } return config.getInt("sync.version"); } @ValidateMe public boolean exitOnBlockConflict() { return config.getBoolean("sync.exitOnBlockConflict"); } @ValidateMe public String projectVersion() { return projectVersion; } @ValidateMe public Integer databaseVersion() { return databaseVersion; } @ValidateMe public String projectVersionModifier() { return projectVersionModifier; } @ValidateMe public String helloPhrase() { return config.getString("hello.phrase"); } @ValidateMe public String rootHashStart() { return config.hasPath("root.hash.start") ? config.getString("root.hash.start") : null; } @ValidateMe public List<String> peerCapabilities() { return config.getStringList("peer.capabilities"); } @ValidateMe public boolean vmTrace() { return vmTrace == null ? (vmTrace = config.getBoolean("vm.structured.trace")) : vmTrace; } @ValidateMe public boolean vmTraceCompressed() { return config.getBoolean("vm.structured.compressed"); } @ValidateMe public int vmTraceInitStorageLimit() { return config.getInt("vm.structured.initStorageLimit"); } @ValidateMe public int cacheFlushBlocks() { return config.getInt("cache.flush.blocks"); } @ValidateMe public String vmTraceDir() { return config.getString("vm.structured.dir"); } public String customSolcPath() { return config.hasPath("solc.path") ? config.getString("solc.path"): null; } public String privateKey() { if (config.hasPath("peer.privateKey")) { String key = config.getString("peer.privateKey"); if (key.length() != 64) { throw new RuntimeException("The peer.privateKey needs to be Hex encoded and 32 byte length"); } return key; } else { return getGeneratedNodePrivateKey(); } } private String getGeneratedNodePrivateKey() { if (generatedNodePrivateKey == null) { try { File file = new File(databaseDir(), "nodeId.properties"); Properties props = new Properties(); if (file.canRead()) { try (Reader r = new FileReader(file)) { props.load(r); } } else { ECKey key = new ECKey(); props.setProperty("nodeIdPrivateKey", Hex.toHexString(key.getPrivKeyBytes())); props.setProperty("nodeId", Hex.toHexString(key.getNodeId())); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try (Writer w = new FileWriter(file)) { props.store(w, "Generated NodeID. To use your own nodeId please refer to 'peer.privateKey' config option."); } logger.info("New nodeID generated: " + props.getProperty("nodeId")); logger.info("Generated nodeID and its private key stored in " + file); } generatedNodePrivateKey = props.getProperty("nodeIdPrivateKey"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return generatedNodePrivateKey; } public ECKey getMyKey() { return ECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode(privateKey())); } /** * Home NodeID calculated from 'peer.privateKey' property */ public byte[] nodeId() { return getMyKey().getNodeId(); } @ValidateMe public int networkId() { return config.getInt("peer.networkId"); } @ValidateMe public int maxActivePeers() { return config.getInt("peer.maxActivePeers"); } @ValidateMe public boolean eip8() { return config.getBoolean("peer.p2p.eip8"); } @ValidateMe public int listenPort() { return config.getInt("peer.listen.port"); } /** * This can be a blocking call with long timeout (thus no ValidateMe) */ public String bindIp() { if (!config.hasPath("peer.discovery.bind.ip") || config.getString("peer.discovery.bind.ip").trim().isEmpty()) { if (bindIp == null) { logger.info("Bind address wasn't set, Punching to identify it..."); try { Socket s = new Socket("www.google.com", 80); bindIp = s.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(); logger.info("UDP local bound to: {}", bindIp); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Can't get bind IP. Fall back to " + e); bindIp = ""; } } return bindIp; } else { return config.getString("peer.discovery.bind.ip").trim(); } } /** * This can be a blocking call with long timeout (thus no ValidateMe) */ public String externalIp() { if (!config.hasPath("peer.discovery.external.ip") || config.getString("peer.discovery.external.ip").trim().isEmpty()) { if (externalIp == null) { logger.info("External IP wasn't set, using checkip.amazonaws.com to identify it..."); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new URL("http://checkip.amazonaws.com").openStream())); externalIp = in.readLine(); if (externalIp == null || externalIp.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Invalid address: '" + externalIp + "'"); } try { InetAddress.getByName(externalIp); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Invalid address: '" + externalIp + "'"); } logger.info("External address identified: {}", externalIp); } catch (IOException e) { externalIp = bindIp(); logger.warn("Can't get external IP. Fall back to peer.bind.ip: " + externalIp + " :" + e); } } return externalIp; } else { return config.getString("peer.discovery.external.ip").trim(); } } @ValidateMe public String getKeyValueDataSource() { return config.getString("keyvalue.datasource"); } @ValidateMe public boolean isSyncEnabled() { return this.syncEnabled == null ? config.getBoolean("sync.enabled") : syncEnabled; } public void setSyncEnabled(Boolean syncEnabled) { this.syncEnabled = syncEnabled; } @ValidateMe public boolean isFastSyncEnabled() { return isSyncEnabled() && config.getBoolean("sync.fast.enabled"); } @ValidateMe public byte[] getFastSyncPivotBlockHash() { if (!config.hasPath("sync.fast.pivotBlockHash")) return null; byte[] ret = Hex.decode(config.getString("sync.fast.pivotBlockHash")); if (ret.length != 32) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid block hash length: " + Hex.toHexString(ret)); return ret; } @ValidateMe public boolean isPublicHomeNode() { return config.getBoolean("peer.discovery.public.home.node");} @ValidateMe public String genesisInfo() { return genesisInfo == null ? config.getString("genesis") : genesisInfo; } @ValidateMe public int txOutdatedThreshold() { return config.getInt("transaction.outdated.threshold"); } public void setGenesisInfo(String genesisInfo){ this.genesisInfo = genesisInfo; } @ValidateMe public boolean minerStart() { return config.getBoolean("mine.start"); } @ValidateMe public byte[] getMinerCoinbase() { String sc = config.getString("mine.coinbase"); byte[] c = ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes(sc); if (c.length != 20) throw new RuntimeException("mine.coinbase has invalid value: '" + sc + "'"); return c; } @ValidateMe public byte[] getMineExtraData() { byte[] bytes; if (config.hasPath("mine.extraDataHex")) { bytes = Hex.decode(config.getString("mine.extraDataHex")); } else { bytes = config.getString("mine.extraData").getBytes(); } if (bytes.length > 32) throw new RuntimeException("mine.extraData exceed 32 bytes length: " + bytes.length); return bytes; } @ValidateMe public BigInteger getMineMinGasPrice() { return new BigInteger(config.getString("mine.minGasPrice")); } @ValidateMe public long getMineMinBlockTimeoutMsec() { return config.getLong("mine.minBlockTimeoutMsec"); } @ValidateMe public int getMineCpuThreads() { return config.getInt("mine.cpuMineThreads"); } @ValidateMe public boolean isMineFullDataset() { return config.getBoolean("mine.fullDataSet"); } @ValidateMe public String getCryptoProviderName() { return config.getString("crypto.providerName"); } @ValidateMe public String getHash256AlgName() { return config.getString("crypto.hash.alg256"); } @ValidateMe public String getHash512AlgName() { return config.getString("crypto.hash.alg512"); } private GenesisJson getGenesisJson() { if (genesisJson == null) { genesisJson = GenesisLoader.loadGenesisJson(this, classLoader); } return genesisJson; } public Genesis getGenesis() { if (genesis == null) { genesis = GenesisLoader.parseGenesis(getBlockchainConfig(), getGenesisJson()); } return genesis; } /** * Method used in StandaloneBlockchain. */ public Genesis useGenesis(InputStream inputStream) { genesisJson = GenesisLoader.loadGenesisJson(inputStream); genesis = GenesisLoader.parseGenesis(getBlockchainConfig(), getGenesisJson()); return genesis; } public String dump() { return config.root().render(ConfigRenderOptions.defaults().setComments(false)); } /* * * Testing * */ public boolean vmTestLoadLocal() { return config.hasPath("GitHubTests.VMTest.loadLocal") ? config.getBoolean("GitHubTests.VMTest.loadLocal") : DEFAULT_VMTEST_LOAD_LOCAL; } public String blocksLoader() { return config.hasPath("blocks.loader") ? config.getString("blocks.loader") : DEFAULT_BLOCKS_LOADER; } }