package org.oliot.gcp.core; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Copyright (C) 2015 Jaewook Byun * * @author Jaewook Byun, Ph.D student Korea Advanced Institute of Science and * Technology (KAIST) Real-time Embedded System Laboratory(RESL) *, */ public class AICodeParser { private HashMap<String, String> applicationIdentifierMap; private HashMap<String, String> collection; /** * * @param code * GS1 AI and Element String contains unknown checksum as wild * character (*) * @return e.g. (01)8061414112345* --> (01)80614141123458 */ public String fillChecksum(String code, int gcpLength) { // Null Check if (code == null || gcpLength <= 0) { return null; } // Keep code as HashMap applicationIdentifierMap = parse(code); // Initialize identifiedEPCMap collection = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 00 formulate SSCC if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("00")) { String sscc = applicationIdentifierMap.get("00"); sscc = sscc.replaceAll("\\s", ""); for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ String temp = sscc.replace('*', String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()[0]); if( isSsccCheckDigitCorrect(temp)){ return "(00)"+temp; } } } // 01 formulate GTIN if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("01")) { String gtin = applicationIdentifierMap.get("01"); gtin = gtin.replaceAll("\\s", ""); for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ String temp = gtin.replace('*', String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()[0]); if( isGtinCheckDigitCorrect(temp)){ return "(01)"+temp; } } } // 253 formulate GDTI if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("253")) { String gdti = applicationIdentifierMap.get("253"); gdti = gdti.replaceAll("\\s", ""); for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ String temp = gdti.replace('*', String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()[0]); if( isGdtiCheckDigitCorrect(temp)){ return "(253)"+temp; } } } // 255 formulate SGCN if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("255")) { String sgcn = applicationIdentifierMap.get("255"); sgcn = sgcn.replaceAll("\\s", ""); for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ String temp = sgcn.replace('*', String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()[0]); if( isSgcnCheckDigitCorrect(temp)){ return "(255)"+temp; } } } // 414 ( SGLN without extension ) if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("414")) { String sgln = applicationIdentifierMap.get("414"); sgln = sgln.replaceAll("\\s", ""); for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ String temp = sgln.replace('*', String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()[0]); if( isGlnCheckDigitCorrect(temp)){ return "(414)"+temp; } } } // 8003 formulate GRAI if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8003")) { String grai = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8003"); grai = grai.replaceAll("\\s", ""); for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ String temp = grai.replace('*', String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()[0]); if( isGraiCheckDigitCorrect(temp)){ return "(8003)"+temp; } } } // 8017 formulate GSRNP if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8017")) { String gsrnp = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8017"); gsrnp = gsrnp.replaceAll("\\s", ""); for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ String temp = gsrnp.replace('*', String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()[0]); if( isGsrnCheckDigitCorrect(temp)){ return "(8017)"+temp; } } } // 8018 formulate GSRN if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8018")) { String gsrn = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8018"); gsrn = gsrn.replaceAll("\\s", ""); for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ String temp = gsrn.replace('*', String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()[0]); if( isGsrnCheckDigitCorrect(temp)){ return "(8018)"+temp; } } } return null; } /** * * @param code * Sequence of ((GS1 Application Identifier) Element Strings)+ * e.g. * (01)00037000302414(21)10419703(414)0003700030241(254)1041970 * Support: SGTIN-198 Support: * @param gcpLength * a length of gs1 global company prefix * @param output * Key-value pairs of elements in code * @return */ public HashMap<String, String> parse(String code, int gcpLength) { // Null Check if (code == null || gcpLength <= 0) { return null; } // Keep code as HashMap applicationIdentifierMap = parse(code); // Initialize identifiedEPCMap collection = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 00 formulate SSCC if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("00")) { String sscc = generateSscc(gcpLength); if (sscc != null) { collection.put("sscc", sscc); } } // 01 formulate GTIN if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("01")) { String gtin = generateGtin(gcpLength); if (gtin != null) { collection.put("gtin", gtin); } } // 01 & 21 formulate SGTIN if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("01") && applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("21")) { String sgtin = generateSgtin(gcpLength); if (sgtin != null) { collection.put("sgtin", sgtin); } } // 01 & 10 formulate LGTIN if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("01") && applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("10")) { String lgtin = generateLgtin(gcpLength); if (lgtin != null) { collection.put("lgtin", lgtin); } } // 253 formulate GDTI if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("253")) { String gdti = generateGdti(gcpLength); if (gdti != null) { collection.put("gdti", gdti); } } // 255 formulate SGCN if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("255")) { String sgcn = generateSgcn(gcpLength); if (sgcn != null) { collection.put("sgcn", sgcn); } } // 414 ( SGLN without extension ) 414 & 254 ( SGLN with extension ) if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("414")) { String sgln = generateSgln(gcpLength); if (sgln != null) { collection.put("sgln", sgln); } } // 8003 formulate GRAI if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8003")) { String grai = generateGrai(gcpLength); if (grai != null) { collection.put("grai", grai); } } // 8004 formulate GIAI if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8004")) { String giai = generateGiai(gcpLength); if (giai != null) { collection.put("giai", giai); } } // 8010 and 8011 formulate CPI if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8010") && applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8011")) { String cpi = generateCpi(gcpLength); if (cpi != null) { collection.put("cpi", cpi); } } // 8017 formulate GSRNP if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8017")) { String gsrnp = generateGsrnp(gcpLength); if (gsrnp != null) { collection.put("gsrnp", gsrnp); } } // 8018 formulate GSRN if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("8018")) { String gsrn = generateGsrn(gcpLength); if (gsrn != null) { collection.put("gsrn", gsrn); } } // 11 / 13 / 30 / 310n / 390n generateOtherInformation(); return collection; } private String generateSscc(int gcpLength) { // SSCC // System.out.println("[System] SSCC exists"); // Validation Check String sscc = applicationIdentifierMap.get("00"); if (sscc.matches("([0-9]{18})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isSsccCheckDigitCorrect(sscc) == false) { return null; } String gcp = sscc.substring(1, gcpLength + 1); // System.out.println("[System] SSCC: " + gcp); String serialref = sscc.substring(gcpLength + 1, sscc.length() - 1); // System.out.println("[System] Serialref Suffix: " + serialref); serialref = sscc.substring(0, 1) + serialref; // System.out.println("[System] Serialref: " + serialref); String ssccEPC = "urn:epc:id:sscc:" + gcp + "." + serialref; // System.out.println("[System] SSCC: " + ssccEPC); return ssccEPC; } private String generateGtin(int gcpLength) { // GTIN // System.out.println("[System] SGTIN exists"); // Validation Check String gtin = applicationIdentifierMap.get("01"); if (gtin.matches("([0-9]{14})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isGtinCheckDigitCorrect(gtin) == false) { return null; } String gcp = gtin.substring(1, gcpLength + 1); // System.out.println("[System] GTIN: " + gcp); String itemref = gtin.substring(gcpLength + 1, gtin.length() - 1); // System.out.println("[System] Itemref Suffix: " + itemref); itemref = gtin.substring(0, 1) + itemref; // System.out.println("[System] Itemref: " + itemref); String gtinEPC = "urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:" + gcp + "." + itemref + ".*"; // System.out.println("[System] GTIN: " + gtin); return gtinEPC; } private String generateSgtin(int gcpLength) { // SGTIN // System.out.println("[System] SGTIN exists"); // Validation Check String gtin = applicationIdentifierMap.get("01"); if (gtin.matches("([0-9]{14})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isGtinCheckDigitCorrect(gtin) == false) { return null; } String serial = applicationIdentifierMap.get("21"); if (serial.matches("([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,20})") == false) { return null; } serial = applySerialEncoding(serial); String gcp = gtin.substring(1, gcpLength + 1); // System.out.println("[System] GTIN: " + gcp); String itemref = gtin.substring(gcpLength + 1, gtin.length() - 1); // System.out.println("[System] Itemref Suffix: " + itemref); itemref = gtin.substring(0, 1) + itemref; // System.out.println("[System] Itemref: " + itemref); String sgtin = "urn:epc:id:sgtin:" + gcp + "." + itemref + "." + serial; // System.out.println("[System] SGTIN: " + sgtin); return sgtin; } private String generateLgtin(int gcpLength) { // LGTIN // System.out.println("[System] LGTIN exists"); // Validation Check String gtin = applicationIdentifierMap.get("01"); if (gtin.matches("([0-9]{14})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isGtinCheckDigitCorrect(gtin) == false) { return null; } String lot = applicationIdentifierMap.get("10"); if (lot.matches("([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,20})") == false) { return null; } lot = applySerialEncoding(lot); String gcp = gtin.substring(1, gcpLength + 1); // System.out.println("[System] GTIN: " + gcp); String itemref = gtin.substring(gcpLength + 1, gtin.length() - 1); // System.out.println("[System] Itemref Suffix: " + itemref); itemref = gtin.substring(0, 1) + itemref; // System.out.println("[System] Itemref: " + itemref); String lgtin = "urn:epc:class:lgtin:" + gcp + "." + itemref + "." + lot; // System.out.println("[System] LGTIN: " + lgtin); return lgtin; } private String generateGdti(int gcpLength) { // GDTI // System.out.println("[System] GDTI exists"); // Validation Check String gdti = applicationIdentifierMap.get("253"); if (gdti.matches("([0-9]{13})([0-9]{1,17})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isGdtiCheckDigitCorrect(gdti) == false) { return null; } String gcp = gdti.substring(0, gcpLength); // System.out.println("[System] GCP: " + gcp); String docType = gdti.substring(gcpLength, 12); // System.out.println("[System] Document Type: " + docType); String serial = gdti.substring(13, gdti.length()); // System.out.println("[System] Serial: " + serial); String gdtiEPC = "urn:epc:id:gdti:" + gcp + "." + docType + "." + serial; // System.out.println("[System] GDTI: " + gdtiEPC); return gdtiEPC; } private String generateSgcn(int gcpLength) { // SGCN // System.out.println("[System] SGCN exists"); // Validation Check String sgcn = applicationIdentifierMap.get("255"); if (sgcn.matches("([0-9]{13})([0-9]{1,12})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isSgcnCheckDigitCorrect(sgcn) == false) { return null; } String gcp = sgcn.substring(0, gcpLength); // System.out.println("[System] GCP: " + gcp); String couponRef = sgcn.substring(gcpLength, 12); // System.out.println("[System] Coupon Reference: " + couponRef); String serial = sgcn.substring(13, sgcn.length()); // System.out.println("[System] Serial: " + serial); String sgcnEPC = "urn:epc:id:sgcn:" + gcp + "." + couponRef + "." + serial; // System.out.println("[System] SGCN: " + sgcnEPC); return sgcnEPC; } private String generateSgln(int gcpLength) { // SGLN // System.out.println("[System] SGLN exists"); // Validation Check String gln = applicationIdentifierMap.get("414"); if (gln.matches("([0-9]{13})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isGlnCheckDigitCorrect(gln) == false) { return null; } String serial = applicationIdentifierMap.get("254"); if (serial == null) { serial = "0"; } String gcp = gln.substring(0, gcpLength); // System.out.println("[System] GTIN: " + gcp); String locref = gln.substring(gcpLength, gln.length() - 1); // System.out.println("[System] Locref: " + locref); String sgln = "urn:epc:id:sgln:" + gcp + "." + locref + "." + serial; // System.out.println("[System] SGLN: " + sgln); return sgln; } private String generateGrai(int gcpLength) { // GRAI // System.out.println("[System] GRAI exists"); // Validation Check String grai = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8003"); if (grai.matches("0([0-9]{13})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,16})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isGraiCheckDigitCorrect(grai) == false) { return null; } String gcp = grai.substring(1, gcpLength + 1); // System.out.println("[System] GCP: " + gcp); String assetType = grai.substring(gcpLength + 1, 13); // System.out.println("[System] Asset Type: " + assetType); String serial = grai.substring(14, grai.length()); serial = applySerialEncoding(serial); // System.out.println("[System] Serial: " + serial); String graiEPC = "urn:epc:id:grai:" + gcp + "." + assetType + "." + serial; // System.out.println("[System] GRAI: " + graiEPC); return graiEPC; } private String generateGiai(int gcpLength) { // GIAI // System.out.println("[System] GIAI exists"); // Validation Check String giai = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8004"); String gcp; String assetReference; if (gcpLength == 6 && giai.matches("([0-9]{6})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,24})")) { gcp = giai.substring(0, 6); assetReference = giai.substring(6, giai.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 7 && giai.matches("([0-9]{7})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,23})")) { gcp = giai.substring(0, 7); assetReference = giai.substring(7, giai.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 8 && giai.matches("([0-9]{8})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,22})")) { gcp = giai.substring(0, 8); assetReference = giai.substring(8, giai.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 9 && giai.matches("([0-9]{9})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,21})")) { gcp = giai.substring(0, 9); assetReference = giai.substring(9, giai.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 10 && giai.matches("([0-9]{10})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,20})")) { gcp = giai.substring(0, 10); assetReference = giai.substring(10, giai.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 11 && giai.matches("([0-9]{11})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,19})")) { gcp = giai.substring(0, 11); assetReference = giai.substring(11, giai.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 12 && giai.matches("([0-9]{12})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]{1,18})")) { gcp = giai.substring(0, 12); assetReference = giai.substring(12, giai.length()); } else { return null; } assetReference = applySerialEncoding(assetReference); // System.out.println("[System] GCP: " + gcp); // System.out.println("[System] assetReference: " + assetReference); String giaiEPC = "urn:epc:id:giai:" + gcp + "." + assetReference; // System.out.println("[System] GIAI: " + giaiEPC); return giaiEPC; } private String generateGsrnp(int gcpLength) { // GSRNP // System.out.println("[System] GSRNP exists"); // Validation Check String gsrnp = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8017"); if (gsrnp.matches("([0-9]{18})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation, GSRN and GSRNP shares common check digit // logic if (isGsrnCheckDigitCorrect(gsrnp) == false) { return null; } String gcp = gsrnp.substring(0, gcpLength); // System.out.println("[System] GSRNP: " + gcp); String serviceref = gsrnp.substring(gcpLength, gsrnp.length() - 1); // System.out.println("[System] Serviceref Suffix: " + serviceref); String gsrnpEPC = "urn:epc:id:gsrnp:" + gcp + "." + serviceref; // System.out.println("[System] GSRN: " + gsrnEPC); return gsrnpEPC; } private String generateGsrn(int gcpLength) { // GSRN // System.out.println("[System] GSRN exists"); // Validation Check String gsrn = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8018"); if (gsrn.matches("([0-9]{18})") == false) { return null; } // Check digit validation if (isGsrnCheckDigitCorrect(gsrn) == false) { return null; } String gcp = gsrn.substring(0, gcpLength); // System.out.println("[System] GSRN: " + gcp); String serviceref = gsrn.substring(gcpLength, gsrn.length() - 1); // System.out.println("[System] Serviceref Suffix: " + serviceref); String gsrnEPC = "urn:epc:id:gsrn:" + gcp + "." + serviceref; // System.out.println("[System] GSRN: " + gsrnEPC); return gsrnEPC; } private String generateCpi(int gcpLength) { // CPI // System.out.println("[System] CPI exists"); // Validation Check String cp = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8010"); String cpserial = applicationIdentifierMap.get("8011"); String gcp; String cpref; if (gcpLength == 6 && cp.matches("([0-9]{6})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]+)")) { gcp = cp.substring(0, 6); cpref = cp.substring(6, cp.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 7 && cp.matches("([0-9]{7})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]+)")) { gcp = cp.substring(0, 7); cpref = cp.substring(7, cp.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 8 && cp.matches("([0-9]{8})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]+)")) { gcp = cp.substring(0, 8); cpref = cp.substring(8, cp.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 9 && cp.matches("([0-9]{9})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]+)")) { gcp = cp.substring(0, 9); cpref = cp.substring(9, cp.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 10 && cp.matches("([0-9]{10})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]+)")) { gcp = cp.substring(0, 10); cpref = cp.substring(10, cp.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 11 && cp.matches("([0-9]{11})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]+)")) { gcp = cp.substring(0, 11); cpref = cp.substring(11, cp.length()); } else if (gcpLength == 12 && cp.matches("([0-9]{12})([!%-?A-Z_a-z\"]+)")) { gcp = cp.substring(0, 12); cpref = cp.substring(12, cp.length()); } else { return null; } cpref = applySerialEncoding(cpref); // System.out.println("[System] GCP: " + gcp); // System.out.println("[System] CP Reference: " + cpref); // System.out.println("[System] CP Serial: " + cpserial); String cpiEPC = "urn:epc:id:cpi:" + gcp + "." + cpref + "." + cpserial; // System.out.println("[System] CPI: " + cpiEPC); return cpiEPC; } private int generateOtherInformation() { int cnt = 0; // 11 - Production Date - YYMMDD if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("11")) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("YYMMDD"); String productionDate = applicationIdentifierMap.get("11"); try { sdf.parse(productionDate); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:11", productionDate); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:11" + // productionDate); cnt++; } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Date Format : YYMMDD"); } } // 13 - Packaging Date - YYMMDD if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("13")) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("YYMMDD"); String packagingDate = applicationIdentifierMap.get("13"); try { sdf.parse(packagingDate); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:13", packagingDate); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:13" + // packagingDate); cnt++; } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Date Format : YYMMDD"); } } // 30 - Count of Item - up to 8 digit if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("30")) { String itemCount = applicationIdentifierMap.get("30"); if (itemCount.length() <= 8) { try { int count = Integer.parseInt(itemCount); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:30", String.valueOf(count)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:30" + // count); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Count of Item : 0~99999999"); } } } // 3103 - Kilograms weight - 6digit if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3100")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3100"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // weight); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3101")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3101"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 10)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 10)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3102")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3102"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 100)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 100)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3103")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3103"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 1000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 1000)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3103")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3103"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 1000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 1000)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3104")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3104"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 10000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 10000)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3105")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3105"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 100000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 100000)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3106")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3106"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 1000000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 1000000)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3107")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3107"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 10000000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 10000000)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3108")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3108"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 100000000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 100000000)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3109")) { String kiloWeight = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3109"); if (kiloWeight.length() == 6) { try { float weight = Float.parseFloat(kiloWeight); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:310n", String.valueOf(weight / 1000000000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:310n " + // String.valueOf(weight / 1000000000)); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid kilograms of weight of 6 digits"); } } } // 393n - Price // - 3digit to iso currency code , e.g. KRW - 410 // - up to 15digit for price, // - n <- start point to floating number, e.g. 3932 | 15000 -> 150.00 if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3930")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3930"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3931")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3931"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 10)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 10); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3932")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3932"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 100)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 100); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3933")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3933"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 1000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 1000); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3934")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3934"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 10000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 10000); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3935")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3935"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 100000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 100000); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3936")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3936"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 1000000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 1000000); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3937")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3937"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 10000000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 10000000); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3938")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3938"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 100000000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 100000000); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } if (applicationIdentifierMap.containsKey("3939")) { String isoPrice = applicationIdentifierMap.get("3939"); String currencyCode = isoPrice.substring(0, 3); String price = isoPrice.substring(3, isoPrice.length()); if (price.length() <= 15) { try { double priceDouble = Double.parseDouble(price); collection.put("urn:epc:id:ai:393n", currencyCode + "|" + String.valueOf(priceDouble / 1000000000)); // System.out.println("[System] " + "urn:epc:id:ai:393n:" + // currencyCode + " " + priceDouble / 1000000000); cnt++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid pounds of price of 15 digits"); } } } return cnt; } private HashMap<String, String> parse(String code) { HashMap<String, String> applicationIdentifierMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String[] codeFragments = code.split("\\("); for (int i = 0; i < codeFragments.length; i++) { String codeFragment = codeFragments[i]; if (codeFragment == null) { continue; } String[] codeFragment2 = codeFragment.split("\\)"); if (codeFragment2.length != 2) { continue; } String applicationIdentifier = codeFragment2[0].replaceAll("\\s", ""); String elementString = codeFragment2[1].replaceAll("\\s", ""); try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") int aiCheck = Integer.parseInt(applicationIdentifier); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue; } applicationIdentifierMap.put(applicationIdentifier, elementString); // System.out.println("[System] AI: " + applicationIdentifier + ", // ES: " + elementString); } return applicationIdentifierMap; } private boolean isSsccCheckDigitCorrect(String sscc) { if (sscc.length() != 18) { return false; } int[] e = toIntArray(sscc); for (int i = 0; i < sscc.length(); i++) { e[i] = Integer.parseInt(sscc.charAt(i) + ""); } if (!(e[17] == (10 - ((3 * (e[0] + e[2] + e[4] + e[6] + e[8] + e[10] + e[12] + e[14] + e[16]) + e[1] + e[3] + e[5] + e[7] + e[9] + e[11] + e[13] + e[15]) % 10)) % 10)) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Check Digit"); return false; } return true; } private boolean isGtinCheckDigitCorrect(String gtin) { if (gtin.length() != 14) { return false; } int[] e = toIntArray(gtin); for (int i = 0; i < gtin.length(); i++) { e[i] = Integer.parseInt(gtin.charAt(i) + ""); } if (!(e[13] == (10 - ((3 * (e[0] + e[2] + e[4] + e[6] + e[8] + e[10] + e[12]) + e[1] + e[3] + e[5] + e[7] + e[9] + e[11]) % 10)) % 10)) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Check Digit"); return false; } return true; } private boolean isGdtiCheckDigitCorrect(String gdti) { if (gdti.length() < 14) { return false; } String exceptSerial = gdti.substring(0, 13); int[] e = toIntArray(exceptSerial); for (int i = 0; i < exceptSerial.length(); i++) { e[i] = Integer.parseInt(exceptSerial.charAt(i) + ""); } if (!(e[12] == (10 - ((3 * (e[1] + e[3] + e[5] + e[7] + e[9] + e[11]) + e[0] + e[2] + e[4] + e[6] + e[8] + e[10]) % 10)) % 10)) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Check Digit"); return false; } return true; } private boolean isSgcnCheckDigitCorrect(String sgcn) { // Length already checked String exceptSerial = sgcn.substring(0, 13); int[] e = toIntArray(exceptSerial); for (int i = 0; i < exceptSerial.length(); i++) { e[i] = Integer.parseInt(exceptSerial.charAt(i) + ""); } if (!(e[12] == (10 - ((3 * (e[1] + e[3] + e[5] + e[7] + e[9] + e[11]) + e[0] + e[2] + e[4] + e[6] + e[8] + e[10]) % 10)) % 10)) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Check Digit"); return false; } return true; } private boolean isGlnCheckDigitCorrect(String gln) { if (gln.length() != 13) { return false; } int[] e = toIntArray(gln); if (!(e[12] == (10 - ((3 * (e[1] + e[3] + e[5] + e[7] + e[9] + e[11]) + e[0] + e[2] + e[4] + e[6] + e[8] + e[10]) % 10)) % 10)) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Check Digit"); return false; } return true; } private boolean isGraiCheckDigitCorrect(String grai) { if (grai.length() < 15) { return false; } String exceptSerial = grai.substring(0, 14); int[] e = toIntArray(exceptSerial); for (int i = 0; i < exceptSerial.length(); i++) { e[i] = Integer.parseInt(exceptSerial.charAt(i) + ""); } if (!(e[12] == (10 - ((3 * (e[1] + e[3] + e[5] + e[7] + e[9] + e[11]) + e[0] + e[2] + e[4] + e[6] + e[8] + e[10]) % 10)) % 10)) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Check Digit"); return false; } return true; } private boolean isGsrnCheckDigitCorrect(String gsrn) { if (gsrn.length() != 18) { return false; } int[] e = toIntArray(gsrn); if (!(e[17] == (10 - ((3 * (e[0] + e[2] + e[4] + e[6] + e[8] + e[10] + e[12] + e[14] + e[16]) + e[1] + e[3] + e[5] + e[7] + e[9] + e[11] + e[13] + e[15]) % 10)) % 10)) { System.out.println("[System] Invalid Check Digit"); return false; } return true; } private int[] toIntArray(String str) { int[] e = new int[str.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { e[i] = Integer.parseInt(str.charAt(i) + ""); } return e; } private String applySerialEncoding(String serial) { serial = serial.replaceAll("/", "%2F"); return serial; } }