package org.ebookdroid.common.bitmaps; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.emdev.common.log.LogContext; import org.emdev.common.log.LogManager; import org.emdev.utils.LengthUtils; import org.emdev.utils.collections.ArrayDeque; import org.emdev.utils.collections.SparseArrayEx; import org.emdev.utils.collections.TLIterator; public class ByteBufferManager { static final LogContext LCTX = LogManager.root().lctx("ByteBufferManager", false); private final static long BITMAP_MEMORY_LIMIT = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 2; private static final int GENERATION_THRESHOLD = 10; private static SparseArrayEx<ByteBufferBitmap> used = new SparseArrayEx<ByteBufferBitmap>(); private static ArrayDeque<ByteBufferBitmap> pool = new ArrayDeque<ByteBufferBitmap>(); private static Queue<Object> releasing = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Object>(); private static final AtomicLong created = new AtomicLong(); private static final AtomicLong reused = new AtomicLong(); private static final AtomicLong memoryUsed = new AtomicLong(); private static final AtomicLong memoryPooled = new AtomicLong(); private static AtomicLong generation = new AtomicLong(); private static ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); static int partSize = 1 << 7; public static ByteBufferBitmap getBitmap(final int width, final int height) { lock.lock(); try { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { if (memoryUsed.get() + memoryPooled.get() == 0) { LCTX.d("!!! Bitmap pool size: " + (BITMAP_MEMORY_LIMIT / 1024) + "KB"); } } final TLIterator<ByteBufferBitmap> it = pool.iterator(); try { while (it.hasNext()) { final ByteBufferBitmap ref =; if (ref.size >= 4 * width * height) { if (ref.used.compareAndSet(false, true)) { it.remove(); ref.pixels.rewind(); ref.gen = generation.get(); ref.width = width; ref.height = height; used.append(, ref); reused.incrementAndGet(); memoryPooled.addAndGet(-ref.size); memoryUsed.addAndGet(ref.size); if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Reuse bitmap: [" + + ", " + width + ", " + height + "], created=" + created + ", reused=" + reused + ", memoryUsed=" + used.size() + "/" + (memoryUsed.get() / 1024) + "KB" + ", memoryInPool=" + pool.size() + "/" + (memoryPooled.get() / 1024) + "KB"); } return ref; } else { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Attempt to re-use used bitmap: " + ref); } } } } } finally { it.release(); } final ByteBufferBitmap ref = new ByteBufferBitmap(width, height); used.put(, ref); created.incrementAndGet(); memoryUsed.addAndGet(ref.size); if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Create bitmap: [" + + ", " + width + ", " + height + "], created=" + created + ", reused=" + reused + ", memoryUsed=" + used.size() + "/" + (memoryUsed.get() / 1024) + "KB" + ", memoryInPool=" + pool.size() + "/" + (memoryPooled.get() / 1024) + "KB"); } shrinkPool(BITMAP_MEMORY_LIMIT); return ref; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static ByteBufferBitmap[] getParts(final int partSize, final int rows, final int columns) { lock.lock(); try { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { if (memoryUsed.get() + memoryPooled.get() == 0) { LCTX.d("!!! Bitmap pool size: " + (BITMAP_MEMORY_LIMIT / 1024) + "KB"); } } int filled = 0; final int length = rows * columns; final ByteBufferBitmap[] arr = new ByteBufferBitmap[length]; final int size = 4 * partSize * partSize; final TLIterator<ByteBufferBitmap> it = pool.iterator(); try { while (filled < length && it.hasNext()) { final ByteBufferBitmap ref =; if (ref.size == size) { if (ref.used.compareAndSet(false, true)) { it.remove(); ref.pixels.rewind(); ref.gen = generation.get(); ref.width = partSize; ref.height = partSize; used.append(, ref); reused.incrementAndGet(); memoryPooled.addAndGet(-ref.size); memoryUsed.addAndGet(ref.size); arr[filled++] = ref; } else { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Attempt to re-use used bitmap: " + ref); } } } } } finally { it.release(); } final int reused = filled; final int additional = length - filled; if (additional > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < additional; i++) { final ByteBufferBitmap ref = new ByteBufferBitmap(partSize, partSize); arr[filled++] = ref; used.append(, ref); created.incrementAndGet(); memoryUsed.addAndGet(ref.size); } } if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Parts created : " + (additional) + ", resused: " + reused + ". Totally created=" + created + ", reused=" + reused + ", memoryUsed=" + used.size() + "/" + (memoryUsed.get() / 1024) + "KB" + ", memoryInPool=" + pool.size() + "/" + (memoryPooled.get() / 1024) + "KB"); } if (additional > 0) { shrinkPool(BITMAP_MEMORY_LIMIT); } return arr; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static void clear(final String msg) { lock.lock(); try { generation.addAndGet(GENERATION_THRESHOLD * 2); removeOldRefs(); release(); shrinkPool(0); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void release() { lock.lock(); try { generation.incrementAndGet(); removeOldRefs(); int count = 0; final int queueBefore = LCTX.isDebugEnabled() ? releasing.size() : 0; while (!releasing.isEmpty()) { final Object ref = releasing.poll(); if (ref instanceof ByteBufferBitmap) { releaseImpl((ByteBufferBitmap) ref); count++; } else if (ref instanceof GLBitmaps) { final GLBitmaps bmp = (GLBitmaps) ref; final ByteBufferBitmap[] bitmaps = bmp.clear(); if (bitmaps != null) { for (final ByteBufferBitmap b : bitmaps) { releaseImpl(b); count++; } } } else if (ref instanceof List) { final List<GLBitmaps> list = (List<GLBitmaps>) ref; for (final GLBitmaps bmp : list) { final ByteBufferBitmap[] bitmaps = bmp.clear(); if (bitmaps != null) { for (final ByteBufferBitmap b : bitmaps) { releaseImpl(b); count++; } } } } else if (ref instanceof ByteBufferBitmap[]) { final ByteBufferBitmap[] bitmaps = (ByteBufferBitmap[]) ref; for (final ByteBufferBitmap bitmap : bitmaps) { if (bitmap != null) { releaseImpl(bitmap); count++; } } } else { LCTX.e("Unknown object in release queue: " + ref); } } shrinkPool(BITMAP_MEMORY_LIMIT); if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Return " + count + " bitmap(s) to pool: " + "memoryUsed=" + used.size() + "/" + (memoryUsed.get() / 1024) + "KB" + ", memoryInPool=" + pool.size() + "/" + (memoryPooled.get() / 1024) + "KB" + ", releasing queue size " + queueBefore + " => 0"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public static void release(final ByteBufferBitmap ref) { if (ref != null) { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Adding 1 ref to release queue"); } releasing.add(ref); } } public static void release(final ByteBufferBitmap[] refs) { if (refs != null) { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Adding " + refs.length + " refs to release queue"); } releasing.add(refs); } } public static void release(final GLBitmaps ref) { if (ref != null) { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Adding 1 bitmaps to release queue"); } releasing.add(ref); } } public static void release(final List<GLBitmaps> bitmapsToRecycle) { if (LengthUtils.isNotEmpty(bitmapsToRecycle)) { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Adding list of " + bitmapsToRecycle.size() + " bitmaps to release queue"); } releasing.add(new ArrayList<GLBitmaps>(bitmapsToRecycle)); } } static void releaseImpl(final ByteBufferBitmap ref) { assert ref != null; if (ref.used.compareAndSet(true, false)) { if (used.get(, null) == ref) { used.remove(; memoryUsed.addAndGet(-ref.size); } else { LCTX.e("The bitmap " + ref + " not found in used ones"); } } else { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Attempt to release unused bitmap"); } } pool.add(ref); memoryPooled.addAndGet(ref.size); } private static void removeOldRefs() { final long gen = generation.get(); int recycled = 0; final Iterator<ByteBufferBitmap> it = pool.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final ByteBufferBitmap ref =; if (gen - ref.gen > GENERATION_THRESHOLD) { it.remove(); ref.recycle(); recycled++; memoryPooled.addAndGet(-ref.size); } } if (recycled > 0) { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Recycled " + recycled + " pooled bitmap(s): " + "memoryUsed=" + used.size() + "/" + (memoryUsed.get() / 1024) + "KB" + ", memoryInPool=" + pool.size() + "/" + (memoryPooled.get() / 1024) + "KB"); } } } private static void shrinkPool(final long limit) { int recycled = 0; while (memoryPooled.get() + memoryUsed.get() > limit && !pool.isEmpty()) { final ByteBufferBitmap ref = pool.poll(); if (ref != null) { ref.recycle(); memoryPooled.addAndGet(-ref.size); recycled++; } } if (recycled > 0) { if (LCTX.isDebugEnabled()) { LCTX.d("Recycled " + recycled + " pooled bitmap(s): " + "memoryUsed=" + used.size() + "/" + (memoryUsed.get() / 1024) + "KB" + ", memoryInPool=" + pool.size() + "/" + (memoryPooled.get() / 1024) + "KB"); } } } public static int getPartSize() { return partSize; } public static void setPartSize(final int partSize) { ByteBufferManager.partSize = partSize; } }