package; import java.util.Arrays; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.junit.Assert; import; import; public class SQLUtilsTest extends TestCase { public void test_format() throws Exception { String formattedSql = SQLUtils.format("select * from t where id = ?", JdbcConstants.MYSQL, Arrays.<Object> asList("abc")); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT *" + // "\nFROM t" + // "\nWHERE id = 'abc'", formattedSql); } public void test_format_1() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from t where tname LIKE \"%\"'温'\"%\""; String formattedSql = SQLUtils.formatMySql(sql); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT *\nFROM t\nWHERE tname LIKE CONCAT('%', '温', '%')", formattedSql); } public void test_format_2() throws Exception { String sql = "begin\n"// + " if (a=10) then\n" + " null;\n" + " else\n" + " null;\n" + " end if;\n" + "end;"; Assert.assertEquals("BEGIN" + "\n\tIF a = 10 THEN" + "\n\t\tNULL;" + "\n\tELSE" + "\n\t\tNULL;" + "\n\tEND IF;" + "\nEND", SQLUtils.formatOracle(sql)); } public void test_format_3() throws Exception { String sql = "select lottery_notice_issue,lottery_notice_date,lottery_notice_result from tb_lottery_notice where lottery_type_id=8 and lottery_notice_issue<=2014066 UNION ALL SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL# and lottery_notice_issue>=2014062 order by lottery_notice_issue desc"; String formattedSql = SQLUtils.formatMySql(sql); String expected = "(SELECT lottery_notice_issue, lottery_notice_date, lottery_notice_result" + "\nFROM tb_lottery_notice" + "\nWHERE lottery_type_id = 8" + "\n\tAND lottery_notice_issue <= 2014066)" + "\nUNION ALL" + "\n(SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL" // + "\n\t, NULL)# and lottery_notice_issue>=2014062 order by lottery_notice_issue desc"; Assert.assertEquals(expected, formattedSql); } }