package org.erlide.common.ui; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import; import org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin; import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.IImageHelper; import org.osgi.framework.BundleEvent; import org.osgi.framework.SynchronousBundleListener; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Sebastian Zarnekow */ @Singleton public class ErlideImageHelper implements IImageHelper, SynchronousBundleListener { private final Map<ImageDescriptor, Image> registry = Maps .newHashMapWithExpectedSize(10); private AbstractUIPlugin plugin; @Inject(optional = true) @Named("org.eclipse.xtext.ui.PluginImageHelper.pathSuffix") private String pathSuffix = "icons/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ @Inject(optional = true) @Named("org.eclipse.xtext.ui.PluginImageHelper.defaultImage") private String defaultImage = "default.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$ @Inject(optional = true) @Named("org.eclipse.xtext.ui.PluginImageHelper.notFound") private String notFound = "notFound.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public ErlideImageHelper() { plugin = CommonUiPlugin.getDefault(); } /** * Returns the image associated with the given image descriptor. * * @param descriptor * the image descriptor for which the helper manages an image, or * <code>null</code> for a missing image descriptor * @return the image associated with the image descriptor or * <code>null</code> if the image descriptor can't create the * requested image. */ @Override public Image getImage(ImageDescriptor descriptor) { if (descriptor == null) { descriptor = ImageDescriptor.getMissingImageDescriptor(); } Image result = registry.get(descriptor); if (result != null) { return result; } result = descriptor.createImage(); if (result != null) { registry.put(descriptor, result); } return result; } /** * Disposes all images managed by this image helper. */ public void dispose() { for (final Iterator<Image> iter = registry.values().iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { final Image image =; image.dispose(); } registry.clear(); } @Inject public void hookBundleListener(final AbstractUIPlugin aplugin) { aplugin.getBundle().getBundleContext().addBundleListener(this); } @Override public Image getImage(final String imageName) { // System.out.println("-----------------------" + imageName); final String imgname = imageName == null ? defaultImage : imageName; if (imgname != null) { Image result = null; final URL imgUrl = getPlugin().getBundle().getEntry( getPathSuffix() + imgname); if (imgUrl != null) { ImageDescriptor id = null; result = getPlugin().getImageRegistry().get( imgUrl.toExternalForm()); if (result == null) { id = ImageDescriptor.createFromURL(imgUrl); if (id != null) { result = id.createImage(); getPlugin().getImageRegistry().put( imgUrl.toExternalForm(), result); } } // System.out.println(result); return result; } if (!imgname.equals(notFound)) { // System.out.println(notFound); return getImage(notFound); } } // System.out.println("null"); return null; } public void setPathSuffix(final String pathSuffix) { this.pathSuffix = pathSuffix; } public String getPathSuffix() { return pathSuffix; } public void setPlugin(final AbstractUIPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } public AbstractUIPlugin getPlugin() { return plugin; } public void setNotFound(final String notFound) { this.notFound = notFound; } public String getNotFound() { return notFound; } public String getDefaultImage() { return defaultImage; } public void setDefaultImage(final String defaultImage) { this.defaultImage = defaultImage; } @Override public void bundleChanged(final BundleEvent event) { if (event.getType() == BundleEvent.STOPPING && event.getBundle().getBundleId() == getPlugin().getBundle() .getBundleId()) { dispose(); } } }