/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2012 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM - Initial API and implementation * Anna Dushistova (MontaVista) - [366771]Converter fails to convert a CDT makefile project *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.AbstractCExtension; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IConsoleParser; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.language.settings.providers.ICBuildOutputParser; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.language.settings.providers.ILanguageSettingsProvider; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.language.settings.providers.ILanguageSettingsProvidersKeeper; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.language.settings.providers.IWorkingDirectoryTracker; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.language.settings.providers.LanguageSettingsManager; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.CoreModel; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.CoreModelUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IScannerInfo; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IScannerInfoChangeListener; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICConfigurationDescription; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICMultiConfigDescription; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICProjectDescription; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICProjectDescriptionManager; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICSettingEntry; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.XmlStorageUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.extension.CConfigurationData; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.buildproperties.IBuildProperty; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.buildproperties.IBuildPropertyManager; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.envvar.IEnvironmentBuildPathsChangeListener; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.envvar.IEnvironmentVariableProvider; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.buildproperties.BuildPropertyManager; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.BooleanExpressionApplicabilityCalculator; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.BuildDbgUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.BuildObject; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.BuildSettingsUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.Builder; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.BuilderFactory; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.CommonBuilder; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.Configuration; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.DefaultManagedConfigElement; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.FolderInfo; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.IMatchKeyProvider; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.InputType; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.ManagedBuildInfo; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.ManagedCommandLineGenerator; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.ManagedMakeMessages; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.ManagedProject; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.MatchKey; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.MultiConfiguration; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.MultiFolderInfo; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.MultiResourceInfo; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.Option; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.OptionCategory; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.OutputType; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.ProjectType; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.ResourceConfiguration; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.Target; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.TargetPlatform; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.Tool; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.ToolChain; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.dataprovider.BuildConfigurationData; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.dataprovider.BuildEntryStorage; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.dataprovider.ConfigurationDataProvider; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.envvar.EnvironmentVariableProvider; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.macros.BuildMacroProvider; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.tcmodification.ToolChainModificationManager; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.macros.IBuildMacroProvider; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.makegen.IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.makegen.gnu.GnuMakefileGenerator; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.projectconverter.UpdateManagedProjectManager; import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.tcmodification.IToolChainModificationManager; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ICommand; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.URIUtil; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.Version; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction; /** * This is the main entry point for getting at the build information * for the managed build system. * * @noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients. * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients. */ public class ManagedBuildManager extends AbstractCExtension { // private static final QualifiedName buildInfoProperty = new QualifiedName(ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "managedBuildInfo"); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String ROOT_NODE_NAME = "ManagedProjectBuildInfo"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String SETTINGS_FILE_NAME = ".cdtbuild"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final ITarget[] emptyTargets = new ITarget[0]; public static final String INTERFACE_IDENTITY = ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID + ".ManagedBuildManager"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EXTENSION_POINT_ID = ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID + ".buildDefinitions"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EXTENSION_POINT_ID_V2 = ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID + ".ManagedBuildInfo"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String REVISION_ELEMENT_NAME = "managedBuildRevision"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String VERSION_ELEMENT_NAME = "fileVersion"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String MANIFEST_VERSION_ERROR ="ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.version.error"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PROJECT_VERSION_ERROR ="ManagedBuildManager.error.project.version.error"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PROJECT_FILE_ERROR = "ManagedBuildManager.error.project.file.missing"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_HEADER = "ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.header"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_RESOLVING = "ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.resolving"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_DUPLICATE = "ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.duplicate"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_ICON = "ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.icon"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_OPTION_CATEGORY = "ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.option.category"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_OPTION_FILTER = "ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.option.filter"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_OPTION_VALUEHANDLER = "ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.option.valuehandler"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_READ_ONLY = "ManagedBuildManager.error.read_only"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String MANIFEST_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED = "ManagedBuildManager.error.write_failed"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // Error ID's for OptionValidError() public static final int ERROR_CATEGORY = 0; public static final int ERROR_FILTER = 1; public static final String BUILD_TYPE_PROPERTY_ID = "org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildType"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String BUILD_ARTEFACT_TYPE_PROPERTY_ID = "org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String BUILD_TYPE_PROPERTY_DEBUG = "org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildType.debug"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String BUILD_TYPE_PROPERTY_RELEASE = "org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildType.release"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String BUILD_ARTEFACT_TYPE_PROPERTY_EXE = "org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.exe"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String BUILD_ARTEFACT_TYPE_PROPERTY_STATICLIB = "org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.staticLib"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String BUILD_ARTEFACT_TYPE_PROPERTY_SHAREDLIB = "org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.sharedLib"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String CFG_DATA_PROVIDER_ID = ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID + ".configurationDataProvider"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INTERNAL_BUILDER_ID = "org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.internal.builder"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String os = Platform.getOS(); private static final String arch = Platform.getOSArch(); private static final String ALL = "all"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // This is the version of the manifest and project files private static final Version buildInfoVersion = new Version(4, 0, 0); private static final Version version = new Version(4, 0, 0); private static boolean projectTypesLoaded = false; private static boolean projectTypesLoading = false; // Project types defined in the manifest files public static SortedMap<String, IProjectType> projectTypeMap; private static List<IProjectType> projectTypes; // Early configuration initialization extension elements private static List<IManagedConfigElement> startUpConfigElements; // Configurations defined in the manifest files private static Map<String, IConfiguration> extensionConfigurationMap; // Resource configurations defined in the manifest files private static Map<String, IResourceConfiguration> extensionResourceConfigurationMap; // Tool-chains defined in the manifest files private static SortedMap<String, ToolChain> extensionToolChainMap; // Tools defined in the manifest files private static SortedMap<String, Tool> extensionToolMap; // Target Platforms defined in the manifest files private static Map<String, ITargetPlatform> extensionTargetPlatformMap; // Builders defined in the manifest files private static SortedMap<String, Builder> extensionBuilderMap; // Options defined in the manifest files private static Map<String, IOption> extensionOptionMap; // Option Categories defined in the manifest files private static Map<String, IOptionCategory> extensionOptionCategoryMap; // Input types defined in the manifest files private static Map<String, IInputType> extensionInputTypeMap; // Output types defined in the manifest files private static Map<String, IOutputType> extensionOutputTypeMap; // Targets defined in the manifest files (CDT V2.0 object model) private static Map<String, ITarget> extensionTargetMap; // "Selected configuraton" elements defined in the manifest files. // These are configuration elements that map to objects in the internal // representation of the manifest files. For example, ListOptionValues // and enumeratedOptionValues are NOT included. // Note that these "configuration elements" are not related to the // managed build system "configurations". // From the PDE Guide: // A configuration element, with its attributes and children, directly // reflects the content and structure of the extension section within the // declaring plug-in's manifest (plugin.xml) file. // This map has a lifecycle corresponding to the build definitions extension loading. private static Map<IBuildObject, IManagedConfigElement> configElementMap; // private static List sortedToolChains; // private static Map builtTypeToToolChainListMap; // Listeners interested in build model changes private static Map<IResource, List<IScannerInfoChangeListener>> buildModelListeners; // Random number for derived object model elements private static Random randomNumber; // Environment Build Paths Change Listener private static IEnvironmentBuildPathsChangeListener fEnvironmentBuildPathsChangeListener; private static HashMap<MatchKey<ToolChain>, List<ToolChain>> fSortedToolChains; private static HashMap<MatchKey<Tool>, List<Tool>> fSortedTools; private static HashMap<MatchKey<Builder>, List<Builder>> fSortedBuilders; private static Map<IProject, IManagedBuildInfo> fInfoMap = new HashMap<IProject, IManagedBuildInfo>(); private static ISorter fToolChainSorter = new ISorter(){ @Override public void sort() { resortToolChains(); } }; private static ISorter fToolSorter = new ISorter(){ @Override public void sort() { resortTools(); } }; private static ISorter fBuilderSorter = new ISorter(){ @Override public void sort() { resortBuilders(); } }; private static interface ISorter { void sort(); } static { getEnvironmentVariableProvider().subscribe( fEnvironmentBuildPathsChangeListener = new IEnvironmentBuildPathsChangeListener(){ @Override public void buildPathsChanged(IConfiguration configuration, int buildPathType){ // if(buildPathType == IEnvVarBuildPath.BUILDPATH_INCLUDE){ // initializePathEntries(configuration,null); // notifyListeners(configuration,null); // } } }); } /** * @return the next random number as a positive integer. */ public static int getRandomNumber() { if (randomNumber == null) { // Set the random number seed randomNumber = new Random(); randomNumber.setSeed(System.currentTimeMillis()); } int i = randomNumber.nextInt(); if (i < 0) { i *= -1; } return i; } /** * @return the list of project types that are defined by this project, * projects referenced by this project, and by the extensions. */ public static IProjectType[] getDefinedProjectTypes() { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // Get the project types for this project and all referenced projects List<IProjectType> definedTypes = null; // To Do // Create the array and copy the elements over int size = projectTypes != null ? projectTypes.size() : 0; size += definedTypes != null ? definedTypes.size() : 0; IProjectType[] types = new IProjectType[size]; if (size > 0) { int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < projectTypes.size(); i++) types[n++] = projectTypes.get(i); if (definedTypes != null) for (int i = 0; i < definedTypes.size(); i++) types[n++] = definedTypes.get(i); } return types; } /** * @param id - id of the project type * @return the project type with the passed in ID */ public static IProjectType getProjectType(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionProjectTypeMap().get(id); } public static Version getVersion(){ return version; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to ProjectTypes */ public static SortedMap<String, IProjectType> getExtensionProjectTypeMap() { try { loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { } if (projectTypeMap == null) { projectTypeMap = new TreeMap<String, IProjectType>(); } return projectTypeMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to Configurations */ protected static Map<String, IConfiguration> getExtensionConfigurationMap() { if (extensionConfigurationMap == null) { extensionConfigurationMap = new HashMap<String, IConfiguration>(); } return extensionConfigurationMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to Resource Configurations */ protected static Map<String, IResourceConfiguration> getExtensionResourceConfigurationMap() { if (extensionResourceConfigurationMap == null) { extensionResourceConfigurationMap = new HashMap<String, IResourceConfiguration>(); } return extensionResourceConfigurationMap; } /** * Safe internal accessor for the map of IDs to ToolChains */ private static SortedMap<String, ToolChain> getExtensionToolChainMapInternal() { try { loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { } if (extensionToolChainMap == null) { extensionToolChainMap = new TreeMap<String, ToolChain>(); } return extensionToolChainMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to ToolChains */ public static SortedMap<String, ? extends IToolChain> getExtensionToolChainMap() { return getExtensionToolChainMapInternal(); } public static IToolChain[] getExtensionToolChains() { return getExtensionToolChainMapInternal().values().toArray(new ToolChain[extensionToolChainMap.size()]); } /** * Safe internal accessor for the map of IDs to Tools */ private static SortedMap<String, Tool> getExtensionToolMapInternal() { try { loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { } if (extensionToolMap == null) { extensionToolMap = new TreeMap<String, Tool>(); } return extensionToolMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to Tools */ public static SortedMap<String, ? extends ITool> getExtensionToolMap() { return getExtensionToolMapInternal(); } public static ITool[] getExtensionTools() { return getExtensionToolMapInternal().values().toArray(new Tool[extensionToolMap.size()]); } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to TargetPlatforms */ protected static Map<String, ITargetPlatform> getExtensionTargetPlatformMap() { if (extensionTargetPlatformMap == null) { extensionTargetPlatformMap = new HashMap<String, ITargetPlatform>(); } return extensionTargetPlatformMap; } /** * Safe internal accessor for the map of IDs to Builders */ private static SortedMap<String, Builder> getExtensionBuilderMapInternal() { try { loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { } if (extensionBuilderMap == null) { extensionBuilderMap = new TreeMap<String, Builder>(); } return extensionBuilderMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to Builders */ public static SortedMap<String, ? extends IBuilder> getExtensionBuilderMap() { return getExtensionBuilderMapInternal(); } public static IBuilder[] getExtensionBuilders() { return getExtensionBuilderMapInternal().values().toArray(new Builder[extensionBuilderMap.size()]); } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to Options */ protected static Map<String, IOption> getExtensionOptionMap() { if (extensionOptionMap == null) { extensionOptionMap = new HashMap<String, IOption>(); } return extensionOptionMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to Option Categories */ protected static Map<String, IOptionCategory> getExtensionOptionCategoryMap() { if (extensionOptionCategoryMap == null) { extensionOptionCategoryMap = new HashMap<String, IOptionCategory>(); } return extensionOptionCategoryMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to InputTypes */ protected static Map<String, IInputType> getExtensionInputTypeMap() { if (extensionInputTypeMap == null) { extensionInputTypeMap = new HashMap<String, IInputType>(); } return extensionInputTypeMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to OutputTypes */ protected static Map<String, IOutputType> getExtensionOutputTypeMap() { if (extensionOutputTypeMap == null) { extensionOutputTypeMap = new HashMap<String, IOutputType>(); } return extensionOutputTypeMap; } /** * Safe accessor for the map of IDs to Targets (CDT V2.0 object model) */ protected static Map<String, ITarget> getExtensionTargetMap() { if (extensionTargetMap == null) { extensionTargetMap = new HashMap<String, ITarget>(); } return extensionTargetMap; } /** * @return the targets owned by this resource. If none are owned, * an empty array is returned. */ public static ITarget[] getTargets(IResource resource) { IManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = getBuildInfo(resource); if (buildInfo != null) { List<ITarget> targets = buildInfo.getTargets(); return targets.toArray(new ITarget[targets.size()]); } return emptyTargets; } /** * @return the project type from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static IProjectType getExtensionProjectType(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionProjectTypeMap().get(id); } /** * @return the base extension configuration from the manifest (plugin.xml) * or {@code null} if not found. * * @since 8.0 */ public static IConfiguration getExtensionConfiguration(IConfiguration cfg) { for(;cfg != null && !cfg.isExtensionElement(); cfg = cfg.getParent()) { // empty loop to find base configuration } return cfg; } /** * @return the configuration from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static IConfiguration getExtensionConfiguration(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionConfigurationMap().get(id); } public static IConfiguration[] getExtensionConfigurations() { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionConfigurationMap().values().toArray(new Configuration[getExtensionConfigurationMap().size()]); } /** * @return the resource configuration from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static IResourceConfiguration getExtensionResourceConfiguration(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionResourceConfigurationMap().get(id); } /** * @return the tool-chain from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static IToolChain getExtensionToolChain(String id) { return getExtensionToolChainMapInternal().get(id); } /** * @return the tool from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static ITool getExtensionTool(String id) { return getExtensionToolMapInternal().get(id); } /** * @return the target platform from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static ITargetPlatform getExtensionTargetPlatform(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionTargetPlatformMap().get(id); } /** * @return the builder from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static IBuilder getExtensionBuilder(String id) { return getExtensionBuilderMapInternal().get(id); } public static IBuilder getExtensionBuilder(IBuilder builder) { for(;builder != null && !builder.isExtensionElement(); builder = builder.getSuperClass()) { // empty loop to find parent builder } return builder; } /** * @return the option from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static IOption getExtensionOption(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionOptionMap().get(id); } /** * @return the InputType from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static IInputType getExtensionInputType(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionInputTypeMap().get(id); } /** * @return the OutputType from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null}. */ public static IOutputType getExtensionOutputType(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionOutputTypeMap().get(id); } /** * @return the target from the manifest with the ID specified in the argument * or {@code null} - CDT V2.0 object model. */ public static ITarget getExtensionTarget(String id) { try { // Make sure the extensions are loaded loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return getExtensionTargetMap().get(id); } /** * @param resource to find the target * @param id - ID of the target * * @return the result of a best-effort search to find a target with the * specified ID, or {@code null} if one is not found. */ public static ITarget getTarget(IResource resource, String id) { ITarget target = null; // Check if the target is spec'd in the build info for the resource if (resource != null) { IManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = getBuildInfo(resource); if (buildInfo != null) target = buildInfo.getTarget(id); } // OK, check the extension map if (target == null) { target = getExtensionTargetMap().get(id); } return target; } /** * Sets the default configuration for the project. Note that this will also * update the default target if needed. */ public static void setDefaultConfiguration(IProject project, IConfiguration newDefault) { if (project == null || newDefault == null) { return; } // Set the default in build information for the project IManagedBuildInfo info = getBuildInfo(project); if (info != null) { info.setDefaultConfiguration(newDefault); } } /** * Sets the currently selected configuration. This is used while the project * property pages are displayed */ public static void setSelectedConfiguration(IProject project, IConfiguration config) { if (project == null) { return; } // Set the default in build information for the project IManagedBuildInfo info = getBuildInfo(project); if (info != null) { info.setSelectedConfiguration(config); } } public static IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator getBuildfileGenerator(IConfiguration config) { IToolChain toolChain = config.getToolChain(); if(toolChain != null){ IBuilder builder = toolChain.getBuilder(); if(builder != null) return builder.getBuildFileGenerator(); } // If no generator is defined, return the default GNU generator return new GnuMakefileGenerator(); } /** * load tool provider defined or default (if not found) command line generator special for selected tool * @param toolId - id selected tool ID */ public static IManagedCommandLineGenerator getCommandLineGenerator(IConfiguration config, String toolId) { ITool tool = config.getTool(toolId); if (tool != null) { return tool.getCommandLineGenerator(); } return ManagedCommandLineGenerator.getCommandLineGenerator(); } /** * Targets may have a scanner config discovery profile defined that knows * how to discover built-in compiler defines and includes search paths. * Find the profile for the target specified. * * @return scanner configuration discovery profile id */ public static String getScannerInfoProfileId(IConfiguration config) { IToolChain toolChain = config.getToolChain(); return toolChain.getScannerConfigDiscoveryProfileId(); } /** * Gets the currently selected target. This is used while the project * property pages are displayed. * * @return target configuration. */ public static IConfiguration getSelectedConfiguration(IProject project) { if (project == null) { return null; } // Set the default in build information for the project IManagedBuildInfo info = getBuildInfo(project); if (info != null) { return info.getSelectedConfiguration(); } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * * @param config * @param option */ /* private static void notifyListeners(IConfiguration config, IOption option) { // Continue if change is something that effect the scanner try { //an option can be null in the case of calling this method from the environment //build path change listener if (config.isTemporary() || (option != null && option.getValueType() != IOption.INCLUDE_PATH && option.getValueType() != IOption.PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS && option.getValueType() != IOption.INCLUDE_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.LIBRARY_PATHS && option.getValueType() != IOption.LIBRARY_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.MACRO_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_PATH && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_PATHS && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_MACRO_FILES )) { return; } } catch (BuildException e) {return;} // Figure out if there is a listener for this change IResource resource = config.getOwner(); List listeners = (List) getBuildModelListeners().get(resource); if (listeners == null) { return; } ListIterator iter = listeners.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ((IScannerInfoChangeListener)iter.next()).changeNotification(resource, (IScannerInfo)getBuildInfo(resource)); } } */ public static void initializePathEntries(IConfiguration config, IOption option){ try{ if(config.isTemporary() || (option != null && option.getValueType() != IOption.INCLUDE_PATH && option.getValueType() != IOption.PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS && option.getValueType() != IOption.INCLUDE_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.LIBRARY_PATHS && option.getValueType() != IOption.LIBRARY_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.MACRO_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_PATH && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_PATHS && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_MACRO_FILES )) return; } catch (BuildException e){ return; } try { updateCoreSettings(config); } catch (CoreException e) { } } public static void initializePathEntries(IResourceConfiguration resConfig, IOption option){ IConfiguration cfg = resConfig.getParent(); if(cfg != null) initializePathEntries(cfg,option); } private static void notifyListeners(IResourceInfo resConfig, IOption option) { // Continue if change is something that effect the scanreser try { if (resConfig.getParent().isTemporary() || (option != null && option.getValueType() != IOption.INCLUDE_PATH && option.getValueType() != IOption.PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS && option.getValueType() != IOption.INCLUDE_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.LIBRARY_PATHS && option.getValueType() != IOption.LIBRARY_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.MACRO_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_PATH && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_PATHS && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_FILES && option.getValueType() != IOption.UNDEF_MACRO_FILES )) { return; } } catch (BuildException e) {return;} // Figure out if there is a listener for this change IResource resource = resConfig.getParent().getOwner(); List<IScannerInfoChangeListener> listeners = getBuildModelListeners().get(resource); if (listeners == null) { return; } ListIterator<IScannerInfoChangeListener> iter = listeners.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next().changeNotification(resource, (IScannerInfo)getBuildInfo(resource)); } } /** * Adds the version of the managed build system to the project * specified in the argument. * * @param newProject the project to version */ public static void setNewProjectVersion(IProject newProject) { // Get the build info for the argument ManagedBuildInfo info = findBuildInfo(newProject, true); if(info != null) info.setVersion(buildInfoVersion.toString()); } /** * Set the boolean value for an option for a given config. * * @param config The configuration the option belongs to. * @param holder The holder/parent of the option. * @param option The option to set the value for. * @param value The boolean that the option should contain after the change. * * @return The modified option. This can be the same option or a newly created option. * * @since 3.0 - The type and name of the <code>ITool tool</code> parameter * has changed to <code>IHoldsOptions holder</code>. Client code * assuming <code>ITool</code> as type, will continue to work unchanged. */ public static IOption setOption(IConfiguration config, IHoldsOptions holder, IOption option, boolean value) { IOption retOpt; try { // Request a value change and set dirty if real change results retOpt = config.setOption(holder, option, value); if (retOpt.getValueHandler().handleValue( config, holder, retOpt, retOpt.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_APPLY)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say log a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } // initializePathEntries(config,retOpt); // notifyListeners(config, retOpt); } catch (BuildException e) { return null; } return retOpt; } /** * Set the boolean value for an option for a given config. * * @param resConfig The resource configuration the option belongs to. * @param holder The holder/parent of the option. * @param option The option to set the value for. * @param value The boolean that the option should contain after the change. * * @return The modified option. This can be the same option or a newly created option. * * @since 3.0 - The type and name of the <code>ITool tool</code> parameter * has changed to <code>IHoldsOptions holder</code>. Client code * assuming <code>ITool</code> as type, will continue to work unchanged. */ public static IOption setOption(IResourceInfo resConfig, IHoldsOptions holder, IOption option, boolean value) { IOption retOpt; try { // Request a value change and set dirty if real change results retOpt = resConfig.setOption(holder, option, value); if (retOpt != null && retOpt.getValueHandler().handleValue( resConfig, holder, retOpt, retOpt.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_APPLY)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say log a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } // initializePathEntries(resConfig,retOpt); notifyListeners(resConfig, retOpt); } catch (BuildException e) { return null; } return retOpt; } /** * Set the string value for an option for a given config. * * @param config The configuration the option belongs to. * @param holder The holder/parent of the option. * @param option The option to set the value for. * @param value The value that the option should contain after the change. * * @return The modified option. This can be the same option or a newly created option. * * @since 3.0 - The type and name of the <code>ITool tool</code> parameter * has changed to <code>IHoldsOptions holder</code>. Client code * assuming <code>ITool</code> as type, will continue to work unchanged. */ public static IOption setOption(IConfiguration config, IHoldsOptions holder, IOption option, String value) { IOption retOpt; try { retOpt = config.setOption(holder, option, value); if (retOpt.getValueHandler().handleValue( config, holder, retOpt, retOpt.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_APPLY)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say log a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } // initializePathEntries(config,retOpt); // notifyListeners(config, retOpt); } catch (BuildException e) { return null; } return retOpt; } /** * Set the string value for an option for a given resource config. * * @param resConfig The resource configuration the option belongs to. * @param holder The holder/parent of the option. * @param option The option to set the value for. * @param value The value that the option should contain after the change. * * @return The modified option. This can be the same option or a newly created option. * * @since 3.0 - The type and name of the <code>ITool tool</code> parameter * has changed to <code>IHoldsOptions holder</code>. Client code * assuming <code>ITool</code> as type, will continue to work unchanged. */ public static IOption setOption(IResourceInfo resConfig, IHoldsOptions holder, IOption option, String value) { IOption retOpt; try { retOpt = resConfig.setOption(holder, option, value); if (retOpt.getValueHandler().handleValue( resConfig, holder, retOpt, retOpt.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_APPLY)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say log a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } // initializePathEntries(resConfig,retOpt); notifyListeners(resConfig, retOpt); } catch (BuildException e) { return null; } return retOpt; } /** * Set the string array value for an option for a given config. * * @param config The configuration the option belongs to. * @param holder The holder/parent of the option. * @param option The option to set the value for. * @param value The values the option should contain after the change. * * @return The modified option. This can be the same option or a newly created option. * * @since 3.0 - The type and name of the <code>ITool tool</code> parameter * has changed to <code>IHoldsOptions holder</code>. Client code * assuming <code>ITool</code> as type, will continue to work unchanged. */ public static IOption setOption(IConfiguration config, IHoldsOptions holder, IOption option, String[] value) { IOption retOpt; try { retOpt = config.setOption(holder, option, value); if (retOpt.getValueHandler().handleValue( config, holder, retOpt, retOpt.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_APPLY)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say log a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } // initializePathEntries(config,retOpt); // notifyListeners(config, retOpt); } catch (BuildException e) { return null; } return retOpt; } /** * Set the string array value for an option for a given resource config. * * @param resConfig The resource configuration the option belongs to. * @param holder The holder/parent of the option. * @param option The option to set the value for. * @param value The values the option should contain after the change. * * @return The modified option. This can be the same option or a newly created option. * * @since 3.0 - The type and name of the <code>ITool tool</code> parameter * has changed to <code>IHoldsOptions holder</code>. Client code * assuming <code>ITool</code> as type, will continue to work unchanged. */ public static IOption setOption(IResourceInfo resConfig, IHoldsOptions holder, IOption option, String[] value) { IOption retOpt; try { retOpt = resConfig.setOption(holder, option, value); if (retOpt.getValueHandler().handleValue( resConfig, holder, retOpt, retOpt.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_APPLY)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say log a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } // initializePathEntries(resConfig,retOpt); notifyListeners(resConfig, retOpt); } catch (BuildException e) { return null; } return retOpt; } public static IOption setOption(IResourceInfo resConfig, IHoldsOptions holder, IOption option, OptionStringValue[] value) { IOption retOpt; try { retOpt = resConfig.setOption(holder, option, value); if (retOpt.getValueHandler().handleValue( resConfig, holder, retOpt, retOpt.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_APPLY)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say log a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } // initializePathEntries(resConfig,retOpt); notifyListeners(resConfig, retOpt); } catch (BuildException e) { return null; } return retOpt; } public static void setToolCommand(IConfiguration config, ITool tool, String command) { // The tool may be a reference. if (tool instanceof IToolReference) { // If so, just set the command in the reference ((IToolReference)tool).setToolCommand(command); } else { config.setToolCommand(tool, command); } } public static void setToolCommand(IResourceConfiguration resConfig, ITool tool, String command) { // The tool may be a reference. if (tool instanceof IToolReference) { // If so, just set the command in the reference ((IToolReference)tool).setToolCommand(command); } else { resConfig.setToolCommand(tool, command); } } public static boolean saveBuildInfoLegacy(IProject project, boolean force) { // Create document Exception err = null; try { DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.newDocument(); // Get the build information for the project ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = (ManagedBuildInfo) getBuildInfo(project); // Save the build info if (buildInfo != null && !buildInfo.isReadOnly() && buildInfo.isValid() && (force == true || buildInfo.isDirty())) { // For post-2.0 projects, there will be a version String projectVersion = buildInfo.getVersion(); if (projectVersion != null) { ProcessingInstruction instruction = doc.createProcessingInstruction(VERSION_ELEMENT_NAME, projectVersion); doc.appendChild(instruction); } Element rootElement = doc.createElement(ROOT_NODE_NAME); doc.appendChild(rootElement); buildInfo.serializeLegacy(doc, rootElement); // Transform the document to something we can save in a file ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$ transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); //$NON-NLS-1$ DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(stream); transformer.transform(source, result); // Save the document IFile projectFile = project.getFile(SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); String utfString = stream.toString("UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (projectFile.exists()) { if (projectFile.isReadOnly()) { // If we are not running headless, and there is a UI Window around, grab it // and the associated shell IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); if (window == null) { IWorkbenchWindow windows[] = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows(); window = windows[0]; } Shell shell = null; if (window != null) { shell = window.getShell(); } // Inform Eclipse that we are intending to modify this file // This will provide the user the opportunity, via UI prompts, to fetch the file from source code control // reset a read-only file protection to write etc. // If there is no shell, i.e. shell is null, then there will be no user UI interaction IStatus status = projectFile.getWorkspace().validateEdit(new IFile[]{projectFile}, shell); // If the file is still read-only, then we should not attempt the write, since it will // just fail - just throw an exception, to be caught below, and inform the user // For other non-successful status, we take our chances, attempt the write, and pass // along any exception thrown if (!status.isOK()) { if (status.getCode() == IResourceStatus.READ_ONLY_LOCAL) { stream.close(); throw new IOException(ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(MANIFEST_ERROR_READ_ONLY, projectFile.getFullPath().toString())); } } } projectFile.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(utfString.getBytes("UTF-8")), IResource.FORCE, new NullProgressMonitor()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { projectFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(utfString.getBytes("UTF-8")), IResource.FORCE, new NullProgressMonitor()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Close the streams stream.close(); } } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { err = e; } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { err = e.getException(); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { err = e; } catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError e) { err = e.getException(); } catch (TransformerException e) { err = e; } catch (IOException e) { // The save failed err = e; } catch (CoreException e) { // Save to IFile failed err = e; } if (err != null) { // Put out an error message indicating that the attempted write to the .cdtbuild project file failed IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); if (window == null) { IWorkbenchWindow windows[] = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows(); window = windows[0]; } final Shell shell = window.getShell(); if (shell != null) { final String exceptionMsg = err.getMessage(); shell.getDisplay().syncExec( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageDialog.openError(shell, ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString("ManagedBuildManager.error.write_failed_title"), //$NON-NLS-1$ ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(MANIFEST_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED, exceptionMsg)); } } ); } } // If we return an honest status when the operation fails, there are instances when the UI behavior // is not very good // Specifically, if "OK" is clicked by the user from the property page UI, and the return status // from this routine is false, the property page UI will not be closed (note: this is Eclispe code) and // the OK button will simply be grayed out // At this point, the only way out is to click "Cancel" to get the UI to go away; note however that any // property page changes will be sticky, in the UI, which is nonintuitive and confusing // Therefore, just always return success, i.e. true, from this routine return true; } public static boolean saveBuildInfo(final IProject project, final boolean force) { try { return updateBuildInfo(project, force); } catch (CoreException e) { Throwable cause = e.getStatus().getException(); if(cause instanceof IllegalArgumentException){ //can not acquire the root rule Job j = new Job("save build info job"){ //$NON-NLS-1$ @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { updateBuildInfo(project, force); } catch (CoreException e) { return e.getStatus(); } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; j.setRule(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()); j.setSystem(true); j.schedule(); return true; } ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.log(e); return false; } } /** * Saves the build information associated with a project and all resources * in the project to the build info file. */ private static boolean updateBuildInfo(IProject project, boolean force) throws CoreException { IManagedBuildInfo info = getBuildInfo(project, false); if(info == null) return true; ICProjectDescription projDes = CoreModel.getDefault().getProjectDescription(project); projDes = BuildSettingsUtil.synchBuildInfo(info, projDes, force); // try { BuildSettingsUtil.checkApplyDescription(project, projDes); // } catch (CoreException e) { // return false; // } return true; /* // Create document Exception err = null; try { DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.newDocument(); // Get the build information for the project ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = (ManagedBuildInfo) getBuildInfo(project); // Save the build info if (buildInfo != null && !buildInfo.isReadOnly() && buildInfo.isValid() && (force == true || buildInfo.isDirty())) { // For post-2.0 projects, there will be a version String projectVersion = buildInfo.getVersion(); if (projectVersion != null) { ProcessingInstruction instruction = doc.createProcessingInstruction(VERSION_ELEMENT_NAME, projectVersion); doc.appendChild(instruction); } Element rootElement = doc.createElement(ROOT_NODE_NAME); doc.appendChild(rootElement); buildInfo.serialize(doc, rootElement); // Transform the document to something we can save in a file ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$ transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); //$NON-NLS-1$ DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(stream); transformer.transform(source, result); // Save the document IFile projectFile = project.getFile(SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); String utfString = stream.toString("UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (projectFile.exists()) { if (projectFile.isReadOnly()) { // If we are not running headless, and there is a UI Window around, grab it // and the associated shell IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); if (window == null) { IWorkbenchWindow windows[] = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows(); window = windows[0]; } Shell shell = null; if (window != null) { shell = window.getShell(); } // Inform Eclipse that we are intending to modify this file // This will provide the user the opportunity, via UI prompts, to fetch the file from source code control // reset a read-only file protection to write etc. // If there is no shell, i.e. shell is null, then there will be no user UI interaction IStatus status = projectFile.getWorkspace().validateEdit(new IFile[]{projectFile}, shell); // If the file is still read-only, then we should not attempt the write, since it will // just fail - just throw an exception, to be caught below, and inform the user // For other non-successful status, we take our chances, attempt the write, and pass // along any exception thrown if (!status.isOK()) { if (status.getCode() == IResourceStatus.READ_ONLY_LOCAL) { stream.close(); throw new IOException(ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(MANIFEST_ERROR_READ_ONLY, projectFile.getFullPath().toString())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } projectFile.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(utfString.getBytes("UTF-8")), IResource.FORCE, new NullProgressMonitor()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { projectFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(utfString.getBytes("UTF-8")), IResource.FORCE, new NullProgressMonitor()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Close the streams stream.close(); } } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { err = e; } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { err = e.getException(); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { err = e; } catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError e) { err = e.getException(); } catch (TransformerException e) { err = e; } catch (IOException e) { // The save failed err = e; } catch (CoreException e) { // Save to IFile failed err = e; } if (err != null) { // Put out an error message indicating that the attempted write to the .cdtbuild project file failed IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); if (window == null) { IWorkbenchWindow windows[] = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows(); window = windows[0]; } final Shell shell = window.getShell(); if (shell != null) { final String exceptionMsg = err.getMessage(); shell.getDisplay().syncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { MessageDialog.openError(shell, ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString("ManagedBuildManager.error.write_failed_title"), //$NON-NLS-1$ ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(MANIFEST_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED, //$NON-NLS-1$ exceptionMsg)); } } ); } } // If we return an honest status when the operation fails, there are instances when the UI behavior // is not very good // Specifically, if "OK" is clicked by the user from the property page UI, and the return status // from this routine is false, the property page UI will not be closed (note: this is Eclispe code) and // the OK button will simply be grayed out // At this point, the only way out is to click "Cancel" to get the UI to go away; note however that any // property page changes will be sticky, in the UI, which is nonintuitive and confusing // Therefore, just always return success, i.e. true, from this routine return true; */ } public static void updateCoreSettings(IProject project) throws CoreException { updateBuildInfo(project, true); } public static void updateCoreSettings(IConfiguration cfg) throws CoreException{ IProject project = cfg.getOwner().getProject(); ICProjectDescription projDes = CoreModel.getDefault().getProjectDescription(project); if(projDes != null){ if(BuildSettingsUtil.applyConfiguration(cfg, projDes, true)){ BuildSettingsUtil.checkApplyDescription(project, projDes); } } } public static void updateCoreSettings(IProject project, IConfiguration[] cfgs) throws CoreException{ updateCoreSettings(project, cfgs, false); } public static void updateCoreSettings(IProject project, IConfiguration[] cfgs, boolean avoidSerialization) throws CoreException{ if(cfgs == null){ IManagedBuildInfo info = getBuildInfo(project); if(info != null && info.isValid() && info.getManagedProject() != null) cfgs = info.getManagedProject().getConfigurations(); } if(cfgs == null || cfgs.length == 0) return; ICProjectDescription projDes = CoreModel.getDefault().getProjectDescription(project); boolean updated = false; if(projDes != null){ for (IConfiguration cfg : cfgs) { if(BuildSettingsUtil.applyConfiguration(cfg, projDes, true)){ updated = true; } } if(updated){ BuildSettingsUtil.checkApplyDescription(project, projDes, avoidSerialization); } } } public static void removeBuildInfo(IResource resource) { /* IManagedBuildInfo info = findBuildInfo(resource, false); if(info != null){ IConfiguration[] configs = info.getManagedProject().getConfigurations(); // Send an event to each configuration and if they exist, its resource configurations for (int i=0; i < configs.length; i++) { ManagedBuildManager.performValueHandlerEvent(configs[i], IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_CLOSE); } info.setValid(false); try { resource.setSessionProperty(buildInfoProperty, null); } catch (CoreException e) { } } */ } /** * Resets the build information for the project and configuration specified in the arguments. * The build information will contain the settings defined in the plugin manifest. */ public static void resetConfiguration(IProject project, IConfiguration configuration) { // reset the configuration if (configuration instanceof MultiConfiguration) { IConfiguration[] cfs = (IConfiguration[])((MultiConfiguration)configuration).getItems(); for (IConfiguration c : cfs) { ((Configuration)c).reset(); performValueHandlerEvent(c, IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_SETDEFAULT, false); } } else { ((Configuration)configuration).reset(); performValueHandlerEvent(configuration, IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_SETDEFAULT, false); } } public static void resetResourceConfiguration(IProject project, IResourceConfiguration resConfig) { // reset the configuration ((ResourceConfiguration) resConfig).reset(); performValueHandlerEvent(resConfig, IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_SETDEFAULT); } public static void resetOptionSettings(IResourceInfo rcInfo){ if(rcInfo instanceof IFileInfo){ IConfiguration c = rcInfo.getParent(); Configuration cfg = null; IProject project = null; if (c instanceof Configuration) cfg = (Configuration)c; else if (c instanceof MultiConfiguration) { MultiConfiguration mc = (MultiConfiguration)c; IConfiguration[] cfs = (IConfiguration[])mc.getItems(); cfg = (Configuration)cfs[0]; } if(!(cfg==null || cfg.isExtensionElement() || cfg.isPreference())) project = cfg.getOwner().getProject(); if (rcInfo instanceof MultiResourceInfo) { for (IResourceInfo ri : (IResourceInfo[])((MultiResourceInfo)rcInfo).getItems()) resetResourceConfiguration(project, (IFileInfo)ri); } else resetResourceConfiguration(project, (IFileInfo)rcInfo); } else { if (rcInfo instanceof MultiFolderInfo) { for (IFolderInfo fi : (IFolderInfo[])((MultiFolderInfo)rcInfo).getItems()) ((FolderInfo)fi).resetOptionSettings(); } else { FolderInfo fo = (FolderInfo)rcInfo; fo.resetOptionSettings(); } } } /** * Adds a ProjectType that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionProjectType(ProjectType projectType) { if (projectTypes == null) { projectTypes = new ArrayList<IProjectType>(); } projectTypes.add(projectType); IProjectType previous = getExtensionProjectTypeMap().put(projectType.getId(), projectType); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "ProjectType", //$NON-NLS-1$ projectType.getId()); } } /** * Adds a Configuration that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { IConfiguration previous = getExtensionConfigurationMap().put(configuration.getId(), configuration); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "Configuration", //$NON-NLS-1$ configuration.getId()); } } /** * Adds a Resource Configuration that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionResourceConfiguration(ResourceConfiguration resourceConfiguration) { IResourceConfiguration previous = getExtensionResourceConfigurationMap().put(resourceConfiguration.getId(), resourceConfiguration); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "ResourceConfiguration", //$NON-NLS-1$ resourceConfiguration.getId()); } } /** * Adds a ToolChain that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionToolChain(ToolChain toolChain) { IToolChain previous = getExtensionToolChainMapInternal().put(toolChain.getId(), toolChain); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "ToolChain", //$NON-NLS-1$ toolChain.getId()); } } /** * Adds a tool that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. This tool is available to any target that * has a reference to it as part of its description. This * permits a tool that is common to many targets to be defined * only once. */ public static void addExtensionTool(Tool tool) { ITool previous = getExtensionToolMapInternal().put(tool.getId(), tool); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "Tool", //$NON-NLS-1$ tool.getId()); } } /** * Adds a TargetPlatform that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionTargetPlatform(TargetPlatform targetPlatform) { ITargetPlatform previous = getExtensionTargetPlatformMap().put(targetPlatform.getId(), targetPlatform); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "TargetPlatform", //$NON-NLS-1$ targetPlatform.getId()); } } /** * Adds a Builder that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionBuilder(Builder builder) { IBuilder previous = getExtensionBuilderMapInternal().put(builder.getId(), builder); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "Builder", //$NON-NLS-1$ builder.getId()); } } /** * Adds a Option that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionOption(Option option) { IOption previous = getExtensionOptionMap().put(option.getId(), option); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "Option", //$NON-NLS-1$ option.getId()); } } /** * Adds a OptionCategory that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionOptionCategory(OptionCategory optionCategory) { IOptionCategory previous = getExtensionOptionCategoryMap().put(optionCategory.getId(), optionCategory); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "OptionCategory", //$NON-NLS-1$ optionCategory.getId()); } } /** * Adds an InputType that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionInputType(InputType inputType) { IInputType previous = getExtensionInputTypeMap().put(inputType.getId(), inputType); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "InputType", //$NON-NLS-1$ inputType.getId()); } } /** * Adds an OutputType that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionOutputType(OutputType outputType) { IOutputType previous = getExtensionOutputTypeMap().put(outputType.getId(), outputType); if (previous != null) { // Report error ManagedBuildManager.outputDuplicateIdError( "OutputType", //$NON-NLS-1$ outputType.getId()); } } /** * Adds a Target that is is specified in the manifest to the * build system. It is available to any CDT 2.0 object model element that * has a reference to it as part of its description. */ public static void addExtensionTarget(Target target) { getExtensionTargetMap().put(target.getId(), target); } /** * Creates a new project instance for the resource based on the parent project type. * * @param parent - parent project type * @return new <code>ITarget</code> with settings based on the parent passed in the arguments */ public static IManagedProject createManagedProject(IResource resource, IProjectType parent) throws BuildException { return new ManagedProject(resource, parent); } /** * Creates a new target for the resource based on the parentTarget. * * @return new <code>ITarget</code> with settings based on the parent passed in the arguments */ public static ITarget createTarget(IResource resource, ITarget parentTarget) throws BuildException { IResource owner = parentTarget.getOwner(); if (owner != null && owner.equals(resource)) // Already added return parentTarget; if (resource instanceof IProject) { // Must be an extension target if (owner != null) throw new BuildException(ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString("ManagedBuildManager.error.owner_not_null")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { // Owner must be owned by the project containing this resource if (owner == null) throw new BuildException(ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString("ManagedBuildManager.error.null_owner")); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!owner.equals(resource.getProject())) throw new BuildException(ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString("ManagedBuildManager.error.owner_not_project")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Passed validation so create the target. return new Target(resource, parentTarget); } public static IStatus initBuildInfoContainer(IResource resource) { return Status.OK_STATUS; /* ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = null; // Get the build info associated with this project for this session try { buildInfo = findBuildInfo(resource.getProject(), true); initBuildInfoContainer(buildInfo); } catch (CoreException e) { return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } return new Status(IStatus.OK, ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString("ManagedBuildInfo.message.init.ok", resource.getName()), //$NON-NLS-1$ null); */ } // /** // * Private helper method to initialize the path entry container once and // * only once when the build info is first loaded or created. // * // * @param info // * @throws CoreException // */ // private static void initBuildInfoContainer(ManagedBuildInfo info) throws CoreException { // if (info == null) { // throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, // ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, // IStatus.ERROR, // new String(), // null)); // } // // if (info.isContainerInited()) return; // // Now associate the path entry container with the project // ICProject cProject = info.getCProject(); // // synchronized (cProject) { // // // This does not block the workspace or trigger delta events // IPathEntry[] entries = cProject.getRawPathEntries(); // // Make sure the container for this project is in the path entries // List newEntries = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(entries)); // if (!newEntries.contains(ManagedBuildInfo.containerEntry)) { // // In this case we should trigger an init and deltas // newEntries.add(ManagedBuildInfo.containerEntry); // cProject.setRawPathEntries((IPathEntry[])newEntries.toArray(new IPathEntry[newEntries.size()]), new NullProgressMonitor()); // } // info.setContainerInited(true); // // } // end synchronized // } private static boolean isVersionCompatible(IExtension extension) { // We can ignore the qualifier Version version = null; // Get the version of the manifest IConfigurationElement[] elements = extension.getConfigurationElements(); // Find the version string in the manifest for (IConfigurationElement element : elements) { if (element.getName().equals(REVISION_ELEMENT_NAME)) { version = new Version(element.getAttribute(VERSION_ELEMENT_NAME)); break; } } if (version == null) { // This is a 1.2 manifest and we are compatible for now return true; } return(buildInfoVersion.compareTo(version)>=0); } /** * Determine if the .cdtbuild file is present, which will determine if build information * can be loaded externally or not. Return true if present, false otherwise. */ private static boolean canLoadBuildInfo(final IProject project) { IFile file = project.getFile(SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); if (file == null) return false; File cdtbuild = file.getLocation().toFile(); if (cdtbuild == null) return false; return cdtbuild.exists(); } /** * Load the build information for the specified resource from its project * file. Pay attention to the version number too. */ private static ManagedBuildInfo loadOldStyleBuildInfo(final IProject project) throws Exception { ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = null; IFile file = project.getFile(SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); File cdtbuild = file.getLocation().toFile(); if (!cdtbuild.exists()) { // If we cannot find the .cdtbuild project file, throw an exception and let the user know throw new BuildException(ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(PROJECT_FILE_ERROR, project.getName())); } // So there is a project file, load the information there InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(cdtbuild); try { DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = parser.parse(stream); String fileVersion = null; // Get the first element in the project file Node rootElement = document.getFirstChild(); // Since 2.0 this will be a processing instruction containing version if (rootElement.getNodeType() != Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) { // This is a 1.2 project and it must be updated } else { // Make sure that the version is compatible with the manager fileVersion = rootElement.getNodeValue(); Version version = new Version(fileVersion); //if buildInfoVersion is greater than fileVersion if (buildInfoVersion.compareTo(version)>0) { // This is >= 2.0 project, but earlier than the current MBS version - it may need to be updated } else { // This is a // isCompatibleWith will return FALSE, if: // o The major versions are not equal // o The major versions are equal, but the remainder of the .cdtbuild version # is // greater than the MBS version # boolean compatible=false; if (version == null) compatible=false; if (buildInfoVersion.getMajor() != version.getMajor()) compatible=false; if (buildInfoVersion.getMinor() > version.getMinor()) compatible=true; if (buildInfoVersion.getMinor() < version.getMinor()) compatible=false; if (buildInfoVersion.getMicro() > version.getMicro()) compatible=true; if (buildInfoVersion.getMicro() < version.getMicro()) compatible=false; if (buildInfoVersion.getQualifier().compareTo(version.getQualifier()) >= 0) compatible=true; if (!compatible) { throw new BuildException(ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(PROJECT_VERSION_ERROR, project.getName())); } } } // Now get the project root element (there should be only one) NodeList nodes = document.getElementsByTagName(ROOT_NODE_NAME); if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { Node node = nodes.item(0); // Create the internal representation of the project's MBS information buildInfo = new ManagedBuildInfo(project, XmlStorageUtil.createCStorageTree((Element)node), true, fileVersion); if (fileVersion != null) { // buildInfo.setVersion(fileVersion); Version version = new Version(fileVersion); Version version21 = new Version("2.1"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // CDT 2.1 is the first version using the new MBS model if (version.compareTo(version21)>=0) { // Check to see if all elements could be loaded correctly - for example, // if references in the project file could not be resolved to extension // elements if (buildInfo.getManagedProject() == null || (!buildInfo.getManagedProject().isValid())) { // The load failed throw new Exception(ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString("ManagedBuildManager.error.id.nomatch", project.getName())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Each ToolChain/Tool/Builder element maintain two separate // converters if available // 0ne for previous Mbs versions and one for current Mbs version // walk through the project hierarchy and call the converters // written for previous mbs versions if ( checkForMigrationSupport(buildInfo, false) != true ) { // display an error message that the project is not loadable if (buildInfo.getManagedProject() == null || (!buildInfo.getManagedProject().isValid())) { // The load failed throw new Exception(ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString("ManagedBuildManager.error.id.nomatch", project.getName())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } // Upgrade the project's CDT version if necessary if (!UpdateManagedProjectManager.isCompatibleProject(buildInfo)) { UpdateManagedProjectManager.updateProject(project, buildInfo); } // Check to see if the upgrade (if required) succeeded if (buildInfo.getManagedProject() == null || (!buildInfo.getManagedProject().isValid())) { // The load failed throw new Exception(ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString("ManagedBuildManager.error.id.nomatch", project.getName())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Walk through the project hierarchy and call the converters // written for current mbs version if ( checkForMigrationSupport(buildInfo, true) != true ) { // display an error message.that the project is no loadable if (buildInfo.getManagedProject() == null || (!buildInfo.getManagedProject().isValid())) { // The load failed throw new Exception(ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString("ManagedBuildManager.error.id.nomatch", project.getName())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } IConfiguration[] configs = buildInfo.getManagedProject().getConfigurations(); // Send an event to each configuration and if they exist, its resource configurations for (IConfiguration cfg : configs) { ManagedBuildManager.performValueHandlerEvent(cfg, IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_OPEN); } // Finish up //project.setSessionProperty(buildInfoProperty, buildInfo); setLoaddedBuildInfo(project, buildInfo); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } buildInfo.setValid(true); return buildInfo; } /** * This method loads all of the managed build system manifest files * that have been installed with CDT. An internal hierarchy of * objects is created that contains the information from the manifest * files. The information is then accessed through the ManagedBuildManager. * * Since the class does not have a constructor but all public methods * call this method first, it is effectively a startup method */ private static void loadExtensions() throws BuildException { if (projectTypesLoaded) return; loadExtensionsSynchronized(); } private synchronized static void loadExtensionsSynchronized() throws BuildException { // Do this once if (projectTypesLoaded) return; // This routine gets called recursively. If so, just return if (projectTypesLoading) return; projectTypesLoading = true; // scalability issue: configElementMap does not need to live past when loading is done, so we will // deallocate it upon exit with a try...finally try { //The list of the IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup callbacks List<IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup> buildDefStartupList = null; // Get the extensions that use the current CDT managed build model IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(EXTENSION_POINT_ID); if( extensionPoint != null) { IExtension[] extensions = extensionPoint.getExtensions(); if (extensions != null) { // First call the constructors of the internal classes that correspond to the // build model elements for (IExtension extension : extensions) { // Can we read this manifest if (!isVersionCompatible(extension)) { // The version of the Plug-in is greater than what the manager thinks it understands // Display error message IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); if(window == null){ IWorkbenchWindow windows[] = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows(); window = windows[0]; } final Shell shell = window.getShell(); final String errMsg = ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(MANIFEST_VERSION_ERROR, extension.getUniqueIdentifier()); shell.getDisplay().asyncExec( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageDialog.openError(shell, ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString("ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest_load_failed_title"), //$NON-NLS-1$ errMsg); } } ); } else { // Get the "configuraton elements" defined in the plugin.xml file. // Note that these "configuration elements" are not related to the // managed build system "configurations". // From the PDE Guide: // A configuration element, with its attributes and children, directly // reflects the content and structure of the extension section within the // declaring plug-in's manifest (plugin.xml) file. IConfigurationElement[] elements = extension.getConfigurationElements(); String revision = null; // Get the managedBuildRevsion of the extension. for (IConfigurationElement element : elements) { if( element.getName().equals(REVISION_ELEMENT_NAME) ) { revision = element.getAttribute(VERSION_ELEMENT_NAME); break; } } // Get the value of 'ManagedBuildRevision' attribute loadConfigElements(DefaultManagedConfigElement.convertArray(elements, extension), revision); } } // Call the start up config extensions. These may rely on the standard elements // having already been loaded so we wait to call them from here. if (startUpConfigElements != null) { buildDefStartupList = new ArrayList<IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup>(startUpConfigElements.size()); for (IManagedConfigElement startUpConfigElement : startUpConfigElements) { IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup customConfigLoader; try { customConfigLoader = createStartUpConfigLoader((DefaultManagedConfigElement)startUpConfigElement); //need to save the startup for the future notifications buildDefStartupList.add(customConfigLoader); // Now we can perform any actions on the build configurations // in an extended plugin before the build configurations have been resolved customConfigLoader.buildDefsLoaded(); } catch (CoreException e) { } } } // Then call resolve. // // Here are notes on "references" within the managed build system. // References are "pointers" from one model element to another. // These are encoded in manifest and managed build system project files (.cdtbuild) // using unique string IDs (e.g. "cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.linker"). // These string IDs are "resolved" to pointers to interfaces in model // elements in the in-memory represent of the managed build system information. // // Here are the current "rules" for references: // 1. A reference is always resolved to an interface pointer in the // referenced object. // 2. A reference is always TO an extension object - that is, an object // loaded from a manifest file or a dynamic element provider. It cannot // be to an object loaded from a managed build system project file (.cdtbuild). // Collection<IProjectType> prjTypes = getExtensionProjectTypeMap().values(); for (IProjectType projectType : prjTypes) { try { ((ProjectType) projectType).resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } Collection<IConfiguration> configurations = getExtensionConfigurationMap().values(); for (IConfiguration configuration : configurations) { try { ((Configuration) configuration).resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } Collection<IResourceConfiguration> resConfigs = getExtensionResourceConfigurationMap().values(); for (IResourceConfiguration resConfig : resConfigs) { try { ((ResourceConfiguration) resConfig).resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } Collection<ToolChain> toolChains = getExtensionToolChainMapInternal().values(); for (ToolChain toolChain : toolChains) { try { toolChain.resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } Collection<Tool> tools = getExtensionToolMapInternal().values(); for (Tool tool : tools) { try { tool.resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } Collection<ITargetPlatform> targetPlatforms = getExtensionTargetPlatformMap().values(); for (ITargetPlatform targetPlatform : targetPlatforms) { try { ((TargetPlatform) targetPlatform).resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } Collection<Builder> builders = getExtensionBuilderMapInternal().values(); for (Builder builder : builders) { try { builder.resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } Collection<IOption> options = getExtensionOptionMap().values(); for (IOption option : options) { try { ((Option) option).resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } Collection<IOptionCategory> optionCategories = getExtensionOptionCategoryMap().values(); for (IOptionCategory optionCat : optionCategories) { try { ((OptionCategory) optionCat).resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } // Get the extensions that use the CDT 2.0 build model extensionPoint = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(EXTENSION_POINT_ID_V2); if( extensionPoint != null) { IExtension[] extensions = extensionPoint.getExtensions(); String revision = null; if (extensions != null) { if (extensions.length > 0) { // Call the constructors of the internal classes that correspond to the // V2.0 build model elements. Some of these objects are converted to new model objects. // Others can use the same classes. for (IExtension extension : extensions) { // Can we read this manifest if (!isVersionCompatible(extension)) { //The version of the Plug-in is greater than what the manager thinks it understands throw new BuildException(ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString(MANIFEST_VERSION_ERROR)); } IConfigurationElement[] elements = extension.getConfigurationElements(); // Get the managedBuildRevsion of the extension. for (IConfigurationElement element : elements) { if(element.getName().equals(REVISION_ELEMENT_NAME)) { revision = element.getAttribute(VERSION_ELEMENT_NAME); break; } } // If the "fileVersion" attribute is missing, then default revision is "1.2.0" if (revision == null) revision = "1.2.0"; //$NON-NLS-1$ loadConfigElementsV2(DefaultManagedConfigElement.convertArray(elements, extension), revision); } // Resolve references Collection<ITarget> targets = getExtensionTargetMap().values(); for (ITarget target : targets) { try { ((Target) target).resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } // The V2 model can also add top-level Tools - they need to be "resolved" Collection<Tool> tools = getExtensionToolMapInternal().values(); for (Tool tool : tools) { try { tool.resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } // Convert the targets to the new model targets = getExtensionTargetMap().values(); for (ITarget target : targets) { try { // Check to see if it has already been converted - if not, do it if (target.getCreatedProjectType() == null) { target.convertToProjectType(revision); } } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } // Resolve references for new ProjectTypes Collection<IProjectType> prjTypes = getExtensionProjectTypeMap().values(); for (IProjectType prjType : prjTypes) { try { ((ProjectType) prjType).resolveReferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } // TODO: Clear the target and configurationV2 maps so that the object can be garbage collected // We can't do this yet, because the UpdateManagedProjectAction class may need these elements later // Can we change UpdateManagedProjectAction to see the converted model elements? //targetIter = getExtensionTargetMap().values().iterator(); //while (targetIter.hasNext()) { // try { // Target target = (Target)targetIter.next(); // ManagedBuildManager.removeConfigElement(target); // getExtensionTargetMap().remove(target); // } catch (Exception ex) { // // TODO: log // ex.printStackTrace(); // } //} //getExtensionConfigurationV2Map().clear(); } } } // configs resolved... // Call the start up config extensions again now that configs have been resolved. if (buildDefStartupList != null) { for (IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup customConfigLoader : buildDefStartupList) { // Now we can perform any actions on the build configurations // in an extended plugin now that all build configruations have been resolved customConfigLoader.buildDefsResolved(); } } performAdjustments(); projectTypesLoading = false; projectTypesLoaded = true; ToolChainModificationManager.getInstance().start(); } // try finally { configElementMap = null; } } private static void performAdjustments(){ IProjectType types[] = getDefinedProjectTypes(); for (IProjectType type : types) { IConfiguration cfgs[] = type.getConfigurations(); for (IConfiguration cfg : cfgs) { adjustConfig(cfg); } } for (IProjectType type : types) { IConfiguration cfgs[] = type.getConfigurations(); for (IConfiguration cfg : cfgs) { performValueHandlerEvent(cfg, IManagedOptionValueHandler.EVENT_LOAD); } } } private static void adjustConfig(IConfiguration cfg){ IResourceInfo rcInfos[] = cfg.getResourceInfos(); for (IResourceInfo rcInfo : rcInfos) { if(rcInfo instanceof IFolderInfo){ IFolderInfo info = (IFolderInfo)rcInfo; IToolChain tc = info.getToolChain(); adjustHolder(info, tc); ITool tools[] = tc.getTools(); for (ITool tool : tools) { adjustHolder(info, tool); } } else if (rcInfo instanceof IFileInfo){ IFileInfo info = (IFileInfo)rcInfo; ITool rcTools[] = info.getTools(); for (ITool rcTool : rcTools) { adjustHolder(info, rcTool); } } } IResourceConfiguration rcCfgs[] = cfg.getResourceConfigurations(); // for (IResourceConfiguration rcCfg : rcCfgs) { // } } private static void adjustHolder(IResourceInfo rcInfo, IHoldsOptions holder){ IOption options[] = holder.getOptions(); for (IOption opt : options) { Option option = (Option)opt; BooleanExpressionApplicabilityCalculator calc = option.getBooleanExpressionCalculator(true); if(calc != null) calc.adjustOption(rcInfo,holder,option, true); } } private static void loadConfigElements(IManagedConfigElement[] elements, String revision) { for (IManagedConfigElement element : elements) { try { // Load the top level elements, which in turn load their children if (element.getName().equals(IProjectType.PROJECTTYPE_ELEMENT_NAME)) { new ProjectType(element, revision); } else if (element.getName().equals(IConfiguration.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME)) { new Configuration((ProjectType)null, element, revision); } else if (element.getName().equals(IToolChain.TOOL_CHAIN_ELEMENT_NAME)) { new ToolChain((IFolderInfo)null, element, revision); } else if (element.getName().equals(ITool.TOOL_ELEMENT_NAME)) { new Tool((ProjectType)null, element, revision); } else if (element.getName().equals(ITargetPlatform.TARGET_PLATFORM_ELEMENT_NAME)) { new TargetPlatform((ToolChain)null, element, revision); } else if (element.getName().equals(IBuilder.BUILDER_ELEMENT_NAME)) { new Builder((ToolChain)null, element, revision); } else if (element.getName().equals(IManagedConfigElementProvider.ELEMENT_NAME)) { // don't allow nested config providers. if (element instanceof DefaultManagedConfigElement) { IManagedConfigElement[] providedConfigs; IManagedConfigElementProvider provider = createConfigProvider( (DefaultManagedConfigElement)element); providedConfigs = provider.getConfigElements(); loadConfigElements(providedConfigs, revision); // This must use the current build model } } else if (element.getName().equals(IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup.BUILD_DEFINITION_STARTUP)) { if (element instanceof DefaultManagedConfigElement) { // Cache up early configuration extension elements so was can call them after // other configuration elements have loaded. if (startUpConfigElements == null) startUpConfigElements = new ArrayList<IManagedConfigElement>(); startUpConfigElements.add(element); } } else { // TODO: Report an error (log?) } } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void loadConfigElementsV2(IManagedConfigElement[] elements, String revision) { for (IManagedConfigElement element : elements) { try { // Load the top level elements, which in turn load their children if (element.getName().equals(ITool.TOOL_ELEMENT_NAME)) { new Tool(element, revision); } else if (element.getName().equals(ITarget.TARGET_ELEMENT_NAME)) { new Target(element,revision); } else if (element.getName().equals(IManagedConfigElementProvider.ELEMENT_NAME)) { // don't allow nested config providers. if (element instanceof DefaultManagedConfigElement) { IManagedConfigElement[] providedConfigs; IManagedConfigElementProvider provider = createConfigProvider( (DefaultManagedConfigElement)element); providedConfigs = provider.getConfigElements(); loadConfigElementsV2(providedConfigs, revision); // This must use the 2.0 build model } } } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log ex.printStackTrace(); } } } /* * Creates a new build information object and associates it with the * resource in the argument. Note that the information contains no * build target or configuation information. It is the responsibility * of the caller to populate it. It is also important to note that the * caller is responsible for associating an IPathEntryContainer with the * build information after it has been populated. * <p> * The typical sequence of calls to add a new build information object to * a managed build project is * <p><pre> * ManagedBuildManager.createBuildInfo(project); * // Do whatever initialization you need here * ManagedBuildManager.createTarget(project); * ManagedBuildManager.initBuildInfoContainer(project); * * @param resource The resource the build information is associated with */ public static ManagedBuildInfo createBuildInfo(IResource resource) { IProject proj = resource.getProject(); ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = new ManagedBuildInfo(proj); try { setLoaddedBuildInfo(proj, buildInfo); } catch (CoreException e) { ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.log(e); buildInfo = null; } return buildInfo; } public static void setLoaddedBuildInfo(IProject project, IManagedBuildInfo info) throws CoreException{ // Associate the build info with the project for the duration of the session //project.setSessionProperty(buildInfoProperty, info); // IResourceRuleFactory rcRf = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRuleFactory(); // ISchedulingRule rule = rcRf.modifyRule(project); // IJobManager mngr = Job.getJobManager(); // try { // mngr.beginRule(rule, null); doSetLoaddedInfo(project, info, true); // } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // // TODO: set anyway for now // doSetLoaddedInfo(project, info); // }finally { // mngr.endRule(rule); // } } private synchronized static void doSetLoaddedInfo(IProject project, IManagedBuildInfo info, boolean overwrite){ if(!overwrite && fInfoMap.get(project) != null) return; if(info != null){ fInfoMap.put(project, info); if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: build info set for project " + project.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ }else{ fInfoMap.remove(project); if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: build info CLEARED for project " + project.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } private static IManagedConfigElementProvider createConfigProvider( DefaultManagedConfigElement element) throws CoreException { return (IManagedConfigElementProvider)element.getConfigurationElement(). createExecutableExtension(IManagedConfigElementProvider.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE); } private static IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup createStartUpConfigLoader( DefaultManagedConfigElement element) throws CoreException { return (IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup)element.getConfigurationElement().createExecutableExtension(IManagedBuildDefinitionsStartup.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE); } public static boolean manages(IResource resource) { ICProjectDescription des = CoreModel.getDefault().getProjectDescription(resource.getProject(), false); if(des == null){ return false; } ICConfigurationDescription cfgDes = des.getActiveConfiguration(); IConfiguration cfg = ManagedBuildManager.getConfigurationForDescription(cfgDes); if(cfg != null) return true; return false; // // The managed build manager manages build information for the // // resource IFF it it is a project and has a build file with the proper // // root element // IProject project = null; // if (resource instanceof IProject){ // project = (IProject)resource; // } else if (resource instanceof IFile) { // project = ((IFile)resource).getProject(); // } else { // return false; // } // IFile file = project.getFile(SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); // if (file.exists()) { // try { // InputStream stream = file.getContents(); // DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); // Document document = parser.parse(stream); // NodeList nodes = document.getElementsByTagName(ROOT_NODE_NAME); // return (nodes.getLength() > 0); // } catch (Exception e) { // return false; // } // } // return false; } /** * Private helper method that first checks to see if a build information * object has been associated with the project for the current workspace * session. If one cannot be found, one is created from the project file * associated with the argument. If there is no project file or the load * fails for some reason, the method will return {@code null}. */ private static ManagedBuildInfo findBuildInfo(IResource rc, boolean forceLoad) { if (rc == null){ if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: null resource"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = null; IProject proj = rc.getProject(); if (!proj.exists()) { if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: info is null, project does not exist"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: info is null, querying the update mngr"); //$NON-NLS-1$ buildInfo = UpdateManagedProjectManager.getConvertedManagedBuildInfo(proj); if(buildInfo != null) return buildInfo; // Check if there is any build info associated with this project for this session try { buildInfo = getLoadedBuildInfo(proj); } catch (CoreException e) { if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: core exception while getting the loaded info: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } if(buildInfo == null /*&& forceLoad*/){ int flags = forceLoad ? 0 : ICProjectDescriptionManager.GET_IF_LOADDED; if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: build info is NOT loaded" + (forceLoad ? " forceload" : "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ ICProjectDescription projDes = CoreModel.getDefault().getProjectDescriptionManager().getProjectDescription(proj, flags); if(projDes != null){ if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: project description is obtained, qwerying the loaded build info"); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { buildInfo = getLoadedBuildInfo(proj); } catch (CoreException e) { if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: core exception while getting the loaded info (2): " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } if(buildInfo == null){ if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: info is null, trying the cfg data provider"); //$NON-NLS-1$ buildInfo = ConfigurationDataProvider.getLoaddedBuildInfo(projDes); if(buildInfo != null){ if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: info found, setting as loaded"); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { setLoaddedBuildInfo(proj, buildInfo); } catch (CoreException e) { if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: core exception while setting loaded description, ignoring; : " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } else if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG){ BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: project description in null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // if(buildInfo == null){ // if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG) // BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: info is null, querying the update mngr"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // buildInfo = UpdateManagedProjectManager.getConvertedManagedBuildInfo(proj); // } } // if (buildInfo == null && resource instanceof IProject) // buildInfo = findBuildInfoSynchronized((IProject)resource, forceLoad); /* // Nothing in session store, so see if we can load it from cdtbuild if (buildInfo == null && resource instanceof IProject) { try { buildInfo = loadBuildInfo((IProject)resource); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Issue error reagarding not being able to load the project file (.cdtbuild) } try { // Check if the project needs its container initialized initBuildInfoContainer(buildInfo); } catch (CoreException e) { // We can live without a path entry container if the build information is valid } } */ if(buildInfo != null) buildInfo.updateOwner(proj); if(BuildDbgUtil.DEBUG){ if(buildInfo == null) BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: build info is null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // else // BuildDbgUtil.getInstance().traceln(BuildDbgUtil.BUILD_INFO_LOAD, "build info load: build info found"); } return buildInfo; } synchronized static ManagedBuildInfo getLoadedBuildInfo(IProject project) throws CoreException{ // Check if there is any build info associated with this project for this session ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = (ManagedBuildInfo)fInfoMap.get(project);//project.getSessionProperty(buildInfoProperty); // Make sure that if a project has build info, that the info is not corrupted if (buildInfo != null) { buildInfo.updateOwner(project); } return buildInfo; } /** * Determine if build information can be found. Various attempts are made * to find the information, and if successful, true is returned; false otherwise. * Typically, this routine would be called prior to findBuildInfo, to deterimine * if findBuildInfo should be called to actually do the loading of build * information, if possible */ private static boolean canFindBuildInfo(IResource resource) { if (resource == null) return false; // Make sure the extension information is loaded first try { loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = null; // Check if there is any build info associated with this project for this session try { buildInfo = getLoadedBuildInfo(resource.getProject()); } catch (CoreException e) { // Continue, to see if any of the upcoming checks are successful } if (buildInfo == null && resource instanceof IProject) { // Check weather getBuildInfo is called from converter buildInfo = UpdateManagedProjectManager.getConvertedManagedBuildInfo((IProject)resource); if (buildInfo != null) return true; // Check if the build information can be loaded from the .cdtbuild file return canLoadBuildInfo(((IProject)resource)); } return (buildInfo != null); } /** * this method is called if managed build info session property * was not set. The caller will use the project rule * to synchronize with other callers * findBuildInfoSynchronized could also be called from project converter * in this case the ManagedBuildInfo saved in the converter would be returned */ /* synchronized private static ManagedBuildInfo findBuildInfoSynchronized(IProject project, boolean forceLoad) { ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = null; // Check if there is any build info associated with this project for this session try { buildInfo = (ManagedBuildInfo)project.getSessionProperty(buildInfoProperty); // Make sure that if a project has build info, that the info is not corrupted if (buildInfo != null) { buildInfo.updateOwner(project); } } catch (CoreException e) { // return null; } if(buildInfo == null && forceLoad){ // Make sure the extension information is loaded first try { loadExtensions(); } catch (BuildException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } // Check weather getBuildInfo is called from converter buildInfo = UpdateManagedProjectManager.getConvertedManagedBuildInfo(project); // Nothing in session store, so see if we can load it from cdtbuild if (buildInfo == null) { try { buildInfo = loadBuildInfo(project); } catch (Exception e) { // Issue error regarding not being able to load the project file (.cdtbuild) if (buildInfo == null) { buildInfo = createBuildInfo(project); } buildInfo.setValid(false); // Display error message IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); if(window == null){ IWorkbenchWindow windows[] = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows(); window = windows[0]; } final Shell shell = window.getShell(); final String exceptionMsg = e.getMessage(); //using syncExec could cause a dead-lock //that is why asyncExec is used shell.getDisplay().asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { MessageDialog.openError(shell, ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString("ManagedBuildManager.error.open_failed_title"), //$NON-NLS-1$ ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString("ManagedBuildManager.error.open_failed", //$NON-NLS-1$ exceptionMsg)); } } ); } if (buildInfo != null && !buildInfo.isContainerInited()) { // NOTE: If this is called inside the above rule, then an IllegalArgumentException can // occur when the CDT project file is saved - it uses the Workspace Root as the scheduling rule. // try { // Check if the project needs its container initialized initBuildInfoContainer(buildInfo); } catch (CoreException e) { // We can live without a path entry container if the build information is valid } } } } return buildInfo; } */ /** * Finds, but does not create, the managed build information for the * argument. * Loads the build info in case it is not currently loaded * Calling this method is the same as calling getBuildInfo(IResource resource, boolean forceLoad) * with the "forceLoad" argument set to true * * @param resource The resource to search for managed build information on. * @return IManagedBuildInfo The build information object for the resource, or null if it doesn't exist */ public static IManagedBuildInfo getBuildInfo(IResource resource) { return getBuildInfo(resource, true); } public static IManagedBuildInfo getOldStyleBuildInfo(IProject project) throws CoreException { IManagedBuildInfo info = null; try { info = getLoadedBuildInfo(project); } catch (CoreException e) { } if(info == null){ try { info = loadOldStyleBuildInfo(project); if(info != null) doSetLoaddedInfo(project, info, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e)); } } return info; } public static synchronized IManagedBuildInfo getBuildInfoLegacy(IProject project){ try { return getOldStyleBuildInfo(project); } catch (CoreException e) { ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.log(e); return null; } } /** * Finds, but does not create, the managed build information for the * argument. * If the build info is not currently loaded and "forceLoad" argument is set to true, * loads the build info from the .cdtbuild file * In case "forceLoad" is false, does not load the build info and returns null in case it is not loaded * * @param resource The resource to search for managed build information on. * @param forceLoad specifies whether the build info should be loaded in case it is not loaded currently. * @return IManagedBuildInfo The build information object for the resource. */ public static IManagedBuildInfo getBuildInfo(IResource resource, boolean forceLoad) { return findBuildInfo(resource.getProject(), forceLoad); } /** * Determines if the managed build information for the * argument can be found. * * @param resource The resource to search for managed build information on. * @return boolean True if the build info can be found; false otherwise. */ public static boolean canGetBuildInfo(IResource resource) { return canFindBuildInfo(resource.getProject()); } /** * Answers the current version of the managed builder plugin. * * @return the current version of the managed builder plugin * @since 8.0 */ public static Version getBuildInfoVersion() { return buildInfoVersion; } /** * Get the full URL for a path that is relative to the plug-in * in which .buildDefinitions are defined * * @return the full URL for a path relative to the .buildDefinitions * plugin */ public static URL getURLInBuildDefinitions(DefaultManagedConfigElement element, IPath path) { IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(EXTENSION_POINT_ID); if( extensionPoint != null) { IExtension[] extensions = extensionPoint.getExtensions(); if (extensions != null) { // Iterate over all extensions that contribute to .buildDefinitions for (IExtension extension : extensions) { // Determine whether the configuration element that is // associated with the path, is valid for the extension that // we are currently processing. // // Note: If not done, icon file names would have to be unique // across several plug-ins. if (element.getExtension().getExtensionPointUniqueIdentifier() == extension.getExtensionPointUniqueIdentifier()) { // Get the path-name Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle( extension.getNamespace() ); URL url = Platform.find(bundle, path); if ( url != null ) { try { return Platform.asLocalURL(url); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore the exception return null; } } else { // Print a warning outputIconError(path.toString()); } } } } } return null; } /* * @return */ private static Map<IResource, List<IScannerInfoChangeListener>> getBuildModelListeners() { if (buildModelListeners == null) { buildModelListeners = new HashMap<IResource, List<IScannerInfoChangeListener>>(); } return buildModelListeners; } private static Map<IBuildObject, IManagedConfigElement> getConfigElementMap() { if(!projectTypesLoading) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (configElementMap == null) { configElementMap = new HashMap<IBuildObject, IManagedConfigElement>(); } return configElementMap; } /** * @noreference This method public for implementation reasons. Not intended for use * by clients. * */ public static void putConfigElement(IBuildObject buildObj, IManagedConfigElement configElement) { getConfigElementMap().put(buildObj, configElement); } /** * Removes an item from the map */ private static void removeConfigElement(IBuildObject buildObj) { getConfigElementMap().remove(buildObj); } /** * @noreference This method public for implementation reasons. Not intended for use * by clients. */ public static IManagedConfigElement getConfigElement(IBuildObject buildObj) { return getConfigElementMap().get(buildObj); } public static void optionValidError(int errorId, String id) { String[] msgs = new String[1]; msgs[0] = id; switch (errorId) { case ERROR_CATEGORY: ManagedBuildManager.outputManifestError( ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(ManagedBuildManager.MANIFEST_ERROR_OPTION_CATEGORY, msgs)); break; case ERROR_FILTER: ManagedBuildManager.outputManifestError( ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(ManagedBuildManager.MANIFEST_ERROR_OPTION_FILTER, msgs)); break; } } public static void optionValueHandlerError(String attribute, String id) { String[] msgs = new String[2]; msgs[0] = attribute; msgs[1] = id; ManagedBuildManager.outputManifestError( ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(ManagedBuildManager.MANIFEST_ERROR_OPTION_VALUEHANDLER, msgs)); } public static void outputResolveError(String attribute, String lookupId, String type, String id) { String[] msgs = new String[4]; msgs[0] = attribute; msgs[1] = lookupId; msgs[2] = type; msgs[3] = id; ManagedBuildManager.outputManifestError( ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(ManagedBuildManager.MANIFEST_ERROR_RESOLVING, msgs)); } public static void outputDuplicateIdError(String type, String id) { String[] msgs = new String[2]; msgs[0] = type; msgs[1] = id; ManagedBuildManager.outputManifestError( ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(ManagedBuildManager.MANIFEST_ERROR_DUPLICATE, msgs)); } public static void outputManifestError(String message) { System.err.println(ManagedMakeMessages.getResourceString(MANIFEST_ERROR_HEADER) + message + NEWLINE); } public static void outputIconError(String iconLocation) { String[] msgs = new String[1]; msgs[0]= iconLocation; ManagedBuildManager.outputManifestError( ManagedMakeMessages.getFormattedString(ManagedBuildManager.MANIFEST_ERROR_ICON, msgs)); } /** * @return the instance of the Environment Variable Provider */ public static IEnvironmentVariableProvider getEnvironmentVariableProvider(){ return EnvironmentVariableProvider.getDefault(); } /** * @return the version, if 'id' contains a valid version * or {@code null} otherwise. */ public static String getVersionFromIdAndVersion(String idAndVersion) { // Get the index of the separator '_' in tool id. int index = idAndVersion.lastIndexOf('_'); //Validate the version number if exists. if ( index != -1) { // Get the version number from tool id. String version = idAndVersion.substring(index+1); try { // If there is a valid version then return 'version' Version.parseVersion(version); return version; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // ignore exception and return null } } // If there is no version information or not a valid version, return null return null; } /** * @return If the input to this function contains 'id & a valid version', it returns only the 'id' part * Otherwise it returns the received input back. */ public static String getIdFromIdAndVersion(String idAndVersion) { // If there is a valid version return only 'id' part if ( getVersionFromIdAndVersion(idAndVersion) != null) { // Get the index of the separator '_' in tool id. int index = idAndVersion.lastIndexOf('_'); return idAndVersion.substring(0,index); } else { // if there is no version or no valid version return idAndVersion; } } /** * @return the instance of the Build Macro Provider */ public static IBuildMacroProvider getBuildMacroProvider(){ return BuildMacroProvider.getDefault(); } /** * Send event to value handlers of relevant configuration including * all its child resource configurations, if they exist. * * @param config configuration for which to send the event * @param event to be sent * * @since 3.0 */ public static void performValueHandlerEvent(IConfiguration config, int event) { performValueHandlerEvent(config, event, true); } /** * Send event to value handlers of relevant configuration. * * @param config configuration for which to send the event * @param event to be sent * @param doChildren - if true, also perform the event for all * resource configurations that are children if this configuration. * * @since 3.0 */ public static void performValueHandlerEvent(IConfiguration config, int event, boolean doChildren) { IToolChain toolChain = config.getToolChain(); if (toolChain == null) return; IOption[] options = toolChain.getOptions(); // Get global options directly under Toolchain (not associated with a particular tool) // This has to be sent to all the Options associated with this configuration. for (IOption option : options) { // Ignore invalid options if (option.isValid()) { // Call the handler if (option.getValueHandler().handleValue( config, toolChain, option, option.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), event)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say logging a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } } } // Get options associated with tools under toolChain ITool[] tools = config.getFilteredTools(); for (ITool tool : tools) { IOption[] toolOptions = tool.getOptions(); for (IOption toolOption : toolOptions) { // Ignore invalid options if (toolOption.isValid()) { // Call the handler if (toolOption.getValueHandler().handleValue( config, tool, toolOption, toolOption.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), event)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say logging a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } } } } // Call backs for Resource Configurations associated with this config. if (doChildren == true) { IResourceConfiguration[] resConfigs = config.getResourceConfigurations(); for (IResourceConfiguration resConfig : resConfigs) { ManagedBuildManager.performValueHandlerEvent(resConfig, event); } } } /** * Send event to value handlers of relevant configuration. * * @param config configuration for which to send the event * @param event to be sent * * @since 3.0 */ public static void performValueHandlerEvent(IResourceInfo config, int event) { // Note: Resource configurations have no toolchain options // Get options associated with the resource configuration ITool[] tools = config instanceof IFileInfo ? ((IFileInfo)config).getToolsToInvoke() : ((IFolderInfo)config).getFilteredTools(); for (ITool tool : tools) { IOption[] toolOptions = tool.getOptions(); for (IOption toolOption : toolOptions) { // Ignore invalid options if (toolOption.isValid()) { // Call the handler if (toolOption.getValueHandler().handleValue( config, tool, toolOption, toolOption.getValueHandlerExtraArgument(), event)) { // TODO : Event is handled successfully and returned true. // May need to do something here say logging a message. } else { // Event handling Failed. } } } } } private static boolean checkForMigrationSupport(ManagedBuildInfo buildInfo, boolean forCurrentMbsVersion) { IConfigurationElement element = null; // Get the managed project from buildInfo IManagedProject managedProject = buildInfo.getManagedProject(); IProjectType projectType = managedProject.getProjectType(); if (forCurrentMbsVersion) { element = ((ProjectType) projectType) .getCurrentMbsVersionConversionElement(); } else { element = ((ProjectType) projectType) .getPreviousMbsVersionConversionElement(); } if (element != null) { // If there is a converter element for projectType, invoke it. // projectType converter should take care of invoking converters of // it's children if (invokeConverter(buildInfo, managedProject, element) == null) { buildInfo.getManagedProject().setValid(false); return false; } } else { // other wise, walk through the hierarchy of the project and // call the converters if available for each configuration IConfiguration[] configs = managedProject.getConfigurations(); for (IConfiguration configuration : configs) { IToolChain toolChain = configuration.getToolChain(); if (forCurrentMbsVersion) { element = ((ToolChain) toolChain) .getCurrentMbsVersionConversionElement(); } else { element = ((ToolChain) toolChain) .getPreviousMbsVersionConversionElement(); } if (element != null) { // If there is a converter element for toolChain, invoke it // toolChain converter should take care of invoking // converters of it's children if (invokeConverter(buildInfo, toolChain, element) == null) { buildInfo.getManagedProject().setValid(false); return false; } } else { // If there are no converters for toolChain, walk through // it's children ITool[] tools = toolChain.getTools(); for (ITool tool : tools) { if (forCurrentMbsVersion) { element = ((Tool) tool) .getCurrentMbsVersionConversionElement(); } else { element = ((Tool) tool) .getPreviousMbsVersionConversionElement(); } if (element != null) { if (invokeConverter(buildInfo, tool, element) == null) { buildInfo.getManagedProject().setValid(false); return false; } } } IBuilder builder = toolChain.getBuilder(); if (builder != null) { if (forCurrentMbsVersion) { element = ((Builder) builder) .getCurrentMbsVersionConversionElement(); } else { element = ((Builder) builder) .getPreviousMbsVersionConversionElement(); } if (element != null) { if (invokeConverter(buildInfo, builder, element) == null) { buildInfo.getManagedProject().setValid(false); return false; } } } } // walk through each resource configuration and look if there // are any converters // available. If so, invoke them. IResourceConfiguration[] resourceConfigs = configuration .getResourceConfigurations(); if ((resourceConfigs != null) && (resourceConfigs.length > 0)) { for (IResourceConfiguration resConfig : resourceConfigs) { ITool[] resTools = resConfig.getTools(); for (ITool resTool : resTools) { if (forCurrentMbsVersion) { element = ((Tool) resTool) .getCurrentMbsVersionConversionElement(); } else { element = ((Tool) resTool) .getPreviousMbsVersionConversionElement(); } if (element != null) { if (invokeConverter(buildInfo, resTool, element) == null) { buildInfo.getManagedProject().setValid( false); return false; } } } } } // end of if } } // If control comes here, it means either there is no converter element // or converters are invoked successfully return true; } private static IBuildObject invokeConverter(ManagedBuildInfo bi, IBuildObject buildObject, IConfigurationElement element) { if (element != null) { IConvertManagedBuildObject convertBuildObject = null; String toId = element.getAttribute("toId"); //$NON-NLS-1$ String fromId = element.getAttribute("fromId"); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { convertBuildObject = (IConvertManagedBuildObject) element .createExecutableExtension("class"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (CoreException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (convertBuildObject != null) { // invoke the converter IProject prj = null; IBuildObject result = null; try { if (bi != null) { prj = (IProject)bi.getManagedProject().getOwner(); UpdateManagedProjectManager.addInfo(prj, bi); } result = convertBuildObject.convert(buildObject, fromId, toId, false); } finally { if (bi != null) UpdateManagedProjectManager.delInfo(prj); } return result; } } // if control comes here, it means that either 'convertBuildObject' is null or // converter did not convert the object successfully return null; } /* * Generic Converter function. * If the converter is available for the given Build Object, it calls the corresponding converter. * It returns null if there are no converters or if the conversion is not successful * It returns 'IBuildObject' if the conversion is successful. */ public static IBuildObject convert(IBuildObject buildObj, String toId, boolean userhasConfirmed) { String tmpToId = null; // Get the Converter Extension Point IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = Platform.getExtensionRegistry() .getExtensionPoint("org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core", //$NON-NLS-1$ "projectConverter"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (extensionPoint != null) { // Get the extensions IExtension[] extensions = extensionPoint.getExtensions(); for (IExtension extension : extensions) { // Get the configuration elements of each extension IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension .getConfigurationElements(); for (IConfigurationElement element : configElements) { if (element.getName().equals("converter") && (isBuildObjectApplicableForConversion(buildObj, element) == true)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ tmpToId = element.getAttribute("toId"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (tmpToId.equals(toId)) { return invokeConverter(null, buildObj, element); } } } } } return null; } /** * Generic routine for checking the availability of converters for the given * Build Object. * * @return true if there are converters for the given Build Object. * Returns false if there are no converters. */ public static boolean hasTargetConversionElements(IBuildObject buildObj) { // Get the Converter Extension Point IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = Platform.getExtensionRegistry() .getExtensionPoint("org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core", //$NON-NLS-1$ "projectConverter"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (extensionPoint != null) { // Get the extensions IExtension[] extensions = extensionPoint.getExtensions(); for (IExtension extension : extensions) { // Get the configuration elements of each extension IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension.getConfigurationElements(); for (IConfigurationElement element : configElements) { if (element.getName().equals("converter") && (isBuildObjectApplicableForConversion(buildObj, element) == true)) //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } } } return false; } /* * Generic function for getting the list of converters for the given Build Object */ public static Map<String, IConfigurationElement> getConversionElements(IBuildObject buildObj) { Map<String, IConfigurationElement> conversionTargets = new HashMap<String, IConfigurationElement>(); // Get the Converter Extension Point IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = Platform.getExtensionRegistry() .getExtensionPoint("org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core", //$NON-NLS-1$ "projectConverter"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (extensionPoint != null) { // Get the extensions IExtension[] extensions = extensionPoint.getExtensions(); for (IExtension extension : extensions) { // Get the configuration elements of each extension IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension.getConfigurationElements(); for (IConfigurationElement element : configElements) { if (element.getName().equals("converter") && (isBuildObjectApplicableForConversion(buildObj, element) == true)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ conversionTargets.put(element.getAttribute("name"), element); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } return conversionTargets; } /* * Generic function that checks whether the given conversion element can be used to convert the given * build object. It returns true if the given build object is convertable, otherwise it returns false. */ private static boolean isBuildObjectApplicableForConversion( IBuildObject buildObj, IConfigurationElement element) { String id = null; String fromId = element.getAttribute("fromId"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Check whether the current converter can be used for conversion if (buildObj instanceof IProjectType) { IProjectType projType = (IProjectType) buildObj; // Check whether the converter's 'fromId' and the // given projType 'id' are equal while (projType != null) { id = projType.getId(); if (fromId.equals(id)) { return true; } projType = projType.getSuperClass(); } } else if (buildObj instanceof IToolChain) { IToolChain toolChain = (IToolChain) buildObj; // Check whether the converter's 'fromId' and the // given toolChain 'id' are equal while (toolChain != null) { id = toolChain.getId(); if (fromId.equals(id)) { return true; } toolChain = toolChain.getSuperClass(); } } else if (buildObj instanceof ITool) { ITool tool = (ITool) buildObj; // Check whether the converter's 'fromId' and the // given tool 'id' are equal while (tool != null) { id = tool.getId(); if (fromId.equals(id)) { return true; } tool = tool.getSuperClass(); } } else if (buildObj instanceof IBuilder) { IBuilder builder = (IBuilder) buildObj; // Check whether the converter's 'fromId' and the // given builder 'id' are equal while (builder != null) { id = builder.getId(); if (fromId.equals(id)) { return true; } builder = builder.getSuperClass(); } } return false; } /* * if the suffix is null, then the random number will be appended to the superId */ static public String calculateChildId(String superId, String suffix){ if(suffix == null) suffix = new Integer(getRandomNumber()).toString(); String version = getVersionFromIdAndVersion(superId); if(version != null) return ManagedBuildManager.getIdFromIdAndVersion(superId) + "." + suffix + "_" + version; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return superId + "." + suffix; //$NON-NLS-1$ } private static int isInt(String s) { try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } /** * @return base id when the given id was generated by {@link #calculateChildId(String, String)}. * @since 8.0 */ public static String calculateBaseId(String id) { int index = id.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index<0) return id; String lastSeg = id.substring(index+1,id.length()); if (isInt(lastSeg)>0) { String baseId = id.substring(0,index); return baseId; } return getIdFromIdAndVersion(id); } /** * @return calculated relative path given the full path to a folder and a file */ public static IPath calculateRelativePath(IPath container, IPath contents){ IPath path = contents; if(container.isPrefixOf(contents)){ path = contents.setDevice(null).removeFirstSegments(container.segmentCount()); } else { String file = null; container = container.addTrailingSeparator(); if(!contents.hasTrailingSeparator()){ file = contents.lastSegment(); contents = contents.removeLastSegments(1); contents = contents.addTrailingSeparator(); } IPath prefix = contents; for(;prefix.segmentCount() > 0 && !prefix.isPrefixOf(container);prefix = prefix.removeLastSegments(1)){ } if(prefix.segmentCount() > 0){ int diff = container.segmentCount() - prefix.segmentCount(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); while(diff-- > 0) buff.append("../"); //$NON-NLS-1$ path = new Path(buff.toString()).append(contents.removeFirstSegments(prefix.segmentCount())); if(file != null) path = path.append(file); } } return path; } /* private static IBuildObject getBuildObjectFromDataObject(CDataObject data){ if(data instanceof BuildConfigurationData) return ((BuildConfigurationData)data).getConfiguration(); else if(data instanceof BuildFolderData) return ((BuildFolderData)data).getFolderInfo(); else if(data instanceof BuildFileData) return ((BuildFileData)data).getFileInfo(); return null; } */ private static final boolean TEST_CONSISTENCE = false; public static IConfiguration getConfigurationForDescription(ICConfigurationDescription cfgDes){ return getConfigurationForDescription(cfgDes, TEST_CONSISTENCE); } private static IConfiguration getConfigurationForDescription(ICConfigurationDescription cfgDes, boolean checkConsistance){ if(cfgDes == null) return null; if (cfgDes instanceof ICMultiConfigDescription) { ICMultiConfigDescription mcd = (ICMultiConfigDescription)cfgDes; ICConfigurationDescription[] cfds = (ICConfigurationDescription[])mcd.getItems(); return new MultiConfiguration(cfds); } CConfigurationData cfgData = cfgDes.getConfigurationData(); if(cfgData instanceof BuildConfigurationData){ IConfiguration cfg = ((BuildConfigurationData)cfgData).getConfiguration(); if(checkConsistance){ if(cfgDes != getDescriptionForConfiguration(cfg, false)){ throw new IllegalStateException(); } } return cfg; } return null; } /** * Convert the IOption integer type ID to the {@link ICSettingEntry#getKind()} type ID * @param type {@link IOption#getValueType()} * @return ICSettingEntry type */ public static int optionTypeToEntryKind(int type){ switch(type){ case IOption.INCLUDE_PATH: return ICSettingEntry.INCLUDE_PATH; case IOption.PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS: return ICSettingEntry.MACRO; case IOption.INCLUDE_FILES: return ICSettingEntry.INCLUDE_FILE; case IOption.LIBRARY_PATHS: return ICSettingEntry.LIBRARY_PATH; case IOption.LIBRARIES: case IOption.LIBRARY_FILES: return ICSettingEntry.LIBRARY_FILE; case IOption.MACRO_FILES: return ICSettingEntry.MACRO_FILE; } return 0; } /** * Convert the IOption integer type ID to the {@link ICSettingEntry#getKind()} type ID * @param type {@link IOption#getValueType()} * @return ICSettingEntry type */ public static int optionUndefTypeToEntryKind(int type){ switch(type){ case IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_PATH: return ICSettingEntry.INCLUDE_PATH; case IOption.UNDEF_PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS: return ICSettingEntry.MACRO; case IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_FILES: return ICSettingEntry.INCLUDE_FILE; case IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_PATHS: return ICSettingEntry.LIBRARY_PATH; case IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_FILES: return ICSettingEntry.LIBRARY_FILE; case IOption.UNDEF_MACRO_FILES: return ICSettingEntry.MACRO_FILE; } return 0; } public static int entryKindToOptionType(int kind){ switch(kind){ case ICSettingEntry.INCLUDE_PATH: return IOption.INCLUDE_PATH; case ICSettingEntry.INCLUDE_FILE: return IOption.INCLUDE_FILES; case ICSettingEntry.MACRO: return IOption.PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS; case ICSettingEntry.MACRO_FILE: return IOption.MACRO_FILES; case ICSettingEntry.LIBRARY_PATH: return IOption.LIBRARY_PATHS;//TODO IOption.LIBRARIES; case ICSettingEntry.LIBRARY_FILE: return IOption.LIBRARY_FILES; } return 0; } public static int entryKindToUndefOptionType(int kind){ switch(kind){ case ICSettingEntry.INCLUDE_PATH: return IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_PATH; case ICSettingEntry.INCLUDE_FILE: return IOption.UNDEF_INCLUDE_FILES; case ICSettingEntry.MACRO: return IOption.UNDEF_PREPROCESSOR_SYMBOLS; case ICSettingEntry.MACRO_FILE: return IOption.UNDEF_MACRO_FILES; case ICSettingEntry.LIBRARY_PATH: return IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_PATHS;//TODO IOption.LIBRARIES; case ICSettingEntry.LIBRARY_FILE: return IOption.UNDEF_LIBRARY_FILES; } return 0; } public static ICConfigurationDescription getDescriptionForConfiguration(IConfiguration cfg){ return getDescriptionForConfiguration(cfg, TEST_CONSISTENCE); } private static ICConfigurationDescription getDescriptionForConfiguration(IConfiguration cfg, boolean checkConsistance){ if(cfg.isExtensionElement()) return null; ICConfigurationDescription des = ((Configuration)cfg).getConfigurationDescription(); if(des == null){ if(checkConsistance) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(((Configuration)cfg).isPreference()){ try { des = CCorePlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceConfiguration(CFG_DATA_PROVIDER_ID); } catch (CoreException e) { ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.log(e); } } else { IProject project = cfg.getOwner().getProject(); ICProjectDescription projDes = CoreModel.getDefault().getProjectDescription(project, false); if(projDes != null){ des = projDes.getConfigurationById(cfg.getId()); } } } if(checkConsistance){ if(cfg != getConfigurationForDescription(des, false)){ throw new IllegalStateException(); } } return des; } public static IPath getBuildFullPath(IConfiguration cfg, IBuilder builder){ IProject project = cfg.getOwner().getProject(); // String path = builder.getBuildPath(); IPath buildDirectory = builder.getBuildLocation(); IPath fullPath = null; if (buildDirectory != null && !buildDirectory.isEmpty()) { IResource res = project.getParent().findMember(buildDirectory); if (res instanceof IContainer && res.exists()) { fullPath = res.getFullPath(); } else { IContainer crs[] = ((IWorkspaceRoot)project.getParent()).findContainersForLocation(buildDirectory); if(crs.length != 0){ String projName = project.getName(); for (IContainer cr : crs) { IPath path = cr.getFullPath(); if(path.segmentCount() != 0 && path.segment(0).equals(projName)){ fullPath = path; break; } } if(fullPath == null){ fullPath = crs[0].getFullPath(); } } } } else { fullPath = cfg.getOwner().getProject().getFullPath(); if(builder.isManagedBuildOn()) fullPath = fullPath.append(cfg.getName()); } return fullPath; } /** * Returns a string representing the workspace relative path with ${workspace_loc: stripped * or null if the String path doesn't contain workspace_loc * @param path String path to have workspace_loc removed * @return workspace path or null * * @deprecated as of CDT 8.3. This method is useless as API as it does something very specfic to {@link BuildEntryStorage}. * It was moved there as private method {@link BuildEntryStorage#locationToFullPath}. */ @Deprecated public static String locationToFullPath(String path){ Assert.isLegal(false, "Do not use this method"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } public static String fullPathToLocation(String path){ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); return buf.append("${").append("workspace_loc:").append(path).append("}").toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } public static IPath getBuildLocation(IConfiguration cfg, IBuilder builder) { if(cfg.getOwner() == null) return Path.EMPTY; IProject project = cfg.getOwner().getProject(); IPath buildDirectory = builder.getBuildLocation(); if (buildDirectory != null && !buildDirectory.isEmpty()) { IResource res = project.getParent().findMember(buildDirectory); if (res instanceof IContainer && res.exists()) { buildDirectory = res.getLocation(); } } else { buildDirectory = getPathForResource(project); if (buildDirectory != null) { if (builder.isManagedBuildOn()) buildDirectory = buildDirectory.append(cfg.getName()); } } return buildDirectory; } /** * @return build location URI or null if one couldn't be found * @since 6.0 */ public static URI getBuildLocationURI(IConfiguration cfg, IBuilder builder) { if(cfg.getOwner() == null) return null; IProject project = cfg.getOwner().getProject(); IPath buildDirectory = builder.getBuildLocation(); if (buildDirectory != null && !buildDirectory.isEmpty()) { IResource res = project.getParent().findMember(buildDirectory); if (res instanceof IContainer && res.exists()) { return res.getLocationURI(); } } else { URI uri = project.getLocationURI(); if (buildDirectory != null && builder.isManagedBuildOn()) return URIUtil.append(uri, cfg.getName()); return uri; } return org.eclipse.core.filesystem.URIUtil.toURI(buildDirectory); } private static IPath getPathForResource(IResource resource) { URI uri = resource.getLocationURI(); return new Path(uri.getPath()); } public static IBuilder[] createBuilders(IProject project, Map<String, String> args){ return ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.createBuilders(project, args); } public static IBuilder createCustomBuilder(IConfiguration cfg, String builderId) throws CoreException{ return ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.createCustomBuilder(cfg, builderId); } public static IBuilder createCustomBuilder(IConfiguration cfg, IBuilder base){ return ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.createCustomBuilder(cfg, base); } public static IBuilder createBuilderForEclipseBuilder(IConfiguration cfg, String eclipseBuilderID) throws CoreException { return ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.createBuilderForEclipseBuilder(cfg, eclipseBuilderID); } /* public static IToolChain[] getExtensionsToolChains(String propertyType, String propertyValue){ List all = getSortedToolChains(); List result = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < all.size(); i++){ List list = (List)all.get(i); IToolChain tc = findToolChain(list, propertyType, propertyValue); if(tc != null) result.add(tc); } return (IToolChain[])result.toArray(new ToolChain[result.size()]); } */ /* public static void resortToolChains(){ sortedToolChains = null; getSortedToolChains(); } */ /* private static List getSortedToolChains(){ if(sortedToolChains == null){ sortedToolChains = new ArrayList(); SortedMap map = getExtensionToolChainMapInternal(); for(Iterator iter = map.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ ToolChain tc = (ToolChain)iter.next(); if(tc.isAbstract()) continue; List list = searchIdentical(sortedToolChains, tc); if(list == null){ list = new ArrayList(); sortedToolChains.add(list); } list.add(tc); tc.setIdenticalList(list); } } return sortedToolChains; } */ // private static List findIdenticalToolChains(IToolChain tc){ // ToolChain tCh = (ToolChain)tc; // List list = tCh.getIdenticalList(); // if(list == null){ // resortToolChains(); // list = tCh.getIdenticalList(); // if(list == null){ // list = new ArrayList(0); // tCh.setIdenticalList(list); // } // } // // return ((ToolChain)tc).getIdenticalList(); // } public static IToolChain[] getExtensionToolChains(IProjectType type){ List<IToolChain> result = new ArrayList<IToolChain>(); IConfiguration cfgs[] = type.getConfigurations(); for (IConfiguration cfg : cfgs) { IToolChain tc = cfg.getToolChain(); if(tc == null) continue; List<ToolChain> list = findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)tc, fToolChainSorter); int k = 0; for(; k < result.size(); k++){ if(findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)result.get(k), fToolChainSorter) == list) break; } if(k == result.size()){ result.add(tc); } } return result.toArray(new IToolChain[result.size()]); } public static IConfiguration[] getExtensionConfigurations(IToolChain tChain, IProjectType type){ List<IConfiguration> list = new ArrayList<IConfiguration>(); IConfiguration cfgs[] = type.getConfigurations(); for (IConfiguration cfg : cfgs) { IToolChain cur = cfg.getToolChain(); if(cur != null && findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)cur, fToolChainSorter) == findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)tChain, fToolChainSorter)){ list.add(cfg); } } return list.toArray(new Configuration[list.size()]); } public static IConfiguration getFirstExtensionConfiguration(IToolChain tChain){ if(tChain.getParent() != null) return tChain.getParent(); List<ToolChain> list = findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)tChain, fToolChainSorter); if(list != null){ for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){ ToolChain cur = list.get(i); if(cur.getParent() != null) return cur.getParent(); } } return null; } public static IConfiguration[] getExtensionConfigurations(IToolChain tChain, String propertyType, String propertyValue){ // List all = getSortedToolChains(); List<ToolChain> list = findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)tChain, fToolChainSorter); LinkedHashSet<IConfiguration> result = new LinkedHashSet<IConfiguration>(); boolean tcFound = false; if(list != null){ for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){ ToolChain cur = list.get(i); if(cur == tChain){ tcFound = true; } IConfiguration cfg = cur.getParent(); if(cfg != null){ IBuildObjectProperties props = cfg.getBuildProperties(); if(props.containsValue(propertyType, propertyValue)){ result.add(cfg); } } } } if(!tcFound) { IConfiguration cfg = tChain.getParent(); if(cfg != null){ IBuildObjectProperties props = cfg.getBuildProperties(); if(props.containsValue(propertyType, propertyValue)){ result.add(cfg); } } } // if(result.size() == 0){ // if(((ToolChain)tChain).supportsValue(propertyType, propertyValue)){ // IConfiguration cfg = getFirstExtensionConfiguration(tChain); // if(cfg != null){ // result.add(cfg); // } // } // } return result.toArray(new IConfiguration[result.size()]); } /* public static IToolChain[] getRealToolChains(){ List all = getSortedToolChains(); IToolChain tcs[] = new ToolChain[all.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < tcs.length; i++){ List list = (List)all.get(i); tcs[i] = (ToolChain)list.get(0); } return tcs; } */ private static HashMap<MatchKey<ToolChain>, List<ToolChain>> getSortedToolChains(){ if(fSortedToolChains == null){ Collection<ToolChain> toolChains = getExtensionToolChainMapInternal().values(); fSortedToolChains = getSortedElements(toolChains); } return fSortedToolChains; } private static HashMap<MatchKey<Tool>, List<Tool>> getSortedTools(){ if(fSortedTools == null){ Collection<Tool> tools = getExtensionToolMapInternal().values(); fSortedTools = getSortedElements(tools); } return fSortedTools; } private static HashMap<MatchKey<Builder>, List<Builder>> getSortedBuilders(){ if(fSortedBuilders == null){ Collection<Builder> builders = getExtensionBuilderMapInternal().values(); fSortedBuilders = getSortedElements(builders); } return fSortedBuilders; } private static <T extends BuildObject & IMatchKeyProvider<T>> HashMap<MatchKey<T>, List<T>> getSortedElements(Collection<T> elements){ HashMap<MatchKey<T>, List<T>> map = new HashMap<MatchKey<T>, List<T>>(); for (T p : elements) { MatchKey<T> key = p.getMatchKey(); if(key == null) continue; List<T> list = map.get(key); if(list == null){ list = new ArrayList<T>(); map.put(key, list); } list.add(p); p.setIdenticalList(list); } Collection<List<T>> values = map.values(); for (List<T> list : values) { Collections.sort(list); } return map; } public static IToolChain[] getRealToolChains(){ HashMap<MatchKey<ToolChain>, List<ToolChain>> map = getSortedToolChains(); IToolChain tcs[] = new ToolChain[map.size()]; int i = 0; for (List<ToolChain> list : map.values()) { tcs[i++] = list.get(0); } return tcs; } public static ITool[] getRealTools(){ HashMap<MatchKey<Tool>, List<Tool>> map = getSortedTools(); Tool ts[] = new Tool[map.size()]; int i = 0; for (List<Tool> list : map.values()) { ts[i++] = list.get(0); } return ts; } public static IBuilder[] getRealBuilders(){ HashMap<MatchKey<Builder>, List<Builder>> map = getSortedBuilders(); IBuilder bs[] = new Builder[map.size()]; int i = 0; for (List<Builder> list : map.values()) { bs[i++] = list.get(0); } return bs; } public static IBuilder getRealBuilder(IBuilder builder){ IBuilder extBuilder = builder; IBuilder realBuilder = null; for(;extBuilder != null && !extBuilder.isExtensionElement(); extBuilder = extBuilder.getSuperClass()) { // empty body } if(extBuilder != null){ List<Builder> list = findIdenticalElements((Builder)extBuilder, fBuilderSorter); if(list.size() == 0){ realBuilder = extBuilder; } else { for (IBuilder realBldr : getRealBuilders()) { List<Builder> rList = findIdenticalElements((Builder)realBldr, fBuilderSorter); if(rList == list){ realBuilder = realBldr; break; } } } } else { //TODO: } return realBuilder; } public static ITool getRealTool(ITool tool){ if(tool == null) return null; ITool extTool = tool; ITool realTool = null; for(;extTool != null && !extTool.isExtensionElement(); extTool= extTool.getSuperClass()) { // empty body } if(extTool != null){ List<Tool> list = findIdenticalElements((Tool)extTool, fToolSorter); if(list.size() == 0){ realTool = extTool; } else { for (ITool realT : getRealTools()) { List<Tool> rList = findIdenticalElements((Tool)realT, fToolSorter); if(rList == list){ realTool = realT; break; } } } } else { realTool = getExtensionTool(Tool.DEFAULT_TOOL_ID); } return realTool; } public static IToolChain getExtensionToolChain(IToolChain tc){ IToolChain extTc = tc; for(;extTc != null && !extTc.isExtensionElement(); extTc= extTc.getSuperClass()) { // empty body } return extTc; } public static IToolChain getRealToolChain(IToolChain tc){ IToolChain extTc = tc; IToolChain realToolChain = null; for(;extTc != null && !extTc.isExtensionElement(); extTc= extTc.getSuperClass()) { // empty body } if(extTc != null){ List<ToolChain> list = findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)extTc, fToolChainSorter); if(list.size() == 0){ realToolChain = extTc; } else { for (IToolChain realTc : getRealToolChains()) { List<ToolChain> rList = findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)realTc, fToolChainSorter); if(rList == list){ realToolChain = realTc; break; } } } } else { //TODO: } return realToolChain; } public static IToolChain[] findIdenticalToolChains(IToolChain tc){ List<ToolChain> list = findIdenticalElements((ToolChain)tc, fToolChainSorter); return list.toArray(new ToolChain[list.size()]); } public static ITool[] findIdenticalTools(ITool tool){ List<Tool> list = findIdenticalElements((Tool)tool, fToolSorter); return list.toArray(new Tool[list.size()]); } public static IBuilder[] findIdenticalBuilders(IBuilder b){ List<Builder> list = findIdenticalElements((Builder)b, fBuilderSorter); return list.toArray(new Builder[list.size()]); } public static IToolChain[] getExtensionsToolChains(String propertyType, String propertyValue){ return getExtensionsToolChains(propertyType, propertyValue, true); } public static IToolChain[] getExtensionsToolChains(String propertyType, String propertyValue, boolean supportedPropsOnly){ HashMap<MatchKey<ToolChain>, List<ToolChain>> all = getSortedToolChains(); List<IToolChain> result = new ArrayList<IToolChain>(); for (List<ToolChain> list : all.values()) { IToolChain tc = findToolChain(list, propertyType, propertyValue, supportedPropsOnly); if(tc != null) result.add(tc); } return result.toArray(new ToolChain[result.size()]); } public static void resortToolChains(){ fSortedToolChains = null; getSortedToolChains(); } public static void resortTools(){ fSortedTools = null; getSortedTools(); } public static void resortBuilders(){ fSortedBuilders = null; getSortedBuilders(); } private static IToolChain findToolChain(List<ToolChain> list, String propertyType, String propertyValue, boolean supportedOnly){ ToolChain bestMatch = null; IConfiguration cfg = null; IProjectType type = null; boolean valueSupported = false; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){ ToolChain tc = list.get(i); if(tc.supportsValue(propertyType, propertyValue)){ valueSupported = true; } else if (valueSupported){ continue; } if(!tc.supportsBuild(true)) return null; if(bestMatch == null && valueSupported) bestMatch = tc; IConfiguration tcCfg = tc.getParent(); if(tcCfg != null){ if(cfg == null && valueSupported){ bestMatch = tc; cfg = tcCfg; } IBuildObjectProperties props =tcCfg.getBuildProperties(); IBuildProperty prop = props.getProperty(propertyType); if(valueSupported && prop != null && propertyValue.equals(prop.getValue().getId())){ bestMatch = tc; cfg = tcCfg; } IProjectType tcType = tcCfg.getProjectType(); if(tcType != null){ if(type == null && valueSupported){ type = tcType; bestMatch = tc; } props = tcType.getBuildProperties(); prop = props.getProperty(propertyType); if(prop != null && propertyValue.equals(prop.getValue().getId())){ bestMatch = tc; if(valueSupported){ type = tcType; break; } } } } } if(valueSupported || ! supportedOnly) return bestMatch; return null; } private static <T extends BuildObject & IMatchKeyProvider<T>> List<T> findIdenticalElements(T p, ISorter sorter){ List<T> list = p.getIdenticalList(); if(list == null){ sorter.sort(); list = p.getIdenticalList(); if(list == null){ list = new ArrayList<T>(0); p.setIdenticalList(list); } } return list; } public static IBuildPropertyManager getBuildPropertyManager(){ return BuildPropertyManager.getInstance(); } /** * Returns the configurations referenced by this configuration. * Returns an empty array if there are no referenced configurations. * * @see CoreModelUtil#getReferencedConfigurationDescriptions(ICConfigurationDescription, boolean) * @return an array of IConfiguration objects referenced by this IConfiguration */ public static IConfiguration[] getReferencedConfigurations(IConfiguration config){ ICConfigurationDescription cfgDes = getDescriptionForConfiguration(config); if(cfgDes != null){ ICConfigurationDescription[] descs= CoreModelUtil.getReferencedConfigurationDescriptions(cfgDes, false); List<IConfiguration> result = new ArrayList<IConfiguration>(); for (ICConfigurationDescription desc : descs) { IConfiguration cfg = getConfigurationForDescription(desc); if(cfg != null) { result.add(cfg); } } return result.toArray(new IConfiguration[result.size()]); } return new Configuration[0]; } /** * Build the specified build configurations * @param configs - configurations to build * @param monitor - progress monitor */ public static void buildConfigurations(IConfiguration[] configs, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException{ buildConfigurations(configs, null, monitor); } /** * Build the specified build configurations * @param configs - configurations to build * @param builder - builder to retrieve build arguments * @param monitor - progress monitor */ public static void buildConfigurations(IConfiguration[] configs, IBuilder builder, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException{ buildConfigurations(configs, builder, monitor, true); } /** * Build the specified build configurations. * * @param configs - configurations to build * @param builder - builder to retrieve build arguments * @param monitor - progress monitor * @param allBuilders - {@code true} if all builders need to be building * or {@code false} to build with {@link CommonBuilder} */ public static void buildConfigurations(IConfiguration[] configs, IBuilder builder, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean allBuilders) throws CoreException{ buildConfigurations(configs, builder, monitor, allBuilders, IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD); } /** * Build the specified build configurations. * * @param configs - configurations to build * @param builder - builder to retrieve build arguments * @param monitor - progress monitor * @param allBuilders - {@code true} if all builders need to be building * or {@code false} to build with {@link CommonBuilder} * @param buildKind - one of * <li>{@link IncrementalProjectBuilder#CLEAN_BUILD}</li> * <li>{@link IncrementalProjectBuilder#INCREMENTAL_BUILD}</li> * <li>{@link IncrementalProjectBuilder#FULL_BUILD}</li> * * @since 7.0 */ public static void buildConfigurations(IConfiguration[] configs, IBuilder builder, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean allBuilders, int buildKind) throws CoreException{ Map<IProject, IConfiguration[]> map = sortConfigs(configs); for (Entry<IProject, IConfiguration[]> entry : map.entrySet()) { IProject proj = entry.getKey(); IConfiguration[] cfgs = entry.getValue(); buildConfigurations(proj, cfgs, builder, monitor, allBuilders, buildKind); } } private static Map<IProject, IConfiguration[]> sortConfigs(IConfiguration cfgs[]){ Map<IProject, Set<IConfiguration>> cfgSetMap = new HashMap<IProject, Set<IConfiguration>>(); for (IConfiguration cfg : cfgs) { IProject proj = cfg.getOwner().getProject(); Set<IConfiguration> set = cfgSetMap.get(proj); if(set == null){ set = new HashSet<IConfiguration>(); cfgSetMap.put(proj, set); } set.add(cfg); } Map<IProject, IConfiguration[]> cfgArrayMap = new HashMap<IProject, IConfiguration[]>(); if(cfgSetMap.size() != 0){ Set<Entry<IProject, Set<IConfiguration>>> entrySet = cfgSetMap.entrySet(); for (Entry<IProject, Set<IConfiguration>> entry : entrySet) { IProject key = entry.getKey(); Set<IConfiguration> set = entry.getValue(); cfgArrayMap.put(key, set.toArray(new Configuration[set.size()])); } } return cfgArrayMap; } /** * Build the specified build configurations for a given project. * * @param project - project the configurations belong to * @param configs - configurations to build * @param builder - builder to retrieve build arguments * @param monitor - progress monitor * @param allBuilders - {@code true} if all builders need to be building * or {@code false} to build with {@link CommonBuilder} * @param buildKind - one of * <li>{@link IncrementalProjectBuilder#CLEAN_BUILD}</li> * <li>{@link IncrementalProjectBuilder#INCREMENTAL_BUILD}</li> * <li>{@link IncrementalProjectBuilder#FULL_BUILD}</li> * * @throws CoreException */ private static void buildConfigurations(final IProject project, final IConfiguration[] configs, final IBuilder builder, final IProgressMonitor monitor, final boolean allBuilders, final int buildKind) throws CoreException{ IWorkspaceRunnable op = new IWorkspaceRunnable() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable#run(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { int ticks = 1; if (buildKind==IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD) { if (allBuilders) { ICommand[] commands = project.getDescription().getBuildSpec(); ticks = commands.length; } ticks = ticks*configs.length; } monitor.beginTask(project.getName(), ticks); if (buildKind==IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD) { // It is not possible to pass arguments to clean() method of a builder // So we iterate setting active configuration IManagedBuildInfo buildInfo = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildInfo(project); IConfiguration savedCfg = buildInfo.getDefaultConfiguration(); try { for (IConfiguration config : configs) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) break; buildInfo.setDefaultConfiguration(config); buildProject(project, null, allBuilders, buildKind, monitor); } } finally { buildInfo.setDefaultConfiguration(savedCfg); } } else { // configuration IDs are passed in args to CDT builder Map<String, String> args = builder!=null ? BuilderFactory.createBuildArgs(configs, builder) : BuilderFactory.createBuildArgs(configs); buildProject(project, args, allBuilders, buildKind, monitor); } monitor.done(); } private void buildProject(IProject project, Map<String, String> args, boolean allBuilders, int buildKind, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (allBuilders) { ICommand[] commands = project.getDescription().getBuildSpec(); for (ICommand command : commands) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) break; String builderName = command.getBuilderName(); Map<String, String> newArgs = null; if (buildKind!=IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD) { newArgs = new HashMap<String, String>(args); if (!builderName.equals(CommonBuilder.BUILDER_ID)) { newArgs.putAll(command.getArguments()); } } project.build(buildKind, builderName, newArgs, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); } } else { project.build(buildKind, CommonBuilder.BUILDER_ID, args, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); } } }; try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(op, monitor); } finally { monitor.done(); } } public static IBuilder getInternalBuilder(){ return getExtensionBuilder(INTERNAL_BUILDER_ID); } public static ITool getExtensionTool(ITool tool){ ITool extTool = tool; for(;extTool != null && !extTool.isExtensionElement(); extTool = extTool.getSuperClass()) {} return extTool; } public static IInputType getExtensionInputType(IInputType inType){ IInputType extIT = inType; for(;extIT != null && !extIT.isExtensionElement(); extIT = extIT.getSuperClass()) {} return extIT; } public static IConfiguration getPreferenceConfiguration(boolean write){ try { ICConfigurationDescription des = CCorePlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceConfiguration(CFG_DATA_PROVIDER_ID, write); if(des != null) return getConfigurationForDescription(des); } catch (CoreException e) { ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.log(e); } return null; } public static void setPreferenceConfiguration(IConfiguration cfg) throws CoreException{ ICConfigurationDescription des = getDescriptionForConfiguration(cfg); if(des != null) CCorePlugin.getDefault().setPreferenceConfiguration(CFG_DATA_PROVIDER_ID, des); } static synchronized void updateLoaddedInfo(IProject fromProject, IProject toProject, IManagedBuildInfo info){ try { setLoaddedBuildInfo(fromProject, null); setLoaddedBuildInfo(toProject, info); } catch (CoreException e) { } } /** * entry-point for the tool-chain modification validation functionality */ public static IToolChainModificationManager getToolChainModificationManager(){ return ToolChainModificationManager.getInstance(); } // Check toolchain for platform compatibility public static boolean isPlatformOk(IToolChain tc) { ITargetPlatform tp = tc.getTargetPlatform(); if (tp != null) { List<String> osList = Arrays.asList(tc.getOSList()); if (osList.contains(ALL) || osList.contains(os)) { List<String> archList = Arrays.asList(tc.getArchList()); if (archList.contains(ALL) || archList.contains(arch)) return true; // OS and ARCH fits } return false; // OS or ARCH does not fit } return true; // no target platform - nothing to check. } /*package*/ static void collectLanguageSettingsConsoleParsers(ICConfigurationDescription cfgDescription, IWorkingDirectoryTracker cwdTracker, List<IConsoleParser> parsers) { if (cfgDescription instanceof ILanguageSettingsProvidersKeeper) { List<ILanguageSettingsProvider> lsProviders = ((ILanguageSettingsProvidersKeeper) cfgDescription).getLanguageSettingProviders(); for (ILanguageSettingsProvider lsProvider : lsProviders) { ILanguageSettingsProvider rawProvider = LanguageSettingsManager.getRawProvider(lsProvider); if (rawProvider instanceof ICBuildOutputParser) { ICBuildOutputParser consoleParser = (ICBuildOutputParser) rawProvider; try { consoleParser.startup(cfgDescription, cwdTracker); parsers.add(consoleParser); } catch (CoreException e) { ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Language Settings Provider failed to start up", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } } /** * Generic routine for checking the availability of converters for the given list of Build Objects. * * @return true if there are converters for at least one object in the given list of Build Objects. * Returns false if there are no converters. * @since 8.1 */ public static boolean hasAnyTargetConversionElements(List<IBuildObject> buildObjs) { if (buildObjs != null && !buildObjs.isEmpty()) { for (IBuildObject obj : buildObjs) { if (hasTargetConversionElements(obj)) { return true; } } } return false; } }