/* * generated by Xtext */ package org.erlide.services; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.xtext.Action; import org.eclipse.xtext.Alternatives; import org.eclipse.xtext.Assignment; import org.eclipse.xtext.CrossReference; import org.eclipse.xtext.Grammar; import org.eclipse.xtext.GrammarUtil; import org.eclipse.xtext.Group; import org.eclipse.xtext.Keyword; import org.eclipse.xtext.ParserRule; import org.eclipse.xtext.RuleCall; import org.eclipse.xtext.TerminalRule; import org.eclipse.xtext.service.AbstractElementFinder.AbstractGrammarElementFinder; import org.eclipse.xtext.service.GrammarProvider; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.google.inject.Singleton; @Singleton public class ErlangGrammarAccess extends AbstractGrammarElementFinder { public class ModuleElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Module"); private final Assignment cFormsAssignment = (Assignment) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFormsFormParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cFormsAssignment .eContents().get(0); // Module: // forms+=Form*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // forms+=Form* public Assignment getFormsAssignment() { return cFormsAssignment; } // Form public RuleCall getFormsFormParserRuleCall_0() { return cFormsFormParserRuleCall_0; } } public class AtomRefTargetElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "AtomRefTarget"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cModuleParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cFunctionParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRecordAttributeParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_3 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_4 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); // // AtomRefTargets are the elements that an atom can refer to // AtomRefTarget: // Module | Function | RecordAttribute | RecordFieldDef | TypeAttribute; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Module | Function | RecordAttribute | RecordFieldDef | TypeAttribute public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // Module public RuleCall getModuleParserRuleCall_0() { return cModuleParserRuleCall_0; } // Function public RuleCall getFunctionParserRuleCall_1() { return cFunctionParserRuleCall_1; } // RecordAttribute public RuleCall getRecordAttributeParserRuleCall_2() { return cRecordAttributeParserRuleCall_2; } // RecordFieldDef public RuleCall getRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_3() { return cRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_3; } // TypeAttribute public RuleCall getTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_4() { return cTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_4; } } public class FormElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Form"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cAttributeParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cFunctionParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cConditionalFormBlockParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_3 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(3); private final Action cMacroFormAction_3_0 = (Action) cGroup_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cCallAssignment_3_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_3 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cCallMacroCallParserRuleCall_3_1_0 = (RuleCall) cCallAssignment_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_3_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_3 .eContents().get(2); // Form: // Attribute | Function | ConditionalFormBlock | {MacroForm} // call=MacroCall "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Attribute | Function | ConditionalFormBlock | {MacroForm} // call=MacroCall "." public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // Attribute public RuleCall getAttributeParserRuleCall_0() { return cAttributeParserRuleCall_0; } // Function public RuleCall getFunctionParserRuleCall_1() { return cFunctionParserRuleCall_1; } // ConditionalFormBlock public RuleCall getConditionalFormBlockParserRuleCall_2() { return cConditionalFormBlockParserRuleCall_2; } // {MacroForm} call=MacroCall "." public Group getGroup_3() { return cGroup_3; } // {MacroForm} public Action getMacroFormAction_3_0() { return cMacroFormAction_3_0; } // call=MacroCall public Assignment getCallAssignment_3_1() { return cCallAssignment_3_1; } // MacroCall public RuleCall getCallMacroCallParserRuleCall_3_1_0() { return cCallMacroCallParserRuleCall_3_1_0; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_3_2() { return cFullStopKeyword_3_2; } } public class ConditionalFormBlockElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ConditionalFormBlock"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cConditionAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cConditionIfdefAttributeParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cConditionAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cIfFormsAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cIfFormsFormParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cIfFormsAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cHasElseAssignment_2_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cHasElseElseAttributeParserRuleCall_2_0_0 = (RuleCall) cHasElseAssignment_2_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cElseFormsAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cElseFormsFormParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cElseFormsAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cEndAssignment_3 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cEndEndifAttributeParserRuleCall_3_0 = (RuleCall) cEndAssignment_3 .eContents().get(0); // ConditionalFormBlock: // condition=IfdefAttribute ifForms+=Form* (=> hasElse?=ElseAttribute // elseForms+=Form*)? end=EndifAttribute; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // condition=IfdefAttribute ifForms+=Form* (=> hasElse?=ElseAttribute // elseForms+=Form*)? end=EndifAttribute public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // condition=IfdefAttribute public Assignment getConditionAssignment_0() { return cConditionAssignment_0; } // IfdefAttribute public RuleCall getConditionIfdefAttributeParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cConditionIfdefAttributeParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ifForms+=Form* public Assignment getIfFormsAssignment_1() { return cIfFormsAssignment_1; } // Form public RuleCall getIfFormsFormParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cIfFormsFormParserRuleCall_1_0; } // (=> hasElse?=ElseAttribute elseForms+=Form*)? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // => hasElse?=ElseAttribute public Assignment getHasElseAssignment_2_0() { return cHasElseAssignment_2_0; } // ElseAttribute public RuleCall getHasElseElseAttributeParserRuleCall_2_0_0() { return cHasElseElseAttributeParserRuleCall_2_0_0; } // elseForms+=Form* public Assignment getElseFormsAssignment_2_1() { return cElseFormsAssignment_2_1; } // Form public RuleCall getElseFormsFormParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cElseFormsFormParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } // end=EndifAttribute public Assignment getEndAssignment_3() { return cEndAssignment_3; } // EndifAttribute public RuleCall getEndEndifAttributeParserRuleCall_3_0() { return cEndEndifAttributeParserRuleCall_3_0; } } public class AttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Attribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cModuleAttributeParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cEncodingAttributeParserRuleCall_1_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cAbstractDefineAttributeParserRuleCall_1_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cAbstractIncludeAttributeParserRuleCall_1_3 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cFileAttributeParserRuleCall_1_4 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(4); private final RuleCall cRecordAttributeParserRuleCall_1_5 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(5); private final RuleCall cAbstractTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_1_6 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(6); private final RuleCall cExportAttributeParserRuleCall_1_7 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(7); private final RuleCall cImportAttributeParserRuleCall_1_8 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(8); private final RuleCall cCompileAttributeParserRuleCall_1_9 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(9); private final RuleCall cCustomAttributeParserRuleCall_1_10 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(10); // // Attributes // Attribute: // "-" (ModuleAttribute | EncodingAttribute | AbstractDefineAttribute | // AbstractIncludeAttribute | FileAttribute | // RecordAttribute | AbstractTypeAttribute | ExportAttribute | // ImportAttribute | CompileAttribute | CustomAttribute); @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "-" (ModuleAttribute | EncodingAttribute | AbstractDefineAttribute | // AbstractIncludeAttribute | FileAttribute | // RecordAttribute | AbstractTypeAttribute | ExportAttribute | // ImportAttribute | CompileAttribute | CustomAttribute) public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "-" public Keyword getHyphenMinusKeyword_0() { return cHyphenMinusKeyword_0; } // ModuleAttribute | EncodingAttribute | AbstractDefineAttribute | // AbstractIncludeAttribute | FileAttribute | // RecordAttribute | AbstractTypeAttribute | ExportAttribute | // ImportAttribute | CompileAttribute | CustomAttribute public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // ModuleAttribute public RuleCall getModuleAttributeParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cModuleAttributeParserRuleCall_1_0; } // EncodingAttribute public RuleCall getEncodingAttributeParserRuleCall_1_1() { return cEncodingAttributeParserRuleCall_1_1; } // AbstractDefineAttribute public RuleCall getAbstractDefineAttributeParserRuleCall_1_2() { return cAbstractDefineAttributeParserRuleCall_1_2; } // AbstractIncludeAttribute public RuleCall getAbstractIncludeAttributeParserRuleCall_1_3() { return cAbstractIncludeAttributeParserRuleCall_1_3; } // FileAttribute public RuleCall getFileAttributeParserRuleCall_1_4() { return cFileAttributeParserRuleCall_1_4; } // RecordAttribute public RuleCall getRecordAttributeParserRuleCall_1_5() { return cRecordAttributeParserRuleCall_1_5; } // AbstractTypeAttribute public RuleCall getAbstractTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_1_6() { return cAbstractTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_1_6; } // ExportAttribute public RuleCall getExportAttributeParserRuleCall_1_7() { return cExportAttributeParserRuleCall_1_7; } // ImportAttribute public RuleCall getImportAttributeParserRuleCall_1_8() { return cImportAttributeParserRuleCall_1_8; } // CompileAttribute public RuleCall getCompileAttributeParserRuleCall_1_9() { return cCompileAttributeParserRuleCall_1_9; } // CustomAttribute public RuleCall getCustomAttributeParserRuleCall_1_10() { return cCustomAttributeParserRuleCall_1_10; } } public class ConditionalAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ConditionalAttribute"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cIfdefAttributeParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cElseAttributeParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cEndifAttributeParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // ConditionalAttribute: // IfdefAttribute | ElseAttribute | EndifAttribute; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // IfdefAttribute | ElseAttribute | EndifAttribute public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // IfdefAttribute public RuleCall getIfdefAttributeParserRuleCall_0() { return cIfdefAttributeParserRuleCall_0; } // ElseAttribute public RuleCall getElseAttributeParserRuleCall_1() { return cElseAttributeParserRuleCall_1; } // EndifAttribute public RuleCall getEndifAttributeParserRuleCall_2() { return cEndifAttributeParserRuleCall_2; } } public class AbstractDefineAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "AbstractDefineAttribute"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cDefineAttributeParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cUndefAttributeParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // AbstractDefineAttribute: // DefineAttribute | UndefAttribute; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // DefineAttribute | UndefAttribute public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // DefineAttribute public RuleCall getDefineAttributeParserRuleCall_0() { return cDefineAttributeParserRuleCall_0; } // UndefAttribute public RuleCall getUndefAttributeParserRuleCall_1() { return cUndefAttributeParserRuleCall_1; } } public class DefineAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "DefineAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagDefineKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cMacroNameAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cMacroNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cMacroNameAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_3 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_3_1 = (Group) cGroup_3.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_3_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_3_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_3_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_3_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_3_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_3_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_3_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_3_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_3_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_3 .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_4 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_4_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_4 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_4_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_4 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cValueGuardParserRuleCall_4_1_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_4_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(6); // DefineAttribute: // => tag="define" "(" macroName= // can't have feature 'name' because // multiple defines with the same macro can exist // NAMEVAR ("(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," // args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")")? ("," value=Guard?)? ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="define" "(" macroName= // can't have feature 'name' because // multiple defines with the same macro can exist // NAMEVAR ("(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," // args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")")? ("," value=Guard?)? ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="define" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "define" public Keyword getTagDefineKeyword_0_0() { return cTagDefineKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // macroName= // can't have feature 'name' because multiple defines with // the same macro can exist // NAMEVAR public Assignment getMacroNameAssignment_2() { return cMacroNameAssignment_2; } // // can't have feature 'name' because multiple defines with the same // macro can exist // NAMEVAR public RuleCall getMacroNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cMacroNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_2_0; } // ("(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")")? public Group getGroup_3() { return cGroup_3; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0; } // (args+=PatternExpression ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? public Group getGroup_3_1() { return cGroup_3_1; } // args+=PatternExpression public Assignment getArgsAssignment_3_1_0() { return cArgsAssignment_3_1_0; } // PatternExpression public RuleCall getArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0() { return cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0; } // ("," args+=PatternExpression)* public Group getGroup_3_1_1() { return cGroup_3_1_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_3_1_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_3_1_1_0; } // args+=PatternExpression public Assignment getArgsAssignment_3_1_1_1() { return cArgsAssignment_3_1_1_1; } // PatternExpression public RuleCall getArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_1_1_0() { return cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_1_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_2() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3_2; } // ("," value=Guard?)? public Group getGroup_4() { return cGroup_4; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_4_0() { return cCommaKeyword_4_0; } // value=Guard? public Assignment getValueAssignment_4_1() { return cValueAssignment_4_1; } // Guard public RuleCall getValueGuardParserRuleCall_4_1_0() { return cValueGuardParserRuleCall_4_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_5() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_5; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_6() { return cFullStopKeyword_6; } } public class UndefAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "UndefAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagUndefKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cRefAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cRefMacroRefParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cRefAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(4); // UndefAttribute: // => tag="undef" "(" ref=MacroRef ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="undef" "(" ref=MacroRef ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="undef" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "undef" public Keyword getTagUndefKeyword_0_0() { return cTagUndefKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // ref=MacroRef public Assignment getRefAssignment_2() { return cRefAssignment_2; } // MacroRef public RuleCall getRefMacroRefParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cRefMacroRefParserRuleCall_2_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_4() { return cFullStopKeyword_4; } } public class IfdefAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "IfdefAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Alternatives cTagAlternatives_1_0 = (Alternatives) cTagAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagIfdefKeyword_1_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAlternatives_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagIfndefKeyword_1_0_1 = (Keyword) cTagAlternatives_1_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cRefAssignment_3 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cRefMacroRefParserRuleCall_3_0 = (RuleCall) cRefAssignment_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(5); // IfdefAttribute: // "-" => tag=("ifdef" | "ifndef") "(" ref=MacroRef ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "-" => tag=("ifdef" | "ifndef") "(" ref=MacroRef ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "-" public Keyword getHyphenMinusKeyword_0() { return cHyphenMinusKeyword_0; } // => tag=("ifdef" | "ifndef") public Assignment getTagAssignment_1() { return cTagAssignment_1; } // "ifdef" | "ifndef" public Alternatives getTagAlternatives_1_0() { return cTagAlternatives_1_0; } // "ifdef" public Keyword getTagIfdefKeyword_1_0_0() { return cTagIfdefKeyword_1_0_0; } // "ifndef" public Keyword getTagIfndefKeyword_1_0_1() { return cTagIfndefKeyword_1_0_1; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_2; } // ref=MacroRef public Assignment getRefAssignment_3() { return cRefAssignment_3; } // MacroRef public RuleCall getRefMacroRefParserRuleCall_3_0() { return cRefMacroRefParserRuleCall_3_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_4() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_4; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_5() { return cFullStopKeyword_5; } } public class ElseAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ElseAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cTagElseKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(2); // ElseAttribute: // "-" => tag="else" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "-" => tag="else" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "-" public Keyword getHyphenMinusKeyword_0() { return cHyphenMinusKeyword_0; } // => tag="else" public Assignment getTagAssignment_1() { return cTagAssignment_1; } // "else" public Keyword getTagElseKeyword_1_0() { return cTagElseKeyword_1_0; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_2() { return cFullStopKeyword_2; } } public class EndifAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "EndifAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cTagEndifKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(2); // EndifAttribute: // "-" => tag="endif" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "-" => tag="endif" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "-" public Keyword getHyphenMinusKeyword_0() { return cHyphenMinusKeyword_0; } // => tag="endif" public Assignment getTagAssignment_1() { return cTagAssignment_1; } // "endif" public Keyword getTagEndifKeyword_1_0() { return cTagEndifKeyword_1_0; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_2() { return cFullStopKeyword_2; } } public class AbstractIncludeAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "AbstractIncludeAttribute"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cIncludeAttributeParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cIncludeLibAttributeParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // AbstractIncludeAttribute: // IncludeAttribute | IncludeLibAttribute; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // IncludeAttribute | IncludeLibAttribute public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // IncludeAttribute public RuleCall getIncludeAttributeParserRuleCall_0() { return cIncludeAttributeParserRuleCall_0; } // IncludeLibAttribute public RuleCall getIncludeLibAttributeParserRuleCall_1() { return cIncludeLibAttributeParserRuleCall_1; } } public class IncludeAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "IncludeAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagIncludeKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cImportURIAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cImportURIAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(4); // IncludeAttribute: // => tag="include" "(" importURI=STRING ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="include" "(" importURI=STRING ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="include" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "include" public Keyword getTagIncludeKeyword_0_0() { return cTagIncludeKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // importURI=STRING public Assignment getImportURIAssignment_2() { return cImportURIAssignment_2; } // STRING public RuleCall getImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0() { return cImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_4() { return cFullStopKeyword_4; } } public class IncludeLibAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "IncludeLibAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagInclude_libKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cImportURIAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cImportURIAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(4); // IncludeLibAttribute: // => tag="include_lib" "(" importURI=STRING ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="include_lib" "(" importURI=STRING ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="include_lib" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "include_lib" public Keyword getTagInclude_libKeyword_0_0() { return cTagInclude_libKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // importURI=STRING public Assignment getImportURIAssignment_2() { return cImportURIAssignment_2; } // STRING public RuleCall getImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0() { return cImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_4() { return cFullStopKeyword_4; } } public class FileAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FileAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagFileKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cFileAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cFileSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cFileAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(3); private final Assignment cLineAssignment_4 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final RuleCall cLineINTEGERParserRuleCall_4_0 = (RuleCall) cLineAssignment_4 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(6); // FileAttribute: // => tag="file" "(" file=STRING "," line=INTEGER ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="file" "(" file=STRING "," line=INTEGER ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="file" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "file" public Keyword getTagFileKeyword_0_0() { return cTagFileKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // file=STRING public Assignment getFileAssignment_2() { return cFileAssignment_2; } // STRING public RuleCall getFileSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0() { return cFileSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_3() { return cCommaKeyword_3; } // line=INTEGER public Assignment getLineAssignment_4() { return cLineAssignment_4; } // INTEGER public RuleCall getLineINTEGERParserRuleCall_4_0() { return cLineINTEGERParserRuleCall_4_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_5() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_5; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_6() { return cFullStopKeyword_6; } } public class ModuleAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ModuleAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagModuleKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cModuleNameAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cModuleNameNAMEParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cModuleNameAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(4); // ModuleAttribute: // => tag="module" "(" moduleName=NAME ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="module" "(" moduleName=NAME ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="module" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "module" public Keyword getTagModuleKeyword_0_0() { return cTagModuleKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // moduleName=NAME public Assignment getModuleNameAssignment_2() { return cModuleNameAssignment_2; } // NAME public RuleCall getModuleNameNAMEParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cModuleNameNAMEParserRuleCall_2_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_4() { return cFullStopKeyword_4; } } public class EncodingAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "EncodingAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagEncodingKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cCharsetAssignment_1_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cCharsetNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cCharsetAssignment_1_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cCharsetAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cCharsetNAMEParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cCharsetAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(2); // EncodingAttribute: // => tag="encoding" ("(" charset=NAME ")" | charset=NAME) "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="encoding" ("(" charset=NAME ")" | charset=NAME) "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="encoding" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "encoding" public Keyword getTagEncodingKeyword_0_0() { return cTagEncodingKeyword_0_0; } // "(" charset=NAME ")" | charset=NAME public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // "(" charset=NAME ")" public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_0; } // charset=NAME public Assignment getCharsetAssignment_1_0_1() { return cCharsetAssignment_1_0_1; } // NAME public RuleCall getCharsetNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0() { return cCharsetNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_2() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_2; } // charset=NAME public Assignment getCharsetAssignment_1_1() { return cCharsetAssignment_1_1; } // NAME public RuleCall getCharsetNAMEParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cCharsetNAMEParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_2() { return cFullStopKeyword_2; } } public class RecordAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagRecordKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cNameAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cNameNAMEMACROParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cNameAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(3); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_4 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final Group cGroup_4_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_4.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_4_0_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_4_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_4_0_1 = (Group) cGroup_4_0.eContents() .get(1); private final Assignment cFieldsAssignment_4_0_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_4_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cFieldsRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_4_0_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cFieldsAssignment_4_0_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_4_0_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_4_0_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_4_0_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_4_0_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cFieldsAssignment_4_0_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_4_0_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFieldsRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_4_0_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cFieldsAssignment_4_0_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_4_0_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_4_0 .eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cRecordMacroAssignment_4_1 = (Assignment) cAlternatives_4 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRecordMacroMacroCallParserRuleCall_4_1_0 = (RuleCall) cRecordMacroAssignment_4_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(6); // RecordAttribute: // => tag="record" "(" name=NAMEMACRO "," ("{" (fields+=RecordFieldDef // ("," fields+=RecordFieldDef)*)? "}" | // recordMacro=MacroCall) ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="record" "(" name=NAMEMACRO "," ("{" (fields+=RecordFieldDef // ("," fields+=RecordFieldDef)*)? "}" | // recordMacro=MacroCall) ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="record" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "record" public Keyword getTagRecordKeyword_0_0() { return cTagRecordKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // name=NAMEMACRO public Assignment getNameAssignment_2() { return cNameAssignment_2; } // NAMEMACRO public RuleCall getNameNAMEMACROParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cNameNAMEMACROParserRuleCall_2_0; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_3() { return cCommaKeyword_3; } // "{" (fields+=RecordFieldDef ("," fields+=RecordFieldDef)*)? "}" | // recordMacro=MacroCall public Alternatives getAlternatives_4() { return cAlternatives_4; } // "{" (fields+=RecordFieldDef ("," fields+=RecordFieldDef)*)? "}" public Group getGroup_4_0() { return cGroup_4_0; } // "{" public Keyword getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_4_0_0() { return cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_4_0_0; } // (fields+=RecordFieldDef ("," fields+=RecordFieldDef)*)? public Group getGroup_4_0_1() { return cGroup_4_0_1; } // fields+=RecordFieldDef public Assignment getFieldsAssignment_4_0_1_0() { return cFieldsAssignment_4_0_1_0; } // RecordFieldDef public RuleCall getFieldsRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_4_0_1_0_0() { return cFieldsRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_4_0_1_0_0; } // ("," fields+=RecordFieldDef)* public Group getGroup_4_0_1_1() { return cGroup_4_0_1_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_4_0_1_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_4_0_1_1_0; } // fields+=RecordFieldDef public Assignment getFieldsAssignment_4_0_1_1_1() { return cFieldsAssignment_4_0_1_1_1; } // RecordFieldDef public RuleCall getFieldsRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_4_0_1_1_1_0() { return cFieldsRecordFieldDefParserRuleCall_4_0_1_1_1_0; } // "}" public Keyword getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_4_0_2() { return cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_4_0_2; } // recordMacro=MacroCall public Assignment getRecordMacroAssignment_4_1() { return cRecordMacroAssignment_4_1; } // MacroCall public RuleCall getRecordMacroMacroCallParserRuleCall_4_1_0() { return cRecordMacroMacroCallParserRuleCall_4_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_5() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_5; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_6() { return cFullStopKeyword_6; } } public class RecordFieldDefElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordFieldDef"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cNameAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cNameAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cEqualsSignKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cValueExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cColonColonKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); // RecordFieldDef: // name=NAMEVAR ("=" value=Expression)? ("::" type=TopType)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // name=NAMEVAR ("=" value=Expression)? ("::" type=TopType)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // name=NAMEVAR public Assignment getNameAssignment_0() { return cNameAssignment_0; } // NAMEVAR public RuleCall getNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ("=" value=Expression)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // "=" public Keyword getEqualsSignKeyword_1_0() { return cEqualsSignKeyword_1_0; } // value=Expression public Assignment getValueAssignment_1_1() { return cValueAssignment_1_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getValueExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cValueExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // ("::" type=TopType)? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // "::" public Keyword getColonColonKeyword_2_0() { return cColonColonKeyword_2_0; } // type=TopType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_2_1() { return cTypeAssignment_2_1; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } } public class ExportAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ExportAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagExportKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLeftSquareBracketKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_3 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(3); private final Assignment cFunsAssignment_3_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_3 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_3_0_0 = (RuleCall) cFunsAssignment_3_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_3_1 = (Group) cGroup_3.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_3_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cFunsAssignment_3_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_3_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_3_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cFunsAssignment_3_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightSquareBracketKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(6); // ExportAttribute: // => tag="export" "(" "[" (funs+=FunRef ("," funs+=FunRef)*)? "]" ")" // "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="export" "(" "[" (funs+=FunRef ("," funs+=FunRef)*)? "]" ")" // "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="export" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "export" public Keyword getTagExportKeyword_0_0() { return cTagExportKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // "[" public Keyword getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_2() { return cLeftSquareBracketKeyword_2; } // (funs+=FunRef ("," funs+=FunRef)*)? public Group getGroup_3() { return cGroup_3; } // funs+=FunRef public Assignment getFunsAssignment_3_0() { return cFunsAssignment_3_0; } // FunRef public RuleCall getFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_3_0_0() { return cFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_3_0_0; } // ("," funs+=FunRef)* public Group getGroup_3_1() { return cGroup_3_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_3_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_3_1_0; } // funs+=FunRef public Assignment getFunsAssignment_3_1_1() { return cFunsAssignment_3_1_1; } // FunRef public RuleCall getFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_3_1_1_0() { return cFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_3_1_1_0; } // "]" public Keyword getRightSquareBracketKeyword_4() { return cRightSquareBracketKeyword_4; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_5() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_5; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_6() { return cFullStopKeyword_6; } } public class ImportAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ImportAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagImportKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cModuleAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cModuleAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(3); private final Keyword cLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final Group cGroup_5 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(5); private final Assignment cFunsAssignment_5_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_5 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_5_0_0 = (RuleCall) cFunsAssignment_5_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_5_1 = (Group) cGroup_5.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_5_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_5_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cFunsAssignment_5_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_5_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_5_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cFunsAssignment_5_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightSquareBracketKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(6); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_7 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(7); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_8 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(8); // ImportAttribute: // => tag="import" "(" module=ModuleVarMacro "," "[" (funs+=FunRef ("," // funs+=FunRef)*)? "]" ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="import" "(" module=ModuleVarMacro "," "[" (funs+=FunRef ("," // funs+=FunRef)*)? "]" ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="import" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "import" public Keyword getTagImportKeyword_0_0() { return cTagImportKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // module=ModuleVarMacro public Assignment getModuleAssignment_2() { return cModuleAssignment_2; } // ModuleVarMacro public RuleCall getModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_2_0; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_3() { return cCommaKeyword_3; } // "[" public Keyword getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4() { return cLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4; } // (funs+=FunRef ("," funs+=FunRef)*)? public Group getGroup_5() { return cGroup_5; } // funs+=FunRef public Assignment getFunsAssignment_5_0() { return cFunsAssignment_5_0; } // FunRef public RuleCall getFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_5_0_0() { return cFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_5_0_0; } // ("," funs+=FunRef)* public Group getGroup_5_1() { return cGroup_5_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_5_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_5_1_0; } // funs+=FunRef public Assignment getFunsAssignment_5_1_1() { return cFunsAssignment_5_1_1; } // FunRef public RuleCall getFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_5_1_1_0() { return cFunsFunRefParserRuleCall_5_1_1_0; } // "]" public Keyword getRightSquareBracketKeyword_6() { return cRightSquareBracketKeyword_6; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_7() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_7; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_8() { return cFullStopKeyword_8; } } public class CompileAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "CompileAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagCompileKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cOptionsAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOptionsExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOptionsAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(4); // CompileAttribute: // => tag="compile" "(" options=Expression ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag="compile" "(" options=Expression ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag="compile" public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "compile" public Keyword getTagCompileKeyword_0_0() { return cTagCompileKeyword_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // options=Expression public Assignment getOptionsAssignment_2() { return cOptionsAssignment_2; } // Expression public RuleCall getOptionsExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cOptionsExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_4() { return cFullStopKeyword_4; } } public class AbstractTypeAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "AbstractTypeAttribute"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cSpecAttributeParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // AbstractTypeAttribute: // SpecAttribute | TypeAttribute; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // SpecAttribute | TypeAttribute public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // SpecAttribute public RuleCall getSpecAttributeParserRuleCall_0() { return cSpecAttributeParserRuleCall_0; } // TypeAttribute public RuleCall getTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_1() { return cTypeAttributeParserRuleCall_1; } } public class SpecAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "SpecAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cTagAlternatives_0_0 = (Alternatives) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagSpecKeyword_0_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAlternatives_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagCallbackKeyword_0_0_1 = (Keyword) cTagAlternatives_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cRefAssignment_1_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cRefSpecFunParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cRefAssignment_1_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cSignaturesAssignment_1_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cSignaturesAssignment_1_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_0_2 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(2); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_1_0_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cSignaturesAssignment_1_0_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cSignaturesAssignment_1_0_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cRefAssignment_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRefSpecFunParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cRefAssignment_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cSignaturesAssignment_1_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cSignaturesAssignment_1_1_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_3 = (Group) cGroup_1_1.eContents() .get(3); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_1_1_3_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cSignaturesAssignment_1_1_3_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_3 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_1_3_1_0 = (RuleCall) cSignaturesAssignment_1_1_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_4 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(2); // SpecAttribute: // => tag=("spec" | "callback") (ref=SpecFun signatures+=TypeSig (";" // signatures+=TypeSig)* | "(" ref=SpecFun // signatures+=TypeSig (";" signatures+=TypeSig)* ")") "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag=("spec" | "callback") (ref=SpecFun signatures+=TypeSig (";" // signatures+=TypeSig)* | "(" ref=SpecFun // signatures+=TypeSig (";" signatures+=TypeSig)* ")") "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag=("spec" | "callback") public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "spec" | "callback" public Alternatives getTagAlternatives_0_0() { return cTagAlternatives_0_0; } // "spec" public Keyword getTagSpecKeyword_0_0_0() { return cTagSpecKeyword_0_0_0; } // "callback" public Keyword getTagCallbackKeyword_0_0_1() { return cTagCallbackKeyword_0_0_1; } // ref=SpecFun signatures+=TypeSig (";" signatures+=TypeSig)* | "(" // ref=SpecFun signatures+=TypeSig (";" // signatures+=TypeSig)* ")" public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // ref=SpecFun signatures+=TypeSig (";" signatures+=TypeSig)* public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // ref=SpecFun public Assignment getRefAssignment_1_0_0() { return cRefAssignment_1_0_0; } // SpecFun public RuleCall getRefSpecFunParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0() { return cRefSpecFunParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0; } // signatures+=TypeSig public Assignment getSignaturesAssignment_1_0_1() { return cSignaturesAssignment_1_0_1; } // TypeSig public RuleCall getSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0() { return cSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0; } // (";" signatures+=TypeSig)* public Group getGroup_1_0_2() { return cGroup_1_0_2; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_1_0_2_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_1_0_2_0; } // signatures+=TypeSig public Assignment getSignaturesAssignment_1_0_2_1() { return cSignaturesAssignment_1_0_2_1; } // TypeSig public RuleCall getSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_0() { return cSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_0; } // "(" ref=SpecFun signatures+=TypeSig (";" signatures+=TypeSig)* ")" public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_0; } // ref=SpecFun public Assignment getRefAssignment_1_1_1() { return cRefAssignment_1_1_1; } // SpecFun public RuleCall getRefSpecFunParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0() { return cRefSpecFunParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0; } // signatures+=TypeSig public Assignment getSignaturesAssignment_1_1_2() { return cSignaturesAssignment_1_1_2; } // TypeSig public RuleCall getSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0() { return cSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0; } // (";" signatures+=TypeSig)* public Group getGroup_1_1_3() { return cGroup_1_1_3; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_1_1_3_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_1_1_3_0; } // signatures+=TypeSig public Assignment getSignaturesAssignment_1_1_3_1() { return cSignaturesAssignment_1_1_3_1; } // TypeSig public RuleCall getSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_1_3_1_0() { return cSignaturesTypeSigParserRuleCall_1_1_3_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_4() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_4; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_2() { return cFullStopKeyword_2; } } public class TypeAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TypeAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cTagAlternatives_0_0 = (Alternatives) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagTypeKeyword_0_0_0 = (Keyword) cTagAlternatives_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cTagOpaqueKeyword_0_0_1 = (Keyword) cTagAlternatives_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cNameAssignment_1_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cNameAssignment_1_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0_2 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(2); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_0_2_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_0_2_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_0_2_1 = (Group) cGroup_1_0_2.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_0_2_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_0_2_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_2_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_0_2_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_3 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cColonColonKeyword_1_0_4 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(4); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_1_0_5 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(5); private final RuleCall cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_0_5_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_1_0_5 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cNameAssignment_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cNameAssignment_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_1_1_3 = (Group) cGroup_1_1.eContents() .get(3); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_1_3_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_3 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_3_0_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_1_3_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_3_1 = (Group) cGroup_1_1_3.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_1_3_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_1_3_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_3_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_3_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_1_3_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_4 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cColonColonKeyword_1_1_5 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(5); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_1_1_6 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(6); private final RuleCall cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_1_6_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_1_1_6 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_7 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(7); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(2); // TypeAttribute: // => tag=("type" | "opaque") (name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression // ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" // type=TopType | "(" name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," // args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" type=TopType // ")") "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => tag=("type" | "opaque") (name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression // ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" // type=TopType | "(" name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," // args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" type=TopType // ")") "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => tag=("type" | "opaque") public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // "type" | "opaque" public Alternatives getTagAlternatives_0_0() { return cTagAlternatives_0_0; } // "type" public Keyword getTagTypeKeyword_0_0_0() { return cTagTypeKeyword_0_0_0; } // "opaque" public Keyword getTagOpaqueKeyword_0_0_1() { return cTagOpaqueKeyword_0_0_1; } // name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," // args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" type=TopType | "(" name=NAMEVAR // "(" // (args+=PatternExpression ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" // type=TopType ")" public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," // args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" type=TopType public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // name=NAMEVAR public Assignment getNameAssignment_1_0_0() { return cNameAssignment_1_0_0; } // NAMEVAR public RuleCall getNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0() { return cNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_1; } // (args+=PatternExpression ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? public Group getGroup_1_0_2() { return cGroup_1_0_2; } // args+=PatternExpression public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_0_2_0() { return cArgsAssignment_1_0_2_0; } // PatternExpression public RuleCall getArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0_0() { return cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0_0; } // ("," args+=PatternExpression)* public Group getGroup_1_0_2_1() { return cGroup_1_0_2_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_0_2_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_0_2_1_0; } // args+=PatternExpression public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_0_2_1_1() { return cArgsAssignment_1_0_2_1_1; } // PatternExpression public RuleCall getArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_1_0() { return cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_3; } // "::" public Keyword getColonColonKeyword_1_0_4() { return cColonColonKeyword_1_0_4; } // type=TopType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_1_0_5() { return cTypeAssignment_1_0_5; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_0_5_0() { return cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_0_5_0; } // "(" name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," // args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" type=TopType ")" public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_0; } // name=NAMEVAR public Assignment getNameAssignment_1_1_1() { return cNameAssignment_1_1_1; } // NAMEVAR public RuleCall getNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0() { return cNameNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_2() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_2; } // (args+=PatternExpression ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? public Group getGroup_1_1_3() { return cGroup_1_1_3; } // args+=PatternExpression public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_1_3_0() { return cArgsAssignment_1_1_3_0; } // PatternExpression public RuleCall getArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_3_0_0() { return cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_3_0_0; } // ("," args+=PatternExpression)* public Group getGroup_1_1_3_1() { return cGroup_1_1_3_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_1_3_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_1_3_1_0; } // args+=PatternExpression public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_1_3_1_1() { return cArgsAssignment_1_1_3_1_1; } // PatternExpression public RuleCall getArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_3_1_1_0() { return cArgsPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_3_1_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_4() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_4; } // "::" public Keyword getColonColonKeyword_1_1_5() { return cColonColonKeyword_1_1_5; } // type=TopType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_1_1_6() { return cTypeAssignment_1_1_6; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_1_6_0() { return cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_1_6_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_7() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_7; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_2() { return cFullStopKeyword_2; } } public class CustomAttributeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "CustomAttribute"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTagAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTagATOMTerminalRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cTagAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_2_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_2_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2_1 = (Group) cGroup_2.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_2_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_2_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_2_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(4); // CustomAttribute: // tag=ATOM "(" (value+=Expression ("," value+=Expression)*)? ")" "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // tag=ATOM "(" (value+=Expression ("," value+=Expression)*)? ")" "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // tag=ATOM public Assignment getTagAssignment_0() { return cTagAssignment_0; } // ATOM public RuleCall getTagATOMTerminalRuleCall_0_0() { return cTagATOMTerminalRuleCall_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // (value+=Expression ("," value+=Expression)*)? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // value+=Expression public Assignment getValueAssignment_2_0() { return cValueAssignment_2_0; } // Expression public RuleCall getValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0_0() { return cValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0_0; } // ("," value+=Expression)* public Group getGroup_2_1() { return cGroup_2_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_2_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_2_1_0; } // value+=Expression public Assignment getValueAssignment_2_1_1() { return cValueAssignment_2_1_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0() { return cValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_4() { return cFullStopKeyword_4; } } public class FunctionElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Function"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cNameAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cNameNAMEParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cNameAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(3); // // Functions // Function: // name=NAME clauses+=FunctionClause (";" clauses+=FunctionClause)* "."; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // name=NAME clauses+=FunctionClause (";" clauses+=FunctionClause)* "." public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // name=NAME public Assignment getNameAssignment_0() { return cNameAssignment_0; } // NAME public RuleCall getNameNAMEParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cNameNAMEParserRuleCall_0_0; } // clauses+=FunctionClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_1() { return cClausesAssignment_1; } // FunctionClause public RuleCall getClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_1_0; } // (";" clauses+=FunctionClause)* public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_2_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_2_0; } // clauses+=FunctionClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_2_1() { return cClausesAssignment_2_1; } // FunctionClause public RuleCall getClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_3() { return cFullStopKeyword_3; } } public class FunctionClauseElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FunctionClause"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cRefAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final CrossReference cRefFunctionCrossReference_0_0 = (CrossReference) cRefAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cRefFunctionNAMEParserRuleCall_0_0_1 = (RuleCall) cRefFunctionCrossReference_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cParamsAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cParamsExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cParamsAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Group cGroup_4 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cWhenKeyword_4_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_4.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cGuardAssignment_4_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_4 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cGuardGuardParserRuleCall_4_1_0 = (RuleCall) cGuardAssignment_4_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(5); private final Assignment cBodyAssignment_6 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(6); private final RuleCall cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_6_0 = (RuleCall) cBodyAssignment_6 .eContents().get(0); // // validate that all names for a function are identical // FunctionClause: // ref=[Function|NAME]? "(" params=Expressions? ")" ("when"? // guard=Guard)? // no 'when' if guard is a macro // "->" body=Expressions; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ref=[Function|NAME]? "(" params=Expressions? ")" ("when"? // guard=Guard)? // no 'when' if guard is a macro // "->" body=Expressions public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // ref=[Function|NAME]? public Assignment getRefAssignment_0() { return cRefAssignment_0; } // [Function|NAME] public CrossReference getRefFunctionCrossReference_0_0() { return cRefFunctionCrossReference_0_0; } // NAME public RuleCall getRefFunctionNAMEParserRuleCall_0_0_1() { return cRefFunctionNAMEParserRuleCall_0_0_1; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // params=Expressions? public Assignment getParamsAssignment_2() { return cParamsAssignment_2; } // Expressions public RuleCall getParamsExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cParamsExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3; } // ("when"? guard=Guard)? public Group getGroup_4() { return cGroup_4; } // "when"? public Keyword getWhenKeyword_4_0() { return cWhenKeyword_4_0; } // guard=Guard public Assignment getGuardAssignment_4_1() { return cGuardAssignment_4_1; } // Guard public RuleCall getGuardGuardParserRuleCall_4_1_0() { return cGuardGuardParserRuleCall_4_1_0; } // "->" public Keyword getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_5() { return cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_5; } // body=Expressions public Assignment getBodyAssignment_6() { return cBodyAssignment_6; } // Expressions public RuleCall getBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_6_0() { return cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_6_0; } } public class GuardElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Guard"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cGuardsAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cGuardsExpressionsParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cGuardsAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cGuardsAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cGuardsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cGuardsAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // Guard: // guards+=Expressions (";" guards+=Expressions)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // guards+=Expressions (";" guards+=Expressions)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // guards+=Expressions public Assignment getGuardsAssignment_0() { return cGuardsAssignment_0; } // Expressions public RuleCall getGuardsExpressionsParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cGuardsExpressionsParserRuleCall_0_0; } // (";" guards+=Expressions)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_1_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_1_0; } // guards+=Expressions public Assignment getGuardsAssignment_1_1() { return cGuardsAssignment_1_1; } // Expressions public RuleCall getGuardsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cGuardsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class ExpressionsElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expressions"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cExprsAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cExprsLExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cExprsAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cExprsAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExprsLExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cExprsAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // Expressions: // exprs+=LExpression ("," exprs+=LExpression)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // exprs+=LExpression ("," exprs+=LExpression)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // exprs+=LExpression public Assignment getExprsAssignment_0() { return cExprsAssignment_0; } // LExpression public RuleCall getExprsLExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cExprsLExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ("," exprs+=LExpression)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_0; } // exprs+=LExpression public Assignment getExprsAssignment_1_1() { return cExprsAssignment_1_1; } // LExpression public RuleCall getExprsLExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cExprsLExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class LExpressionElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "LExpression"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cLineAssignment_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cLineLineExprParserRuleCall_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cLineAssignment_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cExprAssignment_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cExprAssignment_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cExpressionParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // LExpression returns Expression: // => line?=LineExpr expr=Expression | Expression; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => line?=LineExpr expr=Expression | Expression public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // => line?=LineExpr expr=Expression public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // => line?=LineExpr public Assignment getLineAssignment_0_0() { return cLineAssignment_0_0; } // LineExpr public RuleCall getLineLineExprParserRuleCall_0_0_0() { return cLineLineExprParserRuleCall_0_0_0; } // expr=Expression public Assignment getExprAssignment_0_1() { return cExprAssignment_0_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_1_0() { return cExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_1_0; } // Expression public RuleCall getExpressionParserRuleCall_1() { return cExpressionParserRuleCall_1; } } public class LineExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "LineExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cQuestionMarkKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLineKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(1); // LineExpr: // "?" "line"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "?" "line" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "?" public Keyword getQuestionMarkKeyword_0() { return cQuestionMarkKeyword_0; } // "line" public Keyword getLineKeyword_1() { return cLineKeyword_1; } } public class ExpressionElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expression"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(0); private final Action cCatchExprAction_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cCatchKeyword_0_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cExprAssignment_0_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_2_0 = (RuleCall) cExprAssignment_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cExpr100ParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // Expression: // {CatchExpr} "catch" expr=Expression | Expr100; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {CatchExpr} "catch" expr=Expression | Expr100 public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // {CatchExpr} "catch" expr=Expression public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // {CatchExpr} public Action getCatchExprAction_0_0() { return cCatchExprAction_0_0; } // "catch" public Keyword getCatchKeyword_0_1() { return cCatchKeyword_0_1; } // expr=Expression public Assignment getExprAssignment_0_2() { return cExprAssignment_0_2; } // Expression public RuleCall getExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_2_0() { return cExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_2_0; } // Expr100 public RuleCall getExpr100ParserRuleCall_1() { return cExpr100ParserRuleCall_1; } } public class Expr100Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr100"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExpr150ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Action cMatchExprOpLeftAction_1_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cOpEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_1_0 = (Keyword) cOpAssignment_1_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRightAssignment_1_0_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRightExpr100ParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRightAssignment_1_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Action cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpSENDOPParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRightAssignment_1_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRightExpr100ParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRightAssignment_1_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // // right-associative // Expr100 returns Expression: // Expr150 ({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" opRight=Expr100 | // {BinOp.opLeft=current} op=SENDOP opRight=Expr100)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Expr150 ({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" opRight=Expr100 | // {BinOp.opLeft=current} op=SENDOP opRight=Expr100)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Expr150 public RuleCall getExpr150ParserRuleCall_0() { return cExpr150ParserRuleCall_0; } // ({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" opRight=Expr100 | // {BinOp.opLeft=current} op=SENDOP opRight=Expr100)? public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // {MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" opRight=Expr100 public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // {MatchExpr.opLeft=current} public Action getMatchExprOpLeftAction_1_0_0() { return cMatchExprOpLeftAction_1_0_0; } // op="=" public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_0_1; } // "=" public Keyword getOpEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_1_0() { return cOpEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_1_0; } // opRight=Expr100 public Assignment getOpRightAssignment_1_0_2() { return cOpRightAssignment_1_0_2; } // Expr100 public RuleCall getOpRightExpr100ParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0() { return cOpRightExpr100ParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0; } // {BinOp.opLeft=current} op=SENDOP opRight=Expr100 public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // {BinOp.opLeft=current} public Action getBinOpOpLeftAction_1_1_0() { return cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_1_0; } // op=SENDOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_1_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_1_1; } // SENDOP public RuleCall getOpSENDOPParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0() { return cOpSENDOPParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0; } // opRight=Expr100 public Assignment getOpRightAssignment_1_1_2() { return cOpRightAssignment_1_1_2; } // Expr100 public RuleCall getOpRightExpr100ParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0() { return cOpRightExpr100ParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0; } } public class Expr150Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr150"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExpr160ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Action cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cOpOrelseKeyword_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cOpAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRightAssignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRightExpr160ParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRightAssignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // Expr150 returns Expression: // Expr160 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op="orelse" opRight=Expr160)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Expr160 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op="orelse" opRight=Expr160)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Expr160 public RuleCall getExpr160ParserRuleCall_0() { return cExpr160ParserRuleCall_0; } // ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op="orelse" opRight=Expr160)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // {BinOp.opLeft=current} public Action getBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0() { return cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0; } // op="orelse" public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_1; } // "orelse" public Keyword getOpOrelseKeyword_1_1_0() { return cOpOrelseKeyword_1_1_0; } // opRight=Expr160 public Assignment getOpRightAssignment_1_2() { return cOpRightAssignment_1_2; } // Expr160 public RuleCall getOpRightExpr160ParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cOpRightExpr160ParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } } public class Expr160Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr160"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExpr200ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Action cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cOpAndalsoKeyword_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cOpAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRight2Assignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRight2Expr200ParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRight2Assignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // Expr160 returns Expression: // Expr200 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op="andalso" opRight2=Expr200)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Expr200 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op="andalso" opRight2=Expr200)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Expr200 public RuleCall getExpr200ParserRuleCall_0() { return cExpr200ParserRuleCall_0; } // ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op="andalso" opRight2=Expr200)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // {BinOp.opLeft=current} public Action getBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0() { return cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0; } // op="andalso" public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_1; } // "andalso" public Keyword getOpAndalsoKeyword_1_1_0() { return cOpAndalsoKeyword_1_1_0; } // opRight2=Expr200 public Assignment getOpRight2Assignment_1_2() { return cOpRight2Assignment_1_2; } // Expr200 public RuleCall getOpRight2Expr200ParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cOpRight2Expr200ParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } } public class Expr200Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr200"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExpr300ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Action cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpCOMPOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRightAssignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRightExpr300ParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRightAssignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // // non-associative // Expr200 returns Expression: // Expr300 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op=COMPOP opRight=Expr300)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Expr300 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op=COMPOP opRight=Expr300)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Expr300 public RuleCall getExpr300ParserRuleCall_0() { return cExpr300ParserRuleCall_0; } // ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op=COMPOP opRight=Expr300)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // {BinOp.opLeft=current} public Action getBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0() { return cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0; } // op=COMPOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_1; } // COMPOP public RuleCall getOpCOMPOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cOpCOMPOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // opRight=Expr300 public Assignment getOpRightAssignment_1_2() { return cOpRightAssignment_1_2; } // Expr300 public RuleCall getOpRightExpr300ParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cOpRightExpr300ParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } } public class Expr300Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr300"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExpr400ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Action cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpLISTOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRightAssignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRightExpr400ParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRightAssignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // Expr300 returns Expression: // Expr400 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op=LISTOP opRight=Expr400)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Expr400 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op=LISTOP opRight=Expr400)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Expr400 public RuleCall getExpr400ParserRuleCall_0() { return cExpr400ParserRuleCall_0; } // ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op=LISTOP opRight=Expr400)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // {BinOp.opLeft=current} public Action getBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0() { return cBinOpOpLeftAction_1_0; } // op=LISTOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_1; } // LISTOP public RuleCall getOpLISTOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cOpLISTOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // opRight=Expr400 public Assignment getOpRightAssignment_1_2() { return cOpRightAssignment_1_2; } // Expr400 public RuleCall getOpRightExpr400ParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cOpRightExpr400ParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } } public class Expr400Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr400"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExpr500ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Action cAddOpOpLeftAction_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpADDOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRightAssignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRightExpr500ParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRightAssignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // Expr400 returns Expression: // Expr500 ({AddOp.opLeft=current} op=ADDOP opRight=Expr500)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Expr500 ({AddOp.opLeft=current} op=ADDOP opRight=Expr500)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Expr500 public RuleCall getExpr500ParserRuleCall_0() { return cExpr500ParserRuleCall_0; } // ({AddOp.opLeft=current} op=ADDOP opRight=Expr500)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // {AddOp.opLeft=current} public Action getAddOpOpLeftAction_1_0() { return cAddOpOpLeftAction_1_0; } // op=ADDOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_1; } // ADDOP public RuleCall getOpADDOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cOpADDOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // opRight=Expr500 public Assignment getOpRightAssignment_1_2() { return cOpRightAssignment_1_2; } // Expr500 public RuleCall getOpRightExpr500ParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cOpRightExpr500ParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } } public class Expr500Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr500"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cUnaryExprParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Action cMultOpOpLeftAction_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpMULTOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRightAssignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRightUnaryExprParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRightAssignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // Expr500 returns Expression: // UnaryExpr ({MultOp.opLeft=current} op=MULTOP opRight=UnaryExpr)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // UnaryExpr ({MultOp.opLeft=current} op=MULTOP opRight=UnaryExpr)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // UnaryExpr public RuleCall getUnaryExprParserRuleCall_0() { return cUnaryExprParserRuleCall_0; } // ({MultOp.opLeft=current} op=MULTOP opRight=UnaryExpr)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // {MultOp.opLeft=current} public Action getMultOpOpLeftAction_1_0() { return cMultOpOpLeftAction_1_0; } // op=MULTOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_1; } // MULTOP public RuleCall getOpMULTOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cOpMULTOPParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // opRight=UnaryExpr public Assignment getOpRightAssignment_1_2() { return cOpRightAssignment_1_2; } // UnaryExpr public RuleCall getOpRightUnaryExprParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cOpRightUnaryExprParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } } public class UnaryExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "UnaryExpr"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(0); private final Action cUnaryExprAction_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOperandAssignment_0_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOperandExpr700ParserRuleCall_0_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOperandAssignment_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cExpr700ParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // UnaryExpr returns Expression: // {UnaryExpr} op=PREFIXOP operand=Expr700 | Expr700; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {UnaryExpr} op=PREFIXOP operand=Expr700 | Expr700 public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // {UnaryExpr} op=PREFIXOP operand=Expr700 public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // {UnaryExpr} public Action getUnaryExprAction_0_0() { return cUnaryExprAction_0_0; } // op=PREFIXOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_0_1; } // PREFIXOP public RuleCall getOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0() { return cOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0; } // operand=Expr700 public Assignment getOperandAssignment_0_2() { return cOperandAssignment_0_2; } // Expr700 public RuleCall getOperandExpr700ParserRuleCall_0_2_0() { return cOperandExpr700ParserRuleCall_0_2_0; } // Expr700 public RuleCall getExpr700ParserRuleCall_1() { return cExpr700ParserRuleCall_1; } } public class Expr700Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr700"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExpr800ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Action cFunCallTargetAction_1_0_1 = (Action) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_0_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_3 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(3); private final Group cGroup_1_0_4 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(4); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_4_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0_4 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cArgs2Assignment_1_0_4_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_4 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cArgs2ExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_4_1_0 = (RuleCall) cArgs2Assignment_1_0_4_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_4_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0_4 .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cNumberSignKeyword_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Action cRecordExprRefAction_1_1_1 = (Action) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cRecordAssignment_1_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cRecordRecordExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cRecordAssignment_1_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // Expr700 returns Expression: // Expr800 // TODO can this be expressed better? // // we can have ?MACRO(args)(args2) // ("(" {FunCall.target=current} args=Expressions? ")" ("(" // args2=Expressions? ")")? | ("#" {RecordExpr.ref=current} // record=RecordExpr)+)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Expr800 // TODO can this be expressed better? // // we can have ?MACRO(args)(args2) // ("(" {FunCall.target=current} args=Expressions? ")" ("(" // args2=Expressions? ")")? | ("#" {RecordExpr.ref=current} // record=RecordExpr)+)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Expr800 public RuleCall getExpr800ParserRuleCall_0() { return cExpr800ParserRuleCall_0; } // // TODO can this be expressed better? // // we can have ?MACRO(args)(args2) // ("(" {FunCall.target=current} args=Expressions? ")" ("(" // args2=Expressions? ")")? | ("#" {RecordExpr.ref=current} // record=RecordExpr)+)? public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // // TODO can this be expressed better? // // we can have ?MACRO(args)(args2) // "(" {FunCall.target=current} args=Expressions? ")" ("(" // args2=Expressions? ")")? public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // // TODO can this be expressed better? // // we can have ?MACRO(args)(args2) // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_0; } // {FunCall.target=current} public Action getFunCallTargetAction_1_0_1() { return cFunCallTargetAction_1_0_1; } // args=Expressions? public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_0_2() { return cArgsAssignment_1_0_2; } // Expressions public RuleCall getArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0() { return cArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_3; } // ("(" args2=Expressions? ")")? public Group getGroup_1_0_4() { return cGroup_1_0_4; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_4_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0_4_0; } // args2=Expressions? public Assignment getArgs2Assignment_1_0_4_1() { return cArgs2Assignment_1_0_4_1; } // Expressions public RuleCall getArgs2ExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_4_1_0() { return cArgs2ExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_4_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_4_2() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_0_4_2; } // ("#" {RecordExpr.ref=current} record=RecordExpr)+ public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // "#" public Keyword getNumberSignKeyword_1_1_0() { return cNumberSignKeyword_1_1_0; } // {RecordExpr.ref=current} public Action getRecordExprRefAction_1_1_1() { return cRecordExprRefAction_1_1_1; } // record=RecordExpr public Assignment getRecordAssignment_1_1_2() { return cRecordAssignment_1_1_2; } // RecordExpr public RuleCall getRecordRecordExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0() { return cRecordRecordExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0; } } public class Expr800Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Expr800"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExprMaxParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Action cRemoteTargetModuleAction_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_1_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cFunctionAssignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cFunctionExprMaxParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cFunctionAssignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // // non-associative // Expr800 returns Expression: // ExprMax ({RemoteTarget.module=current} ":" function=ExprMax)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ExprMax ({RemoteTarget.module=current} ":" function=ExprMax)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // ExprMax public RuleCall getExprMaxParserRuleCall_0() { return cExprMaxParserRuleCall_0; } // ({RemoteTarget.module=current} ":" function=ExprMax)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // {RemoteTarget.module=current} public Action getRemoteTargetModuleAction_1_0() { return cRemoteTargetModuleAction_1_0; } // ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_1_1() { return cColonKeyword_1_1; } // function=ExprMax public Assignment getFunctionAssignment_1_2() { return cFunctionAssignment_1_2; } // ExprMax public RuleCall getFunctionExprMaxParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cFunctionExprMaxParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } } public class ExprMaxElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ExprMax"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTermExpressionParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1 = (RuleCall) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(2); private final Action cBlockExprAction_2_0 = (Action) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cBeginKeyword_2_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cBodyAssignment_2_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_2_0 = (RuleCall) cBodyAssignment_2_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cEndKeyword_2_3 = (Keyword) cGroup_2.eContents() .get(3); private final RuleCall cIfExprParserRuleCall_3 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cCaseExprParserRuleCall_4 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); private final RuleCall cReceiveExprParserRuleCall_5 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(5); private final RuleCall cFunExprParserRuleCall_6 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(6); private final RuleCall cTryExprParserRuleCall_7 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(7); private final RuleCall cCondExprParserRuleCall_8 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(8); private final RuleCall cQueryExprParserRuleCall_9 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(9); private final RuleCall cLetExprParserRuleCall_10 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(10); // ExprMax returns Expression: // TermExpression | "(" Expression ")" | {BlockExpr} "begin" // body=Expressions "end" | IfExpr | CaseExpr | ReceiveExpr | // FunExpr | TryExpr | CondExpr | QueryExpr | LetExpr; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // TermExpression | "(" Expression ")" | {BlockExpr} "begin" // body=Expressions "end" | IfExpr | CaseExpr | ReceiveExpr | // FunExpr | TryExpr | CondExpr | QueryExpr | LetExpr public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // TermExpression public RuleCall getTermExpressionParserRuleCall_0() { return cTermExpressionParserRuleCall_0; } // "(" Expression ")" public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0; } // Expression public RuleCall getExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1() { return cExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2; } // {BlockExpr} "begin" body=Expressions "end" public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // {BlockExpr} public Action getBlockExprAction_2_0() { return cBlockExprAction_2_0; } // "begin" public Keyword getBeginKeyword_2_1() { return cBeginKeyword_2_1; } // body=Expressions public Assignment getBodyAssignment_2_2() { return cBodyAssignment_2_2; } // Expressions public RuleCall getBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_2_0() { return cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_2_0; } // "end" public Keyword getEndKeyword_2_3() { return cEndKeyword_2_3; } // IfExpr public RuleCall getIfExprParserRuleCall_3() { return cIfExprParserRuleCall_3; } // CaseExpr public RuleCall getCaseExprParserRuleCall_4() { return cCaseExprParserRuleCall_4; } // ReceiveExpr public RuleCall getReceiveExprParserRuleCall_5() { return cReceiveExprParserRuleCall_5; } // FunExpr public RuleCall getFunExprParserRuleCall_6() { return cFunExprParserRuleCall_6; } // TryExpr public RuleCall getTryExprParserRuleCall_7() { return cTryExprParserRuleCall_7; } // CondExpr public RuleCall getCondExprParserRuleCall_8() { return cCondExprParserRuleCall_8; } // QueryExpr public RuleCall getQueryExprParserRuleCall_9() { return cQueryExprParserRuleCall_9; } // LetExpr public RuleCall getLetExprParserRuleCall_10() { return cLetExprParserRuleCall_10; } } public class TermExpressionElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TermExpression"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTupleParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cListOrComprehensionParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cBinaryOrComprehensionParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_3 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cNumberSignKeyword_3_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_3 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cRecordExprParserRuleCall_3_1 = (RuleCall) cGroup_3 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cLiteralExpressionParserRuleCall_4 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); // TermExpression returns Expression: // Tuple | ListOrComprehension | BinaryOrComprehension | "#" RecordExpr // | LiteralExpression; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Tuple | ListOrComprehension | BinaryOrComprehension | "#" RecordExpr // | LiteralExpression public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // Tuple public RuleCall getTupleParserRuleCall_0() { return cTupleParserRuleCall_0; } // ListOrComprehension public RuleCall getListOrComprehensionParserRuleCall_1() { return cListOrComprehensionParserRuleCall_1; } // BinaryOrComprehension public RuleCall getBinaryOrComprehensionParserRuleCall_2() { return cBinaryOrComprehensionParserRuleCall_2; } // "#" RecordExpr public Group getGroup_3() { return cGroup_3; } // "#" public Keyword getNumberSignKeyword_3_0() { return cNumberSignKeyword_3_0; } // RecordExpr public RuleCall getRecordExprParserRuleCall_3_1() { return cRecordExprParserRuleCall_3_1; } // LiteralExpression public RuleCall getLiteralExpressionParserRuleCall_4() { return cLiteralExpressionParserRuleCall_4; } } public class MacroCallElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "MacroCall"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cMacroNameAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cMacroNameMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cMacroNameAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); // MacroCall: // macroName=MacroLiteral ("(" args=Expressions? ")")?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // macroName=MacroLiteral ("(" args=Expressions? ")")? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // macroName=MacroLiteral public Assignment getMacroNameAssignment_0() { return cMacroNameAssignment_0; } // MacroLiteral public RuleCall getMacroNameMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cMacroNameMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0; } // (=> "(" args=Expressions? ")")? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // => "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0; } // args=Expressions? public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_1() { return cArgsAssignment_1_1; } // Expressions public RuleCall getArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2; } } public class RecordExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cRecAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cRecRecordVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cRecAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_1_0_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cFieldAssignment_1_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFieldRecordFieldVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cFieldAssignment_1_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTupleAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTupleRecordTupleParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTupleAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // RecordExpr: // rec=RecordVarMacro ("." field=RecordFieldVarMacro | // tuple=RecordTuple); @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // rec=RecordVarMacro ("." field=RecordFieldVarMacro | // tuple=RecordTuple) public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // rec=RecordVarMacro public Assignment getRecAssignment_0() { return cRecAssignment_0; } // RecordVarMacro public RuleCall getRecRecordVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cRecRecordVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0; } // "." field=RecordFieldVarMacro | tuple=RecordTuple public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // "." field=RecordFieldVarMacro public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_1_0_0() { return cFullStopKeyword_1_0_0; } // field=RecordFieldVarMacro public Assignment getFieldAssignment_1_0_1() { return cFieldAssignment_1_0_1; } // RecordFieldVarMacro public RuleCall getFieldRecordFieldVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0() { return cFieldRecordFieldVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0; } // tuple=RecordTuple public Assignment getTupleAssignment_1_1() { return cTupleAssignment_1_1; } // RecordTuple public RuleCall getTupleRecordTupleParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cTupleRecordTupleParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class QueryExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "QueryExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cQueryExprAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cQueryKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(1); // // NYI // QueryExpr: // {QueryExpr} "query"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {QueryExpr} "query" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {QueryExpr} public Action getQueryExprAction_0() { return cQueryExprAction_0; } // "query" public Keyword getQueryKeyword_1() { return cQueryKeyword_1; } } public class CondExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "CondExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cCondExprAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cCondKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(1); // // NYI // CondExpr: // {CondExpr} "cond"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {CondExpr} "cond" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {CondExpr} public Action getCondExprAction_0() { return cCondExprAction_0; } // "cond" public Keyword getCondKeyword_1() { return cCondKeyword_1; } } public class LetExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "LetExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cLetExprAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cLetKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents().get( 1); // // NYI // LetExpr: // {LetExpr} "let"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {LetExpr} "let" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {LetExpr} public Action getLetExprAction_0() { return cLetExprAction_0; } // "let" public Keyword getLetKeyword_1() { return cLetKeyword_1; } } public class RecordTupleElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordTuple"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cRecordTupleAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cFieldsAssignment_2_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cFieldsRecordFieldExprParserRuleCall_2_0_0 = (RuleCall) cFieldsAssignment_2_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2_1 = (Group) cGroup_2.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_2_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cFieldsAssignment_2_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFieldsRecordFieldExprParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cFieldsAssignment_2_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); // RecordTuple: // {RecordTuple} "{" (fields+=RecordFieldExpr ("," // fields+=RecordFieldExpr)*)? "}"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {RecordTuple} "{" (fields+=RecordFieldExpr ("," // fields+=RecordFieldExpr)*)? "}" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {RecordTuple} public Action getRecordTupleAction_0() { return cRecordTupleAction_0; } // "{" public Keyword getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1() { return cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1; } // (fields+=RecordFieldExpr ("," fields+=RecordFieldExpr)*)? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // fields+=RecordFieldExpr public Assignment getFieldsAssignment_2_0() { return cFieldsAssignment_2_0; } // RecordFieldExpr public RuleCall getFieldsRecordFieldExprParserRuleCall_2_0_0() { return cFieldsRecordFieldExprParserRuleCall_2_0_0; } // ("," fields+=RecordFieldExpr)* public Group getGroup_2_1() { return cGroup_2_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_2_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_2_1_0; } // fields+=RecordFieldExpr public Assignment getFieldsAssignment_2_1_1() { return cFieldsAssignment_2_1_1; } // RecordFieldExpr public RuleCall getFieldsRecordFieldExprParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0() { return cFieldsRecordFieldExprParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0; } // "}" public Keyword getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3() { return cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3; } } public class RecordFieldExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordFieldExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cRefAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cRefRecordFieldVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cRefAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cEqualsSignKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cValueExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cColonColonKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); // RecordFieldExpr: // ref=RecordFieldVarMacro ("=" value=Expression)? ("::" type=TopType)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ref=RecordFieldVarMacro ("=" value=Expression)? ("::" type=TopType)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // ref=RecordFieldVarMacro public Assignment getRefAssignment_0() { return cRefAssignment_0; } // RecordFieldVarMacro public RuleCall getRefRecordFieldVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cRefRecordFieldVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ("=" value=Expression)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // "=" public Keyword getEqualsSignKeyword_1_0() { return cEqualsSignKeyword_1_0; } // value=Expression public Assignment getValueAssignment_1_1() { return cValueAssignment_1_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getValueExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cValueExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // ("::" type=TopType)? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // "::" public Keyword getColonColonKeyword_2_0() { return cColonColonKeyword_2_0; } // type=TopType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_2_1() { return cTypeAssignment_2_1; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } } public class LiteralExpressionNoNumberElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "LiteralExpressionNoNumber"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(0); private final Action cAtomAction_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_0.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cValueNAMEParserRuleCall_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(2); private final Action cErlCharAction_2_0 = (Action) cGroup_2.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cValueCHARTerminalRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_3 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cStringLiteralParserRuleCall_4 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); // LiteralExpressionNoNumber returns Expression: // {Atom} value=NAME | VariableLiteral | {ErlChar} value=CHAR | // MacroLiteral | StringLiteral; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {Atom} value=NAME | VariableLiteral | {ErlChar} value=CHAR | // MacroLiteral | StringLiteral public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // {Atom} value=NAME public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // {Atom} public Action getAtomAction_0_0() { return cAtomAction_0_0; } // value=NAME public Assignment getValueAssignment_0_1() { return cValueAssignment_0_1; } // NAME public RuleCall getValueNAMEParserRuleCall_0_1_0() { return cValueNAMEParserRuleCall_0_1_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1() { return cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1; } // {ErlChar} value=CHAR public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // {ErlChar} public Action getErlCharAction_2_0() { return cErlCharAction_2_0; } // value=CHAR public Assignment getValueAssignment_2_1() { return cValueAssignment_2_1; } // CHAR public RuleCall getValueCHARTerminalRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cValueCHARTerminalRuleCall_2_1_0; } // MacroLiteral public RuleCall getMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_3() { return cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_3; } // StringLiteral public RuleCall getStringLiteralParserRuleCall_4() { return cStringLiteralParserRuleCall_4; } } public class ModuleRefElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ModuleRef"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cAtomRefAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final CrossReference cValueModuleCrossReference_1_0 = (CrossReference) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueModuleNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1 = (RuleCall) cValueModuleCrossReference_1_0 .eContents().get(1); // ModuleRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[Module|NAME]; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {AtomRef} value=[Module|NAME] public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {AtomRef} public Action getAtomRefAction_0() { return cAtomRefAction_0; } // value=[Module|NAME] public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // [Module|NAME] public CrossReference getValueModuleCrossReference_1_0() { return cValueModuleCrossReference_1_0; } // NAME public RuleCall getValueModuleNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1() { return cValueModuleNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1; } } public class FunctionRefElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FunctionRef"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cAtomRefAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final CrossReference cValueFunctionCrossReference_1_0 = (CrossReference) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueFunctionNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1 = (RuleCall) cValueFunctionCrossReference_1_0 .eContents().get(1); // FunctionRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[Function|NAME]; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {AtomRef} value=[Function|NAME] public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {AtomRef} public Action getAtomRefAction_0() { return cAtomRefAction_0; } // value=[Function|NAME] public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // [Function|NAME] public CrossReference getValueFunctionCrossReference_1_0() { return cValueFunctionCrossReference_1_0; } // NAME public RuleCall getValueFunctionNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1() { return cValueFunctionNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1; } } public class RecordRefElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordRef"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cAtomRefAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final CrossReference cValueRecordAttributeCrossReference_1_0 = (CrossReference) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueRecordAttributeNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1 = (RuleCall) cValueRecordAttributeCrossReference_1_0 .eContents().get(1); // RecordRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[RecordAttribute|NAME]; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {AtomRef} value=[RecordAttribute|NAME] public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {AtomRef} public Action getAtomRefAction_0() { return cAtomRefAction_0; } // value=[RecordAttribute|NAME] public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // [RecordAttribute|NAME] public CrossReference getValueRecordAttributeCrossReference_1_0() { return cValueRecordAttributeCrossReference_1_0; } // NAME public RuleCall getValueRecordAttributeNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1() { return cValueRecordAttributeNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1; } } public class RecordFieldRefElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordFieldRef"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cAtomRefAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final CrossReference cValueRecordFieldDefCrossReference_1_0 = (CrossReference) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueRecordFieldDefNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1 = (RuleCall) cValueRecordFieldDefCrossReference_1_0 .eContents().get(1); // RecordFieldRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[RecordFieldDef|NAME]; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {AtomRef} value=[RecordFieldDef|NAME] public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {AtomRef} public Action getAtomRefAction_0() { return cAtomRefAction_0; } // value=[RecordFieldDef|NAME] public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // [RecordFieldDef|NAME] public CrossReference getValueRecordFieldDefCrossReference_1_0() { return cValueRecordFieldDefCrossReference_1_0; } // NAME public RuleCall getValueRecordFieldDefNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1() { return cValueRecordFieldDefNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1; } } public class TypeRefElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TypeRef"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cAtomRefAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final CrossReference cValueTypeAttributeCrossReference_1_0 = (CrossReference) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueTypeAttributeNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1 = (RuleCall) cValueTypeAttributeCrossReference_1_0 .eContents().get(1); // TypeRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[TypeAttribute|NAME]; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {AtomRef} value=[TypeAttribute|NAME] public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {AtomRef} public Action getAtomRefAction_0() { return cAtomRefAction_0; } // value=[TypeAttribute|NAME] public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // [TypeAttribute|NAME] public CrossReference getValueTypeAttributeCrossReference_1_0() { return cValueTypeAttributeCrossReference_1_0; } // NAME public RuleCall getValueTypeAttributeNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1() { return cValueTypeAttributeNAMEParserRuleCall_1_0_1; } } public class MacroLiteralElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "MacroLiteral"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cMacroAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final CrossReference cValueDefineAttributeCrossReference_1_0 = (CrossReference) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueDefineAttributeMACROParserRuleCall_1_0_1 = (RuleCall) cValueDefineAttributeCrossReference_1_0 .eContents().get(1); // MacroLiteral returns Expression: // {Macro} value=[DefineAttribute|MACRO]; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {Macro} value=[DefineAttribute|MACRO] public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {Macro} public Action getMacroAction_0() { return cMacroAction_0; } // value=[DefineAttribute|MACRO] public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // [DefineAttribute|MACRO] public CrossReference getValueDefineAttributeCrossReference_1_0() { return cValueDefineAttributeCrossReference_1_0; } // MACRO public RuleCall getValueDefineAttributeMACROParserRuleCall_1_0_1() { return cValueDefineAttributeMACROParserRuleCall_1_0_1; } } public class MacroRefElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "MacroRef"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cMacroAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final CrossReference cValueDefineAttributeCrossReference_1_0 = (CrossReference) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueDefineAttributeNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_0_1 = (RuleCall) cValueDefineAttributeCrossReference_1_0 .eContents().get(1); // MacroRef returns Expression: // {Macro} value=[DefineAttribute|NAMEVAR]; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {Macro} value=[DefineAttribute|NAMEVAR] public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {Macro} public Action getMacroAction_0() { return cMacroAction_0; } // value=[DefineAttribute|NAMEVAR] public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // [DefineAttribute|NAMEVAR] public CrossReference getValueDefineAttributeCrossReference_1_0() { return cValueDefineAttributeCrossReference_1_0; } // NAMEVAR public RuleCall getValueDefineAttributeNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_0_1() { return cValueDefineAttributeNAMEVARParserRuleCall_1_0_1; } } public class VariableLiteralElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "VariableLiteral"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cVariableAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final CrossReference cValueExpressionCrossReference_1_0 = (CrossReference) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cValueExpressionVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_1_0_1 = (RuleCall) cValueExpressionCrossReference_1_0 .eContents().get(1); // VariableLiteral returns Expression: // {Variable} value=[Expression|VARIABLE]; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {Variable} value=[Expression|VARIABLE] public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {Variable} public Action getVariableAction_0() { return cVariableAction_0; } // value=[Expression|VARIABLE] public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // [Expression|VARIABLE] public CrossReference getValueExpressionCrossReference_1_0() { return cValueExpressionCrossReference_1_0; } // VARIABLE public RuleCall getValueExpressionVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_1_0_1() { return cValueExpressionVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_1_0_1; } } public class StringLiteralElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "StringLiteral"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cPartsAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cPartsStringLiteralLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cPartsAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cPartsAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cPartsStringLiteralPartParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cPartsAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); // StringLiteral returns Expression: // parts+=StringLiteralLiteral parts+=StringLiteralPart*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // parts+=StringLiteralLiteral parts+=StringLiteralPart* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // parts+=StringLiteralLiteral public Assignment getPartsAssignment_0() { return cPartsAssignment_0; } // StringLiteralLiteral public RuleCall getPartsStringLiteralLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cPartsStringLiteralLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0; } // parts+=StringLiteralPart* public Assignment getPartsAssignment_1() { return cPartsAssignment_1; } // StringLiteralPart public RuleCall getPartsStringLiteralPartParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cPartsStringLiteralPartParserRuleCall_1_0; } } public class StringLiteralPartElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "StringLiteralPart"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cStringLiteralLiteralParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cMacroAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cMacroMacroCallParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cMacroAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); // StringLiteralPart: // StringLiteralLiteral | macro=MacroCall; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // StringLiteralLiteral | macro=MacroCall public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // StringLiteralLiteral public RuleCall getStringLiteralLiteralParserRuleCall_0() { return cStringLiteralLiteralParserRuleCall_0; } // macro=MacroCall public Assignment getMacroAssignment_1() { return cMacroAssignment_1; } // MacroCall public RuleCall getMacroMacroCallParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cMacroMacroCallParserRuleCall_1_0; } } public class StringLiteralLiteralElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "StringLiteralLiteral"); private final Assignment cStringAssignment = (Assignment) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cStringAssignment .eContents().get(0); // StringLiteralLiteral returns StringLiteralPart: // string=STRING; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // string=STRING public Assignment getStringAssignment() { return cStringAssignment; } // STRING public RuleCall getStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0() { return cStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0; } } public class LiteralExpressionElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "LiteralExpression"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cLiteralExpressionNoNumberParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cIntegerLiteralParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(2); private final Action cErlFloatAction_2_0 = (Action) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cValueFLOATParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); // LiteralExpression returns Expression: // LiteralExpressionNoNumber | IntegerLiteral | {ErlFloat} value=FLOAT; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // LiteralExpressionNoNumber | IntegerLiteral | {ErlFloat} value=FLOAT public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // LiteralExpressionNoNumber public RuleCall getLiteralExpressionNoNumberParserRuleCall_0() { return cLiteralExpressionNoNumberParserRuleCall_0; } // IntegerLiteral public RuleCall getIntegerLiteralParserRuleCall_1() { return cIntegerLiteralParserRuleCall_1; } // {ErlFloat} value=FLOAT public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // {ErlFloat} public Action getErlFloatAction_2_0() { return cErlFloatAction_2_0; } // value=FLOAT public Assignment getValueAssignment_2_1() { return cValueAssignment_2_1; } // FLOAT public RuleCall getValueFLOATParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cValueFLOATParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } } public class IntegerLiteralElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "IntegerLiteral"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cErlIntegerAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cValueINTEGERParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); // IntegerLiteral returns Expression: // {ErlInteger} value=INTEGER; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {ErlInteger} value=INTEGER public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {ErlInteger} public Action getErlIntegerAction_0() { return cErlIntegerAction_0; } // value=INTEGER public Assignment getValueAssignment_1() { return cValueAssignment_1; } // INTEGER public RuleCall getValueINTEGERParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cValueINTEGERParserRuleCall_1_0; } } public class PatternExpressionElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "PatternExpression"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTermExpressionParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Action cMatchExprOpLeftAction_1_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cOpEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_1_0 = (Keyword) cOpAssignment_1_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpRightAssignment_1_0_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOpRightTermExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOpRightAssignment_1_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Action cFunCallTargetAction_1_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_1_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_3 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(3); // PatternExpression returns Expression: // TermExpression (({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" // opRight=TermExpression)+ | {FunCall.target=current} "(" // args=Expressions? ")")?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // TermExpression (({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" // opRight=TermExpression)+ | {FunCall.target=current} "(" // args=Expressions? ")")? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // TermExpression public RuleCall getTermExpressionParserRuleCall_0() { return cTermExpressionParserRuleCall_0; } // (({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" opRight=TermExpression)+ | // {FunCall.target=current} "(" args=Expressions? ")")? public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // ({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" opRight=TermExpression)+ public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // {MatchExpr.opLeft=current} public Action getMatchExprOpLeftAction_1_0_0() { return cMatchExprOpLeftAction_1_0_0; } // op="=" public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_0_1; } // "=" public Keyword getOpEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_1_0() { return cOpEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_1_0; } // opRight=TermExpression public Assignment getOpRightAssignment_1_0_2() { return cOpRightAssignment_1_0_2; } // TermExpression public RuleCall getOpRightTermExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0() { return cOpRightTermExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_0; } // {FunCall.target=current} "(" args=Expressions? ")" public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // {FunCall.target=current} public Action getFunCallTargetAction_1_1_0() { return cFunCallTargetAction_1_1_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_1_1; } // args=Expressions? public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_1_2() { return cArgsAssignment_1_1_2; } // Expressions public RuleCall getArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0() { return cArgsExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_1_3; } } public class IfExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "IfExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cIfKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cClausesIfClauseParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cClausesIfClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cEndKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents().get( 3); // IfExpr: // "if" clauses+=IfClause (";" clauses+=IfClause)* "end"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "if" clauses+=IfClause (";" clauses+=IfClause)* "end" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "if" public Keyword getIfKeyword_0() { return cIfKeyword_0; } // clauses+=IfClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_1() { return cClausesAssignment_1; } // IfClause public RuleCall getClausesIfClauseParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cClausesIfClauseParserRuleCall_1_0; } // (";" clauses+=IfClause)* public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_2_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_2_0; } // clauses+=IfClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_2_1() { return cClausesAssignment_2_1; } // IfClause public RuleCall getClausesIfClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cClausesIfClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } // "end" public Keyword getEndKeyword_3() { return cEndKeyword_3; } } public class IfClauseElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "IfClause"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cGuardAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cGuardGuardParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cGuardAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cBodyAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cBodyAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); // IfClause: // guard=Guard "->" body=Expressions; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // guard=Guard "->" body=Expressions public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // guard=Guard public Assignment getGuardAssignment_0() { return cGuardAssignment_0; } // Guard public RuleCall getGuardGuardParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cGuardGuardParserRuleCall_0_0; } // "->" public Keyword getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1() { return cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1; } // body=Expressions public Assignment getBodyAssignment_2() { return cBodyAssignment_2; } // Expressions public RuleCall getBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_2_0; } } public class CaseExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "CaseExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cCaseKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cExprAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cExprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cExprAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cOfKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(2); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_3 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_3_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_4 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_4_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_4 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_4_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_4 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_4_1_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_4_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cEndKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents().get( 5); // CaseExpr: // "case" expr=Expression "of" clauses+=CrClause (";" // clauses+=CrClause)* "end"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "case" expr=Expression "of" clauses+=CrClause (";" // clauses+=CrClause)* "end" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "case" public Keyword getCaseKeyword_0() { return cCaseKeyword_0; } // expr=Expression public Assignment getExprAssignment_1() { return cExprAssignment_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getExprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cExprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0; } // "of" public Keyword getOfKeyword_2() { return cOfKeyword_2; } // clauses+=CrClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_3() { return cClausesAssignment_3; } // CrClause public RuleCall getClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_3_0() { return cClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_3_0; } // (";" clauses+=CrClause)* public Group getGroup_4() { return cGroup_4; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_4_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_4_0; } // clauses+=CrClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_4_1() { return cClausesAssignment_4_1; } // CrClause public RuleCall getClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_4_1_0() { return cClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_4_1_0; } // "end" public Keyword getEndKeyword_5() { return cEndKeyword_5; } } public class CrClauseElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "CrClause"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cExprAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cExprAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cWhenKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cGuardAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cGuardGuardParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cGuardAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cBodyAssignment_3 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_0 = (RuleCall) cBodyAssignment_3 .eContents().get(0); // CrClause: // expr=Expression ("when" guard=Guard)? "->" body=Expressions; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // expr=Expression ("when" guard=Guard)? "->" body=Expressions public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // expr=Expression public Assignment getExprAssignment_0() { return cExprAssignment_0; } // Expression public RuleCall getExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cExprExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ("when" guard=Guard)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // "when" public Keyword getWhenKeyword_1_0() { return cWhenKeyword_1_0; } // guard=Guard public Assignment getGuardAssignment_1_1() { return cGuardAssignment_1_1; } // Guard public RuleCall getGuardGuardParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cGuardGuardParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // "->" public Keyword getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_2() { return cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_2; } // body=Expressions public Assignment getBodyAssignment_3() { return cBodyAssignment_3; } // Expressions public RuleCall getBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_0() { return cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_0; } } public class ReceiveExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ReceiveExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cReceiveKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_1_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_1_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_0_1 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_1_0_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_1_0_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_1_0_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_1_0_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_0_2 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(2); private final Keyword cAfterKeyword_1_0_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cAfter_exprAssignment_1_0_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cAfter_exprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cAfter_exprAssignment_1_0_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_2_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_0_2 .eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cAfter_bodyAssignment_1_0_2_3 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_2 .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_2_3_0 = (RuleCall) cAfter_bodyAssignment_1_0_2_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cAfterKeyword_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cAfter_exprAssignment_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cAfter_exprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cAfter_exprAssignment_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_1_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cAfter_bodyAssignment_1_1_3 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_3_0 = (RuleCall) cAfter_bodyAssignment_1_1_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cEndKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents().get( 2); // ReceiveExpr: // "receive" (clauses+=CrClause (";" clauses+=CrClause)* ("after" // after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions)? | // "after" after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions) "end"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "receive" (clauses+=CrClause (";" clauses+=CrClause)* ("after" // after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions)? | // "after" after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions) "end" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "receive" public Keyword getReceiveKeyword_0() { return cReceiveKeyword_0; } // clauses+=CrClause (";" clauses+=CrClause)* ("after" // after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions)? | "after" // after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // clauses+=CrClause (";" clauses+=CrClause)* ("after" // after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions)? public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // clauses+=CrClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_1_0_0() { return cClausesAssignment_1_0_0; } // CrClause public RuleCall getClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0() { return cClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0; } // (";" clauses+=CrClause)* public Group getGroup_1_0_1() { return cGroup_1_0_1; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_1_0_1_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_1_0_1_0; } // clauses+=CrClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_1_0_1_1() { return cClausesAssignment_1_0_1_1; } // CrClause public RuleCall getClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_1_0_1_1_0() { return cClausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_1_0_1_1_0; } // ("after" after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions)? public Group getGroup_1_0_2() { return cGroup_1_0_2; } // "after" public Keyword getAfterKeyword_1_0_2_0() { return cAfterKeyword_1_0_2_0; } // after_expr=Expression public Assignment getAfter_exprAssignment_1_0_2_1() { return cAfter_exprAssignment_1_0_2_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getAfter_exprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_0() { return cAfter_exprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0_2_1_0; } // "->" public Keyword getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_2_2() { return cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_2_2; } // after_body=Expressions public Assignment getAfter_bodyAssignment_1_0_2_3() { return cAfter_bodyAssignment_1_0_2_3; } // Expressions public RuleCall getAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_2_3_0() { return cAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0_2_3_0; } // "after" after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // "after" public Keyword getAfterKeyword_1_1_0() { return cAfterKeyword_1_1_0; } // after_expr=Expression public Assignment getAfter_exprAssignment_1_1_1() { return cAfter_exprAssignment_1_1_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getAfter_exprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0() { return cAfter_exprExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0; } // "->" public Keyword getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_1_2() { return cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_1_2; } // after_body=Expressions public Assignment getAfter_bodyAssignment_1_1_3() { return cAfter_bodyAssignment_1_1_3; } // Expressions public RuleCall getAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_3_0() { return cAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_1_3_0; } // "end" public Keyword getEndKeyword_2() { return cEndKeyword_2; } } public class FunExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FunExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cFunKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents().get( 0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFunRefParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cInlineFunParserRuleCall_1_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(1); // FunExpr: // "fun" (FunRef | InlineFun); @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "fun" (FunRef | InlineFun) public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "fun" public Keyword getFunKeyword_0() { return cFunKeyword_0; } // FunRef | InlineFun public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // FunRef public RuleCall getFunRefParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cFunRefParserRuleCall_1_0; } // InlineFun public RuleCall getInlineFunParserRuleCall_1_1() { return cInlineFunParserRuleCall_1_1; } } public class FunRefElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FunRef"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cModuleAssignment_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cModuleAssignment_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_0_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cFunctionAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFunctionFunctionVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cFunctionAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cSolidusKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(2); private final Assignment cArityAssignment_3 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cArityIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_3_0 = (RuleCall) cArityAssignment_3 .eContents().get(0); // FunRef: // (module=ModuleVarMacro ":")? function=FunctionVarMacro "/" // arity=IntVarMacro; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // (module=ModuleVarMacro ":")? function=FunctionVarMacro "/" // arity=IntVarMacro public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // (module=ModuleVarMacro ":")? public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // module=ModuleVarMacro public Assignment getModuleAssignment_0_0() { return cModuleAssignment_0_0; } // ModuleVarMacro public RuleCall getModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0_0() { return cModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0_0; } // ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_0_1() { return cColonKeyword_0_1; } // function=FunctionVarMacro public Assignment getFunctionAssignment_1() { return cFunctionAssignment_1; } // FunctionVarMacro public RuleCall getFunctionFunctionVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cFunctionFunctionVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0; } // "/" public Keyword getSolidusKeyword_2() { return cSolidusKeyword_2; } // arity=IntVarMacro public Assignment getArityAssignment_3() { return cArityAssignment_3; } // IntVarMacro public RuleCall getArityIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_3_0() { return cArityIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_3_0; } } public class InlineFunElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "InlineFun"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cClausesAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cClausesAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cEndKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents().get( 2); // InlineFun returns FunExpr: // clauses+=FunctionClause (";" clauses+=FunctionClause)* "end"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // clauses+=FunctionClause (";" clauses+=FunctionClause)* "end" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // clauses+=FunctionClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_0() { return cClausesAssignment_0; } // FunctionClause public RuleCall getClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_0_0; } // (";" clauses+=FunctionClause)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_1_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_1_0; } // clauses+=FunctionClause public Assignment getClausesAssignment_1_1() { return cClausesAssignment_1_1; } // FunctionClause public RuleCall getClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cClausesFunctionClauseParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // "end" public Keyword getEndKeyword_2() { return cEndKeyword_2; } } public class TryExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TryExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cTryKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents().get( 0); private final Assignment cBodyAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cBodyAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cOfKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cOf_clausesAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOf_clausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOf_clausesAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2_2 = (Group) cGroup_2.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_2_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOf_clausesAssignment_2_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOf_clausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_2_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOf_clausesAssignment_2_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_3 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Group cGroup_3_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_3.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cCatchKeyword_3_0_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_3_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cCatchAssignment_3_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_3_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cCatchTryClauseParserRuleCall_3_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cCatchAssignment_3_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_3_0_2 = (Group) cGroup_3_0.eContents() .get(2); private final Keyword cSemicolonKeyword_3_0_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_3_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cCatchAssignment_3_0_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_3_0_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cCatchTryClauseParserRuleCall_3_0_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cCatchAssignment_3_0_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_3_0_3 = (Group) cGroup_3_0.eContents() .get(3); private final Keyword cAfterKeyword_3_0_3_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_3_0_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cAfter_bodyAssignment_3_0_3_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_3_0_3 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_0_3_1_0 = (RuleCall) cAfter_bodyAssignment_3_0_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_3_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_3.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cAfterKeyword_3_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cAfter_bodyAssignment_3_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_3_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cAfter_bodyAssignment_3_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cEndKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents().get( 4); // TryExpr: // "try" body=Expressions ("of" of_clauses+=CrClause (";" // of_clauses+=CrClause)*)? ("catch" catch+=TryClause (";" // catch+=TryClause)* ("after" after_body=Expressions)? | "after" // after_body=Expressions) "end"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "try" body=Expressions ("of" of_clauses+=CrClause (";" // of_clauses+=CrClause)*)? ("catch" catch+=TryClause (";" // catch+=TryClause)* ("after" after_body=Expressions)? | "after" // after_body=Expressions) "end" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "try" public Keyword getTryKeyword_0() { return cTryKeyword_0; } // body=Expressions public Assignment getBodyAssignment_1() { return cBodyAssignment_1; } // Expressions public RuleCall getBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_1_0; } // ("of" of_clauses+=CrClause (";" of_clauses+=CrClause)*)? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // "of" public Keyword getOfKeyword_2_0() { return cOfKeyword_2_0; } // of_clauses+=CrClause public Assignment getOf_clausesAssignment_2_1() { return cOf_clausesAssignment_2_1; } // CrClause public RuleCall getOf_clausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cOf_clausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } // (";" of_clauses+=CrClause)* public Group getGroup_2_2() { return cGroup_2_2; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_2_2_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_2_2_0; } // of_clauses+=CrClause public Assignment getOf_clausesAssignment_2_2_1() { return cOf_clausesAssignment_2_2_1; } // CrClause public RuleCall getOf_clausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_2_2_1_0() { return cOf_clausesCrClauseParserRuleCall_2_2_1_0; } // "catch" catch+=TryClause (";" catch+=TryClause)* ("after" // after_body=Expressions)? | "after" after_body=Expressions public Alternatives getAlternatives_3() { return cAlternatives_3; } // "catch" catch+=TryClause (";" catch+=TryClause)* ("after" // after_body=Expressions)? public Group getGroup_3_0() { return cGroup_3_0; } // "catch" public Keyword getCatchKeyword_3_0_0() { return cCatchKeyword_3_0_0; } // catch+=TryClause public Assignment getCatchAssignment_3_0_1() { return cCatchAssignment_3_0_1; } // TryClause public RuleCall getCatchTryClauseParserRuleCall_3_0_1_0() { return cCatchTryClauseParserRuleCall_3_0_1_0; } // (";" catch+=TryClause)* public Group getGroup_3_0_2() { return cGroup_3_0_2; } // ";" public Keyword getSemicolonKeyword_3_0_2_0() { return cSemicolonKeyword_3_0_2_0; } // catch+=TryClause public Assignment getCatchAssignment_3_0_2_1() { return cCatchAssignment_3_0_2_1; } // TryClause public RuleCall getCatchTryClauseParserRuleCall_3_0_2_1_0() { return cCatchTryClauseParserRuleCall_3_0_2_1_0; } // ("after" after_body=Expressions)? public Group getGroup_3_0_3() { return cGroup_3_0_3; } // "after" public Keyword getAfterKeyword_3_0_3_0() { return cAfterKeyword_3_0_3_0; } // after_body=Expressions public Assignment getAfter_bodyAssignment_3_0_3_1() { return cAfter_bodyAssignment_3_0_3_1; } // Expressions public RuleCall getAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_0_3_1_0() { return cAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_0_3_1_0; } // "after" after_body=Expressions public Group getGroup_3_1() { return cGroup_3_1; } // "after" public Keyword getAfterKeyword_3_1_0() { return cAfterKeyword_3_1_0; } // after_body=Expressions public Assignment getAfter_bodyAssignment_3_1_1() { return cAfter_bodyAssignment_3_1_1; } // Expressions public RuleCall getAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_1_1_0() { return cAfter_bodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_3_1_1_0; } // "end" public Keyword getEndKeyword_4() { return cEndKeyword_4; } } public class TryClauseElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TryClause"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_0_0 = (Group) cGroup_0.eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cHdrAssignment_0_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cHdrNAMEVARParserRuleCall_0_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cHdrAssignment_0_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_0_0_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cCondAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cCondPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cCondAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cWhenKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cGuardAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cGuardGuardParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cGuardAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Assignment cBodyAssignment_4 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final RuleCall cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_4_0 = (RuleCall) cBodyAssignment_4 .eContents().get(0); // TryClause: // => (hdr=NAMEVAR ":")? cond=PatternExpression ("when" guard=Guard)? // "->" body=Expressions; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // => (hdr=NAMEVAR ":")? cond=PatternExpression ("when" guard=Guard)? // "->" body=Expressions public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // => (hdr=NAMEVAR ":")? public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // hdr=NAMEVAR ":" public Group getGroup_0_0() { return cGroup_0_0; } // hdr=NAMEVAR public Assignment getHdrAssignment_0_0_0() { return cHdrAssignment_0_0_0; } // NAMEVAR public RuleCall getHdrNAMEVARParserRuleCall_0_0_0_0() { return cHdrNAMEVARParserRuleCall_0_0_0_0; } // ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_0_0_1() { return cColonKeyword_0_0_1; } // cond=PatternExpression public Assignment getCondAssignment_1() { return cCondAssignment_1; } // PatternExpression public RuleCall getCondPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cCondPatternExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0; } // ("when" guard=Guard)? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // "when" public Keyword getWhenKeyword_2_0() { return cWhenKeyword_2_0; } // guard=Guard public Assignment getGuardAssignment_2_1() { return cGuardAssignment_2_1; } // Guard public RuleCall getGuardGuardParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cGuardGuardParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } // "->" public Keyword getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3() { return cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3; } // body=Expressions public Assignment getBodyAssignment_4() { return cBodyAssignment_4; } // Expressions public RuleCall getBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_4_0() { return cBodyExpressionsParserRuleCall_4_0; } } public class ListOrComprehensionElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ListOrComprehension"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Action cErlListAction_1_0 = (Action) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Assignment cElementsAssignment_1_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cElementsAssignment_1_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_1_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1_1_2 = (Alternatives) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_1_1_2_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_1_1_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_0_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_2_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTailAssignment_1_1_2_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_2_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTailExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTailAssignment_1_1_2_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_2_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1_1_2 .eContents().get(1); private final Action cListComprehensionRootAction_1_1_2_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_1_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cVerticalLineVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_1_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_2_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_2_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_1_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_2_1_3 = (Group) cGroup_1_1_2_1 .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_1_2_1_3_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_2_1_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_1_3_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_2_1_3 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_1_3_1_0 = (RuleCall) cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_1_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightSquareBracketKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(2); // ListOrComprehension returns ErlList: // "[" ({ErlList} | elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)* // ("|" tail=Expression | // {ListComprehension.root=current} "||" generators+=LCExpr ("," // generators+=LCExpr)*)?) "]"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "[" ({ErlList} | elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)* // ("|" tail=Expression | // {ListComprehension.root=current} "||" generators+=LCExpr ("," // generators+=LCExpr)*)?) "]" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "[" public Keyword getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0() { return cLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0; } // {ErlList} | elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)* ("|" // tail=Expression | {ListComprehension.root=current} // "||" generators+=LCExpr ("," generators+=LCExpr)*)? public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // {ErlList} public Action getErlListAction_1_0() { return cErlListAction_1_0; } // elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)* ("|" tail=Expression // | {ListComprehension.root=current} "||" // generators+=LCExpr ("," generators+=LCExpr)*)? public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // elements+=Expression public Assignment getElementsAssignment_1_1_0() { return cElementsAssignment_1_1_0; } // Expression public RuleCall getElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0() { return cElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0; } // ("," elements+=Expression)* public Group getGroup_1_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0; } // elements+=Expression public Assignment getElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1() { return cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0() { return cElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0; } // ("|" tail=Expression | {ListComprehension.root=current} "||" // generators+=LCExpr ("," generators+=LCExpr)*)? public Alternatives getAlternatives_1_1_2() { return cAlternatives_1_1_2; } // "|" tail=Expression public Group getGroup_1_1_2_0() { return cGroup_1_1_2_0; } // "|" public Keyword getVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_0_0() { return cVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_0_0; } // tail=Expression public Assignment getTailAssignment_1_1_2_0_1() { return cTailAssignment_1_1_2_0_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getTailExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0_1_0() { return cTailExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0_1_0; } // {ListComprehension.root=current} "||" generators+=LCExpr ("," // generators+=LCExpr)* public Group getGroup_1_1_2_1() { return cGroup_1_1_2_1; } // {ListComprehension.root=current} public Action getListComprehensionRootAction_1_1_2_1_0() { return cListComprehensionRootAction_1_1_2_1_0; } // "||" public Keyword getVerticalLineVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_1_1() { return cVerticalLineVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_1_1; } // generators+=LCExpr public Assignment getGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_1_2() { return cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_1_2; } // LCExpr public RuleCall getGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_1_2_0() { return cGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_1_2_0; } // ("," generators+=LCExpr)* public Group getGroup_1_1_2_1_3() { return cGroup_1_1_2_1_3; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_1_2_1_3_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_1_2_1_3_0; } // generators+=LCExpr public Assignment getGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_1_3_1() { return cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_1_3_1; } // LCExpr public RuleCall getGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_1_3_1_0() { return cGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_1_3_1_0; } // "]" public Keyword getRightSquareBracketKeyword_2() { return cRightSquareBracketKeyword_2; } } public class TupleElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Tuple"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Action cErlTupleAction_1_0 = (Action) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Assignment cElementsAssignment_1_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cElementsAssignment_1_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_1_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(2); // Tuple returns ErlTuple: // "{" ({ErlTuple} | elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)*) // "}"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "{" ({ErlTuple} | elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)*) // "}" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "{" public Keyword getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0() { return cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0; } // {ErlTuple} | elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)* public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // {ErlTuple} public Action getErlTupleAction_1_0() { return cErlTupleAction_1_0; } // elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)* public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // elements+=Expression public Assignment getElementsAssignment_1_1_0() { return cElementsAssignment_1_1_0; } // Expression public RuleCall getElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0() { return cElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0; } // ("," elements+=Expression)* public Group getGroup_1_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0; } // elements+=Expression public Assignment getElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1() { return cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0() { return cElementsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0; } // "}" public Keyword getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2() { return cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2; } } public class BinaryOrComprehensionElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "BinaryOrComprehension"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLessThanSignLessThanSignKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Action cErlBinaryAction_1_0 = (Action) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Assignment cElementsAssignment_1_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cElementsBinaryItemParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cElementsAssignment_1_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_1_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cElementsBinaryItemParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_2 = (Group) cGroup_1_1.eContents() .get(2); private final Action cBinaryComprehensionRootAction_1_1_2_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_1_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cVerticalLineVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_2 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_2 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_2_0 = (RuleCall) cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1_2_3 = (Group) cGroup_1_1_2.eContents() .get(3); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_1_2_3_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1_2_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_3_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1_2_3 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_3_1_0 = (RuleCall) cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cGreaterThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(2); // BinaryOrComprehension returns ErlBinary: // "<<" ({ErlBinary} | elements+=BinaryItem ("," elements+=BinaryItem)* // ({BinaryComprehension.root=current} "||" // generators+=LCExpr ("," generators+=LCExpr)*)?) ">>"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "<<" ({ErlBinary} | elements+=BinaryItem ("," elements+=BinaryItem)* // ({BinaryComprehension.root=current} "||" // generators+=LCExpr ("," generators+=LCExpr)*)?) ">>" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "<<" public Keyword getLessThanSignLessThanSignKeyword_0() { return cLessThanSignLessThanSignKeyword_0; } // {ErlBinary} | elements+=BinaryItem ("," elements+=BinaryItem)* // ({BinaryComprehension.root=current} "||" // generators+=LCExpr ("," generators+=LCExpr)*)? public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // {ErlBinary} public Action getErlBinaryAction_1_0() { return cErlBinaryAction_1_0; } // elements+=BinaryItem ("," elements+=BinaryItem)* // ({BinaryComprehension.root=current} "||" generators+=LCExpr ("," // generators+=LCExpr)*)? public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // elements+=BinaryItem public Assignment getElementsAssignment_1_1_0() { return cElementsAssignment_1_1_0; } // BinaryItem public RuleCall getElementsBinaryItemParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0() { return cElementsBinaryItemParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0; } // ("," elements+=BinaryItem)* public Group getGroup_1_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_1_1_0; } // elements+=BinaryItem public Assignment getElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1() { return cElementsAssignment_1_1_1_1; } // BinaryItem public RuleCall getElementsBinaryItemParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0() { return cElementsBinaryItemParserRuleCall_1_1_1_1_0; } // ({BinaryComprehension.root=current} "||" generators+=LCExpr ("," // generators+=LCExpr)*)? public Group getGroup_1_1_2() { return cGroup_1_1_2; } // {BinaryComprehension.root=current} public Action getBinaryComprehensionRootAction_1_1_2_0() { return cBinaryComprehensionRootAction_1_1_2_0; } // "||" public Keyword getVerticalLineVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_1() { return cVerticalLineVerticalLineKeyword_1_1_2_1; } // generators+=LCExpr public Assignment getGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_2() { return cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_2; } // LCExpr public RuleCall getGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_2_0() { return cGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_2_0; } // ("," generators+=LCExpr)* public Group getGroup_1_1_2_3() { return cGroup_1_1_2_3; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_1_2_3_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_1_2_3_0; } // generators+=LCExpr public Assignment getGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_3_1() { return cGeneratorsAssignment_1_1_2_3_1; } // LCExpr public RuleCall getGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_3_1_0() { return cGeneratorsLCExprParserRuleCall_1_1_2_3_1_0; } // ">>" public Keyword getGreaterThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_2() { return cGreaterThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_2; } } public class BinaryItemElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "BinaryItem"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cExprAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cExprUnaryExprMaxParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cExprAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cSizeAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cSizeExprMaxParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cSizeAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cSolidusKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypesAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypesBitTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypesAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2_2 = (Group) cGroup_2.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusKeyword_2_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_2_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypeBitTypeParserRuleCall_2_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_2_2_1 .eContents().get(0); // BinaryItem: // expr=UnaryExprMax (":" size=ExprMax)? ("/" types+=BitType ("-" // type+=BitType)*)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // expr=UnaryExprMax (":" size=ExprMax)? ("/" types+=BitType ("-" // type+=BitType)*)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // expr=UnaryExprMax public Assignment getExprAssignment_0() { return cExprAssignment_0; } // UnaryExprMax public RuleCall getExprUnaryExprMaxParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cExprUnaryExprMaxParserRuleCall_0_0; } // (=> ":" size=ExprMax)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // => ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_1_0() { return cColonKeyword_1_0; } // size=ExprMax public Assignment getSizeAssignment_1_1() { return cSizeAssignment_1_1; } // ExprMax public RuleCall getSizeExprMaxParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cSizeExprMaxParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } // (=> "/" types+=BitType ("-" type+=BitType)*)? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // => "/" public Keyword getSolidusKeyword_2_0() { return cSolidusKeyword_2_0; } // types+=BitType public Assignment getTypesAssignment_2_1() { return cTypesAssignment_2_1; } // BitType public RuleCall getTypesBitTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cTypesBitTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } // ("-" type+=BitType)* public Group getGroup_2_2() { return cGroup_2_2; } // "-" public Keyword getHyphenMinusKeyword_2_2_0() { return cHyphenMinusKeyword_2_2_0; } // type+=BitType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_2_2_1() { return cTypeAssignment_2_2_1; } // BitType public RuleCall getTypeBitTypeParserRuleCall_2_2_1_0() { return cTypeBitTypeParserRuleCall_2_2_1_0; } } public class BitTypeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "BitType"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeNameAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final CrossReference cTypeNameAtomRefTargetCrossReference_0_0 = (CrossReference) cTypeNameAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeNameAtomRefTargetNAMEMACROParserRuleCall_0_0_1 = (RuleCall) cTypeNameAtomRefTargetCrossReference_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cSizeAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cSizeIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cSizeAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // BitType: // typeName=[AtomRefTarget|NAMEMACRO] (":" size=IntVarMacro)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // typeName=[AtomRefTarget|NAMEMACRO] (":" size=IntVarMacro)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // typeName=[AtomRefTarget|NAMEMACRO] public Assignment getTypeNameAssignment_0() { return cTypeNameAssignment_0; } // [AtomRefTarget|NAMEMACRO] public CrossReference getTypeNameAtomRefTargetCrossReference_0_0() { return cTypeNameAtomRefTargetCrossReference_0_0; } // NAMEMACRO public RuleCall getTypeNameAtomRefTargetNAMEMACROParserRuleCall_0_0_1() { return cTypeNameAtomRefTargetNAMEMACROParserRuleCall_0_0_1; } // (":" size=IntVarMacro)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_1_0() { return cColonKeyword_1_0; } // size=IntVarMacro public Assignment getSizeAssignment_1_1() { return cSizeAssignment_1_1; } // IntVarMacro public RuleCall getSizeIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cSizeIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class UnaryExprMaxElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "UnaryExprMax"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(0); private final Action cUnaryExprAction_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOperandAssignment_0_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOperandExprMaxParserRuleCall_0_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOperandAssignment_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cExprMaxParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // UnaryExprMax returns Expression: // {UnaryExpr} op=PREFIXOP operand=ExprMax | ExprMax; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {UnaryExpr} op=PREFIXOP operand=ExprMax | ExprMax public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // {UnaryExpr} op=PREFIXOP operand=ExprMax public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // {UnaryExpr} public Action getUnaryExprAction_0_0() { return cUnaryExprAction_0_0; } // op=PREFIXOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_0_1; } // PREFIXOP public RuleCall getOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0() { return cOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0; } // operand=ExprMax public Assignment getOperandAssignment_0_2() { return cOperandAssignment_0_2; } // ExprMax public RuleCall getOperandExprMaxParserRuleCall_0_2_0() { return cOperandExprMaxParserRuleCall_0_2_0; } // ExprMax public RuleCall getExprMaxParserRuleCall_1() { return cExprMaxParserRuleCall_1; } } public class LCExprElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "LCExpr"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cO1Assignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cO1ExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cO1Assignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Alternatives cOpAlternatives_1_0_0 = (Alternatives) cOpAssignment_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cOpLessThanSignHyphenMinusKeyword_1_0_0_0 = (Keyword) cOpAlternatives_1_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cOpLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_1 = (Keyword) cOpAlternatives_1_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cO2Assignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cO2ExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cO2Assignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // LCExpr: // o1=Expression (op=("<-" | "<=") o2=Expression)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // o1=Expression (op=("<-" | "<=") o2=Expression)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // o1=Expression public Assignment getO1Assignment_0() { return cO1Assignment_0; } // Expression public RuleCall getO1ExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cO1ExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0; } // (op=("<-" | "<=") o2=Expression)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // op=("<-" | "<=") public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_0() { return cOpAssignment_1_0; } // "<-" | "<=" public Alternatives getOpAlternatives_1_0_0() { return cOpAlternatives_1_0_0; } // "<-" public Keyword getOpLessThanSignHyphenMinusKeyword_1_0_0_0() { return cOpLessThanSignHyphenMinusKeyword_1_0_0_0; } // "<=" public Keyword getOpLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_1() { return cOpLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_1; } // o2=Expression public Assignment getO2Assignment_1_1() { return cO2Assignment_1_1; } // Expression public RuleCall getO2ExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cO2ExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class ADDOPElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ADDOP"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cPlusSignKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cBorKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cBxorKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cBslKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cBsrKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cOrKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(6); private final Keyword cXorKeyword_7 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(7); // // Operators // ADDOP: // "+" | "-" | "bor" | "bxor" | "bsl" | "bsr" | "or" | "xor"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "+" | "-" | "bor" | "bxor" | "bsl" | "bsr" | "or" | "xor" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // "+" public Keyword getPlusSignKeyword_0() { return cPlusSignKeyword_0; } // "-" public Keyword getHyphenMinusKeyword_1() { return cHyphenMinusKeyword_1; } // "bor" public Keyword getBorKeyword_2() { return cBorKeyword_2; } // "bxor" public Keyword getBxorKeyword_3() { return cBxorKeyword_3; } // "bsl" public Keyword getBslKeyword_4() { return cBslKeyword_4; } // "bsr" public Keyword getBsrKeyword_5() { return cBsrKeyword_5; } // "or" public Keyword getOrKeyword_6() { return cOrKeyword_6; } // "xor" public Keyword getXorKeyword_7() { return cXorKeyword_7; } } public class MULTOPElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "MULTOP"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cAsteriskKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cSolidusKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cDivKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cRemKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cBandKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cAndKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(5); // MULTOP: // "*" | "/" | "div" | "rem" | "band" | "and"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "*" | "/" | "div" | "rem" | "band" | "and" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // "*" public Keyword getAsteriskKeyword_0() { return cAsteriskKeyword_0; } // "/" public Keyword getSolidusKeyword_1() { return cSolidusKeyword_1; } // "div" public Keyword getDivKeyword_2() { return cDivKeyword_2; } // "rem" public Keyword getRemKeyword_3() { return cRemKeyword_3; } // "band" public Keyword getBandKeyword_4() { return cBandKeyword_4; } // "and" public Keyword getAndKeyword_5() { return cAndKeyword_5; } } public class PREFIXOPElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "PREFIXOP"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cPlusSignKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cBnotKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cNotKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); // PREFIXOP: // "+" | "-" | "bnot" | "not"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "+" | "-" | "bnot" | "not" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // "+" public Keyword getPlusSignKeyword_0() { return cPlusSignKeyword_0; } // "-" public Keyword getHyphenMinusKeyword_1() { return cHyphenMinusKeyword_1; } // "bnot" public Keyword getBnotKeyword_2() { return cBnotKeyword_2; } // "not" public Keyword getNotKeyword_3() { return cNotKeyword_3; } } public class LISTOPElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "LISTOP"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cPlusSignPlusSignKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusHyphenMinusKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // LISTOP: // "++" | "--"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "++" | "--" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // "++" public Keyword getPlusSignPlusSignKeyword_0() { return cPlusSignPlusSignKeyword_0; } // "--" public Keyword getHyphenMinusHyphenMinusKeyword_1() { return cHyphenMinusHyphenMinusKeyword_1; } } public class COMPOPElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "COMPOP"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cEqualsSignEqualsSignKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cSolidusEqualsSignKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cEqualsSignLessThanSignKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cLessThanSignKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cGreaterThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cGreaterThanSignKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cEqualsSignColonEqualsSignKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(6); private final Keyword cEqualsSignSolidusEqualsSignKeyword_7 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(7); // COMPOP: // "==" | "/=" | "=<" | "<" | ">=" | ">" | "=:=" | "=/="; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "==" | "/=" | "=<" | "<" | ">=" | ">" | "=:=" | "=/=" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // "==" public Keyword getEqualsSignEqualsSignKeyword_0() { return cEqualsSignEqualsSignKeyword_0; } // "/=" public Keyword getSolidusEqualsSignKeyword_1() { return cSolidusEqualsSignKeyword_1; } // "=<" public Keyword getEqualsSignLessThanSignKeyword_2() { return cEqualsSignLessThanSignKeyword_2; } // "<" public Keyword getLessThanSignKeyword_3() { return cLessThanSignKeyword_3; } // ">=" public Keyword getGreaterThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_4() { return cGreaterThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_4; } // ">" public Keyword getGreaterThanSignKeyword_5() { return cGreaterThanSignKeyword_5; } // "=:=" public Keyword getEqualsSignColonEqualsSignKeyword_6() { return cEqualsSignColonEqualsSignKeyword_6; } // "=/=" public Keyword getEqualsSignSolidusEqualsSignKeyword_7() { return cEqualsSignSolidusEqualsSignKeyword_7; } } public class SENDOPElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "SENDOP"); private final Keyword cExclamationMarkKeyword = (Keyword) rule .eContents().get(1); // SENDOP: // "!"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "!" public Keyword getExclamationMarkKeyword() { return cExclamationMarkKeyword; } } public class ModuleVarMacroElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ModuleVarMacro"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cModuleRefParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // // Literal combinations // ModuleVarMacro returns Expression: // ModuleRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ModuleRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // ModuleRef public RuleCall getModuleRefParserRuleCall_0() { return cModuleRefParserRuleCall_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1() { return cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1; } // MacroLiteral public RuleCall getMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2() { return cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2; } } public class FunctionVarMacroElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FunctionVarMacro"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFunctionRefParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // FunctionVarMacro returns Expression: // FunctionRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // FunctionRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // FunctionRef public RuleCall getFunctionRefParserRuleCall_0() { return cFunctionRefParserRuleCall_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1() { return cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1; } // MacroLiteral public RuleCall getMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2() { return cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2; } } public class RecordVarMacroElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordVarMacro"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRecordRefParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // RecordVarMacro returns Expression: // RecordRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // RecordRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // RecordRef public RuleCall getRecordRefParserRuleCall_0() { return cRecordRefParserRuleCall_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1() { return cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1; } // MacroLiteral public RuleCall getMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2() { return cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2; } } public class RecordFieldVarMacroElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RecordFieldVarMacro"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRecordFieldRefParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // RecordFieldVarMacro returns Expression: // RecordFieldRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // RecordFieldRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // RecordFieldRef public RuleCall getRecordFieldRefParserRuleCall_0() { return cRecordFieldRefParserRuleCall_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1() { return cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1; } // MacroLiteral public RuleCall getMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2() { return cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2; } } public class TypeVarMacroElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TypeVarMacro"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypeRefParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // TypeVarMacro returns Expression: // TypeRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // TypeRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // TypeRef public RuleCall getTypeRefParserRuleCall_0() { return cTypeRefParserRuleCall_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1() { return cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1; } // MacroLiteral public RuleCall getMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2() { return cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2; } } public class IntVarMacroElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "IntVarMacro"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cIntegerLiteralParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // IntVarMacro returns Expression: // IntegerLiteral | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // IntegerLiteral | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // IntegerLiteral public RuleCall getIntegerLiteralParserRuleCall_0() { return cIntegerLiteralParserRuleCall_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1() { return cVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1; } // MacroLiteral public RuleCall getMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2() { return cMacroLiteralParserRuleCall_2; } } public class NAMEElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "NAME"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cATOMTerminalRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cKWParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // // Literals // NAME: // ATOM | KW; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ATOM | KW public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // ATOM public RuleCall getATOMTerminalRuleCall_0() { return cATOMTerminalRuleCall_0; } // KW public RuleCall getKWParserRuleCall_1() { return cKWParserRuleCall_1; } } public class NAMEVARElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "NAMEVAR"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cATOMTerminalRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cKWParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // NAMEVAR: // ATOM | KW | VARIABLE; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ATOM | KW | VARIABLE public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // ATOM public RuleCall getATOMTerminalRuleCall_0() { return cATOMTerminalRuleCall_0; } // KW public RuleCall getKWParserRuleCall_1() { return cKWParserRuleCall_1; } // VARIABLE public RuleCall getVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2() { return cVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2; } } public class MACROElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "MACRO"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_0 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cQuestionMarkKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cQuestionMarkQuestionMarkKeyword_0_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_1 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cATOMTerminalRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cKW1ParserRuleCall_1_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_1_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_1 .eContents().get(2); // MACRO: // ("?" | "??") (ATOM | KW1 | VARIABLE); @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ("?" | "??") (ATOM | KW1 | VARIABLE) public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "?" | "??" public Alternatives getAlternatives_0() { return cAlternatives_0; } // "?" public Keyword getQuestionMarkKeyword_0_0() { return cQuestionMarkKeyword_0_0; } // "??" public Keyword getQuestionMarkQuestionMarkKeyword_0_1() { return cQuestionMarkQuestionMarkKeyword_0_1; } // ATOM | KW1 | VARIABLE public Alternatives getAlternatives_1() { return cAlternatives_1; } // ATOM public RuleCall getATOMTerminalRuleCall_1_0() { return cATOMTerminalRuleCall_1_0; } // KW1 public RuleCall getKW1ParserRuleCall_1_1() { return cKW1ParserRuleCall_1_1; } // VARIABLE public RuleCall getVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_1_2() { return cVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_1_2; } } public class NAMEVARMACROElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "NAMEVARMACRO"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cATOMTerminalRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cKWParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cMACROParserRuleCall_3 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); // NAMEVARMACRO: // ATOM | KW | VARIABLE | MACRO; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ATOM | KW | VARIABLE | MACRO public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // ATOM public RuleCall getATOMTerminalRuleCall_0() { return cATOMTerminalRuleCall_0; } // KW public RuleCall getKWParserRuleCall_1() { return cKWParserRuleCall_1; } // VARIABLE public RuleCall getVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2() { return cVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2; } // MACRO public RuleCall getMACROParserRuleCall_3() { return cMACROParserRuleCall_3; } } public class NAMEMACROElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "NAMEMACRO"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cATOMTerminalRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cKWParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cMACROParserRuleCall_2 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); // NAMEMACRO: // ATOM | KW | MACRO; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // ATOM | KW | MACRO public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // ATOM public RuleCall getATOMTerminalRuleCall_0() { return cATOMTerminalRuleCall_0; } // KW public RuleCall getKWParserRuleCall_1() { return cKWParserRuleCall_1; } // MACRO public RuleCall getMACROParserRuleCall_2() { return cMACROParserRuleCall_2; } } public class KWElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "KW"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cKW1ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLineKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // KW: // KW1 | "line"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // KW1 | "line" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // KW1 public RuleCall getKW1ParserRuleCall_0() { return cKW1ParserRuleCall_0; } // "line" public Keyword getLineKeyword_1() { return cLineKeyword_1; } } public class KW1Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "KW1"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cSpecKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cEndifKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cIfdefKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cIfndefKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cTypeKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cOpaqueKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cRecordKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(6); private final Keyword cUndefKeyword_7 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(7); private final Keyword cModuleKeyword_8 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(8); private final Keyword cIncludeKeyword_9 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(9); private final Keyword cInclude_libKeyword_10 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(10); private final Keyword cDefineKeyword_11 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(11); private final Keyword cFileKeyword_12 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(12); private final Keyword cCallbackKeyword_13 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(13); private final Keyword cElseKeyword_14 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(14); private final Keyword cExportKeyword_15 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(15); private final Keyword cImportKeyword_16 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(16); private final Keyword cCompileKeyword_17 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(17); private final Keyword cEncodingKeyword_18 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(18); // KW1: // "spec" | "endif" | "ifdef" | "ifndef" | "type" | "opaque" | "record" // | "undef" | "module" | "include" | "include_lib" // | "define" | "file" | "callback" | "else" | "export" | "import" | // "compile" | "encoding"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "spec" | "endif" | "ifdef" | "ifndef" | "type" | "opaque" | "record" // | "undef" | "module" | "include" | "include_lib" | // "define" | "file" | "callback" | "else" | "export" | "import" | // "compile" | "encoding" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // "spec" public Keyword getSpecKeyword_0() { return cSpecKeyword_0; } // "endif" public Keyword getEndifKeyword_1() { return cEndifKeyword_1; } // "ifdef" public Keyword getIfdefKeyword_2() { return cIfdefKeyword_2; } // "ifndef" public Keyword getIfndefKeyword_3() { return cIfndefKeyword_3; } // "type" public Keyword getTypeKeyword_4() { return cTypeKeyword_4; } // "opaque" public Keyword getOpaqueKeyword_5() { return cOpaqueKeyword_5; } // "record" public Keyword getRecordKeyword_6() { return cRecordKeyword_6; } // "undef" public Keyword getUndefKeyword_7() { return cUndefKeyword_7; } // "module" public Keyword getModuleKeyword_8() { return cModuleKeyword_8; } // "include" public Keyword getIncludeKeyword_9() { return cIncludeKeyword_9; } // "include_lib" public Keyword getInclude_libKeyword_10() { return cInclude_libKeyword_10; } // "define" public Keyword getDefineKeyword_11() { return cDefineKeyword_11; } // "file" public Keyword getFileKeyword_12() { return cFileKeyword_12; } // "callback" public Keyword getCallbackKeyword_13() { return cCallbackKeyword_13; } // "else" public Keyword getElseKeyword_14() { return cElseKeyword_14; } // "export" public Keyword getExportKeyword_15() { return cExportKeyword_15; } // "import" public Keyword getImportKeyword_16() { return cImportKeyword_16; } // "compile" public Keyword getCompileKeyword_17() { return cCompileKeyword_17; } // "encoding" public Keyword getEncodingKeyword_18() { return cEncodingKeyword_18; } } public class RealKwElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "RealKw"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cAfterKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cAndKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cAndalsoKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cBandKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cBeginKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cBnotKeyword_5 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cBorKeyword_6 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(6); private final Keyword cBslKeyword_7 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(7); private final Keyword cBsrKeyword_8 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(8); private final Keyword cBxorKeyword_9 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(9); private final Keyword cCaseKeyword_10 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(10); private final Keyword cCatchKeyword_11 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(11); private final Keyword cCondKeyword_12 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(12); private final Keyword cDivKeyword_13 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(13); private final Keyword cEndKeyword_14 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(14); private final Keyword cFunKeyword_15 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(15); private final Keyword cIfKeyword_16 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(16); private final Keyword cLetKeyword_17 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(17); private final Keyword cNotKeyword_18 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(18); private final Keyword cOfKeyword_19 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(19); private final Keyword cOrKeyword_20 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(20); private final Keyword cOrelseKeyword_21 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(21); private final Keyword cQueryKeyword_22 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(22); private final Keyword cReceiveKeyword_23 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(23); private final Keyword cRemKeyword_24 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(24); private final Keyword cTryKeyword_25 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(25); private final Keyword cWhenKeyword_26 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(26); private final Keyword cXorKeyword_27 = (Keyword) cAlternatives .eContents().get(27); // RealKw: // "after" | "and" | "andalso" | "band" | "begin" | "bnot" | "bor" | // "bsl" | "bsr" | "bxor" | "case" | "catch" | "cond" // | "div" | "end" | "fun" | "if" | "let" | "not" | "of" | "or" | // "orelse" | "query" | "receive" | "rem" | "try" | // "when" | "xor"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "after" | "and" | "andalso" | "band" | "begin" | "bnot" | "bor" | // "bsl" | "bsr" | "bxor" | "case" | "catch" | "cond" | // "div" | "end" | "fun" | "if" | "let" | "not" | "of" | "or" | "orelse" // | "query" | "receive" | "rem" | "try" | "when" | // "xor" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // "after" public Keyword getAfterKeyword_0() { return cAfterKeyword_0; } // "and" public Keyword getAndKeyword_1() { return cAndKeyword_1; } // "andalso" public Keyword getAndalsoKeyword_2() { return cAndalsoKeyword_2; } // "band" public Keyword getBandKeyword_3() { return cBandKeyword_3; } // "begin" public Keyword getBeginKeyword_4() { return cBeginKeyword_4; } // "bnot" public Keyword getBnotKeyword_5() { return cBnotKeyword_5; } // "bor" public Keyword getBorKeyword_6() { return cBorKeyword_6; } // "bsl" public Keyword getBslKeyword_7() { return cBslKeyword_7; } // "bsr" public Keyword getBsrKeyword_8() { return cBsrKeyword_8; } // "bxor" public Keyword getBxorKeyword_9() { return cBxorKeyword_9; } // "case" public Keyword getCaseKeyword_10() { return cCaseKeyword_10; } // "catch" public Keyword getCatchKeyword_11() { return cCatchKeyword_11; } // "cond" public Keyword getCondKeyword_12() { return cCondKeyword_12; } // "div" public Keyword getDivKeyword_13() { return cDivKeyword_13; } // "end" public Keyword getEndKeyword_14() { return cEndKeyword_14; } // "fun" public Keyword getFunKeyword_15() { return cFunKeyword_15; } // "if" public Keyword getIfKeyword_16() { return cIfKeyword_16; } // "let" public Keyword getLetKeyword_17() { return cLetKeyword_17; } // "not" public Keyword getNotKeyword_18() { return cNotKeyword_18; } // "of" public Keyword getOfKeyword_19() { return cOfKeyword_19; } // "or" public Keyword getOrKeyword_20() { return cOrKeyword_20; } // "orelse" public Keyword getOrelseKeyword_21() { return cOrelseKeyword_21; } // "query" public Keyword getQueryKeyword_22() { return cQueryKeyword_22; } // "receive" public Keyword getReceiveKeyword_23() { return cReceiveKeyword_23; } // "rem" public Keyword getRemKeyword_24() { return cRemKeyword_24; } // "try" public Keyword getTryKeyword_25() { return cTryKeyword_25; } // "when" public Keyword getWhenKeyword_26() { return cWhenKeyword_26; } // "xor" public Keyword getXorKeyword_27() { return cXorKeyword_27; } } public class INTEGERElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "INTEGER"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cINTTerminalRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cBASED_INTTerminalRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // INTEGER: // INT | BASED_INT; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // INT | BASED_INT public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // INT public RuleCall getINTTerminalRuleCall_0() { return cINTTerminalRuleCall_0; } // BASED_INT public RuleCall getBASED_INTTerminalRuleCall_1() { return cBASED_INTTerminalRuleCall_1; } } public class FLOATElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FLOAT"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cINTTerminalRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cFullStopKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(1); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_2 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cEXT_INTTerminalRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cINTTerminalRuleCall_2_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives_2 .eContents().get(1); // FLOAT hidden(): // INT "." (EXT_INT | INT); @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // INT "." (EXT_INT | INT) public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // INT public RuleCall getINTTerminalRuleCall_0() { return cINTTerminalRuleCall_0; } // "." public Keyword getFullStopKeyword_1() { return cFullStopKeyword_1; } // EXT_INT | INT public Alternatives getAlternatives_2() { return cAlternatives_2; } // EXT_INT public RuleCall getEXT_INTTerminalRuleCall_2_0() { return cEXT_INTTerminalRuleCall_2_0; } // INT public RuleCall getINTTerminalRuleCall_2_1() { return cINTTerminalRuleCall_2_1; } } public class SpecFunElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "SpecFun"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cModuleAssignment_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cModuleAssignment_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_0_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cFunctionAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFunctionFunctionVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cFunctionAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cSolidusKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cArityAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cArityIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cArityAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonColonKeyword_2_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_2 .eContents().get(2); // // Type language // SpecFun returns FunRef: // (module=ModuleVarMacro ":")? function=FunctionVarMacro ("/" // arity=IntVarMacro "::")?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // (module=ModuleVarMacro ":")? function=FunctionVarMacro ("/" // arity=IntVarMacro "::")? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // (module=ModuleVarMacro ":")? public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // module=ModuleVarMacro public Assignment getModuleAssignment_0_0() { return cModuleAssignment_0_0; } // ModuleVarMacro public RuleCall getModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0_0() { return cModuleModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_0_0_0; } // ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_0_1() { return cColonKeyword_0_1; } // function=FunctionVarMacro public Assignment getFunctionAssignment_1() { return cFunctionAssignment_1; } // FunctionVarMacro public RuleCall getFunctionFunctionVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cFunctionFunctionVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_0; } // ("/" arity=IntVarMacro "::")? public Group getGroup_2() { return cGroup_2; } // "/" public Keyword getSolidusKeyword_2_0() { return cSolidusKeyword_2_0; } // arity=IntVarMacro public Assignment getArityAssignment_2_1() { return cArityAssignment_2_1; } // IntVarMacro public RuleCall getArityIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cArityIntVarMacroParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } // "::" public Keyword getColonColonKeyword_2_2() { return cColonColonKeyword_2_2; } } public class TypeSigElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TypeSig"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cDeclAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cDeclFunTypeParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cDeclAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cWhenKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cGuardsAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cGuardsTypeGuardsParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cGuardsAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // TypeSig: // decl=FunType ("when" guards=TypeGuards)?; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // decl=FunType ("when" guards=TypeGuards)? public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // decl=FunType public Assignment getDeclAssignment_0() { return cDeclAssignment_0; } // FunType public RuleCall getDeclFunTypeParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cDeclFunTypeParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ("when" guards=TypeGuards)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // "when" public Keyword getWhenKeyword_1_0() { return cWhenKeyword_1_0; } // guards=TypeGuards public Assignment getGuardsAssignment_1_1() { return cGuardsAssignment_1_1; } // TypeGuards public RuleCall getGuardsTypeGuardsParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cGuardsTypeGuardsParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class FunTypeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FunType"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_1.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_2 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Assignment cReturnAssignment_4 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final RuleCall cReturnTopTypeParserRuleCall_4_0 = (RuleCall) cReturnAssignment_4 .eContents().get(0); // FunType: // "(" (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? ")" "->" return=TopType; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "(" (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? ")" "->" return=TopType public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_0; } // (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // args+=TopType public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_0() { return cArgsAssignment_1_0; } // TopType public RuleCall getArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_0_0() { return cArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_0_0; } // ("," args+=TopType)* public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_1_0; } // args+=TopType public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_1_1() { return cArgsAssignment_1_1_1; } // TopType public RuleCall getArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0() { return cArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_1_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_2() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_2; } // "->" public Keyword getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3() { return cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3; } // return=TopType public Assignment getReturnAssignment_4() { return cReturnAssignment_4; } // TopType public RuleCall getReturnTopTypeParserRuleCall_4_0() { return cReturnTopTypeParserRuleCall_4_0; } } public class TypeGuardsElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TypeGuards"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cItemsAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cItemsTypeGuardParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cItemsAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cItemsAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cItemsTypeGuardParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cItemsAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // TypeGuards: // items+=TypeGuard ("," items+=TypeGuard)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // items+=TypeGuard ("," items+=TypeGuard)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // items+=TypeGuard public Assignment getItemsAssignment_0() { return cItemsAssignment_0; } // TypeGuard public RuleCall getItemsTypeGuardParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cItemsTypeGuardParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ("," items+=TypeGuard)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_0; } // items+=TypeGuard public Assignment getItemsAssignment_1_1() { return cItemsAssignment_1_1; } // TypeGuard public RuleCall getItemsTypeGuardParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cItemsTypeGuardParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class TypeGuardElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TypeGuard"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypeNameAssignment_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeNameTypeRefParserRuleCall_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeNameAssignment_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypesAssignment_0_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_2_0 = (RuleCall) cTypesAssignment_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_0_3 = (Group) cGroup_0.eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_0_3_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_0_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypesAssignment_0_3_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_0_3 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_3_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypesAssignment_0_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_0_4 = (Keyword) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(4); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeNameAssignment_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeNameAssignment_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonColonKeyword_1_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); // TypeGuard: // typeName=TypeRef "(" types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)* ")" | // typeName=VariableLiteral "::" type=TopType; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // typeName=TypeRef "(" types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)* ")" | // typeName=VariableLiteral "::" type=TopType public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // typeName=TypeRef "(" types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)* ")" public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // typeName=TypeRef public Assignment getTypeNameAssignment_0_0() { return cTypeNameAssignment_0_0; } // TypeRef public RuleCall getTypeNameTypeRefParserRuleCall_0_0_0() { return cTypeNameTypeRefParserRuleCall_0_0_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_1; } // types+=TopType public Assignment getTypesAssignment_0_2() { return cTypesAssignment_0_2; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_2_0() { return cTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_2_0; } // ("," types+=TopType)* public Group getGroup_0_3() { return cGroup_0_3; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_0_3_0() { return cCommaKeyword_0_3_0; } // types+=TopType public Assignment getTypesAssignment_0_3_1() { return cTypesAssignment_0_3_1; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_3_1_0() { return cTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_3_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_0_4() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_0_4; } // typeName=VariableLiteral "::" type=TopType public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // typeName=VariableLiteral public Assignment getTypeNameAssignment_1_0() { return cTypeNameAssignment_1_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1_0_0() { return cTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_1_0_0; } // "::" public Keyword getColonColonKeyword_1_1() { return cColonColonKeyword_1_1; } // type=TopType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_1_2() { return cTypeAssignment_1_2; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } } public class TopTypeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "TopType"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cVarAssignment_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cVarVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cVarAssignment_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonColonKeyword_0_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_1 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypeType100ParserRuleCall_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_1 .eContents().get(0); // TopType: // (var=VARIABLE "::")? type=Type100; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // (var=VARIABLE "::")? type=Type100 public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // (var=VARIABLE "::")? public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // var=VARIABLE public Assignment getVarAssignment_0_0() { return cVarAssignment_0_0; } // VARIABLE public RuleCall getVarVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_0_0_0() { return cVarVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_0_0_0; } // "::" public Keyword getColonColonKeyword_0_1() { return cColonColonKeyword_0_1; } // type=Type100 public Assignment getTypeAssignment_1() { return cTypeAssignment_1; } // Type100 public RuleCall getTypeType100ParserRuleCall_1_0() { return cTypeType100ParserRuleCall_1_0; } } public class Type100Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Type100"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cType200ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cGroup_1.eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_0_0 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(0); private final Action cTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cOpVerticalLineKeyword_1_0_0_1_0 = (Keyword) cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cRightOperandAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRightOperandType200ParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cRightOperandAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // Type100: // Type200 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="|") // rightOperand=Type200)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Type200 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="|") // rightOperand=Type200)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Type200 public RuleCall getType200ParserRuleCall_0() { return cType200ParserRuleCall_0; } // (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="|") rightOperand=Type200)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // => ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="|") public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // {TopType.leftOperand=current} op="|" public Group getGroup_1_0_0() { return cGroup_1_0_0; } // {TopType.leftOperand=current} public Action getTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0() { return cTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0; } // op="|" public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_0_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1; } // "|" public Keyword getOpVerticalLineKeyword_1_0_0_1_0() { return cOpVerticalLineKeyword_1_0_0_1_0; } // rightOperand=Type200 public Assignment getRightOperandAssignment_1_1() { return cRightOperandAssignment_1_1; } // Type200 public RuleCall getRightOperandType200ParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cRightOperandType200ParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class Type200Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Type200"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cType300ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cGroup_1.eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_0_0 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(0); private final Action cTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cOpFullStopFullStopKeyword_1_0_0_1_0 = (Keyword) cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cRightOperandAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRightOperandType300ParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cRightOperandAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // Type200: // Type300 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="..") // rightOperand=Type300)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Type300 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="..") // rightOperand=Type300)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Type300 public RuleCall getType300ParserRuleCall_0() { return cType300ParserRuleCall_0; } // (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="..") rightOperand=Type300)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // => ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="..") public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // {TopType.leftOperand=current} op=".." public Group getGroup_1_0_0() { return cGroup_1_0_0; } // {TopType.leftOperand=current} public Action getTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0() { return cTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0; } // op=".." public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_0_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1; } // ".." public Keyword getOpFullStopFullStopKeyword_1_0_0_1_0() { return cOpFullStopFullStopKeyword_1_0_0_1_0; } // rightOperand=Type300 public Assignment getRightOperandAssignment_1_1() { return cRightOperandAssignment_1_1; } // Type300 public RuleCall getRightOperandType300ParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cRightOperandType300ParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class Type300Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Type300"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cType400ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cGroup_1.eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_0_0 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(0); private final Action cTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpADDOPParserRuleCall_1_0_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cRightOperandAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRightOperandType400ParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cRightOperandAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // Type300: // Type400 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=ADDOP) // rightOperand=Type400)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Type400 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=ADDOP) // rightOperand=Type400)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Type400 public RuleCall getType400ParserRuleCall_0() { return cType400ParserRuleCall_0; } // (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=ADDOP) rightOperand=Type400)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // => ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=ADDOP) public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // {TopType.leftOperand=current} op=ADDOP public Group getGroup_1_0_0() { return cGroup_1_0_0; } // {TopType.leftOperand=current} public Action getTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0() { return cTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0; } // op=ADDOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_0_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1; } // ADDOP public RuleCall getOpADDOPParserRuleCall_1_0_0_1_0() { return cOpADDOPParserRuleCall_1_0_0_1_0; } // rightOperand=Type400 public Assignment getRightOperandAssignment_1_1() { return cRightOperandAssignment_1_1; } // Type400 public RuleCall getRightOperandType400ParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cRightOperandType400ParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class Type400Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Type400"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cType500ParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cGroup.eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_1_0 = (Group) cGroup_1.eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_0_0 = (Group) cGroup_1_0.eContents() .get(0); private final Action cTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_1_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpMULTOPParserRuleCall_1_0_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cRightOperandAssignment_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cRightOperandType500ParserRuleCall_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cRightOperandAssignment_1_1 .eContents().get(0); // Type400: // Type500 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=MULTOP) // rightOperand=Type500)*; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // Type500 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=MULTOP) // rightOperand=Type500)* public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // Type500 public RuleCall getType500ParserRuleCall_0() { return cType500ParserRuleCall_0; } // (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=MULTOP) rightOperand=Type500)* public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // => ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=MULTOP) public Group getGroup_1_0() { return cGroup_1_0; } // {TopType.leftOperand=current} op=MULTOP public Group getGroup_1_0_0() { return cGroup_1_0_0; } // {TopType.leftOperand=current} public Action getTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0() { return cTopTypeLeftOperandAction_1_0_0_0; } // op=MULTOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_1_0_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_1_0_0_1; } // MULTOP public RuleCall getOpMULTOPParserRuleCall_1_0_0_1_0() { return cOpMULTOPParserRuleCall_1_0_0_1_0; } // rightOperand=Type500 public Assignment getRightOperandAssignment_1_1() { return cRightOperandAssignment_1_1; } // Type500 public RuleCall getRightOperandType500ParserRuleCall_1_1_0() { return cRightOperandType500ParserRuleCall_1_1_0; } } public class Type500Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Type500"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(0); private final Action cUnaryTypeAction_0_0 = (Action) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOpAssignment_0_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0 = (RuleCall) cOpAssignment_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cOperandAssignment_0_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cOperandTypeParserRuleCall_0_2_0 = (RuleCall) cOperandAssignment_0_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeParserRuleCall_1 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(1); // Type500: // {UnaryType} op=PREFIXOP operand=Type | Type; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {UnaryType} op=PREFIXOP operand=Type | Type public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // {UnaryType} op=PREFIXOP operand=Type public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // {UnaryType} public Action getUnaryTypeAction_0_0() { return cUnaryTypeAction_0_0; } // op=PREFIXOP public Assignment getOpAssignment_0_1() { return cOpAssignment_0_1; } // PREFIXOP public RuleCall getOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0() { return cOpPREFIXOPParserRuleCall_0_1_0; } // operand=Type public Assignment getOperandAssignment_0_2() { return cOperandAssignment_0_2; } // Type public RuleCall getOperandTypeParserRuleCall_0_2_0() { return cOperandTypeParserRuleCall_0_2_0; } // Type public RuleCall getTypeParserRuleCall_1() { return cTypeParserRuleCall_1; } } public class TypeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "Type"); private final Alternatives cAlternatives = (Alternatives) rule .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_0 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_1 = (RuleCall) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_0_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_0 .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_1 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(1); private final Action cRemoteTypeAction_1_0 = (Action) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_1.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cMAssignment_1_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cMModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cMAssignment_1_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_1_1_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeNameAssignment_1_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_1 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cTypeNameTypeRefParserRuleCall_1_2_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeNameAssignment_1_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_3 = (Group) cGroup_1.eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_3_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_3_1 = (Group) cGroup_1_3.eContents() .get(1); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_3_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_3_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_3_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_3_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_1_3_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_1_3_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_1_3_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_3_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cArgsAssignment_1_3_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_1_3_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_3_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cArgsAssignment_1_3_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_3_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_1_3 .eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cTypeNameAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cAlternatives .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeNameAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cValueAssignment_3 = (Assignment) cAlternatives .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cValueINTEGERParserRuleCall_3_0 = (RuleCall) cValueAssignment_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_4 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(4); private final Keyword cLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_4 .eContents().get(0); private final Action cListTypeAction_4_1 = (Action) cGroup_4 .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_4_2 = (Group) cGroup_4.eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_4_2_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_4_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_4_2_0_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_4_2_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_4_2_1 = (Group) cGroup_4_2.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_4_2_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_4_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cFullStopFullStopFullStopKeyword_4_2_1_1 = (Keyword) cGroup_4_2_1 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cRightSquareBracketKeyword_4_3 = (Keyword) cGroup_4 .eContents().get(3); private final Group cGroup_5 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(5); private final Keyword cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_5_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_5 .eContents().get(0); private final Action cTupleTypeAction_5_1 = (Action) cGroup_5 .eContents().get(1); private final Group cGroup_5_2 = (Group) cGroup_5.eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cTypesAssignment_5_2_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_5_2 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_2_0_0 = (RuleCall) cTypesAssignment_5_2_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_5_2_1 = (Group) cGroup_5_2.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_5_2_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_5_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypesAssignment_5_2_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_5_2_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_2_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypesAssignment_5_2_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5_3 = (Keyword) cGroup_5 .eContents().get(3); private final Group cGroup_6 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(6); private final Keyword cNumberSignKeyword_6_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_6 .eContents().get(0); private final Action cRecordTypeAction_6_1 = (Action) cGroup_6 .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cRecAssignment_6_2 = (Assignment) cGroup_6 .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cRecRecordRefParserRuleCall_6_2_0 = (RuleCall) cRecAssignment_6_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_6_3 = (Keyword) cGroup_6 .eContents().get(3); private final Group cGroup_6_4 = (Group) cGroup_6.eContents().get(4); private final Assignment cFieldsAssignment_6_4_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_6_4 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cFieldsFieldTypeParserRuleCall_6_4_0_0 = (RuleCall) cFieldsAssignment_6_4_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_6_4_1 = (Group) cGroup_6_4.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_6_4_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_6_4_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cFieldsAssignment_6_4_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_6_4_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cFieldsFieldTypeParserRuleCall_6_4_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cFieldsAssignment_6_4_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_6_5 = (Keyword) cGroup_6 .eContents().get(5); private final RuleCall cBinaryTypeParserRuleCall_7 = (RuleCall) cAlternatives .eContents().get(7); private final Group cGroup_8 = (Group) cAlternatives.eContents().get(8); private final Keyword cFunKeyword_8_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_8.eContents() .get(0); private final Action cFunTypeAction_8_1 = (Action) cGroup_8.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_8_2 = (Keyword) cGroup_8 .eContents().get(2); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_8_3 = (Assignment) cGroup_8 .eContents().get(3); private final RuleCall cTypeFunType100ParserRuleCall_8_3_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_8_3 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_8_4 = (Keyword) cGroup_8 .eContents().get(4); // Type: // "(" TopType ")" | {RemoteType} (m=ModuleVarMacro ":")? // typeName=TypeRef ("(" (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? // ")")? | typeName=VariableLiteral | value=INTEGER | "[" {ListType} // (type=TopType ("," "...")?)? "]" | "{" {TupleType} // (types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)*)? "}" | "#" {RecordType} // rec=RecordRef "{" (fields+=FieldType ("," // fields+=FieldType)*)? "}" | BinaryType | "fun" {FunType} "(" // type=FunType100? ")"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "(" TopType ")" | {RemoteType} (m=ModuleVarMacro ":")? // typeName=TypeRef ("(" (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? ")")? // | typeName=VariableLiteral | value=INTEGER | "[" {ListType} // (type=TopType ("," "...")?)? "]" | "{" {TupleType} // (types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)*)? "}" | "#" {RecordType} // rec=RecordRef "{" (fields+=FieldType ("," // fields+=FieldType)*)? "}" | BinaryType | "fun" {FunType} "(" // type=FunType100? ")" public Alternatives getAlternatives() { return cAlternatives; } // "(" TopType ")" public Group getGroup_0() { return cGroup_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_0; } // TopType public RuleCall getTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_1() { return cTopTypeParserRuleCall_0_1; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_0_2() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_0_2; } // {RemoteType} (m=ModuleVarMacro ":")? typeName=TypeRef ("(" // (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? ")")? public Group getGroup_1() { return cGroup_1; } // {RemoteType} public Action getRemoteTypeAction_1_0() { return cRemoteTypeAction_1_0; } // (m=ModuleVarMacro ":")? public Group getGroup_1_1() { return cGroup_1_1; } // m=ModuleVarMacro public Assignment getMAssignment_1_1_0() { return cMAssignment_1_1_0; } // ModuleVarMacro public RuleCall getMModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0() { return cMModuleVarMacroParserRuleCall_1_1_0_0; } // ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_1_1_1() { return cColonKeyword_1_1_1; } // typeName=TypeRef public Assignment getTypeNameAssignment_1_2() { return cTypeNameAssignment_1_2; } // TypeRef public RuleCall getTypeNameTypeRefParserRuleCall_1_2_0() { return cTypeNameTypeRefParserRuleCall_1_2_0; } // ("(" (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? ")")? public Group getGroup_1_3() { return cGroup_1_3; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_3_0() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_3_0; } // (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? public Group getGroup_1_3_1() { return cGroup_1_3_1; } // args+=TopType public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_3_1_0() { return cArgsAssignment_1_3_1_0; } // TopType public RuleCall getArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_3_1_0_0() { return cArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_3_1_0_0; } // ("," args+=TopType)* public Group getGroup_1_3_1_1() { return cGroup_1_3_1_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_1_3_1_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_1_3_1_1_0; } // args+=TopType public Assignment getArgsAssignment_1_3_1_1_1() { return cArgsAssignment_1_3_1_1_1; } // TopType public RuleCall getArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_3_1_1_1_0() { return cArgsTopTypeParserRuleCall_1_3_1_1_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_3_2() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_1_3_2; } // typeName=VariableLiteral public Assignment getTypeNameAssignment_2() { return cTypeNameAssignment_2; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_2_0; } // value=INTEGER public Assignment getValueAssignment_3() { return cValueAssignment_3; } // INTEGER public RuleCall getValueINTEGERParserRuleCall_3_0() { return cValueINTEGERParserRuleCall_3_0; } // "[" {ListType} (type=TopType ("," "...")?)? "]" public Group getGroup_4() { return cGroup_4; } // "[" public Keyword getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_0() { return cLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_0; } // {ListType} public Action getListTypeAction_4_1() { return cListTypeAction_4_1; } // (type=TopType ("," "...")?)? public Group getGroup_4_2() { return cGroup_4_2; } // type=TopType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_4_2_0() { return cTypeAssignment_4_2_0; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_4_2_0_0() { return cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_4_2_0_0; } // ("," "...")? public Group getGroup_4_2_1() { return cGroup_4_2_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_4_2_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_4_2_1_0; } // "..." public Keyword getFullStopFullStopFullStopKeyword_4_2_1_1() { return cFullStopFullStopFullStopKeyword_4_2_1_1; } // "]" public Keyword getRightSquareBracketKeyword_4_3() { return cRightSquareBracketKeyword_4_3; } // "{" {TupleType} (types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)*)? "}" public Group getGroup_5() { return cGroup_5; } // "{" public Keyword getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_5_0() { return cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_5_0; } // {TupleType} public Action getTupleTypeAction_5_1() { return cTupleTypeAction_5_1; } // (types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)*)? public Group getGroup_5_2() { return cGroup_5_2; } // types+=TopType public Assignment getTypesAssignment_5_2_0() { return cTypesAssignment_5_2_0; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_2_0_0() { return cTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_2_0_0; } // ("," types+=TopType)* public Group getGroup_5_2_1() { return cGroup_5_2_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_5_2_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_5_2_1_0; } // types+=TopType public Assignment getTypesAssignment_5_2_1_1() { return cTypesAssignment_5_2_1_1; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_2_1_1_0() { return cTypesTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_2_1_1_0; } // "}" public Keyword getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5_3() { return cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5_3; } // "#" {RecordType} rec=RecordRef "{" (fields+=FieldType ("," // fields+=FieldType)*)? "}" public Group getGroup_6() { return cGroup_6; } // "#" public Keyword getNumberSignKeyword_6_0() { return cNumberSignKeyword_6_0; } // {RecordType} public Action getRecordTypeAction_6_1() { return cRecordTypeAction_6_1; } // rec=RecordRef public Assignment getRecAssignment_6_2() { return cRecAssignment_6_2; } // RecordRef public RuleCall getRecRecordRefParserRuleCall_6_2_0() { return cRecRecordRefParserRuleCall_6_2_0; } // "{" public Keyword getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_6_3() { return cLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_6_3; } // (fields+=FieldType ("," fields+=FieldType)*)? public Group getGroup_6_4() { return cGroup_6_4; } // fields+=FieldType public Assignment getFieldsAssignment_6_4_0() { return cFieldsAssignment_6_4_0; } // FieldType public RuleCall getFieldsFieldTypeParserRuleCall_6_4_0_0() { return cFieldsFieldTypeParserRuleCall_6_4_0_0; } // ("," fields+=FieldType)* public Group getGroup_6_4_1() { return cGroup_6_4_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_6_4_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_6_4_1_0; } // fields+=FieldType public Assignment getFieldsAssignment_6_4_1_1() { return cFieldsAssignment_6_4_1_1; } // FieldType public RuleCall getFieldsFieldTypeParserRuleCall_6_4_1_1_0() { return cFieldsFieldTypeParserRuleCall_6_4_1_1_0; } // "}" public Keyword getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_6_5() { return cRightCurlyBracketKeyword_6_5; } // BinaryType public RuleCall getBinaryTypeParserRuleCall_7() { return cBinaryTypeParserRuleCall_7; } // "fun" {FunType} "(" type=FunType100? ")" public Group getGroup_8() { return cGroup_8; } // "fun" public Keyword getFunKeyword_8_0() { return cFunKeyword_8_0; } // {FunType} public Action getFunTypeAction_8_1() { return cFunTypeAction_8_1; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_8_2() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_8_2; } // type=FunType100? public Assignment getTypeAssignment_8_3() { return cTypeAssignment_8_3; } // FunType100 public RuleCall getTypeFunType100ParserRuleCall_8_3_0() { return cTypeFunType100ParserRuleCall_8_3_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_8_4() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_8_4; } } public class FieldTypeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FieldType"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeNameAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final CrossReference cTypeNameTypeAttributeCrossReference_0_0 = (CrossReference) cTypeNameAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeNameTypeAttributeATOMTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1 = (RuleCall) cTypeNameTypeAttributeCrossReference_0_0 .eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cColonColonKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); // FieldType: // typeName=[TypeAttribute|ATOM] "::" type=TopType; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // typeName=[TypeAttribute|ATOM] "::" type=TopType public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // typeName=[TypeAttribute|ATOM] public Assignment getTypeNameAssignment_0() { return cTypeNameAssignment_0; } // [TypeAttribute|ATOM] public CrossReference getTypeNameTypeAttributeCrossReference_0_0() { return cTypeNameTypeAttributeCrossReference_0_0; } // ATOM public RuleCall getTypeNameTypeAttributeATOMTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1() { return cTypeNameTypeAttributeATOMTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1; } // "::" public Keyword getColonColonKeyword_1() { return cColonColonKeyword_1; } // type=TopType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_2() { return cTypeAssignment_2; } // TopType public RuleCall getTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cTypeTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_0; } } public class BinaryTypeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "BinaryType"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Keyword cLessThanSignLessThanSignKeyword_0 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final Action cBinaryTypeAction_1 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(1); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_2 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final Group cGroup_2_0 = (Group) cAlternatives_2.eContents() .get(0); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_2_0_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_2_0 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeBinBaseTypeParserRuleCall_2_0_0_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_2_0_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2_0_1 = (Group) cGroup_2_0.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_2_0_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2_0_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_2_0_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2_0_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypeBinUnitTypeParserRuleCall_2_0_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_2_0_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_2_1 = (Assignment) cAlternatives_2 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cTypeBinUnitTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cGreaterThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); // BinaryType: // "<<" {BinaryType} (type+=BinBaseType ("," type+=BinUnitType)? | // type+=BinUnitType)? ">>"; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // "<<" {BinaryType} (type+=BinBaseType ("," type+=BinUnitType)? | // type+=BinUnitType)? ">>" public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // "<<" public Keyword getLessThanSignLessThanSignKeyword_0() { return cLessThanSignLessThanSignKeyword_0; } // {BinaryType} public Action getBinaryTypeAction_1() { return cBinaryTypeAction_1; } // (type+=BinBaseType ("," type+=BinUnitType)? | type+=BinUnitType)? public Alternatives getAlternatives_2() { return cAlternatives_2; } // type+=BinBaseType ("," type+=BinUnitType)? public Group getGroup_2_0() { return cGroup_2_0; } // type+=BinBaseType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_2_0_0() { return cTypeAssignment_2_0_0; } // BinBaseType public RuleCall getTypeBinBaseTypeParserRuleCall_2_0_0_0() { return cTypeBinBaseTypeParserRuleCall_2_0_0_0; } // ("," type+=BinUnitType)? public Group getGroup_2_0_1() { return cGroup_2_0_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_2_0_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_2_0_1_0; } // type+=BinUnitType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_2_0_1_1() { return cTypeAssignment_2_0_1_1; } // BinUnitType public RuleCall getTypeBinUnitTypeParserRuleCall_2_0_1_1_0() { return cTypeBinUnitTypeParserRuleCall_2_0_1_1_0; } // type+=BinUnitType public Assignment getTypeAssignment_2_1() { return cTypeAssignment_2_1; } // BinUnitType public RuleCall getTypeBinUnitTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0() { return cTypeBinUnitTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0; } // ">>" public Keyword getGreaterThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_3() { return cGreaterThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_3; } } public class BinBaseTypeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "BinBaseType"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeNameAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeNameAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(1); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cTypeTypeParserRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); // BinBaseType: // typeName=VariableLiteral ":" type=Type; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // typeName=VariableLiteral ":" type=Type public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // typeName=VariableLiteral public Assignment getTypeNameAssignment_0() { return cTypeNameAssignment_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_1() { return cColonKeyword_1; } // type=Type public Assignment getTypeAssignment_2() { return cTypeAssignment_2; } // Type public RuleCall getTypeTypeParserRuleCall_2_0() { return cTypeTypeParserRuleCall_2_0; } } public class BinUnitTypeElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "BinUnitType"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Assignment cTypeNameAssignment_0 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeNameAssignment_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cColonKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(1); private final Assignment cMAssignment_2 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final RuleCall cMVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2_0 = (RuleCall) cMAssignment_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cAsteriskKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup.eContents() .get(3); private final Assignment cTypeAssignment_4 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final RuleCall cTypeTypeParserRuleCall_4_0 = (RuleCall) cTypeAssignment_4 .eContents().get(0); // BinUnitType: // typeName=VariableLiteral ":" m=VARIABLE "*" type=Type; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // typeName=VariableLiteral ":" m=VARIABLE "*" type=Type public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // typeName=VariableLiteral public Assignment getTypeNameAssignment_0() { return cTypeNameAssignment_0; } // VariableLiteral public RuleCall getTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0() { return cTypeNameVariableLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0; } // ":" public Keyword getColonKeyword_1() { return cColonKeyword_1; } // m=VARIABLE public Assignment getMAssignment_2() { return cMAssignment_2; } // VARIABLE public RuleCall getMVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2_0() { return cMVARIABLETerminalRuleCall_2_0; } // "*" public Keyword getAsteriskKeyword_3() { return cAsteriskKeyword_3; } // type=Type public Assignment getTypeAssignment_4() { return cTypeAssignment_4; } // Type public RuleCall getTypeTypeParserRuleCall_4_0() { return cTypeTypeParserRuleCall_4_0; } } public class FunType100Elements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder { private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "FunType100"); private final Group cGroup = (Group) rule.eContents().get(1); private final Action cFunTypeListAction_0 = (Action) cGroup.eContents() .get(0); private final Keyword cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(1); private final Alternatives cAlternatives_2 = (Alternatives) cGroup .eContents().get(2); private final Keyword cFullStopFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0 = (Keyword) cAlternatives_2 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2_1 = (Group) cAlternatives_2.eContents() .get(1); private final Assignment cItemsAssignment_2_1_0 = (Assignment) cGroup_2_1 .eContents().get(0); private final RuleCall cItemsTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0_0 = (RuleCall) cItemsAssignment_2_1_0 .eContents().get(0); private final Group cGroup_2_1_1 = (Group) cGroup_2_1.eContents() .get(1); private final Keyword cCommaKeyword_2_1_1_0 = (Keyword) cGroup_2_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Assignment cItemsAssignment_2_1_1_1 = (Assignment) cGroup_2_1_1 .eContents().get(1); private final RuleCall cItemsTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_1_1_0 = (RuleCall) cItemsAssignment_2_1_1_1 .eContents().get(0); private final Keyword cRightParenthesisKeyword_3 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(3); private final Keyword cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_4 = (Keyword) cGroup .eContents().get(4); private final Assignment cReturnAssignment_5 = (Assignment) cGroup .eContents().get(5); private final RuleCall cReturnTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_0 = (RuleCall) cReturnAssignment_5 .eContents().get(0); // FunType100: // {FunTypeList} "(" ("..." | items+=TopType ("," items+=TopType)*)? ")" // "->" return=TopType; @Override public ParserRule getRule() { return rule; } // {FunTypeList} "(" ("..." | items+=TopType ("," items+=TopType)*)? ")" // "->" return=TopType public Group getGroup() { return cGroup; } // {FunTypeList} public Action getFunTypeListAction_0() { return cFunTypeListAction_0; } // "(" public Keyword getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1() { return cLeftParenthesisKeyword_1; } // ("..." | items+=TopType ("," items+=TopType)*)? public Alternatives getAlternatives_2() { return cAlternatives_2; } // "..." public Keyword getFullStopFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0() { return cFullStopFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0; } // items+=TopType ("," items+=TopType)* public Group getGroup_2_1() { return cGroup_2_1; } // items+=TopType public Assignment getItemsAssignment_2_1_0() { return cItemsAssignment_2_1_0; } // TopType public RuleCall getItemsTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0_0() { return cItemsTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_0_0; } // ("," items+=TopType)* public Group getGroup_2_1_1() { return cGroup_2_1_1; } // "," public Keyword getCommaKeyword_2_1_1_0() { return cCommaKeyword_2_1_1_0; } // items+=TopType public Assignment getItemsAssignment_2_1_1_1() { return cItemsAssignment_2_1_1_1; } // TopType public RuleCall getItemsTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_1_1_0() { return cItemsTopTypeParserRuleCall_2_1_1_1_0; } // ")" public Keyword getRightParenthesisKeyword_3() { return cRightParenthesisKeyword_3; } // "->" public Keyword getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_4() { return cHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_4; } // return=TopType public Assignment getReturnAssignment_5() { return cReturnAssignment_5; } // TopType public RuleCall getReturnTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_0() { return cReturnTopTypeParserRuleCall_5_0; } } private final ModuleElements pModule; private final AtomRefTargetElements pAtomRefTarget; private final FormElements pForm; private final ConditionalFormBlockElements pConditionalFormBlock; private final AttributeElements pAttribute; private final ConditionalAttributeElements pConditionalAttribute; private final AbstractDefineAttributeElements pAbstractDefineAttribute; private final DefineAttributeElements pDefineAttribute; private final UndefAttributeElements pUndefAttribute; private final IfdefAttributeElements pIfdefAttribute; private final ElseAttributeElements pElseAttribute; private final EndifAttributeElements pEndifAttribute; private final AbstractIncludeAttributeElements pAbstractIncludeAttribute; private final IncludeAttributeElements pIncludeAttribute; private final IncludeLibAttributeElements pIncludeLibAttribute; private final FileAttributeElements pFileAttribute; private final ModuleAttributeElements pModuleAttribute; private final EncodingAttributeElements pEncodingAttribute; private final RecordAttributeElements pRecordAttribute; private final RecordFieldDefElements pRecordFieldDef; private final ExportAttributeElements pExportAttribute; private final ImportAttributeElements pImportAttribute; private final CompileAttributeElements pCompileAttribute; private final AbstractTypeAttributeElements pAbstractTypeAttribute; private final SpecAttributeElements pSpecAttribute; private final TypeAttributeElements pTypeAttribute; private final CustomAttributeElements pCustomAttribute; private final FunctionElements pFunction; private final FunctionClauseElements pFunctionClause; private final GuardElements pGuard; private final ExpressionsElements pExpressions; private final LExpressionElements pLExpression; private final LineExprElements pLineExpr; private final ExpressionElements pExpression; private final Expr100Elements pExpr100; private final Expr150Elements pExpr150; private final Expr160Elements pExpr160; private final Expr200Elements pExpr200; private final Expr300Elements pExpr300; private final Expr400Elements pExpr400; private final Expr500Elements pExpr500; private final UnaryExprElements pUnaryExpr; private final Expr700Elements pExpr700; private final Expr800Elements pExpr800; private final ExprMaxElements pExprMax; private final TermExpressionElements pTermExpression; private final MacroCallElements pMacroCall; private final RecordExprElements pRecordExpr; private final QueryExprElements pQueryExpr; private final CondExprElements pCondExpr; private final LetExprElements pLetExpr; private final RecordTupleElements pRecordTuple; private final RecordFieldExprElements pRecordFieldExpr; private final LiteralExpressionNoNumberElements pLiteralExpressionNoNumber; private final ModuleRefElements pModuleRef; private final FunctionRefElements pFunctionRef; private final RecordRefElements pRecordRef; private final RecordFieldRefElements pRecordFieldRef; private final TypeRefElements pTypeRef; private final MacroLiteralElements pMacroLiteral; private final MacroRefElements pMacroRef; private final VariableLiteralElements pVariableLiteral; private final StringLiteralElements pStringLiteral; private final StringLiteralPartElements pStringLiteralPart; private final StringLiteralLiteralElements pStringLiteralLiteral; private final LiteralExpressionElements pLiteralExpression; private final IntegerLiteralElements pIntegerLiteral; private final PatternExpressionElements pPatternExpression; private final IfExprElements pIfExpr; private final IfClauseElements pIfClause; private final CaseExprElements pCaseExpr; private final CrClauseElements pCrClause; private final ReceiveExprElements pReceiveExpr; private final FunExprElements pFunExpr; private final FunRefElements pFunRef; private final InlineFunElements pInlineFun; private final TryExprElements pTryExpr; private final TryClauseElements pTryClause; private final ListOrComprehensionElements pListOrComprehension; private final TupleElements pTuple; private final BinaryOrComprehensionElements pBinaryOrComprehension; private final BinaryItemElements pBinaryItem; private final BitTypeElements pBitType; private final UnaryExprMaxElements pUnaryExprMax; private final LCExprElements pLCExpr; private final ADDOPElements pADDOP; private final MULTOPElements pMULTOP; private final PREFIXOPElements pPREFIXOP; private final LISTOPElements pLISTOP; private final COMPOPElements pCOMPOP; private final SENDOPElements pSENDOP; private final ModuleVarMacroElements pModuleVarMacro; private final FunctionVarMacroElements pFunctionVarMacro; private final RecordVarMacroElements pRecordVarMacro; private final RecordFieldVarMacroElements pRecordFieldVarMacro; private final TypeVarMacroElements pTypeVarMacro; private final IntVarMacroElements pIntVarMacro; private final NAMEElements pNAME; private final NAMEVARElements pNAMEVAR; private final MACROElements pMACRO; private final NAMEVARMACROElements pNAMEVARMACRO; private final NAMEMACROElements pNAMEMACRO; private final KWElements pKW; private final KW1Elements pKW1; private final RealKwElements pRealKw; private final TerminalRule tATOM; private final TerminalRule tSTRING; private final TerminalRule tVARIABLE; private final TerminalRule tCOMMENT; private final TerminalRule tSL_COMMENT; private final TerminalRule tWS; private final INTEGERElements pINTEGER; private final TerminalRule tBASED_INT; private final TerminalRule tINT; private final FLOATElements pFLOAT; private final TerminalRule tEXT_INT; private final TerminalRule tCHAR; private final TerminalRule tIN_WORD_CHAR; private final TerminalRule tATOM_STARTER; private final TerminalRule tESCAPE; private final TerminalRule tHEX_DIGIT; private final SpecFunElements pSpecFun; private final TypeSigElements pTypeSig; private final FunTypeElements pFunType; private final TypeGuardsElements pTypeGuards; private final TypeGuardElements pTypeGuard; private final TopTypeElements pTopType; private final Type100Elements pType100; private final Type200Elements pType200; private final Type300Elements pType300; private final Type400Elements pType400; private final Type500Elements pType500; private final TypeElements pType; private final FieldTypeElements pFieldType; private final BinaryTypeElements pBinaryType; private final BinBaseTypeElements pBinBaseType; private final BinUnitTypeElements pBinUnitType; private final FunType100Elements pFunType100; private final Grammar grammar; @Inject public ErlangGrammarAccess(final GrammarProvider grammarProvider) { grammar = internalFindGrammar(grammarProvider); pModule = new ModuleElements(); pAtomRefTarget = new AtomRefTargetElements(); pForm = new FormElements(); pConditionalFormBlock = new ConditionalFormBlockElements(); pAttribute = new AttributeElements(); pConditionalAttribute = new ConditionalAttributeElements(); pAbstractDefineAttribute = new AbstractDefineAttributeElements(); pDefineAttribute = new DefineAttributeElements(); pUndefAttribute = new UndefAttributeElements(); pIfdefAttribute = new IfdefAttributeElements(); pElseAttribute = new ElseAttributeElements(); pEndifAttribute = new EndifAttributeElements(); pAbstractIncludeAttribute = new AbstractIncludeAttributeElements(); pIncludeAttribute = new IncludeAttributeElements(); pIncludeLibAttribute = new IncludeLibAttributeElements(); pFileAttribute = new FileAttributeElements(); pModuleAttribute = new ModuleAttributeElements(); pEncodingAttribute = new EncodingAttributeElements(); pRecordAttribute = new RecordAttributeElements(); pRecordFieldDef = new RecordFieldDefElements(); pExportAttribute = new ExportAttributeElements(); pImportAttribute = new ImportAttributeElements(); pCompileAttribute = new CompileAttributeElements(); pAbstractTypeAttribute = new AbstractTypeAttributeElements(); pSpecAttribute = new SpecAttributeElements(); pTypeAttribute = new TypeAttributeElements(); pCustomAttribute = new CustomAttributeElements(); pFunction = new FunctionElements(); pFunctionClause = new FunctionClauseElements(); pGuard = new GuardElements(); pExpressions = new ExpressionsElements(); pLExpression = new LExpressionElements(); pLineExpr = new LineExprElements(); pExpression = new ExpressionElements(); pExpr100 = new Expr100Elements(); pExpr150 = new Expr150Elements(); pExpr160 = new Expr160Elements(); pExpr200 = new Expr200Elements(); pExpr300 = new Expr300Elements(); pExpr400 = new Expr400Elements(); pExpr500 = new Expr500Elements(); pUnaryExpr = new UnaryExprElements(); pExpr700 = new Expr700Elements(); pExpr800 = new Expr800Elements(); pExprMax = new ExprMaxElements(); pTermExpression = new TermExpressionElements(); pMacroCall = new MacroCallElements(); pRecordExpr = new RecordExprElements(); pQueryExpr = new QueryExprElements(); pCondExpr = new CondExprElements(); pLetExpr = new LetExprElements(); pRecordTuple = new RecordTupleElements(); pRecordFieldExpr = new RecordFieldExprElements(); pLiteralExpressionNoNumber = new LiteralExpressionNoNumberElements(); pModuleRef = new ModuleRefElements(); pFunctionRef = new FunctionRefElements(); pRecordRef = new RecordRefElements(); pRecordFieldRef = new RecordFieldRefElements(); pTypeRef = new TypeRefElements(); pMacroLiteral = new MacroLiteralElements(); pMacroRef = new MacroRefElements(); pVariableLiteral = new VariableLiteralElements(); pStringLiteral = new StringLiteralElements(); pStringLiteralPart = new StringLiteralPartElements(); pStringLiteralLiteral = new StringLiteralLiteralElements(); pLiteralExpression = new LiteralExpressionElements(); pIntegerLiteral = new IntegerLiteralElements(); pPatternExpression = new PatternExpressionElements(); pIfExpr = new IfExprElements(); pIfClause = new IfClauseElements(); pCaseExpr = new CaseExprElements(); pCrClause = new CrClauseElements(); pReceiveExpr = new ReceiveExprElements(); pFunExpr = new FunExprElements(); pFunRef = new FunRefElements(); pInlineFun = new InlineFunElements(); pTryExpr = new TryExprElements(); pTryClause = new TryClauseElements(); pListOrComprehension = new ListOrComprehensionElements(); pTuple = new TupleElements(); pBinaryOrComprehension = new BinaryOrComprehensionElements(); pBinaryItem = new BinaryItemElements(); pBitType = new BitTypeElements(); pUnaryExprMax = new UnaryExprMaxElements(); pLCExpr = new LCExprElements(); pADDOP = new ADDOPElements(); pMULTOP = new MULTOPElements(); pPREFIXOP = new PREFIXOPElements(); pLISTOP = new LISTOPElements(); pCOMPOP = new COMPOPElements(); pSENDOP = new SENDOPElements(); pModuleVarMacro = new ModuleVarMacroElements(); pFunctionVarMacro = new FunctionVarMacroElements(); pRecordVarMacro = new RecordVarMacroElements(); pRecordFieldVarMacro = new RecordFieldVarMacroElements(); pTypeVarMacro = new TypeVarMacroElements(); pIntVarMacro = new IntVarMacroElements(); pNAME = new NAMEElements(); pNAMEVAR = new NAMEVARElements(); pMACRO = new MACROElements(); pNAMEVARMACRO = new NAMEVARMACROElements(); pNAMEMACRO = new NAMEMACROElements(); pKW = new KWElements(); pKW1 = new KW1Elements(); pRealKw = new RealKwElements(); tATOM = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ATOM"); tSTRING = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "STRING"); tVARIABLE = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "VARIABLE"); tCOMMENT = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "COMMENT"); tSL_COMMENT = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "SL_COMMENT"); tWS = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "WS"); pINTEGER = new INTEGERElements(); tBASED_INT = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "BASED_INT"); tINT = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "INT"); pFLOAT = new FLOATElements(); tEXT_INT = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "EXT_INT"); tCHAR = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil .findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "CHAR"); tIN_WORD_CHAR = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName( getGrammar(), "IN_WORD_CHAR"); tATOM_STARTER = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName( getGrammar(), "ATOM_STARTER"); tESCAPE = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ESCAPE"); tHEX_DIGIT = (TerminalRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "HEX_DIGIT"); pSpecFun = new SpecFunElements(); pTypeSig = new TypeSigElements(); pFunType = new FunTypeElements(); pTypeGuards = new TypeGuardsElements(); pTypeGuard = new TypeGuardElements(); pTopType = new TopTypeElements(); pType100 = new Type100Elements(); pType200 = new Type200Elements(); pType300 = new Type300Elements(); pType400 = new Type400Elements(); pType500 = new Type500Elements(); pType = new TypeElements(); pFieldType = new FieldTypeElements(); pBinaryType = new BinaryTypeElements(); pBinBaseType = new BinBaseTypeElements(); pBinUnitType = new BinUnitTypeElements(); pFunType100 = new FunType100Elements(); } protected Grammar internalFindGrammar(final GrammarProvider grammarProvider) { Grammar grammar = grammarProvider.getGrammar(this); while (grammar != null) { if ("org.erlide.Erlang".equals(grammar.getName())) { return grammar; } final List<Grammar> grammars = grammar.getUsedGrammars(); if (!grammars.isEmpty()) { grammar = grammars.iterator().next(); } else { return null; } } return grammar; } @Override public Grammar getGrammar() { return grammar; } // Module: // forms+=Form*; public ModuleElements getModuleAccess() { return pModule; } public ParserRule getModuleRule() { return getModuleAccess().getRule(); } // // AtomRefTargets are the elements that an atom can refer to // AtomRefTarget: // Module | Function | RecordAttribute | RecordFieldDef | TypeAttribute; public AtomRefTargetElements getAtomRefTargetAccess() { return pAtomRefTarget; } public ParserRule getAtomRefTargetRule() { return getAtomRefTargetAccess().getRule(); } // Form: // Attribute | Function | ConditionalFormBlock | {MacroForm} call=MacroCall // "."; public FormElements getFormAccess() { return pForm; } public ParserRule getFormRule() { return getFormAccess().getRule(); } // ConditionalFormBlock: // condition=IfdefAttribute ifForms+=Form* (=> hasElse?=ElseAttribute // elseForms+=Form*)? end=EndifAttribute; public ConditionalFormBlockElements getConditionalFormBlockAccess() { return pConditionalFormBlock; } public ParserRule getConditionalFormBlockRule() { return getConditionalFormBlockAccess().getRule(); } // // Attributes // Attribute: // "-" (ModuleAttribute | EncodingAttribute | AbstractDefineAttribute | // AbstractIncludeAttribute | FileAttribute | // RecordAttribute | AbstractTypeAttribute | ExportAttribute | // ImportAttribute | CompileAttribute | CustomAttribute); public AttributeElements getAttributeAccess() { return pAttribute; } public ParserRule getAttributeRule() { return getAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // ConditionalAttribute: // IfdefAttribute | ElseAttribute | EndifAttribute; public ConditionalAttributeElements getConditionalAttributeAccess() { return pConditionalAttribute; } public ParserRule getConditionalAttributeRule() { return getConditionalAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // AbstractDefineAttribute: // DefineAttribute | UndefAttribute; public AbstractDefineAttributeElements getAbstractDefineAttributeAccess() { return pAbstractDefineAttribute; } public ParserRule getAbstractDefineAttributeRule() { return getAbstractDefineAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // DefineAttribute: // => tag="define" "(" macroName= // can't have feature 'name' because // multiple defines with the same macro can exist // NAMEVAR ("(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? // ")")? ("," value=Guard?)? ")" "."; public DefineAttributeElements getDefineAttributeAccess() { return pDefineAttribute; } public ParserRule getDefineAttributeRule() { return getDefineAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // UndefAttribute: // => tag="undef" "(" ref=MacroRef ")" "."; public UndefAttributeElements getUndefAttributeAccess() { return pUndefAttribute; } public ParserRule getUndefAttributeRule() { return getUndefAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // IfdefAttribute: // "-" => tag=("ifdef" | "ifndef") "(" ref=MacroRef ")" "."; public IfdefAttributeElements getIfdefAttributeAccess() { return pIfdefAttribute; } public ParserRule getIfdefAttributeRule() { return getIfdefAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // ElseAttribute: // "-" => tag="else" "."; public ElseAttributeElements getElseAttributeAccess() { return pElseAttribute; } public ParserRule getElseAttributeRule() { return getElseAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // EndifAttribute: // "-" => tag="endif" "."; public EndifAttributeElements getEndifAttributeAccess() { return pEndifAttribute; } public ParserRule getEndifAttributeRule() { return getEndifAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // AbstractIncludeAttribute: // IncludeAttribute | IncludeLibAttribute; public AbstractIncludeAttributeElements getAbstractIncludeAttributeAccess() { return pAbstractIncludeAttribute; } public ParserRule getAbstractIncludeAttributeRule() { return getAbstractIncludeAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // IncludeAttribute: // => tag="include" "(" importURI=STRING ")" "."; public IncludeAttributeElements getIncludeAttributeAccess() { return pIncludeAttribute; } public ParserRule getIncludeAttributeRule() { return getIncludeAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // IncludeLibAttribute: // => tag="include_lib" "(" importURI=STRING ")" "."; public IncludeLibAttributeElements getIncludeLibAttributeAccess() { return pIncludeLibAttribute; } public ParserRule getIncludeLibAttributeRule() { return getIncludeLibAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // FileAttribute: // => tag="file" "(" file=STRING "," line=INTEGER ")" "."; public FileAttributeElements getFileAttributeAccess() { return pFileAttribute; } public ParserRule getFileAttributeRule() { return getFileAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // ModuleAttribute: // => tag="module" "(" moduleName=NAME ")" "."; public ModuleAttributeElements getModuleAttributeAccess() { return pModuleAttribute; } public ParserRule getModuleAttributeRule() { return getModuleAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // EncodingAttribute: // => tag="encoding" ("(" charset=NAME ")" | charset=NAME) "."; public EncodingAttributeElements getEncodingAttributeAccess() { return pEncodingAttribute; } public ParserRule getEncodingAttributeRule() { return getEncodingAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // RecordAttribute: // => tag="record" "(" name=NAMEMACRO "," ("{" (fields+=RecordFieldDef ("," // fields+=RecordFieldDef)*)? "}" | // recordMacro=MacroCall) ")" "."; public RecordAttributeElements getRecordAttributeAccess() { return pRecordAttribute; } public ParserRule getRecordAttributeRule() { return getRecordAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // RecordFieldDef: // name=NAMEVAR ("=" value=Expression)? ("::" type=TopType)?; public RecordFieldDefElements getRecordFieldDefAccess() { return pRecordFieldDef; } public ParserRule getRecordFieldDefRule() { return getRecordFieldDefAccess().getRule(); } // ExportAttribute: // => tag="export" "(" "[" (funs+=FunRef ("," funs+=FunRef)*)? "]" ")" "."; public ExportAttributeElements getExportAttributeAccess() { return pExportAttribute; } public ParserRule getExportAttributeRule() { return getExportAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // ImportAttribute: // => tag="import" "(" module=ModuleVarMacro "," "[" (funs+=FunRef ("," // funs+=FunRef)*)? "]" ")" "."; public ImportAttributeElements getImportAttributeAccess() { return pImportAttribute; } public ParserRule getImportAttributeRule() { return getImportAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // CompileAttribute: // => tag="compile" "(" options=Expression ")" "."; public CompileAttributeElements getCompileAttributeAccess() { return pCompileAttribute; } public ParserRule getCompileAttributeRule() { return getCompileAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // AbstractTypeAttribute: // SpecAttribute | TypeAttribute; public AbstractTypeAttributeElements getAbstractTypeAttributeAccess() { return pAbstractTypeAttribute; } public ParserRule getAbstractTypeAttributeRule() { return getAbstractTypeAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // SpecAttribute: // => tag=("spec" | "callback") (ref=SpecFun signatures+=TypeSig (";" // signatures+=TypeSig)* | "(" ref=SpecFun // signatures+=TypeSig (";" signatures+=TypeSig)* ")") "."; public SpecAttributeElements getSpecAttributeAccess() { return pSpecAttribute; } public ParserRule getSpecAttributeRule() { return getSpecAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // TypeAttribute: // => tag=("type" | "opaque") (name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression // ("," args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" // type=TopType | "(" name=NAMEVAR "(" (args+=PatternExpression ("," // args+=PatternExpression)*)? ")" "::" type=TopType // ")") "."; public TypeAttributeElements getTypeAttributeAccess() { return pTypeAttribute; } public ParserRule getTypeAttributeRule() { return getTypeAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // CustomAttribute: // tag=ATOM "(" (value+=Expression ("," value+=Expression)*)? ")" "."; public CustomAttributeElements getCustomAttributeAccess() { return pCustomAttribute; } public ParserRule getCustomAttributeRule() { return getCustomAttributeAccess().getRule(); } // // Functions // Function: // name=NAME clauses+=FunctionClause (";" clauses+=FunctionClause)* "."; public FunctionElements getFunctionAccess() { return pFunction; } public ParserRule getFunctionRule() { return getFunctionAccess().getRule(); } // // validate that all names for a function are identical // FunctionClause: // ref=[Function|NAME]? "(" params=Expressions? ")" ("when"? guard=Guard)? // // no 'when' if guard is a macro // "->" body=Expressions; public FunctionClauseElements getFunctionClauseAccess() { return pFunctionClause; } public ParserRule getFunctionClauseRule() { return getFunctionClauseAccess().getRule(); } // Guard: // guards+=Expressions (";" guards+=Expressions)*; public GuardElements getGuardAccess() { return pGuard; } public ParserRule getGuardRule() { return getGuardAccess().getRule(); } // Expressions: // exprs+=LExpression ("," exprs+=LExpression)*; public ExpressionsElements getExpressionsAccess() { return pExpressions; } public ParserRule getExpressionsRule() { return getExpressionsAccess().getRule(); } // LExpression returns Expression: // => line?=LineExpr expr=Expression | Expression; public LExpressionElements getLExpressionAccess() { return pLExpression; } public ParserRule getLExpressionRule() { return getLExpressionAccess().getRule(); } // LineExpr: // "?" "line"; public LineExprElements getLineExprAccess() { return pLineExpr; } public ParserRule getLineExprRule() { return getLineExprAccess().getRule(); } // Expression: // {CatchExpr} "catch" expr=Expression | Expr100; public ExpressionElements getExpressionAccess() { return pExpression; } public ParserRule getExpressionRule() { return getExpressionAccess().getRule(); } // // right-associative // Expr100 returns Expression: // Expr150 ({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" opRight=Expr100 | // {BinOp.opLeft=current} op=SENDOP opRight=Expr100)?; public Expr100Elements getExpr100Access() { return pExpr100; } public ParserRule getExpr100Rule() { return getExpr100Access().getRule(); } // Expr150 returns Expression: // Expr160 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op="orelse" opRight=Expr160)*; public Expr150Elements getExpr150Access() { return pExpr150; } public ParserRule getExpr150Rule() { return getExpr150Access().getRule(); } // Expr160 returns Expression: // Expr200 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op="andalso" opRight2=Expr200)*; public Expr160Elements getExpr160Access() { return pExpr160; } public ParserRule getExpr160Rule() { return getExpr160Access().getRule(); } // // non-associative // Expr200 returns Expression: // Expr300 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op=COMPOP opRight=Expr300)?; public Expr200Elements getExpr200Access() { return pExpr200; } public ParserRule getExpr200Rule() { return getExpr200Access().getRule(); } // Expr300 returns Expression: // Expr400 ({BinOp.opLeft=current} op=LISTOP opRight=Expr400)*; public Expr300Elements getExpr300Access() { return pExpr300; } public ParserRule getExpr300Rule() { return getExpr300Access().getRule(); } // Expr400 returns Expression: // Expr500 ({AddOp.opLeft=current} op=ADDOP opRight=Expr500)*; public Expr400Elements getExpr400Access() { return pExpr400; } public ParserRule getExpr400Rule() { return getExpr400Access().getRule(); } // Expr500 returns Expression: // UnaryExpr ({MultOp.opLeft=current} op=MULTOP opRight=UnaryExpr)*; public Expr500Elements getExpr500Access() { return pExpr500; } public ParserRule getExpr500Rule() { return getExpr500Access().getRule(); } // UnaryExpr returns Expression: // {UnaryExpr} op=PREFIXOP operand=Expr700 | Expr700; public UnaryExprElements getUnaryExprAccess() { return pUnaryExpr; } public ParserRule getUnaryExprRule() { return getUnaryExprAccess().getRule(); } // Expr700 returns Expression: // Expr800 // TODO can this be expressed better? // // we can have ?MACRO(args)(args2) // ("(" {FunCall.target=current} args=Expressions? ")" ("(" // args2=Expressions? ")")? | ("#" {RecordExpr.ref=current} // record=RecordExpr)+)?; public Expr700Elements getExpr700Access() { return pExpr700; } public ParserRule getExpr700Rule() { return getExpr700Access().getRule(); } // // non-associative // Expr800 returns Expression: // ExprMax ({RemoteTarget.module=current} ":" function=ExprMax)?; public Expr800Elements getExpr800Access() { return pExpr800; } public ParserRule getExpr800Rule() { return getExpr800Access().getRule(); } // ExprMax returns Expression: // TermExpression | "(" Expression ")" | {BlockExpr} "begin" // body=Expressions "end" | IfExpr | CaseExpr | ReceiveExpr | // FunExpr | TryExpr | CondExpr | QueryExpr | LetExpr; public ExprMaxElements getExprMaxAccess() { return pExprMax; } public ParserRule getExprMaxRule() { return getExprMaxAccess().getRule(); } // TermExpression returns Expression: // Tuple | ListOrComprehension | BinaryOrComprehension | "#" RecordExpr | // LiteralExpression; public TermExpressionElements getTermExpressionAccess() { return pTermExpression; } public ParserRule getTermExpressionRule() { return getTermExpressionAccess().getRule(); } // MacroCall: // macroName=MacroLiteral ("(" args=Expressions? ")")?; public MacroCallElements getMacroCallAccess() { return pMacroCall; } public ParserRule getMacroCallRule() { return getMacroCallAccess().getRule(); } // RecordExpr: // rec=RecordVarMacro ("." field=RecordFieldVarMacro | tuple=RecordTuple); public RecordExprElements getRecordExprAccess() { return pRecordExpr; } public ParserRule getRecordExprRule() { return getRecordExprAccess().getRule(); } // // NYI // QueryExpr: // {QueryExpr} "query"; public QueryExprElements getQueryExprAccess() { return pQueryExpr; } public ParserRule getQueryExprRule() { return getQueryExprAccess().getRule(); } // // NYI // CondExpr: // {CondExpr} "cond"; public CondExprElements getCondExprAccess() { return pCondExpr; } public ParserRule getCondExprRule() { return getCondExprAccess().getRule(); } // // NYI // LetExpr: // {LetExpr} "let"; public LetExprElements getLetExprAccess() { return pLetExpr; } public ParserRule getLetExprRule() { return getLetExprAccess().getRule(); } // RecordTuple: // {RecordTuple} "{" (fields+=RecordFieldExpr ("," // fields+=RecordFieldExpr)*)? "}"; public RecordTupleElements getRecordTupleAccess() { return pRecordTuple; } public ParserRule getRecordTupleRule() { return getRecordTupleAccess().getRule(); } // RecordFieldExpr: // ref=RecordFieldVarMacro ("=" value=Expression)? ("::" type=TopType)?; public RecordFieldExprElements getRecordFieldExprAccess() { return pRecordFieldExpr; } public ParserRule getRecordFieldExprRule() { return getRecordFieldExprAccess().getRule(); } // LiteralExpressionNoNumber returns Expression: // {Atom} value=NAME | VariableLiteral | {ErlChar} value=CHAR | MacroLiteral // | StringLiteral; public LiteralExpressionNoNumberElements getLiteralExpressionNoNumberAccess() { return pLiteralExpressionNoNumber; } public ParserRule getLiteralExpressionNoNumberRule() { return getLiteralExpressionNoNumberAccess().getRule(); } // ModuleRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[Module|NAME]; public ModuleRefElements getModuleRefAccess() { return pModuleRef; } public ParserRule getModuleRefRule() { return getModuleRefAccess().getRule(); } // FunctionRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[Function|NAME]; public FunctionRefElements getFunctionRefAccess() { return pFunctionRef; } public ParserRule getFunctionRefRule() { return getFunctionRefAccess().getRule(); } // RecordRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[RecordAttribute|NAME]; public RecordRefElements getRecordRefAccess() { return pRecordRef; } public ParserRule getRecordRefRule() { return getRecordRefAccess().getRule(); } // RecordFieldRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[RecordFieldDef|NAME]; public RecordFieldRefElements getRecordFieldRefAccess() { return pRecordFieldRef; } public ParserRule getRecordFieldRefRule() { return getRecordFieldRefAccess().getRule(); } // TypeRef returns Expression: // {AtomRef} value=[TypeAttribute|NAME]; public TypeRefElements getTypeRefAccess() { return pTypeRef; } public ParserRule getTypeRefRule() { return getTypeRefAccess().getRule(); } // MacroLiteral returns Expression: // {Macro} value=[DefineAttribute|MACRO]; public MacroLiteralElements getMacroLiteralAccess() { return pMacroLiteral; } public ParserRule getMacroLiteralRule() { return getMacroLiteralAccess().getRule(); } // MacroRef returns Expression: // {Macro} value=[DefineAttribute|NAMEVAR]; public MacroRefElements getMacroRefAccess() { return pMacroRef; } public ParserRule getMacroRefRule() { return getMacroRefAccess().getRule(); } // VariableLiteral returns Expression: // {Variable} value=[Expression|VARIABLE]; public VariableLiteralElements getVariableLiteralAccess() { return pVariableLiteral; } public ParserRule getVariableLiteralRule() { return getVariableLiteralAccess().getRule(); } // StringLiteral returns Expression: // parts+=StringLiteralLiteral parts+=StringLiteralPart*; public StringLiteralElements getStringLiteralAccess() { return pStringLiteral; } public ParserRule getStringLiteralRule() { return getStringLiteralAccess().getRule(); } // StringLiteralPart: // StringLiteralLiteral | macro=MacroCall; public StringLiteralPartElements getStringLiteralPartAccess() { return pStringLiteralPart; } public ParserRule getStringLiteralPartRule() { return getStringLiteralPartAccess().getRule(); } // StringLiteralLiteral returns StringLiteralPart: // string=STRING; public StringLiteralLiteralElements getStringLiteralLiteralAccess() { return pStringLiteralLiteral; } public ParserRule getStringLiteralLiteralRule() { return getStringLiteralLiteralAccess().getRule(); } // LiteralExpression returns Expression: // LiteralExpressionNoNumber | IntegerLiteral | {ErlFloat} value=FLOAT; public LiteralExpressionElements getLiteralExpressionAccess() { return pLiteralExpression; } public ParserRule getLiteralExpressionRule() { return getLiteralExpressionAccess().getRule(); } // IntegerLiteral returns Expression: // {ErlInteger} value=INTEGER; public IntegerLiteralElements getIntegerLiteralAccess() { return pIntegerLiteral; } public ParserRule getIntegerLiteralRule() { return getIntegerLiteralAccess().getRule(); } // PatternExpression returns Expression: // TermExpression (({MatchExpr.opLeft=current} op="=" // opRight=TermExpression)+ | {FunCall.target=current} "(" // args=Expressions? ")")?; public PatternExpressionElements getPatternExpressionAccess() { return pPatternExpression; } public ParserRule getPatternExpressionRule() { return getPatternExpressionAccess().getRule(); } // IfExpr: // "if" clauses+=IfClause (";" clauses+=IfClause)* "end"; public IfExprElements getIfExprAccess() { return pIfExpr; } public ParserRule getIfExprRule() { return getIfExprAccess().getRule(); } // IfClause: // guard=Guard "->" body=Expressions; public IfClauseElements getIfClauseAccess() { return pIfClause; } public ParserRule getIfClauseRule() { return getIfClauseAccess().getRule(); } // CaseExpr: // "case" expr=Expression "of" clauses+=CrClause (";" clauses+=CrClause)* // "end"; public CaseExprElements getCaseExprAccess() { return pCaseExpr; } public ParserRule getCaseExprRule() { return getCaseExprAccess().getRule(); } // CrClause: // expr=Expression ("when" guard=Guard)? "->" body=Expressions; public CrClauseElements getCrClauseAccess() { return pCrClause; } public ParserRule getCrClauseRule() { return getCrClauseAccess().getRule(); } // ReceiveExpr: // "receive" (clauses+=CrClause (";" clauses+=CrClause)* ("after" // after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions)? | // "after" after_expr=Expression "->" after_body=Expressions) "end"; public ReceiveExprElements getReceiveExprAccess() { return pReceiveExpr; } public ParserRule getReceiveExprRule() { return getReceiveExprAccess().getRule(); } // FunExpr: // "fun" (FunRef | InlineFun); public FunExprElements getFunExprAccess() { return pFunExpr; } public ParserRule getFunExprRule() { return getFunExprAccess().getRule(); } // FunRef: // (module=ModuleVarMacro ":")? function=FunctionVarMacro "/" // arity=IntVarMacro; public FunRefElements getFunRefAccess() { return pFunRef; } public ParserRule getFunRefRule() { return getFunRefAccess().getRule(); } // InlineFun returns FunExpr: // clauses+=FunctionClause (";" clauses+=FunctionClause)* "end"; public InlineFunElements getInlineFunAccess() { return pInlineFun; } public ParserRule getInlineFunRule() { return getInlineFunAccess().getRule(); } // TryExpr: // "try" body=Expressions ("of" of_clauses+=CrClause (";" // of_clauses+=CrClause)*)? ("catch" catch+=TryClause (";" // catch+=TryClause)* ("after" after_body=Expressions)? | "after" // after_body=Expressions) "end"; public TryExprElements getTryExprAccess() { return pTryExpr; } public ParserRule getTryExprRule() { return getTryExprAccess().getRule(); } // TryClause: // => (hdr=NAMEVAR ":")? cond=PatternExpression ("when" guard=Guard)? "->" // body=Expressions; public TryClauseElements getTryClauseAccess() { return pTryClause; } public ParserRule getTryClauseRule() { return getTryClauseAccess().getRule(); } // ListOrComprehension returns ErlList: // "[" ({ErlList} | elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)* ("|" // tail=Expression | // {ListComprehension.root=current} "||" generators+=LCExpr ("," // generators+=LCExpr)*)?) "]"; public ListOrComprehensionElements getListOrComprehensionAccess() { return pListOrComprehension; } public ParserRule getListOrComprehensionRule() { return getListOrComprehensionAccess().getRule(); } // Tuple returns ErlTuple: // "{" ({ErlTuple} | elements+=Expression ("," elements+=Expression)*) "}"; public TupleElements getTupleAccess() { return pTuple; } public ParserRule getTupleRule() { return getTupleAccess().getRule(); } // BinaryOrComprehension returns ErlBinary: // "<<" ({ErlBinary} | elements+=BinaryItem ("," elements+=BinaryItem)* // ({BinaryComprehension.root=current} "||" // generators+=LCExpr ("," generators+=LCExpr)*)?) ">>"; public BinaryOrComprehensionElements getBinaryOrComprehensionAccess() { return pBinaryOrComprehension; } public ParserRule getBinaryOrComprehensionRule() { return getBinaryOrComprehensionAccess().getRule(); } // BinaryItem: // expr=UnaryExprMax (":" size=ExprMax)? ("/" types+=BitType ("-" // type+=BitType)*)?; public BinaryItemElements getBinaryItemAccess() { return pBinaryItem; } public ParserRule getBinaryItemRule() { return getBinaryItemAccess().getRule(); } // BitType: // typeName=[AtomRefTarget|NAMEMACRO] (":" size=IntVarMacro)?; public BitTypeElements getBitTypeAccess() { return pBitType; } public ParserRule getBitTypeRule() { return getBitTypeAccess().getRule(); } // UnaryExprMax returns Expression: // {UnaryExpr} op=PREFIXOP operand=ExprMax | ExprMax; public UnaryExprMaxElements getUnaryExprMaxAccess() { return pUnaryExprMax; } public ParserRule getUnaryExprMaxRule() { return getUnaryExprMaxAccess().getRule(); } // LCExpr: // o1=Expression (op=("<-" | "<=") o2=Expression)?; public LCExprElements getLCExprAccess() { return pLCExpr; } public ParserRule getLCExprRule() { return getLCExprAccess().getRule(); } // // Operators // ADDOP: // "+" | "-" | "bor" | "bxor" | "bsl" | "bsr" | "or" | "xor"; public ADDOPElements getADDOPAccess() { return pADDOP; } public ParserRule getADDOPRule() { return getADDOPAccess().getRule(); } // MULTOP: // "*" | "/" | "div" | "rem" | "band" | "and"; public MULTOPElements getMULTOPAccess() { return pMULTOP; } public ParserRule getMULTOPRule() { return getMULTOPAccess().getRule(); } // PREFIXOP: // "+" | "-" | "bnot" | "not"; public PREFIXOPElements getPREFIXOPAccess() { return pPREFIXOP; } public ParserRule getPREFIXOPRule() { return getPREFIXOPAccess().getRule(); } // LISTOP: // "++" | "--"; public LISTOPElements getLISTOPAccess() { return pLISTOP; } public ParserRule getLISTOPRule() { return getLISTOPAccess().getRule(); } // COMPOP: // "==" | "/=" | "=<" | "<" | ">=" | ">" | "=:=" | "=/="; public COMPOPElements getCOMPOPAccess() { return pCOMPOP; } public ParserRule getCOMPOPRule() { return getCOMPOPAccess().getRule(); } // SENDOP: // "!"; public SENDOPElements getSENDOPAccess() { return pSENDOP; } public ParserRule getSENDOPRule() { return getSENDOPAccess().getRule(); } // // Literal combinations // ModuleVarMacro returns Expression: // ModuleRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; public ModuleVarMacroElements getModuleVarMacroAccess() { return pModuleVarMacro; } public ParserRule getModuleVarMacroRule() { return getModuleVarMacroAccess().getRule(); } // FunctionVarMacro returns Expression: // FunctionRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; public FunctionVarMacroElements getFunctionVarMacroAccess() { return pFunctionVarMacro; } public ParserRule getFunctionVarMacroRule() { return getFunctionVarMacroAccess().getRule(); } // RecordVarMacro returns Expression: // RecordRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; public RecordVarMacroElements getRecordVarMacroAccess() { return pRecordVarMacro; } public ParserRule getRecordVarMacroRule() { return getRecordVarMacroAccess().getRule(); } // RecordFieldVarMacro returns Expression: // RecordFieldRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; public RecordFieldVarMacroElements getRecordFieldVarMacroAccess() { return pRecordFieldVarMacro; } public ParserRule getRecordFieldVarMacroRule() { return getRecordFieldVarMacroAccess().getRule(); } // TypeVarMacro returns Expression: // TypeRef | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; public TypeVarMacroElements getTypeVarMacroAccess() { return pTypeVarMacro; } public ParserRule getTypeVarMacroRule() { return getTypeVarMacroAccess().getRule(); } // IntVarMacro returns Expression: // IntegerLiteral | VariableLiteral | MacroLiteral; public IntVarMacroElements getIntVarMacroAccess() { return pIntVarMacro; } public ParserRule getIntVarMacroRule() { return getIntVarMacroAccess().getRule(); } // // Literals // NAME: // ATOM | KW; public NAMEElements getNAMEAccess() { return pNAME; } public ParserRule getNAMERule() { return getNAMEAccess().getRule(); } // NAMEVAR: // ATOM | KW | VARIABLE; public NAMEVARElements getNAMEVARAccess() { return pNAMEVAR; } public ParserRule getNAMEVARRule() { return getNAMEVARAccess().getRule(); } // MACRO: // ("?" | "??") (ATOM | KW1 | VARIABLE); public MACROElements getMACROAccess() { return pMACRO; } public ParserRule getMACRORule() { return getMACROAccess().getRule(); } // NAMEVARMACRO: // ATOM | KW | VARIABLE | MACRO; public NAMEVARMACROElements getNAMEVARMACROAccess() { return pNAMEVARMACRO; } public ParserRule getNAMEVARMACRORule() { return getNAMEVARMACROAccess().getRule(); } // NAMEMACRO: // ATOM | KW | MACRO; public NAMEMACROElements getNAMEMACROAccess() { return pNAMEMACRO; } public ParserRule getNAMEMACRORule() { return getNAMEMACROAccess().getRule(); } // KW: // KW1 | "line"; public KWElements getKWAccess() { return pKW; } public ParserRule getKWRule() { return getKWAccess().getRule(); } // KW1: // "spec" | "endif" | "ifdef" | "ifndef" | "type" | "opaque" | "record" | // "undef" | "module" | "include" | "include_lib" // | "define" | "file" | "callback" | "else" | "export" | "import" | // "compile" | "encoding"; public KW1Elements getKW1Access() { return pKW1; } public ParserRule getKW1Rule() { return getKW1Access().getRule(); } // RealKw: // "after" | "and" | "andalso" | "band" | "begin" | "bnot" | "bor" | "bsl" | // "bsr" | "bxor" | "case" | "catch" | "cond" // | "div" | "end" | "fun" | "if" | "let" | "not" | "of" | "or" | "orelse" | // "query" | "receive" | "rem" | "try" | // "when" | "xor"; public RealKwElements getRealKwAccess() { return pRealKw; } public ParserRule getRealKwRule() { return getRealKwAccess().getRule(); } // terminal ATOM: // ATOM_STARTER IN_WORD_CHAR* | "\'" ("\\" ESCAPE | !("\\" | "\'"))* ("\'" | // EOF); public TerminalRule getATOMRule() { return tATOM; } // terminal STRING: // "\"" ("\\" ESCAPE | !("\\" | "\""))* ("\"" | EOF); public TerminalRule getSTRINGRule() { return tSTRING; } // terminal VARIABLE: // ("A".."Z" | "_" | "?".."?" | "?".."?") IN_WORD_CHAR*; public TerminalRule getVARIABLERule() { return tVARIABLE; } // terminal fragment COMMENT: // "%" !("\n" | "\r")* ("\r"? "\n" | EOF); public TerminalRule getCOMMENTRule() { return tCOMMENT; } // terminal SL_COMMENT: // COMMENT+; public TerminalRule getSL_COMMENTRule() { return tSL_COMMENT; } // // FIXME what when input is utf8? // terminal WS: // !("!".."~" | "�".."�")+; public TerminalRule getWSRule() { return tWS; } // INTEGER: // INT | BASED_INT; public INTEGERElements getINTEGERAccess() { return pINTEGER; } public ParserRule getINTEGERRule() { return getINTEGERAccess().getRule(); } // terminal BASED_INT: // "1".."3"? "0".."9" "#" ("0".."9" | "a".."z" | "A".."Z")+; public TerminalRule getBASED_INTRule() { return tBASED_INT; } // terminal INT: // "0".."9"+; public TerminalRule getINTRule() { return tINT; } // FLOAT hidden(): // INT "." (EXT_INT | INT); public FLOATElements getFLOATAccess() { return pFLOAT; } public ParserRule getFLOATRule() { return getFLOATAccess().getRule(); } // terminal EXT_INT: // INT ("e" | "E") ("+" | "-")? INT; public TerminalRule getEXT_INTRule() { return tEXT_INT; } // terminal CHAR: // "$" ("\\" ESCAPE | .); public TerminalRule getCHARRule() { return tCHAR; } // terminal fragment IN_WORD_CHAR: // "a".."z" | "A".."Z" | "_" | "@" | "0".."9" | "?".."?" | "?".."?" | // "?".."?" | "?".."?"; public TerminalRule getIN_WORD_CHARRule() { return tIN_WORD_CHAR; } // terminal fragment ATOM_STARTER: // "a".."z" | "?".."?" | "?".."?"; public TerminalRule getATOM_STARTERRule() { return tATOM_STARTER; } // terminal fragment ESCAPE: // "b" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "v" | "0".."7" ("0".."7" // "0".."7"?)? | ("x" | "X") HEX_DIGIT // HEX_DIGIT | ("x" | "X") "{" HEX_DIGIT+ "}" | "^" ("a".."z" | "A".."Z" | // "]") | .; public TerminalRule getESCAPERule() { return tESCAPE; } // terminal fragment HEX_DIGIT: // "0".."9" | "A".."F" | "a".."f"; public TerminalRule getHEX_DIGITRule() { return tHEX_DIGIT; } // // Type language // SpecFun returns FunRef: // (module=ModuleVarMacro ":")? function=FunctionVarMacro ("/" // arity=IntVarMacro "::")?; public SpecFunElements getSpecFunAccess() { return pSpecFun; } public ParserRule getSpecFunRule() { return getSpecFunAccess().getRule(); } // TypeSig: // decl=FunType ("when" guards=TypeGuards)?; public TypeSigElements getTypeSigAccess() { return pTypeSig; } public ParserRule getTypeSigRule() { return getTypeSigAccess().getRule(); } // FunType: // "(" (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? ")" "->" return=TopType; public FunTypeElements getFunTypeAccess() { return pFunType; } public ParserRule getFunTypeRule() { return getFunTypeAccess().getRule(); } // TypeGuards: // items+=TypeGuard ("," items+=TypeGuard)*; public TypeGuardsElements getTypeGuardsAccess() { return pTypeGuards; } public ParserRule getTypeGuardsRule() { return getTypeGuardsAccess().getRule(); } // TypeGuard: // typeName=TypeRef "(" types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)* ")" | // typeName=VariableLiteral "::" type=TopType; public TypeGuardElements getTypeGuardAccess() { return pTypeGuard; } public ParserRule getTypeGuardRule() { return getTypeGuardAccess().getRule(); } // TopType: // (var=VARIABLE "::")? type=Type100; public TopTypeElements getTopTypeAccess() { return pTopType; } public ParserRule getTopTypeRule() { return getTopTypeAccess().getRule(); } // Type100: // Type200 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="|") // rightOperand=Type200)*; public Type100Elements getType100Access() { return pType100; } public ParserRule getType100Rule() { return getType100Access().getRule(); } // Type200: // Type300 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op="..") // rightOperand=Type300)*; public Type200Elements getType200Access() { return pType200; } public ParserRule getType200Rule() { return getType200Access().getRule(); } // Type300: // Type400 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=ADDOP) // rightOperand=Type400)*; public Type300Elements getType300Access() { return pType300; } public ParserRule getType300Rule() { return getType300Access().getRule(); } // Type400: // Type500 (=> ({TopType.leftOperand=current} op=MULTOP) // rightOperand=Type500)*; public Type400Elements getType400Access() { return pType400; } public ParserRule getType400Rule() { return getType400Access().getRule(); } // Type500: // {UnaryType} op=PREFIXOP operand=Type | Type; public Type500Elements getType500Access() { return pType500; } public ParserRule getType500Rule() { return getType500Access().getRule(); } // Type: // "(" TopType ")" | {RemoteType} (m=ModuleVarMacro ":")? typeName=TypeRef // ("(" (args+=TopType ("," args+=TopType)*)? // ")")? | typeName=VariableLiteral | value=INTEGER | "[" {ListType} // (type=TopType ("," "...")?)? "]" | "{" {TupleType} // (types+=TopType ("," types+=TopType)*)? "}" | "#" {RecordType} // rec=RecordRef "{" (fields+=FieldType ("," // fields+=FieldType)*)? "}" | BinaryType | "fun" {FunType} "(" // type=FunType100? ")"; public TypeElements getTypeAccess() { return pType; } public ParserRule getTypeRule() { return getTypeAccess().getRule(); } // FieldType: // typeName=[TypeAttribute|ATOM] "::" type=TopType; public FieldTypeElements getFieldTypeAccess() { return pFieldType; } public ParserRule getFieldTypeRule() { return getFieldTypeAccess().getRule(); } // BinaryType: // "<<" {BinaryType} (type+=BinBaseType ("," type+=BinUnitType)? | // type+=BinUnitType)? ">>"; public BinaryTypeElements getBinaryTypeAccess() { return pBinaryType; } public ParserRule getBinaryTypeRule() { return getBinaryTypeAccess().getRule(); } // BinBaseType: // typeName=VariableLiteral ":" type=Type; public BinBaseTypeElements getBinBaseTypeAccess() { return pBinBaseType; } public ParserRule getBinBaseTypeRule() { return getBinBaseTypeAccess().getRule(); } // BinUnitType: // typeName=VariableLiteral ":" m=VARIABLE "*" type=Type; public BinUnitTypeElements getBinUnitTypeAccess() { return pBinUnitType; } public ParserRule getBinUnitTypeRule() { return getBinUnitTypeAccess().getRule(); } // FunType100: // {FunTypeList} "(" ("..." | items+=TopType ("," items+=TopType)*)? ")" // "->" return=TopType; public FunType100Elements getFunType100Access() { return pFunType100; } public ParserRule getFunType100Rule() { return getFunType100Access().getRule(); } }