package net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ProcessRunner implements IProcessRunner { // private final IProcessFactory fProcessFactory; private final static String STDOUT_REDIRECT = "output_redirect"; private final static String STDERR_REDIRECT = "error_redirect"; public static final String LIBRARY_VERSION="using version ((\\d|\\.)*) of the Cabal library"; public ProcessRunner() { //this( new ProcessFactory() ); } // public ProcessRunner( final IProcessFactory factory ) { // fProcessFactory = factory; // } @Override public int executeBlocking( final File workingDir, final Writer out, final Writer err, final String ... args ) throws IOException { Process proc = doExecute( workingDir,err==null, args ); Thread outRedirect = redirect( new InputStreamReader( proc.getInputStream() ), out, STDOUT_REDIRECT ); Thread errRedirect = null; if (err!=null){ errRedirect = redirect( new InputStreamReader( proc.getErrorStream() ), err, STDERR_REDIRECT ); } int code=-1; try { code=proc.waitFor(); // wait for process to finish outRedirect.join(); // wait until out stream content is redirected if (errRedirect!=null){ errRedirect.join(); // wait until err stream content is redirected } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // ignore } return code; } @Override public Process executeNonblocking( final File workingDir, final Writer out, Writer err, final String ... args ) throws IOException { Process proc = doExecute( workingDir,err==null, args ); redirect( new InputStreamReader( proc.getInputStream() ), out, STDOUT_REDIRECT ); if (err==null){ err=new StringWriter(); } redirect( new InputStreamReader( proc.getErrorStream() ), err, STDERR_REDIRECT ); return proc; } private Process doExecute( final File workingDir, final boolean redirect,final String ... args ) throws IOException { //Process proc = fProcessFactory.startProcess( workingDir, args ); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(args); workingDir ); builder.redirectErrorStream(redirect); return builder.start(); } private static Thread redirect( final Reader in, final Writer out, String name ) { Thread outRedirect = new StreamRedirect( name, in, out ); outRedirect.start(); return outRedirect; } public static Thread[] consume(Process proc){ Thread t1=redirect( new InputStreamReader( proc.getInputStream() ), new StringWriter(), STDOUT_REDIRECT ); Thread t2=redirect( new InputStreamReader( proc.getErrorStream() ), new StringWriter(), STDERR_REDIRECT ); return new Thread[]{t1,t2}; } /** * get both the version of the executabl * @param path the path * @param wait should we wait for the executable or do we NOT trust it to return and shut down (older versions of scion-browser did not return on the --version flag * @return the version of the executable or null if we could not get it * @throws IOException */ public static String getExecutableVersion(String path,boolean wait) throws IOException{ List<String> ls=getExecutableAndCabalVersion(path, wait); if (ls!=null && ls.size()>0){ return ls.get(0); } return null; } /** * get both the version of the executable and the version of the Cabal library used to build it * @param path the path * @param wait should we wait for the executable or do we NOT trust it to return and shut down (older versions of scion-browser did not return on the --version flag * @return a list, potentially null or empty, containing first the version of the executable, then the version of Cabal * @throws IOException */ public static List<String> getExecutableAndCabalVersion(String path,boolean wait) throws IOException{ File f=new File(path); if (f.exists()){ StringWriter sw=new StringWriter(); // get the process Process p = new ProcessRunner().doExecute( f.getParentFile(), false,f.getAbsolutePath(),"--version" ); // redirect output into string writer Thread t1= redirect( new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream() ), sw, STDOUT_REDIRECT ); // ignore error redirect( new InputStreamReader( p.getErrorStream() ), new StringWriter(), STDERR_REDIRECT ); try { // we trust the process to be short lived if (wait){ try { p.waitFor(); p=null; } catch (InterruptedException ie){ // } } else { // we do not trust the process to be short lived for (int a=0;a<200;a++){ // 200 * 100 -> 20 seconds maxi try { p.exitValue(); p=null; break; } catch (IllegalThreadStateException ise){ // still running } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie){ // } } } } finally { if (p!=null){ p.destroy(); } } // we wait for the redirect thread to finish reading/writing try { t1.join(); // wait for thread to finish correctly, old code was: 10*1000 10 seconds max waiting for write } catch (InterruptedException ignore){ // noop } List<String> ret=new ArrayList<>(); // now we should have the proper result BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new StringReader(sw.toString().trim())); String line=br.readLine(); if (line!=null){ int ix=line.lastIndexOf(' '); if (ix>-1 && ix<line.length()){ line=line.substring(ix+1); if (Character.isDigit(line.charAt(0))){ ret.add(line); } } } // we read the second line to see if we have the cabal version line=br.readLine(); if (line!=null){ Matcher m=Pattern.compile(LIBRARY_VERSION).matcher(line); if (m.matches()){ ret.add(; } } return ret; } return null; } public static String getGHCArgument(String s){ if (PlatformUtil.runningOnWindows()){ String escaped=s.replace("\"", "\\\""); return "\""+escaped+"\""; } return s; } }