package; import; /** * @dtf.tag add * * @dtf.since 1.0 * Rodney Gomes * * @dtf.tag.desc Calculates the remainder of division between op1 and op2 and * places the value in the property identified by the result * attribute. * * @dtf.tag.example * <mod op1="${prop1}" op2="10000" result="result"/> * * @dtf.tag.example * <mod op1="${a}" op2="2" result="odd"/> */ public class Mod extends ArithmeticOperator { public void execute() throws DTFException { String op1 = getOp1(); String op2 = getOp2(); String result = null; op1 = ( op1 == null ? "" : op1 ); op2 = ( op2 == null ? "" : op2 ); Double d1 = Double.valueOf(op1); Double d2 = Double.valueOf(op2); if ( isDouble(op1) || isDouble(op2) ) { result = "" + (d1%d2); } else { result = "" + new Double(d1%d2).longValue(); } getConfig().setProperty(getResult(), result); } }