package net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui.internal.editors.cabal.forms.stanzas; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.core.cabalmodel.CabalSyntax; import net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.core.cabalmodel.PackageDescriptionStanza; import net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui.HaskellUIPlugin; import net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui.internal.editors.cabal.forms.FormEntry; import net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui.internal.util.UITexts; import net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.util.FileUtil; import net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.util.PlatformUtil; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableEditor; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; import org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormToolkit; /** * Form entry for selecting modules from a project. * @author Alejandro Serrano * */ public class FormEntryModules extends FormEntry { static final int EXPOSED_COL = 0; static final int OTHER_COL = 1; static final int NAME_COL = 2; private final ArrayList<IOtherValueEntryListener> otherListeners = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> prevElements; boolean onlyOne; String exposedString; FormToolkit toolkit; Table table; ArrayList<String> exposed; ArrayList<String> other; boolean ignoreModify = false; HashMap<String, Button> exposedBoxes; HashMap<String, Button> otherBoxes; public FormEntryModules( final String exposedString ) { this( exposedString, false ); } public FormEntryModules( final String exposedString, final boolean onlyOne ) { super(); this.exposedString = exposedString; this.onlyOne = onlyOne; = new ArrayList<>(); this.other = new ArrayList<>(); this.exposedBoxes = new HashMap<>(); this.otherBoxes = new HashMap<>(); this.prevElements = new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public void init( final IProject project, final Composite parent, final FormToolkit toolkit, final int style ) { this.toolkit = toolkit; table = toolkit.createTable( parent, SWT.SINGLE ); table.setHeaderVisible( true ); TableColumn exposedCol = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NULL ); exposedCol.setText( exposedString ); exposedCol.pack(); TableColumn otherCol = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NULL ); otherCol.setText( UITexts.cabalEditor_other_modules ); otherCol.pack(); TableColumn nameCol = new TableColumn( table, SWT.NULL ); nameCol.setText( UITexts.cabalEditor_module ); nameCol.pack(); } public void changeExposedColumnName( final String newName ) { TableColumn exposedCol = table.getColumn( EXPOSED_COL ); exposedCol.setText( newName ); } @Override public Control getControl() { return table; } @Override public int heightHint() { return 170; } @SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) public synchronized void setSourceFolders( final FormEntryModulesRoot root, final boolean blockNotification ) { synchronized( this ) { if( root == null ) { // If we have no data table.clearAll(); for( Button b: exposedBoxes.values() ) { b.dispose(); } exposedBoxes.clear(); for( Button b: otherBoxes.values() ) { b.dispose(); } otherBoxes.clear(); prevElements.clear(); return; } Collection<String> sourceDirs = null; if( root.getStanza().getProperties() .containsKey( CabalSyntax.FIELD_HS_SOURCE_DIRS.getCabalName() ) ) { //sourceDirs = root.getStanza().getProperties() // .get( CabalSyntax.FIELD_HS_SOURCE_DIRS.getCabalName() ); sourceDirs=root.getStanza().getSourceDirs(); } else { sourceDirs = Collections.singleton( "" ); } ArrayList<String> modules = new ArrayList<>(); ModulesVisitor visitor = new ModulesVisitor( modules, sourceDirs ); try { root.getProject().accept( visitor ); } catch( CoreException e ) { HaskellUIPlugin.log( e ); } PackageDescriptionStanza pkg = root.getDescription().getPackageStanza(); if( pkg != null ) { if( pkg.getProperties().containsKey( CabalSyntax.FIELD_DATA_FILES.getCabalName() ) ) { // There are data files, so Paths_package is also provided modules.add( "Paths_" + pkg.getProperties().get( CabalSyntax.FIELD_NAME.getCabalName() ) ); } } // Show the items in alphabetical order Collections.sort( modules ); // Check if it is the same if( !getValueFrom( modules ).equals( getValueFrom( prevElements ) ) ) { prevElements = modules; // Set the new values for exposed and others boolean changeToExposed = false; boolean changeToOther = false; for( String s: ( ArrayList<String> )exposed.clone() ) { if( !modules.contains( s ) ) { changeToExposed = true; exposed.remove( s ); } } for( String s: ( ArrayList<String> )other.clone() ) { if( !modules.contains( s ) ) { changeToOther = true; other.remove( s ); } } // Add the items to table table.removeAll(); for( Button b: exposedBoxes.values() ) { b.dispose(); } exposedBoxes.clear(); for( Button b: otherBoxes.values() ) { b.dispose(); } otherBoxes.clear(); for( String mod: modules ) { final TableItem item = new TableItem( table, SWT.NULL ); item.setText( new String[] { "", "", mod } ); // Add "exposed" check box Button exposedButton = toolkit.createButton( table, "", SWT.CHECK ); exposedButton.setSelection( exposed.contains( mod ) ); exposedButton.pack(); exposedButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() { @Override public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) { if( !ignoreModify ) { String mod = item.getText( NAME_COL ); if( exposed.contains( mod ) ) { exposed.remove( mod ); } else { if (onlyOne && exposed.size() > 0) { // We have to deselect the other one boolean previousIgnoreModify = ignoreModify; ignoreModify = true; for (String it : exposed) { exposedBoxes.get( it ).setSelection( false ); } ignoreModify = previousIgnoreModify; exposed.clear(); exposed.add(mod); } else { exposed.add( mod ); Collections.sort( exposed ); } } FormEntryModules.this.notifyTextValueChanged(); } } @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) { // Do nothing } } ); exposedBoxes.put( mod, exposedButton ); TableEditor exposedEditor = new TableEditor( table ); exposedEditor.minimumWidth = exposedButton.getSize().x; exposedEditor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.CENTER; exposedEditor.setEditor( exposedButton, item, EXPOSED_COL ); // Add "other" check box Button otherButton = toolkit.createButton( table, "", SWT.CHECK ); otherButton.setSelection( other.contains( mod ) ); otherButton.pack(); otherButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() { @Override public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) { if( !ignoreModify ) { String mod = item.getText( NAME_COL ); if( other.contains( mod ) ) { other.remove( mod ); } else { other.add( mod ); Collections.sort( other ); } FormEntryModules.this.notifyOtherValueChanged(); } } @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) { // Do nothing } } ); otherBoxes.put( mod, otherButton ); TableEditor otherEditor = new TableEditor( table ); otherEditor.minimumWidth = otherButton.getSize().x; otherEditor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.CENTER; otherEditor.setEditor( otherButton, item, OTHER_COL ); } // ensure module names are visible table.getColumn( 2 ).pack(); // Tell modifications if( changeToExposed && !blockNotification ) { notifyTextValueChanged(); } if( changeToOther && !blockNotification ) { notifyOtherValueChanged(); } } } } public ArrayList<String> getOrderedValue( final String value ) { // Get ordered value String newValue = value == null ? "" : value; String[] elementsA = newValue.split( "," ); ArrayList<String> elements = new ArrayList<>(); for( String e: elementsA ) { elements.add( e.trim() ); } Collections.sort( elements ); return elements; } @Override public synchronized void setValue( final String value, final boolean blockNotification ) { synchronized( this ) { List<String> newValue = getOrderedValue( value ); if( getValueFrom( newValue ).equals( getValue() ) ) { // We have the same value return; } ignoreModify = true; exposed.clear(); for( TableItem item: table.getItems() ) { String mod = item.getText( NAME_COL ); if (exposedBoxes.containsKey( mod )) { exposedBoxes.get( mod ).setSelection( newValue.contains( mod ) ); } if( newValue.contains( mod ) ) { exposed.add( mod ); } } ignoreModify = false; if( !blockNotification ) { this.notifyTextValueChanged(); } } } public synchronized void setOtherModulesValue( final String value, final boolean blockNotification ) { synchronized( this ) { List<String> newValue = getOrderedValue( value ); if( getValueFrom( newValue ).equals( getOtherModulesValue() ) ) { // We have the same value return; } ignoreModify = true; other.clear(); for( TableItem item: table.getItems() ) { String mod = item.getText( NAME_COL ); if (otherBoxes.containsKey( mod )) { otherBoxes.get( mod ).setSelection( newValue.contains( mod ) ); } if( newValue.contains( mod ) ) { other.add( mod ); } } ignoreModify = false; if( !blockNotification ) { this.notifyOtherValueChanged(); } } } String getValueFrom( final List<String> strings ) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for( String s: strings ) { if( builder.length() > 0 ) { builder.append( ","+PlatformUtil.NL ); } builder.append( s ); } return builder.toString(); } @Override public String getValue() { return getValueFrom( exposed ); } public String getOtherModulesValue() { return getValueFrom( other ); } @Override public void setEditable( final boolean editable ) { if (!editable) { setSourceFolders( null, true ); } table.setEnabled( editable ); } public void addOtherValueListener( final IOtherValueEntryListener listener ) { this.otherListeners.add( listener ); } public void removeOtherValueListener( final IOtherValueEntryListener listener ) { this.otherListeners.remove( listener ); } protected void notifyOtherValueChanged() { for( IOtherValueEntryListener listener: otherListeners ) { listener.otherTextValueChanged( this ); } } public static class ModulesVisitor implements IResourceVisitor { public Collection<String> elts; public Vector<String> possiblePrefixes; public ModulesVisitor( final Collection<String> whereAdd, final Collection<String> dirs ) { this.elts = whereAdd; this.possiblePrefixes = new Vector<>(); for( String dir: dirs ) { String d=dir.trim(); // current or empty -> empty this.possiblePrefixes.add(d.length()>0 && !d.equals(".")? d + "/" :""); } } @Override public boolean visit( final IResource resource ) { if (resource.isDerived()){ return false; } if( resource instanceof IFile) { IPath rel=resource.getProjectRelativePath(); String path = rel.toString(); for( String dir: possiblePrefixes ) { if( path.startsWith( dir ) ) { String filePath = path.substring( dir.length() ); if(FileUtil.hasHaskellExtension( resource )){ String module = filePath.substring( 0, filePath.length() - 3 ) .replace( '/', '.' ); this.elts.add( module ); } else if( FileUtil.hasLiterateExtension( resource )) { String module = filePath.substring( 0, filePath.length() - 4 ) .replace( '/', '.' ); this.elts.add( module ); } } } } return true; } } }