/* * Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.dart.server.internal.remote; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.dart.server.*; import com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer; import com.google.dart.server.internal.BroadcastAnalysisServerListener; import com.google.dart.server.internal.remote.processor.*; import com.google.dart.server.internal.remote.utilities.RequestUtilities; import com.google.dart.server.internal.remote.utilities.ResponseUtilities; import com.google.dart.server.utilities.general.StringUtilities; import com.google.dart.server.utilities.instrumentation.Instrumentation; import com.google.dart.server.utilities.instrumentation.InstrumentationBuilder; import com.google.dart.server.utilities.logging.Logging; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive; import org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.AnalysisOptions; import org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.RefactoringOptions; import org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.RequestError; import org.osgi.framework.Version; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * This {@link AnalysisServer} calls out to the analysis server written in Dart and communicates * with the server over standard IO streams. * * @coverage dart.server.remote */ public class RemoteAnalysisServerImpl implements AnalysisServer { public static final String SERVER_NOTIFICATION_ERROR = "server.error"; /** * Minimal analysis server version, inclusive. */ private final static Version MIN_SERVER_VERSION = Version.parseVersion("1.9.0"); /** * Maximal analysis server version, exclusive. */ private final static Version MAX_SERVER_VERSION = Version.parseVersion("2.0.0"); // Server domain private static final String SERVER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTED = "server.connected"; private static final String SERVER_NOTIFICATION_STATUS = "server.status"; // Analysis domain private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_ANALYZED_FILES = "analysis.analyzedFiles"; private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_ERRORS = "analysis.errors"; private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_FLUSH_RESULTS = "analysis.flushResults"; private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_HIGHTLIGHTS = "analysis.highlights"; private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_IMPLEMENTED = "analysis.implemented"; private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_NAVIGATION = "analysis.navigation"; private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_OCCURRENCES = "analysis.occurrences"; private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_OUTLINE = "analysis.outline"; private static final String ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_OVERRIDES = "analysis.overrides"; // Code Completion domain private static final String COMPLETION_NOTIFICATION_RESULTS = "completion.results"; // Search domain private static final String SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_RESULTS = "search.results"; // Execution domain private static final String LAUNCH_DATA_NOTIFICATION_RESULTS = "execution.launchData"; private final AnalysisServerSocket socket; private final Object requestSinkLock = new Object(); private RequestSink requestSink; private ResponseStream responseStream; private LineReaderStream errorStream; private final AtomicLong lastResponseTime = new AtomicLong(0); /** * The listener that will receive notification when new analysis results become available. */ private final BroadcastAnalysisServerListener listener = new BroadcastAnalysisServerListener(); private final List<AnalysisServerStatusListener> statusListenerList = new ArrayList<AnalysisServerStatusListener>(); /** * A mapping between {@link String} ids' and the associated {@link Consumer} that was passed when * the request was made. */ private final Map<String, Consumer> consumerMap = Maps.newHashMap(); /** * The object used to synchronize access to {@link #consumerMap}. */ private final Object consumerMapLock = new Object(); /** * The unique ID for the next request. */ private final AtomicInteger nextId = new AtomicInteger(); /** * A mapping between "getRefactoring" request ids and the requested refactoring kinds. */ private final Map<String, String> requestToRefactoringKindMap = Maps.newHashMap(); /** * The thread that restarts an unresponsive server or {@code null} if it has not been started. */ private Thread watcher; /** * A flag indicating whether the watcher should continue monitoring the remote process. */ private boolean watch; /** * A flag indicating whether the server shutdown process has been requested. */ private boolean shutdownRequested; /** * Check server version is {@code true} by default, but can be set to {@code false} to disable the * check that the server that has been started is less than {@link #MAX_SERVER_VERSION}. */ private final boolean checkServerVersion; public RemoteAnalysisServerImpl(AnalysisServerSocket socket) { this(socket, true); } public RemoteAnalysisServerImpl(AnalysisServerSocket socket, boolean checkServerVersion) { this.socket = socket; this.checkServerVersion = checkServerVersion; } @Override public void addAnalysisServerListener(AnalysisServerListener listener) { this.listener.addListener(listener); } @Override public void addStatusListener(AnalysisServerStatusListener listener) { statusListenerList.add(listener); } @Override public void analysis_getErrors(String file, GetErrorsConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisGetErrors(id, file), consumer); } @Override public void analysis_getHover(String file, int offset, GetHoverConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisGetHover(id, file, offset), consumer); } @Override public void analysis_getLibraryDependencies(GetLibraryDependenciesConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisGetLibraryDependencies(id), consumer); } @Override public void analysis_getNavigation(String file, int offset, int length, GetNavigationConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisGetNavigation(id, file, offset, length), consumer); } @Override public void analysis_getReachableSources(String file, GetReachableSourcesConsumer consumer) { // TODO(scheglov) implement } @Override public void analysis_reanalyze(List<String> roots) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisReanalyze(id, roots)); } @Override public void analysis_setAnalysisRoots(List<String> includedPaths, List<String> excludedPaths, Map<String, String> packageRoots) { String id = generateUniqueId(); if (includedPaths == null) { includedPaths = StringUtilities.EMPTY_LIST; } if (excludedPaths == null) { excludedPaths = StringUtilities.EMPTY_LIST; } sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(id, includedPaths, excludedPaths, packageRoots)); } @Override public void analysis_setGeneralSubscriptions(List<String> subscriptions) { String id = generateUniqueId(); if (subscriptions == null) { subscriptions = StringUtilities.EMPTY_LIST; } sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisSetGeneralSubscriptions(id, subscriptions)); } @Override public void analysis_setPriorityFiles(List<String> files) { String id = generateUniqueId(); if (files == null) { files = StringUtilities.EMPTY_LIST; } sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisSetPriorityFiles(id, files)); } @Override public void analysis_setSubscriptions(Map<String, List<String>> subscriptions) { String id = generateUniqueId(); if (subscriptions == null) { subscriptions = Maps.newHashMap(); } sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisSetSubscriptions(id, subscriptions)); } @Override public void analysis_updateContent(Map<String, Object> files, UpdateContentConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); if (files == null) { files = Maps.newHashMap(); } sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisUpdateContent(id, files), consumer); } @Override public void analysis_updateOptions(AnalysisOptions options) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateAnalysisUpdateOptions(id, options)); } @Override public void completion_getSuggestions(String file, int offset, GetSuggestionsConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateCompletionGetSuggestions(id, file, offset), consumer); } @Override public void diagnostic_getDiagnostics(GetDiagnosticsConsumer consumer) { // TODO(scheglov) implement } @Override public void edit_format(String file, int selectionOffset, int selectionLength, int lineLength, FormatConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateEditFormat(id, file, selectionOffset, selectionLength, lineLength), consumer); } @Override public void edit_getAssists(String file, int offset, int length, GetAssistsConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateEditGetAssists(id, file, offset, length), consumer); } @Override public void edit_getAvailableRefactorings(String file, int offset, int length, GetAvailableRefactoringsConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateEditGetAvaliableRefactorings(id, file, offset, length), consumer); } @Override public void edit_getFixes(String file, int offset, GetFixesConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateEditGetFixes(id, file, offset), consumer); } @Override public void edit_getRefactoring(String kindId, String file, int offset, int length, boolean validateOnly, RefactoringOptions options, GetRefactoringConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); requestToRefactoringKindMap.put(id, kindId); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateEditGetRefactoring(id, kindId, file, offset, length, validateOnly, options), consumer); } @Override public void edit_organizeDirectives(String file, OrganizeDirectivesConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateEditOrganizeDirectives(id, file), consumer); } @Override public void edit_sortMembers(String file, SortMembersConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateEditSortMembers(id, file), consumer); } @Override public void execution_createContext(String contextRoot, CreateContextConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateExecutionCreateContext(id, contextRoot), consumer); } @Override public void execution_deleteContext(String contextId) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateExecutionDeleteContext(id, contextId)); } @Override public void execution_mapUri(String contextId, String file, String uri, MapUriConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateExecutionMapUri(id, contextId, file, uri), consumer); } @Override public void execution_setSubscriptions(List<String> subscriptions) { String id = generateUniqueId(); if (subscriptions == null) { subscriptions = StringUtilities.EMPTY_LIST; } sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateExecutionSetSubscriptions(id, subscriptions)); } @Override public boolean isSocketOpen() { return socket.isOpen(); } @Override public void removeAnalysisServerListener(AnalysisServerListener listener) { this.listener.removeListener(listener); } @Override public void search_findElementReferences(String file, int offset, boolean includePotential, FindElementReferencesConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateSearchFindElementReferences(id, file, offset, includePotential), consumer); } @Override public void search_findMemberDeclarations(String name, FindMemberDeclarationsConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateSearchFindMemberDeclarations(id, name), consumer); } @Override public void search_findMemberReferences(String name, FindMemberReferencesConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateSearchFindMemberReferences(id, name), consumer); } @Override public void search_findTopLevelDeclarations(String pattern, FindTopLevelDeclarationsConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateSearchFindTopLevelDeclarations(id, pattern), consumer); } @Override public void search_getTypeHierarchy(String file, int offset, boolean superOnly, GetTypeHierarchyConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateSearchGetTypeHierarchy(id, file, offset, superOnly), consumer); } @Override public void server_getVersion(GetVersionConsumer consumer) { String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateServerGetVersion(id), consumer); } @Override public void server_setSubscriptions(List<String> subscriptions) { String id = generateUniqueId(); if (subscriptions == null) { subscriptions = StringUtilities.EMPTY_LIST; } sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateServerSetSubscriptions(id, subscriptions)); } @Override public void server_shutdown() { shutdownRequested = true; stopWatcher(); String id = generateUniqueId(); sendRequestToServer(id, RequestUtilities.generateServerShutdown(id), new BasicConsumer() { @Override public void received() { // Close communication channels once response has been received requestSink.close(); for (AnalysisServerStatusListener listener : statusListenerList) { listener.isAliveServer(false); } } }); stopServer(); } /** * Starts the analysis server. * * @throws ServerVersionMismatchException if the underlying analysis server doesn't match to a * server version that this Java API can communicate with. */ @Override public void start() throws Exception { startServer(); startWatcher(5000); } @VisibleForTesting public void test_waitForWorkerComplete() { while (!consumerMap.isEmpty()) { Thread.yield(); } } /** * Generate and return a unique {@link String} id to be used in the requests sent to the analysis * server. * * @return a unique {@link String} id to be used in the requests sent to the analysis server */ private String generateUniqueId() { return Integer.toString(nextId.getAndIncrement()); } /** * Attempts to handle the given {@link JsonObject} as a notification. Return {@code true} if it * was handled, otherwise {@code false} is returned. * * @return {@code true} if it was handled, otherwise {@code false} is returned */ private boolean processNotification(JsonObject response) throws Exception { // prepare notification kind JsonElement eventElement = response.get("event"); if (eventElement == null || !eventElement.isJsonPrimitive()) { return false; } String event = eventElement.getAsString(); // handle each supported notification kind if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_ERRORS)) { // analysis.errors new NotificationAnalysisErrorsProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_FLUSH_RESULTS)) { // analysis.flushResults new NotificationAnalysisFlushResultsProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_HIGHTLIGHTS)) { // analysis.highlights new NotificationAnalysisHighlightsProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_IMPLEMENTED)) { // analysis.implemented new NotificationAnalysisImplementedProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_NAVIGATION)) { // analysis.navigation new NotificationAnalysisNavigationProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_OCCURRENCES)) { // analysis.occurrences new NotificationAnalysisOccurrencesProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_OUTLINE)) { // analysis.outline new NotificationAnalysisOutlineProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_OVERRIDES)) { // analysis.overrides new NotificationAnalysisOverridesProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_ANALYZED_FILES)) { // analysis.errors new NotificationAnalysisAnalyzedFilesProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(COMPLETION_NOTIFICATION_RESULTS)) { // completion.results new NotificationCompletionResultsProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_RESULTS)) { // search.results new NotificationSearchResultsProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(SERVER_NOTIFICATION_STATUS)) { // server.status new NotificationServerStatusProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(SERVER_NOTIFICATION_ERROR)) { // server.error new NotificationServerErrorProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(SERVER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTED)) { // server.connected new NotificationServerConnectedProcessor(listener).process(response); } else if (event.equals(LAUNCH_DATA_NOTIFICATION_RESULTS)) { new NotificationExecutionLaunchDataProcessor(listener).process(response); } // it is a notification, even if we did not handle it return true; } private void processResponse(JsonObject response) throws Exception { // handle notification if (processNotification(response)) { return; } // prepare ID JsonPrimitive idJsonPrimitive = (JsonPrimitive)response.get("id"); if (idJsonPrimitive == null) { return; } String idString = idJsonPrimitive.getAsString(); // prepare consumer Consumer consumer; synchronized (consumerMapLock) { consumer = consumerMap.get(idString); } JsonObject errorObject = (JsonObject)response.get("error"); RequestError requestError = null; if (errorObject != null) { requestError = processErrorResponse(errorObject); listener.requestError(requestError); } // handle result JsonObject resultObject = (JsonObject)response.get("result"); // // Analysis Domain // if (consumer instanceof UpdateContentConsumer) { ((UpdateContentConsumer)consumer).onResponse(); } // // Completion Domain // if (consumer instanceof GetSuggestionsConsumer) { new CompletionIdProcessor((GetSuggestionsConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } // // Search Domain // else if (consumer instanceof FindElementReferencesConsumer) { new FindElementReferencesProcessor((FindElementReferencesConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof FindMemberDeclarationsConsumer) { new FindMemberDeclarationsProcessor((FindMemberDeclarationsConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof FindMemberReferencesConsumer) { new FindMemberReferencesProcessor((FindMemberReferencesConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof FindTopLevelDeclarationsConsumer) { new FindTopLevelDeclarationsProcessor((FindTopLevelDeclarationsConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetTypeHierarchyConsumer) { new TypeHierarchyProcessor((GetTypeHierarchyConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } // // Edit Domain // else if (consumer instanceof FormatConsumer) { new FormatProcessor((FormatConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetHoverConsumer) { new HoverProcessor((GetHoverConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetRefactoringConsumer) { new GetRefactoringProcessor(requestToRefactoringKindMap, (GetRefactoringConsumer)consumer) .process(idString, resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetAssistsConsumer) { new AssistsProcessor((GetAssistsConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetFixesConsumer) { new FixesProcessor((GetFixesConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetLibraryDependenciesConsumer) { new LibraryDependenciesProcessor((GetLibraryDependenciesConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetNavigationConsumer) { new GetNavigationProcessor((GetNavigationConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetAvailableRefactoringsConsumer) { new RefactoringGetAvailableProcessor((GetAvailableRefactoringsConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof GetErrorsConsumer) { new AnalysisErrorsProcessor((GetErrorsConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof OrganizeDirectivesConsumer) { new OrganizeDirectivesProcessor((OrganizeDirectivesConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof SortMembersConsumer) { new SortMembersProcessor((SortMembersConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } // // Execution Domain // else if (consumer instanceof CreateContextConsumer) { new CreateContextProcessor((CreateContextConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof MapUriConsumer) { new MapUriProcessor((MapUriConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } // // Server Domain // else if (consumer instanceof GetVersionConsumer) { new VersionProcessor((GetVersionConsumer)consumer).process(resultObject, requestError); } else if (consumer instanceof BasicConsumer) { ((BasicConsumer)consumer).received(); } synchronized (consumerMapLock) { consumerMap.remove(idString); } } /** * Sends the request, and associates the request with a {@link LocalConsumer}, a simple consumer * which only holds onto the the request {@link JsonObject}, for the purposes of error reporting. * * @param id the identifier of the request * @param request the request to send */ private void sendRequestToServer(String id, JsonObject request) { sendRequestToServer(id, request, new LocalConsumer(request)); } /** * Sends the request and associates the request with the passed {@link Consumer}. * * @param id the identifier of the request * @param request the request to send * @param consumer the {@link Consumer} to process a response */ private void sendRequestToServer(String id, JsonObject request, Consumer consumer) { synchronized (consumerMapLock) { consumerMap.put(id, consumer); } synchronized (requestSinkLock) { requestSink.add(request); } } private void startServer() throws Exception { socket.start(); consumerMap.clear(); requestSink = socket.getRequestSink(); responseStream = socket.getResponseStream(); errorStream = socket.getErrorStream(); new ServerResponseReaderThread(responseStream).start(); if (errorStream != null) { new ServerErrorReaderThread(errorStream, listener).start(); } if (checkServerVersion) { final BlockingRequestSink blockRequestSink = new BlockingRequestSink(requestSink); requestSink = blockRequestSink; server_getVersion(new GetVersionConsumer() { @Override public void computedVersion(String versionStr) { String message = null; // parse version Version version = null; try { version = Version.parseVersion(versionStr); } catch (Throwable e) { message = "Unable to parse version: " + versionStr; } // invalid version if (version != null) { if (version.compareTo(MIN_SERVER_VERSION) < 0 || version.compareTo(MAX_SERVER_VERSION) >= 0) { message = "This version of the com.google.dart.server project can communicate only " + "with server versions between " + MIN_SERVER_VERSION + " and " + MAX_SERVER_VERSION + ", but the version read from the server is " + version + "."; } } // OK if (message == null) { synchronized (requestSinkLock) { requestSink = blockRequestSink.toPassthroughSink(); return; } } // report error Logging.getLogger().logError(message); listener.serverIncompatibleVersion(versionStr); sendErrorForEveryRequest(versionStr); } @Override public void onError(RequestError requestError) { Logging.getLogger().logError("No version received from the server."); listener.serverIncompatibleVersion(null); sendErrorForEveryRequest(null); } private void sendErrorForEveryRequest(String version) { String message = "Incompatible server version: " + version; synchronized (requestSinkLock) { requestSink = blockRequestSink.toErrorSink(new ResponseSink() { @Override public void add(JsonObject response) throws Exception { processResponse(response); } }, ResponseUtilities.INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER_VERSION, message); } server_shutdown(); } }); } } private void startWatcher(final long millisToRestart) { if (millisToRestart <= 0 || watcher != null) { return; } watch = true; watcher = new Thread(getClass().getSimpleName() + " watcher") { @Override public void run() { watch(millisToRestart); } }; watcher.setDaemon(true); watcher.start(); } private void stopServer() { socket.stop(); } private void stopWatcher() { if (watcher == null) { return; } watch = false; watcher.interrupt(); try { watcher.join(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //$FALL-THROUGH$ } watcher = null; } private void watch(long millisToRestart) { // long restartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // int restartCount = 0; while (watch) { if (isSocketOpen()) { sleep(millisToRestart / 2); } else { // If still no response from server then restart the server InstrumentationBuilder instrumentation = Instrumentation.builder("RemoteAnalysisServerImpl.serverNotRunning"); for (AnalysisServerStatusListener listener : statusListenerList) { listener.isAliveServer(false); } instrumentation.log(); watch = false; // try { // stopServer(); // // // If the analysis server has been restarted several times in a 5 minute period, then give up // long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // if (now - restartTime < 5 * 60 * 1000) { // if (++restartCount > 3) { // Logging.getLogger().logError( // "Restarted analysis server several times in a short period of time. Giving up."); // instrumentation.metric("restartedAnalysisServer", false); // break; // } // } else { // restartTime = now; // restartCount = 0; // } // // startServer(); // } catch (Exception e) { // // Bail out if cannot restart the server // Logging.getLogger().logError("Failed to restart analysis server", e); // instrumentation.record(e); // break; // } finally { // instrumentation.log(); // } // sentRequest = false; // sleep(millisToRestart); } } } private static RequestError processErrorResponse(JsonObject errorObject) throws Exception { String errorCode = errorObject.get("code").getAsString(); String errorMessage = errorObject.get("message").getAsString(); String errorStackTrace = errorObject.get("stackTrace") != null ? errorObject.get("stackTrace").getAsString() : null; return new RequestError(errorCode, errorMessage, errorStackTrace); } private static void sleep(long millisToSleep) { try { Thread.sleep(millisToSleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //$FALL-THROUGH$ } } /** * For requests that do not have a {@link Consumer}, this object is created as a place holder so * that if an error occurs after the request, an error can be reported. */ public static class LocalConsumer implements Consumer { private final JsonObject request; public LocalConsumer(JsonObject request) { this.request = request; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private JsonObject getRequest() { return request; } } /** * A thread which reads responses from the {@link ResponseStream} and calls the associated * {@link Consumer}s from {@link RemoteAnalysisServerImpl#consumerMap}. */ public class ServerResponseReaderThread extends Thread { private ResponseStream stream; public ServerResponseReaderThread(ResponseStream stream) { setDaemon(true); setName("ServerResponseReaderThread"); this.stream = stream; } @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { JsonObject response = stream.take(); if (response == null) { return; } lastResponseTime.set(System.currentTimeMillis()); try { processResponse(response); } finally { stream.lastRequestProcessed(); } } catch (Throwable e) { // Ignore exceptions during shutdown if (shutdownRequested) { return; } if (e instanceof IOException) { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message != null && message.contains("closed")) { Logging.getLogger().logError("AnalysisServer stream unexpected closed", e); return; } } Logging.getLogger().logError(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } }