/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Nokia Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Ed Swartz (Nokia) - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.autotools.ui.editors.parser; import org.eclipse.cdt.autotools.ui.editors.AutoconfEditorMessages; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; /** * This tokenizer traverses autotools-style text (m4 or configure.ac) to support the * autoconf parser. It tracks the current context (m4 macro call or shell commands) * to detect appropriate tokens, and tracks the m4 current quote style as well. * <p> * In m4 mode, its primary purpose is to find word boundaries, detect comments and quoted * strings, and to find the macro punctuation tokens. It will not interpret anything * (e.g. '$1' inside a macro) -- this is up to the parser. * <p> * In shell script mode, its primary purpose is to identify enough * tokens to get a general picture of the structure of source for use by the autoconf * parser. This isn't intended to be used for full shell script parsing. In fact, * aside from the known tokens and identifiers, only individual characters will be returned. * <p> * Both modes know about "words" or identifiers and use the same syntax to detect these. * It's expected that the parser will detect a word as a macro or possible macro and * switch the mode of the tokenizer to fit. The parser should invoke "setM4Context(...)" * (and "unreadToken" if necessary) to switch modes. * @author eswartz * */ public class AutoconfTokenizer { private static final String UNTERMINATED_STRING = "UnterminatedString"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UNMATCHED_RIGHT_QUOTE = "UnmatchedRightQuote"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UNMATCHED_LEFT_QUOTE = "UnmatchedLeftQuote"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UNMATCHED_CLOSE_COMMENT = "UnmatchedCloseComment"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private IDocument document; private int offset; private String m4OpenQuote; private String m4CloseQuote; private String m4OpenComment; private String m4CloseComment; private char[] chars; private int startOffset; private boolean isM4Context; private Token eofToken; private IAutoconfErrorHandler errorHandler; /** Create a tokenizer for a document. */ public AutoconfTokenizer(IDocument document, IAutoconfErrorHandler errorHandler) { if (document == null /* || macroDetector == null*/) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.document = document; this.errorHandler = errorHandler; this.chars = document.get().toCharArray(); this.offset = 0; this.eofToken = new Token(ITokenConstants.EOF, "", document, chars.length, 0); this.m4OpenQuote = "`"; //$NON-NLS-1$ this.m4CloseQuote = "'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ this.m4OpenComment = "#"; //$NON-NLS-1$ this.m4CloseComment = "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Tell whether the tokenizer considers itself to be in an m4 context. * This determines what kinds of tokens it returns. * @return */ public boolean isM4Context() { return isM4Context; } /** * Switch the tokenizer into or out of m4 context. * @return */ public void setM4Context(boolean flag) { isM4Context = flag; } /** * Set the m4 quote delimiters */ public void setM4Quote(String open, String close) { this.m4OpenQuote = open; this.m4CloseQuote = close; } /** * Set the m4 comment delimiters */ public void setM4Comment(String open, String close) { this.m4OpenComment = open; this.m4CloseComment = close; } /** Push back the given token. This allows the tokenizer to restart from its start position, * potentially in a different context. */ public void unreadToken(Token token) { if (token.getLength() > 0 && offset == token.getOffset()) throw new IllegalStateException(); offset = token.getOffset(); } /** Read the next token. Returns an EOF token at EOF. */ public Token readToken() { if (offset >= chars.length) return eofToken; char ch = chars[offset]; // skip whitespace (but not EOL) while (isWhitespace(ch)) { offset++; if (offset >= chars.length) return eofToken; ch = chars[offset]; } // in shell mode, strip comments up to eol if (!isM4Context && ch == '#') { while (offset < chars.length) { ch = chars[offset]; if (ch == '\n') break; offset++; } // keep inside doc if we didn't find that EOL if (offset >= chars.length) offset--; } startOffset = offset; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); // check EOL if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { buffer.append(ch); offset++; if (ch == '\r' && offset < chars.length && chars[offset] == '\n') { buffer.append(chars[offset++]); } return makeToken(ITokenConstants.EOL, buffer.toString()); } // TODO: this parser always uses fixed logic for identifier reading, ignoring m4's "changeword" if (isLeadIdentifierChar(ch)) { return parseWord(ch); } // check comments and quotes if (isM4Context) { if (lookAhead(m4OpenComment)) { boolean found = false; // keep reading until the close comment (these are NOT nested) while (offset < chars.length) { if (lookAhead(m4CloseComment)) { found = true; break; } offset++; } if (!found) { handleError(startOffset, offset, AutoconfEditorMessages.getFormattedString(UNMATCHED_CLOSE_COMMENT, m4CloseComment.equals("\n") ? "newline" : m4CloseComment)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return makeToken(ITokenConstants.M4_COMMENT); } if (lookAhead(m4OpenQuote)) { return parseQuote(); } } // check shell punctuation if (!isM4Context) { if (ch == ';' && offset + 1 < chars.length && chars[offset + 1] == ';') { offset += 2; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_CASE_CONDITION_END); } if (ch == '<' && offset + 1 < chars.length && chars[offset + 1] == '<') { offset += 2; if (offset < chars.length && chars[offset] == '-') { offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_HERE_DASH); } else { return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_HERE); } } switch (ch) { case '$': offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_DOLLAR); case '[': offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_LBRACKET); case ']': offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_RBRACKET); case '{': offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_LBRACE); case '}': offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_RBRACE); case '\'': return parseString(ITokenConstants.SH_STRING_SINGLE, ch); case '\"': return parseString(ITokenConstants.SH_STRING_DOUBLE, ch); case '`': return parseString(ITokenConstants.SH_STRING_BACKTICK, ch); } } // check common punctuation if (ch == ';') { offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SEMI); } if (ch == ',') { offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.COMMA); } if (ch == '(') { offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.LPAREN); } if (ch == ')') { offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.RPAREN); } // unknown text offset++; return makeToken(ITokenConstants.TEXT); } private Token parseWord(char ch) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(ch); offset++; do { if (offset >= chars.length) break; ch = chars[offset]; if (!isIdentifierChar(ch)) break; buffer.append(ch); offset++; } while (true); String text = buffer.toString(); if (!isM4Context) { // detect sh tokens if ("case".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_CASE, text); if ("in".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_IN, text); if ("esac".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_ESAC, text); if ("while".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_WHILE, text); if ("select".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_SELECT, text); if ("until".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_UNTIL, text); if ("for".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_FOR, text); if ("do".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_DO, text); if ("done".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_DONE, text); if ("if".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_IF, text); if ("then".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_THEN, text); if ("else".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_ELSE, text); if ("elif".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_ELIF, text); if ("fi".equals(text)) return makeToken(ITokenConstants.SH_FI, text); } // other identifier-looking word return makeToken(ITokenConstants.WORD, text); } private Token parseQuote() { // read text, honoring nested quotes, but don't put the outermost quotes in the token StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int quoteLevel = 1; // keep reading until the close quote while (offset < chars.length) { if (lookAhead(m4CloseQuote)) { quoteLevel--; if (quoteLevel == 0) break; buffer.append(m4CloseQuote); } else if (lookAhead(m4OpenQuote)) { buffer.append(m4OpenQuote); quoteLevel++; } else { buffer.append(chars[offset]); offset++; } } if (quoteLevel > 0) { handleError(startOffset, offset, AutoconfEditorMessages.getFormattedString(UNMATCHED_LEFT_QUOTE, m4CloseQuote)); } else if (quoteLevel < 0) { handleError(startOffset, offset, AutoconfEditorMessages.getFormattedString(UNMATCHED_RIGHT_QUOTE, m4OpenQuote)); } return makeToken(ITokenConstants.M4_STRING, buffer.toString()); } private Token parseString(int type, char terminal) { startOffset = offset; offset++; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); char ch = 0; while (offset < chars.length) { ch = chars[offset++]; if (ch == '\\') { if (offset < chars.length) buffer.append(chars[offset++]); else buffer.append(ch); } else if (ch == terminal) { break; } else { buffer.append(ch); } } if (ch != terminal) { handleError(startOffset, offset, AutoconfEditorMessages.getFormattedString(UNTERMINATED_STRING, "" + ch)); } return makeToken(type, buffer.toString()); } private void handleError(int start, int end, String message) { if (errorHandler != null) { int lineNumber = 0; int startColumn = 0; int endColumn = 0; try { lineNumber = document.getLineOfOffset(start); int lineOffs = document.getLineOffset(lineNumber); startColumn = start - lineOffs; endColumn = end - lineOffs; } catch (BadLocationException e) { // Don't care if we blow up trying to issue marker } errorHandler.handleError(new ParseException( message, start, end, lineNumber, startColumn, endColumn, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } } /** * Look ahead for the given string. If found, return true, and have * offset updated. Otherwise, return false with offset unchanged. * @param keyword * @param text * @return */ private boolean lookAhead(String keyword) { int length = keyword.length(); if (offset + length > chars.length) { return false; } for (int idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) { if (chars[offset + idx] != keyword.charAt(idx)) return false; } offset += length; return true; } private boolean isWhitespace(char ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\f'; } private Token makeToken(int type) { return new Token(type, new String(chars, startOffset, offset - startOffset), document, startOffset, offset - startOffset); } private Token makeToken(int type, String text) { return new Token(type, text, document, startOffset, offset - startOffset); } private boolean isIdentifierChar(char ch) { return isLeadIdentifierChar(ch) || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); } private boolean isLeadIdentifierChar(char ch) { return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || ch == '_'; } public Token peekToken() { Token token = readToken(); unreadToken(token); return token; } }