/* Copyright (C) 2009 Mobile Sorcery AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Eclipse Public License v1.0 for more details. You should have received a copy of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 along with this program. It is also available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ // Cut 'n' paste from CDT, CBreakPointManager.java, revision 1.94 (cvs) // It hurts to do this, but it seems I HAVE to. Non-trivial changes to the original have // been marked with a conspicous comment block. (Trivial changes being imports, package decl // and class name, super calls, etc) /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, 2008 QNX Software Systems and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * QNX Software Systems - Initial API and implementation * Matthias Spycher (matthias@coware.com) - patch for bug #112008 * Ken Ryall (Nokia) - bugs 170027, 105196 * Ling Wang (Nokia) - bug 176081 * Freescale Semiconductor - Address watchpoints, https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=118299 * QNX Software Systems - catchpoints - bug 226689 *******************************************************************************/ package com.mobilesorcery.sdk.internal.debug; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IAddress; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IAddressFactory; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IBinaryParser.IBinaryObject; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ITranslationUnit; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.CDIDebugModel; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.CDebugCorePlugin; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.CDebugUtils; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.CDIException; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDIAddressLocation; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDICondition; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDIFunctionLocation; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILineLocation; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILocator; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIBreakpointMovedEvent; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIBreakpointProblemEvent; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIChangedEvent; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDICreatedEvent; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIDestroyedEvent; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIEvent; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIExecutableReloadedEvent; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIAddressBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIBreakpoint2; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIBreakpointManagement2; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIBreakpointManagement3; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIEventBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIFunctionBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDILineBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDILocationBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIObject; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITarget; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITargetConfiguration; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITargetConfiguration2; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIWatchpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIWatchpoint2; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICAddressBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICBreakpointFilterExtension; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICBreakpointType; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICDebugTarget; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICEventBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICFunctionBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICLineBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICThread; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICWatchpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICWatchpoint2; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.sourcelookup.ICSourceLocator; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.CBreakpointManager; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.CBreakpointNotifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.breakpoints.BreakpointProblems; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.breakpoints.CBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.model.CDebugTarget; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.sourcelookup.CSourceLookupDirector; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.cdi.model.LineBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.output.MIBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarkerDelta; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IStorage; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException; import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin; import org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager; import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDebugTarget; import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ILineBreakpoint; import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ISourceLocator; import org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.LocalFileStorage; @SuppressWarnings("all") // Because of heavy use of discouraged apis public class MoSyncCBreakPointManager extends CBreakpointManager { static class BreakpointInProgess { private ICDIBreakpoint fCDIBreakpoint; void setCDIBreakpoint( ICDIBreakpoint b ) { fCDIBreakpoint = b; } ICDIBreakpoint getCDIBreakpoint() { return fCDIBreakpoint; } } class BreakpointMap { /** * Maps CBreakpoints to CDI breakpoints. */ private HashMap fCBreakpoints; /** * Maps CDI breakpoints to CBreakpoints. */ private HashMap fCDIBreakpoints; protected BreakpointMap() { fCBreakpoints = new HashMap( 10 ); fCDIBreakpoints = new HashMap( 10 ); } void register( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) { fCBreakpoints.put( breakpoint, new BreakpointInProgess() ); } void put( ICBreakpoint breakpoint, ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { fCBreakpoints.put( breakpoint, cdiBreakpoint ); fCDIBreakpoints.put( cdiBreakpoint, breakpoint ); } Object get( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) { return fCBreakpoints.get( breakpoint ); } ICDIBreakpoint getCDIBreakpoint( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) { Object b = fCBreakpoints.get( breakpoint ); return ( b instanceof ICDIBreakpoint ) ? (ICDIBreakpoint)b : null; } ICBreakpoint getCBreakpoint( ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = (ICBreakpoint)fCDIBreakpoints.get( cdiBreakpoint ); if ( breakpoint == null ) { ICBreakpoint[] bip = getBreakpointsInProgress(); for ( int i = 0; i < bip.length; ++i ) { if ( isSameBreakpoint( bip[i], cdiBreakpoint ) ) { breakpoint = bip[i]; break; } } } return breakpoint; } void removeCDIBreakpoint( ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { if ( cdiBreakpoint != null ) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = (ICBreakpoint)fCDIBreakpoints.remove( cdiBreakpoint ); if ( breakpoint != null ) fCBreakpoints.remove( breakpoint ); } } boolean isRegistered( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) { return ( fCBreakpoints.get( breakpoint ) != null ); } boolean isInProgress( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) { return ( fCBreakpoints.get( breakpoint ) instanceof BreakpointInProgess ); } ICBreakpoint[] getAllCBreakpoints() { Set set = fCBreakpoints.keySet(); return (ICBreakpoint[])set.toArray( new ICBreakpoint[set.size()] ); } void dispose() { fCBreakpoints.clear(); fCDIBreakpoints.clear(); } private ICBreakpoint[] getBreakpointsInProgress() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Set set = fCBreakpoints.entrySet(); Iterator it = set.iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next(); if ( entry.getValue() instanceof BreakpointInProgess ) { list.add( entry.getKey() ); } } return (ICBreakpoint[])list.toArray( new ICBreakpoint[list.size()] ); } private boolean isSameBreakpoint( ICBreakpoint breakpoint, ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { try { if ( breakpoint instanceof ICFunctionBreakpoint && cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIFunctionBreakpoint ) { return ( ((ICFunctionBreakpoint)breakpoint).getFunction().compareTo( ((ICDIFunctionBreakpoint)cdiBreakpoint).getLocator().getFunction() ) == 0 ); } if ( breakpoint instanceof ICAddressBreakpoint && cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIAddressBreakpoint ) { IAddressFactory factory = getDebugTarget().getAddressFactory(); return factory.createAddress( ((ICAddressBreakpoint)breakpoint).getAddress() ).equals( factory.createAddress( ((ICDIAddressBreakpoint)cdiBreakpoint).getLocator().getAddress() ) ); } if ( breakpoint instanceof ICLineBreakpoint && cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDILineBreakpoint ) { ICDILocator location = ((ICDILineBreakpoint)cdiBreakpoint).getLocator(); String file = location.getFile(); String sourceHandle = file; if ( !isEmpty( file ) ) { Object sourceElement = getSourceElement( file ); if ( sourceElement instanceof IFile ) { sourceHandle = ((IFile)sourceElement).getLocation().toOSString(); } else if ( sourceElement instanceof IStorage ) { sourceHandle = ((IStorage)sourceElement).getFullPath().toOSString(); } else if ( sourceElement instanceof ITranslationUnit ) { sourceHandle = ((ITranslationUnit)sourceElement).getLocation().toOSString(); } String bpSourceHandle = ((ICLineBreakpoint)breakpoint).getSourceHandle(); if ( sourceElement instanceof LocalFileStorage ) { // see bug #112008 try { bpSourceHandle = new File( bpSourceHandle ).getCanonicalPath(); } catch( IOException e ) { } } return sourceHandle.equals( bpSourceHandle ) && location.getLineNumber() == ((ICLineBreakpoint)breakpoint).getLineNumber(); } } if ( breakpoint instanceof ICWatchpoint && cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIWatchpoint ) { try { ICWatchpoint watchpoint = (ICWatchpoint)breakpoint; if ( watchpoint instanceof ICWatchpoint2 && cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIWatchpoint2 ) { ICWatchpoint2 wp2 = (ICWatchpoint2)breakpoint; ICDIWatchpoint2 cdiwp2 = (ICDIWatchpoint2)cdiBreakpoint; if ( !wp2.getMemorySpace().equals( cdiwp2.getMemorySpace() ) || !wp2.getRange().equals( cdiwp2.getRange() ) ) { return false; } } ICDIWatchpoint cdiWatchpoint = (ICDIWatchpoint)cdiBreakpoint; return ( watchpoint.getExpression().compareTo( cdiWatchpoint.getWatchExpression() ) == 0 && watchpoint.isReadType() == cdiWatchpoint.isReadType() && watchpoint.isWriteType() == cdiWatchpoint.isWriteType() ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } } if ( breakpoint instanceof ICEventBreakpoint && cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIEventBreakpoint) { ICEventBreakpoint mevtbkpt = (ICEventBreakpoint) breakpoint; ICDIEventBreakpoint cdievtbkpt = (ICDIEventBreakpoint) cdiBreakpoint; if (!mevtbkpt.getEventType().equals(cdievtbkpt.getEventType())) return false; return (mevtbkpt.getEventArgument().equals(cdievtbkpt.getExtraArgument())); } } catch( CoreException e ) { } return false; } } private CDebugTarget fDebugTarget; private BreakpointMap fMap; private boolean fSkipBreakpoint = false; private ArrayList fBreakpointProblems = new ArrayList(); private List<ICBreakpoint> shelteredBps = new ArrayList<ICBreakpoint>(); public MoSyncCBreakPointManager( CDebugTarget target ) { super(target); fDebugTarget = target; fMap = new BreakpointMap(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointsListener#breakpointsAdded(org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IBreakpoint[]) */ public void breakpointsAdded( IBreakpoint[] breakpoints ) { if ( !isTargetAvailable() ) return; setBreakpointsOnTarget( breakpoints ); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointsListener#breakpointsRemoved(org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IBreakpoint[], org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarkerDelta[]) */ public void breakpointsRemoved( IBreakpoint[] breakpoints, IMarkerDelta[] deltas ) { if ( !isTargetAvailable() ) return; ArrayList list = new ArrayList( breakpoints.length ); synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; ++i ) { if ( !shelteredBps.contains(breakpoints[i]) && breakpoints[i] instanceof ICBreakpoint ) { try { // Remove any problem markers for this breakpoint BreakpointProblems.removeProblemsForBreakpoint((ICBreakpoint)breakpoints[i]); } catch (CoreException e) {} Object obj = getBreakpointMap().get( (ICBreakpoint)breakpoints[i] ); ICDIBreakpoint b = null; if ( obj instanceof ICDIBreakpoint ) { b = (ICDIBreakpoint)obj; } else if ( obj instanceof BreakpointInProgess ) { b = ((BreakpointInProgess)obj).getCDIBreakpoint(); } if ( b != null ) { list.add( b ); } } } } // Since we have 'asymmetrical' breakpoints, where the line number sent to mdb // does not match the actual set breakpoint, we need to remove one redunant breakpoint, // and here we make sure to 'shelter' that one from being converted into another // -break-delete command. So we do this lest we'll suffer from no asymmetrical // breakpoints ever being set. PLEASE ALSO NOTE THE CONDITION IN THE ABOVE LOOP! shelteredBps.removeAll(list); if ( list.isEmpty() ) return; final ICDIBreakpoint[] cdiBreakpoints = (ICDIBreakpoint[])list.toArray( new ICDIBreakpoint[list.size()] ); final ICDITarget cdiTarget = getCDITarget(); DebugPlugin.getDefault().asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cdiTarget.deleteBreakpoints( cdiBreakpoints ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } } } ); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointsListener#breakpointsChanged(org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IBreakpoint[], org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarkerDelta[]) */ public void breakpointsChanged( IBreakpoint[] breakpoints, IMarkerDelta[] deltas ) { ArrayList removeList = new ArrayList( breakpoints.length ); ArrayList installList = new ArrayList( breakpoints.length ); synchronized ( getBreakpointMap() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; ++i ) { if ( !(breakpoints[i] instanceof ICBreakpoint) || !isTargetAvailable() ) continue; ICBreakpoint b = (ICBreakpoint)breakpoints[i]; boolean install = false; try { ICDebugTarget[] tfs = getFilterExtension(b).getTargetFilters(); install = Arrays.asList( tfs ).contains( getDebugTarget() ); } catch( CoreException e ) { } boolean registered = getBreakpointMap().isRegistered( b ); boolean inProgress = getBreakpointMap().isInProgress( b ); if ( registered && !inProgress && !install ) { removeList.add( b ); } if ( !registered && install ) { installList.add( b ); } } } breakpointsRemoved( (ICBreakpoint[])removeList.toArray( new ICBreakpoint[removeList.size()] ), new IMarkerDelta[0] ); breakpointsAdded( (ICBreakpoint[])installList.toArray( new ICBreakpoint[removeList.size()] ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; ++i ) { if ( breakpoints[i] instanceof ICBreakpoint && isTargetAvailable() ) changeBreakpointProperties( (ICBreakpoint)breakpoints[i], deltas[i] ); } } public void breakpointManagerEnablementChanged( boolean enabled ) { doSkipBreakpoints( !enabled ); } public void handleDebugEvents( ICDIEvent[] events ) { for( int i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) { ICDIEvent event = events[i]; ICDIObject source = event.getSource(); if ( source != null && source.getTarget().equals( getDebugTarget().getCDITarget() ) ) { if ( event instanceof ICDICreatedEvent ) { if ( source instanceof ICDIBreakpoint ) handleBreakpointCreatedEvent( (ICDIBreakpoint)source ); } else if ( event instanceof ICDIDestroyedEvent ) { if ( source instanceof ICDIBreakpoint ) handleBreakpointDestroyedEvent( (ICDIBreakpoint)source ); } else if ( event instanceof ICDIChangedEvent ) { if ( source instanceof ICDIBreakpoint ) handleBreakpointChangedEvent( (ICDIBreakpoint)source ); } else if ( event instanceof ICDIBreakpointMovedEvent ) { if ( source instanceof ICDIBreakpoint ) handleBreakpointMovedEvent( (ICDIBreakpointMovedEvent) event ); } else if ( event instanceof ICDIExecutableReloadedEvent ) { if ( source instanceof ICDITarget ) handleExecutableReloadedEvent( (ICDIExecutableReloadedEvent) event ); } else if ( event instanceof ICDIBreakpointProblemEvent ) { if ( source instanceof ICDIBreakpoint ) handleBreakpointProblemEvent( (ICDIBreakpointProblemEvent) event ); } } } } public Object getAdapter( Class adapter ) { if ( MoSyncCBreakPointManager.class.equals( adapter ) ) return this; if ( CDebugTarget.class.equals( adapter ) ) return getDebugTarget(); if ( ICDebugTarget.class.equals( adapter ) ) return getDebugTarget(); if ( IDebugTarget.class.equals( adapter ) ) return getDebugTarget(); return null; } public CDebugTarget getDebugTarget() { return fDebugTarget; } public void initialize() { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().addBreakpointListener( this ); DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().addBreakpointManagerListener( this ); getDebugTarget().getCDISession().getEventManager().addEventListener( this ); } public void dispose() { getDebugTarget().getCDISession().getEventManager().removeEventListener( this ); DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().removeBreakpointListener( this ); DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().removeBreakpointManagerListener( this ); removeAllBreakpoints(); getBreakpointMap().dispose(); } public IAddress getBreakpointAddress( ICLineBreakpoint breakpoint ) { BigInteger address = null; synchronized ( getBreakpointMap() ) { ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCDIBreakpoint( breakpoint ); if ( cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDILocationBreakpoint ) { ICDILocator locator = ((ICDILocationBreakpoint)cdiBreakpoint).getLocator(); if ( locator != null ) { address = locator.getAddress(); } } } return ( address != null ) ? getDebugTarget().getAddressFactory().createAddress( address ) : null; } public IBreakpoint getBreakpoint( ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { Object b = null; synchronized ( getBreakpointMap() ) { b = getBreakpointMap().getCBreakpoint( cdiBreakpoint ); } return ( b instanceof IBreakpoint ) ? (IBreakpoint)b : null; } /** * @return true if the breakpoint is of a temporary type, otherwise false */ private boolean isTemporary(ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint) { if (cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIBreakpoint2) { return (((ICDIBreakpoint2)cdiBreakpoint).getType() & ICBreakpointType.TEMPORARY) != 0; } else { return cdiBreakpoint.isTemporary(); } } private void handleBreakpointCreatedEvent( ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { if ( cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIWatchpoint ) doHandleWatchpointCreatedEvent( (ICDIWatchpoint)cdiBreakpoint ); if ( cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIEventBreakpoint ) doHandleEventBreakpointCreatedEvent( (ICDIEventBreakpoint)cdiBreakpoint ); else if ( cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDILocationBreakpoint ) doHandleLocationBreakpointCreatedEvent( (ICDILocationBreakpoint)cdiBreakpoint ); if ( !isTemporary(cdiBreakpoint) && !DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().isEnabled() ) { changeBreakpointPropertiesOnTarget(cdiBreakpoint, new Boolean(false), null); } } private void doHandleEventBreakpointCreatedEvent(ICDIEventBreakpoint cdiEventBkpt) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = null; synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { breakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCBreakpoint( cdiEventBkpt ); if ( breakpoint == null ) { try { breakpoint = createEventBreakpoint( cdiEventBkpt ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } catch( CoreException e ) { } } if ( breakpoint != null ) getBreakpointMap().put( breakpoint, cdiEventBkpt ); } if ( breakpoint != null ) { try { ICBreakpointFilterExtension filterExtension = getFilterExtension(breakpoint); if (filterExtension!=null) filterExtension.setTargetFilter( getDebugTarget() ); ((CBreakpoint)breakpoint).register( true ); } catch( CoreException e ) { } getBreakpointNotifier().breakpointInstalled( getDebugTarget(), breakpoint ); changeBreakpointProperties( breakpoint, cdiEventBkpt ); } } private void doHandleLocationBreakpointCreatedEvent( ICDILocationBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { if ( isTemporary(cdiBreakpoint) ) return; ICBreakpoint breakpoint = null; synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { breakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCBreakpoint( cdiBreakpoint ); } if ( breakpoint == null ) { breakpoint = createLocationBreakpoint( cdiBreakpoint ); } if ( breakpoint != null ) { synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { getBreakpointMap().put( breakpoint, cdiBreakpoint ); } } if ( breakpoint != null ) { // try { // if ( breakpoint instanceof ICLineBreakpoint ) { // ICDILocator locator = cdiBreakpoint.getLocator(); // if ( locator != null ) { // IAddress address = getDebugTarget().getAddressFactory().createAddress( locator.getAddress() ); // if ( address != null ) { // ((ICLineBreakpoint)breakpoint).setAddress( address.toHexAddressString() ); // } // } // } // } // catch( CoreException e1 ) { // } try { // We've altered the impl here to remove the breakpoint on the ORIGINAL line! //BreakpointProblems.removeProblemsForResolvedBreakpoint(breakpoint, getDebugTarget().getInternalID()); removeProblemsForResolvedBreakpoint(cdiBreakpoint, breakpoint, getDebugTarget().getInternalID()); getFilterExtension(breakpoint).setTargetFilter( getDebugTarget() ); ((CBreakpoint)breakpoint).register( true ); } catch( CoreException e ) { } getBreakpointNotifier().breakpointInstalled( getDebugTarget(), breakpoint ); changeBreakpointProperties( breakpoint, cdiBreakpoint ); } } private void removeProblemsForResolvedBreakpoint(ICDILocationBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint, ICBreakpoint breakpoint, String contextID) throws CoreException { IMarker marker = breakpoint.getMarker(); int originalLineNumber = extractOriginalLineNumber(cdiBreakpoint); String breakpointMarkerType = breakpoint.getMarker().getType(); if (marker != null) { int markerLineNumber = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, 0); int lineNumber = originalLineNumber > 0 ? originalLineNumber : markerLineNumber; IResource bpResource = marker.getResource(); if (bpResource != null) { IMarker[] bpProblems = bpResource.findMarkers(BreakpointProblems.BREAKPOINT_PROBLEM_MARKER_ID, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE); for (int i = 0; i < bpProblems.length; i++) { if (bpProblems[i].getAttribute(BreakpointProblems.BREAKPOINT_PROBLEM_TYPE, "").equalsIgnoreCase(BreakpointProblems.UNRESOLVED) && //$NON-NLS-1$ bpProblems[i].getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, 0) == lineNumber && bpProblems[i].getAttribute(BreakpointProblems.BREAKPOINT_CONTEXT_ID, "").equals(contextID)) //$NON-NLS-1$ { bpProblems[i].delete(); } } /* * ADDED FOR MOSYNC SDK */ // And, if original line != line, then we should remove the marker of the ORIGINAL line if (originalLineNumber != markerLineNumber) { IMarker[] breakpointMarkers = bpResource.findMarkers(breakpointMarkerType, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE); for (int i = 0; i < breakpointMarkers.length; i++) { int bpLineNumber = breakpointMarkers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, 0); if (bpLineNumber == originalLineNumber) { // Then remove! ICBreakpoint bp = (ICBreakpoint) DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().getBreakpoint(breakpointMarkers[i]); shelteredBps.add(bp); if (bp != null) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().removeBreakpoint(bp, true); breakpointMarkers[i].delete(); } } } } } } } /* * ADDED FOR MOSYNC SDK */ private int extractOriginalLineNumber(ICDILocationBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint) { if (cdiBreakpoint instanceof LineBreakpoint) { // Extrememly ugly trick that relies on internal impl to get the ORIGINAL line // number - CDT implicitly assumes that whatever line number we send to GDB/MI, // it will set a breakpoint for us at exactly that line. This is not always the case, // and we end up with spurious problem markers that don't get removed. MIBreakpoint[] oldMIBreakpoints = ((LineBreakpoint) cdiBreakpoint).getMIBreakpoints(); try { // We know that the line number of LineBreakpoint will be the line number actually set, // (as per the first mi breakpoint) - but if we temporarily remove all mi breakpoints, // then we'll get the fallback value for the line number, which happens to be what we // want (sigh!) ((LineBreakpoint) cdiBreakpoint).setMIBreakpoints(null); return ((LineBreakpoint) cdiBreakpoint).getLineNumber(); } finally { ((LineBreakpoint) cdiBreakpoint).setMIBreakpoints(oldMIBreakpoints); } } return 0; } private void doHandleWatchpointCreatedEvent( ICDIWatchpoint cdiWatchpoint ) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = null; synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { breakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCBreakpoint( cdiWatchpoint ); if ( breakpoint == null ) { try { breakpoint = createWatchpoint( cdiWatchpoint ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } catch( CoreException e ) { } } if ( breakpoint != null ) getBreakpointMap().put( breakpoint, cdiWatchpoint ); } if ( breakpoint != null ) { try { getFilterExtension(breakpoint).setTargetFilter( getDebugTarget() ); ((CBreakpoint)breakpoint).register( true ); } catch( CoreException e ) { } getBreakpointNotifier().breakpointInstalled( getDebugTarget(), breakpoint ); changeBreakpointProperties( breakpoint, cdiWatchpoint ); } } private void handleBreakpointMovedEvent( ICDIBreakpointMovedEvent movedEvent ) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCBreakpoint( (ICDIBreakpoint) movedEvent.getSource() ); if (breakpoint != null) { try { int newLineNumber = movedEvent.getNewLocation().getLineNumber(); int currLineNumber = breakpoint.getMarker().getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, newLineNumber); breakpoint.getMarker().setAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, newLineNumber); IMarker marker = BreakpointProblems.reportBreakpointMoved( breakpoint, currLineNumber, newLineNumber, getDebugTarget().getName(), getDebugTarget().getInternalID()); if (marker != null) fBreakpointProblems.add(marker); } catch (CoreException e) {} } } private void handleExecutableReloadedEvent( ICDIExecutableReloadedEvent reloadedEvent ) { ArrayList uninstalledCBplist = new ArrayList(); IBreakpointManager manager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager(); IBreakpoint[] breakpoints = manager.getBreakpoints( CDIDebugModel.getPluginIdentifier() ); for (int i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++) { if (breakpoints[i] instanceof ICBreakpoint && (getBreakpointMap().getCDIBreakpoint((ICBreakpoint) breakpoints[i]) == null)) { uninstalledCBplist.add(breakpoints[i]); } } setBreakpointsOnTarget((IBreakpoint[]) uninstalledCBplist.toArray(new IBreakpoint[uninstalledCBplist.size()])); } private void handleBreakpointProblemEvent( ICDIBreakpointProblemEvent problemEvent ) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCBreakpoint( problemEvent.getBreakpoint() ); if (breakpoint != null) { try { IMarker marker; marker = BreakpointProblems.reportBreakpointProblem(breakpoint, problemEvent.getDescription(), problemEvent.getSeverity(), problemEvent.getProblemType(), problemEvent.removeExisting(), problemEvent.removeOnly(), getDebugTarget().getName(), getDebugTarget().getInternalID()); if (marker != null) fBreakpointProblems.add(marker); } catch (DebugException e) {} } } private void handleBreakpointChangedEvent( ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCBreakpoint( cdiBreakpoint ); if ( breakpoint != null ) { Map map = new HashMap( 3 ); try { if ( !fSkipBreakpoint && DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().isEnabled() ) { map.put( IBreakpoint.ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf( cdiBreakpoint.isEnabled() ) ); } else { map.put( IBreakpoint.ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf( breakpoint.isEnabled() ) ); } } catch( CDIException e ) { } catch( CoreException e ) { } try { map.put( ICBreakpoint.IGNORE_COUNT, new Integer( cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getIgnoreCount() ) ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } try { map.put( ICBreakpoint.CONDITION, cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getExpression() ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } getBreakpointNotifier().breakpointChanged( getDebugTarget(), breakpoint, map ); } } private void handleBreakpointDestroyedEvent( ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = null; synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { breakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCBreakpoint( cdiBreakpoint ); getBreakpointMap().removeCDIBreakpoint( cdiBreakpoint ); } if ( breakpoint != null ) { if ( isFilteredByTarget( breakpoint, getDebugTarget() ) ) { try { getFilterExtension(breakpoint).removeTargetFilter( getDebugTarget() ); } catch( CoreException e ) { } } try { BreakpointProblems.removeProblemsForBreakpoint(breakpoint); } catch (CoreException e) {} getBreakpointNotifier().breakpointsRemoved( getDebugTarget(), new IBreakpoint[] { breakpoint } ); } } private BreakpointMap getBreakpointMap() { return fMap; } private void removeAllBreakpoints() { // Remove all breakpoint problem markers for (Iterator iter = fBreakpointProblems.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IMarker marker = (IMarker) iter.next(); try { marker.delete(); } catch (CoreException e) {} } ArrayList installedCDIBplist = new ArrayList(); ArrayList installedCBplist = new ArrayList(); ICBreakpoint[] breakpoints = new ICBreakpoint[0]; synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { breakpoints = getBreakpointMap().getAllCBreakpoints(); for ( int i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; ++i ) { if ( !getBreakpointMap().isInProgress( breakpoints[i] ) ) { installedCDIBplist.add( getBreakpointMap().getCDIBreakpoint( breakpoints[i] ) ); installedCBplist.add(breakpoints[i]); } } } if ( installedCDIBplist.isEmpty() ) return; final ICDIBreakpoint[] cdiBreakpoints = (ICDIBreakpoint[])installedCDIBplist.toArray( new ICDIBreakpoint[installedCDIBplist.size()] ); final ICDITarget cdiTarget = getCDITarget(); // Clean up the target filter to avoid that the CDebugTarget remains referenced by the breakpoint. // Note that though we're "removing" breakpoints from a debug session, the breakpoint objects in the // platform aren't going anywhere. They are "global" model elements. They go away only when the user // deletes them. CDebugTarget target = getDebugTarget(); for (Iterator iter = installedCBplist.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ICBreakpoint breakpoint = (ICBreakpoint) iter.next(); if ( isFilteredByTarget( breakpoint, target ) ) { try { getFilterExtension(breakpoint).removeTargetFilter( target ); } catch( CoreException e ) { CDebugCorePlugin.log( e.getStatus() ); } } } DebugPlugin.getDefault().asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cdiTarget.deleteBreakpoints( cdiBreakpoints ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } } } ); getBreakpointNotifier().breakpointsRemoved( getDebugTarget(), (ICBreakpoint[])installedCBplist.toArray( new ICBreakpoint[installedCBplist.size()] ) ); } private ICBreakpoint[] register( IBreakpoint[] breakpoints ) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList( breakpoints.length ); synchronized ( getBreakpointMap() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; ++i ) { if ( breakpoints[i] instanceof ICBreakpoint && isTargetBreakpoint( (ICBreakpoint)breakpoints[i] ) && !(getBreakpointMap().isRegistered( (ICBreakpoint)breakpoints[i] )) ) { getBreakpointMap().register( (ICBreakpoint)breakpoints[i] ); list.add( breakpoints[i] ); } } } return (ICBreakpoint[])list.toArray( new ICBreakpoint[list.size()] ); } private void setBreakpointsOnTarget( IBreakpoint[] breakpoints ) { final ICBreakpoint[] bkpts = register( breakpoints ); if ( bkpts.length > 0 ) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { setBreakpointsOnTarget0( bkpts ); } } ); } } protected void setBreakpointsOnTarget0( ICBreakpoint[] breakpoints ) { ICDITarget cdiTarget = getCDITarget(); ICDIBreakpointManagement2 bpManager2 = null; if (cdiTarget instanceof ICDIBreakpointManagement2) bpManager2 = (ICDIBreakpointManagement2) cdiTarget; for ( int i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; ++i ) { try { ICDIBreakpoint b = null; int breakpointType = ICBreakpointType.REGULAR; ICBreakpoint icbreakpoint = breakpoints[i]; if (icbreakpoint instanceof ICBreakpointType) { breakpointType = ((ICBreakpointType) icbreakpoint).getType(); } if ( icbreakpoint instanceof ICFunctionBreakpoint ) { ICFunctionBreakpoint breakpoint = (ICFunctionBreakpoint)icbreakpoint; String function = breakpoint.getFunction(); String fileName = breakpoint.getFileName(); ICDIFunctionLocation location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation( fileName, function ); ICDICondition condition = createCondition( breakpoint ); IMarker marker = BreakpointProblems.reportUnresolvedBreakpoint(breakpoint, getDebugTarget().getName(), getDebugTarget().getInternalID()); if (marker != null) fBreakpointProblems.add(marker); if (bpManager2 != null) b = bpManager2.setFunctionBreakpoint( breakpointType, location, condition, true, icbreakpoint.isEnabled() ); else b = cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint( breakpointType, location, condition, true ); } else if ( icbreakpoint instanceof ICAddressBreakpoint ) { ICAddressBreakpoint breakpoint = (ICAddressBreakpoint)icbreakpoint; String address = breakpoint.getAddress(); ICDIAddressLocation location = cdiTarget.createAddressLocation( new BigInteger ( ( address.startsWith( "0x" ) ) ? address.substring( 2 ) : address, 16 ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ ICDICondition condition = createCondition( breakpoint ); if (bpManager2 != null) b = bpManager2.setAddressBreakpoint( breakpointType, location, condition, true, icbreakpoint.isEnabled() ); else b = cdiTarget.setAddressBreakpoint( breakpointType, location, condition, true ); } else if ( icbreakpoint instanceof ICLineBreakpoint ) { ICLineBreakpoint breakpoint = (ICLineBreakpoint)icbreakpoint; String handle = breakpoint.getSourceHandle(); IPath path = convertPath( handle ); ICDILineLocation location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation( path.toPortableString(), breakpoint.getLineNumber() ); ICDICondition condition = createCondition( breakpoint ); IMarker marker = BreakpointProblems.reportUnresolvedBreakpoint(breakpoint, getDebugTarget().getName(), getDebugTarget().getInternalID()); if (marker != null) fBreakpointProblems.add(marker); if (bpManager2 != null) b = bpManager2.setLineBreakpoint( breakpointType, location, condition, true, icbreakpoint.isEnabled() ); else b = cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint( breakpointType, location, condition, true ); } else if ( icbreakpoint instanceof ICWatchpoint ) { ICWatchpoint watchpoint = (ICWatchpoint)icbreakpoint; int accessType = 0; accessType |= (watchpoint.isWriteType()) ? ICDIWatchpoint.WRITE : 0; accessType |= (watchpoint.isReadType()) ? ICDIWatchpoint.READ : 0; String expression = watchpoint.getExpression(); ICDICondition condition = createCondition( watchpoint ); if ( bpManager2 != null ) { if ( icbreakpoint instanceof ICWatchpoint2 ) { ICWatchpoint2 wp2 = (ICWatchpoint2)watchpoint; b = bpManager2.setWatchpoint( breakpointType, accessType, expression, wp2.getMemorySpace(), wp2.getRange(), condition, icbreakpoint.isEnabled() ); } else { b = bpManager2.setWatchpoint( breakpointType, accessType, expression, condition, icbreakpoint.isEnabled() ); } } else { b = cdiTarget.setWatchpoint(breakpointType, accessType, expression, condition ); } } else if (icbreakpoint instanceof ICEventBreakpoint) { ICEventBreakpoint eventbkpt = (ICEventBreakpoint) icbreakpoint; ICDICondition condition = createCondition(eventbkpt); if (cdiTarget instanceof ICDIBreakpointManagement3) { ICDIBreakpointManagement3 bpManager3 = (ICDIBreakpointManagement3) cdiTarget; b = bpManager3.setEventBreakpoint(eventbkpt.getEventType(), eventbkpt .getEventArgument(), breakpointType, condition, true, icbreakpoint.isEnabled()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("BreakpointManager does not support this type of breapoints"); } } if ( b != null ) { Object obj = getBreakpointMap().get( icbreakpoint ); if ( obj instanceof BreakpointInProgess ) { ((BreakpointInProgess)obj).setCDIBreakpoint( b ); } } // Hack: see bug 105196: [CDI]: Add "enabled" flag to the "set...Breakpoint" methods if (bpManager2 == null && b != null && b.isEnabled() != icbreakpoint.isEnabled() ) { b.setEnabled( icbreakpoint.isEnabled() ); } } catch( CoreException e ) { } catch( NumberFormatException e ) { } catch( CDIException e ) { } } } protected ICDITarget getCDITarget() { return getDebugTarget().getCDITarget(); } private ICDICondition createCondition( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) throws CoreException, CDIException { return getCDITarget().createCondition( breakpoint.getIgnoreCount(), breakpoint.getCondition(), getThreadNames( breakpoint ) ); } private String[] getThreadNames( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) { try { ICThread[] threads = getFilterExtension(breakpoint).getThreadFilters( getDebugTarget() ); if ( threads == null ) return new String[0]; String[] names = new String[threads.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i ) { names[i] = threads[i].getName(); } return names; } catch( DebugException e ) { } catch( CoreException e ) { } return new String[0]; } private ICLineBreakpoint createLocationBreakpoint( ICDILocationBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { ICLineBreakpoint breakpoint = null; try { ICDILocator location = cdiBreakpoint.getLocator(); String file = location.getFile(); String sourceHandle = file; IResource resource = getProject(); if (file != null && file.length() > 0) { Object sourceElement = getSourceElement(file); if ( sourceElement instanceof IFile ) { sourceHandle = ((IFile)sourceElement).getLocation().toOSString(); resource = (IResource)sourceElement; } else if ( sourceElement instanceof IStorage ) { sourceHandle = ((IStorage)sourceElement).getFullPath().toOSString(); resource = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); } else if ( sourceElement instanceof ITranslationUnit ) { ITranslationUnit translationUnit = (ITranslationUnit)sourceElement; sourceHandle = translationUnit.getPath().toString(); resource = translationUnit.getResource(); // an IExternalTranslationUnit doesn't have an IResource if (resource == null) { resource = getProject(); } } } else { sourceHandle = getExecFileHandle(); } if ( cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDILineBreakpoint ) { breakpoint = createLineBreakpoint( sourceHandle, resource, cdiBreakpoint ); } else if ( cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIFunctionBreakpoint ) { breakpoint = createFunctionBreakpoint( sourceHandle, resource,cdiBreakpoint ); } else if ( cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIAddressBreakpoint ) { breakpoint = createAddressBreakpoint( sourceHandle, resource,cdiBreakpoint ); } } catch( CDIException e ) { } catch( CoreException e ) { } return breakpoint; } private ICLineBreakpoint createLineBreakpoint( String sourceHandle, IResource resource, ICDILocationBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) throws CDIException, CoreException { ICLineBreakpoint breakpoint = CDIDebugModel.createLineBreakpoint( sourceHandle, resource, getCdiBreakpointType(cdiBreakpoint), cdiBreakpoint.getLocator().getLineNumber(), cdiBreakpoint.isEnabled(), cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getIgnoreCount(), cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getExpression(), false ); // ICDILocator locator = cdiBreakpoint.getLocator(); // if ( locator != null ) { // BigInteger address = locator.getAddress(); // if ( address != null ) { // breakpoint.setAddress( address.toString() ); // } // } return breakpoint; } /** * Utility method that queries the CDI client for the breakpoint type. * * @param cdiBreakpoint * the CDI breakpoint * @return an ICDIBreakpointType constant */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private int getCdiBreakpointType(ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint) { if (cdiBreakpoint instanceof ICDIBreakpoint2) { // the new way return ((ICDIBreakpoint2)cdiBreakpoint).getType(); } else { // the old way int type = cdiBreakpoint.isHardware() ? ICBreakpointType.HARDWARE : ICBreakpointType.REGULAR; if (cdiBreakpoint.isTemporary()) { type |= ICBreakpointType.TEMPORARY; } return type; } } private ICFunctionBreakpoint createFunctionBreakpoint( String sourceHandle, IResource resource, ICDILocationBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) throws CDIException, CoreException { ICDILocator location = cdiBreakpoint.getLocator(); int line = location.getLineNumber(); ICFunctionBreakpoint breakpoint = CDIDebugModel.createFunctionBreakpoint( sourceHandle, resource, getCdiBreakpointType(cdiBreakpoint), location.getFunction(), -1, -1, line, cdiBreakpoint.isEnabled(), cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getIgnoreCount(), cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getExpression(), false); return breakpoint; } private ICAddressBreakpoint createAddressBreakpoint( String sourceHandle, IResource resource, ICDILocationBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) throws CDIException, CoreException { String binary = getExecFileHandle(); IAddress address = getDebugTarget().getAddressFactory().createAddress( cdiBreakpoint.getLocator().getAddress() ); ICDILocator location = cdiBreakpoint.getLocator(); int line = location.getLineNumber(); ICAddressBreakpoint breakpoint = CDIDebugModel.createAddressBreakpoint( binary, sourceHandle, resource, ICBreakpointType.REGULAR, line, address, cdiBreakpoint.isEnabled(), cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getIgnoreCount(), cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getExpression(), false); return breakpoint; } private ICWatchpoint createWatchpoint( ICDIWatchpoint cdiWatchpoint ) throws CDIException, CoreException { String sourceHandle = getExecFileHandle(); ICWatchpoint watchpoint = null; if ( cdiWatchpoint instanceof ICDIWatchpoint2 ){ watchpoint = CDIDebugModel.createWatchpoint( sourceHandle, getProject(), cdiWatchpoint.isWriteType(), cdiWatchpoint.isReadType(), cdiWatchpoint.getWatchExpression(), ( (ICDIWatchpoint2)cdiWatchpoint ).getMemorySpace(), ( (ICDIWatchpoint2)cdiWatchpoint ).getRange(), cdiWatchpoint.isEnabled(), cdiWatchpoint.getCondition().getIgnoreCount(), cdiWatchpoint.getCondition().getExpression(), false); } else { watchpoint = CDIDebugModel.createWatchpoint( sourceHandle, getProject(), cdiWatchpoint.isWriteType(), cdiWatchpoint.isReadType(), cdiWatchpoint.getWatchExpression(), cdiWatchpoint.isEnabled(), cdiWatchpoint.getCondition().getIgnoreCount(), cdiWatchpoint.getCondition().getExpression(), false ); } return watchpoint; } private ICEventBreakpoint createEventBreakpoint(ICDIEventBreakpoint cdiEventBkpt) throws CDIException, CoreException { ICEventBreakpoint eventBkpt; eventBkpt = CDIDebugModel.eventBreakpointExists(cdiEventBkpt.getEventType(), cdiEventBkpt .getExtraArgument()); if (eventBkpt != null) return eventBkpt; eventBkpt = CDIDebugModel.createEventBreakpoint(cdiEventBkpt.getEventType(), cdiEventBkpt .getExtraArgument(), false); return eventBkpt; } private void changeBreakpointProperties( ICBreakpoint breakpoint, IMarkerDelta delta ) { ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint = null; synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { if ( !getBreakpointMap().isInProgress( breakpoint ) ) cdiBreakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCDIBreakpoint( breakpoint ); } if ( cdiBreakpoint == null ) return; ICDITarget cdiTarget = getCDITarget(); try { boolean enabled = breakpoint.isEnabled(); boolean oldEnabled = ( delta != null ) ? delta.getAttribute( IBreakpoint.ENABLED, true ) : enabled; int ignoreCount = breakpoint.getIgnoreCount(); int oldIgnoreCount = ( delta != null ) ? delta.getAttribute( ICBreakpoint.IGNORE_COUNT, 0 ) : ignoreCount; String condition = breakpoint.getCondition(); String oldCondition = ( delta != null ) ? delta.getAttribute( ICBreakpoint.CONDITION, "" ) : condition; //$NON-NLS-1$ String[] newThreadIs = getThreadNames( breakpoint ); Boolean enabled0 = null; ICDICondition condition0 = null; if ( enabled != oldEnabled && enabled != cdiBreakpoint.isEnabled() ) { enabled0 = Boolean.valueOf( enabled ); } if ( ignoreCount != oldIgnoreCount || condition.compareTo( oldCondition ) != 0 || areThreadFiltersChanged( newThreadIs, cdiBreakpoint ) ) { ICDICondition cdiCondition = cdiTarget.createCondition( ignoreCount, condition, newThreadIs ); if ( !cdiCondition.equals( cdiBreakpoint.getCondition() ) ) { condition0 = cdiCondition; } } int line = 0; if (breakpoint instanceof ILineBreakpoint) { ILineBreakpoint l = (ILineBreakpoint) breakpoint; line = l.getLineNumber(); } int oldLine = ( delta != null ) ? delta.getAttribute( IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, 0 ) : 0; //$NON-NLS-1$ boolean basic = oldLine>0 && oldLine != line; if (basic) { final ICBreakpoint[] breakpoints = new ICBreakpoint[] {breakpoint}; breakpointsRemoved(breakpoints, null); handleBreakpointDestroyedEvent(cdiBreakpoint); // events has to processed before add executes breakpointsAdded(breakpoints); } else if (enabled0 != null || condition0 != null) { changeBreakpointPropertiesOnTarget(cdiBreakpoint, enabled0, condition0); } } catch( CoreException e ) { } catch( CDIException e ) { } } private void changeBreakpointProperties( ICBreakpoint breakpoint, ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { Boolean enabled = null; try { if ( cdiBreakpoint.isEnabled() != breakpoint.isEnabled() ) enabled = Boolean.valueOf( breakpoint.isEnabled() ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } catch( CoreException e ) { } ICDICondition condition = null; try { ICDICondition c = createCondition( breakpoint ); if ( !cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().equals( c ) ) condition = c; } catch( CDIException e ) { } catch( CoreException e ) { } if ( enabled != null || condition != null ) changeBreakpointPropertiesOnTarget( cdiBreakpoint, enabled, condition ); } private void changeBreakpointPropertiesOnTarget( final ICDIBreakpoint breakpoint, final Boolean enabled, final ICDICondition condition ) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { if ( enabled != null ) { try { breakpoint.setEnabled( enabled.booleanValue() ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } } if ( condition != null ) { try { breakpoint.setCondition( condition ); } catch( CDIException e ) { } } } } ); } public void setInitialBreakpoints() { IBreakpointManager manager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager(); IBreakpoint[] bps = manager.getBreakpoints( CDIDebugModel.getPluginIdentifier() ); ICDITargetConfiguration config = getDebugTarget().getCDITarget().getConfiguration(); if (!(config instanceof ICDITargetConfiguration2) || !((ICDITargetConfiguration2)config).supportsAddressBreaksOnStartup()) { // Disable address breaks of the target does not support setting them on startup for( int i = 0; i < bps.length; i++ ) { if ( bps[i] instanceof ICBreakpoint && isTargetBreakpoint( (ICBreakpoint)bps[i] ) && !getBreakpointMap().isRegistered( (ICBreakpoint)bps[i] ) ) { if ( bps[i] instanceof ICAddressBreakpoint ) { // disable address breakpoints to prevent the debugger to insert them prematurely try { bps[i].setEnabled( false ); } catch( CoreException e ) { } } } } } ICBreakpoint[] breakpoints = register( bps ); setBreakpointsOnTarget0( breakpoints ); } /** * Checks if matching between the symbolics referenced by the breakpoint * and the symbolics of the contained CDebugTarget should be done using also source handle. * @param breakpoint * @return true if source handle should be used */ private boolean breakpointUsesSourceMatching(ICBreakpoint breakpoint) { boolean result = false; if (breakpoint instanceof ICLineBreakpoint) { result = true; if (breakpoint instanceof ICFunctionBreakpoint) { // ICDIFunctionBreakpoint on function elements from binary objects can be // set without having a source handle. For this case of line breakpoint // don't try to match breakpoints with source locator of contained CDebugTarget. String handle = null; try { handle = breakpoint.getSourceHandle(); } catch (CoreException ex) { // ignore exception. source handle will be empty anyway. } result = (handle != null) && (handle.length() > 0); } } return result; } private boolean isTargetBreakpoint( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) { if ( breakpoint instanceof ICAddressBreakpoint ) return supportsAddressBreakpoint( (ICAddressBreakpoint)breakpoint ); // If the breakpoint is set on a resource in this project // it should be enabled irrespective of what the CSourceLookupDirector thinks if (breakpoint.getMarker() != null) { IProject project = breakpoint.getMarker().getResource().getProject(); if (getProject().equals(project)) return true; if (CDebugUtils.isReferencedProject(getProject(), project)) return true; } // Is it a line breakpoint with source handle ? if ( breakpointUsesSourceMatching( breakpoint ) ) { try { String handle = breakpoint.getSourceHandle(); ISourceLocator sl = getSourceLocator(); if ( sl instanceof ICSourceLocator ) return ( ((ICSourceLocator)sl).findSourceElement( handle ) != null ); else if ( sl instanceof CSourceLookupDirector ) { return ( ((CSourceLookupDirector)sl).contains( breakpoint ) ); } } catch( CoreException e ) { CDebugCorePlugin.log(e); } } else { // Check the marker resource against the source containers ... IResource resource = breakpoint.getMarker().getResource(); IProject project = resource.getProject(); if ( project != null && project.exists() ) { ISourceLocator sl = getSourceLocator(); if ( sl instanceof ICSourceLocator ) return ((ICSourceLocator)sl).contains( project ); else if ( sl instanceof CSourceLookupDirector ) return ((CSourceLookupDirector)sl).contains( project ); } } // Allow unclassified breakpoints i.e. those which aren't project scoped, // or not resource related (e.g. watchpoints) return true; } public boolean supportsBreakpoint( ICBreakpoint breakpoint ) { boolean s = false; synchronized( getBreakpointMap() ) { s = getBreakpointMap().isRegistered( breakpoint ); } return s; } /** * Checks for a match between the symbolics referenced by the breakpoint * and the symbolics of the contained CDebugTarget. * @param breakpoint * @return true if the symbolics match or if the breakpoint has no symbolics */ public boolean supportsAddressBreakpoint( ICAddressBreakpoint breakpoint ) { boolean sessionHasSymbols = getExecFileHandle() != null && getExecFileHandle().length() > 0; boolean bpHasSymbols = false; try { String module = breakpoint.getModule(); if ( module != null && module.length() > 0 ) { bpHasSymbols = true; if ( sessionHasSymbols ) { return getExecFileHandle().equals( module ); } } } catch( CoreException e ) { } // supporting old breakpoints (> 3.0) try { String sourceHandle = breakpoint.getSourceHandle(); if ( sourceHandle != null && sourceHandle.length() > 0 ) { bpHasSymbols = true; if ( sessionHasSymbols ) { return getExecFileHandle().equals( sourceHandle ); } } } catch( CoreException e ) { } // an address breakpoint can also be set in the absence of any symbols return !bpHasSymbols; } public void skipBreakpoints( boolean enabled ) { if ( fSkipBreakpoint != enabled && (DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().isEnabled() || !enabled) ) { fSkipBreakpoint = enabled; doSkipBreakpoints( enabled ); } } public void watchpointOutOfScope( ICDIWatchpoint cdiWatchpoint ) { handleBreakpointDestroyedEvent( cdiWatchpoint ); } private void doSkipBreakpoints( boolean enabled ) { ICBreakpoint[] cBreakpoints = getBreakpointMap().getAllCBreakpoints(); for ( int i = 0; i < cBreakpoints.length; ++i ) { try { if ( cBreakpoints[i].isEnabled() ) { ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint = getBreakpointMap().getCDIBreakpoint( cBreakpoints[i] ); if ( cdiBreakpoint != null ) { cdiBreakpoint.setEnabled( !enabled ); } } } catch( CoreException e ) { // ignore } catch( CDIException e ) { // ignore } } } private IPath convertPath( String sourceHandle ) { IPath path = null; if ( Path.EMPTY.isValidPath( sourceHandle ) ) { ISourceLocator sl = getSourceLocator(); if ( sl instanceof CSourceLookupDirector ) { path = ((CSourceLookupDirector)sl).getCompilationPath( sourceHandle ); } if ( path == null ) { path = new Path( sourceHandle ); } } return path; } private IProject getProject() { return getDebugTarget().getProject(); } private String getExecFileHandle() { CDebugTarget target = getDebugTarget(); if ( target != null ) { IBinaryObject binary = target.getExecFile(); if ( binary != null ) { IPath path = binary.getPath(); if ( path != null ) { return path.toOSString(); } } } return null; } private ISourceLocator getSourceLocator() { return getDebugTarget().getLaunch().getSourceLocator(); } protected Object getSourceElement( String file ) { Object sourceElement = null; ISourceLocator locator = getSourceLocator(); if ( locator instanceof ICSourceLocator || locator instanceof CSourceLookupDirector ) { if ( locator instanceof ICSourceLocator ) sourceElement = ((ICSourceLocator)locator).findSourceElement( file ); else sourceElement = ((CSourceLookupDirector)locator).getSourceElement( file ); } return sourceElement; } protected boolean isEmpty( String str ) { return !( str != null && str.trim().length() > 0 ); } private boolean isTargetAvailable() { return getDebugTarget().getCDITarget().getConfiguration().supportsBreakpoints() && getDebugTarget().isAvailable(); } private CBreakpointNotifier getBreakpointNotifier() { return CBreakpointNotifier.getInstance(); } private boolean isFilteredByTarget( ICBreakpoint breakpoint, ICDebugTarget target ) { boolean result = false; try { ICDebugTarget[] tfs = getFilterExtension(breakpoint).getTargetFilters(); result = Arrays.asList( tfs ).contains( target ); } catch( CoreException e ) { // ignore } return result; } private boolean areThreadFiltersChanged( String[] newIds, ICDIBreakpoint cdiBreakpoint ) { try { String[] oldIds = cdiBreakpoint.getCondition().getThreadIds(); if ( oldIds.length != newIds.length ) return true; List list = Arrays.asList( oldIds ); for ( int i = 0; i < newIds.length; ++i ) { if ( !list.contains( newIds[i] ) ) { return true; } } } catch( CDIException e ) { } return false; } private ICBreakpointFilterExtension getFilterExtension(ICBreakpoint bp) throws CoreException{ return (ICBreakpointFilterExtension)bp.getExtension( CDIDebugModel.getPluginIdentifier(), ICBreakpointFilterExtension.class); } }