package com.mobilesorcery.sdk.ui.launch; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IconAndMessageDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.PreferencesUtil; import com.mobilesorcery.sdk.core.CoreMoSyncPlugin; import com.mobilesorcery.sdk.core.IPackager; import com.mobilesorcery.sdk.core.launch.IEmulatorLauncher; import com.mobilesorcery.sdk.core.launch.MoReLauncher; import com.mobilesorcery.sdk.ui.UpdateListener; import com.mobilesorcery.sdk.ui.UpdateListener.IUpdatableControl; public abstract class ConfigureNativeEmulatorDialog extends IconAndMessageDialog implements IUpdatableControl { public static final int CONFIGURE_ID = 0xff01; public static final int NATIVE_LAUNCHER_ID = CONFIGURE_ID + 1; public static final int FALLBACK_ID = NATIVE_LAUNCHER_ID + 1; private Button dontAskAgain; private boolean isAutomaticSelection; private boolean needsConfig; private final HashMap<Integer, IEmulatorLauncher> idToLauncherMap = new HashMap<Integer, IEmulatorLauncher>(); private IEmulatorLauncher selectedLauncher; public ConfigureNativeEmulatorDialog(Shell parentShell) { super(parentShell); } /** * Performs the configure action. (When the user presses the button with {@link #CONFIGURE_ID}.) */ protected abstract void configure(); /** * Returns the packager (platform) that this dialog applies to -- also used to derive which * the native launcher is. * @return */ protected abstract IPackager getPackager(); /** * <p>Clients must override this method to provide the user with a sensible message.</p> * <p>Typically, three different messages should be provided: one for every possible * combination of {@code isAutomaticSelection} and {@code needsConfig}, except for * when both are {@code false}.</p> * <p>However, there is no need to handle the exceptional case, since the code will * never reach this point if so.</p> * * @param isAutomaticSelection Whether this is an 'automatic' launch or not; in general * non-automatic launches should not provide any option to run other emulators. * @param needsConfig Whether the native emulator is not properly configured. * @return */ protected abstract String createMessageBody(boolean isAutomaticSelection, boolean needsConfig); @Override public Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) { if (!isAutomaticSelection && !needsConfig) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot both platform specific AND properly configured. (Then we don't need this dialog.)"); } getShell().setText(MessageFormat.format("Configure {0} launcher", getNativeLauncher().getName())); Composite contents = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent); contents.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); message = createMessageBody(isAutomaticSelection, needsConfig); createMessageArea(contents); if (isAutomaticSelection) { Label spacer = new Label(contents, SWT.NONE); dontAskAgain = new Button(contents, SWT.CHECK); dontAskAgain.setText("Do not ask this again"); dontAskAgain.addListener(SWT.Selection, new UpdateListener(this)); dontAskAgain.setSelection(!needsConfig); } return contents; } @Override public void createButtonsForButtonBar(Composite parent) { if (needsConfig) { createConfigureButton(parent, !isAutomaticSelection); } if (isAutomaticSelection && !needsConfig) { createFallbackButtons(parent); } createButton(parent, IDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID, IDialogConstants.CANCEL_LABEL, false); if (isAutomaticSelection && needsConfig) { createFallbackButtons(parent); } if (!needsConfig) { createLauncherButton(parent, getNativeLauncher(), NATIVE_LAUNCHER_ID, true); } } /** * Clients may override this to create the configure button, which should have id {@code CONFIGURE_ID} * @param parent */ protected void createConfigureButton(Composite parent, boolean defaultButton) { createButton(parent, CONFIGURE_ID, MessageFormat.format("Configure {0} launcher", getNativeLauncher().getName()), defaultButton); } protected IEmulatorLauncher getNativeLauncher() { IPackager packager = getPackager(); for (String id : CoreMoSyncPlugin.getDefault().getEmulatorLauncherIds()) { IEmulatorLauncher launcher = CoreMoSyncPlugin.getDefault().getEmulatorLauncher(id); if (launcher.getLaunchType(packager) == IEmulatorLauncher.LAUNCH_TYPE_NATIVE) { return launcher; } } return null; } /** * <p>Clients may override this to create several possible fallback options, * by calling {@link #createLauncherButton(Composite, IEmulatorLauncher, int, boolean)}.</p> * <p>The default implementation creates a button for the default emulator.</p> * @param parent */ protected void createFallbackButtons(Composite parent) { createLauncherButton(parent, CoreMoSyncPlugin.getDefault().getEmulatorLauncher(MoReLauncher.ID), FALLBACK_ID, isAutomaticSelection); } protected void createLauncherButton(Composite parent, IEmulatorLauncher launcher, int id, boolean defaultButton) { createButton(parent, id, MessageFormat.format("Run in {0}", launcher.getName()), defaultButton); idToLauncherMap.put(id, launcher); } @Override public void buttonPressed(int buttonId) { selectedLauncher = idToLauncherMap.get(buttonId); if (selectedLauncher != null) { buttonId = FALLBACK_ID; } setReturnCode(buttonId); if (CONFIGURE_ID == buttonId) { close(); CoreMoSyncPlugin.getDefault().setPreferredLauncher(getPackager().getId(), getNativeLauncher().getId()); configure(); } else if (FALLBACK_ID == buttonId) { if (dontAskAgain.getSelection()) { CoreMoSyncPlugin.getDefault().setPreferredLauncher(getPackager().getId(), selectedLauncher.getId()); } close(); } else { super.buttonPressed(buttonId); } } /** * Returns the selected launcher, or {@code null} if none was selected. * @return */ public IEmulatorLauncher getSelectedLauncher() { return selectedLauncher; } protected void setSelectedLauncher(IEmulatorLauncher selectedLauncher) { this.selectedLauncher = selectedLauncher; } public void setIsAutomaticSelection(boolean isAutomaticSelection) { this.isAutomaticSelection = isAutomaticSelection; } public void setNeedsConfig(boolean needsConfig) { this.needsConfig = needsConfig; } @Override protected Image getImage() { return getQuestionImage(); } @Override public void updateUI() { if (isAutomaticSelection) { getButton(CONFIGURE_ID).setEnabled(!dontAskAgain.getSelection()); } } }