package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; public class EventCalc { private HashMap<String, PropCalc> map = new HashMap<String, PropCalc>(); private long min = -1; private long max = -1; private long start = -1; private long stop = -1; private long minDuration = -1; private long maxDuration = -1; private long accDuration = 0; private long occurences = 0; private HashMap<Long, Long> durations = new HashMap<Long, Long>(); public void setStart(long start) { occurences++; this.start = start; if (min == -1 || start < min) min = start; calcDuration(); } public long getStart() { return start; } public void setStop(long stop) { this.stop = stop; if (max == -1 || stop > max) max = stop; calcDuration(); } long currentStart = 0; public void calcDuration() { if (start != -1 && stop != -1) { long duration = stop - start; if (minDuration == -1 || duration < minDuration) minDuration = duration; if (maxDuration == -1 || duration > maxDuration) maxDuration = duration; accDuration += duration; currentStart = start; start = -1; stop = -1; Long count = durations.get(duration); if ( count == null ) count = 1L; else count++; durations.put(duration, count); } } public Map<Long, Long> getDurations() { Map<Long, Long> sortedMap = new TreeMap<Long, Long>(durations); return sortedMap; } public long duration() { return (max - min); } public void addProp(String key, long value) { PropCalc prop = (PropCalc) map.get(key); if (prop == null) { prop = new PropCalc(); map.put(key, prop); } prop.addResult(value); } /* * Variables used to keep track of which state the current monitored * property is in. */ private String lastvalue = null; private long laststart = 0; private HashMap<String, Long> maxIntervals = new HashMap<String, Long>(); private HashMap<String, Long> minIntervals = new HashMap<String, Long>(); private HashMap<String, Long> totIntervals = new HashMap<String, Long>(); private HashMap<String, Long> occIntervals = new HashMap<String, Long>(); public void addMonitorProp(String key, String value) { if (lastvalue == null) { lastvalue = value; laststart = currentStart; } else { if (!lastvalue.equals(value)) { // There was a change in the monitored property. if (!maxIntervals.containsKey(value)) { maxIntervals.put(value, Long.valueOf(0)); minIntervals.put(value, Long.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)); totIntervals.put(value, Long.valueOf(0)); occIntervals.put(value, Long.valueOf(0)); } long maxinterval = maxIntervals.get(value); long mininterval = minIntervals.get(value); long totinterval = totIntervals.get(value); long occinterval = occIntervals.get(value); long interval = (currentStart - laststart); totinterval += interval; totIntervals.put(value, totinterval); occinterval++; occIntervals.put(value, occinterval); if (interval > maxinterval) maxIntervals.put(value, interval); if (interval < mininterval) minIntervals.put(value, interval); lastvalue = value; laststart = currentStart; } } } public Iterator<String> getMonitorKeys() { return maxIntervals.keySet().iterator(); } public long getMaxInterval(String key) { return maxIntervals.get(key); } public long getMinInterval(String key) { return minIntervals.get(key); } public long getTotInterval(String key) { return totIntervals.get(key); } public long getAvgInterval(String key) { long occinterval = occIntervals.get(key); if (occinterval == 0) return 0; return totIntervals.get(key)/occinterval; } public HashMap<String, PropCalc> getProps() { return map; } public long getMaxDuration() { return maxDuration; } public long getMinDuration() { return minDuration; } public long getOccurences() { return occurences; } public long getAvgDuration() { if (occurences == 0) return 0; return accDuration/occurences; } }