package org.oliot.epcis.converter.mongodb; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.bson.BsonArray; import org.bson.BsonDateTime; import org.bson.BsonDocument; import org.bson.BsonString; import org.bson.BsonValue; /** * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Jaewook Byun * * This project is part of Oliot open source ( Oliot EPCIS * v1.2.x is Java Web Service complying with Electronic Product Code Information * Service (EPCIS) v1.2. * * @author Jaewook Byun, Ph.D student * * Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) * * Real-time Embedded System Laboratory(RESL) * *, */ public class ECReportWriteConverter { public static BsonDocument convert(String epcString, long eventTime, String eventTimeZoneOffset, long recordTimeMillis, String action, String bizStep, String disposition, String readPoint, String bizLocation, Map<String, BsonValue> extMap) { BsonDocument dbo = new BsonDocument(); // EPC BsonArray epcList = new BsonArray(); BsonDocument epc = new BsonDocument(); epc.put("epc", new BsonString(epcString)); epcList.add(epc); dbo.put("epcList", epcList); dbo.put("eventType", new BsonString("ObjectEvent")); dbo.put("eventTime", new BsonDateTime(eventTime)); if (eventTimeZoneOffset == null) { dbo.put("eventTimeZoneOffset", new BsonString("+09:00")); } else { dbo.put("eventTimeZoneOffset", new BsonString(eventTimeZoneOffset)); } dbo.put("recordTime", new BsonDateTime(recordTimeMillis)); if (action == null) { dbo.put("action", new BsonString("OBSERVE")); } else { dbo.put("action", new BsonString(action)); } if (bizStep != null) { dbo.put("bizStep", new BsonString(bizStep)); } if (disposition != null) { dbo.put("dispsition", new BsonString(disposition)); } if (readPoint != null) { dbo.put("readPoint", new BsonDocument("id", new BsonString(readPoint))); } if (bizLocation != null) { dbo.put("bizLocation", new BsonDocument("id", new BsonString(bizLocation))); } // Extension Field if (extMap.isEmpty() == false) { Iterator<String> keyIterator = extMap.keySet().iterator(); BsonDocument any = new BsonDocument(); String namespaceURI = MongoWriterUtil.encodeMongoObjectKey( ""); any.put("@" + namespaceURI, new BsonString("ale")); while (keyIterator.hasNext()) { String key =; BsonValue value = extMap.get(key); String qnameKey = MongoWriterUtil.encodeMongoObjectKey(namespaceURI + "#" + key); any.put(qnameKey, value); } dbo.put("any", any); } return dbo; } }